Chat log started at 28.4.2010 / 18:01:24

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Colwyn and Tyran somehow slept through the first wave of choppers leaving the base. They wake up when Lt. Roznewski kicks them out of bed.
They are then instructed to "get their asses together, grab as much ammo and medical supplies as they can carry, and be on the ready line in five minutes."
Colwyn O'Reilly: copy lt
Tyran Drenski: Hooah
Tyran Drenski runs and gets gear
Colwyn O'Reilly still has his rpg hidden in his back pocket
TADM: Negative.
They pile into the choppers and head north. As you approach the LZ, it is quite the warzone. You see a pair of Hueys shot down and probably two dozen dead GIs scattered about. It looks like 2nd Lt. Harbin's platoon was the first one in and managed to save the listening post.
As you are coming in to land, mortars and machine guns fire from VC positions in the jungle light the area up.
As you touch down and jump off the chopper, you run over to where the rest of the squad is piling up rocks and digging foxholes in preparation for the next attack.
Dugan: Medic!
GM: This is the point where you notice Dugan has been shot full of holes, but still seems to be standing. Sergeant Donegal, Bookworm, Johannsen died securing the listening post.
Dugan: I need a medic over here!
Alberts: Dig faster!
Randall Breckenridge: yes, he does
Colwyn O'Reilly heads to dugan
Alberts: Bigger, deeper hole in the ground. I plan on digging my way back to Kansas from here!
Tyran Drenski: Never a dull moment, hey book worm I have extra supplies if you need a restock
Hogpile: Err..Bookworm's at the big Library in the Sky Drenski.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): cancelled that
Dugan: Hey! I'm good at digging deep holes for myself!
Randall Breckenridge: Ahv seen barns fall down that were hit as hard as he was
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): okay I can't read thanks
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 7]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 4]
Dugan: Hooray!
McConnall: Since O'Reilly's here now, I'm heading back to the command squad.
Colwyn O'Reilly pats dugan on his shoulder...
Dugan: Thanks doc!
Colwyn O'Reilly: looks like i got here just in time
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Did Tyran ever get any dictionaries in the mail?
TADM: Yes, you have a Vietnamese-English dictionary now.
Dugan: I'll put a bullet in one for ya
Corpsman McConnall heads toward the rest of Harbin's command squad.
Dugan: begins to whistle 'I've been workin on the railroad...' as he digs his whole hole
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Squee!!! :) it is my bible.
Corporal Withers: Incoming!
Tyran Drenski hugs his cover tightly
Colwyn O'Reilly takes cover
A mortar shell explodes about 20 feet from the squad, sending clods of dirt into the air.
Dugan: takes cover
Overhead the trio of F-100 Super Sabres makes another pass, dousing the VC positions with rockets before heading back to rearm.
Corporal Withers: Hogpile, set the MG up to cover that open area there!
Randall Breckenridge: time to dig in !
Tyran Drenski: Corp what is the plan?
Dugan: begins digging deeper into the loose Vietnam soil
Colwyn O'Reilly helps whoever has room in his foxhole to dig... or provides covering fire, whichever is more prudent
Tyran Drenski starts to dig a fox hole quickly.
Randall Breckenridge watches for enemy while digging
Tyran Drenski watches for enemies while he digs like a madman. and since he packed the statue he keeps it on him the entire time.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): or if statue is here looks for it
Corporal Withers: The plan is that we hold here until relieved. Sergeant Anderon's squad is on the other side of the rise at the extreme flank, we are one up from him. Harbin and the rest of the platoon loop to the north and west from here to the base of the listening post.
GM: Richard has the statue in his pack. However, it seems that during the mad dash from the LZ to the listening post, Richard has become separated from the rest of the squad and is somewhere else on the battlefield.
TADM: Curse that Richard for having the GGS with him!
NVA Regular: Stealth [1d6 = 9]
GM: Notice checks please
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): so we are dug in to a hill?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Tryan is crushed
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Dugan: Notice [1d4 = 3]
Withers: Notice [1d8 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 6]
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 6]
NVA Regular: Stealth [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 15]
Withers: Notice [1d8 = 3]
GM: Notice checks again
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 9]
Dugan: Notice [1d4 = 2]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 2]
Dugan: I don't see anything .. my foxhole is too deep
NVA Regular: Stealth [1d6 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: apparently I'm in Dugan's foxhole still
Withers: Notice [1d8 = 7]
Tyran Drenski is a speed digger that has gotten a tons of sleep so notices all.
GM: Notice checks, one last time!
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Dugan: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 2]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): then I fell esleep
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 9]
Dhu (Dugan): I was a little more alert that time
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): 6..9..2 wow A.D.D much
Dhu (Dugan): how come i'm in front?
TADM: It's okay, you have a towel on your head so they can't see you because you can't see them,.
