Chat log started at 12.4.2010 / 18:53:48

Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Dr. MacVellian: Holy! My bank account exploded!
GM: Yes, Doctor Bailey paid you after Courtney's funeral. I just forgot to mention that until I was finishing up my notes last week.
GM: So everyone is $300 richer.
The morning after the battle with the Titan at the Symposium dawns bright and clear.
You gather downstairs for breakfast, after taking care of whatever early morning duties occupy your time.
Bertha is there, handing out large plates of delicious breakfast foods. She hands you each an envelope containing your pay and a short note from Doctor Bailey saying that he is not feeling well today.
Bertha Bowers: Hungover is more like it.
Therefore, he will not be needing your services for the time being, but he has enjoyed having you as an employee.
Uriel Iscariot: The Devil be in those bottles. We best watch Dr Bailey that he doth not succumb to such a vice
Bertha Bowers: Oh, you don't worry about that none Preacher man, that Mr. Tate and I have him well taken care of.
Uriel Iscariot: Ah, then let us pray that naught become of him
Bertha Bowers: You folks just want the normal breakfast of the day, or you want something special?
As Bertha asks that question, Zach Dallas wanders downstairs.
Uriel Iscariot: Asketh, and thy shalt recieveth! What bounty awaits us this day?
Zach Dallas: I'll just have the regular
Dr. MacVellian: Normal breakfast is fine
Bertha Bowers: Some nice eggs, bacon, and a plate of fried poh-tay-toes.
Dr. MacVellian looks like I didn't sleep well, reddened eyes from lots of crying
Bertha Bowers: Alright, I'll get you each a plate.
Uriel Iscariot: Poy-tay-toes? Stick em, mash em, boil em?
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): was that a LotR reference, Brad?
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): and Tack?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I think your order was off a bit
TADM: Quite possibly, but the world may never know.
Uriel Iscariot: Sure, that sounds lovely
Zach Dallas: Notice [1d4 = 7]
Zach Dallas: on the persons in the room
There are a couple inventors, you remember seeing them yesterday, sitting in one corner. There is a family sitting around a table. None of them look particularly noteworthy.
She walks out into the main lobby and smiles at someone who just entered.
Bertha Bowers: Morning Deputy Earp, can I get you some breakfast?
Wyatt Earp: That'd be nice, thanks Bertha.
Uriel Iscariot: A harbinger has descendeth upon us, no Zach?
Wyatt Earp walks into the dining room, his gaze sweeps over the room in a second, assessing everything. Then he walks over to your table.
Zach Dallas: I'm not sure how to answer that question in the affirmative
Wyatt Earp: Morning to you, lady and gentlemen. Mind if I sit?
Uriel Iscariot: Lord's blessing to you Wyatt
Zach Dallas: Feel free
Wyatt swings a chair around and sits on it, giving you all a smile.
Uriel Iscariot: I take it that yesterday was not all that forgien to a man of your experience, Deputy?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): foreign?
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): (Yah, my spelling sucks)
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): you swaped three letters
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): (Enter the gramar nazi)
Wyatt Earp: Yesterday was a bit strange, but sad to say, nothing all that unusual.
Wyatt Earp: How are ya'all holdin' up? Looks like you had a rough night miss.
Dr. MacVellian: What will happen to Dial's perverted science? I hope you left his body out to be scavenged by buzzards
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 3]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): sub-par
Wyatt Earp: Well, yes and no miss.
Wyatt Earp: Seems that ya'all landed in a peck of trouble.
Zach Dallas: Hm?
Uriel Iscariot: These times tryeth and testeth, but we endureth
Wyatt Earp: That you do.
Wyatt Earp: After you stopped the mechanical monstrosity, Union soldiers and Union Blue people descended on the Symposium to "dispose" of the remains.
Wyatt Earp: Well, I don't have a problem with them, but seein' as how Dodge City is supposed to be neutral territory, this has prompted formal complaints and lawsuits from Wasatch railroads, Dixie Rails, Black River, the Confederate government, and even the Dodge City Citizens Impartiality Council.
Dr. MacVellian: How convenient that they show up AFTER all the fighting's over
Wyatt Earp: Now, ya'all are probably wonderin' how you came to be messed up in that.
Wyatt Earp: Well, seems that the parties involved are claiming legal action against the boys in blue. They ALL assume that ya'all are Union folks.
Zach Dallas: HA
Uriel Iscariot: Tsk tsk, and they talk of nations and tribes...they fail to see their brothers as such....
Wyatt Earp: Indeed preacher, it'd be a lot easier if'n they all remembered that we are just folk tryin' to live.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): For a sec, I thought you were going to say Dial's benefactors were going to sue us
Uriel Iscariot: Amen.
TADM: Yes, but they have no shown up yet.
