Chat log started at 9.12.2010 / 18:23:35

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Randall Breckenridge: oh my
Randall Breckenridge: the world looks kinda funky
Randall Breckenridge: I see green hieroglyphics on the walls...
TADM: Why is everything so green?
Randall Breckenridge: hey, was that the LT in a red dress?
Colwyn O'Reilly: what is Breck on?
Colwyn O'Reilly: do you have anymore?
Everyone follows the Lt. into the newly-created Drenski skylight (patent pending) and finds the lights flickering and casting ominous shadows throughout the top floor of the Hue Natural History museum. Dugan stays behind to "guard the helicopter."
Lt. Andrea Devine: Okay, everyone buddy up and check these nearby offices for people or things. Drenski, Hogpile, cover the stairwell at the end.
Randall Breckenridge: I think hes just a watchin the stars thru the rotor
Hogpile: Overwatch! To the left!
GM: Notice checks while searching the offices (marked "G" on the map.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d8 = 2]
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 4]
Randall Breckenridge: ah caint find the door
Randall Breckenridge: oh, Samson, move!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Colwyn's check the "men's room" - I'm going to look in the ladies room.
Colwyn O'Reilly: there don't appear to be any urinals
Lt. Andrea Devine: Whoops, okay, well, I'll check the men's room then, you check the women's room.
Colwyn O'Reilly: ah, that explains why the guy on the outside was wearing a kilt
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d8 = 2]
GM: A search of the offices and restrooms reveals nothing too out of the ordinary.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hogpile, you, Mini-Samson, and Packmule move up to cover the stairwell, everyone else check the exhibit halls.
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d8 = 7]
GM: Notice checks as you enter the exhibit halls.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 11]
Colwyn and Tyran notice that the exhibit hall they just walked into is labeled, "Champa Empire Agricultural Exhibit."
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 7]
Randall just walked into a room labeled, "Champa Empire Religious Practices."
Colwyn O'Reilly: Champa... huh... Tyran, maybe should show this to rocky
Tyran Drenski gets out rocky and activates him
Jade Golem: Nacko weepu!
Jade Golem shakes little jade spear angrily at the exhibit.
Colwyn notices some clay figurines that look like someone has been grafting jungle plants onto people.
Colwyn O'Reilly: like camoflage?
Tyran Drenski sets rocky on the ground
GM: No, it looks more like the plants are growing out of the people. But if Colwyn wants to think of it as REALLY good camouflage, then that is a possible interpretation.
Colwyn O'Reilly: that is exactly what colwyn thinks
Tyran Drenski: Neepo Wa Chu?
Randall finds a lot of knives that are stained red and look to be made of bones. There are some murals involving lots of animal sacrifices to blackened skulls.
Randall Breckenridge: ca-reepy
Ranger Richard: I have to restart I cant bring up my character sheet to do notice checks
TADM: Okay. See you soon.
Colwyn O'Reilly goes over to where Breck is
Tyran Drenski picks up rocky and follows Colwyn
Colwyn O'Reilly: huh
However, you see no humans or remains of humans in this area.
Tyran Drenski: what does rocky think of this room?
Jade Golem shakes his little jade spear angrily.
Randall Breckenridge: ah agree little guy, this jes dont look right
Lt. Andrea Devine: Okay, no one seems to be here, head down to the next floor.
Tyran Drenski: it's okay rocky, i won't let them take you
Randall Breckenridge: what was in your room LT
Colwyn O'Reilly: hmmm... interesting religious practices
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hogpile, cover the front door. Mini-Samson and Packmule, cover the stairs to the basement, everyone else buddy up and check the exhibit halls.
Ranger Richard [1d6 = 1]
Hogpile: Overwatch! To the right!
Hogpile is clearly channeling a Space-Marine Terminator tonight.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): rraaargh! tasty space marines!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Some exhibits about the Champa military, nothing exciting.
Tyran Drenski: actually, I'd like to look in there
GM: Although you can make the assumption the Lt. is not being entirely honest there.
Tyran Drenski takes rocky into the other exhibit hall
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d8 = 3]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d6 = 13]
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d8 = 12]
This exhibit hall is filled with a number of displays and dioramas of the Champa military. You notice that the Champa military had a large "animal trainer" contingent in it, including lots of large gorillas, huge beetles, giant panthers, big lizards, tank sized Mosquitoes, and these things that look a bit like octopi.
GM: Well, more along the lines of "giant killer squid" than octopi.
Colwyn O'Reilly: huh. they had a very good imagination
Tyran Drenski gets out a checklist and marks off everything but the large squid
Tyran Drenski: what do you think of this area, Rocky?
Tyran Drenski: are there any little rockys around?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): for some reason, stuff being typed is not showing up in the window
Randall Breckenridge: dhu, did the rotors finally stop turning?
Dugan jumps down through the Drenski Skylight (patent pending) and runs to join the rest of the group.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): opens fire on the vorpal bunny wandering around in the creepy half light
Colwyn O'Reilly: oh, sorry, side effect of spooky red light mode
Dugan: wait up guys... my pants were caught on the zip line again!
Colwyn O'Reilly: we weren't using the zip line... oh nevermind
Dugan: Man it was tough finding a parking spot for the whoomp whoomp thingie
Dugan: The first spot I could find was in the outlying lot around back
The lights in the museum all turn on at once, causing an almost "noon-day sun" effect for a few brief seconds, then they go dark. The building is shrouded in darkness, no longer even operating in spooky red light mode.
