Chat log started at 29.7.2012 / 18:46:07

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II. (c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Kazuhiko: So, who is this "Akemi" that has been mentioned?
Masakari (Kuutai): lol and the only good one is full metal panic
Sensei: So you are on the boat...
Captain Ahab: There be the White Whale!
Sensei: ...Wrong captain...
Captain Ahab: But this time I had it!
Kazuhiko: You're probably better at that than Uriel was...
Kuutai bows to Ahab
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Stardate...785.6...
Captain Tora: We have a fine sea and a following wind, King Triton must be happy.
Sensei: GAH!
Sensei: What the Hell is it with ship captains today?
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!!
Captain Tora: Just kidding!
Yukiko sits idly on the railing and watches the waves roll beneath the ship.
Captain Tora: Anyway, we should be at the usual drop point come midnight.
Hida Sashimi: This appears to be a fine vessel. Will we make it past the patrols?
Captain Tora: Oh yes, we have managed to avoid them all so far, I expect no trouble this evening.
Hida Sashimi: Excellent!
Captain Tora bows to Hida.
Captain Tora: It has been an honor to serve. Even if you have some disquieting servants.
Hida Sashimi: Ha tell me about it
Captain Tora subtly indicates Ikuko, Kuutai, and Corpse-Zuki.
Corpse-zuki: I take offense at that
Kuutai: How am I disquieting?
Hida Sashimi: You need to ask?
Kazuhiko: That turtle incident, for one
Kuutai: Yes, I have nice clothes. That makes me respectable.
Corpse-zuki: I'm the least disquieting person here
Kuutai glares at Kazuhiko
Kuutai: What happens with turtles, stays with turtles.
Masakari (Kuutai): You did the same thing when they bailed out the banks. =/
TADM: Yes, but evidently Feneril has blocked that from his memory.
Corpse-zuki: So will we be landing under cover of darkness?
Kazuhiko: And I am fine with that as long as they do not enter my personal Bubble
Nick (Hida Sashimi): I almost want to make a spinoff campaign in this setting, but with 4 kappa named Lee, Mi-ke, Do-na, and Ra-pha (names may change to protect the innocent)
Captain Tora: Of course, the fish we carry typically do not like sunlight when traded at markets in Ikusa Kokoro.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): and to protect from copyright infringement
Captain Tora smiles mischievously.
Kuutai: What kinds would those be? You do DEEP sea trawlin?
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 2]
[TOWER] Corpse-zuki -> Stealth [1d8 = 7]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): mostly because I don't have my l5r book handy for appropriate Japanese names
[TOWER] Corpse-zuki -> Notice [1d6 = 5]
Captain Tora: Indeed, and sometimes DERP sea trawlin of nosy Ikusans.
The boat glides into a small, barely lit dock shortly after midnight. The lights of Tsuyoki can be seen in the distance, perhaps 10 miles distant.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+4 = 8]
Hida Sashimi: One man's fish is another man's bait
Captain Tora: Ah ha! But I am the master of that!
Captain Tora: Oh...wait...
Captain Tora: I don't mean that the way you think I mean it.
[TOWER] Hida Sashimi -> Notice {+1 Def Interest} [1d6+1 = 4]
Corpse-zuki: Are the Ikusans normally this interested in your "fish?"
Corpse-zuki does air quotes
Captain Tora looks at Corpse-zuki.
Captain Tora: I make it a habit to never share interesting information with dead people. Who knows who they talk to?
Corpse-zuki looks at Ikuko
Corpse-zuki whispers to Captain Tora
Corpse-zuki: Good point
Corpse-zuki: She is a mouthy one
Captain Tora: Anyway, here we are, safe and sound as promised!
Kazuhiko: A wise captain indeed
Hida Sashimi: Thank you for the safe journey
Captain Tora: It has been a pleasure all, please walk carefully down the plank.
Hida Sashimi bows
Captain Tora (chuckles): Walk the plank, get it?
Daichi leads Ikuko to shore
Kuutai: Thanks!
Ikuko: Thank you for the passage Captain
Yukiko gets up and walks off the boat.
Ikuko: You have been most agreeable
Captain Tora: Thank you your ladyship, you have been a most pleasant guest.
Captain Tora waves as everyone leaves.
Kazuhiko waves
Captain Tora fist-pumps.
Captain Tora: I LIVED! I transported the PCs and lived!
Hida Sashimi gives him a ryo before departing, in case he hasn't been paid yet
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): You should not sleep in port tonight...
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): or out of port, for that matter
Sensei: Yes, don't get off the boat.
Captain Tora: Aye aye!
Captain Tora disappears from this tale.
Kuutai: Live and let live I say. =)
Kazuhiko: Agreed
Hida Sashimi: Since when?
Corpse-zuki: Since Yakuza smugglers are bad enemies to have
Corpse-zuki: Even Kuutai wouldn't go out of his way to torment them
Corpse-zuki: Now I think we'd be better off if we put some distance between ourselves and the Ikusan stronghold before sun-up.
Daichi: A rare sensible comment from the petty criminal.
Kuutai: Sounds like a plan....
As the group reaches the dock, a number of yakuza thugs is waiting for them. They look at the group and frown, arms crossed. Before anyone can speak a short skinny man, about four feet in height, with blue spiky hair and an incredibly pale complexion steps out from the shadows and gives you a flippant grin.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): we have entered an anime
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): afk a sec
Hida Sashimi: A pleasure to see you again
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d6+1 = 4]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Smarts [1d6 = 9]
The blue haired man looks suspiciously at Hida Sashimi.
Hanno: Name's Hanno, and I don't think we have met to see each other again.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): meh. was worth a shot
Hanno: What brings you to my small section of the world?
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+4 = 7]
Yukiko is staring blankly out at the sea and not paying attention to the conversation around her.
