Chat log started at 12.12.2010 / 18:41:10
Savage Worlds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
(c) 2009 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Okay, so the group finds itself with the exciting mission of sinking the most heavily armed and armored Ironclad on the West Coast.
GM: What is the plan from here?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I believe we had decided on checking with Lacey O'Malley and seeing if we can make it seem as if a large supply of Spanish Gold was found recently
Nick (Stinky Pete): Wow, what the hell did I miss? *reading last week's log*
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): but I think we probably need a Kn(History) check to figure out the right culture. I don't know if the Spanish went around here
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Also, we need Pete to make us a big phat bomb
GM: There is no Spanish Gold in the area.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): we certainly want something plausible
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): yeeees
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 13]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): for a likely source of lot gold
Stinky Pete: Smarts [1d6 = 4]
GM: Perhaps USA or CSA gold, but the plan would best work if it was coming from the mines in California out of the west coast, although why they would ship it via boat (all the way around the bottom coast of South America) would be a good question.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): worry about the Rail Wars and the large number of bandits in the west
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): boats are "safer"
GM: Zeke is probably not sold on the "gold laden boat" plan given his Common Knowledge check.
TADM: Fen has a good point...maybe it is a shipment of gold TO China.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): that's what I was thinking in the first place
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): BRILLIANT!
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): So, we go with shipment of gold from the california mines being sent to China as part of a massive opium deal
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): sounds like a plan
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): now, as for allies
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Criminals hate other criminals stepping on their toes
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): can we get Weematai on board with this?
GM: No one has seen Weematai for several days.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Before I forget again, *sends letter to Tyson, saying that his ability at raising chickens is like poultry in motion*
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Allies: Xiu Li; Wyatt Earp; Doc Holiday; Yojimbo; Captain Roderick Pennington Smythe; Tacheene
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): which of these does not belong on a boat?
Nick (Stinky Pete): all, especially Tacheene
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): oops, I forgot Weematai
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Dr MacVellian?
TADM: The Earth Spirit would definitely not be a good choice on a boat.
Zach Dallas: So, two main ways that I can think of sinking this ship: one is with explosives and the second is with Dr. MacVellian's suit. We can drill through the bottom and use a Protection from Environment spell to survive and swim back to the main boat
Zach Dallas: or we can rely entirely on luck and swim back to shore
Zach Dallas: but I don't like that plan
Stinky Pete: You do know that a) it's a one-person suit, and b) I sent it back already, right?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Explosives it is then
Ezekial Ikwiano: Just the way I like it
Zach Dallas: I hate you
Captain Smythe: Well, jolly good show chaps, sounds like you are...err...on the bottom of things here.
Zach Dallas: Alright, so now we have to aquire a boat
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Or just make up some shit about an existing boat and just get on board
Captain Smythe: In the meantime, I'm off to see if I can locate either some boat-owning people, or perhaps a friend with a large quantity of explosives.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): without alerting others of our many wanted hindrances
Captain Smythe leaves.
Zach Dallas: Hoorah!
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): acquire?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I'm sure there are some boats to china, we just need to claim that one of them is the gold boat and get on
TADM: Is this the "slow boat to China?"
Stinky Pete groans
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): We're not wanted by the Shan Fan triads
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): So, TADM, are you prepared to move this campaign to China?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): yet
Stinky Pete starts singing "We are Chi-a-nese if you ple-ase, we are Chi-a-nese if you don't please"
TADM: I can neither confirm nor deny any statements alleged to be made by Kazemi at this time. Although the likelihood of the party getting sucked into Konoyo and becoming Iron Dynasty Samurai is possible. Don't say I didn't warn you.
GM: So..anyway...the plan is?
Zach Dallas: 1) Get boat
Zach Dallas: 2) spread rumors about the shipment to china
Zach Dallas: 3) prepare explosives
Zach Dallas: 4) nuke the enemy boat when it gets to us
Zach Dallas: 4a) We board the enemy boat to plant the explosives with a small strike force and escape
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I'm gonna need a knife before we enact this plan
Zach Dallas 4b): We have the explosives in the form of aquatic mines and get the enemy that way
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'm not sure how 4b) would work out, though
GM: Okay, so the group heads to the "Waterfront" district and looks to purchase/acquire a boat?