Ranger Richard: yeah I can type again-hello world
Ranger Richard: must of had spell of silence cast over my character
Colwyn O'Reilly turns on helmet light
Dugan ditto
Randall Breckenridge: I thought they wus jest animals. How kin they know how to cut the power?!
Ranger Richard: brb have to put pizza in oven!
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): hey, that's what we're doing! yay pizza
Tyran Drenski: no more rockys in here?
Dhu (Dugan): eating ribs and typing doesn't line up to well
Everyone who thought to bring their helmet light can turn it on.
Dugan looks around
Tyran Drenski turns on his helmet light
Dugan turns on his helmet light. also finds a flashlight in his pack, but will save it for later
Dugan sees lots of toy soldiers and animal figurines lined up neatly like they are going to fight some other toy soldiers that look like Chinese soldiers.
Colwyn O'Reilly: hmmm... I think we'd better get a move on
Dugan: are they breathing?
GM: No, and none of them look like Tyran's little green man.
Dugan: did Tyran's little green man breathe?
GM: Technically, no
Lt. Andrea Devine walks back from the storage room and hands out flashlights to anyone who needs one.
Dugan: do I breathe?
Randall Breckenridge: thanks LT
Then she hands out some electrical tape so you can tape the flashlight to your gun and keep both hands free. Or tape it to your helmet, whichever takes your fancy.
Colwyn O'Reilly: ah! special forces tape
Randall Breckenridge tapes light to gun
Colwyn O'Reilly tapes the flashlight to his gun
Tyran Drenski secures flashlight to helmet.
Dugan ooo... tapes flashlight to trademark drum fed assault rifle
GM: Notice checks while walking through the exhibit halls.
Dugan: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Notice [1d8 = 15]
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 17]
Randall Breckenridge: semper fi!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): good job and Colwyn randall!
Ranger Richard: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Ranger Richard tape to gun
Dugan randomly points gun in different directions muttering, chpow...chk chk ... chpow!
Colwyn O'Reilly makes note to stand behind dugan
John (Randall Breckenridge): chakka chakow
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): brown chicka brown cow...
The exhibit halls contain a number of different exhibits about the Champa, chronicling their rise to power, followed by their sudden and abrupt disappearance from the world stage. There is an entire exhibit related to the stories of the surviving cultures and the notes they left about the Champa.
Tyran Drenski takes time to read;s rocky family
One of them points out that, according to the Chinese, the Champa were a depraved culture of cannibals who consorted with demons.
Colwyn O'Reilly: very interesting. I would love to see this when there aren't thousands of VC running around
Colwyn O'Reilly: consequently, any mention of iskala?
Jade Golem pokes Drenski into the foot and points to his very distinctive looking Chinese armor and halt.
Jade Golem looks annoyed.
GM: With those stellar notices rolls - yes.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): woot!
Tyran Drenski points at the armor
Dugan: iskala was an 18th century novelist who wrote the declaration of independence
Tyran Drenski: Neepo Wa Chu?
Dugan: it was a late century work which was all the rave, but amounted to nothing
Dugan: In the first chapter and verse, and I quote, "fore score and seventy-six years ago..."
[w] Tyran Drenski: any reaction from rocky?
Dugan: It ended with a twist, that caught the nation by surprise, "end the!"
Colwyn and Randall find a note in one of the exhibits mentioning that the Iskala were a group of government advisors. According to the lore of other cultures, the Iskala were assassins, priests, and the true power brokers of the Champa Empire. Evidently they were based mostly around the Plain of Jars in what is now Laos.
Colwyn O'Reilly facepalms
Colwyn O'Reilly: Lt... did you see this
Dhu (Dugan): oooo... so close!
Colwyn O'Reilly points to note
Colwyn O'Reilly: I remember hearing that before
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: Rocky seems to be on edge, like he is expecting All Hell to break loose any minute.
Lt. Andrea Devine comes over and reads the exhibit.
[w] Tyran Drenski: so I missed finding rocky's family:(
Dugan: the surprising twist?
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: No, these would be Rocky's enemies.
Tyran Drenski: Ma'am Rocky is acting very edgy we might want to be ready for an attack
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hmm....okay.
Colwyn O'Reilly: yes, that. In the bible. It's how the books of revelation ends.
Hogpile: Umm...not to alarm anyone, but there is ice forming on the steps to the basement, and I see fog coming this way.
Lt. Andrea Devine looks alarmed.
[w] Tyran Drenski: ahhhh :) I love talking to rocky...I feel special
Colwyn O'Reilly looks not alarmed
Hogpile wanted the opposite effect.
Dugan: good thing we're in this other room, safe as pie
Colwyn O'Reilly: they must have opened up the freezers for the patron snack bar
Tyran Drenski: Rocky Piko!
Dugan is hiding behind the medic, I think
Colwyn O'Reilly: Defensive positions, cover the stair well
Ranger Richard: anybody have aflamethrower
Lt. Andrea Devine: Hogpile cover the stair case. Mini-Samson and Packmule stay where you are and cover the entrance.
Randall Breckenridge: to the basement!
