Chat log started at 10.9.2020 / 09:05:31

Conan Ruleset v1.65A.3310 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2020 Modiphius Entertainment, Ltd.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Angus: So, mighty Kushite, with these five blue steel ingots you have presented me with, I can probably make you an suit of lamellar armor and a longsword.
Angus: Although, to be fair, you can probably sell these and retire to a nice private island.
Slumbara: Slumbara likes this idea. But Slumbara also must continue to protect his weak friends. So your services would be most valuable
Slumbara: Slumbara can always sell the armor and longsword after his weak friends have been returned to a safe place
Slumbara: And return to his family with great wealth and fame
Angus: Okay, it will take me several days, I will need to procure enough material to even get a forge hot enough to make this malleable.
Slumbara: Very well, Slumbara has other business to attend to. I will return in a few days
Angus: Or maybe weeks, I mean, this is a veritable pile of wealth you are asking me to modify.
Sophie coughs and scratches at her arms, leaves the area.
Slumbara: Stamp your logo onto it prominently, and give me some business cards
Slumbara: When people see Slumbara slaughtering his foes
Slumbara: They will ask "Where did you get that mighty armor and sword"
Angus: Honestly, I'm more worried about getting murdered in my sleep and my place ransacked having this around.
Slumbara: Slumbara can give you some time to gather the materials you need and return in a few days, then Slumbara can stand guard while you work
Angus: But hey, how often does a smith get a chance to work on a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece? I hope to be alive in a few days when I see you again.
Angus: Sure, that would be fine also, I will send a message to the Whisper Wood when I have everything ready.
Slumbara: Slumbara thanks you good sir
Slumbara curtsies politely and heads out
Angus: Not a problem good Kushite.
Meltam: So Volmalric, we must discuss something.....can you replicate something that would damage a boat, similar to that supernatural goo?
Volmalric: Do you mean like fire?
Volmalric: Because I have a LOT of stuff that can do that
Meltam: Something subtle that won't cause immediate harm. There's two good reasons for this. In the event that our Asgardian friends try to double cross us and escape, they shouldn't have a boat that will expedite this egress. Second, no TRUE Asguardian doesn't burn their own boat.
Angus takes inventory of what he needs to craft blue-steel items.
Volmalric: I could do soemthing that eats through it faster as well, though that substance was not natural
Slumbara returns
Slumbara: Slumbara can eat through anything
Slumbara: Once I ate an entire lamb to win a bet
Volmalric: What did you find out there, anyways?
Meltam: Not a whole lot, just a creep crypt that looks somewhat old.
Bridgit brings over some water, since Meredeth has decided Meltam is "cut off" since he has been misbehaving.
Volmalric: Do you know which boat is theirs?
Meltam: but we were pointed here by Deliah, so we may actually find (quiets voice) the Book of Skelos out there.
Meltam: Not yet. Give me about 20 minutes
Meltam rolls a Society test:
Target: 11 Focus: 4 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.15+1d20.3 = 18]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Slumbara: Hmm, Slumbara cannot read, so Slumbara does not care about books
Meltam: What if it has pictures?
Slumbara: Nudie ones?
Meltam: or pictures of a stimulating variety?
Meltam: Yes those.
Slumbara: Then Slumbara will read this book
Meltam: That and the book would be about as valuable as any hoard of treasure.
Volmalric rolls a Lore test:
Target: 12 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.19+1d20.20 = 39]
You did not succeed.
Slumbara: Slumbara likes money too
Slumbara: Very well, you have convinced me
Meltam: Just have to get to tomorrow without trouble.
Meltam: Should be managable eh?
Slumbara: Slumbara does not cause trouble
Slumbara: Meltam causes trouble
Meltam: I think I am just unlucky in my circumstances.
Meltam rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 10 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.16+1d20.20 = 36]
You did not succeed.
Slumbara: No you are a foolish man who stirs up trouble
Meltam: I mean there's nothing intrinsicly risky in dabbling in the dark arts, right?
Slumbara: But it is OK, when you step too far out of line Slumbara will be here to phsyically harm you
Volmalric: Name one time Meltam has ever caused trouble
Slumbara pats Meltam on the back
Slumbara: The time he summoned a demon
Meltam: I admit to being raven mad
Volmalric: Which one?
