Chat log started at 9.1.2011 / 17:47:19

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Stinky Pete whistles 'Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirate's life for me'
Captain Katsumoto: Arr! I want some wench's booty!
Stinky Pete: I could go for her booty, or...her booty!
Stinky Pete makes motion of bending over some fine ass, er lass
Sailor: Now that's my idea of some fine ass...
Sailor grabs Xiu Li's ass as she walks by.
Xiu Li frowns.
Stinky Pete waits for him to lose his hand
Sailor pulls back a stump.
Stinky Pete: That'll teach you: Only tap the ass if the ass has been given freely
Captain Katsumoto: Also, make sure the ass cannot hit your parry without rolling.
Stinky Pete: There ya go! No more drinking on the job for you!!
Nick (Stinky Pete): Any bonuses/penalties we should know about for sea combat (seasickness, sea legs, etc)?
TADM: No, there are no unusual bonuses for being at sea that you currently need to know about.
Zach Dallas: fear level?
TADM: The Fear Level is currently 3.
GM: So, the boat sails out of Shan Fan harbor and into the Maze.
Captain Katsumoto: This is a fine day for sailing.
[w] Stinky Pete -> Zach Dallas: Good pun, Mike. "Endure Elements" while in a gold-filled crate
[w] Zach Dallas: don't tell them the truth
Ezekial Ikwiano: I'm spending my advance boosting intimidation and guys
[w] Zach Dallas: it'll be funny
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: Okay
Sailor: Cap'n there are some smoke trails in the distance, could be ghost rock ships.
Captain Katsumoto: Lookouts aloft!
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): we've got plenty of room to avoid them if they're legit, right?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): rather than playing chicken
GM: Steam ships usually have white or grey plumes, ghost rock ships have black smoke plumes.
GM: There is plenty of space for avoiding other ships, if needed. At least here there is.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): which type is our ship?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): It is a junk
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): well, I was wondering whether our junk spews out white stuff or not
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Junk's have sails
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): It is a chinese style of ship
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): OK, that'll work
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Typically three-masted
GM: Actually, this is a four-masted junk, and seems a little bigger than normal.
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [1d8+2 = 7]
[w] Stinky Pete: Also, goes to back of ship and throws rotten bacon overboard, since I was still carrying it for some reason
[w] -> Stinky Pete: REALLY?
[w] -> Stinky Pete: AWESOMESAUCE! I dub you "Nate!"
[w] Stinky Pete: Huh? I'm confused
Stinky Pete walks over to the side of the deck and tosses something in a dirty looking white paper bag overboard.
GM: Notice checks.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d4 = 6]
Zach Dallas: Notice [1d6 = 8]
GM: Okay, whispers for everyone!
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You swear you hear a grinding something is gnawing very loudly at the bottom of the ship.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Not sure if I made things easier, or worse just now :/
Ezekial Ikwiano: Guts {+3 Grit} [1d8+3 = 9]
[w] -> Zach Dallas: It looks like the water around the ship is boiling.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: does that concern me?
[w] -> Stinky Pete: It looks like the water around the bacon is boiling.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: also, can I tell what might be making it?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Smarts [1d6 = 5]
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: If Zeke would be worried about being in a box in the hold of a ship that is sinking because something is eating through the hull, then yes, it would concern you.
[w] Zach Dallas: does it register on Detect Arcana?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Yes, the water around the ship is glowing, it looks like a giant octopus looking thing has come up from the bottom of the water and is thrashing and beating on whatever the bag was that Stinky through overboard.
GM: The boat lurches and stops.
Captain Katsumoto: What is that? Sailors, check the sides.
Sailor: AIIEEE!!!
[w] Zach Dallas -> Stinky Pete: Why the hell is there a giant octopus in the water?
[w] Zach Dallas -> Stinky Pete: what was in that bag?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Damn sea monster ruining our brilliant plan!
A sailor is lifted into the air and thrown into the water by some invisible force.
[w] Stinky Pete -> Zach Dallas: Rotten bacon
Captain Katsumoto: Guns at the ready, prepare the waterproof dynamite. Roll out the cannons!
[w] Zach Dallas: oho! speaking of which< I would like to Conceal on the gold so it doesn't trigger anything in the wrong place
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 7]
Sailor's body runs around headless for a couple seconds before going overboard as something sweeps the deck and tears his head off.
Captain Katsumoto: Fire the cannons!
[w] Zach Dallas: also, in Current Events, is the octopus invisible to the naked eye?
GM: Several cannons roll out of gun ports on the side of the junk and fire into the water near the surface.
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Yes
Stinky Pete: readies gun
Sailor: How can we kill that which we cannot see?
Xiu Li: How can we kill that which has no life?
Captain Katsumoto: Wait, this is a WoW player?