Tyran Drenski takes up a good fighting and aims at the stair case WELL
Colwyn O'Reilly goes prone by this nice doorway here
Lt. Andrea Devine: The rest of us head to the basement. Marine, you are up front, I'll be second, everyone else filter in behind.
Colwyn O'Reilly: damn
Tyran Drenski: Wish I did Richard then I could fight in close areas like this...I am usless at close range
Randall Breckenridge leads way down
Tyran Drenski follows with rocky on his shoulder
Colwyn O'Reilly: Let's all bunch up and run down the stairs higgedly-piggedly
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d8 = 6]
As you walk down into the basement, the temperature drops. The sweat on your bodies becomes cold and there is ice on the railing and stairs as the water in the air freezes to metal objects.
GM: Including weapons.
Dugan: that reminds me of an age old tune, "put your rocky on my shoulder..."
Dugan: is there a heat pack inside of our mre's?
Randall Breckenridge: reminds me of that creepy jar field, only worse
Tyran Drenski: um, Ma'am there is ice on my grenades
The basement has a central exhibit hall (currently closed) and a walk way around them. There are murals and displays about the Champa on the walls.
Dugan: or hot sauce?
Colwyn O'Reilly didn't bring his cold weather gear
The doors slowly swing open, the fog in the central room is bluish.
Tyran Drenski: Me and Rocky don't like these Champa...
Dugan: what do you see up there Randall?
Dugan reloads
Randall Breckenridge: ah see dead people in blue fog?
Tyran Drenski: It is a octipus?
Tyran Drenski: Or that....hmmm
Tyran Drenski: French legions?? wish we had that werewolf with us
Dugan looks around, peering into the thick ooze
Dugan ponders the predicament that he's in
Tyran Drenski looks around for what to do next.....
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d8 = 4]
Dugan thinks about his belly button
Dugan farts
Dugan: sorry
Ranger Richard: hmm maybe we should go back_why are we here again?
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: you play your charater so well!!!!!!
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: i get bored easily
Ranger Richard: this cant be good
As Randall enters the room, there is a crackle of electricity and the stairwell shimmers and seems to close on itself.
Colwyn O'Reilly: neat elevator
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: you should do the monster mash...
A low murmuring fills the hall. The room gets REALLY cold.
GM: Vigor checks.
Ranger Richard: Vigor [1d6 = 8]
GM: Everyone can see their breath.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Vigor [1d8 = 4]
Lt. Andrea Devine gets nipply.
Ranger Richard: umm lt any suggestions?
Randall Breckenridge: Vigor [1d6 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: Vigor [1d8 = 6]
Ranger Richard: LT
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shoot anything that moves.
Colwyn O'Reilly puts on the cold weather gear that appears to be in his pack anyway
Dugan: Vigor [1d6 = 5]
Randall Breckenridge: dang cold
Tyran Drenski has enough padding he looks comfortable in the cold
Dugan does the moonwalk a few paces... to stretch
Tyran Drenski holds his weapon at the ready
Colwyn O'Reilly uses cover to look in the room
GM: The wall around the inner exhibit is solid.
Randall notices that the central foundation of the museum is broken away and a 12' square pit has been dug out.
Randall Breckenridge: whoa!
And then the spider-giant-squid thing crawls out of the pit.
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski
[w] Tyran Drenski: am I too close to WP it?
[w] -> Tyran: Drenski Nope, it is plenty big.
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch [1d8 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: oops, forgot bonus for marksman and size
GM: As everyone was expecting trouble, everyone gets to act normally this round. In case anyone is wondering, the critter is Size +4.
Tyran Drenski: so i hit it with an 11?
GM: Everyone make a Guts Check at -2.
Randall Breckenridge: Guts (scary! -2) [1d6-2 = 2]
Dugan: Guts [1d6 = 9]
Tyran Drenski: Guts (Encumbrance -2) [1d6-2 = 6]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Guts (Grossed Out -2) [1d6-2 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: Man do I hate arochnomancers!!!
Ranger Richard: Guts [1d6 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Hiding from Dugan [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 7]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): suck.....
Ranger Richard: how far can I move to get into shooting posn?
Tyran Drenski: have some fire you frosty b$#%@!
[w] Tyran Drenski: did the fire of the wp hurt it more?
GM: Drenski fires a grenade at the octopi. It does not seem to notice.
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: Not that you can tell.
[w] Tyran Drenski: darn!
Ranger Richard
GM: You can move 3 spaces.
Tyran Drenski: Guys it is cold in here lets warm it up!!
Jade Golem: Nik won ko!
Jade Golem: Nik won ko!
Ranger Richard: Shooting: Flechette CAS (Trademark Weapon +4, Double Tap +1, Medium Range -2, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Joker +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+3 = 14]
Ranger Richard: Flechette CAS damage [3d6 = 9]
Ranger Richard [1d6 = 1]
GM: Richard opens up with the CAS and....the bullets do not seem to faze it.
Randall Breckenridge
GM: Notice check.
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Size +4, Flechette CAS +2) [1d6+6 = 14]
GM: That hits with a raise.
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [Raise] [4d6 = 15]
GM: The Pit Horror rears back in pain and lets out a howl. It has decided Randall is a bad man.
Randall Breckenridge: nows its an angry giant spider. lawdy!