Slumbara: All of them
Slumbara: Also, he nearly sunk the ship we took here when he exploded into acid
Volmalric: To be fair, Meltam is pretty skilled, not because he summoned a demon, but because he's summoned multiple demons. Most people don't survive their first
Sophie sits down at the table and begins rigorously sharpening a collection of bladed objects.
Sophie: So, tell me about this demon summoning you guys are talking about so loudly the people at the bar across the street are thinking about forming a mob to kill you.
Bridgit walks over and pokes Sophie in the shoulder.
Bridgit: You are not supposed to fraternise with the crazy customers.
Slumbara: Slumbara is not afraid of a mob
Sophie: Go away Bridgit, big people are talking.
Bridgit: I'm the older twin.
Sophie: Yes, by five minutes, you remind me regularly.
Bridgit sighs and walks off.
Volmalric: I suppose if they're dumb enough to think we've summoned multiple demons, they may be dumb enough to pick a fight with us
Sophie: Never underestimate the power of stupid humans in herds.
Volmalric: True, but those are natural prey to the mighty Slumbara
Slumbara: Also, Meltam might summon another demon to eat their souls
Sophie: So, these demons, what did they look like? Did they have horns? Tentacles? Can you draw pictures of them?
Slumbara: Slumbara is not very good at drawing pictures, but I will try
Slumbara rolls a Craft test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.10+1d20.16 = 26]
You did not succeed.
Meltam rolls a Craft test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.20+1d20.3 = 23]
You did succeed!
Meltam: one of two things: the picture levitates and starts talking, or it's super cute and they stop their inquisition. =D
Slumbara draws a picture that looks kind of like the Hindu-goddess Kali. Meltam draws a pretty accurate picture, complete with the emblazoned runes that make you queasy just looking at them. You also think the eyes are following you.
Sophie looks at Meltam's picture.
Sophie: Nice.
Bridgit: Eek!
Bridgit "spills" a bottle of beer on Meltam's picture.
The demons face turns into a leering hostile thing as it "melts" while the paper gets soggy and the ink runs.
Meltam uses a candle to burn the picture
Slumbara drinks beer and eats popcorn
Slumbara watches with interest
Bridgit brings popcorn and beer to the mighty and totally rational and well-behaved Slumbara.
GM: is pretty convinced we have really entered an alternate dimension.
Meltam rolls a Stealth test:
Target: 14 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.1+1d20.13 = 14]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Meltam tries not to cause trouble
Meltam goes into hiding and people begin ignoring him, which is probably in everybody's best interests.
GM: [12]
GM rolls a test:
Target: 12 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 3 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Doom: 0 [1d20.15+1d20.7 = 22]
You did not succeed.
Slumbara used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Slumbara rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 4 Momentum: 3 [1d20.17+2d20.9 = 35]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
The conversation drops to a lull as Slumbara, Volmalric, and Meltam stop discussing demon summoning. Sophie gets bored and leaves. That is when Slumbara realizes that NOT only is there an open stage for musicians here at the Whisper Wood, but there are musicians setting up to PLAY and one of them has a tuba case sitting open nearby.
Slumbara sees an open tuba case, picks it up, and plays a dramatic tuba solo to herald the imminent arrival of the demon that Meltam just summoned
Groupie: OMG, I totz luv U. Can we shag?

[1d20.2 = 2]
Slumbara: Of course
Musician: Right on man, that is rocking. I didn't know Kushites were that bad-ass on the tuba. You want to jam with us tonight?
Cheering Crowd: Woohoo!
Slumbara: Also of course
Groupie #2: Wait, I want to totally strip down and engage in drug fueled orgies with the Kushite!
Groupie #3: Me too!
Volmalric: Oh goodness
Volmalric: Slumbara, don't get distracted, we have a place to be
Musician: Hey now, don't use up all the energy before the performance.
Slumbara: Slumbara has much energy
Slumbara: Slumbara is as strong as an ox
Sophie sighs.
Bridgit is torn between disgust and laughter.
Meltam lays low, using the noise as cover.
GM: Stealth checks for "non-Slumbara" are currently DC0.
Groupie: Let's go make music!
Groupie #2: I've got lots of body oil.
Groupie #3: I brought whips and chains!
Meltam rolls a Stealth test:
Target: 14 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [0]
You did not succeed.
