Category: Crush Your Enemies!
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Chat log started at 18.10.2018 / 17:49:35

Fantasy Grounds Theme Extension - Conan 2d20 Theme V3.6 by Jolly. More great resources at (LINK)
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MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.46 20180915). This ruleset adds features and flexibility to CoreRPG allowing you to play more game systems. This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward and additional thanks to Trenloe and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Trenloe, Frostbyte, Imiri, Myrddin, Sibelius, rstrahan, superteddy57, damned and ianmward. Other devs may add new roll types. You can Create a library of Rolls and you can drag Rolls into the MoreCore tab of the PC sheet and the Rolls field of the NPC sheet.
Type /morecorehelp to access the MoreCore User Manual in game. Rolls should be added to the PC and NPC sheets and not used in Chat. (LINK)
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.6A for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Extension (Conan 2D20 V3.6 09302018) loaded.
When last we left our intrepid heroes, they had procured horses (or meager and injured donkeys) and were just outside the south gate of Velitrium.
Meltam Perandus: Onward, for justice and the virtues of civilization!
They know their quarry, the murderers, Arqiite and Guto, have fled south following some ancient map they took off Captain Jehannus. At least, according to a "highly reliable" source that Meltam "pumped for information" last time.
Slumbara nudges Meltam Perandus with his elbow
Meltam Perandus: THose pathetic attempts at villainy will never win!
Slumbara: Nudge nudge, wink, wink, say no more eh?
GM: Meltalm, make 1 Resistance check, for side effects of your "pumping"
Meltam Perandus: Resistance 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 35]
GM: Excellent. Nothing bad happens that you are aware of, as yet.
Slumbara leads his small and potentially STD-ridden companions south, toward the Thunder River
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: Now, if we wanted to be really sneaky gits, we'd pay off people in town to look like us and act like us. so we could find if our previous employers have arranged a hit on us
Slumbara Maybe
Volmalric: So, Meltam, where did you get this lead from anyways?
Slumbara: Where would you find someone to look like Slumbara?
Slumbara: This sounds harder than just waiting for them to try to kill us, and then killing them instead
Meltam Perandus: Well, someone had to find a boat-full otherwise you'd be stuck half a world away.
Volmalric raises an eyebrow in curiosity
Volmalric: It sounds like there's a story behind that
Volmalric: Meltam, tell us about their goals
Volmalric: In excrutiating, but not insanity-inducing, details
Slumbara: Yes, tell us more about your former allies while we travel
Meltam Perandus: Tomb raiders, looters looking for a profit.
Meltam Perandus: THey have the whereabouts of a lost ruin
Slumbara: Hmmm, on the one hand I also like money
Meltam Perandus: And are probably running from my employers, now that they are liability rather than an asset
Slumbara: But on the other hand, this sounds like an excuse for you to animate more mischevious spirits
Volmalric: And why did they kill their previous commander?
Volmalric pauses for a moment
Volmalric: And why did you use the present tense when describing your employers?
Meltam Perandus: He probably knew too much or wasn't happy with his share of the loot, or had the map they now use
Meltam Perandus: I mean I guess I am a free agent now
Meltam Perandus: So....
Volmalric: Insight Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 22]
Volmalric looks at Meltam suspiciously
Skittles claws his way up Meltam's shoulder and side of head and rides on top of Meltam's head like a fur hat - or a prophetic harbinger of feline doom!
Slumbara: You should not be a free agent, it is better to be an expensive agent
Slumbara: if you are free, you will not make any money at all
Slumbara: Very bad business model
Meltam Perandus: Hrm. Such uncommon wisdom there.
Slumbara: Slumbara is very wise
Meltam Perandus: Plus that town was getting too small for us
Slumbara surveys the landscape for a safe river ford as they travel
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 9]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 8]
Slumbara and Meltam work together amazingly well and locate a beautiful safe crossing point that allows everyone to cross the river safely and without need for scary things like "Swimming" checks.
Meltam Perandus: Isn't it so refreshing being out away from all the noise and squalor?
