Chat log started at 27.3.2011 / 18:09:00

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): whew, sorry about that.
Zach Dallas: how do I get into Vent?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): use the new IP?
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): put new ip in vent. its auto magic. Default port.
TADM: Okay, has everyone brought their "A-Game" and high dice rolls tonight?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): yup
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Now, to kill the party in advance...
Nick (Stinky Pete): Probably not, but I'll roll with it. Roll with the punches, as it were.
[w] Zach Dallas -> Uriel Iscariot: Do you happen to have a Blessed Cloth, Holy Water, a Sactified Altar and kerosene?
[w] Uriel Iscariot -> Zach Dallas: No. But I do have info for ya from last session
The Sturgeon steams on as fast as Captain Fong can push it along. The need for this becomes evident on the third day, when a large flotilla comes up behind the Sturgeon.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I'm assuming we will probably be occupied with the attack on Shan Fan
[w] Zach Dallas -> Uriel Iscariot: OK, I can stall with those, but I'll need them eventually...why is your portrait an indian?
The race is on, as the Flotilla of Kang's Ships burns forward toward Shan Fan, with the Sturgeon staying just out of gun range.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): yay sturgeon!
It is March 15, 1880. The Ides of March.
Captain Fong: This trip is getting...interesting.
Zach Dallas: That it is
Zach Dallas: By the way, Zeke, do you have any spare money on you by chance?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Define "spare."
Zach Dallas: Of the Spanish Doubloon variety
Zach Dallas smiles
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [Critical failure!] [1d4 = 1]
Zach Dallas: Smarts [1d6 = 14]
Ezekial Ikwiano: No.
Zach Dallas: Notice {--1 One Eye} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-1 = 1]
[w] Uriel Iscariot -> Zach Dallas: Grey has the Amulet of Rashimir. She is going to use this for some sort of horrible calamity, and bringing someone back from the dead?
[w] Zach Dallas -> Uriel Iscariot: are you unsure about that?
Zach Dallas: Hmmm
Zach Dallas: OK, well that bodes well
Barring any party-induced TPKs, the Sturgeon sails back into Shan Fan harbor.
Zach Dallas: Now, you mentioned that Tam works for Grey, right?
Ezekial Ikwiano: So she says
GM: And I'll keep up the narrative when everyone is ready.
Ezekial Ikwiano: She prolly just usin' him to weaken Kang an Kwan though
Zach Dallas rolls his eyes
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I'm ready whenever
Zach Dallas: That's my thought
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Ok.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'm ready. We don't have the kerosene or holy items that I would need anyways
TADM: Zach's looking for holy items...makes you wonder what happened in his miniquest...
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Zach is always trying to end the world somehow
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Occult {+2 Honey Vial} [1d6+2 = 7]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I didn't have quite the treasure trove that I thought I did.
Captain Fong: All ashore! The Sturgeon is heading out to deep water and trying to get a few of Kang's boats to follow us.
Xiu Li and the women get off the boat.
Zach Dallas: Wait, are we abandoning ship?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Tam dun promised us this boat, don't get it sunk
Stinky Pete: Close enough for me. We have other work to do.
Zach Dallas laughs
Ezekial Ikwiano disembarks the sturgeon
Zach Dallas rushes off
Stinky Pete also disembarks
Uriel Iscariot jumps off the side, and trys to walk on water to the shore.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d12 = 10]
Captain Fong: I have no intention of dying today, thanks for your concern, Zeke.
Ezekial Ikwiano grabs Uriel before he falls into the water.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Strength [1d12 = 11]
Ezekial Ikwiano hauls him onto the dock.
Ezekial Ikwiano: You outa yo mind?
Uriel Iscariot: Nope. Are you?
Zach Dallas: You asking a rhetorical question?
Ezekial Ikwiano lights a cigar, holds it out in the air, and whistles for his horse.
Uriel Iscariot: I never ask senseless questions.
Stinky Pete: Since when?
Captain Fong directs the Sturgeon back out to sea.
Ezekial Ikwiano: We better tell Tam about the attack
Zeke's horse gallops up, sits on his ass, then lights up a cigar.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): how close are we to Shan Fan?
Ezekial Ikwiano hops on his horse.
You are on the docks in Shan Fan.
Ezekial Ikwiano: C'mon, we better get a move on
Zeke's horse waits for a command.
Uriel Iscariot: May the LORD allow the sailors a safe voyage, that they may return home, Amen.
Ezekial Ikwiano spurs his horse and rides for Tam's estate.
Zeke's horse remains motionless.
Ezekial Ikwiano holds the lit cigar in front of his horse's face.
Zeke's Horse whinnies.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): lol
Ezekial Ikwiano: You get it when we get there boy
Uriel Iscariot: Is that any way to treat a Horse?
Zeke's Horse legs are trembling uncontrollably. He sits back down.
Ezekial Ikwiano give the horse the cigar.
Zach Dallas: There's several things wrong with that statement, gospel sharp
Stinky Pete: Huh. Must be drunk.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Get a move on lazy, we in a hurry
Zach Dallas: More like completely stricken with fear
Zeke's Horse whinnies and shakes head negatively.
