Chat log started at 24.10.2019 / 09:08:14

Fantasy Grounds Theme Extension - Conan 2d20 Theme V3.6 by Jolly. More great resources at (LINK)
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MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.46 20180915). This ruleset adds features and flexibility to CoreRPG allowing you to play more game systems. This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward and additional thanks to Trenloe and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Trenloe, Frostbyte, Imiri, Myrddin, Sibelius, rstrahan, superteddy57, damned and ianmward. Other devs may add new roll types. You can Create a library of Rolls and you can drag Rolls into the MoreCore tab of the PC sheet and the Rolls field of the NPC sheet.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.8 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Extension (Conan 2D20 V3.6 09302018) loaded.
Delia: So what are we up to now? Are we off to find the Crocodile King by following the yellow stream in the water?
Meltam Perandus: Warfare Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 33]
GM: Bad Delia, horrible Wizard of Oz comments are only allowed by players.
Delia: You are a crappy DM.
Volmalric: It's probably the best option. We'll have to figure out a way to get around the death fog of the undead dragon, and the death scream of the demon bat
Volmalric: The giant crocodile appears to be just that
Volmalric: Just a big crocodile
Meltam Perandus: It's definetly not in our advantage to marshall these animals. Best take two mortal men and a Slumbara.
Volmalric: We should go recon it, see if we can identify some potential exploits, and then build up a more precise plan after that
Delia: This all sounds reasonable.
Volmalric: I'd agree with gathering up the animal forces, but that would imply that they like us and owe us something
Meltam Perandus: There's only one river here, and a lot of animals
Slumbara: Slumbara thinks we should walk right up to him and say "Hello, I am Slumbara, world renowned animal doctor and dentist"
Slumbara: And then extract his tooth
Delia: Can you leave any valuables in your possession with me before you do that? You know, for safe-keeping.
Volmalric: Nonsense, you're coming with us!
Meltam Perandus: Intelligence - 8 Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Volmalric laughs heartily
Slumbara: That sounds reasonable
Slumbara hands Delia a collection of human scalps
Delia takes the scalps from Slumbara and stuffs them in a bag.
Volmalric: Except we don't know if it speaks our language
Slumbara: But only if you promise to give them back
Delia: Of course, if you survive I would happily return everything you ask me to hold on to. I would never think of trying to cheat someone who can snap me in half with a bicep curl.
Volmalric: We might honestly be able to find a spare tooth in the carcass of something giant it's eaten recently
Meltam Perandus: You have potion or magic for that? Also Slumbara seemingly speaks with them ok.
Meltam Perandus: What if we gave it something really sticky or hard to eat? Like put a bolder in cow or something?
Slumbara: Do you have a cow?
Volmalric: Ehhhhh
Meltam Perandus: No, but we probably could find some random animal
Volmalric: I don't think I've got enough ingrediants for a giant crocodile. Maybe a normal sized one, or a Slumbara sized one, though
The animals seem to have lost interest in your shenanigans and resume their normally scheduled non-work day.
Slumbara: Ok Meltam, why don't you walk over to the animals and ask them which one wants to get eaten by a crocodile
Volmalric: Slumbara spoke with those animals okay, but I think they were an exception
Slumbara: after Slumbara shoves a rock up their butt hole
Volmalric: Delia, do you have any idea why they'd have spoken Atlantean?
Delia: None whatsoever.
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: Volmalric - Can you make glue?
Volmalric: Thsoe aren't the animated ones, are they?
Volmalric: An adhesive would be possible, yes. I'd need to pick up some ingredients for it, though
Meltam Perandus: Find a forest animal and then coat it in glue, toss it in the river, stay upwind, wait for the king to chomp it, then rush him?
Meltam Perandus: Persuade 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 11]
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 39]
Delia: I like this idea, maybe coat it in amber!
Slumbara: This plan sounds good
Slumbara: Slumbara approves
Delia: That would make it super hard and chewy!