Zach Dallas: I just don't like the idea of a giant machine tearing a hole through a building that I happen to occupy
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): They should thank us. Life Insurance is potentially a good racket in this world, if you play it right.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Knowing Dial, he left them all a display "model" for their desks that killed them when the Titan was activated
Wyatt Earp: Rightly so, and I thank you for that Mr. Dallas.
Zach Dallas: nods
Wyatt Earp: Well, I reckon that this'll all blow over in a few days, but in the meantime, I think you'll find it a mite safer if'n you head out of town.
Wyatt Earp: Now, Sheriff Degar and I work to keep this place safe, and if'n you stay here we'll do our best. I ain't tellin' ya what to do, I'm just making a suggestion.
Zach Dallas: We appreciate it. It's definitely something to consider.
Uriel Iscariot: Seems to be a fan of leaving and letting it blow over. Fighting is the losers way out...
Wyatt Earp: Now, a certain friend of ours also suggested that the sure way to absolve you of blame was to make ya'all deputies, post-dated back to before the thing went berserk.
Zach Dallas: Oh, boy, that would simplify things
Wyatt Earp: Given the reputation of the person who suggested this, I'm not opposed to it, but I can't make ya'all deputies. Sheriff Degar can, but he'd like you to actually do something for us before we mis-write some entries.
Dr. MacVellian: What would you like us to do?
Wyatt Earp: Well, stop by the Sheriff's office later, I'm sure Degar will have come up with something.
Wyatt Earp: Like I said, I'm just making the suggestion, up to you folk to decide what to do.
Dr. MacVellian: Course, I don't mind either way. I didn't fight the Titan, just it's owner. So, technically, I'm in the least trouble, I should think
Uriel Iscariot: Really? Killuns an' inventa, while surely a good deed, is still pretty partial to one side a dis 'ere mess
Wyatt Earp: Likely, since self-defense is a legitimate argument in your case. Don't think that would stop some Black River raiders from guttin' ya like a fish.
Uriel Iscariot: Sir, I am honored by your sense of Justice. Truly the Lord be with you.
Bertha walks back in with your plates of food. Wyatt stands, grabs his and heads out after wishing you all a "Good Day."
Bertha Bowers: That Wyatt Earp sure is a nice man.
TADM: Well, Wyatt Earp is supposed to be likable, unless you are a criminal. In which case you would be dead.
Uriel Iscariot: Nice to see people enforcin the laws of the land have more sense than some of the people....
Bertha Bowers: Yep, him and Sheriff Degar keep this a pretty safe town. Although I'd sure like to know what happened that caused all that ruckus up on Boot Hill the night 'fore last.
Uriel Iscariot: Somethin tells me, that we will know soon as the law willest that
Bertha Bowers: Well, I'm gonna go clean up some dishes, ya'all holler if'n ya need anythin'
Uriel Iscariot: Grace be with you.
She heads back into the kitchen.
Uriel Iscariot: Well folks. What say you? To the Sheriff's?
GM: This is where the party tells me what they'd like to do.
Uriel Iscariot: Lights up.
TADM: Quick, someone call Nate. This MUST be railroading!
Dr. MacVellian: I'm going to check on Dr. Bailey, then I'll meet you there
Zach Dallas: I say we head out and have a talk with the Sheriff
Dr. MacVellian: Leaves table with her plate
Doctor Bailey is in bed with a horrible hangover. He vows to never drink a drop of alcohol again in his life. Just stop breathing so damn LOUD!
Uriel Iscariot: We should wait here Zach, for her return.
Zach Dallas: Hm
Uriel Iscariot: Somethin tells me that there's plenty of people out there who will forge't there manners, should Wyatt not be around.
Zach Dallas: I suppose
Zach Dallas: sigh
Dr. MacVellian: Would you like something to eat Dr. Bailey? I read somewhere that eggs help relieve hangovers a little
Dr. Elijah Bailey: Stop shrieking at me you harpy! Just let me sleep.
Dr. Elijah Bailey: (which is his response even if you are whispering)
Dr. MacVellian: Leaves quietly in tears T.T
TADM: Oh uh, I think Doctor MacVellian needs a boyfriend.
Uriel Iscariot: You would't leave a lady to go alone, unescorted, would you Zach? Here enjoy this cigar till she gets back.
Zach Dallas: Ugh, I'll pass
TADM: Just don't pick anyone named Curly Bill Brocius or Johnny Ringo.
Doctor MacVellian comes downstairs. The three of you head over to the Sheriff's office.
Dr. MacVellian: sits back at the table and eats the food on the plate angrily first
TADM: (As soon as you are done eating breakfast, my bad)
Uriel Iscariot: Dr. MacVellian, Gluttony is a sin. Small steps corrupt...
Uriel Iscariot: N'eva 'ave I seen such spite in one's eatins....
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I must say, how abhorrant
GM: So, are you heading to the sheriff's office? And are you ready to go?