Corporal Withers: VC in the brush.
GM: Well, Randall and Withers spot the VC just as they are about to open fire, which means the VC do not get a suprise round on you.
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Three round burst at VC 10 if no-one else is screaming in pain
GM: Fire away
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2) [1d8+2 = 9]
Dhu (Dugan): since they are moving in, are they exposed or under cover?
GM: They were crawling towards you in tall grass. They are in good cover since you can barely see them.
Tyran Drenski tucks low in his fox hole and drops any heavy not needed gear to lessen his emcumberance.
John (Randall Breckenridge): is each square = 6 like before?
GM: Yes, each square is 6 for range.
Colwyn O'Reilly: so that's a 7 minus cover... so a 5?
[w] Randall Breckenridge: so they are long range?
GM: They are at long range, so -4 for that, and -2 for cover.
GM: Which translates to -> You need a 10 to hit them right now.
Tyran Drenski
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): awesome sauce
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d6 = 9]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): close...darn
GM: Fortunately, Tyran is aiming at a spot on the ground, not a person, so that hit.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: how wounded are you still?
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 7]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): suckie numbers
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: 1 wound
GM: Those VC all take cover for the next round.
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 3]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 3]
NVA Regular: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Regular: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 5]
NVA Regular: Hmm..craptastic dice rolls.
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: considering I had taken 6 wounds, soaked one, burned 3 bennies and aced the incapacitation check .. feeling good
Alberts: Open fire!
Alberts: Shooting [1d8 = 6]
Dugan: Shooting (Long Range -4, Cover (Medium) -2, 3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, wounds -1) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-4 = 1]
Dugan: bummer
Dugan: missed
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 5]
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: let me know if you want more healing
Randall Breckenridge
Corporal Withers: That's a shot and a miss.
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: i don't think i get more do i?
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 [1d8 = 5]
[w] Dugan: didn't know we could whisper to each other .. that's cool
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly: can i heal dugan anymore than I already have?
[w] -> Dugan: Indeed.
[w] -> Dugan: And yes, he could try one more heal check on you.
Hogpile: Suppressive fire!
NVA Regular: Spirit [1] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Regular: Spirit [2] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Spirit [3] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Spirit [4] [1d8 = 13]
Hogpile: Woot! Got one!
Colwyn O'Reilly
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski: Good job Hog!!
Dugan: aimin at the idiot again
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, Cover (Medium) -2, Long Range -4, wounds -1) [1d10-5 = 3]
GM: Well, that would have hit if not for the wound penalty.
Dugan: drat so close .. if only i weren't wounded
Dugan: medic!
Alberts: Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d8 = 1]
Alberts: Swing and a miss!
Randall Breckenridge
Colwyn O'Reilly: Dugan, I'm in your foxhole!
Hogpile: Shooting [1d8 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Cover (Medium) -2, Long Range -4, Aim +2) [1d8-4 = 2]
Hogpile's suppressive fire terrifies some ants in a different part of the battlefield.
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 5]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Regular: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [7] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Regular: Shooting [8] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [9] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Ha ha! We have grenade launchers too you filthy American pig dogs!
Dugan: uh oh
Dugan: which one shot the grenade launcher?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): i fell like doom is coming...oh statue god protect me
GM: For those needing to kill someone...VC #8 has the grenade launcher.
NVA Regular: Grenade damage [3d6 = 14]
GM: Hmm...damn Russian made Grenade Launchers are dangerous.
Tyran Drenski wants richard and the statue to bunk with him in his foxhole.
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: I think Tyran may need your help more than I
There is an explosion of debris, metal, and body parts. Tyran is buried in his foxhole. Hogpile and Alberts are rolling around screaming in pain.
GM: The rest of the VC miss. The VC with the Grenade Launcher gets a T-Shirt that reads, "I am the r0xx0rs!"
GM: Would he like to spend a Benny on the Soak Roll?
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
GM: Vigor check
Tyran Drenski: Vigor [1d6 = 11]
TADM: Shiny!
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Can I did out and fire/
TADM: That removed Shaken and absorbed two wounds.
GM: So yes, now you can fire normally.
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 13]
GM: Tyran is feeling vindictive I see.
Tyran Drenski looks pissed
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 11]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): he found out the GGS is back nearby
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Yes take that #8!!
GM: Three of the VC explode into chunky kibble. Including the guy with the Grenade Launcher.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly runs over to hogpile and alberts
Colwyn O'Reilly: can i get to hogpile?
GM: If you run in front of Drenski, then yes.
Hogpile: Yes please!
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} +2 (Medic Edge -2) [1d6 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 4]
GM: Well, looks like Colwyn managed to save Hogpile's life again. But the M60 is out of this fight.
Alberts: GURGLE!