Randall Breckenridge: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 6]
Ranger Richard: Notice [1d8 = 6]
Randall notices that this strange five foot tall pedestal seems to be a new addition to the museum. He also notices that the skull sitting on it seems to be it belonged to one of the headless corpses Colwyn found outside the Museum.
Randall Breckenridge: ack! freash skulls!!!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Dugan come with me. And KILL FRED!
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly -> Randall Breckenridge: knock the skull off the pedestal?
[w] Randall Breckenridge -> Colwyn O'Reilly: yeah!
Dugan: I'm going to move forward one step so that I can take a shot at the monster, then I am going to run after the Lt.
Tyran Drenski: Dugan that skull is attacking the really sexy lt go kill it!!
GM: Carry on.
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, D.F.A.R. (Trade) +2, Called Shot (Head) -4, Huger Target +4, Medium Range -2, Joker +2) [1d10+4 = 9]
GM: That hits with a raise.
Dugan Drum: Fed Assault Rifle (Trade) damage (Joker +2, 3 Round Burst +2) [Raise] [3d8+4 = 14]
Dugan: how many squares can I run?
GM: After shooting, two, unless you actually are running, in which case it would be D6 more (but your shot would not hit with a raise then, due to the multiaction penalty)
Pit Horror is using a benny
Pit Horror: Vigor [1d6 = 7]
Dhu (Dugan) whoooot!
GM: Dugan opens fire and hits the creature. It rears back and turns its attention from Randall to him.
Randall Breckenridge: oh my
Tyran Drenski: ewww.... glad I have rocky on guard!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: HE time Drenski
A collection of headless corpses climbs out of the pit near the Spider thing and shamble forward.
Tyran Drenski: Hey I bet this is the spider from those webs we saw on our first day here!
Cham Zombie tries to say, "Brains" but has no head.
Pit Horror: D6 [1d6 = 5]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): Looks for cauliflower!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: you mean the VC telecommunication wires? meh
Ranger Richard: yousa!
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): WOW!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly:
Ranger Richard: #$%#$%#
Colwyn O'Reilly should have joined the navy
Pit Horror lumbers forward, its tentacle arms flailing and seemingly stretching to reach anything within range.
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: NEEP WA CHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d6 = 11]
Ranger Richard: hmm could use some red shirts about now!
Tyran Drenski: NEEPO WA CHU!!!!!!
Tyran Drenski: Yes....where are they??
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): oh that is right upstairs...
GM: A flailing tentacle his Drenski and Randall.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Pit Horror: Claws damage [1d12+2 = 7]
Pit Horror: Claws damage [Raise] [2d12+2 = 17]
[w] Tyran Drenski: I have improved dodge!
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: It rolled an 11.
[w] Tyran Drenski: not cool!
Colwyn O'Reilly: either we're in a bad hentai, or some needs to learn how to use raid
GM: Randall, thanks to Colwyn's inspiring presence, laughs off the vicious tentacle swipe.
GM: Drenski gets violated in all the wrong ways.
GM: (Now is a good time to use a benny)
Tyran Drenski is using a benny
Tyran Drenski: Vigor [1d8 = 6]
Tyran Drenski: Medic!!!! surprize butt sex!!!!
GM: Well, that absorbed half the damage. Drenski is tossed through the air like a rag doll.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Tyran Drenski: Rocky you were to be guarding me....ouch
Jade Golem is saving his bennies for himself.
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing (Medic) {--2 Medic} (Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d8-2 = 2]
Tyran Drenski craddles rocky trying to help
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 1]
Colwyn O'Reilly: that sucks
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (Is Just Plain Awesome +2, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d8 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: M1 Carbine damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [2d6+1 = 9]
GM: Colwyn sprays it with bullets, this seems to not have any sort of detrimental effect on the critter.
Jade Golem: Fighting [1d8 = 4]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Go for the eyes Rocky! Go for the Eyes!
Jade Golem stabs the octopi thing with his spear but fails to chop through the skin.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Dugan was dealt a Jack of Hearts.
Lt. Andrea Devine: D10 [1d10 = 5]
Lt. Andrea Devine runs forward and draws her sharp pointy bits.
Pit Horror howls something, which causes all the headless corpses to speed toward the group.
Pit Horror: D6 [1d6 = 3]
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d10 = 14]
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d10 = 7]
Pit Horror: Claws damage [Raise] [2d12+2 = 12]
Lt. Andrea Devine is using a benny
Lt. Andrea Devine: Vigor [1d8 = 6]
Colwyn O'Reilly: no bueno
Lt. Andrea Devine dives out of the way of the flailing tentacles.
Pit Horror laughs like the villain in cheesy Hentai film.
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Here I thought you were creole
Colwyn O'Reilly: fine... non bon
Tyran Drenski: wp!
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 7]
GM: Fire away
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 7]
Nessie: (Tyran Drenski) I suck tonight!!!! *tears*
Drenski sets several headless corpses on fire, but they continue moving forward.
GM: Next round they take extra fire damage though. :)
Dugan runs after the Lt
Dugan [1d6 = 1]
Tyran Drenski: Dugan shoot the skull!!!
GM: That would be 4 squares.
Ranger Richard: oh my
Tyran Drenski: this is going to be bad!!
Ranger Richard: wish I could do this for work and clone myself@
The murmuring in the room gets louder. Randall notices that it seems to be coming from the skull. Five more headless corpses rise from the pit.