Uriel Iscariot walks up to the horse and places a hand on its head.
Uriel Iscariot: Succor.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): on the horse?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): no, on your cigar
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Yep.
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 2 Power -4) [1d12-1 = 10]
Zach Dallas: Uh, that horse is going to explode if it goes in that direction
Zeke's Horse blows some smoke rings out its ass.
Zach Dallas: Literally, explode
Zach Dallas: Like a bomb
Zach Dallas backs away
Ezekial Ikwiano: Smarts [1d6 = 7]
Zach Dallas: And trust me, you don't want a stick of dynamite blowing up in your sleave. Personal experience
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 20]
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): What the hell is up with the horse.
Zach Dallas: I suspect it's the horseshoes
Ezekial Ikwiano leaps off the horse and moves clear.
Uriel sees the SECOND COMING!
Stinky Pete slowly backs away
That and Uriel suspects that Zach is right, as the horseshoes on the horse are exhibiting all sorts of bad mojo that a Priest can sense.
Zach Dallas Not joker mojo, though, so it's out of my area of expertise
Uriel Iscariot: Yep. Just as I suspected. Corrupted right down to his souls.
GM: So is the group walking to Tam's place?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): yeah
The streets of Shan Fan bustle like normal, you suspect these people are unaware that Kwan and Kang are about to descend on this place and flatten it to the ground.
The group arrives at Tam's estate without interruption and are escorted into the compound and given an audience with the big man immediately.
Tam's Translator: Welcome back, what have you discovered?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Kang and Kwan is comin to attack you, good luck
Tam's Translator looks pale.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): by the way, the last time Tam was speaking with us directly. Was it actually him talking or was he being translated for?
Tam's Translator: Did you say Kang AND Kwan?
Ezekial Ikwiano: They men already outside the city walls, and they boats on the way
TADM: The last time he talked with you directly.
Tam's Translator looks like he is about to crap himself.
Tam's Translator translates to Tam.
Zach Dallas: lol
Big Ears Tam also looks like he is about to crap himself.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): that last sentence got me
Big Ears Tam says something in Mandarin.
Tam's Translator: My lord thanks you for your information, you are free to go.
Stinky Pete: Aren't you going to need our help?
Big Ears Tam stands up and hurries out of the room without another word or gesture.
Zach Dallas: I would like to ask you a question, translator, sir
Zach Dallas: Have you ever met a Cynthia Grey?
Zach Dallas: Smarts [1d12 = 9]
Tam's Translator: Stealth [1d6 = 10]
Tam's Translator: No, I have never met the woman you speak of.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Too bad, she's a good time waitin' to happen
Zach Dallas: Uh, she's technically dead
Tam's Translator: Most European women are too large for me, and claim that I am undersized.
Tam's Translator looks unhappy with that concept.
Ezekial Ikwiano: But she's like wuna them spiders, the ones that eat they men after they done with em
Tam's Translator nods at Zeke.
Tam's Translator: I have heard that of European women as well.
Zach Dallas laughs
Ezekial Ikwiano: Xiu Li aint exactly a delicate flower waitin' to be plucked, we ain't the only ones with crazy "kick your shit in" women
Tam's Translator: You are dismissed, should my lord Tam need your assistance he will contact you. In the mean time, remain safe.
Zach Dallas: Well, I suppose there's not much more for us to do. Is there anything you think Tam wants us to do that might actually make a difference?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): or not
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): because that answers my question
Tam's Translator: Oh, summon the Union Army? That would be good.
Uriel Iscariot: THE UNION ARMY?
Ezekial Ikwiano: We could prolly manage that actually
Ezekial Ikwiano: if you give us a couple days
Tam's Translator: Or the Confederates...either one would be good.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I think we're technically wanted by both....
Ezekial Ikwiano: If theys one thing I know how to do, it's how to get armed men to chase me wherever I want
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): that was the point
Zach Dallas: 1) How long do you think it would take Kang and Kwan to capture the city?
Tam's Translator: Both of them combined? Hours
Ezekial Ikwiano: So much for that plan, where's Weemetai at?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): where's the nearest union/confederate force? days away?
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 9]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Hopefully summoning cavalry, but with our luck she was actually Grey all along
GM: Sacramento is about three days away, that would be the closest large garrison for either group.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): and the enemy is about to arrive in an hour?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): and one of them can control evil spirits
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'm out of tricks, guys
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): How bout we blow up the city?
Just as Zach has that thought, there is the distant thunder of a cannon barrage. It seems that Kwan's army has arrived and is attacking the southern edge of Shan Fan.
Tam's Translator looks pale.
Uriel Iscariot: Well, we have magic face gel. Why don't we infiltrate?
Tam's Translator: This place is not safe, as it will be heavily bombarded - I recommend you leave now.
Ezekial Ikwiano: I agree
Stinky Pete: Oh great. Party's startin already, and we didn't even make any snacks
Zach Dallas: Take care
Uriel Iscariot Flees!
