Chat log started at 9.9.2012 / 18:20:43

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II. (c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Savage Worlds feature improvements v0.58
by Aki Heikkinen (Ikael)
Powers Extension features by Leo Gray (Velocinox)
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): So, what do you think about the upgrades?
Masakari (Kuutai): Derp.
Corpse-zuki: I like that you can move the chat window around
Sensei: I'm particularly fond of the ability to resize and move the chat window.
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): great minds think alike
Masakari (Kuutai): hrm...
Corpse-zuki: Also, I will be in vent soon, I am on the phone atm
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): kk
Sensei: It is not as relevant in this setting, but the languages option is cool.
Masakari (Kuutai): Again many sorries for missing....comps and all.
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): yes, it does look pretty neat
Sensei: As in, Kazuki talks in "Elvish" and unless you have "Elvish" on your character sheet, it appears as gibberish in your chat log.
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): oh, and they added little bubbles to your skills to show bonus and penalties right on the skills tab
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): It's really, really cool
Masakari (Kuutai): Ooh i want to see that in action
Kuutai: Fighting [1d6 = 11]
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 8]
TADM: And plenty of other cool things. It makes sense that they add a lot of swanky awesome features when we are about 4 sessions from the end of the campaign, and going to play Accordlands d20 soon.
TADM: Unless of course...Masakari has converted Accordlands to Savage Worlds.... ;)
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): I don't think Hvitserk is SW friendly...
Masakari (Kuutai): That would be interesting.
Kuutai: Sure it is. Zeke did much the same with guns as you did with scythes.
TADM: Yes, but Fade works far more amusingly in SW than in d20, and has fewer things to keep track of.
TADM: But anyway, I digress...
Sensei: Hida Sashimi falls off the side of the mountain and bounces all the way down, returning to the campaign at some future point.
Yukiko: Oh dear.
Masakari (Kuutai): SOmeone give me the '1337speak' language. i want to try the feature....
Kazuhiko: I wonder if he'll ever stop
Kazuhiko and Yukiko scale back down the mountain, with the Celestial Elixir carefully packed in a crystal vial in Kazuhiko's pack.
Kuutai: Only if he encounters another heavier object....
Kuutai (1337speak): this is the coolest feature ever.
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): That is fantastic
TADM: And now I'm turning the languages option off, now that Masakari is excited about it.
Masakari (Kuutai): ^^;
TADM: But yeah, in many settings that is an amazingly cool feature.
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): fate is a cruel mistress
Feneril (Corpse-zuki): And I know about cruel mistresses
Masakari (Kuutai): Lol
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): That was rather fitting
As they are entering the narrow gorge that shielded them from the Waaivan as they were scaling up the mountain, they spot Kuutai, Ikuko, and that entourage scaling up the mountain to find them.
TADM: And just so everyone knows, we have a hard stop in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
TADM: Before I forget to mention that and surprise everyone in 2 hours and 10 minutes.
Feneril (Ikuko): Wow,, that isn't much time, I'd better start drinking faster
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Chug, chug, chug!
Feneril (Ikuko): I've got 600 milliliters of Savignon Blanc to get through
Ikuko (whispers): Fancy encountering you here
Kazuhiko: Good evening!
Yukiko: Look Kazuhiko, it is Kuutai and the others, they seem to be no worse off after bravely leading the horde of enemies off our trail so that we could create the Celestial Elixir in relative peace.
Kazuhiko: And it doesn't look like a horde of enemies followed them here either!
TADM: *sniff* *sniff* What a good NPC, using a random segue like that to explain how this party comes together and splits apart so often.
Ikuko (whispers): Just those dragon things
Ikuko (whispers): I am still kind of worried they might be out there
Kuutai (Sardonicly): I doubt my talents would have been useful in creating a world-saving elixir anyway.
Yukiko: I am sure you would have been useful when communing with the Celestial Choir, Kuutai.
Kuutai: Well thanks for the vote of confidence!
Corpse-zuki: I don't know why I had to go with the "bait" portion of the group
Kazuhiko: Why are you whispering?
Corpse-zuki: She is still quaking in her sandals from seeing those Waaivan earlier
Kuutai (Whispering): to be sneaky!
Ikuko (Naganese): Well, we are here now
Ikuko (Naganese): And I take it you have the elixir?
Kazuhiko: I think those three Waaivans are defective
Kazuhiko: Yes
Kazuhiko shows a shiny, chrystal vial from his pack
Kazuhiko: I'll keep hold of it for now.
Ikuko (Naganese): Splendid. Then we can get back down this mountain and get back to the civilized world.
