Chat log started at 26.8.2010 / 18:06:55

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): present! is dhu's mic working tonight?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Tiger is dead right?
TADM: I'm going to assume no, unless we magically hear his voice.
TADM: The tiger is indeed very dead.
Withers: Okay, so now what?
Randall Breckenridge: burn it
Lt. Andrea Devine: We go through the door and see what else is in the room.
Hogpile: Yeah, I'm all in favor of having Drenski shoot the Tiger-thingy with a willy-pete grenade once everyone is safely away from it.
TADM: Everyone remember you also have a nomination benny.
Entering the room where the tiger was being kept, you find the remains of a squad of Aussies. They look to have been mauled, chewed on, and in other ways eviscerated by a tiger.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Hmmm... chunky kibble
Marine: Well, that looks like a sucky way to die.
Withers: They are all sucky ways to die, this one just looks painful.
Dugan: wot's eviscerated? Is that like when you chew gum?
The room has two other doors leading out of it, and a tunnel that goes down. There is a blood trail from the room leading down the tunnel. It looks like someone was dragged that way.
Dugan: let's check the doors, maybe there is a coat closet, where the tiger kept his other pelts
There is a flickering light overhead, a single 60 watt bulb hangs from an exposed electrical wire about six inches from the ceiling.
Withers: Right Dugan, you open the doors, we'll cover you.
Dugan: moves over to door #1
Dugan: ready/
Tyran Drenski: my grenades did nothing before are they really going to burn it now?
Hogpile: Hmm...good point Drenski.
Dugan: what is wrong... can't I hit a question mark?
The Marines, Withers, and Hogpile prepare to shoot Dugan.
Dugan: oh now it works
TADM: Err...I mean, prepare to cover Dugan as he opens the door.
Dugan: is it locked?
Tyran Drenski: I hope so
The door does not appear to be locked from this side.
Tyran Drenski: Drat!
Dugan: turns the handle and yanks hard at door #1, diving for cover to the left side of the opening
Tyran Drenski gets a grenade ready
Dhu (Dugan): and nothing happens
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): no pause for effect....
Dugan flings the door open and dives for cover. The door noisily opens with the screech of unoiled metal hinges. There is no movement or light on the other side of the door. From what you can see, the tunnel leading to this door is level.
TADM: In other words, yes, nothing happens.
Dhu (Dugan): except that if they didn't hear the gunfire, now they know we survived
Tyran Drenski: Now what Lt.
Lt. Andrea Devine: We go down the tunnel.
Dugan: shall we check behind door #2 Lt. D?
Dugan: an .... then what?
Lt. Andrea Devine: Sure, you get right on that. Just scream a lot before something kills you, so we get some warning.
Lt. Andrea Devine walks into the tunnel leading down, following the trail of blood.
Dugan: rolls his eyes
Dugan: reloads his M1
Withers , Hogpile, and both marines follow the Lt.
Dugan: follows the marines
Tyran Drenski decides to follow the L.T.
Colwyn O'Reilly: maybe we should find a way to bar the doors so we don't get ambushed from behind?
Dugan (wonders): is this following thing optional
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hmm...oh sure. Good idea O'Reilly. Close and bolt all the doors.
Tyran Drenski: Come on dugan, it would not be a party without you..
Dhu (Dugan): do we have to worry about mapping this tunnel system? or does the devine Lt always know which way is up?
Tyran Drenski hope dugan will follow
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly: is it possible to lock the doors?
Dhu (Dugan): is already following ... see note above before you decided to follow
TADM: Well, given that the tunnel system is being randomly generated, mapping may or may not be a good idea.
Dhu (Dugan): in fact, you are behind me
Tyran Drenski: I think she makes it up but being a group is better than spliting up..that is what horror movies tell me
[w] -> Colwyn O'Reilly: Yes, the doors can be locked and deadbolted.
Tyran Drenski: that was ooc
Dhu (Dugan): that too?
Dugan: 59... 60... 61 ... 62....
Dugan: are we there yet?
Colwyn O'Reilly deadbolts the two doors
Colwyn O'Reilly then follows the LT
The tunnel runs at about a 10% decline for a hundred feet, then hairpins back on itself and goes another fifty feet. No side passages exist along this length, so it is basically just going straight forward. After the fifty feet, there is another large metal door. The blood trail along the floor goes under it.
Lt. Andrea Devine: It's locked, but not electrified. Care to do the honors Dugan?
GM: Notice checks.
Dugan: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Withers: Notice [1d8 = 6]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Notice {+2 Cat Eyes,+2 Alertness} [1d10+4 = 13]
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 16]
Randall Breckenridge: ah smell...