Ezekial Ikwiano remains hiding in crate and leaves the sea-monster fighting to the experienced sailors.
Stinky Pete: Would explain why it eats so much
Captain Katsumoto listens for Korean or Chinese, the sure sign of a WoW player.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): can we tell where it is by displacement of water?
GM: No.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): kukukukukuku zergling rush
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): You know, I play wow in my free time
TADM: It's okay, we don't hold it against you.
[w] Zach Dallas: can I tell where it is from DA?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: It is all around the ship. And under the ship. And changing shape slightly...
[w] Zach Dallas -> Stinky Pete: what type of bacon was that? Any particular reason you decided to summon a fiendish octopus?
[w] Zach Dallas: is it actually a manitou?
[w] Zach Dallas: and/or possessed?
Sailor gets slammed into a mast and squeezed until he explodes.
GM: The boat rocks as tendrils latch onto the masts.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Son of a
[w] -> Zach Dallas: No, it is not a manitou.
Captain Katsumoto draws sword and chops at tendril, guessing where it is by the location of water splashes on the masts.
[w] Stinky Pete -> Zach Dallas: It was bacon I was carrying with me. It somehow rotted (don't know how), and I decided to just get rid of it
Zach Dallas: Oi, it's got the mast!
Captain Katsumoto: Cut it free! Cut it!
Sailors attack the wet spots on the masts with hooks and swords.
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal for Blast, I'm going for a tentacle portion away from the boat
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Flush in clubs.
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 6]
Zach Dallas: whips his hand
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): curses
Zach Dallas whips his hand out and a green bolt of light flys from his hand
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): it is clearly flying up into the empty air above the boat
GM: This impacts on something off the side of the boat and causes large blobs of water to explode, it looks like someone just blew up about a dozen two gallon water balloons.
GM: Agility checks from Zach and Pete.
Zach Dallas: Agility [1d6 = 4]
Stinky Pete: Agility [1d6 = 5]
The masts tear free of the Empress Risako and sweep the decks, knocking sailors and items free. Then the masts and the monster disappears into the depth, leaving the Empress Risako bereft of sails or the ability to move.
GM: Pete and Zach somehow survive the carnage and are not swept overboard.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d4 = 9]
Nick (Stinky Pete): Oops. My bad
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: Do I still hear the gnawing soung on the bottom of the boat?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Curses! We're on a boat! You can't railroad on a boat!
Nick (Stinky Pete): But, now it'll be easier for what's-his-face to want to rob us
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You hear a sound like a something tears large chunks of wood off the top of the boat. Then it becomes very quiet. The gnawing sound goes away.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): right, and now we can't get away
Captain Katsumoto: That is...unfortunate.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): now we can't just destroy his boat, we have to take it
Sailor: Sir, we have six dead and fourteen injured.
Captain Katsumoto: Well, in a day or so the current will drag us back to Shan Fan, so not all is lost, we have plenty of provisions to survive this.
Xiu Li goes around healing the injured.
Stumpy the Sailor: Excuse me miss, I heard learned the error of my ways, will you reattach my hand?
Xiu Li: Okay.
Zach Dallas: how helpful!
Zach Dallas: I wish I could do that
Captain Katsumoto: Well this has been a most inauspicious start to the day...
Zach Dallas: I imagine it will be much, much more fun later on
Zach Dallas: that thing just imobilized us
Stinky Pete: Yes. Yes it did
Captain Katsumoto: Indeed. Most unfortunate, usually the water spirits of the Maze only attack boats when an offering tainted by evil is thrown overboard.
Captain Katsumoto: But I made sure to make the proper offerings when leaving port...hmmm....
Zach Dallas: Wait, what do you mean?
Zach Dallas: What is this "offering"?
Captain Katsumoto: There are water monsters, the natives of this region call them "Nature Spirits" and say they fight the "Manitous." When a boat leaves Shan Fan we are supposed to make an offering that is not tainted by "manitous" so that the "Nature Spirits" bless our voyage.
TADM: So the real question is....where is Weematai when you need her?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): is he doing "air quotes" around every word in quotes?
TADM: Yes, yes he is. He clearly thinks there is some "hookum" in Native American beliefs.
[w] Stinky Pete -> Zach Dallas: Oops.
GM: Uriel wakes up and finds himself in the hold of a ship.
[w] Zach Dallas -> Stinky Pete: I'd throw you overboard, but that would just bring the squid back
Nick (Stinky Pete): Why is the ship holding him? It should let him go
[w] Stinky Pete -> Zach Dallas: Good point. Think we could fix it if we threw Uriel overboard?
Uriel Iscariot: Now whats all this about funky nature spirits? I say to you, the only thing keeping you safe on this ship is the will of your Heavenly Father, and you best not anger him by offering to false gods and demons!