Tyran Drenski: okay if there are 20 skulls around the round there should be 20 things coming out of that pit
GM: In Colwyn's expert medical opinion, there were 100 headless corpses outside.
Randall Breckenridge: unless we blast em first
Tyran Drenski: They are coming out five at a time they will do so for two more rounds
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: can I smash one skull and shoot the giant thing?
GM: With a multi-action penalty, yes
Colwyn O'Reilly: I concur with dr GM.
Tyran Drenski: The headless things are on fire bet we can not kill'em
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): DO IT!!
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, Flechette CAS +2, Size +4, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d10+6 = 13]
GM: That hits with a raise
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): SWEET!
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [Raise] [4d6 = 17]
GM: That shot tears into the side of the octopi thing and seems to stun it.
Randall Breckenridge: did the smashed skull stop talkin?
GM: Fighting check, then roll strength if you hit
Randall Breckenridge: Fighting [1d6 = 5]
GM: The skull has a parry of 2, so you have to not critically fail.
Randall Breckenridge: Strength [1d6 = 11]
Randall shatters the skull into hundreds of pieces.
Ranger Richard
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d8 = 3]
Ranger Richard: shooting at big monster
Tyran Drenski: looks for any response to the skull smashing
GM: Tyran does not notice anything happen when the skull is smashed.
Ranger Richard: Shooting: Flechette CAS (Double Tap +1, Trademark Weapon +4, Medium Range -2) [1d10+3 = 12]
Ranger Richard: Flechette CAS damage [3d6 = 13]
Dugan: Notice [1d6 = 9]
Pit Horror is using a benny
Pit Horror: Vigor [1d10 = 7]
Dugan is contemplating an empty hallway and wondering where the Lt went
Richard shoots the big thing a lot, and for a second there it looks like he is going to do some massive damage, then large chunks of dead skin fall off the critter and it seems to be unharmed.
TADM: The good news is that it is now benny-less.
Jade Golem fires little jade bow at headless corpse.
Jade Golem: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 1]
Jade Golem: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 5]
Jade Golem: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 5]
Jade Golem: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 4]
Jade Golem: Jade Bow damage [2d4 = 3]
Jade Golem: Jade Bow damage [2d4 = 4]
Jade Golem leaves cute little jade arrows in headless corpse, but seems to do no damage.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly: Healing (Medic) {--2 Medic} [1d8 = 5]
Colwyn O'Reilly: med kit usage [1d4 = 4]
GM: Colwyn manages to patch up Drenski.
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Chanting Head was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Dugan was dealt a Five of Hearts.
Dugan was dealt a Queen of Clubs.
Tyran Drenski: Thank O'Reilty!
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Six of Diamonds.
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Four of Clubs.
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Nine of Spades.
Colwyn O'Reilly is holding his action
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Six of Hearts.
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a King of Spades.
Colwyn O'Reilly yells upstairs: Hogpile! A little help would be nice
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [1] [1d10+2 = 10]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [2] [1d6+2 = 7]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [3] [1d10+2 = 3]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Pointy bit damage [2d10 = 14]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Pointy bit damage [Raise] [3d10 = 16]
Lt. Andrea Devine stabs and slices at the creature a lot, chopping off a pair of arms and causing it to rear back in pain.
Colwyn O'Reilly
GM: Is holding action
[w] Randall Breckenridge: how does the scatter shot on the CAS work again?
Dugan still running after the Lt
Dugan [1d6 = 3]
Tyran Drenski: So my theory is that there is can only be as many headless things as head threre.... we are up to 15
[w] -> Randall Breckenridge: It fires a cone template, so you are going to hit a huge chunk of zombies. Basically it works like a shotgun.
Tyran Drenski
[w] Randall Breckenridge: ok thats the plan
Tyran Drenski: reg gren
GM: Fire away
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch (Marksman +2) [1d8+2 = 11]
GM: Right on target
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 13]
Tyran Drenski: did I kill skuls?
Tyran Drenski: only 14 left in the room
Drenski fires a grenade and blows away the pillars on the far side of the room, reducing all five into a fine spray of bone bits.
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge blast on shotgun mode towards center of room
Colwyn O'Reilly: does the chanting get quieter?
GM: The chanting does, indeed, get quieter.
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Flechette CAS +2) [1d10+2 = 20]
Tyran Drenski: my theory is out...
Colwyn O'Reilly: i think once the skulls are gone the zombies stop appearing
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [Raise] [4d6 = 26]
Ranger Richard: wow thats was a magnum flechette round!
Randall fires the shotgun mode and tears through a whole horde of headless corpses.
GM: For the record, it is an area effect attack, so no raise. I'll drop the 3 off, you still shred everything under the target.
Colwyn O'Reilly: so we actually killed some?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): we have officially been playing this campaign for a year I just noticed
Tyran Drenski: ROCKY!!!!!!
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 2]
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 7]
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 2]
Cham Zombie: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d8 = 1]
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 3]
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 6]
Cham Zombie: Claws damage [1d8+2 = 6]
Several of the headless corpses flail around the green statue. One of them hits him, you swear the little statue is laughing at this attempted attack.
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): I'm having flashback of fighting the Flood in Halo
Pit Horror: Spirit {+2 Undead} [1d6+2 = 11]
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d10 = 9]
Pit Horror: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
Pit Horror: Claws damage [1d12+2 = 16]
[w] Tyran Drenski: doesn't rocky get gang up?