Meltam Perandus: Do we have amber here?
Volmalric: Don't be ridiculous, adhesives don't work well if they're underwater instead of drying
Volmalric: We'd have to send the animal up along the beach
Delia: Why wouldn't we? This place seems like a completely screwed up microcosm of the world.
Meltam Perandus: Some alchemist you are.
Delia: I'm pretty sure there is amber around here, probably with millions of years old mosquitoes in it. Nothing bad will happen from this situation.
Slumbara: Craft Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Slumbara: You could use cement. It is strong like Slumbara, even under-water
Delia: I don't know how tasty it is though. Maybe if we mix the cement with spicy peppers?
Slumbara: Good idea
Slumbara: but let us get moving
Meltam Perandus: Okay, that's another idea that's less sappy than amber.
Slumbara: We can find a suitable animal along the way
Meltam Perandus: Just poison the damn thing
Delia follows along with the group, carrying Slumbara's bag of scalps and other "precious" items.
Volmalric: We need to see how big it is, first
Slumbara begins walking upstream
Meltam Perandus: King Size
Slumbara: Ba dum tsh
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 9]
Volmalric: Keep back from the edge of the water
Slumbara looks out for signs of crocodile kings
Volmalric keeps Slubmara between him and the water
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 24]
Slumbara: Animal Handling 4EXP/4FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 35]
Slumbara leads the party along the edge of the river
You seem to be walking upwind, the Crocodile King will never smell you coming...
Slumbara: while playing a walking song on his tuba
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Volmalric stays a bit further from the water as he keeps an eye out for ingredients that might be a powerful poison, burning agent, glue, etc.
Volmalric: Alchemy 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 29]
Volmalric: [1d20 = 11]
Slumbara keeps an eye out for raw materials that might be useful to make constumes for his one-act play for the undead dragon
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric: Hey, these will be good for later
Slumbara: Are you making Slumbara more drugs?
Meltam Perandus: Okay, so based on last time, I can't really dial Rhiveth here due to error: outside of time, etc, but can I just sort of throw my mind out there and see what sort of magic forces are aboot?
Meltam Perandus: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric: I mean, the goal is to OD the crocodile
Slumbara: So is that a "maybe"?
The group heads upstream for about half a day. The terrain on this side of the river is very regular in appearance. You see scattered batches of animals and in the distance (inland) you see a few huts and at one point a small village about a mile insland up on top of a hill overlooking the area. As you go further upstream the area becomes even less inhabited by both animal and human.
Volmalric: Hmmm, do you think we should ask one of the huts for directions and advice?
Slumbara: Huts cannot speak
Slumbara: Also, they wouldn't know directions, they have no legs
Volmalric: There's a story of a hut out east which does have legs, though
Volmalric: These could be one of those
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 4 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 4]
The opposite side of the river sees varying terrain, at first it looks similar, but as you head upstream, a ever steeper incline results in sheer cliffs that would take even the mighty Slumbara some time and effort to scale. As the day progresses the fauna and flora on the opposite side change from the palms and desert-like scrub you have seen to stands of pine trees, complete with spotting a few elk and a grizzly bear or two. It is almost like the opposite side of the river is changing the terrain and environment to match a different ecosystem.
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Slumbara: Good point, we should check them for legs
Meltam Perandus: I will never question an Aquilonian on architecture.
Volmalric: Also, inhabitants
Slumbara leads Volmalric towards the huts to check them for legs
Volmalric heads up with Slumbara to check with the local huts
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Volmalric: Hello?
Volmalric How abandoned is the hut?
Kazemi (Volmalric): How abandoned is the hut?
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 19]
You head inland a short distance and find one of the small huts. It appears to be made from hide and sticks. There is no sign of occupancy. There is also no sign the hut is ambulatory.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 15]
Volmalric takes a closer look at what's inside, being cautious about touching anything
Meltam Perandus: Well, what can you tell use Volmalric ?
