The sun sets. The siphon begins dry humping Kuutai's leg out of happiness at being fed so well. The Red Wolves loot the camp of anything valuable, then toss everything else into a bonfire.
Kazuki: Luck [1d4 = 6]
Kuutai: This is pretty humiliating.
Kuutai: I am less than amused....
Hida Sashimi: As am I
Kazuki laughs as the Red Wolves get caught up in several small fireworks that go shooting out of the flames
Red Wolf: Sir, about the Gyoshen woman, can we have our fun with her also?
Void Walker shrugs.
Void Walker: Who knows what diseases you'll get.
Red Wolf: Urk. Good point.
Kazemi (Kazuki): crap. What happened to the ingredients that Sanmiiru gave us?
Sensei: They were shoved in a chest with the rest of your gear, as "evidence."
Void Walker: But I won't stop you.
The Red Wolves break out the rations and food and start munching on them.
Kuutai: Please Sir, May I have some more?
Sensei: Several look over at Ikuko's motionless body and contemplate "after-dinner" activities.
Red Wolf ignores Kuutai.
Siphon crawls away from Kuutai to the extent of the chain and starts snoring peacefully.
Siphon: ZZzzzzz....yummy....zzzzzz
Kazemi (Kazuki): is the chain attached to Kuutai's neck?
Sensei: Yes
Hida Sashimi: Well, um, this is certainly not how I expected our day to go
Kazemi (Kazuki): are the guards breaking out the sake?
Sensei: No and Strength DC=10 to break them.
Akemi: Whheeee!!!!
Akemi streaks naked through the camp.
Red Wolf: WHAT THE!
Red Wolf: GET HER!
Kuutai: Oh wow.
Kazuki: look, a distraction
Kuutai scraches the siphon behind the ears.
Siphon is dead.
Kazemi (Kazuki): are we locked in a cage?
Sensei: Nope.
Kazemi (Kazuki): are we tied up to anything?
The air around the group turns bitterly cold. Then the shadows seem to detach from the world and swirl around you.
Void Walker: We're under attack!
Kazuki: Lockpicking {+2 Thief} (Wound Penalty -1, Fatigue Penalty -2, Escaping! +1) [1d6 = 3]
Kazemi (Kazuki): pff
Sensei: Vigor checks from everyone.
Kuutai: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
Kazuki: Vigor (Wound Penalty -1, Fatigue Penalty -2) [1d6-3 = 2]
Hida Sashimi: Vigor {+1 Mark} [1d8+1 = 8]
Kazuki: meh, w/e
Akemi turns invisible.
Akemi: Look at me! I'm invisible!
Red Wolf: Where'd she go!
Red Wolf: What the Hell!
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 8]
Kuutai: Notice [1d6 = 10]
Hida Sashimi: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Kazuki: Notice {+2 Alertness} (Wound Penalty -1, Fatigue Penalty -2) [1d6-1 = 9]
Quorteth (Kuutai): What killed Siphon, wtf is going on?
Sensei: The group feels themselves being pulled apart, like your limbs are being ripped from your bodies. Cold air fills your lungs. If feels like you have just been plunged naked into a freezing river. Seconds later, you are gasping for breath. Tree limbs sway above you. The sounds of shouting can be heard in the distance, and you see the Gyoshen camp lit up as the Red Wolves ignite torches.
Chiri: Imbeciles.
Kuutai: Yay!
Chiri: She thinks you are not worth saving.
Sanmiiru: Neither did she, but she did.
Chiri: She was a fool.
Kazuki: What?
Sanmiiru: Move them again, I will go get Akemi.
Chiri: Bah.
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d6 = 4]
Kazuki: Also, the materials
Chiri casts a spell.
Kazuki: they have them in the chest
Hida Sashimi: I'm not sure what you both did, but I thank you
Sensei: The same sensation rips you apart, and this time when you recover, you are in the grove where you met Sanmiiru.
Sanmiiru appears with naked Akemi.
Akemi sets down the chest with all your gear in it.
Akemi: I do protest being naked.
Akemi walks off to get dressed.
Kuutai: Loots!
Sanmiiru: This night's activities are a bit...trying..for someone of my age. I bid you good evening. You will be safe here.
Sanmiiru teleports away.
Akemi comes back, fully clothed.
Kuutai bows to and thanks Chiri.
Kuutai: Thank you so much!
Kazuki bows to Chiri
Hida Sashimi whispers words of thanks into Akemi's ear
Akemi looks a little more timid and tired now that all the Boost Trait bonuses have worn off.
Hida Sashimi bows to Chiri also
Chiri frowns.
Chiri: Stupid fools.
Chiri cuts your bonds and gestures to the stream.
Chiri: She hates you all.
Chiri: Drink there, clean yourself up, whatever.
Kuutai: Awww... most of us were following the rules and being good!
Akemi heads into the cave to get cooking supplies.
Kuutai: Kazuki, come here.
Kazuki heads over to Kuutai
Sensei: Okay, I need some notice checks or whatever the group is doing.
Kuutai: Let the kindness of water mend your wounds...
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d10 = 3]
Hida Sashimi: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Kuutai is using a benny
Kazuki: I don't feel anything
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 5]
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 8]
Sensei: The chest Akemi showed up with had all your clothes and equipment in it.
Kuutai Loots the chest and gets his stuff back.
Hida Sashimi bathes, then gets dressed and joins Akemi in the cooking. Will "pump" info out of her at a later time
Kuutai: Chiri? When did you meet up with Kazuko, and under what circumstance did she let you borrow that?
Chiri: She did not let me borrow it.
Kuutai: Is.....she ok?
Chiri: She is dead.
Kuutai: Uh....Who, or what, or what army saw to that?
TADM: Note: Following the "she's" here might be amusing...
Chiri: She did what was asked of her, as she is also. Which is why she has not killed you.
Kazuki: Notice {+2 Alertness} (Wound Penalty -1, Fatigue Penalty -2) [1d6-1 = 3]
Kazuki: Hey, Chiri, Tadashi was able to track me down. Is that something that's in one of my items?
Chiri sniffs.
Chiri pulls out her Tanto.
Kuutai: But....But...what in the hell?
Kazemi (Kazuki): please don't stab me
Chiri stabs Kazuki in the chest.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): yay! smartest move all day!
Chiri sticks in a finger and pulls out a small round object.
Kazuki: Persuasion (Acting) {+1 Defining Interest} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 4]
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 7]
Kuutai: Yes...what is that
Kazemi (Kazuki): I will take my wound penalty again
Hida Sashimi: Kn (Underworld) {+1 Yakuza (Def. Interest)} [1d6+1 = 4]
Kazuki: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 3]
Chiri tosses it in the fire. It snaps and pops a couple times, explodes with a bright blue flame, then melts away.
Kazuki: I would've put it inside a deer
Chiri: She values a deer's life more than yours.
Kazuki: Kuutai, I'm bleeeeeeeding
Chiri: It is how the Void Walkers track their unreliable servants.
Chiri looks at whiny Kazuki.
Chiri punches him.
Sensei: Kazuki feels much better....when he can stand again.
Kuutai: Well I am furious.
Akemi looks at Hida.
Kuutai: In either case, hand the sword over, Chiri.
Kuutai: I will use it to avenge Kazuko.
Kuutai: It was her wish that I would have it if she passed.
Akemi: Did you see me throw the metal chopstick at the thing that was chained to Kuutai?
Akemi: I did not think I could do it! But Sanmiiru said I had to believe in myself.
Kuutai: Ah....So you killed that thing? Good Work.
Chiri looks at Kuutai.
Hida Sashimi: I always knew you had hidden talents :)
Kazuki: You're awesome Akemi!