Uriel Iscariot: Yes.
Zach Dallas: yup
Dr. MacVellian: Yes
GM: The Sheriff's office and attached jail are a pretty normal looking building for the West. A deputy is waiting outside, listening to a number of citizens complain. After asking you why are you here, he waves you through the door.
GM: Sheriff Degar is on the other side, looking over a collection of telegraphs and some parcels from the morning stage.
Sheriff Degar: Mornin'
Sheriff Degar: I'm guessing you are the employees of Doctor Bailey who were pulled into yesterday's mess?
Uriel Iscariot: You speaketh the Truth.
Zach Dallas: Indeed
Sheriff Degar: Well, I have a warrant for your arrests for destruction of private property, or I could use the one claiming you violated the integrity of the Symposium.
He tosses several sheets of paper into a waste bin by his desk.
Sheriff Degar: But I am pretty sure you had left town before I read them.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): I like him better already
Uriel Iscariot: You truly see the spirit of the Law, Sheriff.
Sheriff Degar: Now, I'd recommend you actually leave town, because it is only a matter of time before some damn fool lawyer makes me see the Letter of the Law.
Uriel Iscariot: =0 =(
Dr. MacVellian: Is the graveyard considered part of the town? We could investigate that for you so you can work on other things
He looks at you oddly when you mention the graveyard.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): "Woman never 'ad any sense...."
Sheriff Degar: No, the graveyard situation is all taken care of now. Just got a bit messy at the end.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): What? I know a plothook when I see one
TADM: Nah, you guys can do whatever you want, I just throw out plot-hooks so you can ignore them.
Sheriff Degar: However, Deputy Earp has a crazy notion that I should deputize you all. That would make all this go away, because as my deputies it would have been LEGALLY right for you to do what you did.
Uriel Iscariot: Well then Sheriff, I ask thou, what can we do such that the Sprit of the law is honored, and the letter of the law remains that of the Pharisees?
Zach Dallas: We did prove ourselves capable of downing that machine
He smiles.
Sheriff Degar: I like you preacher.
Zach Dallas: I'm certain we could come in use again during this convention
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Oh I see how it is. The GM's NPCs are sexist! They don't accept quest requests from women PCs, is that it?!?
Sheriff Degar: Well, there is a band of raiders, not sure what side is paying them, troubling some ranches to the north.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Man, this PC is WAY more fun than I ever expected :)
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 2]
Uriel Iscariot: Ah...raiders.
Sheriff Degar: I'd like you to find out if the raiders are still in the area and what side is paying them.
Uriel Iscariot: Give it not a moments thought, Sheriff.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Are they...Tusken Raiders? Or Oakland Raiders?
Zach Dallas: How far north are we talking?
Sheriff Degar: To start with, just head straight north out of town, about an hour north you'll find a small ranch owned by Allan Farland and his family.
TADM: Oakland Raiders. Unless we are Under the Tusken Sun.
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Almost said they were Raiders of the Lost Ark, but that would have been pushing it. Good comeback, though
Sheriff Degar: A couple hours ride north of them you'll find a ranch belonging to the Sandhere family. If raiders are around, James Sandhere or his cowhands will have spotted them.
Uriel Iscariot: Puts on his Fedora. It's workin time!
Sheriff Degar: Well, good luck, and don't bite off more than you can chew.
Zach Dallas: Why would we ever do that?
Uriel Iscariot: You mention "rides" - any chance well get mounts at the ranches or even here?
Sheriff Degar: Well, if you don't have horses, I'd recommend you go acquire some. Plenty of good stables around Dodge City.
Zach Dallas: Any you might recommend?
Uriel Iscariot: Amen, Sheriff.
Sheriff Degar: Well, start with Hank Johnson just up the road, he's usually got a good selection at decent prices.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): You all took riding, right?
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): If you didn't, Imma lol.
TADM: Lol to the person who didn't.
Uriel Iscariot: Before we depart, I must ask, since we will infact be leavin the city itself, can we have our gear back? The lord doth give tools for the tasks at hand
Sheriff Degar: Absolutely, just take your claim stub over to the train station and get your gear back.
Assuming you head over to Hank Johnson's stables, you find it to be a large and clean area.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I did
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): what sort of fool wouldn't take Riding in a Western campaign?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): other than Nate
Uriel Iscariot: Excellent. Lord be with you, Degar.
The stable has about thirty horses to choose from. Unless one of you wants to claim to be a great purveyor of horse flesh, your options all look pretty close to the same, except for height and color.
Hank Johnson: Hello good people, how can I be of assistance today?
Uriel Iscariot: Could we get 3 horses for three days?
Zach Dallas: I pull out exactly thirty cards, assign one to each horse, shuffle them, and draw one at random
Zach Dallas: Gambling [1d6 = 9]
Zach Dallas: I'd like that one
Hank Johnson: I like your style gambler. To answer the priest's question, I usually don't rent my horses. But you can buy it from me and I'll agree to buy it back assuming you bring it back in the same condition.