Sensei: Stealth checks
Kuutai: « Unskilled » {-2 } [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 0]
Kazuhiko: And then back out from the civilized world to a bunch of very uncivilized places
Waaivan: Notice [1d8 = 12]
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Stealth {+2 Thief} [1d10+2 = 18]
Ikuko: « Unskilled » {-2 } [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 0]
Ikuko (Naganese): Is not one of these things near my husband's home?
Ikuko (Naganese): Are you calling my house uncivilized?
Ikuko: Intimidation {+5 Dealthy Pallor, +11 Charisma, -2 Blind} [1d6+14 = 18]
Kuutai: What say you, shall we free Kazuko from guarding that tear first, such that we have more....personel in the case of some interloper?
Kuutai: Yes Ikuko...that.
Daichi: « Unskilled » {-2 } [1d4-2 = 0]
Corpse-zuki: Stealth [1d8 = 14]
Masakari (Kuutai): Sneaky Git!
Kazuhiko: Well, I was thinking more of the center of Tahata Gaki myself
Kazuhiko: But I suppose you could consider that civilized if you're in the right circles
Kazuhiko: Also, your husband's house is a graveyard
Waaivan swoops down into the group with claws flashing as you discuss what is going on.
Ikuko (Naganese): That is MY house! MY house is a graveyard!
Waaivan rolls a 12 on a Notice check, unlike last time's horde of Crit Fails.
Waaivan: Fighting [1] [1d8 = 3]
Waaivan: Fighting [2] [1d8 = 4]
Waaivan: Fighting [3] [1d8 = 7]
Waaivan: Fighting [4] [1d8 = 4]
Kazuhiko has been awarded a benny
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Vigor [Critical failure!] [1d6 = 1]
Masakari (Kuutai): LULZ
Waaivan: D6 [1d6 = 3]
Kazuhiko replaces the vial to his pack
Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+4 = 8]
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): How large are Waaivan?
Kazuhiko finds his question answered as a winged creature about the size of a rhinoceros plows into his back and smashes him against a cliff face. It is rather painful and he finds himself dazed. Three more Waaivan swoop down menacingly but fail to hit anyone.
Masakari (Kuutai): What does the star do on skills?
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): wtf they hit ME of all people?
TADM: (1) Not quite sure. (2) It was randomly determined.
Round 1
Dealing cards...
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): the bastard
Corpse-zuki throws a trio of Shuriken at the Waaivan that attacked Kazuhiko
TADM: If you figure out what the star on the skills does, let me know. As far as I can tell it is some type of marker.
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [1] [1d8-2 = 3]
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [2] [1d6-2 = 2]
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [3] [1d8-2 = -1]
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [4] [1d8-2 = 1]
Masakari (Kuutai): pew^4
Sensei: Several shuriken fly through the air and hit various non-Waaivan things.
Kuutai Telekinesis to use the Widowmaker(TM) as a deranged, soul-drinking boomerang.
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d6 = 4]
Kuutai is using a benny
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d10 = 13]
Masakari (Kuutai): Worth it.
Masakari (Kuutai): (THAT IS AWESOME)
Waaivan: Spirit [1d8 = 3]
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): You do realize that boomerangs return to their thrower, right?
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): It's going to come flying right back at you
Masakari (Kuutai): Thats why i bennied!
The Widowmaker sails through the air, slices into a Waaivan, and causes it to howl in pain before dropping lifelessly to the ground and turning into a pile of ash.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Oh, you bennied with a Notice roll, so I misinterpretted that
Kazuhiko: o.O
Kuutai: it should be.
Kazuhiko frowns
Daichi lunges at a Waaivan with his Katana.
Kazuhiko: That sword goes beyond dead
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [1d10-2 = 5]
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [1d10-2 = 5]
Kuutai: Blood and souls for the Raven?
Sensei: That would be a pair of misses for Daichi.
Waaivan: Fighting [1d8 = 6]
Waaivan: Fighting [1d8 = 3]
Waaivan: Fighting [1d8 = 3]
Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+4 = 12]
Waaivan smashes into Daichi and leaves him stunned but otherwise unharmed.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Worms for the Bird God? Crackers for the Parrot God?
Masakari (Kuutai): lulz
Kazuhiko (shaken)
Kazuhiko: Spirit (+1) [1d6+1 = 6]
Ikuko (Naganese): You foolish lizards, have you any idea how many souls we have sent to the abyss?
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Intimidation {+5 Dealthy Pallor, +11 Charisma, -2 Blind} [1d8+14 = 21]
Waaivan: Spirit [1d8 = 7]
Waaivan drops to the ground and shudders in fear.
Yukiko finds a convenient hiding spot to not get attacked.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Waaivan goes berserk.
