Chat log started at 24.6.2010 / 18:46:40

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Christy Thompson (sigh, flat hand Praying Mantis strike to Dugan's vocal cords)
Colwyn O'Reilly gives dugan morphine
TADM: Hey, awesome, the patch fixed that. I can have NPCs perform actions again and have it show up as action text.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): woot
Ranger Richard: nice!
Dugan crumples to the ground, vocal cords smashed for the next 48 hours of game time.
Samson: I'm in love!
Colwyn O'Reilly: there's so much violence in this... war zone...
Christy Thompson: Okay, anyone else have something stupid they'd like to do or say now?
Christy Thompson: I'll take silence as a "no."
Ranger Richard: wow-can you show me some of those strikes when we get back?
Christy Thompson: If you make it back, yes.
Tyran Drenski hides behind Colwyn covering his "most german parts" jusr in case cristy is feeling like hurting more people
Ranger Richard: lets stay positive and say when
Christy Thompson: Okay, now that the noise is much less, we sneak forward and see what we can see. Richard, take point.
Tyran Drenski is glad dugan is out cold
Ranger Richard: got it thx
The squad moves up to that point and discovers that there are two mounds of bones here, in addition to the floor-to-ceiling skulls stacked along the walls. Colwyn's medical training convinces him the farther back you go in this tunnel, the older the skulls are.
GM: Notice checks
Ranger Richard: Notice [Critical failure!] [1d8 = 1]
Ranger Richard is using a benny
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Christy Thompson: Notice {+2 Hyper-Alertness,+2 Alertness} [1d10+4 = 8]
Ranger Richard: wow what a start!
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d8 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 5]
TADM: Well, better to get them out of the way now. :)
Colwyn O'Reilly: so they're stacked... not in alcoves?
Tyran Drenski: so anyone esle feel impending doom?
Colwyn O'Reilly: like a catacomb?
Ranger Richard: human skulls?
Colwyn and Tyran think they hear some people just around the corner. Your guess is they are VC setting up an ambush.
Colwyn O'Reilly: i have a bad feeling about this...
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): bang bang bang! no harrison... we'll add our own sound effects
GM: Yes, they are human skulls, and they are stacked up, not in alcoves.
Tyran Drenski: Hey...a.hh mama there are some people around the corner
Colwyn O'Reilly: that's impressive, skulls are hard to stack like that
Christy Thompson: Yeah, I smell fish paste and gun oil. From the amount I'd say they have a PK or an RPK up ahead.
Christy Thompson: Amount of gun oil, not fish paste in case that was not clear.
Christy Thompson chuckles at her joke.
Tyran Drenski tries to laugh...still protecting his manhood.
Ranger Richard: can we peek around corner witrh grenade ready
Christy Thompson: We could, but let's not be too crazy here.
Colwyn O'Reilly: we? where do we come in? I'm a medic... I'm staying back here
Christy Thompson reaches into a pocket and pulls out a compact with a mirror.
Christy Thompson: Tom Hanks is totally going to steal this idea from in a movie, I know it.
Tyran Drenski: I like grenades... or we could use make up....
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): lol
Christy Thompson slides the compact forward on the ground, looking in the reflection for signs of VC.
Christy Thompson: Get ready to go around the corner with guns blazing when they shoot it. Oh, and close your eyes.
Colwyn O'Reilly: you should have used a stick with some gum
Colwyn O'Reilly: close our eyes?
TADM: For what is about to happen, that would not be the best idea.
Ranger Richard: drum roll please
GM: So who is closing their eyes?
Colwyn O'Reilly: sure
Colwyn O'Reilly closes his eyes
Ranger Richard: me too
Ranger Richard: cant doubt her!
Colwyn O'Reilly (mumbles): our father, who art in heaven...
Tyran Drenski closed...tightly
Ranger Richard: ready to move
The compact slides forward to the middle of the tunnel. The VC see the reflection and open fire on it. It explodes with a loud bang (which is muffled by the earphones she gave you) and a flash bright enough that you can "see" it through your eyelids.
Tyran Drenski covers Rocky eyes for him
Christy Thompson: Go go go!
Ranger Richard: going
Tyran Drenski follows her
Colwyn O'Reilly brings up the middle
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Colwyn O'Reilly was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Christy Thompson was dealt a Five of Spades.
Christy Thompson was dealt a Ten of Clubs.
[w] Tyran Drenski: no map?....tears tears lol
TADM: Whoops.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): WOOT!!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: i choose to go last
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 13]
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 22]
GM: Hmm...I sense much anger in this one.
Christy Thompson: Nice throw.
Tyran Drenski is smiling ear to ear
Tyran Drenski: Thanks...errr...mama
GM: Is saddened that Colwyn gets a Joker and Tyran kill steals all the VC.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): LOL
Christy Thompson: What? Mama? How old do you think I am?
Colwyn O'Reilly: well, i was waiting to heal someone anyway
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): OPPPPSSS Madam....