Hank looks at the horse that Zach picked out.
Hank Johnson: Do you need a bit, bridle, saddle, saddle bags, and so on with that one?
Zach Dallas: Yes, that would be splendid
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): It's always the add-ons that get ya
Hank Johnson: All right, he's quite the stallion there, so with gear and everything you're looking at $180. Confederate or Union script is fine here.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): the chat here is very unixy though. I like it
Zach Dallas: How much will the repurchase be?
Hank Johnson: Depends on the shape of things when you give them back.
Zach Dallas: Let's assume they're no worse for the wear
Hank Johnson: If you only ride it to the church on Sunday and give him plenty of food and water, so no worse for wear, I'd give you about $100 back for it. Or $120 if you give me back all the kit as well.
Zach Dallas: and if we ride'm out about an hour and back?
Hank Johnson: Well that's less than a day, so heck, probably about $160 at that point.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): How does one put sawdust in a horse engine?
Zach Dallas: Alright, sounds good
Zach has purchased a horse. Who's next? Or does everyone just want to remove $180 from their inventory and call it good?
Uriel Iscariot: Pays 180.
Zach Dallas: Streetwise [1d4 = 3]
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d6 = 3]
Zach Dallas: Gambling [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 9]
Dr. MacVellian: Pays $180
Uriel Iscariot: You two! The Lord provides! quit yer fibblin!
Uriel Iscariot: Okay, lets get our stuff back and ride
Dr. MacVellian: I have all mine
You recover your gear from the train station. It is all there and has been locked up safely.
The group rides north for about an hour. The countryside is beautiful this time of year. The fields of wheat and corn are broken into small patches. In the distance you see hundreds of animals, either cattle or bison as you travel.
The sky is somewhat overcast, with a slight northerly breeze cooling down the heat of the day.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: I thing Dr. Mac should look for a long stick. She has no gun, so she may have to resort to jousting
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: You find a long stick.
A few stands of trees break up the landscape of flat open prairie.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: It was a joke...kinda.
Uriel Iscariot: Riding [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 10]
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [1d6 = 4]
Zach Dallas: Riding [1d6 = 4]
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: I thought it would be funny.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: Me too
Most importantly, no one falls off their horse during the first hour of travel.
Uriel Iscariot: Notice [1d6 = 2]
Dr. MacVellian: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 7]
Zach Dallas: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
GM: Uriel and Zach notice that they are riding horses in Kansas.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: If we see a guy w/ his arm up a horse's ass, can I make a comment to Uriel about that being a true "mechanic"?
GM: MacVellian hears crows in the distance, up around a bend about where you expect the ranch house to be.
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: ROFL!
Dr. MacVellian has been awarded a benny
The group finds a small stream and follows it north. You pass a small sign that reads, "Farland Ranch"
Uriel Iscariot: Ah, Look, the lord hath guided us!
Uriel Iscariot: We are almost there!
Dr. MacVellian: I don't think the Lord's work has led us here
As you round the bend, you see a familiar looking woman with a wide floppy hat.
She is standing with her back to you, leaning on a shovel in front of four fresh graves.
Scattered around the ranch house, well, and barn area are at least twenty dead men.
Zach Dallas: Ho, there!
Uriel Iscariot: Jesus Mary and Joseph! What happened here?
Several dead horses lie outside the barn. The ranch house looks mostly intact, except for a hole in one side that looks like a a large caliber cannon blew it open.
Dr. MacVellian: Looks like we missed the party
She turns to face the group, then shrugs and tosses the shovel to one side.
Isabella DeMerini: Afternoon. The party was last night for the most part.
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM still crows around?
Dr. MacVellian: I see.
As you ride up, a murder of crows squwaks and takes flight.
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM ooh I want a pet :3
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
TADM: Yes, the word for "flock" when talking about crows is "Murder"
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Yep. Knew that
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [1d6 = 10]
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: Beast friend?
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM yep. Just have it fly around and scount for duration (10 min)
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: Okay
Isabella DeMerini: So what brings you out here?
Uriel Iscariot: The Good Sheriff send us out on some errands
Zach Dallas: We were checking on those pesky bandits
Zach Dallas: Seeing if they're still around and who they were working for
Uriel Iscariot: Yes those.....are these them?
Isabella DeMerini: This is about two-thirds of them.
She makes a dismissive gesture at the nearest corpse on the ground.
Isabella DeMerini: The carrion can have them, and I see no reason to shrive them or pay the ferryman.
Zach Dallas: And the graves?
She points at the graves in sequence.
Isabella DeMerini: Meet the Farland family, Allan, his pretty wife Peggy, daughters Sue and Angie.
