At lunch yesterday I saw a man wearing a "Cavedog" shirt.  Cavedog was the maker of the original Total Annihilation (the most well-known being the Supreme Commander franchise).  Not only was it impressive that he was wearing a shirt at least 20 years old, in good enough shape to be out in public, but it is a tribute to great game companies that are no longer with us.  Like Cavedog, there are a number of ones out there which were the game equivalent of the musical "one-hit-wonder" that never live up to the past.  There are other game companies out there which still exist, and yet even then cannot live up to the past.

As an edit, the Space Hulk game I mentioned below, from Full Control studios, falls into that category, as Full Control is in the process of folding.  While many panned their adaptation of Space Hulk, I thought it was awesome and a worthy successor of the boardgame.