Chiri: You are welcome to take it from her cold, dead, hands.
Kazuki: Kuutai, why do you need that sword?
Kuutai: Chiri, do not turn this into a matter of pride; this was her wish.
Chiri: She thinks he is trying to compensate for a lack of something else.
Kazuki: I noticed
Chiri eyes narrow as she looks at Kuutai.
Chiri: What do you know of her wishes?
Kuutai: Only what she shared with me.
Hida Sashimi: I'm sure the others and I are quite hungry from our ordeal. Tell me all about what happened while we make dinner, okay?
Hida Sashimi: Kn (Cooking) {+1 Food (Def. Interest)} [1d6+1 = 9]
Akemi gleefully makes dinner with Hida's assistance.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Iron Chef!
Chiri: She shall consider your request against what she told her.
Kuutai: We took a reprieve at your home village, Chiri. There, she seemed unusually uneasy... and spoke this way
Kuutai: as if she knew somethign was going to happen/
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 4]
Chiri: She did. And before she died, she asked that she holds this for her until she can ask for it again.
Kuutai: Ah. I see.
Kuutai: May you make many widows with it then.
Chiri: She does not plan on using it at all, she knows that she is unworthy of the blade.
Hida Sashimi: So, what happened Akemi? Why weren't you captured?
TADM: And technically...neither Chiri nor Kuutai are strong enough to actually use the weapon.
Akemi: I went out picking mushrooms when that fox showed up, the talking one. He led me to the old sage.
Akemi: Then Chiri showed up and we came back to the camp and those two figured out how to rescue you.
Chiri points at Akemi.
Kuutai: I see.
Chiri: She cried much about the fat one not getting enough food.
Akemi: Hey, you weren't supposed to mention that.
Kazuki: Ironic
Chiri: She cares little what you think.
Akemi: "She" is a bitch, but I thank you for rescuing them anyway.
Akemi bows to Chiri.
Chiri shrugs.
Kuutai: Well... We are down a member.
Kazuki: She's mean on the surface, but good at heart
Akemi: I know Kazuki, even if she does not.
Kuutai: We will need to fix that before long if we are to continue to try and stop the transformation...
TADM: Actually, Ikuko and Daichi are passed out in the glade, they made it through both teleports also. They just don't get to recover until Fen shows up.
Akemi hands out food to everyone.
Kuutai: Chiri, you can't tell us ANYTHING? I mean, don't you have a duty to tell us, that we may seek vengenace>?
Hida Sashimi: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Hida Sashimi is using a benny
Hida Sashimi: Notice [1d6 = 11]
Hida Sashimi: Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 6]
Chiri: She has a duty to tell you nothing, only to mock and spit at you.
Kuutai: Ouch...
Chiri: But if you have a useful question to ask that does not involve her life being wasted as cheaply as Kazuko's then she will entertain it.
Sensei: P.S. For those wondering, the chain is still around Kuutai's neck.
Sensei: It has a little empty collar trailing along behind him on the ground.
Kazuki: Lockpicking {+2 Thief} (Fatigue Penalty -2) [1d6 = 11]
Sensei: It looks a little pitiful.
Sensei: Kazuki picks the lock.
Kazuki: Escaping?
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Kuutai, or the collar?
Kuutai: I want a pet Oni.
TADM: Yes.
TADM: Kuutai takes the "familiar" Edge so he can get a pet oni....actually...disallowed.
Quorteth (Kuutai): Are Seien disallowed?
TADM: Seien are definitely disallowed. For reasons that will make sense when you meet one.
Sensei: Okay, so what would the group like to do now?
Akemi practices her throwing skill using cutlery.
Kuutai: Well. I say we rest until morning, then resume the Great Turtle Hunt(TM).
Hida Sashimi practices with Akemi using regular chopsticks
Hida Sashimi: Unskilled {-2 Unskilled} [1d6-2 = 2]
Kazuki: Hey, Chiri, are those tracking things always in the same spot?
Kazuki: Er, do you know?
Chiri: She was trying to rip out your traitorous heart, and found it instead. She is disappointed by this turn of events.
Sensei: The night passes. Everyone sleeps relatively well.
Kuutai: Well now.
Hida Sashimi: Zzzzzz...
Kazuki: Notice {+2 Alertness} (Fatigue Penalty -2) [1d6 = 2]
Kazuki: Repair [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Kazuki does not do a very good job setting up his sleeping area. He stops caring about halfway through and just falls asleep
[w] -> Kuutai: Guess the instruction manual was not included.
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d10 = 9]
Kuutai: Spirit [1d6 = 5]
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 8]
Kuutai: Smarts [1d10 = 5]
Kuutai Is playing with his staff.
Akemi: Ewwww!!!
Quorteth (Kuutai): LOL.
TADM: No Akemi, not THAT staff.
Akemi: Whew!
Hida Sashimi calms Akemi while we sleep
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Well, if nothing happens during the night, we should probably get going in the morning
Kazuki: Ow, ow, ow
TADM: As soon as Kuutai reaches the climax of playing with his staff.
Chiri stabs GM.
Kuutai: Peoples. Ready your knives, steel your wills, for today, We march, to free the people of Sorimizu from the tyranny of Kappa!
Kazuki: my body hurts
Chiri: She thinks you whine a lot for someone who is still alive.
Chiri slaps Kazuki.
Akemi makes breakfast, then packs everything up.
Kuutai: Or...if you folk don't want that...We could venture to the highest peaks to the east of Seikisho....and find a riddle, a sage... a TENGU
Kuutai: Whatever you feel like!
Kazuki: Nah, I think Kappa is a pretty good target
Sensei: Daichi and Ikuko wake up, but are mostly catatonic and will just follow along behind the group carrying extra equipment.
Kazemi (Kazuki): Ikuko is in shock
Sensei: That also.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): No Kuutai, Ikuko will not hold your staff
Quorteth (Kuutai): Shes public property now. I have my standards thank you.
Akemi: Is Kuutai's staff detachable? That would be weird.
Kazuki: Are we supposed to report to Tie-sensei?
Sensei: To answer Kazuki's question, that was not specifically required.
Kuutai: Why?
Kuutai: We have no time for that!
Kuutai looks a little too happy at the prospect of killing Kappa.
Sensei: The group trudges along.
Kazuki: Well, Tie is in the same area as LAKES OF SLAUGHER are anyways
Sensei: D20 [1d20 = 16]
Kuutai: I suppose. It is a little rude to not invite him along as well.
Sensei: D20 [1d20 = 9]
Sensei: [2d6 = 11]
Sensei: D10 [1d10 = 1]
Sensei: D10 [1d10 = 10]
Kazuki: Nah, he wouldn't come with us
Kuutai: We COULD use some horses, and such. This is going to take forever.
Kuutai is Chiri with us?
Sensei: Toward midafternoon, the group sees a herd of wild horses grazing in the distance.
TADM: Hmm...weird that I roll "wild horses" just as Kuutai mentions horses....
Chiri walks along with the group, offering knife-throwing and food poisoning tips to Akemi.
Akemi seems morbidly curious about both options.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): Well, Kuutai was playing with his staff all night. so, we shouldn't be surprised if he's a little horse
Kuutai: So...any ideas for conscripting these horsies?
Kazuki: Can't you just mind control them?
Kuutai: No I can not.
Kuutai: I wish I could.
Hida Sashimi: We could offer them carrots and apples, if we have some
Kazemi (Kazuki): So, what do we use for animals?
Quorteth (Kuutai): They go fast.
Kazemi (Kazuki): Persuasion?
Kazemi (Kazuki): crap, I don't have Ride
Hida Sashimi: Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 5]
Kazemi (Kazuki): I would like to use RAW AGILITY
Kuutai: HRM. I have a plan.
