Chat log started at 8.4.2010 / 18:00:20

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: After your last trip into the brush with the squad, you were taken by AF Intelligence in for questioning. Then reassigned to another squadron for a while for "observation" was the official statement. They just shipped you back out to Dak To. Feel free to fill in any details beyond that.
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Do we live in tents normall?
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: Yep.
Corbin Phoenix comes walking back into the sleeping tent.
Corbin Phoenix looks for an empty cot and throws down his duffel bag.
Alberts: Well well well...hey guys, the Air Force radio man is back.
"Hogpile": Woohoo! Great timing since Kenner got his ticket punched last patrol.
Corbin Phoenix: Howdy Alberts, yeah the AF called me back for other duties for a bit. They've sent me back here for now, though.
Colwyn O'Reilly: welcome back corbin
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): date?
"Bookworm": I still think Drenski should patent that fix he came up with for the PRC-25. Amazing how we suddenly started getting WGN and WSGW on it.
It is October 4th, 1956.
Withers: Hey, Airman Phoenix, good to see you again.
Tyran Drenski: Hey where is richard? Damn straight.
Corbin Phoenix: Beats me, no clue where Richard might be off to.
Tyran Drenski: He has the thing..You know the goddly thing
Corbin Phoenix: They don't tell me much... just go here... go there... no go this other place.
Withers: Richard was called off for an LRRP patrol. Something the brass is trying out and Richard has his Ranger Tabs already.
TADM: Which is how I explain Richard's absence.
Tyran Drenski: did he pass the shrine on?
Withers: What Shrine?
Alberts: I call dibs if no one else has it.
Tyran Drenski: it's a green picture serg... you would not understand
Tyran Drenski: No I have dibs first!
Withers: I'm a Corporal still, and I usually understand.
Tyran Drenski: sorry I was focused on the thing
Sgt Donegal: Someone call for a Sarge? Oh hey, who's the new guy?
Tyran Drenski prays the statue is close and is going with them where ever they may go.
Dugan: it's jus' me sarge ... remember?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): My poor little looney:)
Sgt Donegal: No Dugan, I said the "new guy" not the "FNG! !@#$#@##"
Corbin Phoenix: Which new guy?
Tyran Drenski fights back laugher.
Tyran Drenski: You Corbin
Withers: Sergeant Donegal, meet Airman Phoenix.
Corbin Phoenix: But... we've met.
Dugan: we have?
Corbin Phoenix: I'm sure of it. Remember. Back a month or so?
Withers: He did a couple missions with us early before you were but in charge of the squad.
Dugan: I just got added on... we haven't met before
Corbin Phoenix: Dugan and I have not met before, But Donegal and I have.
Dugan: is getting really confused
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: Last time you were here, Sergeant Almareth was in charge of the squad. He is missing....
Corbin Phoenix: Nice to meet you Dugan... I'm Airman Phoenix.
Dugan: sup
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Yes, but I still met Sgt Donegal.
Tyran Drenski is wondering where the statue is.
Corbin Phoenix: When I was here before Sgt Donegal was on the base in charge of meeting new recruits.
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: I know...but Donegal has a crappy memory. :)
Dugan: is reading Drenski's mind
Corbin Phoenix: I do understand though.... you probably only saw me for a few minutes.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Tyran has two thoughts now a days statue and food.
Sgt Donegal: Ah, okay. My mistake. When I was supply quartermaster I met a lot of people.
Corbin Phoenix: Airman Phoenix, forward observer, radio man, that sort of thing.
Corbin Phoenix: What are doing these days... not quartermaster any more?
Sgt Donegal: Ah yes, now I remember, one of the few flyboys to come through here.
Tyran Drenski: Corbin you got to see the radio I made last mission. we get the states on it.
Corbin Phoenix: What? How are you picking up stations from the states? That don't seem right?
Withers: We had a mission out in the back country. Sergeant Almareth went missing tracking some VC through the bush. Short version is that Sergeant Donegal is in temporary command of the squad.
Tyran Drenski: Ask around it's pretty sweet.
Corbin Phoenix: I'll definitely have to take a look at that radio later
Colwyn O'Reilly: yeah, we listened to the Tigers game on it last night
Alberts: Long version is...Air Force Major Stick-In-The-Ass wants to charge Sarge Almareth with AWOL, treason, etc., etc., No offense about the Air Force bit.
Tyran Drenski: Hey Corp who's got my radio?
Withers: I think it's sitting on top of Richard's supply locker in the next tent. Private Johannsen was trying to listen to a basketball game on it.
Alberts: I'll go get the statue! Err...I mean check on the radio.
Alberts runs out of the tent.
Tyran Drenski follows closely
Withers: I'm a bit baffled by this statue nonsense...but oh well.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): that's MY statue!!!! I'm it's most loyal believer
Dhu (Dugan): fred!!!
You enter the next tent over. There are 3 GIs sitting around a radio. One of them is holding the Jade Statue. The reception on the radio changes as he moves it around.