Slumbara rides his horse across the ford, making a roll that the DM literally just said was unnecessary just to see if bad things happen
Slumbara: Animal Handling 4EXP/4FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 22]
Feneril (Slumbara): Perfect result
Slumbara: [1d6 = 5]
Slumbara leads his amazing horse across the river, only to discover his horse is aquaphobic and panics when trying to cross. Slumbara valiantly struggles to keep the horse from bolting, which causes it to buck. Slumbara masterfully maintains control, but it does kick Volmalric's pony, which then dips over into the river, causing everything on it to get drenched.
Volmalric: NOOOO!
Volmalric helps his pony out of the water and back to its feet
Slumbara helps drag Volmalric's donkey back out of the river
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 33]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 18]
Slumbara picks up the donkey, demonstrating raw brute strength to lift the creature. He then promptly smashes a large number of beakers and glass objects, and causes a few to fall into the river, which he then stomps underfoot while "rescuing" the donkey.
Slumbara: Good donkey. You are safe now
Slumbara pets the donkey
Slumbara: Volmalric, you should be more careful. Your donkey could have drowned
Slumbara remounts his horse
Slumbara: You are lucky Slumbara was here to save him
Volmalric stares in awe and horror at his damaged belongings
Volmalric: You've soaked my books and records and destroyed several of my herbs and medicines
Slumbara: They are only things, your donkey is a live creature
Slumbara: You can replace your things
It is currently 1400, Aquilonian Daylight Savings Times.
Volmalric: My donkey will heal itself, even if your wretch of a horse knocks it over
Slumbara: And besides, if we stranded out here we can always eat the donkey
Volmalric: Your horse gets eaten first
Slumbara: I disagree
Slumbara takes out his broadsword with one hand, and makes a little mouth next to it with his other hand
Slumbara (Sword voice): So do i
Meltam Perandus: Friends, we just need to cross a river.
Slumbara puts his sword away and laughs heartily
Volmalric: We're taking a break from our voyage for at least an hour or two, I need to clean out and redo my inventory because of this
Volmalric: My journals are going to be waterlogged and I need to make sure the pages do not stick, as well as mark down what herbs and drugs I need to obtain more of later
Slumbara: Ok friend, I will start a fire so you can dry off your books
Volmalric: NO
Volmalric: I mean
Volmalric: Slumbara, wouldn't it be better to keep an eye out in case of Pict ambushes?
Volmalric is using a Hero Point
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 19]
Slumbara: I can look out for picts and start a fire, Slumbara is a very capable warrior
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Meltam Perandus: Picts are going to be too scared of us!
Volmalric: The fire is not necessary anyways, the pages merely need to dry out
Volmalric sets himself and his donkey up a good distance away from the fire
Slumbara detects no Picts in the area, and starts a fire. Neither actions causes apocalyptic demon summoning.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 19]
Slumbara takes out his pict head possessed by the spirit of a bear and makes small talk about being a bear
Skittles hops down off Meltam's head and goes to find a "kitty litter" spot.
Slumbara continues doing this however long Volmalric needs to repair the damage that Slumbara definitely didn't cause
Slumbara prints a return label for the horse he accidentally bought on amazon and drops it into the UPS box
Volmalric finishes up cataloguing the damage and salvaging as many of his books as he can, writing down on a small note pad what things must be recovered later
Volmalric: straps the remnants back to his donkey, giving the brave little fellow a carrot for its good behavior and to help make up for its trauma
Volmalric straps the remnants back to his donkey, giving the brave little fellow a carrot for its good behavior and to help make up for its trauma
Meltam Perandus: Friends, we may want to make haste.
Volmalric: Okay, I am good to go
Meltam Perandus: Persuade 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara: Cheer up friend, Slumbara is good at making money. I will buy you new things when we get back
Slumbara: As long as people with money want to have other people be dead, SLumbara will never be poor
Slumbara puts out the fire and mounts his horse
Slumbara: I agree Meltam, we should keep moving
Meltam Perandus: A Pict Warrior would be perfect to have now, we could find these two easily.
Slumbara leads on towards the Black River, keeping an eye out for Pict warriors to kill for Meltam
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Meltam does not see any Pict Warrior nearby, who would be willing to join with the group or not.