Chiri: Does it involve you practicing self-immolation? If it does, she approves.
Kuutai carefully and slowly approaches the Horses.
Kazuki: Hey, aren't horses spooked by undead?
Kuutai: There's always time for self-immolation later. =)
Kuutai: Spellcasting [1d10 = 8]
Akemi gets out a couple apples and some carrots from her backpack of "food holding+3"
Kuutai (Horsey): Greetings good Horses of the prarie, I come on a mission, and I would appreciated it if you would aid us in reaching our destination fastest. It is your duty, in the celestial order (points to staff, smiles like a slick car salesman)
TADM: Persuasion check.
Kazuki (to Chiri): What's he going to do to the horses with his staff out like that?
Kuutai: Persuasion [1d6 = 5]
Chiri: She can only assume that you fantasize about having a staff like that.
Horsey Leader: Hello, rotten smelling part-oni thing. If it will get you upwind of us faster, we shall transport you along. But if you come near us with saddle or bridle, we shall stampede you into the ground.
Kuutai: What's with the long face? aren't you happy to see us?
Horsey Leader kicks Kuutai.
Horsey Leader: Fighting D6 [1d6 = 7]
Horsey Leader: Hoof Damage [2d12 = 18]
Kazuki: That was worth the price of admission
TADM: Hmm...that would be fatal. Do not anger horse.
Kazuki: I like these horses
Hida Sashimi: Me too
Hida Sashimi: They're a great way to kickstart our mission
Kazuki: You're not going to eat them, are you?
Kazuki gets away from Hida
Horsey Leader decides to do non-lethal damage (18) to Kuutai instead of just crushing his skull.
Hida Sashimi: Of course not.
Akemi laughs coyly at Hida's clever pun.
Chiri dumps itching powder down Hida's back, due to his pun.
Kuutai: Very well then. We seek transport to the largest lake in Sorimizu so that we may purge it of Kappa.
Horsey Leader laughs.
Horsey Leader: You have several hundred years?
Nick (Hida Sashimi): This is going to be a kappa-strophe
Kazuki: It'll be a small purge
Kuutai: I have an insatiable hunger for blood and carnage. Does that suffice?
Kazemi (Kazuki): that was pretty good
Horsey Leader: And aren't Green Kappa traditionally the allies of the Sorimizan noble houses? So aren't you threatening the wrong creatures?
Kuutai: We are after the RED MENACE.
Horsey Leader: In fact, I spoke to a nice Green Kappa a few days ago.
Kuutai: =)
Horsey Leader: Ah, the communist Kappa.
Hida Sashimi: Hopefully, a red Kappa is nothing like a red Herring
Kuutai: Correct. They are Fluorinating the water.
Chiri: She does not like references to Marxist doctrines in Konoyo. She would prefer you reference them as "Ikko-Kappa who follow the teachings of Dogen Zenji."
Horsey Leader agrees to never cross Chiri AGAIN.
Horsey Leader: We shall take you to the nearest river, from there you are on your own.
Kuutai: Good enough. Thanks!
Horsey Leader: Bring your people over.
Kuutai: Riding [1d6 = 5]
Kazuki: Hey, does that mean we're good to go?
Kuutai: Yep
Hida Sashimi: to horse: I apologize for the weight you must bear
Hida Sashimi: Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 4]
Sensei: Enough horses walk over to people that each person gets one horse to ride.
Kazuki (to horse): I've never ridden a horse before
Sensei: Hida's horse is large and bulky, but can support his weight and is appreciative that Hida was polite enough to apologize.
Kazuki bows
Horse looks disdainfully at Kazuki.
Kazuki: Q.Q
Chiri tosses Kazuki onto the back of the horse like a sack of potatoes.
Kazuki: Luck [1d4 = 5]
Chiri looks at Horse.
Kazuki does not fall off
Chiri: If he falls, step on him a few times.
Kazuki: Climbing {+2 Thief} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 6]
Kazuki: AHHHH
Sensei: Kazuki climbs upright on the back of the horse, but somehow his horse does not have a head.
Chiri: Turn around.
Kazuki turns around
Sensei: Everyone mounts up and the horses trot along for a while, they go faster than the group's normal pace, but given the number of "unskilled" riders here, they do not try anything fancy.
Horsey Leader trots along with the group, making sure nothing unusual happens that will require him to kill Kuutai.
The horses take you to the edge of the river, everyone dismounts, and the horses gallop back off to the south.
Kuutai: Farewell, Mr. Ed!
Sensei: Kuutai is fortunately no longer speaking Horsey, so he lives.
Nick (Hida Sashimi): awwww :(
Kuutai: Well...Now we are to a river. We need a boat.
Sensei: D20 [1d20 = 4]
Sensei: <--- did not roll for a boat to appear, you are on your own.
Akemi heads down to the river to look for water cresses and other tasty, edible, things.
Chiri gets out her biwa, tunes it, and plays a lively and exciting tune about a group of hapless buffoons who get eaten by a swarm of flying ants.
Kazuki follows after to look for signs of kappa and civilization
Kazuki: Notice {+2 Alertness} (Fatigue Penalty -2) [1d6 = 8]
Kuutai Follows
Kuutai: Notice [1d10 = 7]
Hida Sashimi: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Hida Sashimi says with Akemi
Sensei: You see no signs of a boat, but there is a small village (about 10 buildings) in the distance.
Kuutai: To the village!
Akemi: Maybe they will have some paprika I can use for these daikon that I found.
Kazuki: Sounds fun
Kazuki: We need new names
Chiri follows along behind the group, with a strange smile on her face.
Chiri: What was that, dirtbag?
Kuutai: What do you know?
Chiri looks at Kuutai.
Chiri: Hello sleazeball.
Chiri looks at Hida.
Chiri: And pork rind.
Chiri laughs, an eerie hideous sound.
Chiri: She has new names for you, don't you like them?
Kuutai: THose names are not....presentable.
Kazuki: Nah, gotta be more believable
Chiri looks at Kazuki.
Chiri: Traitorous Wretched Half Man servant of the Void Walkers?
Chiri: She thinks it is a bit long for kanji, but appropriate.
Kazuki: Half Man?
Kazuki looks confused
Akemi: How about...Araki, Saigo, and Obuchi?
Kuutai: Sure
Kuutai Claims Saigo.
Kazuki: I'll take Araki
Kuutai Walks into the village.
Villager: Hello strangers, what brings you to our village?
Villager: We have a nice inn by the water, if you need someplace to stay until a barge arrives.
Saigo: Yes! That!
Saigo: Sounds perfect1
Villager: Excellent.
Villager leads the group over to the largest building in the village.
Saigo: Notice [1d6 = 10]
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 7]
"Obuchi": Notice [1d6 = 11]
Sensei: The inn has a large common room with a couple firepits in it. There is a pair of smaller rooms off to one side where food is prepared.
Innkeeper: Hello.
Innkeeper bows.
Saigo: Hello!
Kazemi ("Araki"): does anyone have money?
Innkeeper: I am honored you have come to my establishment.
"Obuchi" bows
Villager leaves.
Saigo: I am happy to have found it!
Saigo: So much wilderness out there!
Innkeeper: It is 7 bu per person, and that includes rice balls and our spicy pickles, which are popular in Kinzoku.
"Obuchi": May we please have a room while we wait for a barge?
"Obuchi": Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 6]
Innkeeper: Absolutely, stay as long as you can pay.
"Obuchi": Kn (Regional Cuisine) {+1 Def. Interest} [1d4+1 = 4]
"Obuchi" pays for all 7(?) of us
Sensei: Yes, there are 7 of you.
Sensei: So deduct 49 bu.