Corbin Phoenix: What's this about a statue?
Johannsen: This thing is freakin' awesome!
Colwyn O'Reilly: actually, it's richard's and my statue. we paid for it. although he can have it. I still haven't figured out the mechanics behind it.
Tyran Drenski will beat down any who steal the green god.
Tyran Drenski: I know, how was the game?
[w] Corbin Phoenix: I'd like to get near the statue with my radio and see if anything interesting happens.
Alberts: The statue. Don't know, ask O'Reilly and Drenski. They are the ones who play with it.
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: Your radio seems to get a slightly better signal around the statue.
Johannsen: Check this out, if I put the statue on top of the radio, it sounds like the speakers give me stereo.
Tyran Drenski: That statue is a buddhist relic so don't drop that and just hand it over to me.
Johannsen: Er...okay. It's your radio. Wouldn't want to lose my bb-game privileges.
Corbin Phoenix heads back out of the tent.
Johannsen gives the statue to Drenski.
Tyran Drenski: No prob just keep the radio for the day... Thanks man
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Once I'm away from the statue and radio... I'm going to scan the frequencies on my radio.
Johannsen: No problem. There's a hockey game later I want to check out.
Colwyn O'Reilly pokes his head into the tent
Colwyn O'Reilly: hockey?
Tyran Drenski places several silk wrapping around the statue and places it in his bag.
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: For anything unusual? They seem normal and you don't get any sort of distortion or noise.
Tyran Drenski so carefully you think he is mad.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): because he is
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Just making sure that I'm not picking up the converstations of the people carrying the statue on my radio.
Tyran Drenski prays to the statue for a good day.
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: Ah, okay. You are not.
Tyran Drenski: good day roll [1d8+2 = 8]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): lol
TADM: It wasn't a 23 on a D4. I think you need to pray harder.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): yes it was
TADM: This time it was not.
Sgt Donegal: Okay, if I can have everyone's attention. Our favorite Doktor is back in town for a couple days.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): *sulk*
Sgt Donegal: And he has requested our assistance.
Colwyn O'Reilly: ours specifically?
Tyran Drenski grubble on the mention of the doc
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Tyran Drenski: Who's our favorite Doktor?
Sgt Donegal: Yep, us.
Corbin Phoenix looks around at the squad.
For the most part, it looks like the squad is unhappy and annoyed at this announcement.
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Corbin Phoenix: LOL
Dugan: what about me? me too?\
Colwyn O'Reilly: this doctor is this german guy we babysit while he plays with skulls out in the bush
Sgt Donegal: Evidently he is looking for some wandering peddler named Nguyen and thinks we can help him. Because half the countryside is not named Nguyen....
Colwyn O'Reilly: he's kinda weird and up major blankname's ass deep
Tyran Drenski: Nguyen? never heard of it.
Colwyn O'Reilly: or maybe it's the other way around...
Dugan: Don't know anyone name nugooyean
Tyran Drenski plays dum...
Alberts: Yes FNG. He wants your help also. Something about "maybe the virgin will attract a unicorn" or something like that.
Dhu (Dugan): with no b
Dugan: can i really do that?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): that how I roll...dum dum
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I have candy on the brain
Dhu (Dugan): I prefer to call it Dhu mBass
Withers: I'm pretty sure that line of thought needs to stop...
Tyran Drenski: the FNG is a virgin?
Dugan: how did you know?
Tyran Drenski: Alberts said it.
Dugan: oh.. he would know
Sgt Donegal: Right, so pack up your gear. Light trip, don't go wild on the ammo, grenades, rations etc. We are stopping in a bunch of different villages so we can mingle with the locals and score some local grub.
Dugan: but that's another story
"Hogpile": Which is way better than C-Rations.
Colwyn O'Reilly: i agree. of course, mud is better than c-rations
Dugan: drops unnecessary gear
Dr. Eichmann walks into the tent. He gives everyone that strange half-smile.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: Guten morgen, how are you all?
Sgt Donegal: Everyone is fine Doctor.
Dugan: Heya Doc, I'm doin' great .. thanks for askin .. how's your mother?
Tyran Drenski packs the normal incase of rabid sea slugs.
Corbin Phoenix eyes the Doctor suspiciously.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: My mother was killed during the Allied bombing raids in Dresden. So I am sure her status is unchanged.
Tyran Drenski plus "His precious"
Dugan: i'm sorry to hear that
Dugan: you must miss her
Colwyn O'Reilly: but I'm sure someone would let you know if it did. probably immediately
Dr. Franz Eichmann: Undoubtedly. It would be rather disturbing for her condition to change from dead to alive.
Dugan: it'd be hard to breathe i'd think
Tyran Drenski just blinks at Dugan in amazment.
Dugan: that'd be rather cyclical
Colwyn O'Reilly: so doctor, dead mothers aside, what is it that we're looking for?
