Strategicon came and went over the weekend.  I went with some friends to check it out.  It is a well-run and small convention.  Due to its location, I highly recommend carpooling, not only is it difficult to find parking, but the parking prices are beyond insane ($5/hour, really?).  Overall, between the parking and the cost of admission, it just didn't feel worth it to me.  Although I did like the fact that there were no extra tickets or costs associated with doing events, beyond the price of admission.  If I had scheduled three events one one day, plus walked the dealer hall, it probably would have come out about even when compared to GenCon pricing.  Plus Strategicon had the benefit of not needing plane tickets or hotel costs, but I rarely pay for those at GenCon.

Maybe we will go next year, maybe not.  If I do I will plan to run enough Tunnels and Trolls (or other RPG events) that I do not need to buy a badge.  They definitely make it very advantageous and easy to get a free GM badge.

The moral of the story - run events!  Teach new people your favorite games!