Zach Dallas follows
Stinky Pete also follows
Zach Dallas: OK: Pete and I can't go up against Kwan himself
Zach Dallas: You two probably good, but it may be better just to focus on Kang
Zach Dallas: The problem is we don't know where they are
Stinky Pete: Well, was a nice town while it lasted. Guess we'll just have to find ourselves a new one
Zach Dallas: and I REALLY don't want to run into Kwan
Ezekial Ikwiano: Wait, when did runnin' away stop bein' the plan?
Zach Dallas: Are you going to run away and not get paid then?
Ezekial Ikwiano: We already been paid
Ezekial Ikwiano: He gave us the boat
Zach Dallas: With what whores?
Zach Dallas: You mean that boat that was probably shot down by Kang?
Ezekial Ikwiano: I say we take it and head north
Zach Dallas: It's not here
Zach Dallas: We'd have to get past Kang to get to it
Zach Dallas: Plus, the only thing north of worth is....nothing? Bears, maybe
Ezekial Ikwiano: Bears I'm ok with
Ezekial Ikwiano: A bear I can kill
Ezekial Ikwiano: Two armies? I ain't got enough bullets.
Uriel Iscariot: I....don't think running is very...just.
Zach Dallas: We can't stand up against two armies, but we have one army here right now
Zach Dallas: And all we need to do is pierce through to Kang or Kwan
Zach Dallas: Do you remember which was supposed to attack Tam personally?
Uriel Iscariot: well thats not all that difficul.
Uriel Iscariot: why dont we just take out Kang' armada from within?
Zach Dallas: Actually, let's go to the Sunrise hotel. We need to speak with Smythe about this first
Ezekial Ikwiano: I just had an idea
Uriel Iscariot: Here - 'ere'z da plan git'z. Wesa gon'na dive unda da bay real deep like Den Zach's gonna stick some dynamite to that git's pretty ships
Ezekial Ikwiano: Some white guy named Joshua Norton is sposed to tale over Shan Fan, an he looks almost exactly like Smythe
Ezekial Ikwiano: A little of that disguise gel and no one, not even Norton's momma, could tell em apart
Nick (Stinky Pete): brb need food
Uriel Iscariot: dat'z a 'eck of a plan, but de'res no boomy in it!
Uriel Iscariot: bring on da boomy!
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): BRB internet issues
Zach Dallas: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Zach Dallas stares at Zeke
Ezekial Ikwiano stares at Zach Dallas.
Zach Dallas: You're rather naive for being a giant death machine
Zach Dallas: Or is it optimism?
Ezekial Ikwiano: You the one who wants to commit suicide-by-army
Zach Dallas: Anyway, we should go make sure that the "Smythe" there is still the right person
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: By the way, smythe and Norton are not the same person
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: they just look very similar, but not identical
Stinky Pete: Agreed
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: just close enough that I figure we could make it work
Stinky Pete: Personally, I think we should leave the town and let Kwan and Kang kill each other off. Eventually, one will want all of the city and force both sides to fight until no one's left
[w] Zach Dallas -> Ezekial Ikwiano: How well did you roll on your Notice check?
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: really, really well
[w] Zach Dallas -> Ezekial Ikwiano: Do you think it was an act to trick you? If Grey was working with them, they could have staged it
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: Grey is clearly working, but the attack is clearly real
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: she is the one who (ultimately) sent us there in the first place
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: and Kang was not surprised in the least when he mistook me for her after I overheard their plans
Uriel Iscariot: so what did you git'z decide on?
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano -> Zach Dallas: she's probably just trying to bring us into the power struggle with Kang and Kwan on her side
[w] Zach Dallas -> Ezekial Ikwiano: She's trying to consolidate her power
Uriel Iscariot: GOD SAVE SMYTHE!
Uriel Iscariot: GO GOGO!
Kwan's army pushes into Stinktown after securing "The Skids." Kang's armada secures the Bay. The group arrives at a...large smoking crater that used to be the Sunrise Hotel.
Uriel Iscariot: ....
Seriously, it looks like all the cannons in Kwan's army targeted the Sunrise Hotel on the first salvo.
Stinky Pete: Huh. Well, there goes the neighborhood.
Ezekial Ikwiano: So back to plan A then?
Stinky Pete: Run like hell out of the city? Good plan
Ezekial Ikwiano: My thoughts exactly
Uriel Iscariot: ...
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Where was the vault?
Uriel Iscariot: You people have no sense of duty.
Uriel Iscariot: We could cripple this assault and end the suffering of thousands
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Good thinking, we can do some quick pillaging before we leave.
TADM: In the ruins of the Explorer's Lodge, a little down the road towards Red Lantern Town.
Uriel Iscariot: No one wants to try a little cloak and dagger and take one of the so called warlords out?
Zach Dallas: Let's try one more place: The explorer's vault
Zach Dallas: First off we could find some awesome loot
Ezekial Ikwiano: Good thinking, we can do some quick pillaging before we leave.
Zach Dallas points to Pete and Zeke
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 5]
Zach Dallas: second, we could find something to help us take out a warlord or to
Ezekial Ikwiano looks for some horses to steal.
Ezekial Ikwiano: to what?
GM: The horses have all long since bolted for safer ground.
Zach Dallas points to Uriel
Uriel Iscariot: Or, even better, use that magic cream to pose as men from one force, and attack the other - then sit back and watch them turn in upon each other.