Dugan agrees with the Lt's assessment that the door is locked but not electrified.
Dugan: pulls out his super special bobby pin and approaches the door
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d8 = 4]
[w] -> Randall Breckenridge: You think you hear chanting in Vietnamese on the other side of the door.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d8 = 4]
So do Tyran and Colwyn.
Tyran Drenski: good job marine
Dhu (Dugan): Good eyes Randall ... did you see anything?
Randall Breckenridge whispers "y'all, I hear Vietnamese csinging or chantin behind th' door"
Dugan: Lockpicking [1d6 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly bets on Dugan getting sacrificed to Kali
Tyran Drenski hands randall ear paste...
Colwyn O'Reilly: Gambling [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 8]
Tyran Drenski: Hey if you put this in your ear it will translate for you
Randall Breckenridge: ok, I'll try that. Whats they sound like now?
[w] -> Randall Breckenridge: Pressing your ear up to the door, you hear a man saying, "Hail Great Lords of Champa! We sacrifice unto you these thirty hearts, taken from the bodies of our mutual enemies! Bring forth your power to destroy the foreign invaders, as you have since the time of the hated Shin Dynasty!"
GM: Guts check Randall.
Randall Breckenridge: Guts [1d6 = 3]
GM: That, strangely enough, passes, since nothing really bad has happened yet.
Randall Breckenridge: my oh my, theys sayin theys got 30 hearts to sacrifice, to kill us ferrin invaders
Lt. Andrea Devine: That would explain the location of the three missing squads of Aussies.
Dugan successfully picks the lock on the door.
Randall Breckenridge: I don't lahk th sound o that! Makes all my hairs stand right up
Marine: Doc, about that morphine I asked about. Can I get some yet?
Randall Breckenridge: ah say blast em up
Colwyn O'Reilly: not until you're injured marine... dang breck, are these guys green?
Hogpile: I'd say more of a sickly yellow. No offense to the big Marine with us.
Lt. Andrea Devine: All right, we kick the door open, shoot the bad guys, then figure out what is next.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hmm...the door opens outward, not inward.
Tyran Drenski: Well, gonna kill em?
Lt. Andrea Devine: Wait...
Lt. Andrea Devine touches the door. Her eyes close and she murmurs something under her breath.
Lt. Andrea Devine: No grenades in here.
Tyran Drenski: Can we take the door off the hindges then just pull it away?
Lt. Andrea Devine: Don't use any grenades in the next room.
Colwyn O'Reilly: mebbe we can just open it sneaky like?
Tyran Drenski: Hooah...well what should I do?
Withers: Hinges are on the other side, otherwise that would be a good idea.
Colwyn O'Reilly: i've got oil in my gun cleaning kit... maybe we could oil the hinges?
Colwyn O'Reilly: damn
Dugan: i can lend you my colt
Tyran Drenski: I have a tiny gun....i will do my best
Withers: Well damn...guess I don't know anything about doors.
Tyran Drenski: and a knife!!
Dugan: really, that's not an admission anyone should make in public
Hogpile: Yeah Sarge, no offense, but if a door opens outward, the hinges have to be on the outside.
John (Randall Breckenridge): special vietnamese craftsmanship
TADM: (Well, actually...Colwyn pointed that out...but it is important to note.)
Tyran Drenski: I got Rocky... that is my biggest contributtion
Dugan (thinks): Withers is making me look smart with that whole hinges snafu
Colwyn O'Reilly: well, let's oil them and see if we can sneakily open it
TADM: And Dugan is once again lucky that Withers has the "extra tolerant" personality type.
Tyran Drenski: can we bring the tiger down and put it in the door way and do a surprize attack?
Lt. Andrea Devine: Sounds like a plan Colwyn.
Tyran Drenski: they might think the tiger got in??
Randall Breckenridge: thats their kitty, tho
Colwyn O'Reilly: i don't feel like dragging a tiger 150 feet
Tyran Drenski: Dugan can even play the role of the tiger
Randall Breckenridge: they might jes get madder we hurt it
Dugan: maybe if we set him up on wheels, we could roll him in and get them on a test of wills
Tyran Drenski: ah, yeah your right on to colwyn's plan
TADM: You know, in another campaign, a certain character would probably gleefully skin the tiger so that she could pretend to be the tiger in this situation, but then, she is fundamentally insane.
Lt. Andrea Devine: So Colwyn, oil the hinges and we will see if we can pop the pins out and knock the door down.