Hida Sashimi: My counterparts and I are looking for a certain item. We will do our best not to stay longer than necessary
Hanno: Well, I am sure I can find you an item, if the coin is right. What is it you are looking for?
[TOWER] Hida Sashimi -> Smarts [1d6 = 3]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Should we tell him?
Masakari (Kuutai): No way.
Feneril (Ikuko): back
Masakari (Kuutai): I dont even know why you told him we were looking for something. We shoulda been wandering.......chefs or soemthing
Masakari (Kuutai): Quiet You!
Ikuko: Well, I could use another bath after that ship voyage. Yukiko is in need of a husband, Hida needs a good meal and the scarecrow needs a heart
Obi-Wan Kenobi waves hand at Hanno.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: These are not the PCs you are looking for.
Hanno: That much is certain, thanks for the suggestion.
Corpse-zuki: And I need another Kasuri-Gama, I seem to have misplaced mine.
Corpse-zuki: Again
Hanno looks at Corpse-zuki.
Hanno sniffs.
Daichi: How many is that you have lost?
Masakari (Kuutai): GMs can have a influence on the weak minded, evidently
Kazuhiko: How do you lose your primary weapon?
Hanno: You have the smell of oni on you. What are you?
Corpse-zuki: Hey! You broke one.
Corpse-zuki: I'm a, uh.. Procurer.. of... things
Corpse-zuki: If you get my meaning
Hanno: Right, and I'm the world's greatest second story man when it comes to geisha houses.
Hanno: But sure, if you are a procurer of things, I'm pretty sure that means you can go procure your own kusari-gama.
Corpse-zuki: You run Geisha houses?
Hanno: No, I keep them in business.
Yakuza Thug snorts to cover a laugh.
Ikuko: So does Kazuki, I imagine that is where all of his coin goes
Yakuza Thug: He actually buys them so he doesn't go broke, cheaper that way.
Daichi laughs
Hanno looks at the Thug.
Hanno: That's enough out of you.
Yakuza Thug: Yes sir! Going to go help unload the ship now sir!
Hida Sashimi: Wow. He's quite the blabbermouth. We didn't even know there was another ship here
Hanno looks at Hida.
Corpse-zuki: I think they mean the ship we just arrived in
Hanno: Because missed the other three docks when you came in?
Corpse-zuki: or not
Hanno: Oh wait, that's right...they don't have lights on them. I forget humans can't see in the dark.
Hanno bows to Hida.
Hanno: No offense meant at your absence of darkvision.
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 7]
Hida Sashimi: None taken
Masakari (Kuutai): Lol? What is Hanno?
Kazuhiko glances at Corpse-zuki
Kuutai: Smarts [1d6 = 5]
Ikuko: While I normally just adore meeting new people, we really should be getting underway. You have been most helpful Hanno.
Ikuko bows
Ikuko: I am sure you are very busy as well
Ikuko: If you could just point us in the direction of the nearest settlement, and preferably away from the Ikusan patrols, we will get out of your most elegant hair.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 11]
Hanno looks suspiciously at Ikuko.
Hanno: Noticed the hair while "blind" eh? Pretty neat trick.
Hida Sashimi: More than likely, she smells your shampoo
Hanno runs a hand through his hair.
Hanno: Ah, good point again sir.
Hanno: But sure, I can help get you to safety, which direction do you want to go in?
Corpse-zuki: I for one would feel a lot better if we could put some distance between us and that Ikusan military base
Ikuko: Perhaps the mountains would be nice this time of year.
Hanno: Sure thing.
Hanno: Do you want to rest a bit and head out in the morning, or leave now? Either one works for me, up to you.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 9]
Corpse-zuki: We should take advantage of the cover of darkness
Masakari (Kuutai): If you snag hair from these folks, we win the game.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Streetwise {+2 Most High, -5 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 13]
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 9]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Wait, is Hanno a seien?
Masakari (Kuutai): you got it now.
Hanno taps foot.
Hanno: So, leaving now? No problem, I'll get one of the lads to escort you out of here.
Kuutai: that would be fantasic!
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): how many thugs does he have around?
Ikuko: You are most kind. Perhaps one day we will meet again one day...
Sensei: Right now, about 4. There are another 10 or so working on loading and unloading the ships.
Masakari (Kuutai): So......get an escort, Drug him, apply haircut?
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Why not just ask?
Hanno gestures to a thug.
Masakari (Kuutai): =****( THUG LIFE
Hanno: Hey, take these people out along the trail that heads into the mountains.
Oki: Yes sir!
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Ikuko could probably get once if she tried
Oki: Come with me folks.
Kuutai follows
Feneril (Ikuko): I was planning on it
Hanno notices Yukiko behind the group and starts giving her "elevator eyes."
Hanno: Nice figure.
Kazuhiko steps between the two of them
Ikuko: Oh, don't be such a prude Kazuhiko
Yukiko: Hmm...I think that is a medium bune...
Ikuko: He is a catch
Yukiko notices Kazuhiko move near her.
Yukiko: What, oh, did I miss something?
Ikuko: Yukiko should be glad to catch his eye.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 15]
Ikuko: If I weren't a married woman, I might fancy him myself.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d6+4 = 8]
Ikuko giggles
Kuutai: Scary....
Yukiko looks at Hanno for the first time.
Yukiko nods to Kazuhiko.
Hanno extends a hand to Yukiko.
Hanno: So, how about we go have some time alone?
Yukiko: Ewww! Don't touch me!
Kazuhiko: Please don't be offended, she's like that to all men
Hanno: Oh, hard to get, I like it!
Yukiko hides behind Hida.
Kuutai: Please don't be offended, hes probably liek that to all women.
Kuutai chuckles
Ikuko grabs Hanno's jacket.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Hida=/=man, hida=mountain
Hanno: Nonsense, I make a point of never having sex with a corpse.