Meltam rolls a Stealth test:
Target: 14 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 0 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 2 [1d20.1+1d20.15 = 16]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Slumbara: Everyone follow Slumbara for the orgy, pay no attention to small, boring Meltam
Meltam steals a sandwich and a glass of water.
Slumbara rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.17+1d20.9 = 26]
You did succeed!
Slumbara leads the groupies up to his room
Cheering Crowd follows Slumbara, the room where Slumbara is located requires three doses of bleach and cleanser before it can be rented again.
Bridgit sighs.
Bridgit: I get to clean this crap up when they are done.
Sophie: I've got it.
Bridgit: No, don't burn the inn down.
Sophie: Spoil sport.
Meltam: Volmalric, why don't you come up with an all purpose solvent and disinfectant to be sold to fine establishments like this?
Volmalric: The power of alchemy is not to be used for the likes of a mere disinfectant (especially given the flammability)
Volmalric: But speaking of which, I'll see if I can weaponize that
Bridgit sees Volmalric fiddling around with Alchemical stuff.
Volmalric: Do not touch anything with a label on it
Volmalric: Everything has a label on it
Bridgit: Hey, thanks to your friend, I need to get a bunch of strong cleaning supplies, if you want to come with me I know a good place to get supplies like that.
Volmalric raises an eyebrow
Volmalric: Cleaining supplies, or..."cleaning supplies"?
Bridgit: Also, it looks like you have a little too much of the green tincture in this bottle, it is not fully dissolved, which is why you are getting chunks floating in it.
Bridgit pokes one of the bottles with her finger.
Volmalric: Hmmm? Are you an alchemist as well?
Bridgit: To answer your first question, "yes", to answer your second question, "I'm familiar with many types of cleaning supplies because my sister makes messes."
Sophie: They aren't messy if the knives are sharp enough.
Bridgit sticks fingers in ears.
Volmalric: Ha! I wish the messes my companions made could be cleaned up so readily
Slumbara: the sound of a goat bleating is heard from upstairs
Bridgit: Yes, well, my virgin ears and eyes are not comfortable being in this inn right now.
Bridgit: So let's go shopping.
Volmalric: Are there supposed to be goats *up*stairs?
Bridgit heads out the door while turning bright red and nervous about all the sexual antics going on that she will have to clean later. She also considers getting herself a blindfold to wear while cleaning the room.
Sophie: Only when they are being sacrificed.
Sophie clears the tables since Bridgit left due to the uncomfortable situation Slumbara has put her in.
Meltam rolls a Discipline test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.3+1d20.5 = 8]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric corks a couple bottles and grabs a satchel with clean vials, making sure things are stable before heading out
Volmalric: If we're not back in four hours, you'll want to move the vials with the red labels on the side outdoors, ideally far away from the inn
Meltam rolls a Sorcery test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.12+1d20.19+1d20.4 = 35]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Meltam rolls a Stealth test:
Target: 14 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.10+1d20.6 = 16]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Meltam sneaks out and swims in the sea.
Meltam comes back refreshed and feeling better, although he does have a strange urge to lick his hariy forearms for no explicable reason.
Sophie rubs Meltam's belly and listens to him purr.
Sophie: Hmm... I have seen this before.
Meltam rolls an Insight test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.16+1d20.5 = 21]
You did succeed!
Sophie offers Meltam a saucer of milk.
Sophie resumes work.
Meltam looks at Sophie adoringly, appreciative of the offering, before imbibing.
Bridgit goes to Alchemist shop she knows of, with Volmalric in tow.
Bridgit: Here we are.
Tack (Meltam): (this is much better than overtly being a psychopath)
Adolphus.: Hello Bridgit, how are you today and who is your friend?
Bridgit: One of the patrons at the bar, he had a collection of items and I thought you two would be amused to have a chat.
Adolphus: Oh, a fellow alchemist and dabbler? How pleasant.
Bridgit goes about collecting items from the shelves she needs for cleaning up Slumbara's debauchery.
Sophie uses reflective portion of shiny sharp object to make dancing light patterns in front of Meltam.
Volmalric: A pleasure to meet you, I'm Volmaric of Aquilonia
Groupie #6: OH MY GOD! I didn't know a goat could bend like that! Everyone BLEAT for Slumbara!
Volmalric rolls an Alchemy test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.13+1d20.14 = 27]
You did succeed!