Zach Dallas: Takes the hat off
Uriel Iscariot: Takes hat off as well
Dr. MacVellian: All we seem to find around here is death.
Isabella DeMerini: Welcome to the West.
She walks over to the well, pushes aside a corpse that was draped over it, then wheels up a bucket.
Uriel Iscariot: .....
Isabella takes a long drink of water, then heads into the barn.
Uriel Iscariot: Godless savages....
Zach Dallas ties to horse to a tree or something, hops down, and checks out some of the corpses for signs of loyalties
Zach Dallas: Notice [1d4 = 6]
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 10]
Uriel Iscariot: And the Lord Giveth, and the Lord Taketh Away.....
Dr. MacVellian ties horses to somewhere far from bodies but still close to the farm, then goes to investigate what caused the giant hole in the house
Dr. MacVellian: Notice {+2 Alertness} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 5]
Zach does not find anything conspicuous on them. They are all carrying Confederate coin, but you find nothing to indicate that they are Dixie Rails or Confederate supported other than that.
Uriel Iscariot: I want to talk to Isabella. Tie horse and go into barn
The hole in the ranch house looks like it was an explosion from the outside, given the amount of debris in the house. The damage is definitely not from a cannon though. The stones around the hole look like they were partially melted from the blast.
Zach Dallas: follows Uriel once I'm done inspecting
GM: MacVellian would guess if someone shot molten lead from a firehose, it would sort of look like this.
In the barn you find Isabella freeing up a couple horses that were in stables. She tosses a saddle on one.
Uriel Iscariot: Leaving so soon?
Isabella DeMerini: Well Preacher, can't do much else for the Farlands. I paid the ferryman for them, gave them their Christian last rights also. There's about ten more raiders headed north and my horse was shot.
She cinches up the saddle.
Zach Dallas: You going after them?
Isabella DeMerini: Yep. By the time I got here Allan was dead. The womenfolk were wishing they were.
Isabella DeMerini: And the crime those raiders committed, well, I hunt people like that to the ends of the world if need be.
Uriel Iscariot: Well then, would you be opposed to a little company?
Isabella DeMerini: Can you keep up with me? If yes then feel free to come along.
Zach Dallas: HAHA
Zach Dallas: Well, I say we give this a try
Uriel Iscariot: Yes. I do was well.
Uriel Iscariot: Kn Bible [1d6 = 4]
Uriel Iscariot: To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.
Isabella DeMerini: Well Preacher, I prefer something that starts with, "Behold a Pale Horse," but whatever takes your fancy.
Uriel Iscariot: Onward!
Uriel Iscariot: Looks impressed
GM: Isabella DeMerini: Riding [1d6 = 8]
GM: Riding checks to keep up.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Ok, who needs assitance on a trait or something?
Zach Dallas: Riding [1d6 = 10]
Dr. MacVellian: Wait for me!
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [1d4 = 3]
Dr. MacVellian is using a benny
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [1d6 = 3]
Dr. MacVellian is using a benny
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [1d4 = 18]
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Summon Phantom Mount!
Uriel Iscariot: Riding [1d6 = 10]
Well, no one has any trouble keeping up with Isabella.
About an hour later, you spot a group of twelve men running away from you. They do not have horses.
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM does major pacifist prevent me from using lethal force against confirmed scumbags?
[w] -> Uriel Iscariot: Technically yes. However, the Lord is a bit fuzzy on Kneecaps.
[w] Uriel Iscariot: GM Amen
The bandits see you coming, get out their rifles and open fire.
Zach Dallas: Leave at least one alive for questioning
Round 1
Dealing cards...
Dr. MacVellian
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Ooh boy! Combat
Dr. MacVellian: Um, yeah, I attempt to ride ahead of them to cut them off
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [1d4 = 5]
They are 60 away from the party. Your horses move at a rate of 10 per round, or 15-20 if you are galloping.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): You gonna' ge't shot!
Isabella loops her reins around one arm and gallops forward, drawing a pistol.
Uriel Iscariot
Uriel Iscariot: beast friend the horse and then dismount while it charges in; 2 targets are beter than one mounted rider
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 3]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [1d6 = 11]
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): THE DICE KNOW!
TADM: The dice know that Dave cannot play a Priest.
Uriel Iscariot: get down low after dismount.
Uriel hops off his horse and both head in.
Zach Dallas
Zach Dallas: Riding [Critical failure!] [1d4 = 1]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Riding [1d4 = 2]
The Outlaws open fire!
Outlaw: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 1]
Outlaw: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [6] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [7] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [8] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [9] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [10] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [11] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [12] [1d6 = 1]
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): The dice are on strike! They got overworked by Nick's super riding!
GM: And holy sheet...all 12 of them miss.
GM: Do they SUCK!
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Uriel Iscariot
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Anti-Probabilty field activate!
