Category: Brad
Hits: 2426

We have friends visiting from Japan.  They have an iPhone 5s and an iPhone 6.  Nothing too amazing there, but it was very interesting to see the differences in Apps.  They had a few games and a really nice productivity application that are not available on the US App Store - I checked.  Conversely, I was showing them a few apps they don't have access to, even when they are in the US and hit the "App Store" button.

This is the first time I have seriously considered a need to jail break a phone, although given how essential my iPhone 6 is for getting work done and communicating, I would never do it to a critical piece of my life.  Although I have an older iPad that might become an interesting toy when it gets replaced with something newer.  The iPad Pro in a year or two, if it can handle desktop quality apps (especially Adobe Creative Cloud) would be a good upgrade.  Otherwise an iPad Air will serve me well.