Chat log started at 22.2.2018 / 17:41:53

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MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.41 20171007). This ruleset adds features and flexibility to CoreRPG allowing you to play more game systems. This has grown from the MoreCore extension and adds a range of generic features. This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward and additional thanks to Trenloe and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Trenloe, Frostbyte, Imiri, Myrddin, Sibelius, damned and ianmward. Other devs may add new roll types. You can Create a library of Rolls and you can drag Rolls into the MoreCore tab of the PC sheet and the Rolls field of the NPC sheet.
Type /dicehelp to see Dice String info in game.
Type /morecorehelp to access the MoreCore User Manual in game.
Fantasy Grounds Theme Extension - Conan 2d20 Theme V3.1 by Jolly. More great resources at
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.4 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
You are in Velitrium, the largest Aquilonian outpost in the Bossonian Marches. The “last bastion of civilization” is its unofficial name. On the other side of the Thunder River is the Conajahara Province, a land of scattered settlements and untamed, violent Picts who revel in the slaughter of those who are not Picts. Typically the news of the settlement concerns raids, disrupted shipments, or the latest group of armed settlers to try and carve out some homelands in this new frontier.
However, the big news dominating taverns, squares, markets, and everywhere people gather is the sorcerous battle that took place two days ago in an area known as the ‘Place of Whispering Fog’. Flashes of red lightning and cries and wails from no human throat filled the air. Rumor has it that some sorcerer from distant lands, bolstered by a horde of Kushite mercenaries, was trying to plunder some ancient tomb deep in the Pictish Wilderness. An Argossian sorcerer learned of this, and for whatever reason sorcerers do things, rallied several local mercenary companies to fight against the incursion. Survivors from both sides have been trickling into Velitrium ever since then, and it seems the Kushites lost badly but both sorcerers survived to plot further schemes. Kushites are a rarity, and the few survivors have become something of celebrities because of their outlandish appearance and almost alien behavior. Meanwhile, outlying farms have reported all manner of strange beasts in the area, and it seems like creatures far fouler than Picts are wandering the nights.
There is no mention if any Picts were involved, or what side they were on, but it is certain they are riled and this latest incursion will only stir up the pot of warlike hostility from them. Already there have been rumors of attacks on outlying forts and settlements, but what can be blamed on the Picts and what can be blamed on the aftermath of the sorcerers is unknown.
Tack (Meltam Perandus): Most of them are pretty obvious thankfully =D
Slumbara is talking to a number of curious locals
Slumbara: No my friend, I do not the blood of my enemies. It upsets my stomach
Feneril (Slumbara): drink*
Volmalric -> Meltam Perandus: test
Meltam Perandus -> Volmalric: ....and im secretly plotting to sell out the party to a terrible sorceror... Oh hi!
Volmalric: Given the recent events, I don't think that's a very good business model
Baron Trebellius: Now now, there is nothing to worry about people. I am sure this will all blow over soon.
Baron Trebellius is standing to one side of the gate house, and is your stereotypical fat French aristocrat with a complete disinterest in the responses of the commoners in front of him.
Baron Trebellius: Yes yes, I'm sure it is all fine, the fact some scouts are missing means nothing.
Baron Trebellius waves off guard who is reporting news to him.
Slumbara: Except that they are dead
Slumbara: Or maybe they were eaten
Slumbara: It is very dangerous out there if you are not as mighty as Slumbara
Several nearby peasants look at Slumbara appraisingly and are convinced the large and imposing black man is, indeed, very safe from danger and they should stick near him.
Meltam Perandus: A man is only as might as his coin, friend Slumbara. Perhaps we should find some work?
There is a shout from the walls.
Soldier: There are some scouts returning! They are in trouble.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara: Stand back friends, I must go help them
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 2 [2d20 = 12]
Baron Trebellius: Meh, probably just slipped in some of the copious amounts of Pict crap out there. It happens to my horse some times.
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 13]
The group notices that two men, one supporting the other, break from the tree line about 300 yards from the northern edge of the city. There are hoots and whoops of war-cries, it seems the Picts are in hot pursuit!