Uriel Iscariot: Horse - Crash and Bash!
You are about 35 from them. Running full speed at them will get you to a range of 15-20.
Uriel Iscariot: Aim self
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [1d6 = 9]
Zach Dallas
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Thanks man. I am not living long in this form without a rule like that heh =)
TADM: Well, it's that or just start ignoring your statistically insane rolls. So a Benny to avoid losing a point of Faith seems fair given your craptastic rolls.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Anti-Probability field activate!
[w] Zach Dallas: deal with the devil
[w] -> Zach Dallas: What spell for how many power points?
[w] Zach Dallas: Deflection 2
[w] Zach Dallas: hey, if I win extra, do I get to spend them to prolong the spell?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Nope, you'd have to announce that ahead of time, unless you get a really good hand.
[w] -> Zach Dallas: In this case you pulled a pair of jacks, which gives you 2 power points.
[w] Zach Dallas: could I spend my own points to prolong it?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Yes to the second question.
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d6 = 5]
Zach Dallas: Riding [Critical failure!] [1d4 = 1]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Riding [1d6 = 7]
Isabella leans forward and to one side in the saddle and fans the hammer on her single action Colt Peacemaker.
Isabella DeMerini: Riding [1d6 = 4]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [1] [1d10 = 7]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 1]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [3] [1d10 = 6]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [4] [1d10 = 9]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [5] [1d10 = 2]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [6] [1d10 = 3]
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [7] [1d10 = 19]
Isabella DeMerini: Colt Peacemaker damage [2d6+1 = 11]
Isabella DeMerini: Colt Peacemaker damage [2d6+1 = 10]
Isabella DeMerini: Colt Peacemaker damage [2d6+1 = 11]
Isabella DeMerini: Colt Peacemaker damage [2d6+1 = 18]
Four of the twelve bandits fall over dead.
GM: This makes her quite the target.
Dr. MacVellian
Dr. MacVellian: keeps riding ahead to cut them off, tilting slightly away from them to make myself a smaller target
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [Critical failure!] [1d4 = 1]
Dr. MacVellian is using a benny
Dr. MacVellian: Riding [1d6 = 7]
Outlaw: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 1]
Outlaw: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [6] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [7] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [8] [1d6 = 1]
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Holy shadow dice, Batman!!
All 8 bandits shoot at Isabella. Continuing their sucktastic rolls they manage to miss.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Boolean Bandits. They can't hit, but if they do, start thinking of a new character.
Outlaw: Crap! Can't we roll above a 3 on 20D6? I mean, OMFG!
Outlaw: Can we get a new GM who is not hated by D6es?
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): d12 rule! d12 rule!
GM: No, now shut up and die like good nameless scrub NPCs.
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Uriel Iscariot was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Uriel Iscariot
Isabella holsters her empty Peacemaker (since it fired six shots last round) and rides up to the bandits, she leaps off her horse, diving into the middle of them. Knives start flashing and she lands an impressive array of kicks and punches also.
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [1] [1d10 = 7]
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [2] [1d6 = 3]
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [3] [1d10 = 6]
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [4] [1d10 = 5]
Isabella DeMerini: Spirit [1d10 = 9]
Isabella DeMerini: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
Isabella DeMerini: Spirit [1d6 = 10]
Two more drop to the ground.
Dr. MacVellian
Dr. MacVellian: I'm pretty sure I'm just going to wait and see if I need to wrangle a stray back to the cattle drive
At this point, Doctor MacVellian has looped around behind the fight. If the bandits continued their original line of march, they would go right past her.
Dr. MacVellian: looks for more trouble up ahead of us
Dr. MacVellian: Notice {+2 Alertness} [1d6+2 = 6]
There are no strays yet that need to be corralled.
GM: You see no other creatures out on the prarie right now, except for a herd of buffalo in the distance.
Zach Dallas
Zach is about 15 from the melee. If he gallops with his horse he will be able to trample something this round.
Zach Dallas: riding to separate one from the herd
Zach Dallas: Riding [1d4 = 3]
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): I wouldn't. That'll be taken out of the deductible
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Riding [1d4 = 3]
Zach Dallas: Get a guy's leg. Preferably one far from Isabella
Zach Dallas: Shooting (Called Shot (Limb) -2, Double-Tap +1) [1d6-1 = 3]
Zach charges into their midst, he fires a couple shots but misses.
GM: Uriel, time to use the Joker.
Uriel Iscariot: Shoot someones kneecaps off! (colt)
Assume Short Range at this point.
Uriel Iscariot: [1d4 = 4]
Uriel Iscariot: Shooting (Joker +2, Aim +1, Called Shot (Limb) -2) [Critical failure!] [1d6+1 = 2]
Uriel Iscariot: I AM NUMBER 1!
