Chat log started at 3.9.2020 / 09:28:59

Conan Ruleset v1.65A.3310 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2020 Modiphius Entertainment, Ltd.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Meltam rolls a Discipline test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 2 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [2d20.20 = 40]
You did not succeed.
Slumbara: Meltam, if you ask very nicely, Slumbara will untie one of your hands so you can eat
Mitra: Umm.... I'm not sure what is going on here, but I really think you should consider me as your lord and savoir.
Mitra is directing Its Divine Voice at Meltam.
Slumbara snaps his fingers in front of Meltam's face
Slumbara: Meltam, are you there?
Slumbara: You are staring into space like you're hallucinating
Meltam gurgles, still mostly out of it from the well placed punch from ACTION STAR Slumbara
Volmalric: I think he just said "Mitra"
Bridgit brings another round of drinks, staying away from Meltam.
Volmalric splashes Meltam with some water
Bridgit: That nice man over there bought you a round of drinks.
Volmalric: C'mon, Meltam, get it together
Bridgit gestures at some Bar Patron in the corner, who raises a flagon when you look in his directon.
Kazemi (Volmalric): Is the Bar Patron by himself?
Bar Patron #8 is sitting next to another guy, who is drinking with him.
Bar Patron #4 is the other guy.
Volmalric rolls an Insight test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.2+1d20.6 = 8]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: I think they're trying to butter the Mighty Slumbara up with some mead
Slumbara: Slumbara likes butter too
Slumbara: But not in my mead
Slumbara: That would ruin it
Volmalric: Absolutely, butter is better on the side
The food and drink is not spectacular, but it is quite delicious and a definite upgrade over the ship food you have been consuming.
Volmalric: Definitely not locals, based on that lighter tone of skin. They're from someplace up north
Volmalric: Shall we invite them over for thanks?
Ship Cook: I resent that remark! I do the best I can with the sailors who shirk their duties.
GM: Hush you. Back in the box.
Slumbara: Invite who?
Slumbara: On second thought, sure invite whatever pale skinned people you want, drinking mead is better with friends
Volmalric gestures at the pair when they look back at the group, inviting them over to their table
Bar Patron #8 wanders over.
Bar Patron #4 heads over also.
Bar Patron #8: Hello friends, how are you this fine day?
Slumbara: We have escaped from an incomprehensible world of eternal torment and solitude to eat, drink and be merry. So... Not bad, all things considered
Volmalric: Sailing
Volmalric gives a shrug and a word as an explanation for Slumbara's response
Volmalric: But it's good to be on land again
Slumbara: Yes, the food is better and we don't have to worry about acid destoying the ship when Meltam explodes
Slumbara: Where are you from stranger?
Asgrim: Excellent, glad to hear, I'm Asgrim, from Vanaheim, and this is my colleague, Sigurd, also from Vanaheim. Nice to see new faces around here.
Sigurd: And who are you fine folks?
Volmalric: I'm Volmaric, from Aquilonia
Sigurd looks a little concerned about the "Meltam explodes" comment, but assumes there is some inside joke.
Asgrim: Nice to meet you Volmalric. And I like your plan, good Kushite, eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die!
Sigurd: Aye!
Slumbara: I am the mighty Slumbara, famed Tubist, doctor, detective, sailor, playwrite, actor, murderer, dentist, explorer, etc.
Slumbara hands Sigurd and Asgrim a pair of business cards
Sigurd: Slumbara! How great it is to meet you!
Meltam: What mighty tasks are such famous warriors doing so far from the North?
Meltam rolls a Society test:
Target: 11 Focus: 4 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.19+1d20.5 = 24]
You did succeed!
Slumbara laughs at Asgrim's comment
Slumbara: Slumbara will not die tomorrow, Slumbara is mighty
Slumbara: Meltam may die at any moment though
Asgrim: Saving the world, one day at a time.
Sigurd: And some day, we won't but then it will hopefully be worth a song in Valhalla!
Bridgit: Hello all, how is everything?
Asgrim: Spectacular little one, thanks for asking!
Slumbara: Hands to yourself Meltam
Meltam rolls an Insight test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.16+1d20.9 = 25]
You did succeed!
Bridgit leaves to wait on other tables.
Volmalric: What brings the pair of you so far south?
Asgrim: Adventure, heroics, derring-do.
Sigurd: A bad marriage.
Meltam rolls a Lore test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.4+1d20.9 = 13]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Asgrim: His, not mine.
Asgrim: I'm single.
Slumbara: Oh, I thought you meant to each other
Slumbara: You guys would make a cute couple
Sigurd: I wish I could be single, but she beat me senseless when I challenged her to divorce and took all my worldly possessions as settlement, and still refuses to divorce me because it is a greater shame to know she is whoring around town while living in my former house and demeaning my family name.