Colwyn O'Reilly: that's two you owe me hogpile
Randall Breckenridge: \
Colwyn O'Reilly: sorry alberts
Alberts: Colwyn, when you get here can you put this back in...I think it's my liver.
Colwyn O'Reilly: you don't need that, it'll grow back
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 7]
Withers: M16 (24/48/96) damage [2d6 = 10]
Corporal Withers: Got one
Ranger Richard
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d6 = 5]
Deviation: [1d12 = 2]
Deviation: [1d10 = 10]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): do we have a comm guy or was he johannsen?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): lest i get half for dev..
GM: That goes WAY off course. Even with 1/2 deviation.
Tyran Drenski: darn...that is going to kill the next wave...I'm thinking aahead.
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 14]
Withers: M16 (24/48/96) damage [Raise] [3d6 = 14]
Corporal Withers: And another one bites the dust!
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Cover (Medium) -2, Long Range -4, wounds -1) [1d10-4 = 1]
Alberts: Doc...I feel kind of funny. Do you smell bread?
Colwyn O'Reilly
Dugan: hmmm ... starts inspecting the gun for clogs
Colwyn O'Reilly heal check to stabilze alberts
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 6]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 2]
GM: You stabilize Alberts. Although the fact that his feet are pointing a different direction from the rest of his body is not a good sign.
Alberts: Do I still have what counts?
GM: Yes.
Alberts: WOOHOO!!
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 3]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 14]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 12]
These VC are clearly dangerous when they are running away.
TADM: NOOO!!! French-Trained VC! PANIC!
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [Raise] [3d8+1 = 12]
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 15]
They hit Dugan and Richard.
Jade Golem: Vigor [1d8 = 3]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): how'd they hit richard?
TADM: With a bullet. From their guns. As he was running towards you. Really, the dice told me so.
The magic green flash of light does not save Richard this time.
Ranger Richard: hmm must need a recharge
TADM: Soak Rolls anyone?
Dugan: it seemed like they were retreating
[w] Dugan: do i know how many wounds before I soak?
Ranger Richard: sure I will use a benny
GM: They are. They can shoot while moving away.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): soak rolls are handy...
Dugan is using a benny
[w] -> Dugan: You had 1 wound.
Ranger Richard is using a benny
[w] Dugan: i am not reading my screen .. my bad
[w] Dugan: vigor check?
GM: Vigor checks.
Dugan: Vigor [1d6 = 10]
Dugan: happy dance
GM: Nicely done.
Ranger Richard: Vigor [1d6 = 10]
TADM: Richard don't need no stinking statue!
Ranger Richard
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I think if Tyran picks up the radio he could figue it out with his Mcgvyer like skills
Ranger Richard: I will move up one then fire
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): mcgyver like egde really
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Double Tap +1, Long Range -4, Cover (Medium) -2, Trademark Weapon +1) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-4 = 5]
GM: That's a hit
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [2d8 = 4]
Randall Breckenridge
Tyran Drenski: Hey corp is there enough of the radio for me to repair and use?
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Aim +2, Cover (Medium) -2, Long Range -4) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-4 = -1]
Tyran Drenski
Round 4
Dealing cards...
The VC start running away, so they do not shoot this turn.
Corporal Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 3]
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Cover (Medium) -2, Long Range -4, wounds -1) [1d10-4 = -1]
Ranger Richard
Dugan: that came back at me
Hogpile: Dammit Dugan! I'm not a VC.
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Long Range -4, Trademark Weapon +1, Cover (Medium) -2, Double Tap +1) [1d6-4 = 7]
GM: That's a hit.
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [2d8 = 12]
Ranger Richard: take that
NVA Regular: Ach mein leben!
TADM: BAD VC! You are not German.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: richard, dugan, you guys need me? or are you both good for now?
Dugan: I am still wounded doc
Ranger Richard: Good Colwyn thanks-hit my dog atgs again!
Randall Breckenridge
Colwyn O'Reilly patches up dugan
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 7]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Long Range -4, Cover (Medium) -2, Aim +2) [1d6-4 = 1]
Randall Breckenridge: oh boy
Dugan: thanks .. I feel back to my old self again
Dugan: now maybe i can finally hit one
GM: Wow, Colwyn is burning through the med-kit stuff tonght.
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 6]
Deviation: [1d12 = 8]
Deviation: [1d10 = 6]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): yes he is
GM: Thanks to 1/2 deviation, that will still hit the guy. Barely.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 6]
GM: And cause him to take cover.
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Dugan was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Dugan: Shooting (Joker +2, 3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Cover (Medium) -2, Long Range -4) [1d6-1 = 3]
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (Joker +2, 3 Rd Burst - Damage +2) [Raise] [3d6+3 = 19]
GM: Dugan creates CHUNKY KIBBLE!