Zach Dallas: wasn't Smythe working on that? Or is he just funding?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): also, do you think we could get Big Ears Tam to help spread the rumors?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Big ears, not big mouth
GM: Smythe headed out looking for a boat, you can wait until he gets back.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I think we need to look for some explosives
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): While he is doing that
Zach Dallas: Streetwise [1d6 = 5]
GM: Explosives can probably be found in Splinterville, since that is where the logging and mining industries are based.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): To splinterville!
Nick (Stinky Pete): The TMNT were so thankful for all he'd done, they founded a town after him!!
GM: Before you arrive in Splinterville, is anyone going to mention to Xiu Li (who is currently taking a bath) where you are going?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): yes
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I thought she was with us
Ezekial Ikwiano walks in on Xiu Li's bath to tell her what the party is up to.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): well, Pete, now that we're the only two remaining PCs, what do you want to do?
Xiu Li: Would you mind washing my back while you are here?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): or not
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d12 = 8]
Ezekial Ikwiano washes Xiu Li's back
Zach Dallas: Agility [8]
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): dextrously
Xiu Li: Thanks, you have soft hands, for a psychotic gun-toting murderer
Stinky Pete: Um, not really. To be honest, I haven't really been trying to take a leader role in this campaign
Xiu Li gets dressed and joins the group.
Stinky Pete: We all saw how well it worked when I was in charge...and couldn't kick their asses.
Nick (Stinky Pete): *imagines MacGyverovich crying in a corner, and Smashi Bashi laughing at his puny non-Crab minions*
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Alright, so how many explosives will we need to sink that ship?
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 4]
The group arrives in Splinterville.
Stinky Pete: Knowledge (Mining) [1d4 = 2]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 8]
Zach thinks that at least 250lbs of dynamite would be good. Zeke thinks about 50 sticks would work.
Zach Dallas: Really? I survived two sticks, are you sure 50 would be enough?
Xiu Li: Umm...none of you have actually seen this boat and know how big it is, I am guessing?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Well, 50 sticks sounded about right, but I like your idea more Zack
Ezekial Ikwiano: the more the better
Stinky Pete: It's not about how big the explosion is, it's about where the explosion is placed
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I mean, sure, the tea shop was decimated, but I was fine
Stinky Pete: Bigger ones are much more fun to watch, though
Zach Dallas: True
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): what do we roll to get accurate estimates for the size of the ship?
GM: Ask around (Streetwise) or a ludicrously high Common Knowledge check.
Zach Dallas: Streetwise [1d4 = 3]
Stinky Pete: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} -2 (Unskilled Modifier -2, +2) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 0]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 13]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): hey, look, a ludicrously high Common Knowledge check?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [1d4-2 = 3]
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 11]
Stinky Pete: Smarts [1d8 = 15]
The group manages to dig up some information that indicates the Abysmal is a teardrop shaped ship that is about 50' long and about 18' wide at the widest spot.
Zach Dallas: I remember this Maiza chap mentioning the ship a couple years back
Zach Dallas: I still support 250 sticks of explosives
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Can't go wrong with that
It looks a lot like the CSA Merrimac.
GM: Which means it is Western-style architecture.
Nick (Stinky Pete): What kind of junk is this, man?
Xiu Li locates a store selling dynamite, it is available for the low-low price of $15 per stick.
[w] Stinky Pete: If we're on the boat, and you decide to have us go on "A Poseidon Adventure", can Tack be the preacher and kill himself for us?
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 2]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 2]
Stinky Pete: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [Critical failure!] [1d4-2 = -1]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): FML
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Intimidation [1d6 = 5]
Stinky Pete: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [1d4-2 = 5]
Storeowner: Okay, since she so cute, I give you special and sell for $12 per stick.
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 5]
Stinky Pete: Here, this should cover it.
Stinky Pete places one of his gems on the table
Storeowner looks at rock.
Ezekial Ikwiano: You a rich man pete
Storeowner picks it up and examines it carefully, then takes it in the back where he can assess it.
Storeowner: Knowledge [1d8 = 7]
Storeowner comes back about five minutes later.
Storeowner: This nice, you have another one?
Stinky Pete: Two for 50 sticks of dynamite? Sounds fair. If you have 50 sticks to sell
Storeowner: You show me second rock.