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 14]
Zach Dallas: 6 people died
Zach Dallas: 14 are injured
Uriel Iscariot: He hath smote Leviathan, and thus the seas are made safe by him.
Stinky Pete: Like by trying to convert to Judaism, Uriel?
Uriel Iscariot: what foul sorcery doth thy know of such exploits!
Sailor: Ironclad off the port bow!
Captain Katsumoto: It's the Abysmal!
Zach Dallas: Oooh! This'll be fun
Zach Dallas: Do you think we have enough firepower to take it?
Captain Katsumoto: We have no ability to move and they outrange us.
Zach Dallas: Hm. Curses.
Captain Katsumoto: Our best bet would be to surrender and bribe them.
[w] Zach Dallas -> Stinky Pete: OK, Pete, your job is to....
Stinky Pete: Gonna be hard keeping your plan afloat, Zach. Because I'm getting a sinking feeling
Zach Dallas: OHO
Zach Dallas: That would be quite useful
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): wait wait wait
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): when I used Change on the dynamite, does it count as "tainted with manitou"?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): so if we dump it off the side of THEIR boat...
Uriel Iscariot: think we should bow out then, Stinky Pete??
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): :3
GM: No.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): curses
Stinky Pete imagines seeing Ackbar swim up, pop his head above water to say "It's a Tarp!", then swim away again
Ezekial Ikwiano has been awarded a benny
TADM: That is so hideous, it deserves a reward.
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): The Abyssmal: Steam Vents? etc?
Captain Katsumoto: Run up the white flag.
GM: The Abysmal is a large Ironclad.
Sailor raises white flag.
GM: The large ironclad steams up close. The guns are brought to bear on the Empress Risako.
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM Any Chance I could use a strong enough Windstorm to dump some water down its steamstacks?
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: Sure...
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [1d12+2 = 7]
Captain Katsumoto: Okay, the Abysmal never takes prisoners, so we pretend to surrender, let her get close, then run out the guns and dump chain shot on her crew as they come out to the deck to board us.
Captain Katsumoto: Anyone who objects to this plan should probably jump overboard now.
Uriel Iscariot: I object to the use of violence. We should leave our fates to God.
Zach Dallas: Do you think a crate full of dynamite would blow that thing up from within?
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [1d12+2 = 4]
Captain Katsumoto: Probably
Zach Dallas: Because I have one of those
Uriel Iscariot: Ezekial Ikwiano, thy maker calleth you to turn thy swords to plowshares
Xiu Li: I object to the use of violence also.
GM: Umm...Zeke is nowhere to be seen.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Not to mention a crate full of crazy black man.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): *pssst* Zeke is in the box
Stinky Pete: Do you object to dying? Because that's what will happen if you don't use violence
Sailor: So, according to your religion, God is named Ezekial Ikwiano?
Zach Dallas: nonono, thy maker is calling him
Zach Dallas: so at best that would be another name for Jesus
Uriel Iscariot: What he said.
GM: As the Abysmal steams close, a number of crew, including several Chinese Ogres and a woman with a large red scar on her face come out to look at the Empress Risako.
Zach Dallas: Anyways, we don't have much of a choice now. We're going to have to either kill them through actions or these sailors through inaction
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 11]
Red Petals Su: Prepare to be boarded!
GM: Notice checks for Pete, Zach, and Uriel
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 2]
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [Critical failure!] [1d8+2 = 3]
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [1d8+2 = 12]
Zach Dallas: Notice [Critical failure!] [1d4 = 1]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 2]
[w] -> Stinky Pete: The woman on the boat is the same one who attacked Hellstromme's train before the Battle of Lost Angels, she was leading the Iron Dragon attack. She did not have a scar last time...
Red Petals Su: Notice [1d6 = 8]
Red Petals Su: Hmm...
Stinky Pete waits for some sort of signal or sign
Red Petals Su points at Stinky Pete.
Red Petals Su: YOU BASTARD!
Captain Katsumoto ducks for cover.
GM: Agility checks for everyone on deck.
Stinky Pete: Agility [1d8 = 6]
Uriel Iscariot: Agility [1d4 = 6]
Zach Dallas: Agility [1d10 = 5]
GM: [4d6 = 20]
Uriel Iscariot: Smarts [1d6 = 7]
Uriel Iscariot: [1d6 = 3]
GM: A wall of ghost-rock filled grape shot rakes the top of the Empress Risako. Damage has been issued to everyone.
Xiu Li: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 8]
Red Petals Su: Kill them! Keep firing until there is no movement, then board the ship and tear out all their hearts!
Red Petals Su points at Stinky Pete.
Red Petals Su: Bring me that one's head!