Slumbara also does not see any Pict Warriors, whether they are planning to kill Meltam or not.
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 12]
Meltam Perandus: The Picts were once a noble people, we should not judge them by what they are, but what they once were!
Slumbara: Alive?
Meltam Perandus: Perhaps they can once again attain such lofty heights!
Slumbara high fives the pict head on his backpack
The group thinks they make good progress catching up with their quarry, but it is fast approaching nightfall. Do you proceed through the night or stop and make camp?
Feneril (Slumbara): "Sneaky" and "Slumbara" don't really go together
Volmalric: How sure are you that they headed this way?
Feneril (Slumbara): Unless you can convince him to sneak around like a coward
There is a 1/4 moon tonight, with scattered high level clouds. You might be able to walk along without torches.
Meltam Perandus: What if we just drink a lot of water so we get up at the crack of dawn?
Meltam Perandus: Or...that
Slumbara: You should always drink a lot of water, it is important to stay hydrated
Slumbara: Otherwise your lips will get very chapped, and also you might die
Meltam Perandus: Volmaric, is there any boon or herb you have for better eye sight?
Slumbara: Maybe one that didn't fall in the river
Slumbara takes out his pict head
Slumbara: Bear friend, how is your night vision?
Volmalric thinks for a moment
The Pict Head is silent.
Volmalric: Actually, Meltam, I think I could probably whip something up for you if you'd like
Meltam Perandus: I think that would be for the best
Slumbara: Bear must be in a quiet mood
Slumbara puts the pict head back
GM: He must be hibernating.
Meltam Perandus: As much as possible we should try to maintain stealth here. If they do not know they are being followed, the ambush is ours!
Meltam Perandus: Actually, before we have a situation evolve on us, Slumbara, please keep one of them alive.
Slumbara: Ambush? Stealth? That sounds like a dishonorable plan
Volmalric: Alchemy 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Volmalric: Shoot, I got two successes and no 20s
Slumbara: I will only do it if you pay me
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 30]
Volmalric gets out his Alchemy kit and whips up a thick whitish potion that kind of looks like Sorcery to Slumbara. Volmarlic is quite convinced that, when smeared oon the eyes, will grant superior vision for humans at night.
Meltam Perandus: You may perform the Kushite equivalent of nanori before combat starts, detailing your rich history, and the honor you bring to the field.
Meltam Perandus: But let's find them first.
Meltam Perandus: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 33]
Volmalric offers Meltam a vial of the substance
Meltam Perandus: Oh, why thank you!
The vial explodes as soon as Meltam touches it, showering it all over himself and the nearby pony.
(Which is not Volmalric's pony.)
Kazemi (Volmalric): (Thank you)
Volmalric backs away from them
Meltalm feels like someone has covered him in honey and staked him down over fire ants. His pony begins bleating in terror, drops to the ground, and begins making the most horrible "pained animal" noise you have ever heard. Everything within a couple miles of you can hear it.
Skittles hides inside Slumbara's saddle bags.
Slumbara attempts to calm the panicked horse
Volmalric: Hmmm
Slumbara: Animal Handling 4EXP/4FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Volmalric: It would probably still be safe to use if you can recover some of it
Slumbara: There, there horsey. You will be ok, this is all Meltam's fault somehow.
Slumbara is able to calm the animal, it takes about 15 minutes.
The pony walks with a nervous twitch and has drooping eyelids for the rest of its days.
Meltam Perandus: Resistance 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 9]
Tack (Meltam Perandus): Note: Real Chemists do not have eyebrows.
GM: All next?
Meltam Perandus: I thought Mitra was more...gentle....
Meltam Perandus: My eyes! My eyes!
GM: Now that we have an emotionally scarred pony and a partially blinded party member?
Volmalric: Mitra is as gentle to you as you are pure
Volmalric gets some water
Volmalric: You should rinse out your eyes as best you can
Volmalric: Hypothetically speaking
Slumbara: We should rest and let Meltam recovery from his self-inflicted injury
Slumbara: I am not sure how this escape plot of his was supposed to work, but clearly Slumbara foiled it
Slumbara assists Meltam rinse out his eyes with clean water
Slumbara: Healing 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Meltam Perandus: Thanks!