Tyran Drenski: Madam I ment Ma'am
Christy Thompson: Well, I'll let it slide.
GM: Notice checks.
Christy Thompson: Notice {+2 Hyper-Alertness,+2 Alertness} [1d6+4 = 9]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d8 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d8 = 5]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): and the low die wins again
GM: From the echo and the flickering torchlight, you would guess the next stretch of the corridor is about 25' long with no alcoves. Which means whatever VC are at the end of it are going to be nicely set up to shoot at you.
Samson: (yells from front entrance) You could get Dugan and use him as a shield to stop bullets.
Ranger Richard: any other tricjks of trade Christy?
Christy Thompson: Not off hand, I only brought one compact with me.
Colwyn O'Reilly: smoke grenades?
Christy Thompson: Do we have some?
Ranger Richard: hmm Colwyn you wanna carry a corpse as a shield oh wait Tyran blew the bodies to little bits!
Colwyn O'Reilly: tyran should
Tyran Drenski: I have some how much do you need?
Tyran Drenski: only have two with me
Colwyn O'Reilly: that's what marines are for richard... oh wait, he's not here
Tyran Drenski: but got some willy pete...3 flare
Christy Thompson: Get them down the tunnel to cover our approach. The VC will probably still shoot a lot, but it is better if they are guessing where to shoot.
Tyran Drenski: two smokie down the hall way...
GM: Fire away with the smoke grenades.
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 4]
GM: Yay for Marksman!
Tyran Drenski: that is one here is the second
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 13]
Tyran Drenski: no damage right??
GM: Get that kid a contract with the Yankees!
Tyran Drenski: woot!!
Tyran Drenski: I have CS too... for later...
After the first smoke grenade hits, the VC at the end of the tunnel open fire. You hear the rattle of two machine guns and a few AK-47s. You find yourself very grateful for the noise-cancelling headphones that Christy handed out. Tyran lobs the second one further down the hall, further obscuring everyone's vision. This does not deter the VC from firing.
Christy Thompson: Wait for the reload.
Tyran Drenski: Hooah
Tyran Drenski get a grenade in hand.
The machine guns sputter and fall silent. Christy motions for everyone to run forward with her.
Ranger Richard: whew hoo
Tyran Drenski follows her
Colwyn O'Reilly follows
Colwyn O'Reilly
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Colwyn O'Reilly
Christy Thompson was dealt a Four of Diamonds.
Christy Thompson was dealt a Ten of Spades.
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Multi-Action Penalty -2, Medium Range -2) [1] [1d10-2 = 6]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Multi-Action Penalty -2, Medium Range -2) [2] [1d6-2 = 2]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Multi-Action Penalty -2, Medium Range -2) [3] [1d10-2 = 5]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Multi-Action Penalty -2, Medium Range -2) [4] [1d10-2 = -1]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Multi-Action Penalty -2, Medium Range -2) [5] [1d10-2 = 2]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [2d6+2 = 15]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [2d6+2 = 12]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (Cover (Heavy) -4, 3 Round Burst +2, Medium Range -2) [1d8-4 = 0]
Christy Thompson moves up to the back of the tunnel, fires double-taps twice with both Hush-Puppy pistols. Kills the guys operating the machine guns.
GM: That would be a miss Colwyn.
Christy Thompson: Of course, firing like this I have to reload every other round.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): no kidding. penalties suck
GM: Right...whoops, I forgot the range penalties on her shots. She missed.
NVA Regular: I live!
The machine gunners reload. The guys with the AK-47s open fire.
Tyran Drenski: it's okay I will kill you NVA
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 5]
NVA Regular: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 23]
NVA Regular: Shooting [7] [1d8 = 11]
NVA Regular: Shooting [8] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Regular: Shooting [9] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [10] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [11] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Regular: Shooting [12] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Regular: Shooting [13] [1d8 = 3]
NVA Regular: Woohoo! Twelve shots on full auto and we get ONE hit.
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 4]
Christy Thompson: They shot my HAIR! Those bastards!
Christy Thompson: I'm getting the LAW Rocket out of my purse next.
Tyran Drenski
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): now she whips out a curved pipe and reroutes all the shots back on them
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Christy Thompson: Thrown Deviation [2d12 = 12]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): ohhh noo
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): i though the machine gunners were dead?
TADM: No, someone mentioned that penalties suck and I realized I forgot to include the range/cover penalty for Christy's shots.
Tyran Drenski: if it is down hill can't i just roll it down to them??
GM: A little short on that one....
Ranger Richard
Tyran Drenski: I'm just making cover...yeah cover
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Cover (Heavy) -4, Double Tap +1, Trademark Weapon +1) [1d6-2 = 8]
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [2d8 = 13]
Christy Thompson: Nicely done.
Ranger Richard: thanks
Round 3
Dealing cards...
NVA Regular fires RPK machine gun in Suppressive Fire mode.
NVA Regular: Shooting [1d8 = 4]
GM: Spirit checks from everyone.