Randall Breckenridge: mabbee we kin get some bamboo, an make wheels an a frame,
Dugan: I bet someone here could mcgyver it
Colwyn O'Reilly: yeah, if we build a giant wooden tiger...
Hogpile: I'm thinking we should go to the market with 10 gold pieces and buys enough supplies for a two week journey.
Randall Breckenridge: an get a motorcycle, an yee haw!!
Randall Breckenridge: yeah, we kin get all that at the market
Withers: I'll take care of buying the correct ratio of hens to roosters!
GM: Okay, Tyran, make a repair check to oil the hinges and then pop them out of the door.
Randall Breckenridge: kin we tell atall how far from th door the chanters are?
Tyran Drenski: Repair [1d6 = 25]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): WOW
Randall Breckenridge: she done it right up
TADM: Okay......
Colwyn O'Reilly: those are some slippery hinges
Tyran Drenski: I am a he..thank you
Colwyn O'Reilly: hey, where's my KY Jelly?
Randall Breckenridge: course you is
Randall Breckenridge: I was thinkin of the hen grease you used, of course
John (Randall Breckenridge): or something like that
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): i am confused I guess she in occ and he in
John (Randall Breckenridge): no, i'm making it up, thats the ticket...
Well, Tyran comes up with the brilliant idea to drizzle gun oil under the bottom of the door. Then he uses about an ounce on the hinges to pop the pins out. With a mighty cry of "hee yah, go ninja power" he kicks the door off the hinges, it hits the pool of gun oil and slides across the room. Not only is the loud noise of the crash disturbing, but the door knocks over a large brazier and scatters a collection of human hearts all over the floor, thereby completely disrupting the ritual the NVA "Archaeologist" was performing and also giving everyone a surprise round against them.
TADM: A 25 repair check was worthy of a giant paragraph.
Dugan: how many are we up against?
Tyran Drenski: I go and kill!!
GM: Okay, so instead of init order, we will go -> Dugan, Randall, Tyran, O'Reilly, NPCs.
NVA "Archaeologist": Well, suck.
Dugan: Let's start with putting a dent in Gookzilla, then dropping to a prone position after the shot
GM: Good idea.
Dugan: what is the range?
Randall Breckenridge: can we see what weapons if any are visible?
TADM: 1 square = 2 points of range.
GM: The Gookzilla is carrying a giant machete in each hand. The NVA Soldiers are carrying AK-47s. You do not see any visible weapons on the "Archaeologist."
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Medium Range -2) [1d10+1 = 9]
GM: That hits.
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [2d6+1 = 3]
Dugan: drops into a prone position
GM: The bullet bounces off the Gookzilla.
TADM: Dugan needs to look into the "No Mercy" Edge so he can spend Bennies to reroll damage.
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Flechette CAS +2, Marksman +2, Cover (Medium) -2) [1d8+2 = 8]
Randall opens fire on the "Archaeologist," but somehow the slippery little bugger dodges.
[w] Tyran Drenski: okay when I fire my colt it is a single shot right? and what is the range?
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: You can double tap (+1 to hit, +1 to damage) that fires two bullets. Range is 12/24/48.
[w] Tyran Drenski: thank you
Tyran Drenski: double tap on gookzilla
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: Colt 1911 (Double Tap +1, Medium Range -2, Marksman +2) [1d6+1 = 5]
GM: That hits.
Tyran Drenski: Colt 1911 damage +1 [2d6+2 = 8]
GM: The Gookzilla is shaken.
GM: Colwyn?
Tyran Drenski: I helpped kinda..
Colwyn O'Reilly: 3 round burst at gookzilla
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (Medium Range -2, 3 Round Burst +2) [1d8 = 4]
GM: Strangely, that misses.
TADM: (The Gookzilla has Dodge.)
[w] Tyran Drenski: so do I do not forget
Lt. Andrea Devine jumps over Dugan's prone position and fires a double tap at the NVA soldier to the south.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Double Tap +1) [1d6+3 = 14]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hush Puppy damage +2 (Double Tap +1) [Raise] [3d6+3 = 13]
GM: He, rather messily, explodes.
Dugan (thinks): if I had a toughness of 8 i'd run into the open with no cover too
TADM: Hmm...I guess Dugan thinks Randall should charge out in the open?
Tyran Drenski: Me too, I have the lowest toughness of all here.
Marine aims at the guy behind the altar.
Marine #2 aims at the guy behind the altar.
Dhu (Dugan): and you are wounded too? where is a medic when you need one
Withers goes on Hold.
Hogpile braces the M60 to fire next round.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): he can't fix me yet...