[w] -> Tyran Drenski: they get gang up on him
Lt. Andrea Devine is using a benny
Lt. Andrea Devine: Vigor [1d8 = 3]
Lt. Andrea Devine is using a benny
Lt. Andrea Devine: Vigor [1d8 = 10]
[w] Tyran Drenski: ohhh
Ranger Richard
Tyran Drenski: that is not good we need to help her.
Ranger Richard: Shooting: Flechette CAS (Joker +2) [1d10+2 = 4]
GM: That hits, roll damage.
Ranger Richard: Flechette CAS damage [3d6 = 11]
Jade Golem: ARRGHHH!!!
Jade Golem swings his spear in a wide arc at the headless corpses around him. It somehow stretches out to slice them.
Jade Golem: Fighting [1d8 = 2]
Jade Golem is using a benny
Jade Golem: Fighting [1d8 = 7]
Jade Golem: Jade Spear damage [2d4-2 = 10]
Jade Golem is obviously mad.
Tyran Drenski: GO ROCKY!!!
Randall Breckenridge: who wee!!
Round 4
Dealing cards...
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Three of Diamonds.
Lt. Andrea Devine was dealt a Jack of Hearts.
Colwyn O'Reilly: can Colwyn go?
GM: Yes please
Dugan: ohh... I wish I were an oscar meyer weiner... that's what I wish that I could be... cause if I were an oscar meyer weiner....
Tyran: Drenski You would not be here!
Dugan: .... somethin' somethin' something' somethin' somethin'.....
Colwyn O'Reilly yells "for pony!" and attacks
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: M1 Carbine (For Pony!! +2) [1d8+2 = 9]
Colwyn O'Reilly: M1 Carbine damage -1 (3 Round Burst +2) [2d6+1 = 9]
GM: That hits with a raise
Colwyn O'Reilly: [1d6 = 1]
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): fail
Tyran Drenski facepalms
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 3]
Cham Zombie: Fighting [1d8 = 13]
Cham Zombie: Claws damage [1d8+2 = 9]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Once again, the medic fails to injure anything
GM: Nah, you stunned the big critter.
Lt. Andrea Devine: How embarrassing.
Colwyn O'Reilly: oh, yeah, I was shooting at that
GM: The Lt. is actually Shaken by a zombie attack.
Colwyn O'Reilly facepalms
Pit Horror: Spirit {+2 Undead} [1d6+2 = 7]
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d10 = 4]
Pit Horror: Fighting [1d10 = 9]
Pit Horror: Claws damage [1d12+2 = 12]
Lt. Andrea Devine is using a benny
Lt. Andrea Devine: Vigor [1d8 = 13]
Lt. Andrea Devine is now benny-less.
Tyran Drenski: oh no...
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [1] [1d10+2 = 7]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [2] [1d6+2 = 16]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [3] [1d10+2 = 10]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Fighting {+2 Expert} [4] [1d10+2 = 18]
Lt. Andrea Devine is clearly PMSing in a big way.
Lt. Andrea Devine: Pointy bit damage [Raise] [3d10 = 13]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Pointy bit damage [Raise] [3d10 = 24]
GM: Mental Note to Self: The Lt. rolls obscene damage when out of bennies.
Dugan: I was working in the lab late one night ... when my eyes beheld an eerie sight... for my monster from his slab, began to rise... and suddenly, to my surprise...
Lt. Andrea Devine hacks and slashes at the thing. It drops to the ground and stops moving.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Dugan: he did the mash
Pit Horror: Vigor [1] [1d10 = 1]
Pit Horror: Vigor [2] [1d6 = 5]
Pit Horror: Vigor [3] [1d10 = 16]
Pit Horror: Vigor [4] [1d10 = 9]
Pit Horror: Vigor [5] [1d10 = 9]
Pit Horror: Vigor [6] [1d10 = 5]
Pit Horror: Vigor [7] [1d10 = 7]
Pit Horror: Vigor [8] [1d10 = 3]
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: chime in here... it's your cue
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: AWESOME!!!!!
Tyran Drenski: The monster mash
Tyran Drenski: It's a graveyard smash
Dugan: It was a graveyard smash
Tyran Drenski: The monster mash
Colwyn O'Reilly facepalms
Dugan: it caught on in a flash
Tyran Drenski: He did the mash
Dugan: He did the monster mash
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: AWESOME!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly shooting at five
Colwyn O'Reilly Shooting: Colt 1911 (Double Tap +1) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 8]
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): good job kill it!
Colwyn O'Reilly: raise?
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: classic!
GM: That hits with a raise
Colwyn O'Reilly: Colt 1911 damage +1 (Double Tap +1) [Raise] [3d6+2 = 16]
Colwyn O'Reilly: the medic should use his pistol
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: I am trying to think of other songs...
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: Brad will laugh when he writes it up
John (Randall Breckenridge): hes a pistolero
Dugan first shot at the big guy
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, D.F.A.R. (Trade) +2, Huger Target +4, Called Shot (Head) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d10+2 = 9]
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: time warp!!
GM: That hits with a raise
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): it's astounding...time is fleeting...