Christy Thompson: Spirit [1d10 = 6]
Ranger Richard: Spirit [1d6 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Spirit [1d8 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: Spirit [1d6 = 13]
Ranger Richard: Tyran is a rock!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I feel the statue god with me.....ahhhhhhh
You all manage to take cover and/or dive to the ground and avoid the machine gunner's fire.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): You will be healed..... by the hand of rocky...can I get an amen
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 2]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [4] [1d8 = 11]
NVA Regular: Shooting [5] [1d8 = 4]
NVA Regular: Shooting [6] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [7] [1d8 = 14]
NVA Regular: Shooting [8] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [9] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: Shooting [10] [1d8 = 13]
NVA Regular: Shooting [11] [1d8 = 5]
NVA Regular: Shooting [12] [1d8 = 6]
NVA Regular: Shooting [13] [1d8 = 6]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): AMEN!!!
The rattle of the AK-47s results in 3 hits this time around.
Ranger Richard: Though I walk through the valley of darkness I will fear no evil for ......
NVA Regular: D4 [1d4 = 4]
NVA Regular: D4 [1d4 = 2]
NVA Regular: D4 [1d4 = 3]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): i feel filled with the jade statue!!! wait... that doesn't sound healthy
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 7]
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 10]
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 7]
You guys would be in BIG trouble if these North Vietnamese were using something other than rubber bullets.
Christy Thompson: Ouch, hang nail!
Ranger Richard: I am fine with rubber bullets
Ranger Richard: They do have more gunners/bodies in this fight!
Colwyn O'Reilly: apparently they think we're irish rebels
Christy takes no damage. Richard is shaken and wounded, Colwyn is Shaken.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I'm ready to kill you all...waaaahhhaaaa
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Marksman +2, Double Tap +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Long Range -4) [1] [1d10-5 = -4]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Marksman +2, Double Tap +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Long Range -4) [2] [1d6-5 = -2]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Marksman +2, Double Tap +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Long Range -4) [3] [1d10-5 = 3]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Marksman +2, Double Tap +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Long Range -4) [4] [1d10-5 = -2]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Marksman +2, Double Tap +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Long Range -4) [5] [1d10-5 = 7]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [2d6+2 = 8]
This time Christy legitimately kills the other machine gunner.
NVA Regular: I object to the "more bodies/guns" argument. We are extras, you are 3 player character wild cards and a psychotic uber bitch who can still hit with a -5 penalty.
GM: Objection overruled.
Christy Thompson: And I would like to reload.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Ranger Richard: Hey Red Shirt pipe down before Christy stuffs a 45 bullet in your head :)
Colwyn O'Reilly: Spirit (Combat Reflexes +2) [1d8+2 = 12]
GM: No Shaken and you can act normally this round.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): He felt the light of the statue...he is healed...
Colwyn O'Reilly lay hands on richard
TADM: Hmm...
Ranger Richard: heal me brother, ahhhhh ohmmmmmmm
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 13]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): ohhhh staute the Ranger has been healed!!!!!!!
That removes the Shaken and the Wound from Richard.
Ranger Richard: praise you brother Colwyn
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: shooting at anybody on mg or nearest
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Double Tap +1, Cover (Heavy) -4, Trademark Weapon +1) [1d8-2 = 3]
Colwyn O'Reilly: open season on the NVA!!! FOR PONY!!!!
GM: That just misses.
Tyran Drenski
Ranger Richard: dannnnn
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 15]
Ranger Richard: grt throw
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 10]
The three guys within the blast are shaken.
Tyran Drenski: (Raise Damage) [1d6 = 4]
But then some debris falls from the ceiling and kills them.
Ranger Richard: devine intervention!
Colwyn O'Reilly: awesome sauce
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): squee......
Tyran Drenski: ...I would like to thank rocky for being with me always....
Round 4
Dealing cards...
NVA Regular backing away and firing.
NVA Regular: Shooting [1] [1d8 = 13]
NVA Regular: Shooting [2] [1d8 = 7]
NVA Regular: Shooting [3] [1d8 = 1]
NVA Regular: D4 [1d4 = 1]
NVA Regular: AK-47 damage [2d8+1 = 8]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): run or I shall taunt you a second time
Tyran is hit and shaken.
Christy Thompson was dealt a Two of Hearts.
Christy Thompson was dealt a King of Spades.
Ranger Richard
GM: Open fire when ready.
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Long Range -4, Trademark Weapon +1, Trademark Weapon +1) [1d6-2 = 2]
GM: That would be a miss.
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Cover (Heavy) -4, Long Range -4, Marksman +2, Double Tap +1) [1] [1d10-3 = 6]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Cover (Heavy) -4, Long Range -4, Marksman +2, Double Tap +1) [2] [1d6-3 = 0]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Cover (Heavy) -4, Long Range -4, Marksman +2, Double Tap +1) [3] [1d10-3 = 6]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [2d6+2 = 8]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [2d6+2 = 13]
NVA Regular flops over dead.