Ikuko: Well aren't you a wild one.
Hanno looks at Ikuko.
Hanno: Unhand me or lose them.
Ikuko release Hanno
Hanno: Thank you.
Ikuko: Not so fast though
Ikuko: Her hand was promised to one of my companions
Ikuko: If you want it, you must give us something in return
Hanno: Hand?
Hanno: Hah!
Kazuhiko: I think you're misreading him, Ikuko
Hanno: There is only one girl whose hand I want, and it is not this one.
Hanno gestures at Hida.
Ikuko: Nevertheless
Hanno: The girl behind him, I want just for the sake of a wild one-night stand.
Ikuko: if you plan to soil the marriage bed, you owe her future husband compensation
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d6+4 = 14]
Ikuko: Isn't that right Kuutai
Ikuko: Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 10]
Feneril (Ikuko): that's on You Kuutai
Kazuhiko chokes and starts coughing
Kuutai: Uh.....I...errr...
Ikuko: It is only civilized
Kazuhiko: I think you're trying to play into this far too much
Ikuko: Silence you
Kuutai: We should be on our way. We are not slavers or pimps.
Ikuko: since when have you ever been a young girl betrothed against your will?
Kazuhiko: Hanno-san, I would like to request one favor, if I may
Yukiko: Since I met this group, thanks for asking!
Hanno: Sure.
Kazuhiko turns from Ikuko to properly face Hanno
Kazuhiko: Would it be possible for us to obtain a small amount of your hair? It's difficult to explain, but the results are definitely in your favor
Ikuko: Well, if you don't want an arranged marriage you'll just have to do what I did and find your husband. One who is strong enough to kill anyone who objects about breaking your arrangement
Kazuhiko: Persuasion {+2 Charisma} [1d4+2 = 4]
Kazuhiko is using a benny
Kazuhiko: Persuasion {+2 Charisma} [1d6+2 = 7]
Yukiko looks at Ikuko.
Kuutai: lol
Kazuhiko bows
Yukiko: You violent rotten woman, I have no interest in leading the vile life you lead!
Hanno claps.
Hanno: Amen to that sister!
Hanno looks at Kazuhiko.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): I like Hanno, can I be part of his club too?
Hanno: Hmm...a piece of my hair?
Kazuhiko: Just a few strands would suffice.
Hanno: Sure, I can part with some, but I have a favor to ask.
Hanno: Quite easy actually.
Kazuhiko: Go ahead
Kazuhiko glances warily at Yukiko
Hanno: See, since we are discussing marriage here, there is a girl I would like to settle down with, and she is perfectly amenable to the plan. Only problem is that her father doesn't approve of my line of work.
Hanno: So, if you could kindly kidnap her and bring her here, then we could live together and I could lose some hair for you.
Ikuko: We would be glad to
Ikuko: As long as she truly is ammenable
Kazuhiko: Can I ask what her name is?
Hanno: Oh, absolutely. You can even ask her, you can even go so far as to make sure that I have not drugged or used magic on her if it fits your sense of honor.
Kuutai: Sounds like a bad plan to me - unless shes the bad girl type and likes tormenting her parents.
Ikuko: All girls like tormenting their parents
Hanno: Her name is Masurao Kaori.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 4]
Hanno: She lives in Tsuyoki.
[TOWER] Hida Sashimi -> Smarts [1d6 = 8]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Smarts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Corpse-zuki: I don't suppose your "fishermen" could get us in and out of the city under the cover of night
Hanno: Anyway, bring her back here and I will gladly part with my hair and send you on your way with every conceivable piece of aid that I can come up with.
Hanno: Sure, if that will help no problem.
Kuutai: I object to this plan on moral grounds.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Have you guys heard of her?
Ikuko: Why? She wants to marry him, what moral objection could you have?
Kuutai: Smarts [1d6 = 5]
Oki: Or I can lead you into the city through the smuggler's tunnels, whichever works for you.
TADM: Morale Objection...he failed a Spirit check.
Masakari (Kuutai): lol
Ikuko: So what if her parents object, parents always object to their daughters' daliances
Corpse-zuki: You would know
Kazuhiko is using a benny
Daichi: Mind your tongue
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d6+1 = 11]
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 13]
Ikuko: Just ask Yukiko about the moral dilemma. I'm sure if someone offered to kidnap her from our company and take her to marry some young love of hers, she would jump at the chance
Corpse-zuki: I think that is ALL your fault
Corpse-zuki: What little moral compass you had seemed to disappear entirely after you met your "husband"
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Where is Tsuyoki again?
Daichi shoots Corpse-zuki a dirty look.
Ikuko: Don't make me regret my decision to keep you around
Corpse-zuki: YOUR decision? Since when has this group ever done things based on your decisions?
Ikuko: Go hide in the bushes or something
Yukiko: Okay, in this situation I would probably agree with Ikuko.
Corpse-zuki (Mumbling): That's not the first time I've heard that...
Daichi gives Corpse-zuki the dirtiest look imaginable
Kazuhiko looks quizzically at corpse-zuki
Corpse-zuki slinks away
TADM: It's a good thing he is dead because the look would have killed him.
Yukiko: Spellcasting +2 [1d12+2 = 8]
Ikuko: See guys. This is a good thing.
Ikuko: Everyone wins
Masakari (Kuutai): on'ly ta weed' out da git'z da't nee'd ta be mo' greeen! WAAAAAGH
Ikuko: Except for Kaori's parents
Ikuko: But they are Ikusans and they live in a military outpose
Ikuko: So I instantly dislike them anyways
Kazuhiko: Yeah, we should probably avoid letting them know who we are
Hida Sashimi: We should be going, then
Hanno: So, boat or tunnels?