Waaivan: Fighting [1] [1d8 = 3]
Waaivan: Fighting [2] [1d8 = 13]
Waaivan: Fighting [3] [1d8 = 13]
Waaivan: Fighting [4] [1d8 = 3]
Waaivan: Fighting [5] [1d8 = 3]
Waaivan: Fighting [6] [1d8 = 13]
Masakari (Kuutai): But they are birds. And birds can knock players off unstable platforms....
Waaivan: D6 [1d6 = 3]
Waaivan: D6 [1d6 = 1]
Waaivan: D6 [1d6 = 3]
Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+4 = 6]
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): NOOOOO
Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+1d6+4 = 10]
Waaivan chews on Corpse-zuki, but fails to hit any vital parts.
Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+1d6+4 = 15]
Masakari (Kuutai): Humorous. How would he be Corpse-Zuki without a funny bone?
Waaivan chews on Daichi, who has vital parts to be chewed on.
Sensei: Daichi needs to make a Vigor check.
Ikuko is using a benny
Daichi: Vigor {+1 BATH TIME} [1d8+1 = 7]
Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+1d6+4 = 17]
Daichi: Vigor {+1 BATH TIME} [Critical failure!] [1d8+1 = 2]
Masakari (Kuutai): Non Benny
Daichi: Vigor {+1 BATH TIME} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 4]
Kuutai: !!!!
Daichi manages to avoid damage.
Waaivan pounces on Yukiko and finds her incredibly delicious, in the Shaken + 3 Wounds category.
Waaivan: Tastes like Chicken!
Waaivan: Yummy!
Yukiko: I object!
Yukiko is using a benny
Yukiko: Vigor [1d8 = 15]
Kazuhiko: !!!
Sensei: Evidently she does...and she manages to dodge out of the way and completely avoid all damage from the Waaivan's attack
Kazuhiko: Yukiko!
Yukiko: I'm fine, he bit the rock my head was behind.
Waaivan: And I chipped a tooth, stupid bitch.
Kuutai Focuses his attention to the pile of ash....
Kuutai: You still have a purpose to serve, wretch!
Kazuhiko: Hey, don't blame her! You should've just stayed up in the sky in peace
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d10 = 6]
Zombie Waaivan forms from the pile of ash into a wingless version of the creature. It is missing a few other bits, which are filled in with pulsing black void magic.
Kazuhiko runs to get adjacent to Yukiko and to attack the Waaivan
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Fighting {+1 Sig Moves} [1d10+1 = 9]
Sensei: That is a hit
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kusari-gama damage [2d6+1 = 13]
Waaivan is knocked to the ground, dazed.
Daichi (shaken)
Daichi: Spirit (+1 (Command) +1) [1d6+1 = 9]
Daichi attacks the shaken Waaivan on the ground.
Daichi: Fighting: Katana [1d6 = 5]
Sensei: That will hit, thanks to the gang-up bonus
Daichi: Katana damage (+1 (Fervor) +1) [2d8+3 = 11]
Sensei: Daichi's sword slashes the Waaivan, but seems to inflict no additional damage.
Ikuko: Intimidation {+5 Dealthy Pallor, +11 Charisma, -2 Blind} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+14 = 18]
Sensei: Spirit [1d8 = 7]
Ikuko: Fighting: Katana [5]
Ikuko: Daichi (shaken)
Ikuko: Waaivan is knocked to the ground, dazed.
Ikuko: That is a hit
Waaivan drops to the ground, mewling piteously.
Yukiko: Spellcasting +2 [1d12+2 = 8]
Kazuhiko has been awarded a benny
Yukiko casts Gift of Otsu on Kazuhiko.
Corpse-zuki (shaken)
Corpse-zuki auto-fire attacks the Waaivan that Daichi attacked
Corpse-zuki: Spirit {+2 vs. Shaken} (+1 (Command) +1) [1d4+3 = 24]
Masakari (Kuutai): GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [1] [1d8-2 = 0]
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [2] [1d6-2 = -1]
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [3] [1d8-2 = 3]
Corpse-zuki: Throwing {-2 Auto Fire}: Shuriken (auto fire) [4] [1d8-2 = 8]
Waaivan rolls over and feigns death after Corpse-zuki radiates celestial awesomeness.
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Masakari (Kuutai): That's...enough to kill basically anything in
Daichi attacks the same Waaivan
Corpse-zuki: Shuriken (auto fire) damage [1d4+1d6 = 5]
Masakari (Kuutai): Yes, I think Tik-Tiki has the record...I mean he had to 'Ace" at least 10x to One shot the oni...
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [1d10-2 = 3]
TADM: Ah, Tiktik, the master of the "I do 211 damage with a d10 to an oni."
Daichi: Fighting {-2 Frenzy}: Katana (frenzy) [1d10-2 = 2]
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): and those were d10s
Waaivan: Spirit [1d8 = 6]
Waaivan flies off, leaving the other one behind.