Tyran Drenski: should i roll my spirit check?
GM: Nah, we're good.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I am stuck shaken.....but i felt so strong I'm enjoing the loss of my sanity points
Colwyn O'Reilly searches bodies for loot
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): enjoying
Ranger Richard: reloads
This looks like a large preparation chamber of some type. Several squat stone tables are here, along with a few cauldrons of boiling...something. There is also a mortar board here that has a strange putty like substance on it.
Centuries old blood stains mix with fresh puddles of blood. The flickering torchlight in this room gives everything a reddish, bloody hue.
Christy Thompson: I recommend not touching anything.
Tyran Drenski: Well wonder what this stuff does.
Ranger Richard: taste it
Tyran Drenski: No i don't want to turn into a toad thanks
Colwyn O'Reilly smells the boiling stuff
GM: Common Knowledge check
Colwyn O'Reilly: should we destroy this or are you going to take care of it with the bombs you're carrying?
Colwyn O'Reilly: Smarts [1d6 = 5]
Ranger Richard: Smarts [1d6 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: Smarts [1d6 = 4]
The boiling stuff smells like glue, it is also thick and viscous.
Christy Thompson: We'll worry about it once the VC here are dead. But I think it will be a good use of some C-4.
Tyran Drenski: hey is there something we can dip into it, to see what happends?
Colwyn O'Reilly scrouges around corpses for a grenade
Christy Thompson: Well, if curiosity does not kill Tyran, you can drop in an AK.
Ranger Richard: how about a unloaded nva rifle
Christy Thompson: What Richard said.
Colwyn finds three grenades amongst the corpses.
Tyran Drenski: Yeah lets do that.....
Tyran Drenski grabs and unloads a rifle and only gets close enough to push the rifle into the mixture.
GM: Guts checks.
Tyran Drenski ducks for cover if it explodes
Colwyn O'Reilly: Guts [1d6 = 2]
Tyran Drenski: Guts [1d4 = 3]
Christy Thompson: Guts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 8]
Ranger Richard: Guts [1d6 = 8]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 11]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): darn. i actually noticed it and failed the guts check... maybe time for a bennie
TADM: It's two points of Sanity lost for Colwyn and 1 for Tyran unless you spend Bennies.
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
Tyran Drenski: Guts [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
TADM: It's okay, I dstinctly remember SOMEONE saying they were enjoying their insanity.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): yeah for crazy....dances around happily
Colwyn O'Reilly is using a benny
Colwyn O'Reilly: Guts [1d6 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: that better?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): woot! colwyn fails to see something happening again!
Tyran unloads and shoves the AK-47 into the cauldron filled with "something." The AK sits there for a couple seconds, then the ooze seems to "crawl" up the gun. Assuming Tyran lets go of it, the gun tips and falls out of the cauldron. When it hits the ground the gun shatters into thousands of pieces. As it shatters a long anguished wail cuts through the air and chills you to the bone.
GM: Except for Colwyn, the entire experience for him seems to have been blocked by the headphones.
Christy Thompson: Satisfied?
Colwyn O'Reilly: hmmm? you need something LT?
Tyran Drenski: Yes and no....Yes i'm pretty creeped out...and No because what is that stuff....all in all lets go.
Christy Thompson: Just making sure that Drenski is happy playing "Witch #2 from Macbeth."
Tyran Drenski leads the way out of there
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): ahhh!!! SHE SAID IT... we're all doomed
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): doomy doooooommmm
This room has eight columns in it, apparently constructed from human leg bones.
GM: Notice checks
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d8 = 7]
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d8 = 5]
Christy Thompson: Notice {+2 Hyper-Alertness,+2 Alertness} [1d10+4 = 17]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 4]
You all hear chanting from up around the corner. None of you quite understand what is being said, although you get the feeling it is whatever language the statue commands are in, since the word "Itiramam" comes up a few times.
Christy Thompson: These would be the bad guys in greatest need of killing.
Ranger Richard: oh boy here it comes!
Tyran Drenski: hey....let me put in my ear paste maybe i can tell you what they are saying
Christy Thompson: You don't really want to know.
Tyran Drenski: ohhh....
Christy Thompson: But you can use it if you want to.
Ranger Richard: can we dump cauldron on these guys!
Tyran Drenski: I would be happy for that
Christy Thompson: (smiles) I like your thinking, but I am not sure that's feasible.
Tyran Drenski: Game plan??
Colwyn O'Reilly: carpet bomb the area from a long ways away?
Tyran Drenski: Maybe this is Rocky's home....(looks panicked) i don't want him to leave me. We are buds
Colwyn O'Reilly: home slices, even
Tyran Drenski hugs rocky
Christy Thompson: I'd love to, but the problem is these areas seem to be impregnable to aerial assault. There are some nice photos of a B-52 strike on a temple complex. The bombs just bounce back up into the air and explode harmlessly above it.