Uriel Iscariot is using a benny
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): No, you're number 11
Uriel Iscariot: Shooting (Joker +2, Called Shot (Limb) -2, Aim +1) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+1 = 6]
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Brad, I feel thy pain.
Uriel Iscariot: Colt (Army) damage [Raise] [3d6+1 = 26]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): and now Brad feels it renewed
Well, you cleanly amputate his leg at the knee. Somehow it even cauterizes the wound and applies disinfectant and anesthetic also.
Outlaw: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 1]
Outlaw: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 3]
Outlaw: Shooting [3] [1d6 = 11]
Outlaw: Shooting [4] [1d6 = 2]
Outlaw: Shooting [5] [1d6 = 1]
Uriel Iscariot: The lord has made true my sight!@
Outlaw: Booyah! We hit something!
Outlaw: [2d6 = 9]
GM: Well that's rather impressive. They actually manage to make Isabella Shaken.
Round 4
Dealing cards...
Uriel Iscariot was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Uriel Iscariot
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): .probabilty file is corrupt! please run a file check!
TADM: Nice, two Jokers in a row. Clearly I need to defrag the hard drive.
Uriel Iscariot: lets do that again
Uriel Iscariot: Shooting (Joker +2, Called Shot (Limb) -2, Aim +1) [1d6+1 = 6]
GM: You hit again.
Uriel Iscariot: Colt (Army) damage [2d6+1 = 11]
GM: And remove another man's leg at the kneecap.
Dr. MacVellian
Dr. MacVellian: starts working on my designs, since I'm pretty SOL right now
Isabella DeMerini: Spirit [1d10 = 9]
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [1] [1d10 = 9]
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [2] [1d6 = 5]
Isabella DeMerini: Fighting [3] [1d10 = 6]
Isabella DeMerini: Spirit [1d10 = 19]
Isabella DeMerini: Spirit [1d10 = 9]
Isabella recovers from the gunshot and lashes out with a series of kicks and punches again. One man drops over dead. The other flies backwards about 8 feet, then falls over dead.
Isabella DeMerini: And then there were two...
Outlaw: Shooting [1] [1d6 = 5]
Outlaw: Shooting [2] [1d6 = 4]
[w] Dr. MacVellian: Remind me to buy a rifle and/or shotgun when we get back to town
Outlaw: Who fail to hit anything.
Zach Dallas
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: Probably a good idea.
Zach Dallas: Pulls out other pistol
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): The end is nigh!! AEG is nominated for 3 Origins Awards, none of them for L5R cards!!
Zach Dallas: Shooting (Wound Penalty -1, Double-Tap +1, Multi-Action Penalty -2, Called Shot (Limb) -2) [1d6-4 = 3]
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): ooh which?
Zach Dallas: Shooting (Wound Penalty -1, Called Shot (Limb) -2, Double-Tap +1, Multi-Action Penalty -2) [1d6-4 = 19]
Zach Dallas: Colt Peacemaker damage [2d6+1 = 13]
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Isle of Dr. Necreaux, Thunderstone, and L5R Graphic novel death at koten
Zach cripples another one.
The last one throws down his guns and puts his hands in the air.
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Isabella DeMerini was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
TADM: WTF? Three Jokers in a row?
Isabella DeMerini: Sorry, murderers and rapists don't get the option to surrender.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): cksum .probability
Isabella DeMerini: (called shot to the groin)
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): DO IT
Isabella DeMerini: Shooting [1d10 = 18]
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!
Isabella DeMerini: Colt Peacemaker damage [Raise] [3d6+1 = 11]
The man falls over, wimpers for about three minutes, then is very dead.
Isabella calmly reloads during this time.
Isabella DeMerini: Dumb bastard died too fast.
She looks at the crippled and/or legless bandits.
Uriel Iscariot: Isabella! Are you hurt?
Isabella DeMerini: I think the rest of you get staked out over Fire Ants.
Zach Dallas: Please, allow us
Isabella DeMerini: What? Nah, just a scratch preacher.
Isabella DeMerini: Put a hole in my duster.
She frowns.
Zach Dallas: Excuse me, chap, but I've got a few questions for ya, if you don't mind
Zach Dallas: to pull out his employer
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d4 = 2]
Uriel Iscariot: Son.....
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): well, next please
Outlaw: I'm in pain! Pain you hear! Oh, anguish! Oh misery!
Uriel Iscariot: Step aside.
Isabella DeMerini: (double tap to the head on the whiner)
GM: You seem to be short a prisoner now.
Uriel Iscariot: Persuasion [1d6 = 8]
Zach Dallas: Excuse me, chap, but I've got a few questions for ya, if you don't mind
Outlaw: Save me Preacher! Don't let her get me!
Uriel Iscariot: Isabella! Temper thy zeal with forgivness!
Outlaw: I renounce my wicked ways! Save me preacher! I'll be good!
She says nothing, just reloads the two shots from her pistol.
