Category: Stalingrad
Hits: 3032

Chat log started at 20.1.2010 / 18:33:51

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
GM: Savage!
'Nick' connected
Pavel: Are we really going to try and destroy a tank?
Oleg: That's for our leader to tell us.
Nick (MacGyverovich): crap
TADM: I agree, I forgot to load all my tank icons.
TADM: So we will be using other things for the tank.
MacGyverovich: Those are our orders. Or, your other options are: Die. Die Quickly. Die Painfully. Or, get first crack at taking it out yourself.
Ivan: They are fools for riding in here!
Ivan: Any of you brave souls ever taken down one of these beasts?
Dmitri: Not yet
Dmitri: I'm looking forward to adding it onto my record, though
Pavel: Nope
Oleg: I've never seen a tank
Boris: I played a Knight of the Blazing Sun, does that count?
TADM: Boris immediately dies for annoying the DM.
Boris: Damn.
Nikolai: I was going to say something, but seeing Boris drop dead made me forget.
Ivan: No, it doesn't because theres no beating one of those in less than 45 mins, and I was told this would be a blood bath
Nick (MacGyverovich): afk need caffeine
Kazemi (Dmitri): lol
Ivan: We will be vigilant and deal these tanks a smashing counter, Now is our chance!
Kazemi (Dmitri): how do we get to the map?
MacGyverovich: Well said.
Ivan: Is rather amped at the notion of wicked sick odds
MacGyverovich: For such inspirational words, you won't have to go first.
Kazemi (Dmitri): B for B-B-B-B-BLOODBATH?
Ivan: NEVER! My HORRIBLE PUNS cannot go unpunished! I mean, why thanks officer, what wiould you have me do?
You have been directed to go to point "B" and watch for Tanks coming from the West.
MacGyverovich: Let's move out, or else we'll be overrun!!
Kazemi (Dmitri): R-R-R-R-RAGE QUIT
Dmitri: We gotta get there before the tanks do
Ivan: Commander, what is the plan?
Dmitri: I suggest we take cover in the buildings on either side of B
Tack (Ivan): Oi boss, whut is da plan! dem tankz be rollin in' righ over dere, and we'z need da good plan if we' wants ta clobber em!
Nick (MacGyverovich): I don't think there is a building south of point B. Looks like a big hole
Kazemi (Dmitri): Looked like rubble to me
Kazemi (Dmitri): aren't holes darker?
Nick (MacGyverovich): or a collapsed building more likely
Tack (Ivan): You might want to pull a real fake out, depending on how much time we have.
Dmitri: should we hide some of us in the long building southwest of B?
Tack (Ivan): Ok i drew some squiggles
Tack (Ivan): We should get in those buildings, and then have some sort of way to make them think we are in the arrow'ed building
Kazemi (Dmitri): two spots I was thinking of
Ivan: Its all up to you commander!
Pavel: Soviet Infantry: Stealth [1d6 = 4]
Dmitri: Stealth [1d6 = 16]
Nick (MacGyverovich): i don't think it'd be wise to be in the building per se, b/c they could just shoot the upper floors and crush us w/ rubble
Kazemi (Dmitri): CAN'T TOUCH THIS
Ivan: Agility [1d6 = 3]
GM: Lol at Dmitri
MacGyverovich: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Kazemi (Dmitri): well, we could stand out in the open...
GM: Nazi Infantry: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Dmitri: I want bottom building!
Ivan: There's a slight chill in the air...
Dmitri: That's the chill you get just before you kill a tank
Ivan: Notice [1d4 = 11]
Kazemi (Dmitri): LOL
Ivan: Listening for strange noises
Dmitri: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
MacGyverovich: Notice [1d8 = 7]
You hear the approach of Germans, along with the heavy grinding of tank treads over the broken pavement.
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: "I prepared an explosive rune this morning"...BOOM!!!
You hear nothing that you would consider to be "strange," but it is pretty obvious that the enemy is getting much closer.
MacGyverovich: Steady men
There is about a squad of infantry with the tank. They are fanned out around it, looking for Russians hiding in buildings, mines, and things that could interfere with the Tank's progress of reaching the Volga.