Lt. Andrea Devine double-tap on Gookzilla and double-tap on guy behind altar.
[w] Tyran Drenski: where is colwyn on the map??
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Double Tap +1) [1d10+3 = 8]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Double Tap +1) [1d6+3 = 8]
[w] Dugan: do i have a clean shot at the NVA to the north, or do I have to come out of the entrance for that shot?
[w] -> Dugan: Which one?
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hush Puppy damage +2 (Double Tap +1) [2d6+3 = 10]
[w] Dugan: the one that is closest to me, just outside the opening
[w] -> Dugan: you do not have a clear shot at him.
Gookzilla is using a benny
NVA Super Soldier: Vigor [1d6 = 9]
Dhu (Dugan): whoo!
GM: Her shot hits the Gookzilla, forcing him to use a benny. Her other shot misses the guy behind the altar.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): bummer...
NVA "Archaeologist" points finger at Dugan.
Dhu (Dugan): the middle one?
NVA "Archaeologist": Fear me, fear me and grovel little worm!
NVA "Archaeologist": Intimidation [1d6 = 5]
GM: Dugan needs to make a Spirit check.
Dugan: Spirit [1d4 = 7]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Point back!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): nice dhu
Dugan: points back with the middle one
GM: Evidently Dugan ignores the icy grip of Fear...this round.
NVA "Archaeologist": Bummer
NVA Regular shoots at Tyran.
NVA Regular: Shooting [1d8 = 8]
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [Raise] [3d8+1 = 15]
GM: The Surgeon General recommends immediate use of Bennies.
NVA Regular shoots at Dugan.
NVA Regular: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d8 = 1]
[w] Tyran Drenski: I have dodge did that help
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
GM: And hits the walls somewhere behind the Gookzile with that roll.
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: Good point! Yes, it helps a lot, because that makes the hit not a raise for bonus damage.
Tyran Drenski: Vigor [1d6 = 2]
[w] Dugan: can i give a benny to tyran? would that help her out?
John (Randall Breckenridge): can I give my loaner benny?
[w] Dugan: err .. him?
GM: Back up.
GM: The Statue is in the backpack and not activated.
GM: Jade Golem: Vigor [1d8 = 11]
There is a flash of green light and a "KA-PING" noise. The bullet ricochets off Tyran's helmet.
NVA "Archaeologist": WAIT! KILL THAT ONE!
NVA "Archaeologist" points at Tyran.
Tyran Drenski has been awarded a benny (returned, since the Jade Statue used one)
Gookzilla: RARRRR!!!!
Gookzilla charges Lt. Devine, waving machete's wildly.
Gookzilla: Fighting [1] [1d10 = 3]
Gookzilla: Fighting [2] [1d6 = 13]
Gookzilla: Fighting [3] [1d10 = 3]
Tyran Drenski points back.... like dugan did but with both hands
GM: Wow, a hit with a raise. He really is berserking.
NVA Super Soldier: Machete damage [2d10+3 = 8]
Dugan (thinks): Lt Dan might be in trouble
Gookzilla backhands her with enough force that it tosses her into a nearby wall. She collapses into a heap.
Dugan: decides to clear the room of some of the rubble
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [1d10+3 = 12]
GM: That definitely hits with a raise.
Dugan: is that a raise?
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [Raise] [3d6+1 = 14]
GM: He messily dies.
Marine: Shooting [1d8 = 6]
Marine #2: Shooting [1d6 = 1]
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 15]
Hogpile: Shooting [1d8 = 2]
Withers: M16 (24/48/96) damage [2d6 = 3]
GM: The NPCs open fire and shoot wildly. Withers succeeds in hitting the guy standing behind the altar, but he appears to be using the same bullets Dugan is.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): thought my token should join the battle
TADM: Well, you were not on the map yet. I assume as part of your action you are moving on to the map?
Colwyn O'Reilly
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly: LT is just shaken, no wounds?
[w] -> Colwyn O'Reilly: Yep, no wounds.
Colwyn O'Reilly: targetting gookzilla again then
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2) [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: That hits.
Colwyn O'Reilly: M1 Carbine damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [2d6+1 = 7]
GM: The Gookzilla gets hit and bleeds a little. He looks at the bullet wound in the same way that most people look at mosquito bites.
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: Colt 1911 (Marksman +2, Double Tap +1) [1d8+3 = 9]
GM: That is a hit with a raise.
Tyran Drenski: Colt 1911 damage +1 [Raise] [3d6+2 = 9]
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Flechette CAS +2, Marksman +2, Medium Range -2) [1d8+2 = 7]
GM: The Gookzilla is shaken by Tyran's shot.