Asgrim: Well, you know, that's what you get for marrying a Valkyrie and going home to the wrong house drunk...
Slumbara nods
Sigurd: Sooo.... anyway.... we were wondering if you would be interested in a proposition!
Slumbara: Slumbara is, but Meltam and Volmalric are prudes
Volmalric: Haha, is that so? What did you have in mind?
Meltam lurches forth in a very repltilian, cold, and calculating fashion.
Meltam: Tell me more...
Tack (Meltam): Surprised you haven't offered them a business card, Slumbara
Sigurd: Well, it seems that this morning we have come into possession of a treasure map showing the area from a long time ago, and you have the look of scholars who may be able to help us locate the area.
Slumbara: Oh, when you said "proposition", Slumbara thought you meant sex
Asgrim: Well, I'm not entirely opposed to that either.
Slumbara: But if there's money in it, Professor Slumbara is on the case
Meltam: Could we, see the map?
Volmalric used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Volmalric rolls an Insight test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.12+1d20.7 = 19]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Asgrim: Sure thing.
Asgrim gets out a rolled piece of parchment so old it has blackened in a few spots, but it is surprisingly intact and as you look at it the map becomes clearer.
Asgrim: So you can see here there is not much to go on, but we have identified this is the right area, based on the hills.
Slumbara rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.10+1d20.5 = 15]
You did succeed!
Slumbara: Volmalric, something magical is afoot
Volmalric rolls a Lore test:
Target: 12 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.11+1d20.14 = 25]
You did succeed!
Slumbara: And I don't think it's Meltam
Volmalric: Hmmm, and why's that?
Slumbara: These funny symbols on this map are putting words into Slumbara's head
Slumbara points to the words written on the map
Volmalric: Hmmm, do these two--wait, you can't even read
Meltam squints at the map, carefully studying it.
Slumbara: oh, is this reading?
Slumbara: Is this what reading is like?
Meltam: Hrm. How far are we away from this place?
Volmalric: Yes, it's similar to when you see a picture of a lips on a sign and know it's a brothel. In this case, it's not a picture, just a certain pattern of symbols that uniquely identify things
Slumbara: Slumbara is relieved. Slumbara feared this was magic, but if this is only reading, that is ok
Asgrim: There is not really a scale on the map, but I would guess from the hill placement that the big red "X" spot is in the Messantia Graveyard outside of town, so maybe an hour or so walk from here.
Slumbara rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.1+1d20.13 = 14]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: Hmm. Meltam, you can read this as well?
Meltam used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Meltam rolls a Sorcery test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 5 Momentum: 4 [1d20.1+1d20.13 = 14]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Slumbara: Volmalric, you must be mistaken. Slumbara cannot read this business card
Slumbara: So Slumbara must not be reading the map
Slumbara: Perhaps it is Meltam's fault
Volmalric: Oh, I apologize if I was not clear
Volmalric: Magic is just letting you read
Volmalric: Which is...odd
Meltam morphs into a raven, as death metal throbs in the background seemingly coming from no where.
Meltam: I will find this place, brave souls, and report back, caw caw!
Asgrim: By Thor!
Sigurd: Egads!
Meltam rolls an Observation test:
Target: 12 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 5 Momentum: 4 [1d20.11+1d20.17+1d20.3+1d20.8+1d20.9 = 48]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: Mitra's blessings, don't DO that!
Sigurd: It is a messenger from Odin!
Meltam exits stage left.
Volmalric: Where did you find this map?
Sigurd: I woke with it in my pack about a week ago, we were at an inn north of here and have been making our way south since then.
Volmalric blinks
Tack (Meltam): re-rolling the 17 on the observation test, because.

[1d20.7 = 7]
Volmalric: That is...troublesome. And you two can read what it says?
Asgrim: Yes, it is written right there in Asgardian, "Crypts"
Sigurd: I added the words, "Noble District" on the map because we figured that out, which is why it is in different ink.
Volmalric: Is this map in the style of the maps of your people?
Volmalric: Huh
Feneril (Slumbara): These guys sound about as smart as Slumbara
Feneril (Slumbara): They seem legit
Volmalric: Hmmm, well, you've piqued my interest, and Meltam's already gone looking into things about it
Volmalric: What do you think, Slumbara? Care to walk head first into a trap?
Slumbara: Always
Slumbara: But Slumbara does have some business to take care of in town first, so perhaps we leave tomorrow morning
Volmalric: Agreed
Volmalric: Something is in that "crypt", and it wants attention
Meltam rolls an Insight test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.20+1d20.9 = 29]
You did succeed!
Slumbara rolls a Melee test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.12+1d20.17 = 29]
You did succeed!
Slumbara rolls a Resistance test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.14+1d20.4 = 18]
You did succeed!