Kazemi (Dmitri): does the tank have slots used for inserting grenades?
Kazemi (Dmitri): damn
Nick (MacGyverovich): Your best bet is to either aim for the rear or underneath the tank. Historically, that's where the weakest armor would be
Kazemi (Dmitri): I was thinking inside the cannon
Luck seems to be with you though, as the Nazis move past your squad, heading closer to the Volga. They are almost in a perfect spot for a killing zone when the sergeant shouts, "Halt, was ist das?"
Kazemi (Dmitri): is that actually German?
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
TADM: Yes.
Kazemi (Dmitri): and are they paying attention to us?
Nick (MacGyverovich): where is the tank at this point?
Nick (MacGyverovich): n/m
Kazemi (Dmitri): ah see me a targeet
Kazemi (Dmitri): what's the size of the squares?
Tack (Ivan): Are Oleg and Pavel larger than Nikolai?
Tack (Ivan): Did I get the runt
TADM: Yes.
TADM: But he is a spunky fighter.
Tack (Ivan): YES!
Ivan: Nikolai! Lets climb up! they appear to know something! to higher ground
Ivan: Climbing [1d6 = 5]
Kazemi (Dmitri): how far am I from the Sargent? I want to know how to count diagonals.
Kazemi (Dmitri): OH NEAT
[w] MacGyverovich -> Ivan: when throwing grenades, make sure to 'cook' them a bit first. it'll probably lower the range a little, but it will help prevent them being thrown back
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: when throwing grenades, make sure to 'cook' them a bit first. it'll probably lower the range a little, but it will help prevent them being thrown back
[w] Ivan -> MacGyverovich: but they are impact
[w] Ivan -> MacGyverovich: not timed
[w] Dmitri -> MacGyverovich: what is cooking?
[w] MacGyverovich -> Ivan: good point. forgot. okay, for timed ones in the future
[w] Ivan -> MacGyverovich: Well yah but we prolly aren't going to get good gear
[w] Ivan -> MacGyverovich: lucky to have what we do
[w] Dmitri: I'm aiming at the corner of the tank by the officer's feet. I'm going to toss a grenade there next turn with the aim bonus
[w] Dmitri: I'll have Boris take aim at the mook who's directly below him an indistinguishable to him
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: it's when you hold them a little longer after throwing the pin. it'll make it so they explode before they can throw them back
[w] Dmitri: boris is using a gun with that
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: *pulling the pin
[w] Dmitri -> MacGyverovich: good thing I set your grenades to explode the instant the pin is pulled
Round 2
Dealing cards...
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: as tack pointed out, they're impact and not timed. so cooking isn't useful w/ these
Ivan: Ok Nikolai, shoot for the trooper at the rear of the tank, maybe they think its comming from behind
Ivan: Lets light this fuse!
Ivan: [1d4 = 1]
GM: Unsurprisingly, Nikolai misses.
Ivan: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 15]
GM: It turns out that Ivan has a promising career at a major league baseball pitcher.
Kazemi (Dmitri): Plot twist! He threw the pin!
GM: The grenade lands where the white circle is, exploding.
GM: Nazi Infantry: Agility [1d6 = 11]
GM: Nazi Infantry: Agility [1d6 = 2]
GM: One Nazi dives out of the way, the other dives INTO the way. Roll damage.
Ivan: RPG-43 damage [3d6 = 14]
MacGyverovich: [1d4 = 5]
Tack (Ivan): Extras in this game system are awesome
MacGyverovich: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
TADM: Yep. They are just plain awesome.
GM: Pavel hits!
MacGyverovich: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 18]
Pavel: Head shot! I rock!
GM: Mac hits also.
MacGyverovich: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 8]
GM: You hit the Sergeant, and he appears to be stunned.
GM: The tank opens fire on the buildings. It is firing indiscriminately because they have not figured out where everyone is yet.
GM: [1d8 = 7]
GM: [1d8 = 4]
GM: [1d8 = 3]
Nick (MacGyverovich): how fast can the barrel rotate and reload?