GM: That hits the regular NVA soldier.
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [Raise] [4d6 = 23]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I helped sorta...
GM: He explodes into a messy, steaming pile of goo.
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Joker! Go whenever you want and this round: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Lt. Andrea Devine goes on hold for now.
Randall Breckenridge: is the LT up and moving?
GM: Yes.
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: Colt 1911 (3 Round Burst +2, Marksman +2) [1d8+4 = 8]
Tyran Drenski: Colt 1911 damage +1 [2d6+2 = 15]
GM: (Actually a double-tap, but that is still a hit.)
Gookzilla is using a benny
Gookzilla: Vigor [1d10 = 9]
GM: Well, that shot causes him to use his last Benny or suffer some terminal lead poisoning.
Dugan: From my prone position, I'm taking a shot at Gookzilla dude
GM: Fire away
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [1d10+3 = 10]
GM: That hits with a raise.
TADM: (for 3 damage?)
Dhu (Dugan): not funny
Dugan: crosses fingers
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [Raise] [3d6+1 = 24]
Dugan: oooo
Randall Breckenridge: bet that hurts
The Gookzilla's head explodes like an overripe melon. His body flails around for a second for two before dropping to the ground in a heap.
Withers: OMFG.
Marine #2: Wow.
Marine claps.
Dugan: eww
Hogpile props mouth closed.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: nicely done
Tyran Drenski: Good job!!
Randall Breckenridge: nice shootin
Colwyn O'Reilly runs across the room and slams into the altar, attempting to push it into the "archeologist"
GM: Awesome. Make a strength check.
Dhu (Dugan): since the doc has the 'archeologist' covered, I'll have to go and check on the Lt. next
Colwyn O'Reilly: Strength [1d6 = 5]
Colwyn puts a shoulder into the altar and drives it backwards off the wooden plank of the cart that it was sitting on. This causes the Altar to slide backwards off the locked wheels and land on the "Archaeologists" feet, causing him to scream in pain and become trapped in place.
TADM: It also, rather brilliantly, removes his cover and stops him from using deflection and dodge.
Colwyn O'Reilly falls to the ground after hitting the altar
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Flechette CAS +2, Marksman +2) [1d8+4 = 16]
GM: That hits with a raise.
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [Raise] [4d6 = 24]
Dugan: way to go doc!
GM: Colwyn has "archaeologist" bits all over him. In fact, they are pretty much scattered in an eight foot diameter in all directions.
Dugan: nice shootin'
Randall Breckenridge: thankee
Colwyn O'Reilly: good shot Breck!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Spirit (Combat Reflexes +2, Joker +2) [1d6+4 = 9]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Good thinking O'Reilly. Great shooting Marine.
Dugan: glad to see you back on your feet Lt... For a moment there I thought you might need mouth to mouth resucitation
Randall Breckenridge: O'reilly done the hard part
There are two other exits from the room. The exit to the north heads further down. The exit to the east is flat and level. Neither of them have doors, so you can see a ways down them if you shine your flashlights. The tunnel to the east has numerous side alcoves off of it and stretches beyond the range of your flashlight. The tunnel to the north descends at a 15% grade until you cannot see any farther.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Here Dugan, have some crayons.
Dugan: shall we proceed downward?
Dugan: o' boy..!!!
Lt. Andrea Devine hands Dugan a box of 8 crayons of different colors.
Dugan: just what I always wanted
Tyran Drenski laughs
Dugan: Looks at the door to see if there is a spot to put in some colorful artwork
Randall Breckenridge: ah say check the alcoves first
Dugan: 'Dugan wuz here'
Dugan: let's go deeper into this maze of death
Dugan: 'here i sit ...
Lt. Andrea Devine: Okay, Withers and Hogpile, set up here. Point the M60 at the western door that we came through. The other Marines and I will head down the tunnel to the north. O'Reilly, Breck, Drenski, and Dugan head east. O'Reilly, you are in charge of that group. Don't get yourselves killed.
Withers: Hooah ma'am.
Hogpile sets up M60 pointed back at entrance.
Colwyn O'Reilly: yes ma'am
Withers: Drenski, I don't suppose you brought some claymores, did you?
Tyran Drenski: yes, one...use it wisely
Withers: Well, set it up at the entrance there were you think it will be most effective as a booby trap.
Withers points at western entrance.
Lt. Andrea Devine and the (redshirt) Marines head down the tunnel to the north.