Ezekial Ikwiano looks for some Chinese kids to put saddles on.
GM: The Chinese kids are all running for the hills where it is safer.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): LOL That would greatly amuse me
GM: As are the Chinese women, Chinese men, and anyone that catches Zeke's eye.
Uriel Iscariot: But I don't think the cream will give us uniforms. Were...gonna need to steal a bit me thinks.
Stinky Pete: Or, we could just wait a couple months/days/whatever, since that will likely happen anyway
Zach Dallas: How many doses of that stuff do we have?
GM: Enough for 8 applications, according to the Engrish Insrucshuns.
TADM: Which may, or may not, be trustworthy.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): you mean apprications, dont you?
TADM: Possibly.
TADM: So, off to the Explorer's Lodge?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): To the vault!
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Just like Fallout
TADM: Excellent!
TADM: Fallout was highly amusing.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): lol
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): let's make a repeat
You arrive at the ruins of the Explorer's Lodge. A great many things happen all at once.
TADM: (POLL) Narrative Battle First?
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Zach Dallas: Hey, why don't we get Tam's force to start donning Kwan's clothes? As well as an extra bit, like a large piece of red or something, to tell them apart if you know what to look for
Narrative of the Battle of Heavenly Park (up to a certain point)
Ezekial Ikwiano: I think Tam's forces are about to be horribly corpsified
Uriel Iscariot: I have a feeling like he'd have been all ears to that plan if we proposed it earlier.
The group discovers that the Explorer's Lodge sits on a hill that provides a great overlook of Heavenly Park. You arrive just in time to see Kwan's forces surge out of Stinktown and head north into the park. Big Ears Tam's forces occupy the houses on the opposite side and open fire.
Kang's armada steams closer, a swirling battle erupts in the bay as some of Tam's forces try to stop Kang's troops from disembarking.
Stinky Pete: Hmmm a large force needed to surge out of Stinktown. How appropriate.
It looks like Tam's forces are outnumbered about 2:1, even without Kang's army.
Uriel Iscariot: Something tells me that were gonna want to grey out what happens next.
Things degenerate rapidly when it looks like 1/3 of Tam's forces defect to Kwan's side as soon as Kwan's troops reach halfway across Heavenly Park.
Kang's troops start to disembark in large numbers over on the waterfront as his armada silences the small opposition. Your one relief is that the Sturgeon does indeed make it out to sea and survives the battle.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Guess we should have stayed aboard
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): nah, we wouldn't get loot, then
Kang's forces push up quickly and take up position at the edge of the Waterfront.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): any sign of the rest of our whoremada?
TADM: Just a minute. =)
You see hundreds of residents of Shan Fan, monks, a number of attractive women, and a motley assortment of people rushing through the streets TOWARDS the battle. Evidently the monks and common folk of Shan Fan have decided to defend Tam.
TADM: The whoremada has entered the battle.
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): lol
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): If they were Spanish they would be the "Invincible Whoremada"
TADM: And wiped out by English Semen?
Nick (Stinky Pete): Shots to the face there
And then a trumpet calls, a strange lilting melody that drowns out all other noise. The battle seems to pause for a minute.
Then, at the far end of Heavenly Park, thousands of spectral figures appear.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I prefer strumpet calls to trumpet calls
GM: Smarts checks
Stinky Pete: Smarts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Smarts [1d6 = 13]
Zach Dallas: Smarts [1d12 = 10]
Uriel Iscariot: Smarts [1d6 = 9]
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Stinky Pete: Smarts [1d10 = 6]
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Occult {+2 Honey Vial} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 13]
It looks like a couple thousand Han Dynasty Chinese just arrived.
They surge across the battlefield towards Kwan's army. As they do this, Kang's army opens up on Kwan's men and the traitors within Tam's army.
Ezekial Ikwiano: This explains why Kang and Grey was so friendly
Zach Dallas: What?
Zach Dallas: How were they friendly?
Zach Dallas: Also, they did our plan for us
Warlord Kwan's force disintegrates in the space of a few minutes.
Stinky Pete: Wow. That was Chine-easy
GM: ...To Be Continued after we figure out what is happening at the Explorer's Lodge.
The group arrives at the Explorer's Lodge as the battle rages in the distance. There is the sound of gun fire and you hear Smythe yelling something. It looks like a large number of Kwan's men are attacking the Lodge.
[w] Zach Dallas: Detect is up!
Captain Smythe: Stiff upper lip Dillenger old chap! Think of this as the battle of Islandlwana!
Dillenger: Didn't all the Brits die there?
Ezekial Ikwiano charges Kwan's men while shouting:
Ezekial Ikwiano: You lost today chinamen, run while you can!
Ezekial Ikwiano: Intimidation [Critical failure!] [1d6 = 1]
Captain Smythe: BAH! I only regret that I have one life to give for my country!
Dillenger: That's an American saying!
Ezekial Ikwiano: Fuck the honored dead, I wanna be honored and alive
Captain Smythe: Oh! Hello there chaps! We have to keep them from getting to the Vault.
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Ezekial Ikwiano was dealt the Jack of Clubs and the Black Joker .