GM: [1d8 = 5]
GM: Nah, was trying to decide which way they would turn.
Nick (MacGyverovich): okay, the rotating (i'm assuming) is to indicate which way the barrel points
GM: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 12]
Oleg: Alas! I am slain!
PZ IIIG: 50L60 damage [2d8 = 11]
GM: Ivan and Nikolai need to make agility checks. (Nikolai has a D6 agility)
Ivan: Nikolai
Ivan: [1d6 = 6]
Ivan: Agility [1d4 = 6]
The wall around Ivan and Nikolai explodes. They are able to avoid most of the damage, but are shaken by the impact of the shell and the shockwave.
GM: Which is much better than being dead.
Tack (Ivan): Whew
Nick (MacGyverovich): afk for a min
Tack (Ivan): wtf is with the afks
GM: Nazi Infantry: Shooting [1d6 = 8]
GM: Nazi Infantry: Kar 98K Rifle damage [2d8 = 14]
Boris: Alas, I am slain!
Nazi Infantry: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 1]
Nazi Infantry: Shooting [1d6 = 4]
Nazi Infantry: Shooting [1d6 = 4]
Nazi Infantry: Shooting [1d6 = 5]
Nick (MacGyverovich): what? are bodily functions facist to you?
Dmitri: Throwing [1d12 = 17]
The Nazi Sergeant reaches up to grab it as it sails overhead, misses, and it impacts on the back of the tank, detonating in a nice fireball.
GM: roll damage
Dmitri: RPG-43 damage [3d6 = 12]
Dmitri: [1d6 = 4]
The Nazi Sergeant explodes into a rather unpleasant looking pile of gooey bits.
Tack (Ivan): Might just want to clear all the nazis off the tank and then its pretty isolated
Kazemi (Dmitri): I think it looks charming
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: i wouldn't point it out normally, but it's against a) the leader and b) the tank
Kazemi (Dmitri): "red giblets", so to speak
MacGyverovich: There
Nick (MacGyverovich): oops
Pz IIIG: [1d6 = 3]
Nick (MacGyverovich): i keep hitting enter instead of shift
Dmitri: [1d12 = 10]
Dmitri: [1d12 = 5]
Nick (MacGyverovich): "You can't pick up chicks with a tank" - RvB
One of the treads seems to be heavily damaged. The tank starts spinning only to the right.
Dmitri: Stealth [1d4 = 2]
Round 3
Dealing cards...
GM: [1d6 = 5]
The tread still seems damaged, but the tank stops spinning.
The turret is still being reloaded. But the front facing is pointing right at Mac. The coaxial MG rotates to spray the area where the grenade came from.
GM: [1d8 = 3]
GM: [1d8 = 8]
GM: [1d8 = 1]
GM: [1d8 = 6]
GM: [1d8 = 2]
GM: [1d8 = 4]
Dmitri survives by virute of them only guessing where he is.
GM: [1d6 = 5]
Mac is not so lucky, as bullets randomly spray into the building.
PZ IIIG: MG34 / Front damage [2d8 = 8]
Fortunately, most of them impact on the cover, leaving Mac Shaken.
Kazemi (Dmitri): curses, foiled again
Nazi Infantry: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 1]
The Nazi soldier misses Dmitri.
One of the Nazis near Ivan throws a hand grenade onto the second floor.
Nazi Infantry: Throwing [1d6 = 10]
Which lands right on target, detonating immediately.
Nazi Infantry: Stielhandgranate damage [3d6-2 = 8]
It is midmorning, slightly overcast.
Nikolai: Accck! (gurgle) (whimper) (sing for 15 minutes about the injustice of dying young)
GM: Ivan will take a wound, unless he wants to spend a benny.
Ivan is using a benny
Ivan: Vigor [1d6 = 7]
GM: The explosion of the grenade, combined with Nikolai's death, seems to bring Ivan around. He manages to not only avoid damage, but can now act normally.
GM: And it is his turn.
GM: You guys are being very hard on your redshirts.