Randall Breckenridge: good huntin boys and maam
Marine: Likewise Marine.
Tyran Drenski sets up the claymore to blow up as a booby trap.
Colwyn O'Reilly: As soon as you're done Drenski, let's head down here... Dugan, you still want point?
Dugan: sure boss, I'll cover point
Tyran Drenski makes sure it will kill many and maybe a tiger too.
Tyran Drenski follows colwyn
Dhu (Dugan): get back in line
Dhu (Dugan): you are not on point
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): lol now now boys...
Dhu (Dugan): fine
Dhu (Dugan): :)
Colwyn O'Reilly: Breck, you take the rear, Drenski, behind dugan, I'll take third...
Colwyn O'Reilly: point meaning "first position" Dugan...
Dhu (Dugan): anyone know that tune from bridge over the river kwai?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): acually I moved maybe the tough marine should be first
The four of you head down the hallway. After about fifteen feet you reach the first set of alcoves. They are not very deep and look hand carved. You get the sense they look like small sleeping areas, there are grass mats and ratty blankets in them.
GM: Notice checks.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d8 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d8 = 2]
Dugan: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 12]
TADM: Wow, I really liked the rolls on the first three. Double 3, double 2, double 3.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I am staring at the walls...shiny spot
Fortunately, you brought a super-observant Marine with you, who hears the flap of barefeet on stone in the distance, as well as breathing coming from some alcoves just down the tunnel a little farther.
Randall Breckenridge: are y'all makin fingr puppet tigers?
Randall Breckenridge: kin we heave a flare down there and be a ready to fire?
Colwyn O'Reilly takes cover in an alcove
Dugan: Let's step in to the alcove here, and
Colwyn O'Reilly: maybe we can ambush them as they go by?
Dugan: and line up low to high, aiming down the hall
Randall Breckenridge: Ah wanna shoot em down thatta way
Dugan: put Tyran on the bottom, in the prone position; then Colwyn just above, I'll crouch and Breck can stand
Randall Breckenridge: while takin cover at the wall here
TADM: Another high-quality map, filled with precision map-making tools.
Tyran Drenski: I got a flare..
TADM: Except on this map, 1 square is 5 (FIVE) not 2.
Dugan: take positions
Dugan: before you set off that flare
Tyran Drenski: I think hiding in the alcoves is good, sneak attack
The barefeet are getting closer, it sounds like they are starting to run towards you. Maybe a whole lot of them, perhaps sixty or more.
Dugan: grenade?
Tyran Drenski in the prone
Randall Breckenridge: rock and roll down the hall
Dugan: course, it could be our aussies
Colwyn O'Reilly: sounds good dugan... grenades?
Dugan: takes a prone position
Randall Breckenridge: theys 30 dead, isnt that all of em?
Tyran Drenski: grenade?? yes or no
Colwyn O'Reilly: doubtful, they're in pieces behind us
Dugan: aims towards the running feed?
Colwyn O'Reilly kneels
Dugan: feet
Colwyn O'Reilly: shoot your flare drenski
Tyran Drenski shoots flare
Colwyn O'Reilly: it'll blind them, then we can grenades them and pick off the survivors
The flare arcs down the hall and erupts into a bright light.
GM: Guts checks.
Dugan: Guts [1d6 = 4]
Tyran Drenski: Guts [1d6 = 9]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Guts [1d6 = 2]
TADM: A 4 is passing.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): bennies?
Colwyn O'Reilly is using a benny
[w] Dugan: i'll give a benny to colwyn
Colwyn O'Reilly: Guts [1d6 = 5]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I give you one...or not
Randall Breckenridge: Guts [Critical failure!] [1d6 = 1]
Randall Breckenridge: ahhh!!
Randall Breckenridge is using a benny
Randall Breckenridge: Guts [1d6 = 4]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): can I roll a grenade down the hall and not kill us?
John (Randall Breckenridge): I think we'll skip that this time
The flare reveals a swarm of ...things...that look like a cross between a Viet Cong soldier and a howler monkey. The reason it sounds like there are so many of them is because they were running on all fours. Of course, there are probably still about 30 of them, but that is better than the sixty it sounded like.
Colwyn O'Reilly: grenades, and we may want bayonets... they don't look armed
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): well, they're four armed, techinically
Dugan: are they blinded by the flare?
They howl in rage at the sudden bright light and their charge stops as they cover their eyes and hiss.
TADM: They might also be contemplating flinging poo at you...
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Attack!!!!
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Dugan was dealt a Three of Clubs.
Dugan was dealt a Jack of Spades.