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Double Tap +1, Long Range -4, Trademark Weapon +1) [1d8-2 = 0]
Corporal Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 3]
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d6 = 7]
Deviation: [1d12 = 2]
Deviation: [1d10 = 7]
GM: Tyran is surviving on 1/2 deviation today.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 24]
GM: Ka-boom!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): about time
As the sound of Tyran's grenade dissipates, the battlefield becomes quiet.
From behind the squad one of the soldiers from Harbin's command squad runs over.
Corporal Swords: Withers, how are you doing here?
Dhu (Dugan): he must be just out of view
Corporal Withers: We survived. Have a couple injured.
Colwyn O'Reilly: medical supplies... and I need a stretcher and an m60
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: do you see the skull on the map?
Alberts: I can't feel my toes!
Colwyn O'Reilly: yeah, him, he needs to get to MASH
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: yes
Hogpile: I'm good. Just had the wind knocked out of me. I'll take Albert's rifle until I get another M60.
Tyran Drenski: Happy not to be buried alive.
Dugan: reloads rifle
Swords waves over McConnall and another soldier. They load Alberts on to a stretcher and carry him away.
Colwyn O'Reilly (mutters): wind knocked out of you... you were about dead... again
Alberts: Don't worry guys! I'll be back as soon as they figure out why my feet are on backwards.
Hogpile: Err....
Randall Breckenridge reloads
Alberts: HOLY SHIT! Why are my feet on backwards? MOMMY!
Colwyn O'Reilly: can I get any medikits?
Colwyn O'Reilly gives alberts more morphine
Ranger Richard: richard reloads
Corporal Swords: I'll see about getting you some medkits and another M60. Anything else?
Tyran Drenski: any more grenades? I can use and the repair the radio.
Dugan: anyone got a clue?
Corporal Swords: Harbin says we might be here overnight. Intel says more VC are pouring into the area.
Tyran Drenski: or a new radio and person...
Corporal Swords: We're short on PRC-25s. Which is why I'm running around checking on the squads.
Corporal Withers: kits, an M60, grenades would be good.
Tyran Drenski: Corp withers want me to fix it up?
Tyran Drenski: the radio that is
Corporal Withers: Drenski, you want to pick a couple guys and head out a ways, setup some claymores and IEDs to give us a warning for next time?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): who else uses an M1?
Randall Breckenridge: I can help ye
Corporal Swords: Hey...that's a good idea Withers, I'll make that suggestion to the other squads...
Corporal Swords runs off.
Tyran Drenski: Yes I'll go and try to fix our radio too.
Tyran Drenski: Repair [1d6 = 4]
Dhu (Dugan): I use an M1
A short while later, Corpsman McConnall shows up with 8 medkit "refills" for Colwyn.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: do you need any more ammo? I have plenty
Colwyn O'Reilly: thanks
Tyran Drenski: trying to use my mcgyver and I failed the repair I'm sure
Private Drenski figures the radio will work for about two uses, then fry out again.
Colwyn O'Reilly: at least we can call for some support
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: .. nah I'm good, we resupplied before we came out last week. i have 17 unused clips
Tyran Drenski sets up claymores around the perimeter. Three set and on spare.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: okay. i have 15 and I've fired six rounds, so if you need any let me know
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: sure thing
Tyran Drenski: No gredades...darn
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: though the way i'm shooting today, its better in your hands
Corporal Swords: We checked, there is an M60 coming in on the next chopper run, but it will be an hour before it gets here.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): grenade
Corporal Withers: Thanks, we'll make do.
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: i've got some i can give you. I haven't had a need to throw any yet
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: do you use standard grenades for that thing?
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: i have M26 grenades
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: in my inventory
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: cool I have 9 left but I have no Idea how long were are to be here. I have 6 willy peat too. Yes all grenades
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: i have 9. you want them, or I can hold them until you need them
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: bummer
Corporal Withers: It's getting close to lunch time. Make sure you get your water and eat something.
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: 26 is only throwing I think but I have half devaition so it might be better If i throw them anyway.
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: the distance bites... only 20 at long distance. I couldn't use them on these guys last round.
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: i put fred back on the map :)
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: I saw that it rocks.
About an hour passes.
Tyran Drenski finishes his hole and eats
Randall Breckenridge: I need some carrots, I cant see stright enough to shoot
Corporal Withers: Well, they aren't coming now. It is a bright sunny day and we have a decent field of fire. I'd say they are taking their Mexican Siesta right now. Not even mortars and MG fire now.
Choppers come in with additional supplies. The wounded are medevac'd out.
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: I just noticed I have NO 26 you want to split your 9. That way you have some just incase?
Hogpile gets a replacement M60.
Hogpile: YAY!