Ivan: I will try to jump down and use that nazi as a human shield
Kazemi (Dmitri): foolish Ivan, Nazis aren't human
Kazemi (Dmitri): shotgun
Tack (Ivan): Climb/Fight?
GM: Make a Strength check.
Ivan: Strength [1d6 = 10]
GM: You jump and land right between them, they say something like, "Vodka from Above!"
Tack (Ivan): Swoot!
GM: You can still make an attack since your strength check was so high.
Ivan: Shooting [1d6 = 5]
GM: You hit. It is point blank range after all.
Ivan: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 9]
GM: The Nazi is hit and staggers backward.
MacGyverovich: Spirit [1d6 = 3]
GM: Mac remains Shaken.
GM: (unless he spends a benny)
Tack (Ivan): He's no awesome TV star at this rate, that is for sure
MacGyverovich is using a benny
GM: okay, you can act normally now.
MacGyverovich: Shooting [1d4 = 3]
GM: Pavel misses.
MacGyverovich: [1d4 = 2]
GM: [1d12 = 3]
GM: Pavel still misses.
Pavel: Whoops.
But somehow the grenade still catches the tank in its blast.
MacGyverovich: [3d6 = 13]
MacGyverovich: [2d12 = 13]
MacGyverovich: [1d12 = 9]
The tank rocks to one side from the explosion, but seems to suffer no other effect.
Dmitri: Shooting [1d6 = 7]
Dmitri is using a benny
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 5]
GM: Dmitri, despite using a benny, misses.
GM: (you needed an 8)
Dmitri: curses
Round 4
Dealing cards...
MacGyverovich: Shooting [1d4 = 2]
GM: You miss.
MacGyverovich: [1d4 = 2]
Pavel: Thank Stalin I am behind you.
Pavel: Hmm..not that I have much to talk about.
Ivan: I will stab the nazi I am holding in the ass with my knife, trying to retain him in shock as i press forward toward the tank
Ivan: Fighting [1d6 = 10]
GM: He is successfully stabbed.
Tack (Ivan): The other nazi? Thats what bennies are for
Ivan: Fighting [1d6 = 9]
GM: And you stab the other one also.
GM: Roll damage on both.
Ivan: Knife damage [2d6 = 10]
Ivan: Knife damage [2d6 = 8]
GM: You rather unintentionally kill both of them. Although you can use one as a human shield, albeit a dead one.
[w] MacGyverovich: how do you bring the maps back up?
Dmitri: Shooting [1d6 = 11]
GM: you hit with a raise
Dmitri: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 20]
Dmitri: [1d8 = 2]
GM: Not that you needed it, as he is very dead.
Pz IIIG: Schust den Russki!
Dmitri: Stealth [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Kazemi (Dmitri): I AM A TREE
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 7]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 6]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 2]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 6]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 6]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 8]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 7]
GM: This is not a good round for the heroes.
GM: Ivan gets hit 3 times by the Coaxial MG.
GM: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 4]
GM: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 9]
GM: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 8]
GM: [1d8 = 7]
Fortunately the first spray of bullets hits one of the dead Nazis, doing no damage to Ivan. The second spray of bullets serious reduces the structural integrity of Ivan's corpse-shield. The third spray of bullets will leave Ivan shaken with two wounds.
Ivan is using a benny
Ivan: Vigor [1d6 = 2]
Ivan is using a benny
Ivan: Vigor [1d6 = 3]
GM: Ivan takes two wounds, but is unshaken.
GM: Mac is hit by the frontal MG.
GM: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Front damage [2d8 = 14]
GM: For a result of Shaken and 1 wound.
MacGyverovich is using a benny
MacGyverovich: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
GM: PZ IIIG: 50L60 damage [2d8 = 9]
GM: The main gun sends a shell into the building, exploding into a hail of shrapnel and debris.
GM: Pavel seems to be shaken. Mac takes another wound.
MacGyverovich is using a benny
MacGyverovich: Vigor [1d6 = 4]
Round 5
Dealing cards...
MacGyverovich: Spirit [1d6 = 5]
MacGyverovich: [1d6 = 5]
Pz IIIG: Reload main gun.
