Yes, it is that time of year again, when event submissions become required, travel plans need to firm up, hotel reservations have to be made, and preparation for the "Most Exhausting Four Days in Gaming" begin.  I will be there again this year, running a slew of RPG events for Tunnels and Trolls, 2d20, Savage Worlds, and Dungeon Crawl Classics.  (No, I do not run Pathfinder at the Con, no matter how many times people ask.)

It promises to be great fun and amusement for all, and I look forward to seeing everyone again this year.  Last year was pretty spectacular, but this year may be better - it is GenCon 50 after all, which means crazy gaming people have been doing this for FIFTY years now.  As a newbie, I have *only* been going for 18 years straight.  Sometimes I think about calling it quits, but I usually have a good enough time that the siren call lures me back.