Nick ("Obuchi"): done
Saigo: So....Now that you mention it, how often to barges come?
Innkeeper: Every few days. There is a rice merchant who comes from the surrounding area about once a week. Barge Captain Shinwa arrives a couple days after that, buys all the rice, and uses the barge to get to the capital on the lake.
Innkeeper: So, at most you would need to wait three days I would say.
Saigo: Awesome.
Nick ("Obuchi"): Is it called Laketown perhaps? *expects a dragon attack*
"Araki": Is that 7bu per day?
Innkeeper: Also, we have hot baths if you need to wash off your dust and heal your fatigue.
Innkeeper bows to Araki.
Innkeeper: Yes, 7 bu per per person day.
"Araki": Is it possible to work rather than pay?
"Araki": Persuasion [1d6 = 4]
Akemi offers to help cook to help cover her expenses. Presents her official diploma from the Tetsu Sangaku school of culinary arts.
Innkeeper bows to Akemi.
Innkeeper: Ah! You are most welcome!
Innkeeper directs Akemi to assist his wife in one of the rooms.
Chiri sits down on the porch in front of the inn, gets out her biwa, and plays, "The Ballad of Princess Kinzuhoko"
Chiri: Persuasion {+1 Stringed Instruments, +5 Charisma} [1d10+6 = 12]
Chiri: [3d6 = 15]
Chiri collects 15 bu.
Saigo Walks to the river.
Saigo: I want to see what is at the bottom of this river.
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d6 = 17]
Saigo: Elemental Protection Water, lets go diving!
Sensei: Ikuko heads inside the common room, curls up on a tatami mat, and goes to sleep. Daichi stands guard over her.
Saigo: Notice [1d10 = 5]
Chiri contemplates "Dispel" on "Saigo" as he gets to the bottom of the river, but reconsiders.
Sensei: Saigo finds...the bottom of the river!
Sensei: There are fish, and reeds!
"Obuchi" goes into the village to hunt for intel
"Obuchi": Streetwise {+2 Merchant (Buy/Sell)} [1d8+2 = 8]
Sensei: Plus it has a a soft, dirt bottom with smooth pebbles.
Nick ("Obuchi"): and for
"Obuchi": Kn (Underworld) {+1 Yakuza (Def. Interest)} [1d6+1 = 6]
Sensei: Obuchi discovers that the people in town are polite, courteous, and generally friendly. You get the feeling they have lots of visitors but are always happy to meet new people.
"Araki" needs to rest to reduce the Fatigue penalties...
Saigo attempt to harvest clams/mussels/etc.
Saigo: Strength [1d4 = 2]
Sensei: Saigo finds a new species of scallop that has evolved to the point where it produces a "bacon-like" substance as its outer shell.
Sensei: With that strength check, he collects 2 of them.
Kazemi ("Araki"): lol
Saigo brings the scallops to Akemi
Saigo: Look what I found!
Saigo: I'm so useful!
Akemi: Wow! Do they have bacon pre-wrapped around them? What an amazing evolutionary discovery!
Saigo: Its natural Un-Selection!
Akemi cooks them up and gives them to Saigo so that he can enjoy them.
Saigo: Experts still debate how becoming more tasty and easier to eat confers fitness!
Kazemi ("Araki"): As Carl Sagan once said, "The humans are gonna eat you."
TADM: Greater chance of being cultivated by humans to increase the number of the species present?
Nick ("Obuchi"): Easier to spread the poisonous spores/eggs they contain?
Sensei: The common room has two other guests in it. They are a man and a woman, who sit together. The woman is wearing a scarf, a plain brown kimono, and is very quiet. The man has a katana, wakizashi, and no-dachi, and you get the feeling that "sword fighter" is his primary occupation.
Sensei: Or perhaps, "Duelist for Hire"
Sensei: He and Daichi look at each other like caged tigers waiting for an excuse to stab something.
Akemi: Food's ready!
Akemi brings out food for everyone.
Sensei: The couple is gracious and thanks Akemi for being so kind.
Saigo approaches the sword-dude
"Obuchi" goes back to the inn
Saigo: Hello good sir. Care to share tales of your daring exploits, and of your many battles with us?
Saigo: Or are you, looking for work?
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 7]
"Araki" is paying attention
Man: Battles are nothing worth speaking of, and I am only waiting for a barge to arrive.
Man: But the biwa player sitting outside has a nice voice and plays well, you are lucky to travel in her company.
"Araki" joins in
"Araki": She's really putting more effort into this than she normally does
"Araki": Or, rather, she's putting in effort to make it sound good
Saigo looks disapointed.
Man: Hmm...musicians are creators of beauty, perhaps you should learn that art before disparaging her.
Kazemi ("Araki"): what's the woman like?
Sensei: She is keeping her face down and you can barely see any features. She is saying nothing and does not meet anyone's eyes.
Saigo approaches the woman.
"Araki": Haha, that's true.
Saigo: Hello! What brings you to this quaint town?
Sensei: The woman does not respond, she moves a little so that Saigo's view of her is blocked by the man.
Man: She is not feeling well, I would appreciate it if you left her alone.
Man looks over at Ikuko.
Man: Although that woman looks ill also.
"Araki": Oh dear. Has she tried the hot springs? Those do wonders
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d6 = 4]
"Araki": She is having a hard time right now
Man: Yes, we will do, thank you for your suggestion.
Man stands and collects weapons.
Man leads the woman out of the building.
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 4]
Innkeeper: Oh hello!
Innkeeper: Are you all doing well?
Innkeeper gestures at Ikuko.
Innkeeper: Does she need more blankets?
Akemi brings Hida an extra plate of food.
Akemi: Here you go! I mixed in some extra spices for this one, I think you will like it.
Chiri walks in.
Chiri: Sometimes, when they are bored, ninja practice poisoning each other just to build up immunities.
Innkeeper looks at Chiri.
Innkeeper: That was random...anyway...does anyone need anything else?
Saigo: I am fine. Thanks for asking.
"Araki": How long have that couple been here?
Innkeeper: Since yesterday. Guard Captain Kariya has been here a few times. The woman is his sister, I am not sure what happened to her. I think she was attacked by bandits.
Innkeeper: I always feel safer when he is here.
Kazemi ("Araki"): lol Kariya
"Obuchi": Thank you, Akemi. I'm sure it's delicious
"Araki": OK, but he's a good man
Chiri: Guard Captain Kagetori Kariya?
Innkeeper nods to Chiri.
Innkeeper: Yes, him.
"Araki": Persuasion (Acting) {+1 Defining Interest} [Critical failure!] [1d4+1 = 2]
Innkeeper: He said was was looking for someone who was staining the Kagetori name.
"Araki" gives a start at the name
Saigo giggles.
Innkeeper: Possibly connected to some oni attacks, and maybe the bandits.
"Araki": Oh dear
"Araki": I hope he manages to clear it
Saigo: Sounds like a dreadful person.
Chiri: Sounds like a true villain that needs to be hunted down, she wishes the captain luck.
Sensei: The night passes. Kariya and his sister return. She looks much better, although there is a nasty scar on the right side of her face where it looks like she was slashed by a katana. She sits in the corner and fiddles with her scarf.
Kagetori Kariya: So what are your names?
Kagetori Kariya settles by his sister, with all weapons in easy reach.
Akemi: I'm Akemi!
Akemi heads out to the river to get water.
"Araki": My name is Araki
"Araki" bows
"Obuchi" bows
Saigo: I am Saigo. I am a humble clam diver.
"Obuchi": I am Obuchi. Pleasure to meet you
"Obuchi": Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 6]
Kagetori Kariya: It is nice to meet you.
Kagetori Kariya: I am Guard Captain Kagetori Kariya, servant of the Lord General of Sorimizu.