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 8]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 7]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 2]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 7]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 3]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 2]
Kazemi (Dmitri): OH SHI--
Pz IIIG: Pavel is hit once. Ivan is hit once. (pretty lousy rolls for the tank)
Pz IIIG: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 6]
Pz IIIG: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Front damage [2d8 = 10]
Pavel: I'm still alive!
Pavel: (good thing I just got rid of my shaken status, so I could become shaken again)
GM: Ivan is Shaken and takes a wound.
GM: [1d6 = 1]
GM: One of the Nazi's shoots at Pavel, and misses.
Pavel: Hell yes!
Ivan: Vigor [1d6 = 4]
Dmitri: Stealth [1d4 = 5]
Tack (Ivan): Doesnt shaken use spirit?
Tack (Ivan): Not vigor
Kazemi (Dmitri): yus
Nick (MacGyverovich): if you roll it when you take damage, you use vigor. if you roll later to get rid of it (like pavel will shortly), you use spirit
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 9]
Dmitri is using a benny
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 9]
Kazemi (Dmitri): ARGH
GM: No one seems to notice Dmitri sneak up and take a pot shot and the guy.
Round 6
Dealing cards...
MacGyverovich: [1d6 = 6]
MacGyverovich: [1d6 = 1]
Pavel: I'm unshaken. Yay me!
MacGyverovich: Shooting [1d6 = 4]
GM: With your wound and fatigue penalties, you miss.
[w] MacGyverovich: so, i need a 6+ to pass anything until i heal and/or lose fatigue?
Pz IIIG: Use the MGs to hose down the opposition. Do not fire the main gun.
[w] -> MacGyverovich: Yep.
[w] MacGyverovich: crap
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 7]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 3]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 1]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 5]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 4]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 7]
Pz IIIG: Well, after that impressive round of rolling, Mac and Pavel get hit once each. Nothing else exciting happens.
Pz IIIG: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 12]
Pz IIIG: PZ IIIG: MG34 / Coax damage [2d8 = 14]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 1]
Pz IIIG: Pavel is shaken. Mac takes a wound and is shaken also.
GM: [1d6 = 1]
GM: [1d6 = 6]
GM: [1d6 = 4]
GM: [1d6 = 3]
[w] MacGyverovich: Make that a 7+ now
The Nazi Infantry open fire, and manage to miss everyone.
Ivan: Spirit [1d10 = 9]
GM: Even with the -3, that still works. You are unshaken.
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 2]
Dmitri is using a benny
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 10]
GM: You hit with a raise.
Dmitri: Mosin-Nagant damage [Raise] [3d8 = 12]
GM: He falls over dead. The other Nazi who was running up to finish Ivan off stops when he sees his comrade fall over.
Round 7
Dealing cards...
Dmitri: Stealth [1d4 = 10]
[w] MacGyverovich: also, am i out of ammo? i was at 4 ammo to start, since i guess my guy never thought he should reload during, like, the week we were waiting
Kazemi (Dmitri): he sees a building and a tree
[w] -> MacGyverovich: You have another clip on your inventory, you can reload.
Pz IIIG: Spray the building north of me with MG fire. Let the frontal MG cool down. Keep the main turret ready in case their is a Russian AT gun around.
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 4]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 2]
Pz IIIG: [1d8 = 5]
Pz IIIG: A lot of bullets whizz around Dmitri, but he is unharmed.
GM: Probably due to his Ninja stealth skills. The bullets cannot see him.
GM: [1d6 = 5]
Kazemi (Dmitri): so all I have to do is Bullet Time up to the tank and toss the grenade in...
GM: [1d6 = 6]
GM: [1d6 = 1]
GM: Pavel is shot, the rest of the Nazis miss.
GM: Nazi Infantry: Kar 98K Rifle damage [2d8 = 32]
Nick (MacGyverovich): Crap. I have a plan, but I really, really, REALLY don't like it
Pavel: Sigh. I was doing so well.
Tack (Ivan): No miracle. No theme music. I'm waiting.
Nick (MacGyverovich): Now I like it even less
GM: Be happy Pavel. The amount of damage they rolled against you would have killed a perfectly healthy PC.