Ezekial Ikwiano: You show us 50 sticks of dynamite
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Storeowner: I not have 50 sticks today. You show me second rock. I keep first for down payment. You come tomorrow with second rock, I give you 50 sticks, you give me second rock.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: checking around to see if there are many explosives in the room
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: There are a lot of explosive, you'd say probably about 30 sticks of dynamite, plus nitro, gunpowder, and all sorts of boomy things.
Stinky Pete: All the dynamite you have now, the rest tomorrow. Then you get the second stone
Storeowner: Okay, 25 stick now for one rock, then 25 stick tomorrow for second rock. Deal?
Stinky Pete: Deal
Storeowner seems pleased.
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 9]
[w] Zach Dallas: good deal?
Storeowner wheels out create of 25 sticks of dynamite.
[w] Zach Dallas: or "good as we get in Chinatown"?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: "Good as you get in Shan Fan"
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: if I saw 30 sticks around the room, and he just wheeled out 25 more sticks, doesn't it seem like he has enough?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Smarts [1d6 = 5]
Stinky Pete checks quality of dynamite
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: You could ask.
Stinky Pete: Knowledge (Mining) [1d4 = 3]
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 5]
Ezekial Ikwiano: I think you could give us 50 sticks now
Stinky Pete: Knowledge (Mining) [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 5]
[w] Zach Dallas: how is it compared to the dynamite I'm used to?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Or maybe I just stay here for a while, till we got enough
Ezekial Ikwiano takes out a cigar and lights it.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Intimidation [1d6 = 5]
Storeowner: Spirit [1d6 = 5]
Zach Dallas: Guts {+5 Heroic/True Grit} [1d4+5 = 10]
Storeowner: You idiot, no smoking in here!
Zach Dallas is unphased
Stinky Pete: Guts {+2 True Grit(S),+3 Veteran} [1d8+3 = 17]
Ezekial Ikwiano: What was that? You say you have 50 sticks after all?
Storeowner says something in Chinese.
Xiu Li punches Zeke.
Xiu LiFighting [1d10 = 9]
Xiu LiMartial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 10]
Stinky Pete: Thanks
Ezekial Ikwiano puts his cigar out.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): safely
GM: The dynamite is pretty good quality. Not the best stuff you have ever seen, but pretty good.
TADM: For the record, Xiu Li punched Zeke in the face for a result of "Shaken." Which is a pretty soft hit for her.
Stinky Pete: The next crate better be better than this one, I hope.
Storeowner looks at Pete suspiciously.
Ezekial Ikwiano waggles a cigar at the store owner on Pete's behalf
Storeowner: This high quality and good dynamite for price. You want fancy, guy down street happy to sell you for $20 each.
Stinky Pete: Fancy...dynamite? What, does he tie the fuse into origami or something?
Storeowner looks angry.
Storeowner: Me think I just run out of $12 dynamite. Price is back to $15.
Xiu Li thanks the shopkeeper and bows.
Xiu Li: We should go now.
Zach Dallas tips his hat
Zach Dallas leaves
Ezekial Ikwiano leaves without saying anything
Zach Dallas: where should we store this stuff?
Ezekial Ikwiano: I got room in my room
Ezekial Ikwiano carefully picks up the explosives
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d12 = 7]
GM: The crate does not explode when Zeke picks it up.
[w] Zach Dallas: can I Change it to conceal its nature?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Sure
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): BWAHAHAHAHA!
Zach Dallas: So, here's the deal. I have this neat spell called "Change"
Zach Dallas: it lets me cast an illusion on something, make it look like something else
Zach Dallas: such as dynamite->bars of gold
Stinky Pete: Can you use it to "Change" this into a better plan?
Zach Dallas: :3
Ezekial Ikwiano: You a evil genius
Stinky Pete: I mean a plan that might work, given our track record
Xiu Li looks impressed with Zach Dallas.
Zach Dallas has been awarded a benny
Stinky Pete: Or, at least, better than any of your characters when explosives are involved
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: while we are kicking around Shan Fan, how much would it cost me to get a swashbuckling long-knife?
Zach Dallas: Alright, so we have this portion of our plan in action
Stinky Pete: Okay, so a) where do we find this ship, or b) how do we find Kang so he can steal the crates?