Ezekial Ikwiano uses the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
Kwan Warrior was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Ah, long time since we had an RvB quote.
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 1]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 15]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 2]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 2]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [6] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [7] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [8] [1d6 = 1]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [9] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [10] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [11] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [12] [1d6 = 9]
Kwan Warrior: D4 [1d4 = 2]
Ezekial Ikwiano: firing on 9 and 10
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo (Joker +2, Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Medium Range -2) [1d12+2 = 13]
Kwan Warrior: Colt Thunderer damage [Raise] [3d6 = 12]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke (Medium Range -2, Joker +2, Imp. Trademark Weapon +2) [1d12+2 = 16]
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): SMACKDOWN!
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [3d6 = 11]
Dillenger is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Luke damage [3d6+2 = 12]
Dillenger: Vigor [1d6 = 10]
The hail of bullets flies through the air. For a second it looks like Dillenger is fatally injured, but he is just stunned. Zeke then guns down a couple.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Dillenger: Shooting [1d8 = 3]
Zach Dallas
[w] Zach Dallas: what does Detect Arcana get me?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: The Martial Artists, Ogres, Big Pul, and Little Pul are all very magical.
Zach Dallas: Heads up, the marked ones are highly magical!
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 14]
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 17]
Zach Dallas rolls over and ducks behind the house. He whips a card out from his sleave and it bursts into green flames shortly before he launches it at some of Kwan's soldier
Zach Dallas: The explosion leaves little remaining
Big Pul: Begone defiler!
Big Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d12 = 6]
[w] Zach Dallas: magic resistance save me!
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): one more pul an we'd have an um
[w] Zach Dallas: Deflect is coming up next turn...
A stream of black knives (they look just like the one that gave Zach a DMH) flies through the air and smashes into Zeke.
Big Pul: [3d6 = 16]
TADM: Zeke takes Shaken + 2 wounds. I recommend Bennies.
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Vigor [1d10 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Vigor [1d10 = 14]
GM: Zeke acrobatically dodges.
[w] Zach Dallas: how do those trigger on the Detect Arcana scale?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: They do not show up at all.
Ogre Sorceror flies forward to their and slams to the ground. A shimmering wall of force appears in front of him.
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Marksman +2, Called Shot (Head) -4, +1) [1d10-1 = 7]
GM: That hits.
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [2d8 = 9]
GM: He appears to be stunned, but otherwise unhurt.
Xiu Li: AB: Quickness [1d10 = 4]
Xiu Li: AB: Armor [1d8 = 10]
Xiu Li: AB: Deflection [1d8 = 4]
Stinky Pete: Damn.
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Shooting [1d8 = 5]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 9]
Uriel Iscariot
Captain Smythe shoots one of Kwan's men, who falls over.
Uriel Iscariot: Godspeed Self
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 2 Power -4) [1d6-1 = 3]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 2 Power -4) [1d12-1 = 8]
Uriel Iscariot: Shooting (Big Target! +1, Shotgun! +2) [1d6+3 = 13]
[w] Zach Dallas: are Dillenger and Smythe magical as well?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Yes
Uriel Iscariot: 2x Barrel Shotg damage [3d6 = 14]
Uriel's shotgun blast seems to have no appreciable effect.
Little Pul casts Quickness on himself.
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d12 = 23]
GM: And evidently multiple other people...
Little Pul: Servants of the Chumash, rise up to fight for your people!
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d6 = 4]
Little Pul: Spirit {+2 Strong-Willed} [1d12+2 = 13]
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Spirit check
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): DIE MAC! DIE!
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d8 = 3]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d6 = 16]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): fuck you, dice
The DMH wraps around Zach's neck and squeezes for a second, then returns to Zach's control.
Little Pul laughs as he looks at Zach.
Zach Dallas: That was odd. Last time that happened to me I was posessed by Grey
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Ezekial Ikwiano was dealt the Six of Hearts and the Nine of Hearts .
Ezekial Ikwiano uses the Nine of Hearts.
[w] Zach Dallas: I have +2 Arcane resistance, did I even need to reroll?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Yes
Stinky Pete: Glad you finally have a good grip on the situation, Zach
Zach Dallas: Shut up, I've got no clue why you didn't have to roll
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): probably because we don't have hands that are "servants of the chumash"
Zach Dallas: Hello, good sir. Would you like a card?
Ogre Sorceror flies to their and swings his polearm in a wide circle, flames shoot out of it and strike everyone around him.
Ogre Sorceror: Fighting [1d10 = 6]
Ogre Sorceror: Flaming Polearm damage [2d6+2 = 15]
[w] Zach Dallas: resistance?
That would be Shaken + 1 wound to Zach, Shaken + 2 wounds to Pete, Shaken +2 wounds to Uriel, Xiu Li dodges.
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Vigor [1d6 = 4]
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Stinky Pete: Vigor [1d8 = 6]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Vigor [1d6 = 11]
Little Pul: Summon forth the power of Earth and devour our foes!
GM: Agility check for Zeke
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 11]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Agility [1d6 = 7]
Zeke and Smythe keep their feet at the ground beneath them rolls and shakes.
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot: Spirit [1d12 = 4]
GM: Oh fine.