Colwyn O'Reilly: big magnets, must be
Christy Thompson: For your sake, I'll assume they have giant bomb-deflecting trampolines.
Christy Thompson: Well, there is the old fashioned "rush in guns blazing and let God sort out the innocent" approach.
Colwyn O'Reilly: well, then let's kill us some VC, and spoil their little virgin sacrifice. I volunteer to take care of the virgin.
Tyran Drenski: Greeen lit trampolines
Christy Thompson: Well, I'm guessing they did not sneak Dugan past us, so I'm not sure where they got the virgin from.
Tyran Drenski: I am ready to kill anyone distubing Rocky's home
Colwyn O'Reilly: and Tyran's still here... I don't know
Tyran Drenski: Iowa....I am NOT a vigin...but I want one
Ranger Richard: Christy any ideas of weak points on statues?
Tyran Drenski: having one
Tyran Drenski: We can use Rocky to protect us
Christy Thompson: Yeah, beat them with mallets, bullets don't have much of an effect.
Ranger Richard: even if male virgin?
Tyran Drenski: No!!! (looks like he might vomit!!)
Christy Thompson: Wait, don't you have a CS grenade Drenski?
Tyran Drenski: yes
Christy Thompson: Let's start with that.
Tyran Drenski: 3 of them
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): do I have to sneak around the corner??
GM: Yes
Tyran Drenski: Stealth [1d6 = 9]
GM: But you are SUPER sneaky.
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 11]
NVA "Archaeologist": Notice [1d8 = 6]
NVA "Archaeologist": Notice [1d6 = 8]
NVA "Archaeologist": Notice [1d6 = 4]
NVA "Archaeologist": Notice [1d8 = 23]
NVA "Archaeologist": Notice [Critical failure!] [1d8 = 1]
NVA "Archaeologist": Notice [1d8 = 15]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): that's a whole lotta dice in the background
GM: Unfortunately, some of them are SUPER perceptive.
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): no damage??
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I have been around CS it hurts and makes you puke
NVA "Archaeologist": Blah blah blah, yell yell, shout shout, American pig-dogs, yell yell shout shout
Tyran Drenski: throw another??
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [1d6-4 = 5]
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [1d6-4 = 7]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): sweet, we're like indiana jones... only better armed and less filled with awesome
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [1d6-4 = 1]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): awesome
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [1d8-4 = 3]
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [Critical failure!] [1d8-4 = -3]
Ranger Richard: great lets find the ark and open it!
NVA "Archaeologist" is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [1d8-4 = 3]
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor (Encumbrance -4) [Critical failure!] [1d8-4 = -3]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I want some crystal heads....I think I might die soon
NVA "Archaeologist" is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d8 = 6]
GM: It's never a good sign when the enemy starts tossing around Bennies.
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Colwyn O'Reilly
The blue circle is the CS gas cloud. It seems to be moving towards you.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d4 = 3]
GM: Thrown Deviation [2d12 = 10]
Tyran Drenski: Gas mask if you got it people
Tyran Drenski: ahh the medic is trying to kill me!!
Tyran Drenski
Colwyn O'Reilly: I'm making cover
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 4]
Ranger Richard: mmm I dont see any stinkin gas mask on my inventory!
The grenade sails through the air, hits a rocky outcropping, and explodes right there.
Tyran Drenski: they had them back then but we were not privaged to get one I see
Tyran Drenski: damn!!
Christy Thompson: D10 [1d10 = 3]
NVA "Archaeologist": Spirit [1d8 = 6]
Ranger Richard: use the tumper!
Ranger Richard: thumper (M79) :)
NVA "Archaeologist" #5: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
NVA "Archaeologist": Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
NVA "Archaeologist" #3: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: not the doomy doom doom-my 4 yr old uses that ya wimp!
Ranger Richard: moving up
NVA "Archaeologist" #2: Spirit [1d6 = 3]
NVA "Archaeologist" #6: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
NVA "Archaeologist" #6: Spirit [1d6 = 14]
Colwyn O'Reilly
Round 6
Dealing cards...
Ranger Richard: mock them with baby voices!
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Double Tap +1, Cover (Medium) -2) [1] [1d10+1 = 2]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Double Tap +1, Cover (Medium) -2) [2] [1d6+1 = 2]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} +2 (Double Tap +1, Cover (Medium) -2) [3] [1d10+1 = 2]
Christy Thompson: OMFG. You have to be JOKING me.
Christy Thompson is using a benny
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} [1] [1d10+2 = 21]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} [2] [1d6+2 = 7]
Christy Thompson: Shooting {+2 Expert} [3] [1d10+2 = 8]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [2d6+2 = 8]
Tyran Drenski: dramatic much?
TADM: On the first shot she rolled 2d10 and 1d6. ALL of them came up 1. That was a SUPER Critical Failure in the making.
Tyran Drenski: better on second go??
NVA "Archaeologist": Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
TADM: Yes.