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: I poke my head out from the inside of the crate and look around the hold while this is going on
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d4 = 6]
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: I am looking for anything that could be used as a grapling hook
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You see several crewman rolling cannons out gun ports. They fire them at the ironclad you glimpse through the gunports. On an unrelated note, you see several things that look like grappling hooks.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: In that case, I am going to hop out of the crate, grabe a grappling hook, tie it to my rope and yell at one of the gun crews
GM: From below decks, the gunports on the Empress Risako flap open and the gun crews unleash a similarly devestating hail of grape shot into the crew of the Abysmal.
Red Petals Su dives for cover.
GM: [4d6 = 26]
GM: The Empress Risako seems to have better gunners though...
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: we're not gonna win this fair and sqaure, get this line over there and we'll do some real damage
Stinky Pete: goes for head shot on Red Petals, since combat started without initiative
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You are correct.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: And then indicate to them that I intend to board the emeny ship from below decks using the grapling hook fired out of a cannon
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Zach Dallas
Nick (Stinky Pete): n/m
Xiu Li was dealt a Queen of Diamonds.
Xiu Li holds action.
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: They are perfectly content to launch your grappling hook and load it this round.
Red Petals Su is using a benny
Red Petals Su: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: Alrighty then, let me know how that turns out whenever it happens
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal for Deflection
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d8 = 14]
Zach Dallas: Old friend of yours, Pete?
Zach Dallas: She seems to have something against ya
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Pair of Queens, and a Joker that could get you a straight if it came up as a 6, 9, or an Ace.
Stinky Pete: She looks kinda like the chick from that thar battle we done saw at Lost Angels
Stinky Pete: My guess, she's the head of the Iron Dragons. Or something
[w] Zach Dallas: nah, I'll take the pair
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12-1 = 3]
Nick (Stinky Pete): afk need refreshment
Stinky Pete
Nick (Stinky Pete): after my action
Stinky Pete: head shot
Stinky Pete: Spirit [1d12 = 6]
Stinky Pete: now head shot
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Medium Range -2, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d6-6 = 2]
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): 1337 GAMBLORE
Red Petals Su: Fire the grappling cannons! Board that ship and kill them all!
Red Petals Su casts Healing on herself.
Red Petals Su: AB: Healing [1d6 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano
Nick (Stinky Pete): now afk. i'll be quick
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: If the little chinese crewmembers have fired that hook yet I will act, otherwise I am on hold till they do it
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: The gun crew fires your grappling hook and rope over, it smacks onto the ironclad and latches on.
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: So act away...
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: I don;t know how long the rope is, but I assume one round will get me across assuming a good roll?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility (Acrobat +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility (Acrobat +2) [1d12+2 = 4]
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: that is for crossing the rope towards the enemy ship
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You get about halfway across the rope between the two ships. Fortunately the Abysmal crew seems to have the same idea so both boats are getting closer together every second.
Hsing-Nu: Celestial Flying Fist!
Hsing-Nu: Vigor [1d6 = 19]
GM: Oh dear...
Hsing-Nu: Eagle Claw damage [2d6+4 = 28]
GM: Fortunately, a red shirt sailor takes that one...and explodes as a bolt of energy flies from Hsing-Nu's fist, across the water between the two ships, and tears through him.
Captain Katsumoto: looks like he was low on fiber, given the intestinal debris that just splattered me.
GM: Uriel's turn.
Uriel Iscariot: Spirit [1d12 = 6]
Maze Rat fires grapple cannons and runs winch lines to pull the boats together.
Stinky Pete: Good thing he wasn't, or something would be "bound up" to happen
Stinky Pete: And then it would have been a real shitstorm
Ogre Sorcerer casts Deflection and Boost Trait: Fighting.
Chinese Ogres activate "Berserk"
Martial Artists gets ready to board.
Uriel Iscariot
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Uriel Iscariot was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Uriel Iscariot
Xiu Li was dealt a Seven of Diamonds.
Xiu Li was dealt a Six of Clubs.
Xiu Li was dealt a Six of Spades.
Xiu Li was dealt a Eight of Diamonds.
Xiu Li was dealt a Seven of Clubs.
Xiu Li was dealt a Jack of Diamonds.
Uriel Iscariot: Notice (Battle Damage! -1) [1d6-1 = 2]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Notice (Battle Damage! -1) [1d6-1 = 2]
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Looking for the viewport of the Ironclad.
GM: The viewport and bridge are pretty obvious.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Can I see the person(s) responsible for steering it?
GM: They are in the middle of the ship, right behind the giant cannons.
GM: You cannot see the person piloting the ship, he is nicely protected by lots of metal.
Uriel Iscariot: Quickness on self
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} +2 (Battle Damage! -1, Second Tier Power -2) [1d12-1 = 4]
Uriel Iscariot: Puppet on a mook near Red Petals
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} +2 (Second Tier Power -2) [1d12 = 10]
GM: You have successfully gained control of a mook.