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Am no longer shaken. Pass.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): lol
Little Pul fires Chumash black arrow at Smythe.
Little Pul: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Little Pul: Bow damage [2d6 = 5]
Captain Smythe dodges the black arrow, which hits the ground behind him.
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 2]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [6] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [7] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [8] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [9] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [10] [1d6 = 1]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [11] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior open fire, shoot a lot, miss a whole lot more.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Ezekial Ikwiano fires Bo (shotgun) at veteran marshal artist and then fans the hammer on Luke at Ogre.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (2) Bo (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Shotguns +2, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d12+2 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (2) Bo damage [4d6+4 = 21]
Martial Artist, Veteran is using a benny
Martial Artist, Veteran: Vigor [1d6 = 4]
Martial Artist, Veteran is using a benny
Martial Artist, Veteran: Vigor [1d8 = 7]
Martial Artist, Veteran turns into a fine red mist from the waist up.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Size +1, Fanning the Hammer -4 [1]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Size +1, Fanning the Hammer -4 -1, +2) [1d12+1 = 12]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke [1d12+1 = 12]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke [1d6+1 = 10]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke [1d12+1 = 8]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke [1d12+1 = 3]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Luke damage [2d6 = 9]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Luke damage [3d6 = 11]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Luke damage [3d6 = 10]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Luke damage [3d6 = 6]
Ogre is using a benny
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): lotsa numbers.
Ogre: Vigor [1d10 = 18]
The ogre staggers backwards until the hail of lead and seems completely dazed by the onslaught.
Zach Dallas
Xiu Li: Agility [1d10 = 8]
Xiu Li: AB: Smite [1d6 = 8]
Xiu Li: Fighting [1d10 = 9]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+6 = 13]
Xiu Li is using a benny
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+6 = 27]
Ogre Sorceror is using a benny
Ogre Sorceror: Vigor [1d6 = 9]
Xiu Li somersaults backwards through the air and lands on the Ogre sorcerer's shoulders, she begins squeezing with her thighs and her fists glow a bright blue just before she punches through his skull and tears his tongue out from the top.
GM: Fear checks.
Uriel Iscariot: Guts {+4 Heroic} [1d6+4 = 15]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Guts {+4 Grit} [1d8+4 = 17]
Stinky Pete: Guts {+2 True Grit(S),+4 Heroic} +6 (Called Shot (Head) -4, Big Bullseye +1, Marksman +2) [1d8+5 = 11]
Zach Dallas: Guts {+6 Legendary/True Grit} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+6 = 9]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): fear level?
GM: Okay, none of you are Shaken by the horrifed display of Xiu Li slaughtering the hapless Ogre Sorcerer. The current Fear Level is 5.
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Thats quite the brutal girl...
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Spirit [1d6 = 4]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Shooting [1d6 = 11]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 4]
Big Pul: American Slave! Throw off your shackles and join us!
Big Pul: Papa Rattlesnake: Spirit {+2 Strong-Willed} [1d12+2 = 8]
GM: Spirit check from Zeke
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d8 = 7]
GM: Nom benny to avoid Zeke changing sides?
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): sure.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d6 = 4]
Zach Dallas: nom for Zeke
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d6 = 7]
Nick (Stinky Pete): nom
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d8 = 9]
GM: Zeke stays on the same side as the rest of the PCs.
Big Pul looks very aggravated.
Dillenger throws a molotov cocktail into a group of enemies.
Dillenger: Throwing [1d6 = 5]
Dillenger: [3d6 = 8]
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Ezekial Ikwiano was dealt the Ace of Hearts and the Ace of Clubs .
Ezekial Ikwiano uses the Ace of Hearts.
Ezekial Ikwiano fires a shot from Luke at Big Pul and fans the hammer at Ogre again
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Medium Range -2) [1d6+2 = 5]
GM: That misses Big Pul
Ezekial Ikwiano: Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Size +1, Fanning the Hammer -4 [1]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo [1d12 = 14]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo [1d12+1 = 11]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo [1d6+1 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo [1d12+1 = 17]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo [1d12+1 = 8]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo [1d12+1 = 17]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [2d6 = 15]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Luke damage [2d6 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [3d6 = 16]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [3d6 = 9]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [3d6 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [3d6 = 12]
Ogre drops in a hail of bullets.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Zach Dallas: Oooh, ace-high move, Zeke, I'm impressed
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Here.
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 1]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 2]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 10]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [6] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [7] [1d6 = 2]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [8] [1d6 = 11]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [9] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [10] [1d6 = 3]
GM: D8 [1d8 = 6]
GM: D8 [1d8 = 1]
Kwan Warrior: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 7]
Kwan Warrior: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 10]
GM: Smythe and Xiu Li are both hit and Shaken by the hail of bullets.
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Spirit [1d10 = 7]
Campaign saved.
Little Pul summons a flock of ravens to peck out Zeke's eyes.
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d12 = 6]
Little Pul: Flock attack damage [2d6 = 3]
GM: Evidently Zeke brought his bird repellant.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): It's called horrible smell
Little Pul casts Terrifying Aura on Zeke.