Dugan: so a grenade is long range, right?
GM: For throwing, yes.
John (Randall Breckenridge): are they really 45+ squares away right now
Dhu (Dugan): I counted 30
Dugan: Throws a grenade
Dugan: Throwing (Long Range -4) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-4 = 7]
TADM: The lead ones are 40 away, yes. You did awesome on the notice check.
GM: The grenade lands on target, roll damage.
Dugan: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 8]
Dugan: perfect
GM: The first few are stunned by the explosion.
Bac Cong: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d8 = 1]
Bac Cong: Spirit [1d8 = 6]
Bac Cong: Spirit [1d8 = 14]
One of them staggers and falls into an alcove. The other ones recover from the grenade and flare and resume charging at you.
Tyran Drenski
Dhu (Dugan): glad I'm not in that front alcove
[w] -> Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing check.
Tyran Drenski: grenade and willy pete if that matters
GM: Fire away
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: Okay, roll damage.
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 8]
TADM: Hmm...clearly you bought Wal-Mart Store Brand hand grenades.
Tyran Drenski: darn!!! I miss thumper god
The monkey-things catch fire from the Willy Pete and howl in rage and the bright, burny thing.
Colwyn O'Reilly
TADM: Wait...Thumper God works for all your Grenades.
TADM: So nevermind, you actually blow up three of them.
Tyran Drenski: oh well add two then
Tyran Drenski: Yeah!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d8+2 = 14]
[w] Tyran Drenski: i lied I have 4 claymores...well I miss placed them
[w] Tyran Drenski: blond...hehehe
[w] Tyran Drenski: i am going to stick to one...we did pack light after all
Colwyn O'Reilly: Throwing [1d6 = 3]
[w] -> Colwyn O'Reilly: You happen to "notice" that the front claws of these creatures glisten slightly. With that awesome roll, you see and smell something that reminds you of a medicine that induces paralysis. It drips from their claws.
Colwyn O'Reilly: DON'T LET THEM CLAW YOU!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly is using a benny
Colwyn O'Reilly: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 4]
GM: That lands on target.
Colwyn O'Reilly: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 7]
TADM: Stupid Wal-Mart brand Hand Grenades.
GM: You stun the group up front.
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Long Range -4, Marksman +2, Flechette CAS +2) [1d6 = 8]
Randall Breckenridge: [2d6 = 9]
The howler monkey things that Colwyn stunned get torn to shreds by Randall's gun.
GM: Ten down, twenty to go.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: That hits.
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 9]
GM: Stunning all 6 of them.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: i'm going to try to pick off the front one
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (Medium Range -2, 3 Round Burst +2) [1d6 = 3]
GM: That misses.
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: hold
Dugan: I am going on hold
Tyran Drenski
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Tyran Drenski
Dhu (Dugan): I am going after Tyran
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Joker +2, Marksman +2) [1d6+4 = 15]
GM: That hits.
GM: Really well.
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage (Joker +2, Thumper God +2) [3d6+4 = 14]
John (Randall Breckenridge): it burns us, nasssty
GM: Eight of them explode into messy, gooey pulps. Eighteen down, twelve to go.
GM: Dugan?
Dugan: I'm shooting at the one that is left in front
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I am trying to go for the ones in the back so everyone else is in range...
GM: (There are actually two per token.)
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Cover (Medium) -2) [1d10+1 = 9]
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [Raise] [3d6+1 = 20]
GM: He explodes. Gruesomely.
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Flechette CAS +2, Marksman +2, Long Range -4) [1d8 = 5]
GM: That hits.
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [Raise] [4d6 = 8]
GM: He falls over dead.
GM: Twenty down, ten to go.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly: was the one that fell next to me dead? I think we were all assuming it was. If not I probably should have shot it earlier.
Dhu (Dugan): I'm going on hold
Colwyn O'Reilly
[w] -> Colwyn O'Reilly: It is not moving and appears to be dead.
Dugan: we're waiting for the thumper dog to pair down the numbers
Colwyn O'Reilly: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Medium Range -2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 9]
Colwyn O'Reilly: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 8]
GM: Okay, they are all stunned.
Round 4
Dealing cards...
Dhu (Dugan): staying on hold for the moment
Tyran Drenski
Dhu (Dugan): go nessie!
Dugan: crosses fingers
Dugan: and toe
Dugan: really hard to cross one toe
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 7]
Dugan: but i was successful
GM: You hit
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 10]
GM: They all explode.
Tyran Drenski: yea!!!!!!!
Dhu (Dugan): and turn into baby monkeys
Tyran Drenski hugs rocky
Tyran Drenski: We lived!
