I have recently been converting a number of settings from the Infinity (2d20) system into Savage Worlds.  Now, I like Savage Worlds and it is a great system, but 2d20 is growing on me as a nice system alternative.  I have been playing Savage Worlds games for at least 10 years now, and it has been around for 13.  The Fantasy Grounds implementation of it is amazing, and I spend a few hours every week replicating a good tabletop experience with Fantasy Grounds and Savage Worlds.

But there are always new things out there, different ways of playing games.  In converting the 2d20 system, I found a great many things I like about.  Similarly, my work on tremulus gave me an appreciation for Fate, Fiasco, and Apocalypse-World (or at least, Dungeon World, actual Apocalypse World I skimmed through once and have no interest in playing - to each their own).  In any case, I think RPG people fit into a few categories:

1) Those who have a certain way of playing, and try to find a game that fits that.

2) Those who stick with a certain game system, because they know how to min-max that system to "win".

3) Those who don't care, and just want to have fun.

4) All the other people who don't fit into one of the above, but could probably be categorized if I spent longer thinking about.

Personally, I am a "3" - but that does not stop me from wanting to find a system that encourages fun over rules and dice.  Both 2d20 and Savage Worlds have a mix of both.  Some systems I have tried just did not mesh with me, no matter the hype.  Cipher, Call of Cthulhu, and GURPS come to mind.  I have plenty of books for all three, and mostly use them as sources for other game systems I would rather play.  I had high hopes for Cipher honestly, but it just never "meshed" with any person I game with.  It always felt like it was missing something, or at certain points figuring out how to do a certain thing "using the mechanics" took unnecessarily long.

Anyway, long diatribe aside, go find an RPG system you like and stick with it.

Heck, my dad has been playing DnD 3rd edition since it was released, and probably will until he stops playing games entirely.  It works for him and his group, and they are a lot of fun to play with when I visit - and that means category #3 is applicable!