Nick (Stinky Pete): she has no mooks. just chibis
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM Push her into the water bro
Maze Rat: Strength [1d6 = 2]
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: I tried sir.
Ogre Sorcerer flies over to the Empress Risako and casts Blast on a group of sailors.
Sailor: OWWW!! It burns!
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: head shot on Hsing-Nu
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Medium Range -2, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d8-6 = 1]
Xiu Li holds action.
Ezekial Ikwiano
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: I am going to continue along the rope, and once I get close to the enemy ship I am going to attempt to leap onto the gun deck through one of the open gun ports
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: let me know what rolls I need to make
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: Make 2 agility and 1 fighting roll.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility (Acrobat +2) [1d12+2 = 12]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: (3) Bo (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: (3) Bo (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2) [1d12+2 = 12]
GM: Roll damage
Ezekial Ikwiano: (3) Bo (Club) damage [2d10 = 2]
Zach Dallas
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: I am below deck now though right?
GM: Zeke has successfully boarded the enemy ship and is below deck.
Ezekial Ikwiano climbs across one of the myriad ropes tying the two ships together, and leaps through one of the open gun ports into the hold of the enemy ship.
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal for Blast. 4pp for EXTR4 BIG!
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Straight or 2 pair.
[w] Zach Dallas: Straight, definitely
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 3]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 5]
Zach Dallas: Blast 4 damage [2d6 = 3]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Awww
GM: That was an impressive explosion, they all take cover but take no additional damage.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Talk about shock and awwww
Hsing-Nu: Agility [1d6 = 19]
Hsing-Nu: Flying Death Fist!
Xiu Li: Thousand Palm Strike!
Xiu Li: (and I win, because I have Quickness + Improved First Strike)
Hsing-Nu: Bitch
Xiu Li: Fighting [1d10 = 13]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 24]
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): squish....
Hsing-Nu flies backwards, smashes into a gun port, bounces off a cannon, and lies motionless below deck about 10' from Zeke.
Xiu Li makes "Come get some" gesture to everyone on the Absymal.
Chinese Ogre #2 runs downstairs to find out what the commotion is.
Red Petals Su: Little girl, I will slaughter you.
Xiu Li laughs.
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Xiu Li was dealt a Jack of Spades.
Chinese Ogre: Fighting [1d6 = 10]
Chinese Ogre: Massive Polearm damage [2d8+2 = 7]
Chinese Ogre pokes Uriel with a spear.
Chinese Ogre: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 7]
Xiu Li: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Chinese Ogre: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 7]
Chinese Ogre runs up to Xiu Li and misses.
Xiu Li punches Chinese Ogre back, for no damage.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): (Casual Request for a refresh on the map)
Chinese Ogre #2 runs downstairs and moves closer to Zeke, but is unable to attack this round.
Maze Rat: Maze Rat: Shooting [1d6 = 11]
Maze Rat: Colt Thunderer damage [Raise] [3d6 = 9]
Maze Rat shoots Zeke and makes him Shaken.
Maze Rat: Shooting [1d6 = 5]
Hsing-Nu: Spirit [1d12+2 = 5]
Hsing-Nu recovers but is unable to perform an action this round.
Zach Dallas
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): HOLD!
Captain Katsumoto draws katana and charges at the Chinese Ogre Sorcerer.
Captain Katsumoto: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Captain Katsumoto: Fire the explosive shells into their gun ports!
Sailor: Yes captain!
Ezekial Ikwiano: I disagree!
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Yay! No more range penalties! Your death has now been guaranteed!!
Nick (Stinky Pete): Red petals again
Stinky Pete: Shooting ( -1, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d8-5 = -3]
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Stinky Pete: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
GM: Roll damage.
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [2d8 = 4]
GM: Stinky Pete's bullet bounces off the armor of the Chinese Ogre.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): =***\
Xiu Li: Thigh Squeeze Neck Breaking Scary Triple Combo That Makes Teenage Boys Excited About Death Attack!
Xiu Li: Fighting [1d10 = 9]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [Raise] [3d8+2 = 22]
Chinese Ogre #3 dies with a smile on his face. It takes three hours for the plastic surgeons to remove his smile.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Ezekial Ikwiano: both barrels on the ogre
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 9]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (2) Bo (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Shotguns +2, Called Shot (Head) -4, +2) [1d6+4 = 13]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (2) Luke [1d12 = 7]
Ogre Sorcerer: Say Hello to your Christian God, little man!
Ogre Sorcerer: Fighting [1d10 = 8]
Ogre Sorcerer: Spiked Gloves damage [2d6+2 = 13]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (2) Bo damage [4d6+4 = 33]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (2) Luke damage [4d6+4 = 28]
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): DOUBLE TAP
Chinese Ogre #2's head explodes, quite gruesomely and impressively.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Intimidation [1d6 = 5]
Ogre Sorcerer sweeps down, aiming a lethal spear blow into Uriel's chest.