Captain Estarcus: We need to get out there. Send a detachment...
Baron Trebellius: Now now...let's not be hasty and risk lives for people who are just clumsy.
Meltam Perandus: Command Successes = 0 [2d20 = 29]
Captain Estarcus: Those are our soldiers and they will die you fool.
Baron Trebellius: I'm in charge here, and I don't see any reason to...
Captain Estarcus: Fine.
Slumbara: You sound like a coward
Captain Estarcus points at a group of people.
Slumbara: A fat and lazy one too
Meltam Perandus: People of Velitriam, to the common defense of your kin!
Meltam Perandus: Persuade 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 32]
Volmalric: He seems rather clumsy, which would explain his concern
Slumbara turns to Meltam Perandus
Slumbara: No my friend, you are clearly slow in the head
Slumbara: You should say here where it is safe
Captain Estarcus: You are all hired as mercenaries to go help Hauk and our scouts return to Velitirum and report what is going on.
Slumbara: You may become injured or dead
Volmalric: I respect that loophole
Some peasants look at Meltam and wonder if he is tryig to sell them infected blankets or something.
Slumbara: Ok, I will help my friend
A group of PIcts rush from the trees and make a beeline toward the gates, clearly intending to cut off the scouts from returning. Captain Estarcus runs to the walls to arrange the defense.
Volmalric: I'll take you up on that offer as well
Slumbara pulls out his sword and runs towards the picts
You are standing near the open gates on the north side of Velitrium.
The Baron seems to be indecisive about whether he should order them closed or not. There are 12 Picts threatening the scouts, they are not coming closer to the gates.
Captain Estarcus: Loose arrows!
Meltam Perandus: I'd say stay cool out there, ut I think that's something you are good at.
Slumbara (Shouting): I expect to be fairly compensated my friend. I have bills to pay
The Velitrium scouts run back into the trees as the Picts charge at them.
Captain Estarcus: Yes yes, of course, now get out there since Baron Blowhard won't let my men and I go.
Baron Trebellius: Now now, I won't have you insulting me to my face. I have important things to do elsewhere.
Baron Trebellius walks off.
Slumbara: Yes, like pushups.
Slumbara: Or maybe some cardio
Meltam Perandus follows the giant appliance into battle
Slumbara: Basically, I am saying you are fat
Volmalric follows after Slumbara, drawing his bow and notching an arrow to close the distance to a comfortable one for support
Slumbara is not able to catch the Picts, who are clearly running in terror from the refrigerator shaped (wo)man wielding a sword and the Picts are NOT chasing after the scouts who have run back into the trees.
Slumbara follows the picts into the woods
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 [2d20 = 19]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 33]
Slumbara and Volmaric think they find the tracks of the boot wearing scouts, as opposed to the moccasin wearing Picts. Meltam panics when he realizes that there must be HUNDREDS of Picts in the area.
Meltam Perandus: It's an ambush! We've been had!
Slumbara: No my friend, one does not simply ambush Slumbara
Slumbara kneels down and touches the tracks
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 21]
Slumbara: We should find those scouts, they may in danger in this heavy wood without Slumbara
Slumbara follows the trail a short distance, then loses it. However, you all hear the sounds of Picts hooting and hollering in the woods around you. There are clearly more than 12 in the area.
Meltam Perandus: Society 4EXP/4FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 28]
Slumbara: Intelligence - 9 Successes = 0 [2d20 = 32]
Slumbara: Do not worry friends, there is no danger as long as you are with Slumbara
Slumbara: Slumbara will protect you
Meltam Perandus: For a hireling of a Sorceror, you are certainly selfless, friend Slumbara
Slumbara: People are much like farm animals, you must take care of them and keep them safe in a dangerous world if you are to profit from them
The forest around here is a bit dense, and none of you are familiar with the area.
Slumbara: And sometimes you eat them
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 16]
Slumbara picks up the trail again and resumes following it towards the river.