Colwyn O'Reilly: we need to burn out that grass in front of us
Dugan: gives 5 M26 Grenades to Tyran
Colwyn O'Reilly: don't want them sneaking up here anymore
[w] Tyran Drenski: how many times can I try to fix the radio?
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: Just once, it is a one shot roll.
Withers: Not sure about burning it, but clearing some out with a machete would be good.
Dugan: anyone have a machete?
[w] Tyran Drenski: darn thank you... I'm trying to be a good mcgyver but i was doing better without it
Withers: Here you go Dugan. Go for it.
Dugan: takes the machete
Tyran Drenski quickly unplugs the mines so dugan doesn't die
Storm clouds start to roll in from the ocean. It looks like sometime soon this place is going to get drenched.
Dugan: goes to clear a stretch of grass in front of the group
Colwyn O'Reilly puts on his wet weather gear
Dugan: could really use a lawn mower on this stuff
Withers: Ponchos folks.
Dugan: puts on his poncho
Tyran Drenski puts on his wet weather gear and covers his hole and biulds a trench around it.
Withers: I know they have crazy weather here, but sure seems suspicious that the ideal weather for them to attack just happens to roll in.
Dugan: hacks away at the grass about 15(insert distance here) from the squad
Hogpile: They bribed the weather god.
Colwyn O'Reilly reinforces his/Dugan's foxhole
Tyran Drenski: (laughs at Dugan) I have Willy Pete we could alway burn the grass..
About fifteen minutes later, the first fat droplets of rain fall.
Thirty seconds later, there is the distinctive thump of North Vietnamese mortars.
Withers: Take cover.
Dugan: dutch!
Tyran Drenski takes cover
Dugan: dives into the foxhole
Dhu (Dugan): where did fred go?
A sweep of suppressive fire pours over the area.
GM: Spirit checks from everyone, add +2.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): He got wet and is attacking VC, dugan
Colwyn O'Reilly: Spirit [1d6+2 = 5]
Dugan: Spirit (Aim +2) [1d6+2 = 9]
Randall Breckenridge: Spirit ( +2) [1d6+2 = 10]
Tyran Drenski: Spirit [1d6+2 = 5]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): i get the feeling the +2 saved me
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): me too
TADM: Yes, you want to get above a 4 on suppressive fire checks. And a crit failure is very bad.
Dugan: Why I always say that when it rains you have to keep your spirits up.
Dugan: Just.... put on a happy face
Colwyn O'Reilly: are you.... singing in the rain?
Dugan: That's a song isn't it?
Dugan: ooo... that's a good one
Ranger Richard: Spirit [1d6 = 4]
Ranger Richard: forgot to add+2
Dugan: I'm SIINNNNGIN' in the rain ... What a glorious feelin' I'm havin'.... tuday!
Colwyn O'Reilly reconsiders his choice of foxhole mates
A mortar shell explodes near the squad.
GM: Agility checks this time.
Dugan: Agility [1d8 = 7]
Tyran Drenski: Agility [1d6 = 5]
Ranger Richard: Agility [1d8 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: Agility [1d6 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Agility [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
GM: [2d6 = 4]
Dugan: chim chiminee .... chim chim cheroo... a sweep is as lucky ...
Dugan: this reminds me of the story of Seargent York
Ranger Richard: can use a benny if that is bad?
Dugan: the way we are all lined up in a row
Richard and Colwyn fail to get under cover in time, fortunately the explosion is minor and what few pieces of shrapnel come near them patters off their helmets.
TADM: Yes you could, but the explosion damage did not exceed your Toughness, so don't bother.
Dugan: I'm just waitin for the VC to come and snipe us one by one from the edge while playin the part of a chicken
Ranger Richard: ok
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): yay for the brawny edge!
GM: Notice checks
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Dugan: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 5]
More machine gun fire sprays out of the treeline.
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d6 = 4]
GM: Spirit checks this time. Add the +2 again.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Spirit [1d8+2 = 7]
Withers: Drenski, pop that radio and see if we can land some mortars on that machine gun nest.
Dugan: Spirit (Add 2 +2) [1d4+2 = 11]
Tyran Drenski: Spirit [1d6+2 = 6]
Ranger Richard: Spirit (Trademark Weapon +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Dugan: I sure would hate to be on the end .. if seargent VC york was comin...
Dugan: be sure not to pop your head out of the foxhole when you hear the clucking
Dugan: I'm just sayin
Randall Breckenridge: Spirit ( +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 6]
The rain starts pouring. You have maybe 18 feet of visibility now.
Withers: Roll flares out if you have them.
Dugan: they should be movin up on the section that I knocked down
Dugan: Tyran .. reconnect your mines
Dugan: hope its not too late
Tyran Drenski fires flares
There is an explosion from the field. It sounds like one of Drenski's claymores just exploded a couple people.