The four of you head down the tunnel a short distance and discover that the tunnel ends in a large circular cave that was clearly being used as the living quarters for the swarm of howler monkey man-hybrid things you just slaughtered.
Rooting through the room for a little bit does not reveal anything exciting or unusual, except for what looks like a small rag doll made of something wet...Colwyn suspects it is human flesh that is somehow staying damp.
GM: (Must be the preservatives they used on it.)
The group heads back to the central room to find Hogpile and Withers sitting there, evidently it has been boring here. They heard the sounds of gun fire down both the north and east tunnels, but nothing came from up above.
About two minutes later, the Lt. and both Marines return. The Lt. looks like her normal self. The marines are white, rigid, and look like they are completely scared witless. They mumble under their breath but don't really say anything coherent.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Report Withers and O'Reilly?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): they were peeing on it
As she says that, there is the muted thump of a lot of explosive going off somewhere in the distance, down the north passage. Dust and rocks drop from the ceiling from the blast shockwave.
Lt. Andrea Devine: (mutters) Whoops, cut the detonator cord fifteen seconds too short.
Withers: Boring and quiet here ma'am.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Ma'am... there was some kind of monkey hybrid living down this corridor with a living quarters at the end
Colwyn O'Reilly: we managed to kill them, and found nothing of note in the cavern at the end
Lt. Andrea Devine: I see. Good work everyone. Let's get back to base.
Colwyn O'Reilly: they did appear to have some kind of venom on their claws though... these VC must be into some hardcore genetic engineering
Colwyn O'Reilly: we may want to grab one and take it back to base for testing, ma'am
Hogpile: Like monkey-snake hybrids? Creepy.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Yeah, grab a corpse if you think it can be transported safely.
Tyran Drenski: any one have a trash bag?
Hogpile: This is where a wet-weather poncho would have been really helpful.
Withers: Maybe we can stick it on the cart that the stone altar thing was on and wheel it out of here that way?
Colwyn O'Reilly: that may work... just avoid touching claws, I'm not sure what that venom does
Dugan: you can have my poncho
Dugan: i carry it in my webbing, not in the rucksack
Colwyn O'Reilly: let's grab one of the less mutilated ones
With Colwyn's supervision and some careful yet creative packing, you succeed in putting one of the howler-monkey things on the cart, wrapped in Dugan's poncho.
Dugan: you can keep it
Randall Breckenridge: kin we burn up the rest?
Randall Breckenridge: an the tiger?
They you wheel it up the stairs and out of the tunnel complex. When you return to the Australian camp, Lt. Devine informs the Lt. Col. that the missing Aussies are all dead. Then she asks them to flood the tunnels with about 10,000 gallons of gasoline and light a match.
Randall Breckenridge: alrightty
Colwyn O'Reilly: did we find any tags while we were down there?
GM: Which succeeds nicely in torching everything per Randall's request.
GM: Make a Notice check for dogtags.
John (Randall Breckenridge): she sounds like a sister of battle...
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 9]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d8 = 6]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d8 = 5]
Dugan: Notice [1d6 = 14]
TADM: The Heretics will be cleansed in Purifying Flame!
Tyran Drenski: good rolling tonight dhu!!
Dugan: aw shucks
Colwyn O'Reilly: we should have opened those deadbolted doors before the conflagration as well
GM: With those rolls, you manage to find all thirty of the dogtags from the missing soldiers. They were all in the room where you first found the tiger.
GM: Okay, it looks like everyone will get an Advance tonight.
GM: So spend it if you know what you are going to spend it on.
Tyran Drenski: I want and need brawney please!!!!
The two Marines sit and gibber by themselves in the corner of the mess tent, muttering something about "end of the world."
Everyone else is entitled to eat whatever they feel like, the Aussies pack a nice field kitchen.
Tyran Drenski: do I recover from my wound???
GM: Yes.
Tyran Drenski: crepes?
Tyran Drenski: special crepes??
John (Randall Breckenridge): i'll have to think on it
GM: No crepes. Neither special nor ordinary.
Randall Breckenridge: steaks on the barbie!
GM: But steaks on the barbie is a "yes."
Tyran Drenski does not identify the food just inhales everything he sees.... near death experiences makes a man hungry.
Colwyn O'Reilly: the medic takes Nerves of Steel
Tyran Drenski: next time its hard to kill for me
Tyran Drenski: GOOD NIGHT ALL!!!!!!
Randall Breckenridge: good night
TADM: Night all, thanks for playing.
Campaign saved.