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano the book says $4, but I assume it would be more based on the pattern
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: If you want a Chinese style one, about $16, if you want a western style weapon, aim for $40.
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: 40 it is
Zach Dallas: b) We don't find Kang. He would not miss this chance. He'll find us. In fact, we want to AVOID Kang, if at all possible
Zach Dallas: avoid Kang himself, I mean
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): so, is there any sort of event that would demand Kang's attention back home? Something relatively soon?
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 5]
Captain Smythe: Hey chaps, good thing I found you. I located a nice, ocean-worthy Junk for you.
GM: Nothing that Zach can think of would demand Kang's attention.
Stinky Pete: If it's named "Titanic" or "Poseidon", I'm not comin' aboard
Zach Dallas: Hey, Xiu Li, Smythe, do either of you know of any events going on that would lock Kang in town for a while?
Xiu Li shrugs.
Captain Smythe: Can't say I do chap, although I hear there is a Kumite in a couple weeks. Those blood-sport events seem to be popular.
It is 1100 on 27 February 1880.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): a couple weeks seems too long to be sitting around waiting
Zach Dallas: Hey, Pete, do you think 50 sticks of dynamite would kill Cynthia Grey?
Stinky Pete: No
[w] Zach Dallas: is Grey widely known as the Rail Baron of Black River?
Captain Smythe proceeds to explain a Kumite to the group. It basically sounds like Chinese Kung Fu cage match.
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Actually, most people think Mina Devlin is in charge of Black River.
Zach Dallas: Neither do I
Ezekial Ikwiano: I say we do this plan like you said
Ezekial Ikwiano: you do that changing thing
Ezekial Ikwiano: and we blow the ship up
Zach Dallas: We have one more thing to worry about
Zach Dallas: we can't just have an unmanned ship
Zach Dallas: and they kill their prisoners
Zach Dallas: so we'd have to abandon ship and survive, but we don't want to raise any suspicion
[w] Ezekial Ikwiano: how much would it cost to hire a crew?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 3]
Zach Dallas: I imagine we could simply fight them off for a while, get ourselves into the cabin and wall them off, and let them load the dynamite into the ship
Zach Dallas: secondly, we need to be able to set it off
Ezekial Ikwiano: I could shoot it after they steal it
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): blazing saddles style
Zach Dallas: I was thinking it should be inside the ship, blow it up from the inside
Zach Dallas: would an outside explosion on the deck still destroy it?
Zach Dallas: Common Knowledge [1d12 = 15]
Stinky Pete: Smarts [1d8 = 3]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Common Knowledge [1d6 = 11]
[w] -> Ezekial Ikwiano: It would cost probably about $8 per person, per day. Assuming they don't know what they are getting into.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Rod, how big is our boat?
Captain Smythe: It is a decent sized Chinese Junk, not armed, but ocean-worthy. I'd say maybe 80' long or so.
Captain Smythe looks around.
Captain Smythe: I say chaps, the street suddenly seems much less crowded.
Ezekial Ikwiano: I am carrying 50 pounds of dynamite
Xiu Li: That is because the Tong are preparing to charge and the bystanders have fled.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): ROFL
Stinky Pete: Oh great
Captain Smythe: The what?
Zach Dallas: Tong?
Zach Dallas: I certainly hope for God's sake that's not like the spanish bull run
Xiu Li: Mooks working for one of the Triad bosses.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): otherwise those 50 pounds of dynamite are going to go to waste
Ezekial Ikwiano stashes the dynamite in a safe place nearby
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d12 = 11]
Zach Dallas: Notice [1d6 = 9]
Zach Dallas: Where are they going to charge?
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [1d6+2 = 6]
Mook: We beat you down hard, pathetic white men and black man lackey.
Zach Dallas: us?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Excuse me?!
Mook: Intimidation [1d8 = 9]
Mook lays down the Intimidation on Zeke.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Intimidation [1d6 = 10]
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d8 = 4]
Mook: Spirit [1d6 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d8 = 3]
GM: Both the Mook and Zeke seem very scared of each other.
Ezekial Ikwiano is using a benny
Ezekial Ikwiano: Spirit [1d6 = 10]
GM: Okay, Zeke is no longer scared of the Mook's "9" in Intimidation.
Round 1
The deck has been shuffled.
Dealing cards...