Randall Breckenridge: the mines are re-activted, right? We will hear them coming
Tyran Drenski: yes
Withers: Assume bad people are on the way. Drenski, any luck with the radio yet? We need to see if we can shell that heavy machine gun they have out in the trees.
Tyran Drenski: I loves the sound of explosions killing people who mean me harm.
Tyran Drenski: you have two call in and thats in corp make them count
Withers: This weather is going to ground our birds. I don't like the freak Vietnamese storm helping them out.
Tyran Drenski tries to use tree to amp the signal...
TADM: Drenski finds a paperclip! He can get Yankee's games now!
GM: It is going to be a Smarts check to operate the radio and call in fire support.
Tyran Drenski attaches Hog piles old weapons parts to the radio and builds a kick A*^ antenna
TADM: Don't critically fail.
Tyran Drenski: Smarts [1d8 = 3]
TADM: A 4+ would be helpful....
Dugan: you want me to try?
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: no would be the proper answer
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I'm up for any suggestion
TADM: Benny?
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
Tyran Drenski: Smarts [1d6 = 10]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): CJ clicked for me...thanks hubby
Drenski calls in fire support on the MG nest. A couple minutes later a group of 81mm mortar shells land on the spot where the MG fire was coming from. They explode nicely.
The machine gun fire goes away.
GM: Notice checks.
Dugan: Notice [1d4 = 3]
Withers: Notice [1d6 = 17]
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: Well...Withers rolled a 17. Guess he's expecting them....
Dugan: paddy cake paddy cake ...
Tyran Drenski: Notice (GOOD) [1d8 = 6]
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d6 = 8]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 11]
Other than Dugan, everyone sees the VC coming toward you.
Dugan: plays with a stick he found in his fox hole
Dugan: building bridges
Dugan: in the mud
Dugan: dreaming of a simpler time
Dugan: in a quieter place
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Tyran Drenski
GM: Go Tyran!
Just a sec...they are closer than that.
Dhu (Dugan): are they in the clearing that I made
They are pretty close to you, but because of how bad the rain is, they count as being in dense cover (-4) until they are at short range.
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 6]
GM: That lands on target.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 13]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): nice damage
TADM: Grrr..with the +2 from the joker you kill them all anyway. Grr!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Awesome!
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 14]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Regular: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 15]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Okay I killed four your turn to kill :)
GM: They are mad!
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): but we're in heavy rain and in foxholes
GM: Yes, but a 14+ still hits, just not with a raise.
GM: [1d8 = 7]
GM: [1d8 = 4]
Richard and Randall are hit.
GM: NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 5]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): the super solder is which # brad?
GM: NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 4]
TADM: The one you can't see yet.
For CRAP damage.
Ranger Richard: darn statue ,ust be made in China instead of Taiwan!
NVA Regular: GRRR! Damn cheap Chinese bullets.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): okay we are all going to die yea!
TADM: The statue doesn't trigger if they don't hit you hard enough to Wound you.
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Medium Range -2, Cover (Heavy) -4, Trademark Weapon +1, Double Tap +1) [1d8-4 = 2]
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: three round burst at VC5
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (3 Round Burst +2, Cover (Heavy) -4, Medium Range -2, Encumbrance -1) [1d8-5 = 0]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): so if all of you are shooting -4 I guess I'll have to kill everyone then....
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Cover (Heavy) -4, Aim +2, Medium Range -2) [1d8-4 = -2]
Randall Breckenridge: yee haw
Hogpile: Shooting [1d8 = 7]
Dugan: shooting at VC5
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Medium Range -2) [1d6-3 = 13]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Ahh super solder.
Dugan: woo hoo
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): go Dugan!!
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [2d6+1 = 8]
Dugan: got one
A seven foot tall VC bursts out of the gloom. He looks like a professional weight-lifter. Rather ludicrously he is firing an AK-47 with each arm. The amount of recoil that generates does not seem to interrupt his charge.
Randall Breckenridge: ITS GOOKZILLA!!!!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): vc meets arnold Schwartzneger!!!!!
TADM: LOL Randall!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): So should we consintrate power on Gook Segal?
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 2]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 5]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 5]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [7] [1d8 = 13]
One hit on Richard and one on Colwyn.
NVA Super Soldier: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 7]
NVA Super Soldier: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 25]
Colwyn gets Shaken.
Richard hopes the statue is awake. Or that Dugan's luck wore off on him.
Jade Golem: Vigor [1d6 = 8]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): As richard randomly starts hopping in his foxhole
GM: So..the green flash of light absorbs 2 wounds.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I can't type tooo
GM: That is the good news.
GM: The bad news is, Richard still has 5 wounds to soak.
Ranger Richard: owwwww
Ranger Richard is using a benny
Ranger Richard: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 9]
Dhu (Dugan): did you say you can't type typo , or that you can't type too?