Volmalric: That's the second time you've brought up cannibalism
Slumbara: I do not know what you are talking about
Volmalric raises an eyebrow
Volmalric: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 15]
Slumbara: No really, what does "cannabalism" mean
Slumbara: This is not my native tongue
Slumbara: Slumbara is not a learned scholar
Meltam Perandus: Linguistics Successes = 0 [2d20 = 37]
Slumbara: Linguistics 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 [2d20 = 5]
Slumbara: Oh, is "cannabilism" the same as "eating other people"?
Volmalric: Yes, that would be it
Meltam Perandus: Im sure the Picts could provide lessons....
Slumbara: Ahhh. No I do not eat people, I eat animals
Slumbara: Slumbara was making a metaphor
Slumbara: That is when Slumbara explains a concept by making a symbolic reference to another object or action which is not literally applicable to the concept
Meltam Perandus: Warfare Successes = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Feneril (Slumbara): Slubara making use of that 3 successes linguistics roll
Meltam tells that Battle is about to be joined, because he realizes the small lake ahead is an excellent place for them to take cover.
Volmalric: Actually, you used a simile
Meltam Perandus: A civilized person in need! To arms!
Volmalric looses an arrow at the filthy barbarian Picts
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 35]
Slumbara looks at Meltam Perandus
Volmaric shoots SOMEWHERE near the Picts.
Slumbara charges at the picts
Slumbara: Stand back friend, you will only get yourself hurt
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 3 [2d20 = 6]
Slumbara: Broadsword: (Reach 2-Parry 1-UNB-5D): vs Pict Warrior - Toughened 2 [7d6 = 29]
Slumbara: Broadsword: (Reach 2-Parry 1-UNB-5D): [7d6 = 21]
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 34]
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 26]
Meltam Perandus: Mace: (Reach 2-Unb-Knockdown-Stun-Pierce 1-3D): vs Pict Warrior - Minion 2 [4d6 = 12]
GM: So far we have 2 Successes on Meltam.
GM: We have 5 Successes on Slumbara.
The Picts near Hauk tag team him and one is able to land a crushing blow while the other distracts him.
Hauk: Melee Successes = 0 [2d20 = 35]
Hauk fails to do anything on the counter attack.
Meltam Perandus: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 12]
Slumbara: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Slumbara: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 34]
Slumbara is using a Hero Point
Slumbara takes two mighty swings at the veteran pict warriors attacking him
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 3 [2d20 = 11]
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 25]
Slumbara: Broadsword: (Reach 2-Parry 1-UNB-5D): vs Pict Warrior - Toughened 2 [7d6 = 26]
Slumbara: Broadsword: (Reach 2-Parry 1-UNB-5D): vs Pict Warrior - Toughened 3 [7d6 = 24]
Slumbara: With a pair of mighty blows, Slubara cuts two men in half and then accidentally kills a third with his followthrough
Volmalric takes a shot at the annoying Pict charging him so he can focus on something more important
Picts: De Holy Shiznuts! Dis guy is Bom Bad!
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 24]
Volmalric: Intimidate: (Close-Mental-Stun-2D): [4d6 = 19]
Volmalric: Bow: (Close-2H-Volley-3D): vs Pict Warrior - Minion 1 [4d6 = 9]
Volmaric shoots the Pict charging him through the eye.
Meltam Perandus is using a Hero Point
Then he realizes he is so fantastically buff that he broke his bow string from his victory dance.
Meltam Perandus: Persuade 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 27]
Meltam Perandus: Intimidate: (Close-Mental-Stun-2D): vs Pict Warrior - Toughened 1 [2d6 = 7]
Meltam yells ferociously at the Pict, who seems taken aback by the strange entreaties to engage in fornication with trees and suggestions of wishful naked dancing.
Volmalric curses under his breath as he slings his bow back onto him and draws his dagger
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 [2d20 = 10]
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 10]
Meltam Perandus: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara notices Volmalric taking out a dagger
Meltam Perandus: Mace: (Reach 2-Unb-Knockdown-Stun-Pierce 1-3D): vs Pict Warrior - Minion 2 [4d6 = 16]
Slumbara: No my friend, stay back. You are small and meek and you will become harmed
Volmalric: I'd rather be attacked with a weapon in hand than without!