NVA "Archaeologist" #3: Spirit [1d8 = 7]
NVA "Archaeologist" #6: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
NVA "Archaeologist" #5: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
Ranger Richard
Christy Thompson: We really need to stop that kind of behavior from them. I'm not fond of the "doomy doom" myself.
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Multi-Action Penalty -2, Trademark Weapon +1, Double Tap +1) [1d8 = 7]
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [Raise] [3d8 = 6]
NVA "Archaeologist" #2: Spirit [1d8 = 14]
Tyran Drenski: Calllly Mallll....Calllly Malllll. I can sound creepy too
NVA "Archaeologist" #2: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
Christy Thompson: Hastur hastur hastur...
Ranger Richard: Chinky Biatch die die die
NVA "Archaeologist" #4: Chengo-biashi Doomy Doom Doom!
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
GM: Roll damage
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 22]
NVA "Archaeologist" #3 is using a benny
GM: NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d6 = 4]
NVA "Archaeologist" #3 is using a benny
GM: NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Stop using bennies and just die...
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): please
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): lol
GM: Nope, he's alive, he just has three wounds on him.
GM: These would be NVA Wild Cards, they get Bennies and multiple hit points.
Tyran Drenski: well i'll kill him next time
NVA "Archaeologist": HA HA! Take that annoying Benny using player characters!
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d4 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: I taunt you with my C4!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly is using a benny
Colwyn O'Reilly: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 14]
Tyran Drenski: WOOT!
NVA "Archaeologist" #4 is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d8 = 4]
Round 7
Dealing cards...
Ranger Richard was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
NVA "Archaeologist" #2 was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Ranger Richard
Christy Thompson was dealt a Nine of Hearts.
Christy Thompson was dealt a Six of Diamonds.
Christy Thompson was dealt a Ten of Spades.
Ranger Richard: Shooting: M16 (Trademark) (Double Tap +1, Trademark Weapon +1) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 5]
Ranger Richard: M16 (Trademark) damage [2d8 = 8]
Ranger Richard: shoot at 6
GM: That hits.
Tyran Drenski: woot!! kill it...kill it
NVA "Archaeologist" #6 is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 8]
He uses a Benny to Soak the wound.
GM: Wait, you did an extra hit, the +2 damage from the Joker.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): richard left us!
NVA "Archaeologist" #2: Try catching my Grenades!
NVA "Archaeologist" #2: Spellcasting [1d8 = 2]
NVA "Archaeologist" #2: "Grenade" damage (Joker +2) [3d6+2 = 22]
GM: That's not good.
Tyran Drenski: AHHHH
GM: Now would be a good time for SOAK rolls.
Christy Thompson is using a benny
Christy Thompson: Vigor [1d6 = 10]
Ranger Richard is using a benny
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
Tyran Drenski: Vigor [1d6 = 2]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Vigor [1d6 = 7]
Ranger Richard: Vigor [1d6 = 4]
Tyran Drenski: I dead
Ranger Richard: ok out of bennies for this session
Colwyn O'Reilly: so... we starting a slipstream campaign next session?
Ranger Richard: or this life!
Colwyn O'Reilly is using a benny
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
Tyran Drenski: Vigor [1d6 = 7]
Christy Thompson: Okay, plan B.
Christy Thompson charges, breaks out the Kung Fu.
Christy Thompson: Fighting {+2 Expert} [1] [1d10+2 = 6]
Christy Thompson: Fighting {+2 Expert} [2] [1d6+2 = 9]
Christy Thompson: Fighting {+2 Expert} [3] [1d10+2 = 9]
Christy Thompson: Martial Arts damage [Raise] [2d8 = 10]
Christy Thompson: Martial Arts damage [Raise] [2d8 = 3]
NVA "Archaeologist": Kill her!
NVA "Archaeologist": Shooting [1d6 = 4]
NVA "Archaeologist" #6: NVA "Archaeologist": Shooting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 11]
NVA "Archaeologist" #6: What? I rolled an 11, how is that a miss?
GM: Wouldn't you like to know?
Tyran Drenski
NVA "Archaeologist" #5: Spirit [1d8 = 13]
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: Colt 1911 [1d8 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: at #2
GM: That hits
Tyran Drenski: double tap
Tyran Drenski: Colt 1911 damage [2d6+1 = 16]
NVA "Archaeologist" #2 is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d6 = 5]
GM: Well, he's not dead yet, but he's not too healthy either.
Tyran Drenski: woot
NVA "Archaeologist" #4: Fighting [1d6 = 10]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: technical diifficulties tonight!
Ranger Richard: if you blow up enemy counters from initiative chart you will see they are actually aunt jemima
NVA "Archaeologist" #4: Punching damage [1d6 = 8]
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} +2 (Medic Edge -2) [1d6 = 3]
Colwyn O'Reilly: on richard
Colwyn O'Reilly: sorry... no bennies left
Ranger Richard: Mediccc
Ranger Richard
Round 8
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Ranger Richard: I cant see map again:(
Christy Thompson was dealt a Queen of Diamonds.