Ranger Richard: hope that helps a lil
GM: That result will leave you with 2 wounds. Which means you don't have to worry about incapicitation checks. You also are not Shaken.
Ranger Richard: If I use another benny can that soak any more or is that it
TADM: That's all you can soak, since it was a single shot. If you spent a benny, you would be trying to roll higher than a 9.
Ranger Richard: gotcha
John (Randall Breckenridge): its only a flesh wound!
Ranger Richard: I pull out the Holy Hand Grenad of Vietam
Withers: Concentrating all fire-power on that Super-Gook-Destroyer!
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 2]
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Cover (Heavy) -4, Medium Range -2, Aim +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-4 = -2]
Hogpile: Shooting [1d8 = 6]
Hogpile: M16 (24/48/96) damage [2d6 = 7]
Hogpile: Umm..I shot the Super-Gook-Dude and hit. I saw the bullet hit him. I object!
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Spirit [1d6 = 7]
Colwyn is unshaken.
TADM: But a little stirred.
Dugan: shooting at the super dude
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): dugan kill the super dude
Dhu (Dugan): what's the cover ? heavy?
GM: Nah, he's standing out in the open and pretty easy to spot.
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1, Medium Range -2) [1d10+1 = 9]
GM: That hits with a raise.
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Rd Burst - Damage +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [Raise] [3d6+2 = 21]
NVA Super Soldier is using a benny
NVA Super Soldier: Vigor [1d10 = 8]
Dhu (Dugan): doh!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): well that is going to help...well no
NVA Super Soldier: HAHHAHAHA!
TADM: Uhoh! This VC stocked up on Bennies! PANIC!
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 3]
Dhu (Dugan): at least we wounded him
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 1]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 13]
NVA Super Soldier: Shooting [7] [1d8 = 3]
He hits Dugan once.
Ranger Richard: nothing worse than a superheroe villain with bennies this may be a long fight!
Withers: Well, the good news is that, at that rate of fire he will have to stop and reload both guns in two rounds.
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: can you take out the cluster of normal guys to the north? ... less bullets coming back
NVA Super Soldier: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 22]
Dhu (Dugan): oh, i pissed him off
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: that is what I was thinking too.
TADM: Hmm...okay. Bullets are very dangerous.
Dugan: i thought I was bullet proof
TADM: Dugan, this is a good time to spend bennies.
Tyran Drenski: so corp you want me to take out the low lifes while you kill the yeti?
[w] Dugan: how many wounds have i taken?
Withers: Honestly, I'm debating the 81mm mortar strike on him.
Dugan is using a benny
[w] -> Dugan: 5.
Dugan: Vigor [1d6 = 8]
Tyran Drenski looks at his M60 antenna, we have one call left and Dugan is in need of help.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): can i give my bennies to people?
Dugan: medic!
Colwyn O'Reilly: right here
TADM: Not without the appropriate edge.
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: 2 wounds this time
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 12]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Regular: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 3]
NVA Regular: [1d6 = 1]
VC #4 hits Randall.
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 4]
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: okay... I'm standing right next to you, so I'll try next round
[w] Dugan -> Colwyn O'Reilly: of course richard also has 2
GM: Well, he lands a bullet NEAR him. Don't waste the benny, you are not even Shaken.
Randall Breckenridge: ok
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Dugan: hmmm... multi-action round time for me
NVA Regular: What, the Super Soldier is the only one using lead bullets? The rest of us have rubber ones?
Dugan: mwhahahahaaha
Tyran Drenski
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): okay consense should i hit the big man or take out the smaller?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): any one?
Ranger Richard: iwill range fan get big one and 1 small one I vote for that
Dhu (Dugan): the three are shooting 2 with a lower chance of hitting ... the big guy is shooting twice with a higher liklihood to hit
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): kill as many as you can in one round so less are shooting at us
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): dhu makes a good point though
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
That lands on target.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 14]
NVA Regular: Sigh. The life of a redshirt VC is soooo short in this game.
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: shoot at big dude
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Okay I'm up to 7 kills!!
Dhu (Dugan): watch out he bites back
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Double Tap +1, Medium Range -2, Trademark Weapon +2, Double Tap +1) [1d8+2 = 7]
GM: That hits.
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [Raise] [3d8 = 17]
NVA Super Soldier is using a benny
NVA Super Soldier: Vigor [1d10 = 8]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): okay he can only have three bennies we will just wear him down
NVA Super Soldier: HAHAHA! I mock you!
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Colwyn O'Reilly was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: heal check on dugan
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Aim +2, Called Shot (Head) -4) [1d8-2 = 3]
Ranger Richard: we will see for how much longer when those bennies run out!
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 5]
Randall Breckenridge is using a benny
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 [1d6 = 10]
Ranger Richard: nice shot!