Adolphus: I'm Adolphus of Nemedia, I won't hold you being from Aquilonia against you if you won't hold Nemedia against me.
Volmalric: None whatsoever!
Bridgit: I'll take these, put them on the Whisper Wood's tab.
Adolphus marks off inventory.
Adolphus: Sure thing Bridgit.
Bridgit leaves the two Alchemists to their "alchemy" things.
Adolphus: Tea?
Volmalric: That would be superb
Adolphus sets a kettle over a small burner stove.
Adolphus: I have some nice Zembabwe roibos here.
Volmalric stops roaming around the room, looking over the equipment, and joins the man
Adolphus: So, anything in particular you are looking for?
Volmalric: I need new supplies. Unfortunately, my previous bag was lost after an incident at sea
Volmalric: I've got a list of ingredients that I was hoping to get, some medicinal and some for...the opposite purpose
Bridgit returns to Whisper Wood, sighs at the sounds coming from upstairs and leaves to get new bedding and probably some new mattresses.
Adolphus: Ah yes, let me see.
Adolphus gets out nice set of spectacles and looks over the list.
Adolphus: Some of these I have in stock, a few others might take some time to procure.
Volmalric: Excellent!
Adolphus: Hmm... I might be able to get these components also, Hamsa Pendants and Upas-Glass? Quite curious, neither of those are common recipes in this world.
Angus walks in.
Angus: Hey Adolphus, I have a...
Angus stops and looks at Volmalric.
Angus: ...request for some things, I'll give you a list.
Angus writes down a list of items he needs for a "project".
Adolphus: Oh my. These will take some time.
Angus: When you have a chance. Thanks.
Angus leaves.
Adolphus: More tea?
Adolphus offers a refill to Volmalric.
Volmalric: Yes, thank you
Sophie offers Meltam another saucer of milk.
Meltam rests peacefully.
Sophie: Shoo, don't curl up on the windowsill like that.
Sophie makes Meltam go upstairs to the larger windows.
Meltam gives a look, 'but it is my nature, I am a cat, and cat's must find inconvenient places to nap'
Sophie nods in total understanding.
Meltam tries to act cute to help Sophie forget the wholesale ritualistic hedonism convention happening upstairs.
Meltam rolls a Counsel test:
Target: 8 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.10+1d20.20 = 30]
You did not succeed.
Volmalric: I think the Upas-Glass and pendants I may have to wind up making on my own, then. Would you be able to secure milk from the upas tree by chance?
Sophie suggests that Meltam not point his ass at her so much while trying to offer comfort about hedonism.
Time passes, it becomes night, the musicians look exhausted as they come downstairs, most of the groupies cannot make the trek and crawl down the stairs.
Slumbara, being strong as an ox, is undaunted and takes center stage with mighty tuba.
Adolphus: Ah yes, I have some here, enough for a couple small vials. More may arrive in a few weeks if my shipment arrives.
Adolphus offers Volmalric a small vial.
Slumbara rolls an Athletics test:
Target: 14 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.13+1d20.15 = 28]
You did succeed!
Slumbara rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.13+1d20.4 = 17]
You did succeed!
Crowd cheers the mighty Slumbara, master tuba musician!
Sophie scratches the top of Meltam's head and behind his ears.
Bridgit tries not to throw up when she sees that.
GM: [10]
GM rolls a test:
Target: 10 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 2 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Doom: 0 [1d20.2+1d20.6 = 8]
You did succeed!
Volmalric: Fantastic! I'm impressed that you've got such ready access to it, you must be quite the alchemist.
Bridgit succeeds in not losing her lunch at the sight of Sophie scratching Meltam's ears.
Sophie: She's just jealous because he grabbed her breasts and then apologized.
Bridgit: Bitch.
Sophie: Hey, look at the cute kitty!
Sophie grabs Meltam's face and scratches under the chin while making silly girl near cute kitten noises.
Meltam contemplates the timelessness of the mistaken identity gag.
Bridgit runs outside and vomits.
Meltam considers looking for a mirror.
Sophie: Who's the cute kitten? You are.
Sophie pokes Meltam in the nose.
Meltam rolls an Insight test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.4+1d20.5 = 9]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Adolphus: Well, I have some expensive clientele.
Meltam sizes himself up, asking if i am a cat at all?