Pavel: I die happy then. For the fatherland! (gurgle)
Ivan: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
GM: [2d6 = 9]
GM: [1d10 = 10]
Due to the entirely random nature of thrown weapon deviation, your horrible roll someone still lands the grenade right on the tank. Specifically on the already destroyed left tread.
GM: Roll damage. High numbers would be good.
Ivan: RPG-43 damage [3d6 = 11]
Kazemi (Dmitri): YES
GM: Roll 4d6.
Kazemi (Dmitri): NO
Ivan: [2d6 = 12]
Ivan: [2d6 = 6]
Kazemi (Dmitri): NO
[w] MacGyverovich -> Dmitri: click the rules and look for blast rules. d12 determines direction, and i think the amount you miss by determines distance
[w] Dmitri -> MacGyverovich: Ivan test
[w] MacGyverovich -> Ivan: click the rules and look for blast rules. d12 determines direction, and i think the amount you miss by determines distance
[w] Ivan -> MacGyverovich: XD
The tank explodes. Rather spectacularly. It seems somehow you managed to get your grenade to explode right inside the ammo container.
Kazemi (Dmitri): DAMMIT
Pz IIIG: Ach mein Gott in Himmel!
Kazemi (Dmitri): KILL STEAL
Nick (MacGyverovich): x.x
Pz IIIG: Das ist sehr schlecht.
Nazi Infantry: Schiese!
[w] MacGyverovich: may want to remove pavel too
Ivan: does not believe what happened.
Nazi Infantry: (agrees with Ivan) That makes two of us.
Kazemi (Dmitri): KILL STEAL
MacGyverovich: Agility [1d4 = 6]
MacGyverovich: Spirit [1d6 = 5]
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 6]
Dmitri: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 2]
GM: You hit, barely.
Kazemi (Dmitri): FFFFFUUUUUUU
GM: With a predecessor of a rubber bullet.
[w] MacGyverovich: and if i'd managed to be unshaken, i'd have needed an 8+ to hit with the grenade, due to wound, fatigue, and unskilled penalties, right?
[w] -> MacGyverovich: Yep.
Round 8
Dealing cards...
MacGyverovich was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get:
GM: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Dmitri: Stealth [1d4 = 6]
MacGyverovich: Spirit [1d6 = 13]
GM: Okay, you are unshaken and able to act.
MacGyverovich: Let's try this again, Facist dogs!!
MacGyverovich: Agility [1d4 = 2]
GM: [1d12 = 7]
GM: [1d6 = 3]
Nazi Infantry: [1d6 = 3]
Nazi Infantry: [1d6 = 5]
GM: The Nazi fails to dive out of the blast and gets exploded. Roll damage.
MacGyverovich: RPG-43 damage [3d6 = 11]
Nick (MacGyverovich): +2 from the joker
Nazi Infantry: Aaiiieee!!!
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 11]
Dmitri: Mosin-Nagant damage [Raise] [3d8 = 11]
Nazi Infantry: Urrkkk
[w] MacGyverovich: You know what I just realized... I probably should have been taking the bullets aimed at Pavel b/c of Bullet Magnet
TADM: Yes. But you would also be rolling a new character or playing Pavel.
Ivan: Shooting [1d6 = 11]
GM: So close!
GM: [1d6 = 3]
[w] MacGyverovich: But, I also realized that I should have been ignoring the first would penalty b/c of the other edge I have
GM: We'll say the Nazi stepped forward and your bullet actually hit him.
[w] Ivan -> Dmitri: Should just turtled. Imma die from these wounds if I don't do something
GM: Roll damage Ivan.
Ivan: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 2]
GM: That is so LOL
Nazi Infantry: Ich mache dich tot!
Tack (Ivan): Evidently my bullets are made at the ACME factory, and are intended as joke rounds
Ivan: 6
Nazi Infantry: Shooting [1d6 = 5]
Dmitri: yeah, just like that grenade
Kazemi (Dmitri): pardon me, ooc
GM: Unfortunately, he misses Mac. (Well, unfortunately for the Nazi)
Round 9
Dealing cards...