Tyran Drenski
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Ranger Richard: sorry man. my skillz failed me
Ranger Richard: no worries my dice are down tonight too
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Ranger Richard: how do you feel about space fantasy campaigns?
Colwyn O'Reilly: do it
Ranger Richard: do or die go for it!
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade [Critical failure!] [1d6 = 1]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 2]
Tyran Drenski: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 7]
Ranger Richard: I like outer space-
Ranger Richard: loved traveller
Colwyn O'Reilly: maybe I'll be able to find her dog tags in the rubble
Ranger Richard: she collapses ceiling killing all bad guys and we run away untouched?
Tyran Drenski: M26 Grenade damage [3d6+2 = 15]
Tyran Drenski: lots of 1 for me right now
Ranger Richard: yes alignment of stars is all wrong!!!
Tyran Drenski: you know i did blow up the rock around me maybe I can grab Cristy and dive into the rock face to save us
Tyran Drenski: Survival [1d6 = 10]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Survival [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Ranger Richard: Survival {+2 Ranger Tab} [1d6+2 = 7]
Tyran Drenski: I get a +2 to that survival
Ranger Richard: Vigor [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Ranger Richard: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Ranger Richard: Spirit [1d6 = 4]
Ranger Richard: Spirit [1d6 = 9]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 2]
Drenski hurls the grenade with all his might. The grenade sails to the back of the room, bounces off the rock, and covers half the distance back toward Drenski before exploding midair.
Tyran Drenski: I think my clothes are singe....medic
Which somehow catches all of the "Archaeologists" in its blast radius.
NVA "Archaeologist" #6 is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d8 = 6]
NVA "Archaeologist" #4 is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d6 = 11]
NVA "Archaeologist" is using a benny
NVA "Archaeologist": Vigor [1d6 = 10]
GM: Blowing up two of them and causing the rest of them to use up all their bennies.
Christy Thompson: Nice throw.
Christy Thompson: Tell me that is what you were planning on doing...
Tyran Drenski: ummmm....thanks
Tyran Drenski checks his pants
NVA "Archaeologist" #6: Shooting [1d6 = 8]
Tyran Drenski: of course...the whole time
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: Throwing: M26 Grenade [1d6 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: don't deviate...I get half devaite
GM: Roll damage
GM: Thrown Deviation [2d12 = 11]
Ranger Richard: M26 Grenade damage [3d6 = 12]
Tyran Drenski: nice job
Ranger Richard: yeah I finally got one!
Christy Thompson: Fighting {+2 Expert} [1d10+2 = 10]
Christy Thompson: Martial Arts damage [Raise] [2d8 = 13]
Christy Thompson: Fighting {+2 Expert} [1d10+2 = 17]
Christy Thompson: Hush Puppy damage [Raise] [3d6+2 = 15]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Well i feel like I help... even know I failed
Christy Thompson moves a few steps further into the room, spin kicks the one nearest her. As he falls to the ground in a heap she shoots the one that has been dazed by a couple grenades and hits him in the neck. He gurgles as he drops to the ground.
Christy Thompson: Well, that was a bit more of a fight than I am used to. I think I am out of shape.
Christy Thompson: Colwyn, see what you can do about bandaging people. Drenski, once Colwyn looks at you, place that C4 around this room and get ready to make it go bye-bye in a "boomy boom boom" fashion.
Colwyn O'Reilly: is combat over?
Christy Thompson smiles at her joke.
Tyran Drenski: I feel dizzy and tingly
Colwyn O'Reilly: heal check on tyran
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 7]
Colwyn O'Reilly: heal check on richard
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 7]
Tyran Drenski: Thanks Doc feel good
Tyran Drenski looks around the room
Tyran Drenski: Notice (Good) [1d6 = 5]
GM: Colwyn might want to heal himself...
Colwyn O'Reilly: ma'am, you look a little worse for wear, need anything from me?
Ranger Richard: Healing [1d4 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 3]
Ranger Richard: on self
Christy Thompson: Colwyn, I am going to remind you, that in case of future panic, those $2 million a piece syringes work miracles.
Christy Thompson looks at bloody spots on her clothes.
Christy Thompson: Oh...some of that is mine.
Christy Thompson: I'll just sit down for a couple minutes while Drenski places charges.
Colwyn O'Reilly: yes ma'am. that wasn't total panic though, just "oh shit panic"
[w] Tyran Drenski: did i see anything useful??
Colwyn O'Reilly: heal thompson
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 7]
Colwyn O'Reilly: then heal self
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing {+2 Healer} [1d6+2 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 1]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 1]
Tyran Drenski: Colwyn got tired
Now that you are not fighting for your lives, this looks like an underground temple to some long forgotten culture or diety. Unlike the skull lined tunnels, there are only a few bones here. The walls are instead carved in reliefs showing a variety of weird animal-human hybrids, plant-human hybrids, and scenes of combat between large ape-like creatures and smaller lizards that walk on two legs.