Slumbara: The huts don't seem to have legs
Meltam Perandus: yeah the Hutts dont.
Slumbara: These hides might be useful for making costumes though
Meltam Perandus: We could just hunt the game we have seen around?
Meltam Perandus: And get a meal out of it?
Slumbara: Tanning a hide takes weeks Meltam
Slumbara: Have you never killed a skinned a beast before?
Meltam Perandus: Discipline Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Meltam Perandus: Friends! We have found Candy Land! We need not weapons or violence! All our needs are in the hut!
Delia: I'm on board with this explanation. It smells delicious!
Slumbara grabs Delia by the collar
Slumbara: Maybe let Meltam go first
Delia: Sure.
Meltam Perandus Runs into the house, dropping all pretense of normal frontiersman caution, dropping all pointy or shooty things along the way.
Slumbara: Slumbara likes you and doesn't want to see you eaten or melted
Meltam Perandus: Molasses! Scones! Pastries!
Delia: Anything for large scary armed person who plays the tuba.
Volmalric does not enter the hut
Meltam Perandus: Dreams of the vaunted Atlanean Eclair!
Volmalric: So, what are the odds that Meltam is going to die if we don't get him out?
Meltam Perandus: Its ours! Ours! Friends! Come!
GM: Probably about 50%.
Slumbara: I am more worried about what comes out with him
Meltam Perandus: Persuade 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Volmalric: Or in him
Volmalric: He's got a...history of abuse, shall we say?
Slumbara gestures to Delia to stay put, draws his sword, and goes into the hut after Meltam
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Volmalric gets his healing salves ready in case Meltam needs to be healed
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: I haven't a clue what these glorious treats are, we should all enjoy them!
Slumbara looks in the hut from the window and sees a dusty interior of what looks like ruined furniture, shattered chairs, and debris. It looks like someone might have lived here at one point in the past, but probably not for the last few months. Meltam is standing in front of the one intact table, his back to you, staring at something Slumbara cannot see.
Volmalric: Meltam? Meltam, you should come back out for a moment
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 4]
Slumbara picks up Meltam by the belt and collar and throws him out of the hut
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Meltam Perandus: not the pretentious, adulterated cooking of an Argossian street merchant, but true artistry of flavor!
Meltam Perandus: Discipline Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 25]
Slumbara: [1d20 = 8]
Tack (Meltam Perandus): Your Lucky Numbers today are 1 and 20.
Slumbara hurls Meltam out of the hut and he lands with a thud near the entrance, by Volmalric and Delia.
Meltam Perandus: Agility - 11 Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Delia: Well, if Slumbara went in, it must be safe and fine.
Delia walks into the hut.
Tack (Meltam Perandus): (why....)
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 14]
Slumbara: checking if slumbara has the willpower to walk out of the hut without eating the pancakes or not
Meltam Perandus sees nothing wrong with this, there's nothing bad in the hut.
Volmalric: Hold still, Meltam
Slumbara: slumbara stuffs a few pancackes into his pack then
Meltam Perandus: Discipline Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Volmalric gives Meltam a bit of "medicine" to calm him down
Meltam Perandus: but, but but
Slumbara walks out of the hut nonchalantly
Volmalric: Alchemy 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric: [1d20 = 4]
Delia collects something from the hut and walks back out.
Meltam Perandus: Agility - 11 Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 11]
Volmalric: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Slumbara: Nothing in there but some dusty furniture and these inexplicably fresh pancackes
Meltam Perandus: You sir, have a promising career in medicine.
Slumbara: No legs
Delia wipes some pancake residue from her lips.
Delia: They are amazing. You should try some.
Volmalric: Side effects include drowsiness, swapped colors, seeing faces where there are none, and dry mouth
Slumbara: They look very good
Meltam Perandus: Resistance 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Delia: I'm not sure why Meltam and Volmalric are fighting about this. They should just get some pancakes. There are plenty for everyone.