Corpse-zuki: I say tunnels
Hida Sashimi: Agreed
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 16]
Daichi: Kuutai, what do you think?
Kazuhiko: I suspect that disguises of some sort would be best as well. If only one of us had a good Persuasion(Disguise) roll....
Hanno: Okay, follow Oki then.
Kuutai: Okay never mind. I agree with this plan.
Daichi: You have been awefully qiet through all of this
Hanno: Best of luck to you, see you soon.
Ikuko: I still have makeup and spare outfits
Hanno waves the group away, giving Yukiko lecherous looks as soon as he can see her.
Ikuko: If we want to disguise ourselves
Feneril (Ikuko): Should I do 1 roll for the group, or six indiviual rolls?
Oki: Okay, come with me, you can disguise in the tunnels where there is more light.
Oki gestures for the group to follow him.
Kuutai obidiently follows Oki
Ikuko: Persuasion (as disguise) {-3 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +1 Defining Interest (Disguise), -6 Blindness, +1 Cultured, +2 Fine Attire, +2 Most High, +2 Charismatic} [1d12+3 = 13]
TADM: One roll for the group is fine.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): We are not enacting a part from FFVII, thank you
Kazuhiko follows
Feneril (Ikuko): Hey now, cloud looked good in that dress
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): nobody looked good in that game's graphics
Oki leads the group into the tunnels and Ikuko mocks up a decent disguise for everyone.
Masakari (Kuutai): If you like people with big boxes, they did.
TADM: The only guy who looked awesome in a box was Solid Snake.
Feneril (Ikuko): I thought the polygon-head look was really good
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): better on that than Star Fox
Feneril (Ikuko): DO A BARRELL ROLL
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Go online and look for the "If ff7 was done on the PS3" teaser trailer. Aeris looked awesome
Feneril (Ikuko): Star Fox was a training manual for Furries
Feneril (Ikuko): Also, a pretty good game
Oki leads the group out into the basement of a sake den. Then he takes you upstairs into the kitchen and leads you out into the city. It is currently about 0200.
Oki: Okay guys, best of luck to you, I'll be waiting here at the sake den.
Oki heads back inside the test out the sake and make sure it is okay.
Ikuko: Which way to Kaori's residence?
Oki: Oh, sorry, forgot you don't live around here.
Oki gestures at the large castle on top of the hill in the middle of the city.
Oki: She's in there.
Corpse-zuki sighs
Corpse-zuki: Of course she is
Kazuhiko looks at the castle as a bolt of lighting lights up the silhouette
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 18]
Kazuhiko: Are there any important events going on soon?
Kazuhiko: Weddings, visits from the Emperor, etc
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): to Oki
Ikuko: I have a plan
Ikuko: But it is difficult to explain
Ikuko: I may be able to get Kaori out of the castle and into the open
Kuutai takes a back seat.
Kazuhiko is convinced this is an older masterpiece of architectural work. The castle is designed to slaughter an invading army by the thousands, and has been reinforced with cannon emplacements. The static discharge from the bolt of lightning glitters around the castle, indicating to Kuutai that there is a huge Void-shield protecting it from hostile magic, teleport powers, etc. Daichi is in awe of the military masterpiece before him, fully expecting that any sort of assault on this castle would take thousands of lives just to secure the barbican. Corpse-zuki is utterly convinced that this place is a death-trap for thieves. Ikuko wants to own a castle like this some day. Hida is certain that he can smell the kitchens from the castle already, and realizes that close to 4000 troops must be stationed inside, so there is probably an army of chefs making food right now.
Ikuko: I am suddenly less confident
Ikuko: But I will try anways
Masakari (Kuutai): I like the personalized Comments.
TADM: How is that for a party-centric description?
Yukiko awards the GM +1 benny.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): That was very nice
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): I'd award you a benny as well, but you're bennies primarily go to our enemies
Oki: They have some sort of party this weekend. Don't know much about it since I don't get invited to such things.
Ikuko: Are there any public areas near the castle?
Ikuko: Somewhere we could get to without too much trouble that is not terribly distant from the castle
Oki: Some parks outside it, with no trees so the archers, gunners, and cannons have clear lines of fire.
Ikuko: one moment
Oki: Oh, and they are well lit at all times, and some sort of thief detection system...
Kazuhiko: OK, so, sneak in with the party
Kazuhiko: Or somehow obtain a pass
Oki: Yeah, and some sort of magic field that makes it painful for creatures not native to Konoyo to enter.
Oki: Which is why I have to go up there, since I'm a normal mug, and Hanno can't get within 1000' of the place.
Corpse-zuki: How do you get there?
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Spirit {+2 vs. Shaken} [1d10+2 = 4]
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Smarts [1d8 = 6]
Kazuhiko: What do you two count as?
Oki: Walk up to the gates?
Kazuhiko glances at Ikuko and corpse-zuki
Ikuko is using a benny
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Spirit {+2 vs. Shaken} [1d10+2 = 11]
Corpse-zuki: I don't see why I would have any problem
Corpse-zuki: As long as I didn't try to sneak anywhere I wasn't supposed to
While the group is talking with Oki and discussing this, Ikuko seems to go into a trance.
Corpse-zuki: Ikuko might be in trouble though
Kazuhiko: Well, this is unfortunate
Kazuhiko: She should've waited for the full explanation
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 11]
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Intimidation {+5 Dealthy Pallor, -2 Blind} [1d8+3 = 8]
Ikuko: I think we should go to that courtyard now
Ikuko: I fancy a strol
Ikuko: Come Daichi.
Ikuko: Won't you all join me?
Ikuko: It is a lovely night
Kuutai joins
Oki: Nope, but thanks for asking.
Corpse-zuki: Well, I guess we could use some scouting
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Kazuhiko: What did you see?
