I am back and recovered from GenCon 2016.  It was a great time, actually better than the last 4-5 years worth of conventions.  While they are generally fun, this one exceeded expectations on many levels.  I ran 3 games of Tunnels and Trolls, 1 game of Dungeon Crawl Classics, and 2 games of Savage Worlds.  The players were great and there was an excessive amount of laughter to be had by all.  I rarely ever run a serious game, and these were all well done.  I ran into players on later days and they routinely tracked me down and told me how much they enjoyed the game.

Leading up to this year, I was not sure if I was going back in 2017.  GenCon is getting large, crowded, and expensive.  But I think I will head back next year and see where it goes from there.  It was definitely "The Best Four Days in Gaming" this year.