Captain Katsumoto parries aside the blow that would have killed Uriel.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Is visibly shaken at the close encounter.
Red Petals Su: Throwing [1d10 = 11]
Red Petals Su: Shuriken damage [2d8+2 = 10]
Red Petals Su hurls several shuriken at Stinky Pete.
GM: Pete is perforated by Shuriken, being Shaken and taking a wound.
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot: Spirit (Battle Damage! -1) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-1 = 4]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Godspeed on Zach Dallas
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} +2 (Battle Damage! -1, Second Tier Power -4) [1d6-3 = 4]
Uriel Iscariot: Stun
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} +2 (Novice Power -2) [1d12 = 6]
Ogre Sorcerer: Vigor [1d10 = 7]
Chinese Ogre: Vigor [1d12 = 9]
Chinese Ogre: DURRR!
Ogre Sorcerer: Your feeble powers are no match for my skills!
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal, going for 4pp with 3d6 damage
[w] -> Zach Dallas: 2 pair
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 7]
Zach Dallas: Blast 4 damage [3d6 = 7]
GM: Zach destroys part of the deck of the Empress Risako.
Round 4
Dealing cards...
Xiu Li was dealt a Seven of Hearts.
Xiu Li was dealt a Five of Clubs.
Xiu Li was dealt a Seven of Spades.
Xiu Li was dealt a Ace of Spades.
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal again
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): aiming at the Ogre Sorcerer's head
[w] -> Zach Dallas: 3 of a kind
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 9]
Zach Dallas: Blast 4 damage [3d6 = 10]
Red Petals Su: Agility [1d10 = 8]
Xiu Li: Fighting [1] [1d10 = 4]
Xiu Li: Fighting [2] [1d6 = 4]
Xiu Li: Fighting [3] [1d10 = 9]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 5]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 14]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 23]
Xiu Li throws the people nearest her overboard.
Chinese Ogre: Fighting [1d8 = 7]
Chinese Ogre waves spear menacingly at Pete...
Chinese Ogre: Fighting [1d8 = 4]
Chinese Ogre: Massive Polearm damage [2d8+2 = 10]
Chinese Ogre stabs obnoxious card throwing man with big pointy spear.
GM: Zach is Shaken and takes a wound.
Stinky Pete
Chinese Ogre: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
GM: Scratch that, he was Shaken and became unshaken instead of attacking.
GM: So Zach takes no damage.
Stinky Pete: shooting ogre 1
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Called Shot (Head) -4, +2) [Critical failure!] [1d8-2 = -1]
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Stinky Pete: Shooting [1d6-2 = 7]
GM: You succeed in shooting the Ogre in the head.
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [2d8+4 = 13]
GM: It topples over dead.
Nick (Stinky Pete): and since i forgot i was shaken
Stinky Pete: Spirit [1d12 = 5]
Ogre Sorcerer: Spirit [1d6 = 15]
Ogre Sorcerer: COWER BEFORE ME!
Ogre Sorcerer: Intimidation [1d8 = 5]
GM: Smarts check for Zach and Uriel.
Uriel Iscariot: Smarts [1d6 = 15]
GM: Uriel is filled with the power of the LORD and is not scared.
Xiu Li: Fighting [1d6 = 7]
Uriel Iscariot: No amount of trickery can fool those graced by the LORD
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 10]
Uriel Iscariot: Tis your meager powers, barterd from Azazel, that will do nothing this day!
Hsing-Nu: Fighting [1d12 = 5]
Hsing-Nu is using a benny
Hsing-Nu: Fighting [1d12 = 22]
Hsing-Nu: Eagle Claw damage [Raise] [3d6+4 = 26]
Hsing-Nu pummels Zeke into a gooey nasty pulpy mess.
GM: That would be five wounds.
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Vigor [1d12 = 9]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Vigor [1d12 = 8]
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot: Taunt [1d6 = 4]
Ogre Sorcerer: Smarts [1d6 = 9]
Uriel Iscariot: Foolish Ogre Sorceror! No blow can pierce the armor of faith, no foul enchantment turn my mind from goodness
Ogre Sorcerer: Silly man, the only thing keeping you alive is the invisible man who keeps parrying my blows.
Captain Katsumoto: Don't forget the leech effect I am having on your spell casting powers!
Ogre Sorcerer: The what?
Ogre Sorcerer falls to the ground as his spells wear off.
Ogre Sorcerer: OUCH!
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM if I have the mook, can he start cutting ropes and other grapples?
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: Absolutely, would you like him to have been doing that the last two rounds also?