Saigo: a Lord General?
Kagetori Kariya: Have you, by any chance, encountered someone named Kagetori Kazumi?
Saigo appears amazed.
Chiri: Yes, Saigo, you dimwit, the Lord General who rules the province of Sorimizu.
Chiri bows to Kagetori Kariya.
Chiri: She is honored to meet you.
Kagetori Kariya: Hmm...
"Araki": I have heard of the name. They say that he summoned an Oni Lord. Is it true?
Kagetori Kariya's attention is taken from Chiri.
Saigo (afraid): An Oni Lord? Oh horrible!
Nick ("Obuchi"): They also say that he enjoyed it, and is lulled to sleep by the screams of all the innocent people it kills
Kagetori Kariya: Perhaps, but the fact that he is stirring up trouble along the border is worse.
Nick ("Obuchi"): And that he has a constant handprint on his face from all the facepalms he's done
Kagetori Kariya: As to summoning an oni lord, I don't believe it.
TADM: I thought his companions were the ones with the handprint?
"Araki": What do you think happened, then?
Chiri sits down in the corner of the inn, gets out a flute, and cleans it.
Kazemi ("Araki"): she has a flute?
Kagetori Kariya: He probably just managed to bribe a group of black tar oni into attacking things and spreading violence in his name.
Nick ("Obuchi"): Better that she cleans that instead of Kuutai's staff
Kagetori Kariya looks back over at Chiri.
Kagetori Kariya (mutters): I swear I have seen that girl and that sword before...
"Araki": What would he have to gain from causing such a commotion?
Kagetori Kariya: I have no idea what his motive would be, other than evil. Anyway, did you encounter any trouble on your journey?
Innkeeper enters.
Innkeeper: My wife and I are heading to bed, please make yourselves comfortable.
Innkeeper bows to Kagetori.
"Obuchi": Thank you for your hospitality
Innkeeper: It is an honor having you here, Guard Captain.
"Obuchi" bows
Innkeeper leaves.
Akemi returns with a bucket of water.
"Araki": But if you want to cause trouble...
"Araki": Could it be that whoever summoned the creature simply invented a name similar to yours, to cause more problems?
Kagetori Kariya: Possibly, which is why I will hunt this man down and interrogate him.
Saigo: You have an unshakable courage to pursue such a man.
Kagetori Kariya: He is just a man, and will fall as the others have.
Kagetori Kariya: I will protect Sorimizu with my life, as is the way of the Kagetori.
"Araki" nods vigorously
"Obuchi": If you are on a quest to hunt down such a dangerous man, why bring someone such as her with you? Doesn't that make your job more difficult?
Kagetori Kariya looks at Obuchi.
Kagetori Kariya: My sister is a Makoto, and quite powerful on her own. She is helping me find this man. Once she has had a couple days to rest. The kami speak with her often, this Kagetori Kazumi cannot hide by any means.
"Obuchi": Ah. I understand now. Forgive my rudeness
"Obuchi": Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 8]
Kagetori Kariya: You are forgiven, there is no fault in showing concern for others.
"Araki": Is that why you traveled out this way, trying to find him?
Kagetori Kariya: Yes. So what of your journeys, what brings you here?
"Araki" grabs a small log and pulls out a beautifully painted top. It has a small village depicted on it
Kagetori Kariya is starting to get suspicious since his questions keeping getting "blown off."
"Araki" compares the log with the top
Saigo: There is nothing to be suspicious of here.
"Araki": they're about the same size
"Araki": We got knocked a bit off track while heading towards Niihana and got knocked off course
Kagetori Kariya: I see.
"Araki": had to go around some bandits
Kagetori Kariya: Hmm...
Saigo: and those damn Ikusans!
Saigo: They need to bugger off, this is Sorimizu! Always up in our faces!
Kagetori Kariya: Ikusans?
"Araki": They did seem to have an Ikusan mon and flags
Kagetori Kariya: Ahh...and what did you have to do with the Ikusans?
"Araki": We avoided them
"Araki": Don't want to tangle with those folks
Kagetori Kariya: Good. They have paid for a special dispensation to enter Sorimizu to capture an enemy of the Iron Dynasty. A vile murderous woman named Gyoshen Ikuko.
Kagetori Kariya: Best to avoid them and their Void Walkers.
"Araki" shivers
"Araki": void walkers...
Saigo: What sort of scum would trifle with such powers..
Kagetori Kariya: Well, we will have more time to talk in the morning.
Kagetori Kariya sits down in a "resting dragon" combat stance, props his sword against his shoulder, and decides to go to sleep.
"Araki": I wish both of you a good night
Sensei: A short while later...when it seems that Kagetori Kariya is asleep.
"Araki" gets to whittling on the log, using his top as a reference
"Araki": Repair [1d6 = 11]
Kazemi ("Araki"): WOO!
Kagetori's Sister stands up and walks over to Chiri.
Kazemi ("Araki"): going for 3-5 rolls total before I'm done
Saigo Decides to go on watch.
Kagetori's Sister: He might not remember, but I do.
Chiri: She remembers you also.
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 13]
"Araki" glances up
"Obuchi" sleeps with Akemi, keeping her safe
Kagetori's Sister: We were in Ikusa Kokoro, fighting in the border wars many years ago.
Kagetori's Sister kneels down next to Chiri.
Kagetori's Sister: You were there, but did not talk as you do now.
Chiri: Much pain has crossed the years between.
"Araki" leans forward
Kagetori's Sister: We were going to be overrun, we had to flee. You took my son....and escaped using Void magic.
Chiri: Perhaps.
Kagetori's Sister: Is he still safe?
Chiri: No.
Kagetori's Sister: I see.
"Araki" tears up
Quorteth (Saigo): !
Kagetori's Sister: You have not changed.
Kagetori's Sister: Physically at least.
Chiri: It is better to change visually than suffer corruption.
Kagetori's Sister: You have done the latter, and I know why.
Chiri: She knows we all have a duty to face.
Kagetori's Sister: That we do, Princess Yuki of Tahata Gaki.
Kagetori's Sister prostrates herself.
Quorteth (Saigo): WHA!
Chiri: Wench.
Chiri kicks the woman.
Kagetori's Sister sighs and walks away.
"Araki" is no longer paying attention
"Araki": Persuasion (Acting) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 7]
Saigo: Wait what?
Kagetori's Sister wakes up her brother.
Kagetori's Sister: What we seek is far from here. We need to go now.
Kagetori Kariya: Yes.
Sensei: They both leave.
Saigo: Chiri? What? If you are a princess.....
Saigo: your mother living in an isolated village?
Chiri looks at Kuutai.
Chiri: Aya? She is well she presumes?
Saigo: Yes. I am just...shocked that you are her daughter, and that...well that makes her royalty too?
"Araki": Wait, which village are we talking about?
Saigo: I'm sure you can piece it together, ye fighter on the rooftops.
Chiri snorts.
"Araki": Ah, was she the one who launched me off the roof?
Chiri: Her adopted mother taught her well, but there is no blood between them.
Saigo: But you look so similar?
Saigo: Strange.
Chiri: She is sure that Kazuko would offer a sage suggestion, something like, "Appearances may change, old friend."
Chiri gags.
Chiri: She cannot stand such tripe.
Saigo: Derp.
Saigo: I suppose.
Saigo: Enough talk.
Chiri: She agrees, lest you make her angry.
Saigo Goes on watch.
Chat log started at 27.11.2011 / 17:31:27

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Daichi remains a silent guard over Ikuko's comatose form.
Chiri: If she had known that bullets would keep that one's mouth shut, she would have shot her long ago.
Daichi looks cross but says nothing, as he is too concerned about bullet-ridden Ikuko to notice Chiri speaking.