Corbin Phoenix eyes Dugan suspicously.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: We are looking for a peddler named Nguyen. He carries a large bamboo-wicker basket on his back. Supposedly he sells ancient Chinese relics.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: I heard that he was seen in this area, so I thought we would start with the small community outside of the base.
Corbin Phoenix: So... why do you need us?
Dugan: do you think he sells fortune cookies? I like those ...
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Corbin Phoenix: Dugan is mentally 4... and always gets us into trouble. He is working for the GM.
Colwyn O'Reilly: ah. are there any specific ancient chinese secrets you are seaching for?
Dugan: still can't figure how they get the piece of paper inside the cookie
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): baseball is wrong - man with four balls cannot walk
Tyran Drenski: Chinese aren't we in Veitnam doc?
Dugan: where d'you suppose he is?
Dugan: what are we going to do with him when we find him?
Dr. Franz Eichmann: I overheard that VC patrols had been in the area and wouldn't want to get myself in trouble.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Tyran has a point. but didn't the chinese conquer a bunch of this area at one point?
Dr. Franz Eichmann: This part of Vietnam was once controlled by the Chinese private Drenski.
Dugan: private Drenski is Chinese? and he once controlled Vietnam?
Corbin Phoenix chuckles.
Dugan: eyes Drenski with amazement
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Rock on
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): that was epic
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): amazing what a comma can do
TADM: Yes, unfortunately you have the American Priivate Drenski with you, who is less accomplished.
Dhu (Dugan): something about a pandas ... eats, shoots, and leaves
Tyran Drenski: So we are looking for a homeless guy with made in China junk... got it.
Doctor Eichmann looks crossly at Drenski.
Dhu (Dugan): .... rolls out of his chair in uncontrollable laughter
Alberts: Yes, but it is better than digging up smoking skull piles.
Sgt Donegal: Okay, well, if everyone is done pissing off the Doctor, let's go see if he can now get you all killed.
Colwyn O'Reilly: so doctor, anything in particular we are searching for?
Tyran Drenski wonders of the statue hates the "good" doc as much as Tryan does.
Sgt Donegal: Errr...I mean, let's go into town and help him out.
Tyran Drenski: Hooah serg
Sgt Donegal: Now move it people.
Corbin Phoenix moves.
Dugan: ambles
Colwyn O'Reilly swaggers
Tyran Drenski packs up and waits for orders.
It takes about five minutes to reach the Degar community outside of the Dak To firebase.
Given that it is currently about 0800, most places are closed and a majority of the inhabitants are out in the fields.
However, the bar run by the Vietnamese man named, "Duke" is open.
Dugan: i hear there's a good brothel in this town doc
Tyran Drenski wonders if he could make a command for the statue to remove family jewels of the doc
Dr. Franz Eichmann: My English is not the best, private Dugan, but from the sounds of it you might need that more than I. Would you like me to draw you a picture of a naked woman so you know what to do should you ever encounter one?
Alberts: Hell Doc, if you are giving them away I'll take one.
Corbin Phoenix: You draw pictures of naked women?
Dr. Franz Eichmann: Not normally. But I was trying to fit into your sophisticated American banter. My apologies if I mis-stepped.
Tyran Drenski: I'm Jewish I don't want one or to go into bars.
Dugan: No thanks doc... I got a few of those somewhere... I had this cousin once... aw shucks, there I go again spinnin' tales
Sgt Donegal: Let's go into the bar here, perhaps this guy knows something. And if not it is better than standing around in the street.
Tyran Drenski just stares a dugan...cousin that explains so much.
"Hogpile": I believe this qualifies as, "another glorious day in the Army"
Dugan: Well, all that aside, I'm never one to miss a drink
"Bookworm": I'm only about ten pages from the end of this chapter, I'll just hang around outside where the light is good.
Tyran Drenski: I'll be with bookworm.
Dugan: oh.. i'm getting ahead of myself again.. where shall we start doc?
A short Vietnamese man wearing a cowboy hat steps out from the kitchen area and smiles warmly as some of you enter his establishment.
Corbin Phoenix: Nice hat.
Dugan: howdy pardner
Duke: Well hello again pardners, how's the open prairie treatin' ya?
Corbin Phoenix: Where'd ya get it?
Colwyn O'Reilly: hi duke
Colwyn O'Reilly (whispers): don't drink the whiskey
Duke: I done traded it for a six pack of coca-cola in glass bottles. Pretty cool huh?
Dugan: we're feeling at home on the range
Duke: Ya'all want somethin' ta drink?
Dugan: got any o that rotgut whiskey left?
Duke: Sure thing.
Sgt Donegal: No.
Colwyn O'Reilly: uh, dugan... we're on patrol
Dugan: I'll take a slug, and two for the doc here
Sgt Donegal: We are on duty. There is no drinking.
Dugan: I thought it was the doctor's orders
Dugan: C'mon doc ... let's take the edge off
Sgt Donegal: But thanks for volunteering to toothbrush shine all the toilets again Private Dugan. You did a good job last time.