Tyran Drenski sets up his C4 and strings a fire line
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): hey we haven't meet the snake yet....
There is a large stone altar in the middle of the room, coated in the stains of centuries of bloody sacrifices. In the middle of the altar is a blackened skull with channels carved along the top, much like the ones that you dug up earlier with Doctor Eichmann.
Tyran Drenski: Don't put water on me
Ranger Richard: wild stuff-ever see these temples before Christy?
Christy Thompson: Now Richard, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
Colwyn O'Reilly: interesting
Christy Thompson gets out a plastic bag and shoves the blackened skull in it. Then encloses the plastic bag in a cloth bag and puts it back in her purse.
Christy Thompson: Assuming that is what it looks like, I'd guess that is why there are about 10,000 VC running around this area looking for it.
Colwyn O'Reilly: i thought we were blowing everything to hell... ma'am
Tyran Drenski: I have a bad feeling about blowing this place up....
Christy Thompson: This (pats the bulge in her purse where the skull is) would survive the blast. The VC would come back to dig it out. Better that it gets hidden somewhere very deep, dark, and forgotten.
Ranger Richard: tell Dugan then
Colwyn O'Reilly: you mean looked at by top men
Colwyn O'Reilly: ... top men...
Christy Thompson: Yeah, that Colwyn, "top men" - I like that line.
Ranger Richard: and women
GM: Demolitiions check Drenski. (Make two please)
Tyran Drenski feeds denotation cord around the room to the opening
Colwyn O'Reilly: so... shall we blow this lemonade stand and make like a tree and get the *&$@ out?
Tyran Drenski: Knowledge (Demolitions) (Wound Penalty -1) [1d6-1 = 2]
Tyran Drenski: Knowledge (Demolitions) [1d8 = 5]
Drenski sets the C-4 and blows the place up. It begins shaking and rolling like an earthquake.
Christy Thompson: Hmm...I think you mis-placed one of those. Now would be a good time to run.
Ranger Richard: runnnnn
Ranger Richard: what a day!
Tyran Drenski RUNS
Ranger Richard: anybody chariots of fire music?
Colwyn O'Reilly is running
Colwyn O'Reilly wonders why we weren't at the entrance *before* the button was pushed
The squad runs out of the cave as it begins to collapse inward. You reach the front entrance, where Drenski and Samson collaborate on the best way to seal the entrance. Drenski does a better job this time, and manages to collapse the cave entrance.
Christy Thompson: Oh, and I did get Dugan on the way out and we carried his obnoxious butt with us.
Ranger Richard: I bet you dropped him several times>
Ranger Richard: or dragged him by his feet!
Christy Thompson: Couldn't drop him on his head more times than his parents already did.
Tyran Drenski: sleeply like a baby while we got our butt kick..that %$#@$# I'm going to kill him %$#@#$
Ranger Richard: hmmm so how do we change character icons again?
Withers: We had a few VC rush the cave, nothing we couldn't handle.
Hogpile: Yeah, they threw human wave attacks at us. Looks like they really wanted to get in there, hope you were successful.
Samson: Aww...did you have to drag Dugan out?
Tyran Drenski: #@#$ slept the whole time....yes....#@$%
Withers: Are we done here ma'am?
Christy Thompson: I'd say back to the Firebase. But that's just my uneducated civilian opinion.
Christy Thompson: I'll need my stuff back gentlemen. Just toss it in the purse. Withers, you are back in charge. I'm going to be a naive AP reporter again.
Withers: Yes ma'am.
Hogpile: Uh huh...
Tyran Drenski: Hope so I need R&R and tons of alcohol
Colwyn O'Reilly: is the radio working?
Withers checks on the radio and discovers it is in perfect working order.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): the only month we've spent in country so far that I didn't get a medal was October.
The squad makes it back to the Firebase without further incident. Although as you cross the last quarter-mile a thick dense fog rolls in.
Samson: This is not natural.
Hogpile: I expect VC company. Lots of it.
Christy Thompson: Oh gosh...I hope not. I don't want to get caught up in a large battle. My nerves are frayed enough already.
Hogpile tries not to laugh at "Christy's" comment.
Ranger Richard: nah cant be more vc I already got my experience bumped up Hogpile.
Samson: (mutters) Undercover in-character already.....sigh.
Hogpile: Yeah, probably for next session, when they try to recover Christy's purse.
Colwyn O'Reilly: maybe she'll be herself if you can get her alone sam.
Christy Thompson: SHHHHH! Enough of that. Don't make me shoot you for the purposes of national security.
Ranger Richard: can we reload all ammo here Sarge?
Tyran Drenski: boow chcicka boooww wooowww
Ranger Richard: I think I have to clean my shorts too!
Withers: Yep, stock up. Grab some extra batteries for the PRC-25 and O'Reilly, get some med-kits.
Hogpile: Especially med-kits, I have not been shot in several sessions, it is only a matter of time.
Colwyn O'Reilly: yes sarge. on it
Campaign saved.