Kazemi ("Araki"): Didn't we get our wounds treated?
TADM: Yes, but I need a plausible explanation for Ikuko to not be playing tonight.
Kazemi ("Araki"): also, lol
Sensei: Notice check for Saigo, who is on watch
Saigo: Notice [1d10 = 2]
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 7]
"Araki" is asleep
TADM: Nothing exciting happens on Saigo's watch (at least that he sees)
Kazemi ("Araki"): that makes me feel much better
But Kazuki has nightmares about being repeatedly stabbed by Chiri with Hida's fancy chopsticks and having his eyes pulled out.
"Araki": Q.Q
Sensei: They are pretty graphic, lucid, and seem vaguely portentious.
Kazemi ("Araki"): note to self: lose eyes before Chiri eats them
Akemi curls up next to Hida and sleeps comfortably.
Quorteth (Saigo): Creepy.
Sensei: The night passes...
Kazemi ("Araki"): do I still have eyes?
Nick ("Obuchi"): happy Hida :)
Quorteth (Saigo): You should see if you do.
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 16]
Chiri wakes up Kazuki and Kuutai by dripping some acid on their left hands.
TADM: And I don't mean the kind invented in the 1960s.
Saigo: QWAHhsrjkasr
"Araki": AHHHHHH
Saigo: The hell is wrong...right with you?
Chiri laughs.
Chiri: Good morning.
Saigo: Hello Chiri.
Chiri: She missed your knuckles and joints, it is nothing that a little water will not fix.
Saigo: Has anyone told you, that your personality can be a little abrasive at times?
"Araki" wipes acid onto the corner of the bed
Chiri: At least she is not basic.
Chiri: She did find some bleach in the laundry and was contemplating dumping that on your heads, but then realized she likes bleach, more than you at least.
"Araki": It is very useful
Akemi prods Hida awake.
Akemi: Time for breakfast, I'll go make you something.
Saigo mumbles and grumbles.
"Obuchi": Want to spend some "quality time" first? ;)
Akemi: Nope.
Akemi leaves to make breakfast.
"Araki": Thanks Akemi!
"Obuchi": Awww.
"Obuchi" joins the group, a little saddened
"Araki": Turn your tears into a delicious breakfast
Sensei: Just to point out, you are all sleeping in the same common room warmed by the same firepit. This is a very traditional way station.
Nick ("Obuchi"): Oh. Good to know.
Sensei: So "quality time in public" is what he was suggesting...
"Araki": Common Knowledge [1d6 = 5]
"Araki": Notice {+2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 13]
Chiri: Akemi, she will go fetch some herbs for you to use.
Akemi: No thanks.
Chiri: Then she will fetch herbs for herself to use.
Akemi: Have fun with that.
"Araki": How long until breakfast?
Akemi spends about 20 minutes making a nice rice and egg breakfast.
"Araki": Chiri, can I tag along?
Saigo: I say we should all go on an exclusive Red Kappa diet. Would really motivate us.
"Obuchi" helps Akemi make breakfast
"Obuchi": Kn (Cooking) {+1 Food (Def. Interest)} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 3]
Kazemi ("Araki"): I misread the quotes on that action
Kazemi ("Araki"): I thought they were on "helps"
Chiri: She guesses.
Chiri: Survival [1d8 = 7]
Chiri: We are looking for contact poisons that are inimical to Red Kappa. For reasons you do not understand.
Sensei: Survival
"Araki": Are they inimical to me?
Chiri: She is willing to find out.
Kazemi ("Araki"): do I get an Alertness bonus?
Sensei: Nope
Kazemi ("Araki"): Well, this will be a quick demise
Kazemi ("Araki"): I don't eat anything
"Araki": 404 {-2 Untrained} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 9]
Kazemi ("Araki"): WOOO
Kazemi ("Araki"): I AM USEFUL
TADM: You do realize that "contact" poison works without ingestion, right?
Kazemi ("Araki"): I do with that survival roll
Sensei: Kazuki finds some red spores, which he happens to remember reading somewhere can be ground into a powder, mixed with water, and dipped into weapons for use as a contact poison.
TADM: Roll 2d6+1
Chiri looks almost impressed with Kazuki, for maybe six seconds...almost.
"Araki": +1 [2d6+1 = 10]
Kazemi ("Araki"): did I touch it?
Sensei: Kazuki finds enough for 5 doses.
Kazemi ("Araki"): yay!
"Obuchi" wakes up, feeling a bit out of the loop
"Obuchi": So, what's the plan for today?
Saigo: Top o' da mornin, to ya, lady!
"Obuchi": Lady?
"Obuchi": Notice [1d6 = 5]
[w] "Araki": how much damage does the poison deal?
Saigo: Lad-y!
Akemi: Well, I think we are waiting for a barge to arrive, so until it does we make ourselves useful.
Akemi shrugs.
Akemi: At least, that's my plan.
Kazemi ("Araki"): laddie?
Akemi gives Hida a good helping of food.
Akemi: For instance, I think I'm going to go look for water cress and daikon, the innkeeper's wife said that both of those grow wild around here.
"Obuchi": Thank you, dear. It smells delicious
Saigo: Well that a spiffy idea!
Chiri wanders back in with Kazuki. Kazuki does not appear to be dead, yet.
Saigo runs out of the house and jumps into the river again, dredging for seaweeds.
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d10 = 9]
Chiri laughs.
Chiri sits down on the bank and tosses rocks into the river, trying to hit Kuutai in the head while he bobs for weeds.
Akemi: You know, I'm not entirely sure she is on our side.
Chiri: She is only toughening them up so they can survive.
Saigo Dives as deep as he can with his apparent waterbreathing.
Akemi goes searching for wild daikon.
Saigo: Notice [1d6 = 7]
"Araki" helps Akemi search for the daikon
"Araki": 404 {-2 Untrained} [1d4-2 = 1]
"Obuchi" goes into town to see if he can gather any more intel and gossip
"Obuchi": Streetwise {+2 Merchant (Buy/Sell)} [1d8+2 = 7]
"Araki" does not find daikon
Kazemi ("Araki"): Q.Q
Sensei: Kazuki manages to crush and break several daikon before Akemi loses her temper and threatens to let Chiri cook all his meals in the future.
"Araki": Persuasion (Etiquette) [1d4 = 2]
"Araki" tries to appologize...
Sensei: Kuutai needs some survival rolls to see if he finds any useful plants on the bottom of the river.
Saigo: Survival [1d4 = 7]
Sensei: Kuutai finds a nice collection of river weeds that can be used in a variety of cooking ways.
Saigo: to find some eels! People love eels!
Saigo turns his headlights on
Sensei: The innkeeper's wife is in awe of how useful Kuutai and Akemi are. She talks the innkeeper into letting both of them stay that night for free.
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d10 = 17]
"Obuchi" hopes they are all electric eels
Sensei: Kuutai's underwater/glowing red eyes thing does not discover any eels, but he does find some fish.
Nick ("Obuchi"): yay
"Araki" (whisper): How do you two feel about using contact poison on Kappa?
Saigo: Well.....
Saigo: We need to harvest at least one shell
"Araki": It won't vaporize them in a flashy display of fire and void...
Saigo: long as you do not defile ALL of the shells, I have no objections.
Saigo shrugs
Saigo: Less of them in this world is a good thing.
Saigo: I would just hate to...ya know, pick up a shell and find myself paralyzed....
"Araki": blah blah blah your needs
"Araki": 'sides, it doesn't last that long
"Araki": and adds +2 to damage
Saigo: HRM....
Saigo: Mayhaps if we use salt on them instead of poison, Obuchi here will simply eat all the flesh off them...leaving us the reagent.