Little Pul: Intimidation {+2 Strong-Willed,+6 Reputation} [1d12+8 = 10]
GM: Spirit check for Zeke or become Shaken. (He don't roll well enough to cause the other effect.)
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d8 = 4]
GM: You pass
Big Pul casts "Scorpion Swarm" as a two action spell.
Big Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d6 = 5]
Big Pul: [4d6 = 34]
GM: Agility check for half damage for everyone under the template.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility (Acrobat +2) [1d6+2 = 12]
Zach Dallas: Agility [1d6 = 9]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Agility [1d6 = 7]
GM: Zeke is Shaken, Zach and Smythe are Shaken + 1 Wound.
[w] Zach Dallas: also, I have both Deflect and Protection Against Cuteness
GM: Zach is Shaken, Smythe is Shaken + 1 Wound.
Captain Smythe is using a benny
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Vigor [1d6 = 3]
Zach Dallas: the birds don't seem quite as able to hit Zach as they do Smythe
Captain Smythe prefers to spend the benny and not get the wound with Posion side effects.
Zach Dallas
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d6 = 3]
Uriel Iscariot
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): fml
Uriel Iscariot Quicken on Xi
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Battle Damage! -1, Rank 2 Power -4) [1d6-2 = 5]
GM: She already has it.
GM: Please pick a different target
Uriel Iscariot Action #2
Uriel Iscariot Same on Smythe.
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 2 Power -4, Battle Damage! -1) [1d6-2 = 9]
Captain Smythe is speeded up.
Uriel Iscariot's Quicken runs out this turn.
Xiu Li: Spirit [1d6 = 20]
Dillenger: Shooting [1d8 = 7]
Dillenger: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 7]
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: On lil Pul
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Medium Range -2, Marksman +2, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d8-4 = 2]
GM: That misses
Stinky Pete: The dice hate me, I swear
Martial Artist, Veteran #2: Fighting [1d6 = 4]
Round 4
Dealing cards...
Ezekial Ikwiano was dealt the Six of Diamonds and the Three of Hearts .
Ezekial Ikwiano uses the Six of Diamonds.
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 5]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 11]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 11]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [6] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [7] [1d6 = 4]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [8] [1d6 = 7]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [9] [1d6 = 11]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [10] [1d6 = 1]
Kwan Warrior: Shooting [11] [1d6 = 3]
Kwan Warrior: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 7]
Kwan Warrior: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 6]
Kwan Warrior: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 7]
GM: D6 [1d6 = 1]
GM: D6 [1d6 = 1]
GM: D6 [1d6 = 2]
The Kwan warriors focus on shooting Xiu Li, who has moved to stand out in the open. Somehow these guys can't hit her.
Big Pul: Brother! KILL HER! KILL HER NOW!
Big Pul hurls two streams of Black Daggers at her.
Big Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d12 = 21]
Big Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d12 = 9]
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): NOOOOO!!!!
GM: Hmm...
Big Pul: [4d6 = 16]
Big Pul: [3d6 = 19]
Xiu Li is using a benny
Xiu Li: Vigor [1d8 = 7]
Xiu Li is using a benny
Xiu Li: Vigor [1d8 = 3]
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I'll nom benny if needed
Xiu Li: Vigor [1d6 = 3]
Xiu Li staggers to one side as tendrils of black smoke rise from her skin as the black knives lacerate her in several spots.
Martial Artist, Veteran #2: Fighting [1d10 = 5]
Dillenger: I SAY! No hitting a woman!
Dillenger: Shooting [1d8 = 13]
GM: Hmmm....
Dillenger: Colt Thunderer damage [Raise] [3d6 = 14]
Big Pul is using a benny
Big Pul: Vigor [1d10 = 14]
Big Pul dodges as Dillenger's headshot takes out a chunk of the building behind him.
Little Pul casts Terrifying Aura on Xiu Li.
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d12 = 3]
Xiu Li ignores it.
Little Pul casts Puppet Master on Xiu Li.
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [1d6 = 9]
Little Pul: Spirit {+2 Strong-Willed} [1d12+2 = 13]
Xiu Li: Spirit [1d10 = 5]
Xiu Li drops to the ground.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Ezekial Ikwiano: [1d6 = 5]
Ezekial Ikwiano fires with both revolvers at Big Pul.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d12 = 8]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Luke [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
GM: One hit
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [2d6 = 2]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Shooting [1d8 = 7]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): lol
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 8]
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot Quicken Self
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 2 Power -4, Battle Damage! -1) [1d12-2 = 8]
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 1 Power -2, Battle Damage! -1) [1d12 = 22]
Kwan Warrior: Vigor [1] [1d6 = 8]
Kwan Warrior: Vigor [2] [1d6 = 2]
Kwan Warrior: Vigor [3] [1d6 = 1]
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Marksman +2, Wound Penalty -1) [1d10+1 = 10]
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [Raise] [3d8 = 12]
Martial Artist, Veteran #2 is using a benny
Martial Artist, Veteran #2: Vigor [1d8 = 14]
Zach Dallas
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d6 = 11]
Zach Dallas finishes off shooting the scorpions that were swarming him. He ducks out and throws a green cards at the pair of mooks
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 12]
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Big Pul was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
Ezekial Ikwiano was dealt the Black Joker and the Seven of Spades.