Randall Breckenridge: M14 damage +1 ( +4) [2d8+5 = 13]
Randall Breckenridge: finally hit somethin
The shot to his head causes the giant VC to stagger backwards, momentarily dazed.
Colwyn succeeds in patching up Dugan.
Ranger Richard
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 4]
Dugan: thanks doc
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Double Tap +1, Trademark Weapon +1) [1d6+2 = 13]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} +2 (Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d6 = 5]
Ranger Richard: at big guy again
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [2d8 = 7]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 1]
The giant soldier tips over and drops to the ground.
Randall Breckenridge
Ranger Richard: omg did he just accidentally stab my heart with tha pam2 injector!!!
Dugan: is he dead?
Hogpile: Shooting [1d8 = 5]
Hogpile: M16 (24/48/96) damage [2d6 = 4]
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting: M14 (Aim +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 4]
Hogpile: I killed a scrub.
Dugan: is there one left or two?
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): so if the big dude is dead why is he still on the map one would wonder?
One regular guy. The large guy is lying there.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): ahhhh is still smell a
Dugan: not taking any chances ... shooting the prone big guy? ... so he doesn't get back up?
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, M1 Carbine(Trade) +1) [1d10+3 = 8]
That hits the big guy.
Dugan: M1 Carbine(Trade) damage -1 (3 Rd Burst - Damage +2) [2d6+1 = 3]
Dugan: he's impenetrable
NVA Super Soldier: Spirit [1d6 = 10]
Ranger Richard: I think that bounced off his big toe
Rather surprisingly for your characters....
TADM: But not surprising to the players....
The giant guy gets back up. He runs full speed at Dugan and Randall.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): ah see trap!!!!
Then he attempts to use his AK-47s as giant clubs to lay the beat down on you.
NVA Super Soldier: Fighting [1d10 = 5]
NVA Super Soldier: Fighting [1d10 = 3]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): he's slow and big just move out of the way so he falls face first.
Fortunately for you, his body has lost a lot of structural integrity. One of his arms falls off and the other swing misses wildly. He drops the AK-47, picks up his arm, and decides to try using that as a club.
GM: GUTS checks!
Randall Breckenridge: Guts [1d6 = 23]
Dugan: gross
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): wow guts much?
Dugan: Guts [1d4 = 2]
The MARINE is scared of NOTHING!
Ranger Richard: Guts [1d6 = 11]
Dhu (Dugan): ROFL
Randall Breckenridge: take that yah beast!
Tyran Drenski: Guts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Guts [1d6 = 5]
Dhu (Dugan): it's a machine!
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d6 = 11]
NVA Regular: I go boom!
Ranger Richard: Is he wearing black leather saying I'll be back?
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage [3d6 = 16]
Withers: Shooting [1d8 = 7]
Withers: M16 (24/48/96) damage [2d6 = 20]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Okay 8 for the night...woot!
Ranger Richard: damn I picked wrong weapon!
Withers hits him for 20 points of damage. He falls face first into Randall's foxhole.
Dhu (Dugan): don't be fooled
Ranger Richard: cut the head off!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): night of the living Gookzilla!!
Withers: I vote Drenki shoots him with Willy Pete before he moves again!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): remove his heart
Ranger Richard: I think witrhers just did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: shoot him again, just to be sure... he must have been hopped up on some chinese herbal drug...
Tyran Drenski: I agree but we need to vacate the area and build new foxholes.
Dugan: let's just bury him in Randall's foxhole
Randall Breckenridge: the big guy is down now?
Dugan: send in the statue!
Tyran Drenski: Give him the the green statue as an offering.
Dugan: what! are you crazy?
Colwyn O'Reilly: ... okay, so who needs patching?
TADM: Well, this attack is beaten if Drenski Willy Pete's the big guy in the next four rounds.
Dugan: i've got one wound
Ranger Richard: I have 1 wound-not sure if that can be healed after I was already healed once
TADM: Or you chop off his head.
Dugan: dive for cover in the far foxhole
Randall Breckenridge dives away
The skies clear. The sun comes back out. Sounds of gunfire diminish in the distance. It seems like this attack has been beaten off.
GM: Okay, bennies are reset and XP is issued.
Colwyn O'Reilly: yeah richard, it can
GM: Let's call it a night here.
Randall Breckenridge: ok, good night
Colwyn O'Reilly: okay... i patch up everyone... i'll roll next week if i have to
Tyran Drenski: Have a great night we are happy to be back tonight! Have a good night all.
GM: Yeah, remember to roll next week for heal checks on those who need it.
Dugan: thanks all. .. see ya next week
Ranger Richard: have a good week all-see you next next week!
Colwyn O'Reilly: goodnight, good shooting everyone
Campaign saved.