"Araki": But what if he eats the shell as well?
Saigo: It lacks flavor?
"Obuchi": Shells are only good for broths and stocks, not for eating raw
Saigo: There you have it.
"Araki": Does that mean that Kappa are for eating raw?
"Obuchi": They can be, but cooling them is more pallatable
Saigo: Hrm.....
"Araki": Saigo, do you know any ice magic?
Saigo: Nope.
Saigo: I do...wonder....
Saigo: About them....If I could perhaps....mitigate their natural attunement to water....
Saigo begins scheming.
"Araki": What, you mean like set them on fire?
Saigo: Nah...I mean like not get tossed by their wateryness.
"Araki": Wait, so make it so they can't cast water spells?
Saigo: Something like that.
"Araki": And how do we manage that?
"Obuchi": Make the water boil and have seafood stew?
Saigo: HRM
Saigo: ....but that would take more pew pew than i have now. =(
The day passes, Kuutai schemes. The night is uneventful. Mid-morning of the next day a river barge comes in.
Saigo: Yay!
Captain Manabu orders his workers to get the rice from the warehouse and load it on the docks.
Nick ("Obuchi"): Way to come barging in! Let's hope we can still keep our plans afloat
Akemi bows to innkeeper and wife.
Akemi: Thank you for showing us such hospitality and letting us stay here.
Chiri decides that Akemi needs to work as a brothel girl for a while to get a better perspective on the world.
"Obuchi": Greetings, Captain. I was wondering if we could perhaps buy passage on your fine vessel
"Obuchi": Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 11]
Captain Manabu: Over your bloated dead body!
Chiri snickers.
Kazemi ("Araki"): natural one
"Araki": undo that plz
Chiri points to Hida's "natural 1"
"Obuchi" is using a benny
"Obuchi": Persuasion {+1 Etiquette} [1d6+1 = 6]
Captain Manabu: Hmm...we are on our way to Kara, and I must warn you that Kappa attacks are on the rise.
Captain Manabu: Hopefully we will be lucky, but if not I cannot guarantee your safety...
"Obuchi": We will be glad to assist against any kappa that may attack
Captain Manabu blinks.
Captain Manabu: Oh, you would?
Saigo: YES, I would MUWHAHAHHAH!
Saigo composes himself.
Saigo bows to Captain Manabu.
Captain Manabu: Well, if we are attacked by Kappa and you help save the barge then passage would be free. Otherwise it is 40bu for transit.
"Araki": I'll take the free, please
Saigo: Yes. We would be relish such an opportunity!
Kazemi ("Araki"): be relish?
Captain Manabu: Free is only an option if we are attacked
"Araki": Is that so?
Akemi walks up, pays Manabu 40 bu, takes her stuff on board.
Chiri walks up, pays Manabu 40 bu, takes her stuff on board.
"Araki": Is it 40bu per person?
Captain Manabu: Yes.
"Araki": pleeeeze, Kuutai
"Araki": Persuasion (Acting) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d6+1 = 5]
Saigo: Oh sure. I will cover us both
"Obuchi" walks up, pays Manabu 40 bu, takes his stuff on board, gives 40 bu to Akemi
"Araki": Thanks!
Saigo gives 80 bu for Araki and himself.
Nick ("Obuchi"): wow. i r broke now
Kazemi ("Araki"): WOW
Saigo: Smarts [1d10 = 21]
Kazemi ("Araki"): Kuutai is the winner this game
"Araki": Smarts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
"Araki": Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [Critical failure!] [1d4+1 = 2]
"Araki" is using a benny
"Araki": Kn(Lore & Legends) {+1 Defining Interest} [1d4+1 = 4]
TADM: The lightbulb above Kuutai's head just went from a "small whisper" to a 10000W Floodlight designed to keep UofM stadium lit all the time.
Captain Manabu pokes Kuutai with a finger.
Captain Manabu: Are you getting on board?
Captain Manabu: Hello?
"Araki": Huh, he's never done this before
Saigo: Ah...Yes...
Saigo: Just....felt a little light headed for a moment.
"Araki": You've been standing there for about 10 minutes
Nick ("Obuchi"): Gotta leave for work in 20-30 min. just giving you guys fair warning
Captain Manabu: All right! Cast off!
TADM: Then we speed up a bunch and get right into combat!
Saigo relaxes on the barge.
"Araki": Persuasion (Acting) {+1 Defining Interest} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 12]
"Araki" attempts to relax next to Saigo, but quickly breaks down and begins pestering him
Saigo: Come to chill, Araki?
Saigo: Its ok to be scared.
Saigo: They have horrible beaks and claws!
Saigo: But just remember, they can't ever stray from water for long!
"Obuchi": Notice [1d6 = 10]
Several quiet days pass as the barge wends its way towards Kara, the capital of Sorimizu. It is early one morning when the barge tilts slightly and Hida spots a collection of angry turtle-men climbing on board.
Captain Manabu: Kappa!
Captain Manabu: If you defeat that group, your passage is free! My sailors will fight the other ones!
Captain Manabu leads his men into battle.
"Araki": Awesome!
"Araki": That's a big kappa in the back
Akemi goes into hiding, as she is a non-combatant.
Chiri prepares to stab anyone who retreats.
"Araki" good thing those aren't in the reverse order
Kazemi ("Araki"): "Araki" good thing those aren't in the reverse order
Saigo: Okay. Everyone kill the 'raid boss' Kappa. These primitives will scatter....
Chiri is auditioning for a part in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical about Stalingrad...specifically, the Commissar.
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Green Kappa #6 was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Green Kappa #6: RRARRRGGHH!!!
Green Kappa #6 throws some goopy looking stuff at Hida.
Green Kappa #6: Throwing [1d8+2 = 6]
Green Kappa #6: D10 (+2) [1d10+2 = 9]
Sensei: Some noxious water plants smack into Hida and cause him to gag and decide that breakfast was a bad idea.
Chiri: Fool! Duck next time!
Chiri: She thinks you are useless.
"Obuchi": Fighting [1d4 = 11]
Sensei: That hits.
Sensei: With a raise.
"Obuchi": Chopsticks, metal damage [Raise] [3d6 = 9]
Green Kappa #6 is Shaken.
"Obuchi": Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Sensei: That misses.
Green Kappa #2: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Green Kappa #2: Claws damage [2d10 = 13]
Green Kappa #2 runs up and claws Hida, making him Shaken and inflicting a wound.
"Obuchi" is using a benny
"Obuchi": Vigor {+1 Mark} [1d10+1 = 8]
Sensei: Which he ignores
Nick ("Obuchi"): d10 vigor is my new friend
Quorteth (Saigo): I like this tank.
Red Kappa: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
Red Kappa casts Improved Arcane Resistance on himself.
Red Kappa makes a mocking gesture at Kuutai.
Kazemi ("Araki"): +1 vigor is what I'm more impressed with
"Araki" applies something to his weapon, then takes a shot at the nearby Kappa with a reach weapon
Sensei: At a -2 penalty.
"Araki": Fighting (Multiaction Penalty -2) [1d8-2 = 5]
Sensei: That misses
"Araki": pfff
Saigo: Watch as the void devours your pathetic powers!
Quorteth (Saigo): Dispell that!
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d10 = 3]
Saigo is using a benny
Kazemi ("Araki"): lol
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d10 = 3]
Saigo is using a benny
"Araki": ROFL
Saigo: Spellcasting [1d6 = 5]
Kazemi ("Araki"): wow
Nick ("Obuchi"): you mean void of a good roll?
Kazemi ("Araki"): Offensive Void bonus?