Waaivan: Spirit [1d8 = 5]
Feneril (Daichi): brb, getting more wine
Kazuhiko cleans his weapon
Kazuhiko ends the turn
Kuutai charges the last cripped Waaivan
Masakari (Kuutai): (Zerg-Hit)
Kuutai: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Masakari (Kuutai): OH SHIT....
Kuutai is using a benny
Kuutai: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Masakari (Kuutai): NOT THIS AGAIN
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): lol
Feneril (Daichi): nom that shit yo!
Masakari (Kuutai): (As long as you won initiative with that character...atari mode)
Kuutai: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Sensei: That hits
Sensei: Spirit [1d8 = 7]
Waaivan: Spirit [1d8 = 3]
Kuutai: WidowMaker(TM) damage [2d6 = 14]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): what have i missed?
Waaivan howls in pain and he is reduced to a pile of ash. The Zombie Waaivan comes over and pecks at the remains like a chicken looking for feed.
Daichi shields his eyes from the gut-splosion that is about to occur
Yukiko: Oh, hello Hida, it is good to see you are doing well.
Yukiko is ignoring the Zombie Waaivan's attempts to reconstruct itself using the ashes from the other one.
Masakari (Kuutai): Aww....So cute!
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Intimidation {+5 Dealthy Pallor, +11 Charisma, -2 Blind} [1d8+14 = 25]
Kuutai gazes affectionately upon the zombie.
Ikuko (Naganese): It is quite cute
Feneril (Ikuko): We need to get that thing out of his hands before it meets a terrible end
Kuutai ends the turn
Feneril (Ikuko): Being dead already won't save it from the curse of being controlled by Kuutai
Masakari (Kuutai): Not much....just the encounter you dodged on the way up.
Zombie Waaivan nuzzles Kuutai.
Zombie Waaivan ambles over to Ikuko and punts the marionette.
Zombie Waaivan: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d8 = 1]
Zombie Waaivan: bite/sting damage [1d12+4 = 15]
Kuutai: No! Bad Clinkz, behave yourself!
[TOWER] Ikuko -> Persuasion {+4 Very Attractive, -5 Deathly Pallor, +2 Most High, +2 Fine Attire, -2 Blind, +2 Charismatic, +1 Cultured} [1d12+4 = 10]
Masakari (Kuutai): (lol for sure)
Zombie Waaivan stomps on the marionette and tries to peck at the head.
Kuutai Snaps his fingers, and breaks the spell.
Kuutai: Enough.
Zombie Waaivan disintegrates.
Yukiko: We should be going, there will be more of them.
Yukiko looks at the skies.
Yukiko: Notice [1d12 = 6]
Hida Sashimi: Agreed
Kazuhiko: Let's move quickly
Sensei: Okay, climbing checks for all involved!
Kuutai: « Unskilled » {-2 } [1d6-2 = 3]
Daichi: « Unskilled » {-2 } [1d6-2 = 3]
Sensei makes ludicrous amounts of evil laughter.
Hida Sashimi: Unskilled {-2 Unskilled} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 8]
Corpse-zuki: Climbing [1d6 = 3]
Kazuhiko: Climbing {+2 Thief (urban only)} [1d6+2 = 12]
Nick (Hida Sashimi): The dice rolling trend continues, I see
It takes the group about 4 hours to make any sort of progress, mostly because Kuutai, Daichi, and Corpse-zuki keep getting into arguments about whether it is a good idea to climb clockwise or counterclockwise down the mountain while leading with the right or the left foot.
Kuutai: Whew.....thankfully we are done.
Daichi (Naganese): I think it is plainly obvious, when descending anti-clockwise, as we were doing, one must lead with the right foot
Daichi (Naganese): It is the only rational way about it
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): What the hell do you know about climbing old man?
Kuutai: Keep it up, and you'll be the one who get's 'clocked'....simpleton...
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): I am the climbing expert here, and I am telling you, you lead with the left foot
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): you get a better view of holds on the rock face
Kuutai rolls his eyes, exasperated.....
Yukiko: Hida, you are very graceful while climbing, are you also a good dancer? Akemi must be happy.
Hida Sashimi: I don't think so. I hope that I always make Akemi happy
By Kazuhiko's estimate, you are 1/8 of the way back down the mountain. He wonders if the group will run out of food before getting off the mountain.
Kazuhiko: wtf didn't we climb up this think in two days?
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): ooc
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): or was it three?
TADM: It was 2.5, and you had awesome rolls.
Ikuko (Naganese): Don't worry Hida, Akemi loves you very much. I have known her for many years and have never seen her spend so much time with a man she hadn't been paid to poison
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Oh. And now we have Kuutai, Daichi, and Corpse-zuki
Ikuko laughs
Ikuko (Naganese): Surely you must know that she will be with you always
Kazuhiko: Isn't going down supposed to be much easier?