Meltam Perandus: I should be okay though!
Slumbara: Please friend, I cannot have you die while you are in my custody
Volmalric writes down that recipe in his notes for later
Volmalric: So, we'll be resting here for tonight
Volmalric: Meltam, how are your eyes?
Meltam Perandus: Eh, Ill live
Slumbara: How many fingers am I holding up?
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Slumbara holds up three fingers for Meltam
Meltam Perandus: Imma say 3.
Slumbara: That sounds right to me, what do you think Volmalric?
The night passes uneventfully, despite the party's best efforts for otherwise to happen.
As the sun rises the next morning, Meltam does not melt, scream in terror, or die. The pony that was traumatized does begin defecting wildly and rubbing against trees, but Slumbara assumes that is normal for Aquilonian donkeys.
Meltam Perandus: We must make haste! I'm sure we are right in their trail!
Slumbara bravely (read: foolishly) leads on towards the Black River the next day
Volmalric: Agreed, we should continue our chase
Volmalric snacks on some trail mix
The group continues on through the day, finding and following what looks like a maintained path that leads through the swamps. All is going peacefully until they spot what looks like a murder of crows picking at things around an overturned wagon on path ahead of them.
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara: Hmm, it looks like Meltam's friends have come through here
It is about 300' ahead of you. You have entered a boggy marshland, the trail you are following seems to be well-groomed and intended to be above ground and dry despite the swampy area around it.
Meltam Perandus: Hey, I would not substitute co-workers for friends!
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 29]
Meltam Perandus: What do we have here?
Volmalric gets his bow and arrows out, keeping an eye in the area around it and giving them cover
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Slumbara dismounts and walks towards the cart
Volmalric keeps an eye out in the marsh as well as by his allies
Slumbara draws his sword in case killing is needed, and puts on his Detective Conan glasses in case detecting is needed
The wagon looks like it was previously hauled by a pair of draft horses, who have been unhitched. The wagon is tipped over. A man and woman (who might have been in their mid 20s) as well as two small boys and girl appear to have been stabbed and left for dead.
The items of the wagon have been scattered about the area and rooted through. It is a quite gruesome scene. The dead are all attracting flies and maggots and being poked at by the crows.
Meltam Perandus: Warfare Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Meltam Perandus: Well, let's take a look at this ambush....the work of Picts or the work of Uncouth Thug Mercenaries?
Slumbara: No, pitcts would have eaten them
Slumbara: It was obviously your friends
Slumbara: You do not eat people
Slumbara draws his bow
Slumbara: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Slumbara shoots one of the crows
Slumbara kills a crow.
Slumbara ties the crow to his pack
Meltam Perandus: Not all tribes share the same customs though,
Slumbara holds up the woman's hand
Slumbara: Picts wouldn't cut off fingers to steal jewelery
Meltam Perandus: Grisly. Well, that's probably true.
Slumbara: Also, picts would take woman and girl for later
Slumbara: This means we are on the right trail though
Slumbara: And I got some lunch
Slumbara holds up the dead crow
Volmalric (shouting): Please don't dishonor the dead. And Meltam, don't resurrect them this time
Volmalric (shouting): And for Mitra's sake, don't eat the carrion crows, that's filthy
Meltam Perandus: I was just appraising our aspirant Detective there. He should have kept those details to himself until the perpetrators were tied up so they could listen to an entire monologue.
Slumbara: No no friend, I am just going to kill them
Slumbara: and chop their heads off to deliver to Captain Estarcus for money
Meltam Perandus: What? Aw.
Meltam Perandus: Still, I can't see how it was a good idea to attempt this trek in the first place.
Volmalric looses an arrow out into the marsh
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 7]
Volmalric: [1d20 = 7]
Volmalric: Bow: (Close-2H-Volley-3D): [4d6 = 22]
Volmalric looses an arrow and it sails through the air and catches a Pict in the head. He drops over into the marsh like a stone.