Dugan: Drum Fed Assault Rifle (Trade) damage (3 Round Burst +2) [Raise] [3d8+2 = 12]
Dugan 2nd shot at nearest thing, #4
GM: Dugan sinks some ammo into the unmoving big guy.
[w] Colwyn O'Reilly: reloading is a full round action, correct
Dugan: actually, no 2nd shot at the big guy
Randall Breckenridge: smash more skulls!
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, D.F.A.R. (Trade) +2, Huger Target +4, Called Shot (Head) -4, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d6+2 = 7]
Tyran Drenski: kill the skulls!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: destory the skulls!
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): I can't use 'r's properly tonight
Dugan: Drum Fed Assault Rifle (Trade) damage (3 Round Burst +2) [2d8+2 = 12]
Ranger Richard: hmm I seem to be a lil slow tonight
Dugan: kibbles and bits! kibbles and bits! give me some kibbles and bits!
Chanting Head: OOOMMM!!! OOOOMMM!!!!
Pit Horror: Vigor [1] [1d10 = 5]
Pit Horror: Vigor [2] [1d6 = 4]
Pit Horror: Vigor [3] [1d10 = 5]
Pit Horror: Vigor [4] [1d10 = 3]
Pit Horror: Vigor [5] [1d10 = 6]
Pit Horror: Vigor [6] [1d10 = 1]
Pit Horror: Vigor [7] [1d10 = 7]
Pit Horror shudders and begins flopping around.
Lt. Andrea Devine: That's not good.
Ranger Richard
Ranger Richard: Shooting: Flechette CAS (Trademark Weapon +4, Double Tap +1) [1d10+5 = 12]
Ranger Richard: Flechette CAS damage [3d6 = 23]
Ranger Richard shoot at spider
Colwyn O'Reilly: can you mark which skulls we've destroyed?
Pit Horror stops moving after Richard blows apart several legs and sends large chunks of it flying.
Colwyn O'Reilly: thanks
Randall Breckenridge use shotgun mode to blast 3-4 by me
GM: I have marked the ones left "chanting"
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: Shooting (Flechette CAS +2) [1d10+2 = 8]
GM: Roll damage
Randall Breckenridge: Flechette CAS damage [3d6 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: if everyone goes skull smashing go to where Randall is so I can have a clear shot
You spray the skulls with a shotgun seems to have no effect. The spent shell casing reads, "Made in China"
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch (Marksman +2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 13]
Tyran Drenski skulls in circle
[w] Tyran Drenski: they dead?
Drenski blows up a whole pile of skulls, sending chunks of little skull bits in every direction.
Jade Golem: Fighting [1] [1d8 = 5]
Jade Golem: Fighting [2] [1d6 = 3]
Jade Golem: Fighting [3] [1d8 = 6]
Jade Golem: Jade Spear damage [2d4-2 = 2]
Jade Golem: Jade Spear damage [2d4-2 = 8]
Jade Golem chops through a headless corpse, spraying blood and internal organs in several directions.
Tyran Drenski: good job rock!!
Jade Golem: Pliko Wa Chu!
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Tyran Drenski was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Tyran Drenski
Tyran Drenski: wow..
Ranger Richard: my luck on cards sucks tonight!
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch (Marksman +2, Joker +2, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d8+2 = 11]
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage (Thumper God +2) [3d6+2 = 8]
Colwyn O'Reilly facepalms
GM: Well, with the extra +2 for the Joker for damage...
Tyran Drenski: Shooting: M79 G. Launch (Marksman +2, Joker +2, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d6+2 = 6]
Drenski detonates another horde of skulls.
Tyran Drenski: M79 G. Launch damage (Joker +2, Thumper God +2) [3d6+4 = 22]
Tyran Drenski: Do not touch my Rocky!!
Then Drenski blows up several headless corpses crawling out of the pit.
Colwyn O'Reilly
Ranger Richard: nice thumping!
Tyran Drenski: Four skulls left
Tyran Drenski: Randall may want to move....
Colwyn O'Reilly: I'll shoot at 14
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: Colt 1911 (Double Tap +1) [1d8+1 = 7]
GM: That hits
Colwyn O'Reilly: Colt 1911 damage +1 (Double Tap +1) [2d6+2 = 12]
Dugan: darkness falls across the land... the midnight hour is close at hand... creatures crawl in search of blood ... to terrorize ya'lls neighborhood... and whosoever shall be found ... without the soul for getting down... must stand and face the hounds of hell... and rot inside a corpse's shell...
Ranger Richard: umm ok Dugan
TADM: Didn't we establish in another mission that Colwyn is much more dangerous with his pistol?
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): quite possibly.
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: you know that one?
Tyran Drenski: Thriller!!
Dugan: multi-action first shoot #4
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: am I right?
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, D.F.A.R. (Trade) +2, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d10+2 = 10]
GM: That hits with a raise
Dugan: Drum Fed Assault Rifle (Trade) damage (3 Round Burst +2) [Raise] [3d8+2 = 19]
Dugan: then #3
Dugan: Shooting (3 Round Burst +2, D.F.A.R. (Trade) +2, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d10+2 = 6]
GM: That hits, no raise.