Dugan: Yeah, once I traded to your toothbrush, it started to polish up real nice
Tyran Drenski likes dugan around he never has an extra duty
Dr. Franz Eichmann: (speaks Vietnamese to Duke, the only word you pick up is "Nguyen")
Tyran Drenski from back of room shakes "no" to duke
Dugan: what are you saying doc?
Dugan: your words sound funny
Sgt Donegal: That was your toothbrush Private Dugan. And you are about three words away from getting KP duty for a year.
Sgt Donegal: In other words, shut the hell up.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I came it but not far don't want to loose my staute
Dugan: wonders what the words are
Tyran Drenski keeps trying to tell duke not to talk quietly.
The German Doctor and the Vietnamese bartender talk for about ten minutes.
Colwyn O'Reilly looks outside to watch for anything supicious
"Hogpile": I again find myself wondering how a German Doctor from Argentina learns to speak Vietnamese.
Tyran Drenski is worried about what is said.
Corbin Phoenix eyes the doctor supsicously.
Tyran Drenski hope the statue is okay and comfortable.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: Okay, the bartender tells me that Nguyen was here about a week ago. He tried to trade him a poisonous snake for dinner. The bartender said no, so Nguyen headed off north back into the jungle.
Corbin Phoenix: Well guess then there's no hope in finding him.
Colwyn O'Reilly: he could've gotten real far in a week
Tyran Drenski: The jungle is very large Doc.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: Tracking him is out of the question, so I will consult my map....okay, the nearest village north of here is about four clicks. We will try there next.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Corbin Phoenix: if you want a catch up on what's been going on, I have some notes
Tyran Drenski dashes out of the bar.
Sgt Donegal: I have to agree with my men, Doctor, this peddler could be somewhere in North Vietnam by now. You cannot expect us to follow you around while you check on every lead.
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Colwyn O'Reilly: I've been reading some of the notes in the notes section will let you know if I have any questions.
Withers: Sergeant, Doctor, I have a suggestion. If we are to assist the Doctor we should split up.
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Colwyn O'Reilly: If you have any good ones make the public.
Withers: We can cover ground more thoroughly that way. Especially since there is also a village to the northeast of here.
Corbin Phoenix: Withers... have you never been to the movies?
Corbin Phoenix: That's how they get us... they split is up.
Tyran Drenski laughs
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Colwyn O'Reilly: Cool, nice notes.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Corbin Phoenix: all the ones labelled "sortie XX" are mine
Withers: I propose that Dugan, Phoenix, Drenski, O'Reilly and I head to the village to the northeast. Sarge, you take the Doctor and the rest of the squad to the village to the north.
Dugan: is silent ... brooding over the seargent's words
TADM: Yes, but Withers, being smart...wants all the player characters with him and not the Doctor.
Corbin Phoenix: Well in that case, I support this idea.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): he wants the statue he doesn't know about
Dr. Franz Eichmann: Good idea Corporal Withers.
Sgt Donegal: Very well Doctor, I have orders to make you happy.
Colwyn O'Reilly: you'll have no medic corporal
Colwyn O'Reilly: er... sarge
Sgt Donegal: We'll have the Doctor, I suspect he is capable of first aid.
Dr. Franz Eichmann: I am.
Corbin Phoenix whispers to his group. Wait... can any of us speak Vietnamese? Withers?
Tyran Drenski not sure he wants the doc out of the site to find the guy him self.
Tyran Drenski: I can only speak german and russian. I'm no help
Dugan: shakes his head
Tyran Drenski: and a splash of hebrew.
Sgt Donegal: Okay, keep in radio contact. I'll contact Airman Phoenix when we get to the village.
Withers: Good luck Sarge.
Corbin Phoenix: Fine with me.
Tyran Drenski: Hooah
Corbin Phoenix (whispers): I mean I don't care if we have someone who speaks Vietnamese... we probably won't find this guy anyway.
Withers: Alright soldiers, let's go see if this other village has found our wandering peddler.
Sergeant Donegal, Doctor Eichmann, Bookworm, Hogpile, and Alberts head north.
Dugan: stumbles after the corporal
Withers leads the rest off to the northeast.
Tyran Drenski follows his group.
About five minutes later, Withers calls a halt and consults his map.
Withers: Hmm...I'm guessing at least a couple of you ran into our peddler already.
Dugan: looks around
Corbin Phoenix pulls out his map and looks over Withers shoulders.
Withers: And this mysterious statue that you kept rambling about is something Doctor Eichmann wants.
Tyran Drenski: (whispers to phoenix) I know you have missed some stuff but we can not let the doctor find this guy
Colwyn O'Reilly: you're a very observant man corp
Withers consults with Phoenix and makes sure they are both certain where "here" is and where the next village is.
Tyran Drenski: yes corp
Withers: I'm up to about twenty words in Vietnamese, which I'm guessing makes me the "most fluent" here.
Withers: Although I agree with Phoenix, I doubt we are going to find this guy whether we spoke perfect Vietnamese or not.
Tyran Drenski: Kinda wish duke went with us, then we could have a translater we could trust.