The rest of the Warband howls and rushes forward. One of them jumps up on top of a rock and stands imposingly, she is clearly auditioning to be a Space Marine Captain in a future life. She yells out, "In the name of Jhebbel Sag! Relciam these interlopers for the Marsh my brethren!"
Slumbara: In the name of Slumbara, bring it on you slimy mud people!
Slumbara charges the talkative one
Tack (Meltam Perandus): but does the leader wear a head-dress? If he doesn't need one or a mask, then clearly he is squad captain....
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 9]
Nasara: Acrobatics, Stealth Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Slumbara runs up and swings mightily at the Pict Shaman. The amazing detective Conan discovers that the Shaman is a woman, who nimbly dodges out of the way of Slumbara's attack (she got 3 successes on Acrobatics to Dodge your 2 Melee Success to hit her.)
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 32]
Meltam Perandus is using a Hero Point
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Volmalric: Bow: (Close-2H-Volley-3D): [4d6 = 16]
Pict: Melee Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Pict: ¦¦ Hatchet (M):, ¦¦ Hatchet (M):, ¦¦ Hatchet (M): [15d6 = 51]
Pict: ¦¦ Hatchet (M): [5d6 = 16]
GM: The Pict rolls 5 Damage -> 2, 5, 2, 5, 2 is what the result was.
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Alchemy, Craft, Healing, Lore, Linguistics Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Nasara Animal-Shaper: May the Amorous Rage of a Rutting Lion take you!
Slumbara: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Nasara Animal-Shaper throws a pouch that looks like it is filled with a liquid at Slumbara.
Slumbara chops the bag out of the way, it sails through the air and hits Pict #4, it then explodes on that man, who turns towards Slumbara and lets out a bellow and drops his pants!
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Hmm...
Slumbara: Maybe later tiger, busy now
Nasara Animal-Shaper: I think I threw the wrong one.
Slumbara: Killing your frield
Slumbara is using a Hero Point
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Acrobatics, Stealth Successes = 4 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Slumbara: The sword is mightier than the pouch of goo!
Narasa is evidently one hell of a Nimble Minx, because she just pulled off a 2 and a 3 on her Acrobatics check to dodge... so you still miss.
Meltam Perandus is using a Hero Point
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 8]
Meltam Perandus: Mace: (Reach 2-Unb-Knockdown-Stun-Pierce 1-3D): [4d6 = 13]
Meltalm kills one.
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 19]
Volmalric: Bow: (Close-2H-Volley-3D): [4d6 = 15]
Volmalric drops another one.
Volmalric: We've got two of ours,Slumbara. How many have you killed yet?
Pict #4 tears off pants and runs at Slumbara, intending to engage in a ferocious grapple.
Pict #4: Melee Successes = 0 Complications = 2 [2d20 = 40]
Slumbara: This one is very slippery, like a pig covered in butter
Slumbara: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 21]
GM: Well, when combined with the double 20s from the Pict...
Pict #4 manages to violate himself with Slumbara's sword, with the side effect of ripping it out of Slumbara's grasp and managing to discharge all manner of bodily fluids on it (intestinal and otherwise) as he dies.
Slumbara: That fetish is weird, even to me
Nasara Animal-Shaper dodges out of Slumbara's area and charges at Volmalric.
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Melee Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 15]
Pict: Melee Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 19]
Pict: Melee Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 18]
Meltam Perandus: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 37]
Pict: ¦¦ Knife (M): [4d6 = 14]
Pict #2 and Pict #9 attack Meltalm with all their ferocious MIGHT! And hit him for 1 point of damage after armor.
Pict: Melee Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 14]
Pict: Melee Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 12]
Slumbara: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 33]
Slumbara is dog-piled by the Picts while unarmed. They engage in a rigorous LAPD beatdown of an unarmed black man. Riots form in nearby cities.
Pict: ¦¦ Hatchet (M): [7d6 = 22]
Nasara Animal-Shaper: You, dog-faced sorcerer of Mitra the Defiler! Die for your GOD!
Nasara Animal-Shaper throws a pouch of liquid at Volmalric.
