Following on the last article, about Games you try to enjoy and the gameplay prevents it, now for a different type of game.  These are the ones that you get as a gift or part of a package that you do not expect to like, but they turn into what the movie industry terms, "sleeper hit."  The latest, and possibly greatest of all I have experienced, is Sentinels of the Multiverse (the video game version.)  While I am not sure I would play the actual card game version (it seems like a lot of tracking of variables) the video game adaptation by Handleabra is spectacular.  It also runs fantastically well on Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and Kindle, for really extreme cross-platform multiplayer.

Anyway - check it out, there is a free demo available for every platform.  It might take a little to get the hang of the game, but it is a fun way to burn some time, and also has done a great job of making my un-ending conference calls slightly more enjoyable.