Colwyn O'Reilly: ohio wasabi?
Tyran Drenski: hello mustand?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): mustard
Corbin Phoenix: Maybe the statue can translate for us?
Withers: Well there's an idea. So what does this amazing statue do?
Colwyn O'Reilly: it's a toy! a wind up toy! it can't talk!
Colwyn O'Reilly: or something
Tyran Drenski: it's a protector not a translater. Colwyn don't piss off the statue you don't want that.
Tyran Drenski has big eyes.
Tyran Drenski takes of his pack and looks around if the coast is clear he bring out the statue still wrapped.
Tyran Drenski puts it back just want to check on it get into line
Withers: Okay, let's head out. Dugan I want you to bring up the rear.
Tyran Drenski: What is the word for Viet in veit
Dugan: salutes and heads to the back of the line
Colwyn O'Reilly takes his spot in line
Withers: Not sure what you are asking Drenski.
Tyran Drenski: the word of Vietnamese in Vietnamese?
Tyran Drenski: on in chinese rather it's chinese.
Tyran Drenski: maybe it speaks chinese
Withers: Trunk quack or something like that I think.
Withers: Is the Vietnamese words for Chinese.
Dugan: peers around into the brush as the group moves stealthily through the jungle
Tyran Drenski: Thanks. when we stop I'll try that.
The group heads northeast through the jungle.
The day is hot and humid, but that is not unusual for Vietnam.
Tyran Drenski makes a mental note to send for a chinese dictionary in next care package. Thinks you have to speak in chinese to statue.
It takes a couple hours of navigating through the brush, but you come to a small village of 10 or so huts.
Withers: Well, we can't just ask for Nguyen here. Probably half the males will think we want to talk to them.
GM: Notice checks please.
Tyran Drenski whispers to his bag "Translate for us. Trunk Quack"
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 23]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 5]
Dugan: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Corbin Phoenix: Notice [1d4 = 3]
The village seems perfectly normal, people are busy working in gardens and tending livestock. The children are out playing. It seems like a nice quiet place. There is something peculiar though, and you are not sure what it is.
TADM: Unless you get a whisper...
[w] -> Colwyn O'Reilly: You smell crepes. Delicious crepes. Like crepes you have eaten before.
Colwyn O'Reilly: i smell something good cooking
Colwyn O'Reilly: something I think we should check out
Corbin Phoenix: Sure, the food back in camp sucks. You army guys really get shafted with the food.
Withers: Well, I'm in favor of following the nose.
Tyran Drenski: Okay, for how I'm rolling today. I hope it's godly food.
Dugan: nods in agreement
Colwyn O'Reilly looks for where the delicious smell is coming from
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): What is the odds it's crepes and serg?
Colwyn leads everyone through the village and out to a small thatched hut on the outskirts of the village.
By the time you reach it, everyone can smell french bread and crepes cooking.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): yeah!!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): we are going to live!
Withers: Nice, do they gift wrap?
Colwyn O'Reilly walks in
Tyran Drenski follows hoping to eat crepes
Colwyn O'Reilly: [1d6 = 4]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): oops
Inside the hut is an elderly Vietnamese woman, her grey hair is tied up in a bun. A style that would have looked very fashionable in the early 1950s.
She smiles as you walk in and gesture for you to sit on the floor.
Colwyn O'Reilly sits
Corbin Phoenix sits near a window.
Tyran Drenski will do almost anything for crepes. Sits
Dugan: follows and plops down on the floor
She pulls a loaf of french bread out of a stone oven and sets it on a table.
Dugan: distractedly looks out the door to the open sky
Vietnamese Lady: It cool fiwst. My Engrish vewy bad. You speak Fwench?
Tyran Drenski wonders what they will give her for her food.
Tyran Drenski: colwyn does
Withers: I don't ma'am, sorry.
Corbin Phoenix looks at Colwyn
Vietnamese Lady: Hewe, have some cwepes from mowning, you lickee?
Colwyn O'Reilly: je parle
She offers each of you a crepe.
Colwyn O'Reilly: merci
Dugan: takes the crepe
Tyran Drenski happily accepts
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Colwyn O'Reilly: So you can ask her if she's seen this merchant.
Corbin Phoenix takes a crepe.
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Oh and ask her if she's seen Sgt Almareth.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Corbin Phoenix: in theory, yes
The woman rattles off some French. Either Colwyn's French is bad, or the woman's French is no better than her English.
Dugan: thinks ... I'll take crepe from no man... laughs softly to himself as he eats the crepe
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Colwyn O'Reilly: Oh and ask her if she's seen Sgt Almareth.
TADM: That or she really did just ask you about soccer scores...
Dhu (Dugan): doh
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): ...colwyn is trying to get his translater to
Colwyn O'Reilly: Avez-vous vu le marchand Nguyen?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): Colwyn also speaks Louisiana french
Vietnamese Lady: Mai oui.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): so chances are she's as confused as he is
She makes a hand gesture like she is outlining a giant wicker basket.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Savez-vous où il est?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): My owwie?