Dugan: Drum Fed Assault Rifle (Trade) damage (3 Round Burst +2) [2d8+2 = 11]
Dugan: I saved the Lt!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Throwing {+2 Expert} [1d8+2 = 7]
Lt. Andrea Devine [3d6 = 10]
[w] Dugan -> Tyran Drenski: of course ... I can still hear vincent price's voice in my head
Lt. Andrea Devine rolls a grenade over near the pillars by Randall and blows up the collection of skulls by him.
[w] Tyran Drenski -> Dugan: I am so impressed i read it and before cj could look it up I guess it!!!
Randall Breckenridge
Randall Breckenridge: ah think a couple is escapin
Randall Breckenridge: no mo singin right?
Correct, as the last of the skulls was destroyed, the chanting ceased.
Tyran Drenski: so now that the skulls are killlt.....
Tyran Drenski: Notice [1d6 = 9]
Dugan: the foulest stench is in the air... the funck of forty thousand years ... and grizzly ghouls from every tomb... are closing in to seal your doom... and though you fight to stay alive... your body starts to shiver... for no mear mortal can resist .... the evil of the thriller.....
Randall Breckenridge heads toward the pit looking carefully
Colwyn O'Reilly: no, there's still chanting... from somewhere
The pit seems to be about 20' deep. There are a number of headless corpses in it.
Dugan: that's just me
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): da na da na......
Asher (Colwyn O'Reilly): the big nasty is still on the screen
Dugan: this stuff reminded me of somethin...
Dugan: I was trying to get it out of my head
Pit Horror: Vigor [1] [1d10 = 4]
Pit Horror: Vigor [2] [1d6 = 2]
Pit Horror: Vigor [3] [1d10 = 9]
Pit Horror: Vigor [4] [1d10 = 4]
Pit Horror: Vigor [5] [1d10 = 2]
Pit Horror: Vigor [6] [1d10 = 3]
Pit Horror: Vigor [7] [1d10 = 7]
Pit Horror: Vigor [8] [1d10 = 3]
Pit Horror: Vigor [9] [1d10 = 7]
Pit Horror: Vigor [10] [1d10 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: drop a grenade down there?
Dugan: why did the big puppy attack us Lt?
GM: Bits of the strange octopus thing start to put themselves back together.
Ranger Richard
Dugan: ewe
Ranger Richard: shoot it again!
Dugan: burn it
Randall Breckenridge: burn it?
Dugan: anyone got a match?
Colwyn O'Reilly: push it down the pit and burn it!
Ranger Richard: Shooting: Flechette CAS (Trademark Weapon +4, Aim +2, Double Tap +1) [1d10+7 = 22]
Colwyn O'Reilly: it weighs as much as a duck!
Ranger Richard: Flechette CAS damage [3d6 = 3]
Randall Breckenridge: a mighty duck!
Ranger Richard: fricka fracka$%^#$%#$#%$#$@#$@
Ranger Richard has been awarded a benny
Colwyn O'Reilly: epic damage fail
TADM: That deserves a bonus benny from how much it made me laugh.
Tyran Drenski
Round 6
Dealing cards...
Randall Breckenridge: one sucker on one tentacle is mangled?
Dugan: let's all get behind it and push it into the pit... brawny muscle should be enough to manhandle it
Ranger Richard: hmm we need to burn this thing up!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} [1] [1d10+2 = 10]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} [2] [1d6+2 = 3]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} [3] [1d10+2 = 11]
Lt. Andrea Devine: Shooting {+2 Expert} [4] [1d10+2 = 4]
Lt. Andrea Devine: M3 Grease Gun damage [2d6 = 5]
Tyran Drenski: don't get to close so I can have a shot
Colwyn O'Reilly
Colwyn O'Reilly shooting at 7
Tyran Drenski: If i devate your dead!
Colwyn O'Reilly: Shooting: Colt 1911 (Double Tap +1) [1d6+1 = 11]
Colwyn O'Reilly: Colt 1911 damage +1 (Double Tap +1) [Raise] [3d6+2 = 25]
Tyran Drenski: WOOT!
Ranger Richard: pistol of unholy death dealing!
Tyran Drenski bows to the pistol
As the last zombie falls over, the big spider octopus thing stops moving altogether. The room warms noticeably and the blue fog dissipates.
Hogpile: Hey guys! You okay?
Colwyn O'Reilly looks impressed with himself
Ranger Richard: go ahead blow on the muzzle of your pistol
Colwyn O'Reilly blows on the muzzle of his pistol
Hogpile: Suddenly it got really dark and then I heard a couple shots from Colwyn's pistol. Everything okay down there?
TADM: And on that happy note, we will call it a night.
Dugan: you haven't missed anything
Ranger Richard: just peachy Colwyn got nervous and shot some skulls
Nessie (Tyran Drenski): I see the monks "waming" through the room with there boards hitting there face...
Dugan: anything happen up there?
Ranger Richard: :)
Hogpile: Nope, all quiet up here.
Tyran Drenski: I LIVED!!!!!
Colwyn O'Reilly: don't worry about it hogpile... are you hit? someone fired a weapon within 100 metres of you
Dhu (Dugan): end the!
Ranger Richard: why were we here again?
Ranger Richard: Hope you get better fast Johnny!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Saving the world for all mankind.
Randall Breckenridge: thanks good night
Tyran Drenski: He always misses the strange s%$ Hog misses the vamps too!!!
Lt. Andrea Devine: Or saving democracy, or whatever.
Ranger Richard: Good night all!
Campaign saved.