Kazuhiko: Wait, Akemi used to poison men?
Kazuhiko: For money?
Yukiko: I would think going down the mountain would be easier.
Daichi (Naganese): That is news to me
Daichi (Naganese): I spent nearly 10 years eating her cooking
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): I never trusted her...
Kuutai: Hey kids. Gather Round.
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d6 = 9]
Daichi (Naganese): You've never trusted anyone in your life
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): That isn't true
Daichi (Naganese): Name one person you've trusted
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): Easy
Daichi (Naganese): Apart from yourself
Kuutai does something....
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): Still easy
Daichi (Naganese): And not a fictional character
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): Hattori
Daichi (Naganese): You are still far too suspicious of others. Some of us have learned to place our trust in things greater than ourselves
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): You tried to cut me in half! I am totally justified in not trusting you!
Daichi (Naganese): I have an entirely different recollection of those events
Everyone feels like they have just been drenched in a bucket of cold water. Then it feels like your eyes explode and you lose your sense of vision. Then the army of smiths attacks and pummels every bone in your body into dust. Then, just when you think the pain will drive you mad, you find your body reformed, lying flat on a plain of ash. You hear the sounds of heavy feet, lots of heavy feet, coming towards you.
Yukiko whimpers and coughs up dust.
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): SEE! SEE! Now do you see why I don't trust anyone??!?!?!?!?!
Kuutai: I just saved us from two days of climbing, starvation, etc.
Kazuhiko: Where are we?
(Except for Ikuko, who is still an undead marionette, and Corpse-zuki is still dead.)
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 6]
Well...undead for Corpse-zuki.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Notice {+2 Trapsense, +2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 8]
Ikuko (Naganese): Starvation is such a simple-minded concern
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): Then color me simple-minded, I am very concerned about starvation
Kuutai: ...Oh.....SHIT
Daichi: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Kazuhiko: Wait, where did you put us?
Ikuko rolls her eyes
Daichi (Naganese): Where indeed
Kuutai: I thought it was the bottom of the mountain, not the bottom of the WORLD
Kazuhiko draws his weapons and gets next to Yukiko
Daichi clutches his Katana
Kuutai: I tried to teleport us...
Masakari (Kuutai): there WAS absolutely NO malicious intent. I was trying to help!
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): YOU KILLED US ALL
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Also, that's hitting the Quotes page
Feneril (Daichi): I'm sure that's what Stalin said to Eisenstein after he locked him in a room in Vienna for 10 years
Masakari (Kuutai): No really. this may actually help us, as we can find a tear, and pop out somewhere the elixir is needed.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): you mean IF we can find a tear
You are standing in a bowl-shaped valley, everyhing is grey and black in color. You are ringed by tall basalt colored mountains. There is a flickering of light in the distance, it looks like a cave entrance. The sky overhead is merely a lighter shade of grey than the land around you. Coming down the valley you see hundreds of heavily armored oni marching in formation towards you. The cave entrance is the opposite direction.
Kuutai: While this was not my intention, it is said that calamity and opportunity are the same word in some other, non naganese language. I suggest we search for a tear to Konoyo
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): I think the only tears we're going to find are the ones we shed ourselves...
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): I suggest we beat a hasty retreat
Kazuhiko: I think the best direction is away from the army and toward the exit.
Kuutai: Run! Let's go!
Daichi (Naganese): I am forced to put aside our argument and agree with my colleague
Kazuhiko: And I pray to the spirits that they can't pass us
Ikuko "heads" for the exit
Kuutai: They are too heavily armed to catch us...assuming we don't further dawdle....
Corpse-zuki advances away from the enemy
Yukiko: Right! Making a beeline for the cave entrance where the light is flickering!
Kazuhiko follows Yukiko
Kuutai: Get the elixir ready! We will need to prevent them giving pursuit into Konoyo!
Yukiko: Your husband is not very popular in these parts.
Kazuhiko: Oh, I guess Tume isn't too bad of a fellow
Ikuko (Naganese): No noble of sufficient stature can rise to his position without making enemies
Sensei: Okay, Agility checks from everyone.
Yukiko: Agility [1d6 = 3]
Corpse-zuki: Agility [1d8 = 6]
Kuutai: Agility [1d6 = 5]
Daichi: Agility [1d8 = 6]
Yukiko is using a benny
Yukiko: Agility [1d6 = 5]
Masakari (Kuutai): lookin good, lookin good...
Hida Sashimi: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Sensei: Assume <4 needs a benny.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Agility {+2 Acrobat} [1d10+2 = 6]
Sensei: Or a new character.
Hida Sashimi is using a benny
Hida Sashimi: Agility [1d4 = 5]
The group runs into the cave entrance as it pulses and flashes. As you get within 100' of the cave entrance, you hear a familiar voice.