Nick (MacGyverovich): f f f f F F F F!!!!
GM: I'm going to point out that there is a perfectly fine gun, with ammo in it, lying next to you in Pavel's cold, dead, hands.
Nick (MacGyverovich): oh. good point.
MacGyverovich: takes Pavel's gun, which is sticky for some reason
Kazemi (Dmitri): get your mind out of the gutter
MacGyverovich: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 11]
MacGyverovich: YESSS!
GM: Woohoo! You hit!
MacGyverovich: Mosin-Nagant damage [2d8 = 6]
Nick (MacGyverovich): Was totally expecting 1 1 again
The Nazi staggers backwards and ducks behind cover.
TADM: I was expecting 1 1 for damage also.
Nazi Infantry: Nazi Infantry: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 1]
GM: Range is -6, cover is -2, so a total of -8 to your roll. You need a 12.
Dmitri: Shooting [1d12 = 18]
You hit with a raise.
TADM: Mega-sniper!
Dmitri: Mosin-Nagant damage [Raise] [3d8 = 7]
Nazi Infantry: Ach! Mein leben!
Ivan: Survival [1d6 = 3]
MacGyverovich: I do not die with honor this day.
Ivan: Grrrb must keep warm cover wounds....
Kazemi (Dmitri): Grrb?
Dmitri: checks on Boris
Tack (Ivan): Sound of blood and words trying to get out of the mouth at the same time
Pavel: [1d6 = 25]
Oleg: [1d6 = 8]
Boris: [1d6 = 7]
Nikolai: [1d6 = 7]
MacGyverovich: checks on Pavel (this roll should be interesting)
MacGyverovich: Healing [1d6 = 5]
MacGyverovich: And on whoever else is still in one piece (or two, if the other piece is relatively tiny)
Kazemi (Dmitri): how's Boris doing?
Boris: Groan...gurgle. (He appears to be badly injured, but not dead.)
Oleg: Mommy! (He also appears to be badly injured, but alive.)
[w] MacGyverovich: anyone i can try and save, since I actually have healing?
Nikolai: Comrade Ivan! We shall have a vodka together. I am missing a few fingers, but I can still drink.
Kazemi (Dmitri): Cool! Realistic battle scars!
Ivan: My brothers! We have cheated death again!
Dmitri: I'm not even scratched...
Pavel: Ah ha! Look, the bullet only knocked me down. My copy of Lenin's treatise on obeying the will of the people saved my life.
Ivan: Cough gurgle
Kazemi (Dmitri): LOL
Boris: (loads gun, prepares to shoot Dmitri so he doesn't feel left out)
Nick (MacGyverovich): Does anyone need healing?
Dmitri: Stealth [1d4 = 6]
Tack (Ivan): Who doesnt lol
Kazemi (Dmitri): I don't
MacGyverovich: healing Pavel
Nick (MacGyverovich): ok, n/m then
Ivan: We have defended our vod...homeland from her enemies! for Stalin! For Russia!
Nikolai: Hear hear!
Oleg: Do it! Give in to hate Mac!
Kazemi (Dmitri): lol
Kazemi (Dmitri): roll bennies to get worse rolls
Nick (MacGyverovich): what bennies?
Pavel: We came, we saw, we kicked some tank ass!
Ivan: GO ahead facist bastards Bring your armored push cart!
MacGyverovich: Healing [1d6 = 4]
Nick (MacGyverovich): no crit fail today
Ivan: Lousy men cant even hold their own guns for themselves
Ivan: ooooh im a german, I' need a steel wagon to hold my heat for me
Nikolai: Can we go back to our normal post now? I'm out of ammo, tired, and bleeding from several small cuts. I need to wash them out with some vodka.
Ivan: carries on
Dmitri: We're pretty much worn out, yeah
Nikolai: Plus that will introduce vodka directly into my bloodstream, which will be awesome.
Nikolai: I'm not dead, I'm just short 3 fingers on my left hand.
Ivan: eyes light up.