Hida Sashimi: Oh dear. I think I'm fine here.
Corpse-zuki: But shouldn't you be a little careful around the castle?
Yukiko: are doing anything violent or illegal are you?
Ikuko: I asked Kaori to come out and meet us in the courtyard
Kazuhiko: And who overheard that?
Yukiko: Oh, that was convenient of you.
Ikuko: I want to talk to her
Ikuko: face to face
Ikuko: I can go on my own if you prefer to wait here.
Ikuko heads towards the courtyard
Kazuhiko glances at Yukiko
Hida Sashimi: stays to guard their escape route
Daichi follows Ikuko
Corpse-zuki sighs loudly
Yukiko: Well, I'm not sure, but I think we should go with Ikuko just to make sure Kaori is not zombified by her or something.
Kazuhiko nods
Corpse-zuki: One of these days you are going to get me killed.
Corpse-zuki goes along
Kazuhiko: I'd rather not leave you alone in this city
Yukiko: I appreciate that.
Yukiko: Although this city does seem pretty safe compared to others.
Yukiko: At least, the ones Byakko told me about.
Kazuhiko: Ikuko, who suggested this courtyard, you or her?
Ikuko: I chose it
Ikuko: She does not know we will be there
Ikuko: And she will be under guard
Ikuko: So don't do anything brash
Ikuko: I know your noble side has a tendency to get you into trouble
Kazuhiko: Are you coming, Kuutai?
Kuutai: Hrm. I think I should Hide
Kazuhiko: I can't imagine you'll attract more attention than Ikuko
About 20 minutes later the group arrives in a large park that is lit by some sort of magical candles. There is a young girl looking around nervously and whispering something to herself. Behind her are standing 10 very burly looking samurai in heavy armor. They look highly irritated to be out here at night with this young girl who clearly had a nightmare and just needs to go back to sleep.
Ikuko ("to): the group" wait here
Kaori is a skinny, mildly attractive girl with long blond hair and of obvious Ka descent.
Kuutai obeys
Ikuko bows to the girl as she approaches.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 9]
Yukiko sits down on a bench and looks around.
Ikuko: What a pleasant surprise, I wouldn't expect to meet anyone on my walk at this hour
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} (+1 (Etiquette) +1) [1d6+5 = 14]
Hida Sashimi waits for the screams and alarms outside the sake den
Kaori: Oh, hello miss.
Oki to Hida...
Oki: Hey, want some sake, this is pretty good and I hate drinking alone?
Kazuhiko would prefer to wait outside the courtyard and just out of sight
Yukiko is waiting at the edge of the park about 50 yards from Ikuko.
Ikuko: What brings you out here in your nightgown at this hour?
Yukiko is definitely not out of sight though.
Ikuko: Restless dreams?
Kaori looks at her kimono.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Streetwise {+2 Most High, -5 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d6+4 = 7]
Feneril (Ikuko): fine, Kimono then
Kaori: Hmm...I thought this was fashionable this time of year...but I guess for Tetsun weather it could seem like a night gown.
Kaori: But yes, I had a horrible dream that a...friend...of mine was trying to visit me.
Ikuko: The style up north is for a thicker dress, for sure
Ikuko: That doesn't sound so bad, did something happen to your friend?
Bodyguards all tense up and start looking for any sign of Hanno or Yakuza.
Bodyguards begin suspiciously regarding Ikuko.
Kaori: Oh, I hope not.
Ikuko: Well, why don't we say a prayer for your friend's safe travels
Ikuko: I'm sure she'll be alright
Kuutai: I may have to call it for now
Masakari (Kuutai): I may have to call it for now
Ikuko kneels next to Kaori and beckons for her to come and kneel
Masakari (Kuutai): STREETS
'Masakari' disconnected
Kaori: Umm...yes, I'm sure he will be fine, I will go pray for him at the shrine.
Kaori: It has been a pleasure meeting you. I'm Masurao Kaori.
Ikuko: I am most honoroed lady Masurao
Ikuko bows
Kaori bows.
Ikuko: We had just come to town to attend your family's party this weekend
Kaori: Oh, then I look forward to meeting you again.
Ikuko: Sadly, we could not get invitations to the main event, but we will enjoy the festivities in town
Kaori smiles slyly.
Ikuko: So I am afraid we will not get a chance to meet you unless you plan on venturing out to the taverns
Kaori: I have no idea what it is you are suggesting, miss.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Streetwise {+2 Most High, -5 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 13]
Ikuko: We have been making friends at a lovely sake den
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Nice try, trying into guilt-tripping her for invites. Young + royal =/= stupid
Ikuko: Just the most wonderful atmosphere
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Streetwise {+2 Most High, -5 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d6+4 = 9]
Ikuko: This entire town has been a most pleasant place for us
Kaori: Eww, how disgusting to spend time in such a low brow place.
Kaori: Good evening.
Ikuko: What can I say my lady, I am not as noble as you
Kaori walks off.
Ikuko bows to Kaori and her guards as they leave.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Smarts [1d6 = 7]
Ikuko returns to the group.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 14]
Kazuhiko: Good job
Ikuko: I think we should return to our friends
Kazuhiko: Now we just have to wait a few nights
Oki to Hida...
Oki: Isn't thiiisss greatt saaaa key?
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Smarts [1d8 = 7]
Kazuhiko is quietly commenting while pretending to yawn, covering his mouth
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Again, not inside
Oki staggers outside and asks the same question.
Hida Sashimi: If you say so
Hida Sashimi: Notice {+1 Def Interest} [1d6+1 = 6]
Ikuko: We should get back to our friends
Ikuko: We will need to find a place to stay for the next couple of nights
The group arrives back at the sake den. Oki is snoring blissfully just inside the door. Hida is standing guard OUTSIDE.
Ikuko: Hida, anything eventful in our absence?