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} +2 (Second Tier Power -4, Battle Damage! -1) [1d12-3 = 7]
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM well no casue there were still people on deck then, and I would not like to get some poor dude killed.
Uriel Iscariot: Godspeed Self
Red Petals Su: Fighting [1d10 = 4]
Red Petals Su: You foiled my attack and let Hellstromme win the Rail Wars! For that you die!
[w] Zach Dallas: I wonder what would happen if I get one of them with my Dead Man's Hand...
Red Petals Su punches viciously at Pete, but does nothing impressive.
Xiu Li: work for Hellstromme?
Xiu Li looks suspiciously at Stinky Pete.
Stinky Pete: That was a long time ago. Things change
Zach Dallas
Stinky Pete: A lifetime ago, it seems.
Zach Dallas: Like hell. He captured us and had us detained. These idiots attacked the prison car first
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d6 = 4]
Xiu Li: Smarts [1d6 = 3]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): removes one of his gloves and pockets it
Stinky Pete: I didn't say we did it willingly.
Xiu Li seems convinced by Zach's explanation.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): ...
Uriel Iscariot: Bloodshed begets bloodshed...when will his children learn peace?
Zach Dallas gun out with my left hand
Zach Dallas: Fighting [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: You hit the Ogre Sorcerer lying on the ground.
GM: He is grapplied, and starts screaming in pain.
Ogre Sorcerer is using a benny
Ogre Sorcerer: Strength [1d12+2 = 8]
Ogre Sorcerer: Fighting [1d10 = 4]
Ogre Sorcerer rolls free of Zach's hand, trails of smoke come from his skin where Zach touched him.
Ogre Sorcerer: What in the Hells is that!
Zach Dallas: What, this?
Zach Dallas: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 5]
GM: You miss the grapple attempt, but he backs away from you.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d4 = 3]
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: looking around the room to see where the loading powder is
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d8 = 12]
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You see several barrels of powder stacked in the middle of the room.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: in that case, I will be shooting with bo, Frenzy clubbing with luke, and throwing my lit cigar at the powder
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: So I will be taking a =2 multiaction on the whole shebang
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: carry on
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, -2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: (3) Luke (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, -2) [1d12 = 9]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: (3) Luke (Club) [1d6 = 8]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d6 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d12 = 7]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (3) Luke (Club) damage [2d10 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (3) Luke (Club) damage [2d10 = 10]
Ezekial Ikwiano fires a shot wildly past Hsing Nu's head, while striking him twice with his other weapon and throwing a still burning cigar into the ship's stock of reloading powder.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Awesome!
GM: Hsing-Nu staggers backwards, shaken by the onslaught of blows. He recovers just enough to yell, "NO!" as Zeke's cigar hits the powder barrels in the Abysmal's hold.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Nope.
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Maze Rat was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
Hsing-Nu was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Xiu Li was dealt a Nine of Diamonds.
Xiu Li was dealt a Three of Hearts.
Xiu Li was dealt a Ten of Diamonds.
Maze Rat: Shooting (Joker +2) [1d6+2 = 4]
Maze Rat: Shooting (Joker +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Hsing-Nu: Spirit +2 (Joker +2) [1d6+4 = 8]
Nick (Stinky Pete): It's kinda hard to be railroaded when you blow up the train. Or in this case, the ship
Hsing-Nu dives out the gunport.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Ezekial Ikwiano dives out of the gunport and grasps for one of the boarding ropes.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility (Acrobat +2) [1d12+2 = 11]
Ezekial Ikwiano slices through the rope with his dagger and swings back to the friendly ship.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: Marlinespike [1d12 = 7]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Marlinespike damage [2d10+1 = 5]
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Called Shot (Head) -4, -2) [1d8-6 = 6]
GM: You manage to hit her in the head.
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [2d8+4 = 11]
Red Petals Su is using a benny
Red Petals Su: Vigor [1d6 = 4]
Red Petals Su is using a benny
Red Petals Su: Vigor [1d8 = 3]
Red Petals Su backflaps away from danger, avoiding the worst of the shot, but is still dazed by the close proximity gun blast.
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot: Action 1 : smite on my Shotgun
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} +2 (Novice Power -2, Battle Damage! -1) [1d12-1 = 14]
Uriel Iscariot: And then Walk towards the Sorceror
GM: Uriel's shotgun begins to glow with HEAVENLY power!
Uriel Iscariot: Action 2: Walk Closer. Smite Time.
Uriel Iscariot: Shooting (Battle Damage! -1, Double-Tap +1, Shotgun +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Uriel Iscariot: 2x Barrel Shotg damage (Smite +4) [3d6+4 = 22]
Ogre Sorcerer is using a benny
Ogre Sorcerer: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
GM: Awww....
Ogre Sorcerer: Curse my bad benny luck!