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Parry, Ranged Weapons Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Slumbara: They are going to get into a "bags of goo" fight
Volmalric: Acrobatics 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Volmalric dodges the bag of goo, which hits the ground near him and explodes in a blinding flash. Fortunately no one who is not already blinded is effected.
Volmalric: Lore 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 4]
Tack (Meltam Perandus): Lead weights on the 1 and 20 faces of the die.
Slumbara is using a Hero Point
Slumbara is using a Hero Point
Tack (Meltam Perandus): No no, you really need to climb a tree and use it as a perch to do a flying body slam on someone.
Kazemi (Volmalric): "pict" another one up
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 18]
Slumbara: Broadsword: (Reach 2-Parry 1-UNB-5D): [7d6 = 28]
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Slumbara: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 32]
Meltam Perandus is using a Hero Point
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Meltam Perandus: Mace: (Reach 2-Unb-Knockdown-Stun-Pierce 1-3D): [4d6 = 7]
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: Mace: (Reach 2-Unb-Knockdown-Stun-Pierce 1-3D): [4d6 = 17]
Meltam Perandus: Whack'A'Pict!
Slumbara combat rolls back to grab his sword, then cleaves one of the picts in half from crotch to cap. With his momentum as he pushes back to his feet, he hoists one of the other picts up onto his shoulders and hurls him towards the shaman
Meltam kills one Pict with a mighty blow from his mace, than backhands the other one with an equally impressive smashing blow... in fact, it is so impressive, the wooden handle of his mace breaks, leaving the ball embedded in the dead Pict and Meltam without his preferred weapon!
Meltam Perandus: This is what I get for shoping at Macey's
Slumbara discovers that Picts are not very aerodynamic, as the thrown Pict only travels about 5' before landing with a "sploosh" in the water.
That pun was so discover a free Hero Point which is used to immediately generate a Mace that was lying on the ground near the wagon. The man who was killed with his family must have had it and you never noticed it until now.
Volmalric: Put your weapons down, woman. You're no more of a Pict than our dark-skinned barbarian over there, and you're certainly more learned than befits such lowly tactics as ambushing travelers. Have some respect for yourself
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric is using a Hero Point
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Discipline Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 32]
Nasara Animal-Shaper makes her worst roll of the night.
Nasara Animal-Shaper pauses.
Nasara Animal-Shaper: What do you mean, Mitran whore?
Slumbara: Actually I think Volmalric may be a virgin
Nasara Animal-Shaper looks at Slumbara.
Slumbara: He didn't even want any whores at the brothel
Nasara Animal-Shaper looks back at Volmalric.
Volmalric: I mean, there are no Picts capable of teaching anyone to make the chemical brews you've made, and certainly none that reference the God of All Animals like that
Volmalric: That is knowledge gained through civilization, and a deity of ancient lore
Nasara Animal-Shaper: The Picts are closer to the true ways of the world than the crude huans who defile it.
Nasara Animal-Shaper: But...
Nasara Animal-Shaper pauses.
Slumbara: Your friend defiled my sword
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Why did you slaughter this family?
Nasara Animal-Shaper gestures at the overtruned wagon.
Volmalric: We did nothing of the sort
Slumbara: Meltam's former coworkers killed them
Volmalric: We found them like this, with your ambush sitting around it. I figured you were the ones who killed them
Nasara Animal-Shaper: Or your friends did at least? Those people were friends of mine, Aquilonians who understood the evils of civilization.
Volmalric blinks in surprise
Slumbara: But I am going to kill THEM, as soon as I am done killing you
Nasara Animal-Shaper: No, it was a Bossonian and a Shemite.
Volmalric: No, but it may have been the two men who we've been seeking out.
Volmalric: Yes, it was the two men we've been seeking out
Nasara Animal-Shaper: They killed them. I was waiting to see who else came after them once they escaped our lands.
Nasara Animal-Shaper looks at Slumbara.
Nasara Animal-Shaper: See, former coworkers, I was right.
The Picts seem a bit confused, since you all started speaking Aquilonian at some point and they don't understand anything going on, but their leader is no longer attacking, so you must have surrendered.
Volmalric: Former coworkers. There was a falling out
Campaign saved.