A friend of mine, who also happens to be a minister, has a nine year old daughter.  Prior to the birth of his daughter, ordination, and moving to another state he was a common fixture in our gaming circle.  He loves the Call of Cthulhu game system and, more generally, the entire HP Lovecraft mythos.  If you have never read Lovecraft, even if horror is not your forte, the man was a brilliant wordsmith and definitely worthy of praise just for his capacity to wring meaning and value from every word he wrote.

But I digress - my friend has instilled in his daughter the joys of reading, and reading almost anything.  He was not aware she had plunged into the works of Burroughs and Lovecraft until the order day, when his daughter's third grade teacher called him for an "emergency parent-teacher conference."  (If you have never experienced this, this is NOT A GOOD SIGN!)

It turns out his daughter had written a remarkably well done and researched report concerning the sad state of preparedness among elementary students for an eventual takeover of the world by the Great Old Ones.

I do not have a copy of said text from his daughter, but eventually her exceptionally well done literary work trumped the desire of the third grade teacher to have the child sent for psychiatric evaluation.

Evidently there are not enough Cthulhu Cultists in our Public School System.  Or there are too many, it depends on how you look at it.

Years ago, I started a habit of every year around this time, when some big American Football sporting event was happening, it meant it was time to dust off the Blood Bowl and play game.

My figures and the original game have long since been sold off in favor of the computer versions but the fun is still there.  Much like Space Hulk (see this blog post) and other "Specialist Games" that Games Workshop has long ago killed off, Blood Bowl remains amusing.  The fact of the matter is, the fun, easy games which undoubtedly were limited profit for Games Workshop but much appreciated by mature gamers are the ones I miss the most.  I have almost no desire to ever play another game of Warhammer or Warhammer 40k, but my games of Blood Bowl with friends on key "American Football" days is one of the fond memories for me.

This is the first blog post.  It is quite unspectacular.  It really is.  I'm not sure why you are still reading it.

I found this for sale on Steam during the Holiday season.  It has received highly mixed reviews, but I have to admit, as a 90% true-to-boardgame representation in computer format, this is pretty awesome.  The bolters jam frequently and at the wrong times, the Terminators seem to be crepe-paper, and the Genestealers die in droves.

Plus it has multiplayer (at least, until Full Control turns off the server) and Hot-Seat multiplayer.

If you are a fan of the original Space Hulk Boardgame, it is a good purchase.  If you want Dawn of War - this is the wrong game to look at.