Matsuda Kazuko: Oh come on! I can do this all day! Bring me a real challenge you useless oni!
Masakari (Kuutai): (the star makes the ability pop up on the 'mini' sheet, so you can play with only your favorite things in a streamlined mode
Masakari (Kuutai): Yeah that's nifty!
A trio of Oni heads bounces back through the rift. They stare at the group accusingly.
Masakari (Kuutai): Mini-Mode is really cool now
Kazuhiko: Please excuse the interruption
Yukiko jumps through the portal.
Kuutai looks relieved.
Kazuhiko leaps through after Yukiko
Yukiko: Matsuda! It is good to see you again!
Oni Commander: Quick, after them! Rush the portal!
Kuutai: it is good to see you so well in your natural element...Kazuko.
Daichi (Naganese): Perhaps we should seal this rift
Matsuda Kazuko: Old friend! How strange to see you coming through this rift.
Kuutai (Picard): Make it so!
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): yeah, you do that
Corpse-zuki: Stealth [1d8 = 3]
Corpse-zuki attempts to dive into the shadows but misjudges and falls on his face like a fool
Matsuda Kazuko leans against her Naginata and waits for someone to do something awesome. Otherwise she is taking a breather before fighting off a unit of Oni Berserkers in heavy armor.
Daichi (Naganese): Kazuhiko, use the damn elixir!
Kuutai: Uh...So...Who....Yukiko? Do you know how to use this thing?
Yukiko: Umm....
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 4]
Kazuhiko: What are the full directions?
Kuutai: Fantastic, Kazuhiko, give me that.
Daichi (Naganese): Men don't read the directions!
Kuutai: You'll have to trust me.
Kazuhiko: Three drops?
Kuutai: that. Do it!
Matsuda Kazuko: I have confidence in Kuutai.
Yukiko: So do I!
Kazuhiko rummages in his pack
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): I have confindence that we're all about to die
Yukiko: Even if he did almost kill us all getting here.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Stealth {+2 Thief} [1d6+2 = 6]
Kazuhiko drops the required amount of Elixer
The portal shimmers and pulses faintly for a second, then closes entirely. Where the Veeru was weak and you could see into Anoyo is now a solid cave wall.
Matsuda Kazuko: Cool, yet anticlimatic.
Kuutai: Whew.
Yukiko: It works.
Kazuhiko: Better than exploding
Hida Sashimi: Agreed
Yukiko: So now what...since we are....
Matsuda Kazuko: On Tenki, the Isle of the Dead.
Ikuko (Naganese): I was hoping for something more climactic
Kuutai: Hrm. Although we are relieved, I cant help but think that the oni army will find another tear, and it will be far less guarded than this one...
Yukiko: Hmm....I have a bad feeling about this.
Kuutai: It would be good to make haste to the next tear, lest Anoyou establish a foothold.....
Ikuko (Naganese): So quick to leave?
Ikuko (Naganese): We are so near my husband's great house
Ikuko (Naganese): We never did get to have our wedding ceremony
Kazuhiko: Does anybody know the layout of Anoyo?
Kuutai: So say 'hi' and such...but.....
Ikuko (Naganese): I have sent him exquisitely detailed plans
Kazuhiko: Is the closest tear to us the closest tear to them?
Yukiko: I have only hypothetical knowledge of Anoyo.
Ikuko (Naganese): And I am sure he can get us to another tear in now time
Kuutai: Probably not. Consider where we were, and consider how far we are from there in Konoyo....
Ikuko (Naganese): Clearly these Oni are not fond of him
Kazuhiko pauses
Matsuda Kazuko: Anoyou somewhat, but not exactly, mimics Konoyo, but...Anoyou is limitless in size really, time and space have little meaning there.
Kazuhiko: Which other tears are there in Konoyo?
Feneril (Ikuko): So, a lot like the mid west then?
Kazuhiko: There's one in Tahata Gaki, one in Sekisho
Kazuhiko: One here
Yukiko: Two in Ato.
Kazuhiko: Any in Hinote Shima?
Yukiko: I don't know, probably not.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Smarts [1d6 = 9]
Kuutai: May I suggest we chat with Tume, see if he knows any tricks, and then get a plan going?
Ikuko (Naganese): I seem to recall that I made that same suggestion mere moments ago
Kuutai: You are wise beyond your years.
Sensei: Tume's Tomb?
Ikuko (Naganese): Tally ho!
Kazuhiko: Let's go
Ikuko gestures with her nose for Daichi to carry her to the tomb
Hida Sashimi: ...Sure
Nick (Hida Sashimi): brb
The group makes it to Tume's Tomb without further incident. You open the entrance and head down the stairs. There is quite a festival atmosphere going on, complete with a musician playing a truly mournful and hideous dirge that is depressing to hear.