Slumbara rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [2d20.13 = 26]
You did not succeed.
Slumbara rolls a Melee test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.17+1d20.19 = 36]
You did not succeed.
Slumbara rolls a Resistance test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.12+1d20.7 = 19]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Slumbara used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Slumbara rolls a Sorcery test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.15+1d20.7 = 22]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Sigurd: Right, we shall meet up with you here around lunch time tomorrow and shall go off in search of the big red X./
Asgrim: Well played good Slumbara and Volmalric, I look forward to working with you.
Asgrim takes map, gets up and leaves.
Sigurd follows Asgrim.
Sophie wanders out of the kitchen.
Slumbara waits until Sigurd and Asgrim are out of earshot and turns to Volmalric
Slumbara: Yeah they are definitely going to try to kill us
Volmalric: I don't know
Volmalric: Something is up with that map. Brigands just make normal paper maps, that is a magic map
Volmalric: I do think something is going to try and kill us, though
Slumbara: Good point, they ahve an inexplicable magic map which Slumbara can read. Very good reason to think they are on the level
Volmalric: Very good reason to think that this is something else
Volmalric: Or something more, at least
Volmalric: Well, they'll wind up dead tomorrow if they cross the mighty Slumbara
Slumbara laughs
Volmalric: I'll see if I can pick up some supplies tomorrow and prepare things in advance
Slumbara: True enough
Sophie: Hello Kushite, I was wondering if you could help me with something, as you are large and strong.
Slumbara: Now, what can Slumbara do for you dear?
Slumbara waits for Sophie to respond
Sophie: I need to take a few items over to a blacksmith friend of mine and they are heavier than I feel like lugging around. It is a few blocks over, so if you can carry them for me, I will buy you a beverage of your choice from the bar.
Slumbara: Slumbara is very good at carrying heavy things
Sophie: Great, let's go around back and I'll meet you at the stable entrance.
Slumbara follows Sophie
Sophie leads Slumbara into the stable area where there are piles of various farming implements, buckets, tins, and other items in need of sharpening and repair.
Sophie: Okay, here we go.
Sophie just hang there and put your arms out and I'll just start piling things up, when it gets to be too much let me know and I'll take the rest.
Slumbara rolls an Athletics test:
Target: 14 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 4 Momentum: 3 [2d20.3 = 6]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Bridgit wanders by the table and looks at Volmalric.
Bridgit: Can I help you with something? It looks like your friends left without you.
Volmalric: Meltam had things to take care of, and Slumbara is helping Sophie
Volmalric: He'll be back for more beer later
Slumbara loads his arms with as much as he can carry with 4 successes on an athletics test
Sophie piles a giant collection of things into Slumbara's arms, is dutifully impressed at how much Slumbara can carry.
Sophie: You literally have the strength of an ant.
Sophie: Anyway, let's go.
Sophie grabs a pile of polearms.
Volmalric: And the other two...have you seen those two Asgardians around before?
Slumbara follows Sophie for the promise of free booze
Sophie slings them under one arm and heads out through the door.
Bridgit: they came in yesterday and were here most of the day, watching people come and go. They paid in advance, were nice, didn't randomly grab my breasts and start drooling on me.
Bridgit: They said they were looking for someone, and would know them when they saw them. We get all kinds here, so I didn't think much of it since they paid and were nice.
Sophie leads Slumbara over to a smithy.
A short, swarthy, soot-covered man comes out of the smithy to direct Sophie and Slumbara to the back. Slumbara notices that while they are mostly carrying rusty old weapons and junk, this looks like a smelter and armor shop.
Volmalric: Well, at least they're new. Did they spend all day in the bar people watching?
Angus: Kushite, don't see your kind much. Name is Angus.
Bridgit: Yes they did, well, at a table, not the bar.
Slumbara: I am Slumbara the mighty
Sophie: Yeah, they just came in to town.
Slumbara hands Angus a business card
Angus looks at business card and smiles.
Angus: What can I do for you? A mighty warrior is typically in need of fine supplies.
Slumbara: Yes, Slumbara has recently come into posession of this
Sophie: Angus is good at melting things down and making them into new and better versions.
Slumbara produces a substantial quantity of hardened blue steel ingots from his pack
Angus eyes grow wide in surprise.
Sophie starts scratching her arms.
Slumbara: Slumbara was not sure what to use it for. On the one hand, Slumbara is mighty and loves hitting things with swords. On the other hand, Slumbara is stout and loves being hit with swords. But Slumbara also has a deeply artistic soul and loves the tuba
Angus: Ah... well...
Angus: That is a ludicrous amount of blue steel.
Angus: Like, are you certain you just don't want to sell these? You could probably fetch a good price for them from a very rich nobleman.
Angus appraises Slumbara.