Ogre Sorcerer topples forward and collapses to the ground, quite dead.
Xiu Li: Nice shot.
Uriel Iscariot: Sorry bro. It happens. In other news, wallow, for your hour of judgement before the LORD hath come!
Uriel Iscariot: Witness all! This is where wretchedness and sin will lead thee!
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 9]
Uriel Iscariot: Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Martial Artist: This is bad! We need to retreat!
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): This'll be fun in 2 turns
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 4]
Martial Artist: Martial Artist: Martial Arts damage [1d8 = 3]
Martial Artist: Wait! You idiot by the grappling cannons! What are you doing?
Maze Rat: Chopping all the lines, like the LORD ALMIGHTY told me to do!
Martial Artist: Huh?
Chinese Ogre: Fighting [1d8 = 4]
Chinese Ogre: Massive Polearm damage [2d8+2 = 8]
Zach Dallas: Oh, great, it's contagious
Chinese Ogre rams sharp pointy spear into Zach, but only succeeds in making him Shaken.
Zach Dallas
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d8 = 7]
Zach Dallas: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
GM: You miss.
Red Petals Su: Spirit [1d10 = 9]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): curses
Red Petals Su: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Red Petals Su: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 8]
Red Petals Su punches Uriel and Zach, making them both Shaken.
Round 6
Dealing cards...
Uriel Iscariot was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Uriel Iscariot
Xiu Li was dealt a King of Clubs.
Captain Katsumoto: Fire the repelling guns!
Sailor: Aye aye sir!
Uriel Iscariot: Spirit (Joker! +2, Battle Damage! -1) [1d12+1 = 11]
With a heave, the Empress Risako lurches to one side and the gulf between the Risako and the Absymal widens greatly.
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 2]
Uriel Iscariot: Run towards teh side and try to find a rope to save the mook
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 11]
Captain Katsumoto stabs the Ogre.
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Uriel Iscariot: If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by.
Uriel Iscariot: motions to the halpless mook
Stinky Pete
Nick (Stinky Pete): wash. rinse. slaughter
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Called Shot (Head) -4, -2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-6 = -4]
Nick (Stinky Pete): awwww :(
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Oh....lawd.
GM: Roll damage...
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [2d8 = 8]
GM: Stinky shoots at Red Petals Su, who dodges to one side. The bullet tears off the bottom of Zach's left ear.
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I am not taking that sort of abuse
GM: Nevermind, Zach dodges also.
Xiu Li runs over and begins hauling up the line that Zeke is hanging onto.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Xiu Li: Strength [1d6 = 14]
Xiu Li ....and manages to pull Zeke all the way up to the deck with amazing speed and strength.
GM: Make an Agility check to hang on...
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility (Acrobat +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 4]
GM: Zeke barely hangs on as the rope gets hauled onto the deck of the ship. He is shocked to see a 90lb, 18 year old Chinese girl standing there...since he was certain a steam engine was pulling him up the side of the ship.
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): Ive just been saved! What vision of loveliness awaits when i am pulled up from....
Xiu Li: You are insane, I find that kind of attractive.
Xiu Li looks at Zeke.
Ezekial Ikwiano charges across the deck, leaping over the indeterminate obstacle, and tackles Su while frenzying away with Bo
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting [1d12 = 13]
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: these are non-lethal blows if possible by the way
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: gut shots
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: (3) Bo (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, -2) [1d12 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fighting: (3) Bo (Club) [1d12 = 5]
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: Sure, all fighting attacks with bludgeoning weapons can be non-lethal.
GM: Those both miss.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): what about the tackle
GM: You do succeed in tackling her to the ground though.
Zach Dallas
[w] Zach Dallas: going Multiaction. Deal for Detect Arcana, I want to see if she has anything active
[w] Zach Dallas: other action will either be DMH or going after a mook
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Shiny, a Full house, Aces and Kings.
[w] Zach Dallas: so, she have any spells active?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: And yes, she has the following active: Smite, Deflection, Armor, and a REALLY POWERFUL BLAST SPELL!
Zach Dallas: Fighting [1d6 = 3]
Zach Dallas: She's gonna explode!
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [1d8+2 = 7]
Zach Dallas: She's got Smite, Deflection, Armor, and a Blast lined up!
Quorteth (Uriel Iscariot): well given this party, assuming something ISN'T about to explode is just silly....
Red Petals Su: Forgive me master Kang, for I have failed you.
Captain Katsumoto: Oh shit!
Sailor dives for cover.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Only thing that doesn't explode when we want it to is the dice
The Abysmal explodes.
Red Petals Su explodes.
The Empress Risako explodes.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): TPK
GM: This strikes me as a great place for a cliffhanger.
Stinky Pete has been awarded a benny
GM: Bonus Benny for Nick for figuring out what was going on.
Campaign saved.