Kazuhiko: Hm. Way to stand out.
Hida Sashimi: No, thankfully
Kuutai heads back through the smuggler's tunnels when his "Void Onmyoji Sense" tells him that continuing to be in the city is like Luke being on the Imperial Shuttle when it flies past the Executor.
Sensei: Okay, so now what?
Feneril (Ikuko): lie low for a couple of days
Kazuhiko: Do we even want to stay in town
Kazuhiko: I think it's probably not the best idea for you two
Kazuhiko points ot Ikuko and Kazuki
Hida Sashimi: In town: many people. Out of town: fewer people, and more eyes
Kazuhiko: It's not the number of eyes, but the quality of eyes
Hida Sashimi: I don't think we'll be able to get back in as easily if we leave
Oki snores on the floor.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [Critical failure!] [1d6+4 = 5]
Ikuko: I think we should find a room somewhere
Ikuko: it is late and we need sleep
Ikuko goes into the sake den.
Kazuhiko is using a benny
Ikuko: Excuse me terribly, but do you know where we could find a room for a couple of nights?
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Sensei: The sake den is currently closed...the only people in it are Oki and the party.
Ikuko: Daichi, search the Sake den and see if there are any suitable rooms
Daichi: at once
Daichi: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Daichi searches the sake den for a suitable room.
Sensei: Daichi locates some unoccupied rooms in the Sake Den, 3 in total.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): how many occupied rooms?
Sensei: 2 occupied rooms
Ikuko: Very well, Daichi and I can share a room. And get Oki into a bed. No point leaving him on the floor
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+4 = 13]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Corpse-zuki: you know all about getting men into bed
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Stealth {+2 Thief} [1d10+2 = 17]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Stealth {+2 Thief} [1d10+2 = 11]
Daichi: shut up you
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 9]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Daichi carries Oki into one of the unoccupied rooms
Yukiko: how are we doing room arrangements?
Yukiko: Because there is only one medium sized bed in each of these rooms.
Yukiko: And I'm sure Daichi and Ikuko are fine with that...but I'm not.
Ikuko: I don't need a bed, I'm not tired tonight
Nick (Hida Sashimi): We could keep corpse-suki in the closet. he could talk to the other skeletons
Kazuhiko: I also don't need a bed. I've had plenty of experience sleeping on the floor
Ikuko: I think we should let Yukiko and Oki have their own beds
Kazuhiko: Denied
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): scratch that
Ikuko: Yukiko is a gentle soul, and Oki is our benefactor
Yukiko: Thank you Kazuhiko and Ikuko.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): I missed the plural
Yukiko goes to bed and is asleep in about two minutes.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Spirit {+2 vs. Shaken} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 6]
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Intimidation {+5 Dealthy Pallor, -2 Blind} [1d6+3 = 8]
Kazuhiko sleeps in Yukiko's room, but near the door.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 12]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Repair {+2 Thief} [1d6+2 = 7]
Feneril (Ikuko): afk a sec, more drinkys
Okay, the night passes without further incident. Oki wakes up the next morning with a hangover, but everyone else survives the night without further damage.
Sensei: Any requests for the following day?
TADM: The group has 2 days until the party. So speak now or we can FF to there.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): ff
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Smarts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 8]
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Spirit {+2 vs. Shaken} [1d10+2 = 10]
The morning of the party arrives. The city is decked out quite festively. It is a holiday for city workers. Everyone is quite happy and cheery as they wander around chatting and hanging out with friends.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+4 = 7]
Ikuko: Daichi could you bring the others in here?
Daichi: of course.
Oki: I'm off to party, see you all later.
Oki leaves the sake den.
Daichi gathers the others and brings them to Ikuko's room
Hida Sashimi: Wait, how did you get in?
Nick (Hida Sashimi): to Oki
Corpse-zuki: The whole city is a party
Corpse-zuki: If we didn't have work to do I might even celebrate a bit
Daichi: Hmph. That'll be the day...
Ikuko: Enough bickering
Yukiko sees what everyone is up to in Ikuko's room.
Kazuhiko: Also, if you could actually drink
Ikuko: As Kazuki said
Ikuko: we have work to do
Ikuko: Daichi, the map please.
Daichi unrolls a map of the city with several circles drawn on it
Ikuko: Kaori will come out through these gates marked with a circle
Ikuko: She will be disguised as a servant, but she is a Ka so a careful observer will be able to tell her from the others
Hida Sashimi: And how do you know all this?
Ikuko: Daichi and Kazuhiko should be near those gates to see her when she comes out and make sure she is not being followed
Ikuko: Hida and I will be here at this cross mark, in case she is being followed. We can delay them by causing some small distraction
Ikuko: She will return to the Sake Den and Kazuki and Yukiko can lead her into the tunnels where we will all meet up again
Feneril (Ikuko): Then we will watch the fountains at the Bellagio
Feneril (Ikuko): While mournful piano music plays in the background
Kazuhiko: I would like to suggest that Kazuki and I switch rolls.
Ikuko: If you feel it is wise
Corpse-zuki: I am fine with that
Ikuko: Isn't this exciting?
Hida Sashimi: Again, how do you know all this?
Ikuko: I do so love these adventures
Ikuko: That would be difficult to explain Hida
Kazuhiko: I place a 92% chance that all of your messages have been intercepted
Kaori: Persuasion {+4 Charisma} [1d10+4 = 12]
[TOWER] Hida Sashimi -> Streetwise {+2 Merchant (Buy/Sell)} [1d6+2 = 9]
Ikuko: I am not overly concerned. I have faith in Kaori's abilities
Ikuko: She is a most capable young woman
Ikuko: Now, lets get out there. We will only get one shot at this.
TADM: Okay, that was disgusting. Hida -1 Benny.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): For the record, I'm sure I've said worse
TADM: Yes, but that time I was not expecting it.