Then she pretends to walk with a stooped back.
Colwyn O'Reilly shakes his head "yes"
Vietnamese Lady: He come by hewe foo days ago.
Tyran Drenski whispers in German and Russian to the statue asking it to translate for him.
Colwyn O'Reilly: do you know where he went?
Vietnamese Lady: Say he going to find Brouillard Marcheur.
Vietnamese Lady: That way.
Tyran Drenski: mist walker right. I've heard that before
She points in a northeasterly direction.
Vietnamese Lady: Bwead cool.
Colwyn O'Reilly: that looks like out direction of travel corp
Tyran Drenski swears under breath.
Withers: Well, if he is going that way, Herr Doktor is not going to find him.
She tears off several chunks of bread and gives each of you a piece.
Withers: Thank you for the bread ma'am.
[w] Corbin Phoenix -> Colwyn O'Reilly: Ask her about the sarge to...
Tyran Drenski sighs happily and enjoys bread.
Tyran Drenski: Thank you ma'am
Colwyn O'Reilly: marche brouillard ici?
Colwyn O'Reilly: was mist walker here?
Vietnamese Lady: Non. Nevew seen Brouillard Marcheur.
Withers: Have you seen Sergeant Almareth?
She nods.
Colwyn O'Reilly: where is he?
Colwyn O'Reilly: where did he go?
She points northeast.
Tyran Drenski: How is the serg? did he help you make the crepes?
Vietnamese Lady: He good last I see.
Withers: Thank you for the food ma'am. We need to be going now.
Vietnamese Lady: Au revoir.
Tyran Drenski: Wonder what is North East of here?
Corbin Phoenix pulls out his map.
Corbin Phoenix checks out northeast of here for anything of interest.
Withers was about to get his map out, stops and looks at Corbin's map instead.
Tyran Drenski: Thank you (and excuses himself)
Dugan: doesn't use a map... all in his head .. scared yet
Colwyn O'Reilly: au revoir. merci.
Tyran Drenski: What is the plan corp
Withers: There's a village about ten klicks northeast of here. Nothing but hills and jungle in between.
Withers: Of course, that's a straight line. I doubt they followed a straight line anywhere.
Corbin Phoenix: Should we walk to that village now then?
Withers: Better than wandering aimlessly between here and there.
Colwyn O'Reilly: any villages near that route?
Corbin Phoenix: I think it's the closets village
Corbin Phoenix: However if it's hilly terrain perhaps we could make our route so that we hit the top of each hill and can get a good look around the countryside.
Withers: Good plan, the hills make us a little exposed, but if we are going to find two needles in a haystack...
The PRC-25 crackles to life. Sergeant Donegal checks in to see if you have found anything and that his squad reached the target village.
Tyran Drenski: Corp I really don't think the doctor should find this man.
Corbin Phoenix picks up the radio. Looks at Withers.
Withers: Well, it's a violation of orders to lie to a superior. So tell the truth, the guy's not in this village.
Corbin Phoenix (Into Radio) Well Sergeant this Nyugen fellow is not here in this village? Can we proceed to the northeast?
Sgt Donegal: (through radio) Roger, we are beginning to check this village. Carry on to the next village.
Withers: Yeah, exactly that private Phoenix, good job.
Corbin Phoenix: Withers, perhaps since the hill might expose us right before we get to the top we send one person up to scout around.
Withers: Sounds like a plan.
Colwyn O'Reilly: we do have an FNG
Colwyn O'Reilly: as long as I'm not in front
Withers: Keep this up Phoenix and you might redeem the Air Force in the eyes of those who have had to deal with Major Blankname.
The group heads to the northeast.
GM: Upon reaching the first hill, everyone gets to make a notice check.
Corbin Phoenix: Notice [1d4 = 6]
Dugan: Notice [1d4 = 10]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Dhu (Dugan): FNG
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 15]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): apparently tyran is praying to his little porcelain god
With all those impressive rolls, you are still left with the distinct feeling that nothing is out of the ordinary here.
The group stomps along, over, and around several more hills.
GM: Another set of notice checks please.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Corbin Phoenix: Notice [1d4 = 2]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 6]
Dugan: Notice [1d6 = 5]
TADM: I'm clearly comma-impaired tonight.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): you comma-ie!
As you come to the top of the hill, you spot a group of Vietnamese men sitting in a circle at the base of the hill, just on the other side from where you ascended.
Dhu (Dugan): eats shoots and leaves
Colwyn O'Reilly takes a prone position
It looks like they are eating lunch, the stink of fish-paste is pretty strong.
Dugan: goes prone
Corbin Phoenix: crouches down.
Dhu (Dugan): what are they saying?
Colwyn O'Reilly: are they dressed like VC regulars or farmers? and do they appear armed?
Dugan: how many are there?
Corbin Phoenix pulls out his binoculours and checks the group out.