Meltam bludgeons the Pict into the ground with his mace. As he does this, he notices the Pict near him begins to glow a somewhat whitish color. Unnatural whitish even.
Pict: Melee Successes = 2 [2d20 = 39]
Pict: ¦¦ Hatchet (M): [5d6 = 22]
Meltam Perandus: What foul sorcery is this!?
Pict Warrior #4 swings at Hauk, who ducks just in time, causing Pict Warrior #4 to disembowel Pict Warrior #5.
Pict: Melee Successes = 3 [2d20 = 6]
Pict: ¦¦ Hatchet (M): [6d6 = 26]
Pict: Melee Successes = 2 [2d20 = 12]
Slumbara: Parry 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 [2d20 = 5]
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 22]
The Pict Warrior attacking Meltam looks at him and speaks in an ethereal voice.
Ghostly Pict: I have sensed your presence, little one. You can go for now. Your continued existence pleases me.
Pict Warrior #1 explodes into a visceral mess.
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Meltam Perandus: Acrobatics Successes = 2 [2d20 = 18]
Volmalric: Mitra's blessing, what the hell did you just do to that man, Meltam?
Meltam Perandus: I did nothing! I presumed the gods would have no interest in these brutish dogs!
Meltam manages to deftly avoid the sharp bones and dangerous bits, and succeeds in only getting covered in the gooey and bloody bits. He even managed to keep his mouth shut and not ingest anything bad.
Slumbara: He must have exploded himself out of his fear of Slumbara
Hauk: Whew! Well met friends!
Hauk helps his friend Titus to his feet.
Meltam Perandus: Healing 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Hauk: We need to get out of here, there are more coming.
Slumbara: Do not worry my friend, Slumbara will protect you
Hauk looks at Meltam.
Hauk: Umm...the bandages go the other way, and generally on the injured person.
Slumbara: I do not think they will pay me if you die
Volmalric: Healing 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 13]
Volmalric: I've got this, friend.
Volmalric: Slumbara, we have an injured man here
Volmalric: For you to carry
Volmalric: Not to eat
As if on queue, the hoots of Pict war parties fills the air.
Hauk: They will be coming for sure. Let's get back to Velitrium.
Hauk is carrying Titus.
Meltam Perandus: Persuade 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 17]
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 22]
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 3 [2d20 = 4]
Meltam Perandus: You know, friend Slumbara, we aren't paid by the head.
Slumbara: No my friend, we do not need to slink through the shadows like cowards
Slumbara confidently strides back to camp
Hauk: Yes, if you want to get paid by the head, you need to work as a Bounty Hunter out of Fort Tuscelan. They pay by the Pict Head.
Slumbara stops
Volmalric: Sounds like a profitable business
Slumbara heads back and beheads the picts, tieing them to his pack
Slumbara: Where is this Fort Tuscelan?
Slumbara: I have fiduciary needs
Hauk heads back to camp, expecting that the Picts will go for Slumbara first.
Slumbara follows Hauk
Slumbara: Slumbara has made some bad investments in the past
Meltam Perandus: Stealth 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara is too distracted by the thought of money to interfere with Meltam Perandus' stealth check
The group makes it back to Velitrium without further incident, although the Pict war parties are definitely swarming the area.
Meltam Perandus: Thankfully, we pict our fights well this day.
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 0 [2d20 = 31]
Volmalric: Society 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 17]
Meltam Perandus: Hauk, what did you see out there?
Slumbara: Where is that nice guard captain. Slumbara would like to collect what we are owed
Captain Estarcus: Well done! you rescued Hauk and Titus. But where's Rolf?
Hauk: He didn't make it sir.
Captain Estarcus: Egads.
Captain Estarcus: Let's get you resting and some mead in your belly, then tell me what is going on.
Slumbara: Do we still get paid?