Ikuko: So what say you? Are you in?
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Even streets paved with gold can turn into sewers
Daichi: Always, my lady
Yukiko: As long as there is no unneeded violence, then yes.
Corpse-zuki: I guess if you are wrong then we don't have anything to lose by going out there and standing around for a while
Ikuko: As long as you remember to keep your disguise on Kazuki, you wouldn't want to be recognized again
Kazuhiko: I doubt anyone would recognize him here
Corpse-zuki: I don;t know, tales of my exploits have probably spread far and wide.
Corpse-zuki: I bet the law in every town from here to Anoyo knows my face.
Corpse-zuki pulls his hood even further over his head.
Ikuko: And what of you Hida? You have been characteristically silent this day.
Kazuhiko: You have no face
Corpse-zuki: What do you mean?
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [Critical failure!] [1d6+4 = 5]
Kazuhiko peers into Kazuki's hood
Corpse-zuki: Hey, look, I'm flattered. But I'm really not into guys...
Corpse-zuki backs away from Kazuhiko
Sensei: Ready for the festivities?
Feneril (Ikuko): All three of me are ready
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): I'm ready
So everyone gets into position and partying happens, life is good, etc., etc.
Sensei: So Notice check from Corpse-Zuki and Daichi.
Corpse-zuki: Notice [1d4 = 9]
Corpse-zuki: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
[TOWER] Corpse-zuki -> Stealth [1d8 = 6]
Okay, Kaori walks right by Daichi and Corpse-Zuki just barely notices her as she sweeps past him in a crowd. She is really good with disguise and Corpse-zuki just BARELY spotted her. (Good thing it double exploded)
Kaori keeps walking at a brisk pace.
Corpse-zuki and Daichi follow at a distance, slowly. Letting her leave them behind. And watch for pursuers following her.
Sensei: Notice checks
Corpse-zuki: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Daichi: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Ikuko: Notice {+2 Ghost Sight, -6 Blind} [1d4-4 = 2]
Hida Sashimi: Notice {+1 Def Interest} [1d6+1 = 5]
Pokuri: Stealth {+2 Thief} [1d12+2 = 11]
As far as everyone can tell, Kaori is not being followed by anyone.
Corpse-zuki Daichi, and Ikuko doubletime it back to the Sake den once they are confident Kaori is not being followed
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Be warned: She is equipped with a tracking device
Kaori arrives at the Sake Den without further incident.
Notice checks again for everyone at the Sake Den.
Kazuhiko: Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 9]
Kazuhiko: Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Hida Sashimi: Notice {+1 Def Interest} [1d6+1 = 8]
Corpse-zuki: Notice [1d4 = 3]
Daichi: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Ikuko: Notice {+2 Ghost Sight, -6 Blind} [1d4-4 = -1]
Yukiko: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Hida Sashimi is using a benny
Hida Sashimi: Notice {+1 Def Interest} [1d6+1 = 5]
Pokuri: Stealth {+2 Thief} [1d12+2 = 7]
Kazuhiko and Hida both notice that Kaori has someone following her. Someone of the definitely mystical and Void Walker persuasion. The Void Walker following Kaori is dressed in a nice green kimono but has a shaven head like she is a monk. She is carrying no visible weapons and enters the room about six seconds after Kaori, just as Kazuhiko walks up to the young girl.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 3]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Smarts [1d6 = 25]
Kazuhiko freezes
Kaori looks at Kazuhiko just as he was about to speak...
Kaori: Yes?
Kazuhiko: Did you want something to drink?
Kaori: Yes please.
Kaori: You must be new here, I don't remember seeing you here before.
Hida Sashimi: And who is your companion? Perhaps she would like something to drink as well
Kaori looks at Hida and then looks around.
Kaori: Umm...I didn't come here with anyone. Who are you?
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Persuasion (Acting) {+2 Charisma, +1 Defining Interest} [Critical failure!] [1d6+3 = 4]
Kazuhiko is using a benny
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Persuasion (Acting) {+2 Charisma, +1 Defining Interest} [1d4+3 = 6]
Ikuko: I think he is referring to me my dear, it is nice to see you again
Ikuko: I was hoping we would meet during these festivities
Kaori: Oh, hello! Nice to see you again.
The Void Walker settles down at the door and seems to be sitting there half asleep. Although only Hida and Kazuhiko are aware that this woman was following Kaori. Plenty of other patrons in the bar notice her and move away.
Ikuko: I am glad you were able to get away from your obligations after all
Daichi and Corpse-zuki see the strange monk by the door, but assume she is asleep. (Unless they want to make more notice checks.)
Ikuko: I was worried you would be too busy to come by for a drink
The bartender gives Kazuhiko a cup of tea.
[TOWER] Daichi -> Notice [1d6 = 4]
[TOWER] Corpse-zuki -> Notice [1d4 = 6]
Kaori: Oh, not at all! I am glad you are here, we can discuss fashion.
Kaori: Away from all those stodgy guards.
Kazuhiko returns with a cup of tea
Kazuhiko: Here you are, ma'am.
Ikuko: Terrific idea, I have some lovely things in my room that are all the rage in the north
Daichi and Corpse-zuki notice the monk lady and think she is a bit odd, she does kind of stand out in this city. They are also not sure how they missed seeing her before.
Ikuko: My room is just downstairs.
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Streetwise {+2 Most High, -5 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d6+4 = 8]
Kazuhiko walks around to his seat
Kaori takes the drink and sips gently at it.
Kaori: Oh thank you, this is delicious.
Ikuko: I am glad you like it
Ikuko: Notice {+2 Ghost Sight, -6 Blind} [1d4-4 = -2]
Hida Sashimi sits by the monk and attempts to strike up a conversation
Ikuko looks at Kazuhiko suspciously
Hida Sashimi: How have you been enjoying the festivities?