Ezekial Ikwiano uses the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): action 2!
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12-2 = 3]
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 7]
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Oh no! Looks like a WHAMMY!
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): shut it, you
Big Pul: Spirit {+2 Strong-Willed} [1d6+2 = 19]
Big Pul: Run Black Man! Come closer and your death awaits!
Big Pul: Intimidation {+2 Strong-Willed,+6 Reputation} [1d12+8 = 12]
GM: Smarts check from Zeke
Ezekial Ikwiano: Smarts (Joker +2) [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: Zeke is not scared of him.
Big Pul draws his black knife.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Zach Dallas: Don't let that thing hit you
Zach Dallas: Can't heal those
Ezekial Ikwiano gives Big Pul both barrels
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (1) Bo (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Joker +2) [1d12+4 = 9]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (2) Luke (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Shotguns +2, Joker +2, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d12+2 = 13]
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): ouch....
GM: Those both hit, the second one is a raise to the head.
Ezekial Ikwiano: (1) Bo damage [2d6 = 14]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (2) Luke damage [4d6+4 = 16]
Big Pul is using a benny
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Ouch.
Big Pul: Vigor [1d10 = 2]
Big Pul is using a benny
Big Pul: Vigor [1d10 = 4]
Big Pul falls over dead, his black knife stabs into his chest and his body begins to melt.
Little Pul: NOOOO!!!!!
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Lol. 2 bennies couldnt save him.
Ezekial Ikwiano: That's what you get fer yer knife-throwin' bullshit
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Vet again
Stinky Pete: Shooting (Wound Penalty -1) [1d10-1 = 18]
Stinky Pete: Winchester '73 damage [Raise] [3d8 = 15]
Martial Artist, Veteran #2 is using a benny
Martial Artist, Veteran #2: Vigor [Critical failure!] [1d8 = 1]
Martial Artist, Veteran #2 falls over dead, the sucking chest wound sort of ruining his day.
Stinky Pete: Finally! My body count has increased!!! There can be only one!!!
Zach Dallas
Nick (Stinky Pete): Wouldn't all chest wounds technically suck?
Nick (Stinky Pete): brb afk
Zach Dallas pulls out an entire hand of cards. The cards slowly light up....
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12-2 = 1]
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d6-2 = 15]
Zach Dallas: ...two of them fizzle out, but the other three finally light and he hurls them towards Little Pul
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 12]
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 6]
Zach Dallas: Blast 2 damage [2d6 = 6]
Little Pul is using a benny
Little Pul: Vigor [1d10 = 7]
Little Pul stands in the middle of the explosions and seems to be unscathed.
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot Action 1
Uriel Iscariot Heal (rank 1, self)
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 1 Power -2, Battle Damage! -1) [1d12 = 5]
Uriel Iscariot BIG HEAL
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 3 Power -6) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-3 = 1]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 3 Power -6) [1d12-3 = 3]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction,+1 GOD IS WITH HIM} +3 (Rank 3 Power -6) [1d12-3 = 7]
Stinky Pete: Bbbbbb Benny and the Jetssssssssssss
Uriel Iscariot: Rise my child! Fear not the Darkness, for thee are the Light!
Xiu Li groans. The black lacerations close and smoke stops coming from her body.
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: Notice check
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 28]
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): ULTIMATE WARRIOR
Stinky Pete: Searches for the extra dice Tack somehow hacked into his sleeve
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [1d10+2 = 9]
Nick (Stinky Pete): Damn. Didn't happen twice
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Occult {+2 Honey Vial} [1d6+2 = 6]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe shoots the bastard.
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Shooting [1d8 = 5]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Colt Thunderer damage [2d6 = 6]
Little Pul: I will not be denied!
Little Pul casts Retributive Strike of the Chumash on Zeke.
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [Critical failure!] [1d12 = 1]
Little Pul is using a benny
Little Pul prefers not to Crit Fail on that roll.
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [Critical failure!] [1d12 = 1]
GM: Hmm....
Little Pul really prefers not to CRIT FAIL on that roll.
Little Pul is using a benny
Little Pul: Tribal Medicine [Critical failure!] [1d12 = 1]
GM: Umm....
Masakari (Uriel Iscariot): Do not taunt the dice....he sorta said he won't be denied and all.
Little Pul begins shouting a complex series of words...and somehow screws it up royally. A large cage that looks like it is made of black smoke surrounds him. It compresses onto him and he explodes in a shower of gore whille screaming, "No, not me!!!! I was faithful!!! KILL THEM!"
[w] Zach Dallas: Manitou?
Xiu Li blinks and wakes up.
[w] Zach Dallas: DA is on
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Oh yeah, he was just pulled into the bowels of Hell.
Xiu Li: Wow, sucks to be him.
Uriel Iscariot: And yet, one reaps what one sows.
Zach Dallas: Oh, shit
Zach Dallas: He just got Puled straight to hell
Stinky Pete: I guess he was really locked into that relationship
Uriel Iscariot: Well, more of a crushing defeat
Stinky Pete: He did seem sorta cagey through that battle
Campaign saved.