Tume: Ah, my wife has arrived!
Ikuko (Naganese): Some of me anyways
Tume gestures to the musician to stop.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): is it Chiri?
Chiri frowns and flicks a couple more chords just to make a point.
Ikuko (Naganese): I'll need a new body if I'm to fit that dress I specified
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): lol
Tume looks over the group.
Tume: Excellent, how wonderful to see all of you again.
Tume looks at Ikuko.
Tume: Oh, well, I was never attracted to your body anyway.
Ikuko (Naganese): You certainly know how to charm a girl, don't you
Tume: Although how it was disposed of, I find fantastically comical.
Tume would wink at Kuutai if he had eyebrows.
Kuutai chortles.
Ikuko (Naganese): I am glad you found pleasure in it
Tume looks at Yukiko.
Ikuko (Naganese): Have you made the arrangements I requested?
Tume: Ah, you are younger than I remember you.
Tume leaves his throne and heads over to the group.
Yukiko: Have we met?
Tume: In your current incarnation, no.
Tume walks up next to Yukiko.
Corpse-zuki (Naganese) (whishpers to Yukiko): that white sparks thing you did would be bad to do here
Matsuda Kazuko looks over at a wraith that is hovering menacingly close to Kuutai.
Matsuda Kazuko: I'm pretty sure I've killed you before, you look very familiar.
Tume: Well, my dear Otsu, I believe it is time for my ascension. I would like to thank all of you for bringing her here.
Yukiko: Ummm....
Tume: Oh, and Ikuko, consider this our divorce.
Tume grabs Yukiko and vanishes.
Ikuko (Naganese): I am keeping the silverware
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Agility {+2 Acrobat} [1d10+2 = 8]
Kuutai: ...Uh oh...
Hida Sashimi: Well, this sucks
Ikuko has just become mortal. Vigor check at -8 or she is dead. Tume has undone his protection of her soul, so reality has caught up with her.
Ikuko: Vigor (-8) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-8 = -5]
Masakari (Kuutai): BUTTFUCK
Kazuhiko lunges to grab Yukiko and latches on to her arm with his left hand. Then Tume's spell goes off and shears off Kazuhiko's hand at the wrist as he teleports himself and Yukiko away.
Kazuhiko: GAH!
TADM: Fortunately, it is a lightsaber style cut, so there is little risk of bleeding to death....
Kazuhiko: DAMMIT
Daichi: Smarts [1d6 = 7]
Kuutai: (Again, this is Fen's fault. Not mine)
Kazuhiko: Where would he have gone?
Matsuda Kazuko breaks out the "Don't Touch my Soul Mate" move on the Wraith and chops it in half with the Naginata.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 8]
Daichi realizes that Ikuko is now dead, and breaks down into tears
Chiri: The end is come and the fools now dance the final dance.
Chiri: All the minions of Tume are coming for you.
Kuutai: Um....While that is awfully sweet of you....Shall we save Otsu once again?
Kuutai: CHIRI??
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): did you miss that she was the musician?
Daichi drops to his knees and lays Ikuko's head down on the ground.
Chiri leaps from the dias and into a group of skeletons, shattering them into dust with a series of blows.
Masakari (Kuutai): Sure did.
Corpse-zuki runs for the exit.
TADM: Kuutai was not paying attention at that point.
Sensei: All right...cue the "All Hell Breaks Loose" music.
Chiri: Already done.
Round 1
Dealing cards...
Sensei: All right, time for actions.
Corpse-zuki flees for the exit.
Corpse-zuki: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Corpse-zuki runs up the stairs...only to discover that they are sealing ahead of him. Evidently Tume plans on making this YOUR tomb.
Kuutai: Fuck this. We Have Kazuko. Ill just wait a few hours and teleport out of here. GG, Tume....
Kazuhiko: Assuming this place doesn't collapse
Chiri flattens a bunch more of Tume's retainers.
Corpse-zuki (Naganese): Oh no, I'm too young to die!
Kazuhiko: I suspect that he'll come back for us as well. I think he'll need the Elixer.
Kuutai: Oh. Shit. Kazuhiko. Have your hand? We dont have much time to stick it back on...
Feneril (Daichi): end of turn for Corpse-Zuki
Kazuhiko looks at the stump, then he looks at where Tume and Yukiko vanished from
Kazuhiko: We'll get it back later
Chiri: He will have Yukiko taken further into the tomb. If he succeeds in sacrificing her he will achieve partial transformation into an Oni-Lord.
Kazuhiko: OK, we're stopping that
Chiri: Also....he will use Widowmaker to power him and gain the ability to devour the souls of the living.
