Category: Brad
Hits: 2006

Commands and Colors is one of my favorite war game systems.  It plays fast and enjoyably, allowing for multiple games to be played in a single afternoon.  I guess I am something of a "FanBoy" as I own every game and expansion there is, from every company.  While I have definitely played a lot of Memoir '44 and Battlelore (from Days of Wonder, before it was ruined by Asmodee and stopped producing anything of value), Battlecry (from WotC), a couple games of "The Great War" (from the Plastic Soldier Company), and dozens of Samurai Battles (from Zezdva's short flirtation with board games), the "old school" wooden block games from GMT occupy the bulk of my time.  There is something nostalgic and fun about them, plus I don't have to worry about pieces getting broken.

Tricorne, from Compass Games, follows the GMT model.  It uses the same block/stickers and even similar dice style.  Although don't mix them!  Tricorne features more flags than other games.  The pace of the battle of slower than Napoleonics, and there is a lot more give-and-take.  One thing I do not like about Napoleonics is the game involves a lot of maneuver while looking for cards that let you charge across the battlefield without having to endure withering hails of fire.  Basically most games of Napoleonics for me boils down to, "Which person loses patience and marches into shooting range first."  Tricorne does NOT play like that.  The battles are less bloody and morale and rally (a new mechanic) play a huge part.  Ranged and Melee combat are much less bloody and pushing the enemy back or breaking their lines is a big part of the game.

The Rally mechanic (basically, after a unit retreats, test to see if it Rallies or runs off the board) is the new major modification to the core rules.  I really like how a few subtle differences or tweaks to the rules can provide so much variation and provide a more thematically appropriate experience.  (Running out of honor and having your army flee in Samurai Battles being my favorite.)

Again, I'm a self-admitted "Fan Boy" - but if you liked other Commands and Colors games, especially the GMT style ones, then you owe it to yourself to check out Tricorne.