Slumbara: But slumbara was thinking they would make excellent Crocodile bait
Slumbara: Slumbara definitely wants to eat them, but they look so delicious they would surely lure the crocodile king better than some dead animal
Delia: Oh, good idea.
Delia: I'll go get some more.
Delia walks back into the hut.
Slumbara: Slumbara thinks she is going to eat them
Volmalric: Delia, there's nothing in the hut
Volmalric: If you're eating something, it's probably not good for you
Slumbara: Delia, we have to go find the crocodile king. We can come back and eat some pancakes later to celebrate
Slumbara: after we are victorious
Delia: I thought you said we needed some for bait?
Volmalric helps keep Meltam down for a few moments as the lad settles down
Meltam Perandus: You know what Volmalric , Im not going to be violent, I think you need to have pancakes too
Slumbara: I have some
Delia wipes off some more pancakes residue from her face and fingers. She does not appear to actually be holding any pancakes.
Meltam Perandus: And Slumbara, Crocodiles probably do not like pancakes
Slumbara throws Delia over his shoulder
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 4 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 5]
Slumbara: Meltam, these are no ordinary pancakes
Slumbara: I am sure the crocodile king will love them
Slumbara carries Delia with him back down towards the river
Slumbara: We should keep moving though, or else Delia will make herself sick with pancackes
Volmalric: Agreed
Meltam Perandus: Who cares Slumbara?
Meltam Perandus: We are beyond time
Slumbara: What did you give him?
Volmalric helps Meltam up and guides him along with Slumbara
Slumbara: It sounds fun
Meltam Perandus: Why not enjoy Interdimensional House of Pancakes?
Volmalric: Pretty sure it was just general suppressors
Volmalric: I think he's on something else, too
Volmalric: Meltam, did you eat anything before the pancakes?
Metalm and Volmalric notice that while Delia is relatively docile in the fact that Slumbara is carrying her off, he seems to be moving at about 1/4 normal speed like he is fighting through waist deep molasses.
Delia hiccups.
Volmalric: You're going pretty slow, Slumbara
Kazemi (Volmalric): Is Meltam moving slowly away as well?
Meltam Perandus: Partake of the Pancakes!
Slumbara: I am moving at my normal speed
GM: Not that Volmalric can tell.
Kazemi (Volmalric): Is he talking in slow motion?
GM: No
Volmalric: Are we walking fast to you, Slumbara?
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Slumbara: same question
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Slumbara: Everything seems fine to Slumbara
Slumbara: Slumbara has no idea what you are talking about
Slumbara: Did you also take drugs?
Slumbara: Is everyone on drugs except for Slumbara?
Slumbara: Slumbara wants some drugs too
Delia hiccups.
Volmalric guides Meltam over towards Slumbara and walks alongside him to see if he keeps moving slowly
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Volmalric is using a Hero Point
Meltam Perandus: Volmalric, Why don't you want to stay here and try them?
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Volmalric: Meltam? What did you summon?
Volmalric: Is the ground just normal dirt and such?
Slumbara: I don't think Meltam made the pancakes
Volmalric: Slumbara
Slumbara: They actually look pretty good
Volmalric: Why am I taller than you?
Meltam Perandus: Share in the sweet delicacies! Their taste couldn't be found in a thousand of the finest worlds!
Slumbara: You will never be taller than Slumbara
Slumbara: You are a tiny man
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric is currently looking down towards Slumbara
Volmalric: I think you're sinking into the ground there, which means either quicksand or Meltam
Delia giggles.
Slumbara looks down at his legs
Volmalric: Or, I guess, some sort of other creature. It might have to do with everything Delia ate
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Delia: I vote this is all Meltalm's fault.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 13]
Volmalric is intending to blame it on Meltam regardless of whose fault it actually is, but would never actually say that out loud
Slumbara has already pre-blamed Meltam for everything that may happen in the future
Tack: Slumbara has already pre-blamed Meltam for everything that may happen in the future
Slumbara: Hmm, Delia seems to have put on weight
Slumbara: She must have eaten a lot of pancakes
Slumbara sets Delia down, but ties her up so she can't wander back into the hut to eat more pancackes
Meltam Perandus: Delia, how is this my fault? We have all experienced an ensemble of flavors and textures beyond the ken of mortal men!