Daichi , with tears streaming down his face, drops his Katana and pulls out his Wakizashi. Still sobbing uncontrollably, he buries it in his abdomen and slashes across spilling his intestines onto the stone floor.
Daichi: Fighting: Wakizashi [1d6 = 10]
Daichi: Wakizashi damage [1d6+2d8 = 12]
Masakari (Kuutai): That's no good. Wait. Zombie....
Kazuhiko: Agility Trick! {+2 Acrobat, +2 Shadow Arts} [1d10+4 = 12]
Kazuhiko: Agility Check, Daichi
Matsuda Kazuko: Right, we need to find the door going down then...
Matsuda Kazuko looks at Daichi.
Kazuhiko throws an aiguchi from his sleave into Daichi's hand as he prepares to stab himself, knocking the sword to the ground
Matsuda Kazuko: Kill Tume, then yourself.
Masakari (Kuutai): Class!
Kazuhiko: If you follow the Old Ways, then you will make sure to avenge your master before atoning for your failure.
Daichi (Naganese): How? Where is he? I have failed utterly and Ikuko is dead for good.
Daichi (Naganese): I don't deserve revenge
Kazuhiko: No, but Ikuko does
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d6 = 5]
Daichi wipes his eyes and picks up his Katana.
Kazuhiko: And you're the only person left to take it for her. Or do you want to leave that up to Kazuki?
Kazuhiko: Persuasion {+2 Charisma} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 7]
Kazuhiko is using a benny
Kazuhiko: Persuasion {+2 Charisma} [1d4+2 = 5]
Daichi (Naganese): So how do we find this bastard?
Daichi: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Matsuda Kazuko: Kuutai look for an exit. I will deal with the rabble.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Is this a dead-end room?
Daichi (Naganese): Fuck the exits, where is Tume?
Matsuda Kazuko charges into a group of armored skeletons with her Naginata and chops them into splintery kibble.
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 7]
Kazuhiko: He's not in the room, so we have to find an exit to leave the room and get to Tume
Daichi attacks the nearest skeletons to himself
Daichi: Fighting: Katana (+2 (Berserk) +2) [1d6+2 = 10]
Daichi: Katana damage [2d8+2 = 9]
Kuutai points to the the wall
Kuutai: There, let's go!
Kuutai leads the way into the wall.
Kuutai is also careful to stay out of the lighted parts.....
Daichi chops a skeleton in half.
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 4]
Kazuhiko is using a benny
[TOWER] Kazuhiko -> Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 7]
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Kazuki's not in the room, correct?
Sensei: Yes he is, since the stairs leading out are closed.
Kazuhiko: Kazuki is still being supported by Tume. I suggest killing him as soon as possible
Kuutai: Follow me! this leads to the chamber!
Daichi follows after Kuutai
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): Er, can I use a kusari-gama with one hand?
Sensei: Not well.
Kazemi (Kazuhiko): -2 penalty?
Corpse-zuki follows Kuutai only becuase he is afraid to be left alone with the monsters
Matsuda Kazuko: I'll do a fighting retreat out of the chamber, the rest of you push on ahead.
Kuutai: Deal.
Matsuda Kazuko chops down a bunch of skeletons as she clears a path to the spot Kuutai is pointing towards.
Kazuhiko retrieves his dagger
Chiri throws some sort of silvery sphere at the wall where Kuutai is pointing, revealing a corridor leading deeper into the tomb as the illusionary wall vanishes.
Chiri: This way, slow moving maggots who were stupid enough to bring Otsu into the den of the Lord of the Undead.
Chiri: Really? Are you all that stupid?
Daichi charges headlong down the corridor with no thought of his own safety
Chiri: Oh wait, this was all that dumb dead girl's fault right?
Kuutai: Wait, I read this one plot, where a group of people INTENTIONALLY feed a great evil, so they could themselves wait for it to ascend, slay it, and apotheosis themselves....I think this is a lovely idea!
Chiri looks at Kuutai.
Chiri: That might be the most intelligent thing I have ever heard you say.
Matsuda Kazuko: And you are getting no nookie tonight for thinking it.
Chiri looks disgusted at Kazuko for the mere prospect of having sex with Kuutai.
Kuutai: In any case, CHARGE!
Daichi has already been charging for some time while you all were bickering back there
The group rushes headlong down the corridor and on into...the second to last battle of the campaign!
Kuutai: Okies.
Kuutai: Good gaming all.
Masakari (Kuutai): =)
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Yep yep
Sensei: Lots of XP tonight. Advances for everyone!
Masakari (Kuutai): Bling Bling!
Sensei: Except Ikuko, who is dead.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): And Hida, who did nothing
Masakari (Kuutai): cya next week!
Nick (Hida Sashimi): which is fine. MVP last week was enough for me lol