Slumbara: 2 out of 3 is pretty good
Baron Trebellius: Yes yes, I will need to fill out a report and send it to the King, reporting my valiant leadership in the face of adversity.
Captain Estarcus looks at Slumbara.
Captain Estarcus: Good Kushite, I shall be happy to pay you, but let's see what Hauk has to say, as there might be more work for you.
Captain Estarcus: Also, we don't pay bounties on heads here.
Baron Trebellius vomits.
Baron Trebellius: That Pict head is leaking brains on the floor!
Slumbara: It is ok, we can find that fort later and sell them there
Baron Trebellius runs screaming from the room.
Slumbara: I don't know why anyone would pay for a head when you can just get them from anyone
Slumbara: but I am not complaining
Slumbara: Yours is a strange land
Captain Estarcus: I can accept that from a Kushite no offense taken.
Hauk polishes off a big jug of mead, and then begins his story.
You are in the scout's barracks (I missed mentioning that before the NPCs began talking.)
You are near the walls of the city, just inside the gates.
Kazemi (Volmalric): The good old days when you could drink on the job
Titus has normal combat injuries, now that he is being cared for they are not life threatening.
Slumbara grabs himself a jug of mead and listens
Hauk: Rolf, Titus, and I went across the river and headed towards the Place of Whispering Fog to see if the rumors of the battle were true and if the Picts were going to cause trouble.
Slumbara: You should have asked Slumbara, I could tell you all about the battle
Slumbara: Then your friend would be alive still
Hauk: True, but we needed information for ourselves after the battle.
Hauk: We found a clearing where there were close to 100 picts gathered. They had taken prisoners and were dividing them up.
Captain Estarcus: Prisoners? Picts don't take prisoners.
Volmalric: Sacrifices?
Hauk: Could be.
Slumbara: Meat market?
Slumbara: I was told earlier that they are cannibals
Slumbara: Cannibals are people that eat other people
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Hauk: That could also be the case, but then a tall white skinned man with a large metal headdress that covered his face walked into the camp.
Hauk: The Picts all bowed to him.
Volmalric: Sacrifices
Captain Estarcus: WHAT?
Volmalric: Lore 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 0 [2d20 = 34]
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 13]
Slumbara: Intelligence - 9 Successes = 2 [2d20 = 6]
Meltam Perandus: White Skinned Man? Did he have otherwise Pictish features?
Kazemi (Volmalric): phone, one sec
Hauk: Not that I saw, or we could tell. But Rolf stood up and fired an arrow into the man.
Slumbara: Rolf sounds brave and decisive. It is too bad he is dead now
Slumbara continues drinking
Kazemi (Volmalric): Back
Hauk: The arrow pierced through the man's chest. He didn't react at first, but then he just pulled it out and broke it in half. He pointed at us with his hand and said something in a language I did not understand.
Hauk: Rolf...exploded...
Volmalric looks at Meltam
Hauk: Titus and I ran like mad. The Picts began chasing us. The rest you can infer from what you saw.
Captain Estarcus: Hmm...I wonder if this White Man is one of those sorcerers who was stirring up all the trouble.
Meltam Perandus: Slumbara?
Slumbara: Well, he doesn't sound like the sorcerer I worked for
Slumbara: He was an ebony man, and he still owes me 2 weeks of pay
Slumbara: And hazard pay
Slumbara: What about your sorcerer?
Slumbara: What did he look like?
Meltam Perandus: Not that.
Volmalric: Oh come now, you should be able to provide some description, I'm sure
Slumbara: BTW, how much do 7 pict heads weigh?
Tack (Meltam Perandus): take some lessons from the Picts and make them shrunken heads
Captain Estarcus: Well, we need to find out more about this threat.
Hauk: I will go it, after I get a night's sleep.
Soldier: EGADS! What is that!
There is a glow in the distance, from the north where the Place of Whispering Fog is.
Slumbara: I do not know my friend, you should be more specific
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 [2d20 = 10]
Soldier gestures at distant glow, which is now stronger than the sun at dusk.
Campaign saved.