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Volmalric: I've done none of the sort
Volmalric: Also, stop drifting to the left
Slumbara picks up Meltam to check his weight
Delia giggles about being tied up, contorts over slightly and bites through the rope.
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Meltam Perandus: Agility - 11 Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 8]
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Slumbara grabs Delia again
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Volmalric: Slumbara, she's eating the rope!
Delia: Hey now!
Delia giggles.
Slumbara: Hmm, Slumbara thinks perhaps these are not merely delicious pancackes
Slumbara: Insight Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 38]
Slumbara: On second thought
Slumbara: They must just be very good pancackes
Slumbara: And Delia is a fiend for pancacke
Volmalric: She just ate the rope, Slumbara. Not pancakes, the rope
Delia: No shit Detective Slumbara! Pancakes filled with cream are like the best thing ever!
Delia: Do you want some?
Delia reaches into bag and pulls out a couple pancakes.
Volmalric: It's traveling with us
Meltam Perandus: now that's a woman that knows to plan for the future.
Delia offers pancakes to everyone.
Slumbara knocks Delia out (or attempts to)
Slumbara: Melee 3EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Volmalric physically restrains Meltam
Meltam Perandus: Brawn - 9 Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 32]
Slumbara: Good Unarmed: (Reach 1-Improvised-Stun-2D): [4d6 = 13]
Volmalric: Brawn - 8 Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 18]
Slumbara: Resistance 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 14]
Tack (Meltam Perandus): I'd be fine with slipping on some pancake cream and completely making fool of myself.
Volmalric redirects Meltam's attempt to get to Delia into a tree instead. At a decent clip, which causes the man to bounce off of it and remain wrangled
Slumbara punches Delia in the face. She does not seem to notice.
Volmalric: Restrain her arms, Slumbara
Volmalric: And also her head, but you probably don't want to put your hand near her mouth
Volmalric: I think she's wound up possessed
Delia giggles.
Delia: Are you sure you don't want pancakes?
Slumbara throws Delia back over his shoulder
Delia: These are the best thing ever.
Slumbara: Burn it down
Slumbara gestures to the hut
Delia: Ooh! Can you make elephant noises and I'll pretend to be a mahout!
Slumbara: Only way to be sure
Volmalric: Here
Delia: Yeeha! Mighty Slumbara!
Volmalric pushes Meltam towards Slumbara
Slumbara thinks this sounds like a reasonable request and makes elephant noises
Volmalric: Hold him down
Volmalric: Also, uh, you're still sinking
Slumbara grabs Meltam as well
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Delia: I am the very model of a modern major general!
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Delia: I have a Slumbara mount! Fear me all ye gods!
Volmalric grabs some matches and some accelerant, heading back over to the hut to burn it down
Slumbara continues to distract Delia and Meltam with the Elephant game while Volmalric works on burning down the hut
Volmalric: Alchemy 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Volmalric: [1d20 = 19]
Meltam Perandus: Animal Handling 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 24]
Volmalric manages to set the hut on fire, it erupts in flames and manages to burn off Volmalric's eyebrows off.
Volmalric: AHHH
Volmalric reels back from the unintentional fireball
You have now successfully defeated the Interdimensional House of Pancakes.
Slumbara: Acrobatics Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Meltam Perandus Meltam attempts to lick Delia.
Meltam Perandus: Agility - 11 Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 37]
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Volmalric wipes his eyes and clears the soot from his face from the unintentional fireball. He turns around to see what is going on, given the weird noises coming from his companions.