As you observe, you note that they are carrying AK-47s and an RPG. There are ten total, including two standing guard.
They are dressed like farmers.
Dugan: is Win in their number?
GM: Undoubtedly at least one of them is named Nguyen.
GM: They do not appear to have spotted you, yet.
Corbin Phoenix (whispers): Withers, what do you think?
Dugan: Is the old man that sold us the statue amongst them?
Colwyn O'Reilly: are there any degar villages in this area?
GM: You see no old men carrying wicker baskets. From this distance you cannot tell if any are Degar or not. But you do know that most Degar do not eat fish paste on their rice.
Tyran Drenski crouched down and scans area
Withers: Well, problem is, we don't know if they are friendlies or not. They sure look like VC, but that doesn't mean much.
Tyran Drenski: I say we send in Dugan.
Colwyn O'Reilly: they're armed pretty heavily for farmers. and in a standard VC patrol group
Corbin Phoenix: Well we could also either go around, or just wait here and observe.
Tyran Drenski: Around is better.
Dugan: we could aim, and kill the guards in a sneak attack
Colwyn O'Reilly: airstrike
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Scanning them with the binoculours I notice if any of them have a radio?
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: Yes indeed, there is a PRC-25 sitting next to one of them.
Dugan: they are in a position of visibility. they will surely see us moving around them
Corbin Phoenix: Wait, they have PRC-25.
Corbin Phoenix: Aren't those American made?
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Are they using it?
Tyran Drenski: This is recon no attack, I don't want the rath of serg or major on us.
Dugan: you can blame me
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: one of them seems to be listening to it
Dugan: I'm already on kp for a year or more
Corbin Phoenix: Hey Tyran, come over here quitely with your little statue.
Corbin Phoenix pulls out his PRC and starts dialing through the frequencies.
Corbin Phoenix: They are on the radio I'm going to try and pick them up... and I think your little green buddy might help.
Colwyn O'Reilly: they could have stolen them...
Tyran Drenski walks over to corbin
Tyran Drenski: it only speaks chinese i think
Corbin Phoenix: I just want it for it's receiver boosting powers.
TADM: Wait...I know what we do. We throw the statue in, wait for the screaming to stop, then collect the statue.
Dhu (Dugan): i think it speaks pokemon
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): stolen it. i wouldn't want to carry two prc25s
Corbin Phoenix: Someone keep an eye on them.
Tyran Drenski: I'm not sure if tyran would live.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): pika-statue! ATTACK!
Tyran Drenski: that is ooc
Corbin Phoenix scans the frequenies for any vietnamese.
Dugan: aims his M1 at the nearest guard, holds his position
Colwyn O'Reilly: how far away are they right now?
Tyran Drenski: Corbin I only know the commands for attack, defend, and on and off.
Corbin does not hear any Vietnamese, but you do hear that a supply chopper is going to fly overhead soon.
Corbin Phoenix (whisper): Chopper, one of ours, coming overhead soon.
Tyran Drenski gets under cover so the chopper can't see him.
As you listen to the chatter, it looks like the guy with the RPG and a loader starts heading up the hill towards you.
Withers: Right, that just flagged them as hostile in my book.
Dugan: shifts aim towards the RPG guy
Colwyn O'Reilly: yes corp
Colwyn O'Reilly takes aim
Tyran Drenski: hooah
Tyran Drenski aims
Corbin Phoenix goes prone, finds cover behind a tree... takes aim.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): i mean that in the rule sense as well
Withers: Tyran, would you do the honors of sending them all straight to Hell?
Corbin Phoenix (whisper): I'll go for the guy heading up the hill... I only have a pistol... you guys have better range for the people down below.
Tyran Drenski prays to the statue for good rolls.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): it doom now...lmao
Tyran Drenski: hooah serg
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 8]
Deviation: [1d12 = 2]
Deviation: [1d10 = 4]
Corbin Phoenix: Shooting (Double Tap +1) [1d4+1 = 10]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): the statue has failed you
Corbin Phoenix: Colt 1911 damage [Raise] [3d6+1 = 5]
Tyran Drenski pick new thing to worship
Corbin Phoenix: Colt 1911 damage [Raise] [5]
Dugan: Shooting (Aim +2, 3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [1d10+5 = 11]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2, Encumberance -1, Aim +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+3 = 7]
Colwyn O'Reilly: M1 Carbine damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [2d6+1 = 13]
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [Raise] [3d6+2 = 12]
The guy with the RPG is very dead.
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 9]
Withers: M16 (24/48/96) damage [2d6 = 13]
Withers shoots the guy who was next to him, and that guy is also very dead.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Dugan: Shooting (Double Tap +1, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [1d10+2 = 17]
GM: Well that hits with a raise.
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (Double Tap +1, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [Raise] [3d6+1 = 17]
GM: And another bites the dust...
The VC dive for cover and return fire. A whole lot of ammunition flies your way.
