Shockingly, even though it is months away, the time for GenCon planning is upon us.  Event registration starts in January, and getting events in early is key to getting them listed in the event catalogue, as well as getting good locations for tables and hotels for said events.  At this time, I have a full raft of things going on, Tunnels and Trolls, Dungeon Crawl Classics, and 2d20 from Modiphius.  Dungeon Crawl Classics this year features a very cool "blast from the past" Level-0 funnel which can be summarized as "The Lost TV show comes to DCC."  I am looking forward to that one.  But they are all fun and enjoyable and I really look forward to running events and having a great time, plus teaching people new game systems and providing them with a certain level of amusement for a few hours of their busy convention.

If I can convince them to go out and support the manufacturers by purchasing product, then it is even better!