Red Kappa: Spellcasting [1d8 = 7]
Red Kappa snickers.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Green Kappa #3 was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Green Kappa #3: Fighting (+2) [1d6+2 = 11]
Green Kappa #3: Claws damage (+2) [Raise] [3d10+2 = 16]
Green Kappa #3 rushes up and claws Kuutai for Shaken + 2 Wounds.
Saigo: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Kazemi ("Araki"): Nom if you need it
Saigo is using a benny
Saigo: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Saigo is using a benny
Saigo: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 7]
Green Kappa #5: Fighting [1d8 = 3]
Green Kappa #5 flails like a drunk schoolgirl at Kazuki.
Green Kappa #1: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Green Kappa #1 manages to actually make Kazuki dodge.
Nick ("Obuchi"): on #2
"Obuchi": Fighting [1d4 = 3]
Sensei: One of the green kappa in front of Hida screams in pain and drops over dead.
"Obuchi": Fighting [1d4 = 10]
Sensei: That's a hit with a raise.
"Obuchi": Chopsticks, iron damage [Raise] [3d6 = 6]
Nick ("Obuchi"): damn
Kazemi ("Araki"): an absolutely horrible damage
"Araki" launches a double attack, weight at the Kappa 5, sickle at Kappa 1
"Araki": Fighting (Multiaction Penalty -2) [1d8-2 = 2]
"Araki": Fighting (Multiaction Penalty -2) [1d8-2 = 16]
Sensei: Okay, that hit.
"Araki": Kusari-gama damage (Not-poison +2) [Raise] [3d6+2 = 25]
"Araki": BRING IT
"Araki": Intimidation [1d6 = 8]
"Obuchi": It slices! It dices! It makes julienne fries!
Sensei: Araki's sickle manages to decapitate the Kappa in front of him.
"Araki" points to #4
Nick ("Obuchi"): In front of a kappa-vated audience, too
Green Kappa #4: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Red Kappa: Spellcasting [1d8 = 7]
Red Kappa launches a Water-Empowered 3x3d6 Bolt on the scary Kazuki.
Red Kappa: [3d6 = 13]
Kazemi ("Araki"): DOOOOOOODGE
Red Kappa: [3d6 = 10]
Red Kappa: [3d6 = 10]
Kazemi ("Araki"): Q.Q
Nick ("Obuchi"): It's over 9000!
Sensei: And 3x Strength rolls from Kazuki
"Araki": Strength [1d6 = 8]
"Araki": Strength [1d6 = 4]
"Araki": Strength [1d6 = 3]
"Araki" is using a benny
"Araki": Strength [1d6 = 5]
Sensei: So...Kazuki...gets Shaken+2 Wounds, Shaken+1 Wound, Shaken+1Wound.
"Araki" is using a benny
"Araki": Vigor [1d6 = 4]
"Araki" is using a benny
"Araki": Vigor [1d6 = 13]
Kazemi ("Araki"): damn you dice
Saigo (shaken)
Saigo: Spirit [1d6 = 21]
Sensei: Gesundheit
Saigo: Spellcasting (Battle Dammage -1) [1d10-1 = 3]
Saigo is using a benny
Saigo: Spellcasting (Battle Dammage -1) [1d10-1 = 4]
Saigo: 6 pts. one to each.
Saigo: Bolt(Enhanced) damage [3d6 = 17]
Saigo: Bolt(Enhanced) damage [3d6 = 10]
Saigo: Bolt(Enhanced) damage [3d6 = 13]
Green Kappa #6: D6 [1d6 = 1]
Green Kappa #5: D6 [1d6 = 2]
Green Kappa #2: D6 [1d6 = 3]
TADM: Hmmm...
Kuutai fires off a stream of black void bolts and they tear into the line of Green Kappa (#5, #4, #3) that are in front of him and Kazuki. The Kappa are tossed backwards and their skin is flensed from their bones.
Chiri claps.
Chiri: She is impressed.
"Araki": You should make that into a song
Chiri sings.
Chiri: She laments, that Kuutai used that spell on Kappa, and not on the villain Kazuki.
Chiri: She wonders if you liked that song?
Green Kappa #2: Spirit [1d8 = 4]
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Saigo: Keeps my spirts up. Mmmm More bolts....
Green Kappa #2: Fighting [1d8 = 7]
Green Kappa #2: Claws damage [2d10 = 6]
Green Kappa #2 slashes Hida for no damage.
Hida: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d4 = 1]
"Obuchi" is using a benny
Hida: Fighting [1d4 = 11]
Hida: Chopsticks, iron damage [3d6 = 11]
Hida: Fighting [1d4 = 9]
Hida: Chopsticks, iron damage [Raise] [3d6 = 9]
Hida: Hida breaks out some serious Chopstick-Fu and skewers the Kappa with his new shiny chopsticks.
Red Kappa: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Red Kappa casts Armor (with a Raise) on himself.
Red Kappa points to himself.
Red Kappa: Armor 16 vs. Magic.
Red Kappa moons Kuutai.
"Araki": What about to physical attacks with anti-kappa poison?
Chiri pares one of her fingernails.
Saigo: Your pride, like all things will be consumed by the ever ravenous abyss!
Saigo: Dispell.
Saigo: Spellcasting (Battle Dammage -1) [1d10-1 = 5]
Quorteth (Saigo): if only I had used Datspell instead....ugh
Red Kappa: Spellcasting [1d6 = 3]
Red Kappa is using a benny
Red Kappa: Spellcasting [1d8 = 7]
Red Kappa laughs at your feeble magical attempts.
"Araki" (shaken)
"Araki": Spirit (Wound Penalty -1) [1d6-1 = 4]
Round 4
Dealing cards...
Kazemi ("Araki"): AHA
Kazemi ("Araki"): I recovered from being shaken!
Hida: Fighting [1d4 = 2]
Hida swings, the Kappa parries with one finger.
Chiri gets out her tuning fork and inspects it.
Red Kappa: Fighting [1d8 = 7]
Red Kappa: Claws damage [2d10 = 7]
Hida: Agility [1d4 = 11]
Red Kappa punches Hida, who shrugs off the blow (and water effect) while his belly jiggles like a bowl full of jello.
Saigo brandishes his Celestial Staff.
"Araki": Fighting (Wound Penalty -1, Multiaction Penalty -2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-3 = 5]
Saigo: Your incantations are nothing to the will of the heavenly realms!
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Saigo was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Saigo: Fighting (Joker! +2, Battle Dammage -1) [1d4+1 = 3]
Kazemi ("Araki"): lol
Saigo is done embarrassing himself
Red Kappa is excited that he gets to use Improved Sweep.
Red Kappa: Fighting [1d8 = 7]
Red Kappa: Claws damage [2d10 = 11]
Red Kappa: Claws damage [2d10 = 13]
Kazemi ("Araki"): am I out of range?
Red Kappa claws Hida and Kuutai for Shaken + 1 Wound (each)
"Obuchi" is using a benny
Hida: Vigor {+1 Mark} [1d10+1 = 10]
Hida: Hida dodges the blow, but Kuutai is not so lucky.
Hida: Fighting [1d4 = 2]
Kazemi ("Araki"): how large is this kappa?
Sensei: The Kappa is slightly larger than Daichi.
Sensei: About the same size as Hida, but muscle, not fat.
"Araki" pulls out a large fishing net and captures the Kappa!
"Araki": Agility Trick {+2 Shadow Arts} [1d10+2 = 8]
"Araki": Take that!
Red Kappa: Agility [1d8 = 18]
Red Kappa grabs the net from mid-air and throws it back at Kazuki, making him shaken as the net causes his Kusari-gama weight to smack him in the face.
Red Kappa just beat your Agility check by 2 Raises.
Kazemi ("Araki"): lol
Kazemi ("Araki"): Q.Q