VC Regular: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 3]
VC Regular: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 1]
VC Regular: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 4]
VC Regular: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 8]
VC Regular: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 4]
VC Regular: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 3]
VC Regular: Spirit [1d6 = 4]
VC Regular: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 2]
VC Regular: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 2]
VC Regular: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 5]
VC Regular: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 3]
VC Regular: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 5]
VC Regular: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 2]
VC Regular: Spirit [1d6 = 8]
VC Regular: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 1]
VC Regular: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 1]
VC Regular: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 7]
Private Dugan is hit once, everyone else is missed. Although a bullet does hit the cover right in front of Colwyn.
VC Regular: SVD Rifle damage [2d8+1 = 6]
Dhu (Dugan): alright
GM: Fortunately, it is just a grazing shot on Dugan, so he is only Shaken.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Dugan! you okay?
Dhu (Dugan): not stirred?
TADM: Definitely not pureed.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2, Encumberance -1) [1d6+1 = 3]
GM: Ka ping!
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 9]
GM: Right on target. Roll damage.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 22]
GM: Ouch.
Tyran Drenski hugs the statue in his bag
Corbin Phoenix
Corbin Phoenix: Shooting (Double Tap +1) [1d6+1 = 6]
Colwyn O'Reilly: we know where the helicopter can land now
Corbin Phoenix: Colt 1911 damage [2d6+1 = 10]
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 3]
Round 3
Dealing cards...
VC Regular was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
GM: Nice, the VC get a Joker. They take this opportunity to RUN!
Dugan: Spirit [1d4 = 2]
Dugan is using a benny
GM: Fire away
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [1d10+3 = 7]
GM: Unfortunately that misses at this range.
Dugan: bummer
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 7]
Deviation: [1d12 = 4]
Deviation: [1d10 = 8]
GM: The grenade deviates farther than you wanted it to, but still catches the VC in its blast.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 11]
VC Regular: Only because of that 1/2 deviation Edge!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Waaahahahaha
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 6]
Corbin Phoenix
Corbin Phoenix: Shooting (Double Tap +1) [1d4+1 = 11]
Corbin Phoenix: Colt 1911 damage [2d6+1 = 7]
GM: Gesundheit!
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2, Encumberance -1) [1d6+1 = 6]
Round 4
Dealing cards...
VC Regular: VC Regular: Spirit [1d6 = 3]
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2) [1d6+2 = 4]
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Shoot Med range -2) [1d6+1 = 15]
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [Raise] [3d6+2 = 9]
GM: Thanks to Dugan's impressive shooting, the last VC drops over dead.
Withers: Check the corpses, and make sure we pick up that PRC-25. Don't need any more VC using it.
Colwyn O'Reilly: i loosened him up for you
Tyran Drenski secretly impressed by dugan
Dugan: FNG! FNG! FNG!
Colwyn O'Reilly changes clip
Corbin Phoenix changes clips
Dugan: changes clip
GM: Notice checks on the VC and their camp.
Corbin Phoenix: Notice [1d4 = 6]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 2]
Dugan: Notice [1d4 = 6]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 2]
Nothing unusual, other than the stolen PRC-25, is present in the camp.
Dugan: we shouldn't leave a functional PRC-25 behind
Corbin Phoenix (whisper): yeah someone should really take that.
Dugan: i suggest breaking it
Colwyn O'Reilly: i think dugan just volunteered to carry it
Dugan: i was thinking about destroying it
Colwyn O'Reilly: we'd really have to completely destroy it, beyond the point of repair
Colwyn O'Reilly: I'm sure tyran can take care of that
Tyran Drenski: I made a landing zone if we need it
Withers: I was going to suggest Drenski, just to see if he could "fix" that one like the other one.
Tyran Drenski looks proud
Dugan: he can try fixing it... but if it doesn't work, we can then destroy it
Tyran Drenski: want me to try corp?
Tyran Drenski: Repair [1d6 = 4]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I sucks
Withers: So Drenski or Dugan pick it up, then let's get moving before any other VC in the area come to see what happened.
Dugan: I'll take it
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): nope i'll be a mcGyver after tonight so then we can go nuts on thing
Despite Withers' precaution, you reach the next village without further incident.
The Corporal calls for a halt on the outside of the village.
Tyran Drenski takes a knee and looks for VC
Withers: Let's take a look before we stroll in, make sure we don't wander into a VC recruiting drive or something like that.
TADM: And on that happy note, let's call it a night here.
Dhu (Dugan): woo hoo!
[w] Corbin Phoenix: We get an advancement every 5 XP right?
[w] -> Corbin Phoenix: Yes.
Colwyn O'Reilly: if it is a VC recruiting drive, we'll just have tyran open fire
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): woo hoo McGyver!!! I'm so happy
[w] Corbin Phoenix: Advacement done.
Tyran Drenski: makes a shopping mall from a Q-tip and chewing gum [10d8 = 50]
Tyran Drenski: [25d4 = 57]
Dugan: later!
Colwyn O'Reilly takes "soul drain" edge
TADM: No, and you can't hand undead either.
Campaign saved.