Ivan: Life seems to have breathed into Ivan's figure as the word vodka graces his ears. a sweeter sound there is not
Nikolai: (pours some vodka on Ivan's wounds, knowing that cures all injuries a Russian soldier will suffer)
Dmitri: O gracious leader, what course of action should we take?
Oleg: Can we loot the bodies?
GM: No.
MacGyverovich: Does anyone need to be healed at this moment? Otherwise, I say we go back to "base"
Oleg: Can we loot the tank?
GM: No.
Ivan: Ahhhh Oooooh. It tingles, where was this one distilled?
Nikolai: This vodka is from Leningrad.
MacGyverovich: Will go heal Oleg if he askes another stupid question
Ivan: Ah. I must experience every vodka with all of my senses! Thank you!
Kazemi (Dmitri): Don't make ME go over and heal you
Ivan: is euphoric
Nikolai: Helps Ivan to his feet. They drunkenly stagger back to the warehouse where the Squad is based.
MacGyverovich: What are you people doing?!? Waiting for another group to show up?!?!? Get back to camp, on the double!
Pavel: (Skips gleefully, happy to be alive.)
Oleg: (Heads back to base.)
MacGyverovich: Will smack anyone who notices that I'm probably going the slowest
Boris: (Heads back to base)
Dmitri: Heads back to base
[w] Ivan -> Dmitri: did you SNEAK? Get some info from the officer? etc?
Nick (MacGyverovich): Replacing smack with shoot if it's a PC
[w] Dmitri -> Ivan: HMM
[w] Dmitri -> Ivan: he blew up
MacGyverovich: Hands Pavel back his gun, mumbles a "Thanks, Pavel", then reloads my own after reaching the base
[w] Ivan -> Dmitri: you aren't mikinating this if you didn't learn something from every encounter
[w] Ivan -> Dmitri: at least you HAVE a character gimmick it seems lol
[w] Dmitri -> Ivan: lol yeah
[w] Dmitri -> Ivan: I'm planning on upping my Stealth and Driving, but I have Edges I want first
You are sitting in the warehouse for about 30 minutes when Commissar Ivanovich arrives.
MacGyverovich: Salute!
Nick (MacGyverovich): (or whatever they do)
Ivan: As if a sloth was cattle-prodded, Ivan comes to attention and salutes
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: Comrades, I have seen your handiwork up close! Excellent work destroying a Panzer Mk III by yourselves.
Dmitri: Snaps to attention
Dmitri: It was all thanks to the fine equipment, sir
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: I have secured some rations and extra ammo for you.
MacGyverovich: Thank you, sir
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: (gives each person one day's worth of rations and 2 clips of rifle ammunition)
Ivan: Comrade! By Stalin's grace, thank you!
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: It seems you managed to do achieve this without any losses, that is quite amazing.
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: You must tell me about your valiant struggle, that I can share this uplifting story with the other squads.
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: ...
Ivan: Those germans don't cover their asses! Damn cheap patti wagon just needs a good swift pow up it's reare!
Ivan: Seems to be amped. wicked psyched even
Dmitri: recounts story; especially noting the death of the Nazi captain, Ivan's leap froma second story window, and how he killed the tank
MacGyverovich: It was thanks to these well-trained men, sir. They are shining examples of the Russian army.
Ivan: Silly cowards turned around at the first sign of trouble, then got shot with their tails between their two fascist legs!
Nick (MacGyverovich): At least fighting-wise
Dmitri: Not to mention I managed to avoid getting hit at all
Ivan: Any good russian could have done the same, if they were as well supplied as we!
MacGyverovich: For Russia!!!
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: Well done. But it looks like most of you were injured in the fighting. I will speak with Captain Petrovich about relieving you from the line for some rest.
Dmitri: chuckles
Ivan: hides a sharp pain, several infact, while acting this ironclad and excited about a very morbid situation
MacGyverovich: That is most appreciated, sir. Thank you.
Ivan: Rest = Food+Vodka. Mmmmmmmm
Commissar Vasily Ivanovich: We shall see. (leaves)
Ivan: Salutes
Tack (Ivan): I'mma prolly think about how to spend my points for a bit. sandbagging
Campaign saved.