Yukiko sits down near Kaori and listens intently while drinking some tea also.
Pokuri: Tiring, my feet are sore. How is your day, Hida Sashimi of Nine Fingers?
Plates clatter and the people nearest the monk tense.
Ikuko: Come my dear, let me show you one of my finer kimonos from up north, I'm sure you will love it
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Streetwise {+2 Most High, -5 Deathly Pallor, +4 Very Attractive, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d6+4 = 15]
Hida Sashimi: Oh..well. I always like when people skip the formalities.
Hida Sashimi: Look, I know you are guarding Kaori, and I can understand that
Kazuhiko: Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Kazuhiko flinches when Hida starts his conversation
Kaori: Oh that sounds good! Let's do that.
Hida Sashimi: But, as cliche as this is going to sound, we are doing this for the good of the world
Hida Sashimi: Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d8+1 = 8]
Pokuri looks at Hida, her eyes open and she stares at him with reptilian eyes.
Pokuri: Kaori?
Pokuri: You think I care about that girl?
Pokuri gives Hida a grin.
Sensei: Spirit check from Hida.
Hida Sashimi: Spirit [1d8 = 2]
Hida Sashimi is using a benny
Hida Sashimi: Spirit [1d6 = 11]
Corpse-zuki tugs at Ikuko's sleeve under the table and hints at the door to the passage.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Ah. Not the good kind of follower. Understood
Pokuri: If that is what you are here for, I suggest a trade.
Pokuri: You can leave with Kaori if I can leave with the person I am after.
Ikuko: Notice {+2 Ghost Sight, -6 Blind} [1d4-4 = -2]
Hida Sashimi: Depends on who that is, though I have a guess
Ikuko stands up and heads towards the door to downstairs.
Pokuri: The other young girl sitting at the table with Masarou's whelp.
Kaori: Sure, let's be on our way.
Kaori stands up to follow Ikuko.
Ikuko: Come on, you'll just love these outfits
Ikuko: Maybe you'll have some made for winter.
Kaori: I do expect so, this is great fun to be slumming with you.
Ikuko giggles
Ikuko: The pleasure is mine.
The Nine Fingers yakuza, who make up about 90% of the people in the bar right now, are waiting for some sort of signal from Hida.
Ikuko leads Kaori down towards the tunnel.
Corpse-zuki follows
Kaori follows Ikuko.
Yukiko watches them leave from the table.
Daichi stays at the table watching Pokuri
Hida Sashimi takes out two chopsticks, and idly walks them on the table
Pokuri: Okay, you have your part of the bargain, now I will take mine.
Pokuri stands up.
Hida Sashimi: And I was so hoping we could do this the civil way
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Well, at least I get the chance to gain bennies...
Hida Sashimi: Throwing [1d6 = 4]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): meant the second
Daichi leaps to action at Hida's attack
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 18]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): uh oh
Pokuri sidesteps Hida's attack.
Daichi double-attacks Pokuri
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [1d10-2 = 7]
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [1d10-2 = 4]
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [2] [1d6-2 = -1]
Sensei: Well, if he had not frenzied, the first one would have hit.
Pokuri drops under Daichi's blow.
Kazuhiko: Defensive mode
Kazuhiko: Let's leave before the barroom brawl includes us as well.
Kazuhiko: It's best to keep such things among those concerned
Kazuhiko leads Yukiko toward the basement
Pokuri punches the ground, which causes a large magical explosion that radiates from her.
Pokuri: Ki Focus [1d8 = 6]
Pokuri is sad that it did not explode.
Pokuri: [3d6 = 13]
Daichi: +1 (Etiquette) [1]
A burst of screaming translucent black skulls rips past Daichi and and Hida, leaving them Shaken. It tears through the Yakuza, blows out the windows, and shreds the skin from most of the people it touches. The explosion hits Kazuhiko and Yukiko and sends them smashing through a wooden wall. Yukiko screams in pain and coughs up blood as she looks at a chunk of wood sticking out of her chest. Kazuhiko feels blood on the back of his neck from multiple abrasions. The skeletal remains of the Yakuza thugs in the room rise to their feet as glowing black Void Zombies and begin shambling towards the living survivors.
Pokuri: Save the girl, kill the rest.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): grrr
Ikuko: Notice {+2 Ghost Sight, -6 Blind} [1d6-4 = 7]
Ikuko: Kazuki, I have a terrible feeling. We need to go back and help the others
Corpse-zuki: I have a terrble feeling too, that's why I am running away
Ikuko: Grow a pair you coward.
Ikuko: Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 7]
Kaori: Umm...I have a terrible feeling and I think I should keep running.
Corpse-zuki: Spirit {+2 vs. Shaken} [1d4+2 = 4]
Ikuko: Yes my dear, you should get back to your beloved
Ikuko: But we must go help our friends
Ikuko: We will join you shortly
Kazuhiko is using a benny
Kazuhiko: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Kaori: Okay, be safe, I look forward to slumming with you.
Ikuko: As do I
Yukiko is using a benny
Ikuko: Farewell
Yukiko: Vigor [1d8 = 6]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): might as well unshake before next time
Hida Sashimi is using a benny
Corpse-zuki: Stealth [1d6 = 8]
Hida Sashimi: Spirit [1d6 = 11]
Corpse-zuki: Notice {+2 Ghost Sight, -6 Blind} [1d4-4 = -1]
Corpse-zuki vanishes down the tunnel and continues on with Kaori towards the Yakuza outside.
Yukiko remembers that she has bennies, and uses one to soak the damage, thereby miraculously diving behind a solid table just in time.
Ikuko heads back towards the Sake den.
Sensei: Okay, we will pick up with the fight with Pokuri next time.