Dr. MacVellian: I'm going to ride into town to go tell the sheriff what happened, if you all don't mind
Uriel Iscariot: Miracle to make water, give the injured Outlaw water, then persuade to tell
Uriel Iscariot: Faith {+2 Conviction} [1d6 = 10]
Dr. MacVellian: And to go buy a gun *grumble*
Uriel Iscariot: Persuasion [1d6 = 17]
Isabella DeMerini: Not a good plan Doctor. Lots of territory between here and there. It might be dangerous for a lone woman.
Uriel Iscariot: Son, Be good to the lord, and the Lord will grant thy redemption.
Outlaw: I am convinced to go be a priest and spread the Lord's forgiveness everywhere! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!
[w] Dr. MacVellian: How much does a rifle and shotgun cost in this setting? I don't have the books for Deadlands
Outlaw: I wish I had never taken that job at Black River! What was I thinking agreeing to harrass honest, god-fearing, law-abiding folk?
Uriel Iscariot: Thank you son.
[w] Zach Dallas: to Isabella: So, do you plan on keeping an eye on him for a while and see if he stays changed? Or are you going to kill him anyway?
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: You can get both for about $70
Uriel Iscariot: Isabella. What doth the Law say about the fate of these two?
Isabella DeMerini: Nice job getting some information from him.
Uriel Iscariot: what does...the letter of the law say?
[w] Dr. MacVellian: Do they have pump-action ones yet? If not, I want to make a shotgun that works like a pistol
Isabella DeMerini: You take them back to town, they get hung.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: 6 chambers, 1 barrel, all business
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: No pump action, but they do have "revolver" shotguns.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: That works.
Uriel Iscariot: Unto us the spirit of the law was given, and nay the letter of the law
Isabella DeMerini: Right.
Uriel Iscariot: So unto them, the spirit of the law should be bestowed
[w] Dr. MacVellian: There better be, like, a week of gametime when we reach Fort 51, cuz I need a weapon!! If we ever get there at this rate, of course
[w] -> Dr. MacVellian: You can buy a "revolver" shotgun from Smith and Robards in Dodge City.
[w] Dr. MacVellian: Not Smith and Wesson? Interesting...
Isabella DeMerini: No problem preacher. I'll just administer to them the same law they showed the Farlands.
Uriel Iscariot: :blink:
Zach Dallas: I think we should bring them back and see if we can't get more out of them
She sighs.
Isabella DeMerini: Fine, you do what you want.
Uriel Iscariot: Zach, can your beast hold two men?
Dr. MacVellian: or, you could just take the other horse at the ranch
Uriel Iscariot: We must make haste: the lord doth not condone dawdling
Uriel Iscariot: We should ride from here, and send these two off
Zach Dallas: I do believe so
Isabella mounts her horse and turns north.
Isabella DeMerini: you figure out what you are doing with them, I figure I will see you around.
Uriel Iscariot: give them my horse, point them to the farlands ranch, ride with zach
Isabella DeMerini: If not in this life, well then, I'll see whichever of you end up in Hell.
Isabella rides north.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): (shes cool)
Uriel Iscariot: Take their arms from them though
Zach Dallas: Hook their horses behind ours
Uriel Iscariot: but then the'll get a hangin!
TADM: As characters go, she has some pretty complex motivations. And amusing Hindrances.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): heh
Dr. MacVellian: Weird Science (Wound Penalty -1) [1d8-1 = 2]
Outlaw: And lo do I ride to my just punishment! For I have seen the light and the truth and am not afraid!
Uriel Iscariot: :blinks: Light Cigar.
Uriel Iscariot: "Damn I'm good"
Uriel Iscariot: thats the LORD's work!
Uriel Iscariot: Aight then Zach
Uriel Iscariot: We do as you say
The group rides back into Dodge.
TADM: This strikes me as a good stopping point,
Uriel Iscariot: we should have beheaded all teh outlaws as a routine precaution
[w] Zach Dallas: I would like to Hunch one of the mooks, though
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d8 = 6]
[w] Zach Dallas: aiming for some useful visuals
[w] -> Zach Dallas: You see the mook getting paid by a rather scantily dressed woman. He refers to her as "Madame Witch"
Dr. MacVellian: Last minute bargaining to get max value for horse return
[w] -> Zach Dallas: And no, it is definitely not any woman you have ever seen before.
TADM: Okay, bennies are reset and XP has been issued.
[w] Zach Dallas: are the other raiders there as well?
TADM: Woot!
Uriel Iscariot: weee!
[w] -> Zach Dallas: You recognize a couple of them.
Tack (Uriel Iscariot): Another 4x fail, and I find another god to serve lol
Uriel Iscariot: (though that was pretty hilarious)
Nick (Dr. MacVellian): Yeah it was
TADM: Uriel becomes a Buddhist next week.
Campaign saved.