Meltalm and Slumbara appear to be making out, although Volmalric is not sure why. Meanwhile, Delia is eating pancakes nearby while watching them and egging them on.
Delia: Look at that tongue! Oh my god!
Tack (Meltam Perandus): in before Delia sinks through the ground.
Volmalric: I...what?
Delia: By Mitra, that is not legal in most countries!
Volmalric blinks several times in rapid succession
Slumbara holds out a pancake as bait for Delia to join them
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Volmalric: Slumbara! You're supposed to be stopping Delia from eating the blasted pancakes!
Delia tears off her blouse and runs over and slathers pancake on herself.
Volmalric gets his tranquilizer and gives Delia a jab with it
Delia: Woohoo! Best adventure ever!
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara continues making elephant noises while rutting in the mud with Delia and Meltam
Meltam Perandus: By Valka! They really knew how to party! More Pancakes!
Volmalric: Fuck
Volmalric begins to panic
Delia offers Volmalric a paper bag to breathe into.
Volmalric takes a moment to gather himself, then rushes back to the burning hut to see if the real Delia is currently unconscious inside or something like that
Slumbara attempts to wear out Delia and Meltam with sex so they will fall into a deep, post-coital sleep
Slumbara is using a Hero Point
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 37]
Meltam Perandus: Slumbara, I am not pansexual like you, I am pancake sexual.
Slumbara: Not to worry
Meltam Perandus Does not seem interested in Slumbara, only Delia
Slumbara puts his clothes back and and walks back over to Volmalric
Slumbara: Hmm, the plan has not worked
Volmalric Didn't have enough plancakes
Slumbara: Can you make something that will make them throw up?
Slumbara: Or have horrible liquid shits
Volmalric: Oh, hey, pancakes
Volmalric promptly turns his back on the hut and heads back towards the others
Volmalric: Delia, why is your skin hard enough to bend metal?
Delia stops her cavorting around and looks at Volmalric like he has grown an eyestalk.
Delia: What?
Delia puts her blouse back on.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 12]
Slumbara: Aha, Slumbara knows what to do
Slumbara takes out his tuba and plays the brown note
Slumbara is using a Hero Point
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 29]
Volmalric holds up the bent needle of his syringe
Delia: I've seen that before with men, it is generally the indication of needed to see a doctor.
Meltam Perandus: Intelligence - 8 Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Slumbara: You have gained a lot of weight today
Slumbara: I think you have eaten a few too many pancackes
Meltam Perandus: I hear the Crocodile King is guarding the Enchanted Mocchi Cakes of Khitai.
Delia: But they are delicious, and look, all my clothes still fit.
Meltam Perandus: Let us go!
Delia looks pretty much the same as always.
Delia does sink into the ground when she walks.
Slumbara: well, Slumbara is out of ideas as to how to get you to stop eating pancackes
Delia: Really? That sounds great Meltalm, let's go get some Mocchi Cakes! I wonder if they are just as tasty.
Slumbara: Yes, we should go find the crocodile king
Delia: You are just jealous you didn't get any before some idiot burned down the magic hut of...
Delia looks at the burning hut.
Slumbara: We can worry about this pancake problem later
There is nothing left, except for a stack of pancakes sitting on a burned table.
Slumbara jumps on Delia's back and rides her like a horse
Slumbara: Animal Handling 4EXP/4FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Delia does not even break her stride as Slumbara jumps on her.
Slumbara takes one of his remaining pancackes and ties it onto the end of a stick
In fact, it kind of hurts when Slumbara lands.
Slumbara dangles the pancacke on a stick in front of Delia and attempts to steer her
Meltam Perandus: Willpower - 9 Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Delia chases dangling pancakes.
Slumbara leads Delia back towards the river
Slumbara: I can't slow her down, only steer
Slumbara: So try to keep up
Delia is outrunning Meltalm and Volmalric... with Slumbara on her back.
Slumbara: When we get close to the crocodile king, I can just run her right into his mouth
Campaign saved.