Xiu Li: Fighting [1d10 = 8]
Xiu Li: Fighting [1d10 = 19]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 10]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [Raise] [3d8+2 = 12]
Xiu Li dishes out massive amounts of subdual damage to the two nearest her.
Xiu Li: The rest of you should reconsider before you are not so fortunate and die at the hands of these unforgiving Europeans.
Zach Dallas
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal for Deflection
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Ironically, the only person here who she has seen kill someone isn't a european
Xiu Li: And their psychotic bloodthirsty Negro.
Zach Dallas reaches into his duster and pulls out several cards. He looks oddly at them as he flips them back into his sleeve and draws his guns
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Avoiding Aces&8's
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 7]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe draws pistol, holds action.
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe shoots at #4.
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Shooting [1d8 = 11]
Captain Roderick Pennington-Smythe: Colt Thunderer damage [Raise] [3d6 = 11]
Captain Smythe drops Martial Artist #4 with a skillful shot to his left kneecap.
Xiu Li: Fighting [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 9]
Xiu Li: Martial Arts damage [2d8+2 = 16]
Xiu Li: Heeyaa!
Xiu Li breaks out the 100 Rending Kick attack, rupturing his spleen and one kidney.
Xiu Li: Most sorry, I did not mean to kick you that hard.
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 5]
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 4]
Martial Artist: Martial Arts damage [1d8 = 5]
Li Martial Artist: Martial Arts damage [1d8 = 1]
GM: Zach is punched twice, for a result of "Shaken."
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 3]
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 6]
Martial Artist: Spirit [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 1]
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 9]
Martial Artist: Martial Arts damage [1d8 = 3]
GM: Pete is missed.
GM: Zeke is punched once, it kind of tickles.
Ezekial Ikwiano
Ezekial Ikwiano: I'm warnin' you guys, we be well heeled men, an we are not havin' fun
Ezekial Ikwiano: Intimidation [1d4-2 = 0]
Martial Artist laughs.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Bo -> #5 Luke -> #9
Ezekial Ikwiano Shooting: (2) Bo (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Shotguns +2, Called Shot (Limb) -2, -2) [1d12+2 = 9]
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): that's a kneecapper
Ezekial Ikwiano Fighting: (3) Luke (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, -2) [1d6 = 5]
Ezekial Ikwiano Fighting: (3) Luke (Club) [1d12 = 6]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (2) Bo damage [3d6 = 12]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (3) Luke (Club) damage [2d10 = 4]
GM: Zeke blows off a kneecap, then playfully bonks #9 on the head.
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete at #2
Stinky Pete: Fighting [1d8 = 6]
GM: That hits
Stinky Pete: Strength [1d6 = 4]
Nick (Stinky Pete): That's um...sad
GM: He looks mildly impressed that you hit him, but not much else.
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Zach Dallas was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
Ezekial Ikwiano was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get: Joker Trait/Damage Bonus [2]
The deck has been shuffled.
Zach Dallas
Xiu Li was dealt a Eight of Hearts.
Xiu Li was dealt a Four of Diamonds.
Xiu Li was dealt a Queen of Spades.
Zach Dallas: Spirit [1d6+2 = 11]
GM: Zach gets a Joker. Zeke gets a Joker. Pete gets a THREE.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): YOU LOSE
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): YOU GET NOTHING
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): GOOD DAY SIR
Zach Dallas takes a shot at 7's knee
Zach Dallas: Shooting [1d10+2 = 10]
GM: That hits
Zach Dallas: Colt Peacemaker damage +1 [2d6+3 = 9]
GM: You blast #7s kneecap and his falls over, writhing in pain.
Zach Dallas: Pardon me
Ezekial Ikwiano
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): kneecapping #6 with Luke, frenzying #9 with bo
Ezekial Ikwiano: Shooting: (2) Luke (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Marksman +2, Shotguns +2, Called Shot (Limb) -2, Joker +2) [1d12+6 = 13]
GM: Hit with a raise indeed
Ezekial Ikwiano (2): Bo damage [4d6 = 14]
Ezekial Ikwiano Fighting: (3) Bo (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Joker +2) [1d12+4 = 14]
Ezekial Ikwiano Fighting: (3) Bo (Club) (Imp. Trademark Weapon +2, Joker +2) [1d6+4 = 9]
GM: The martial artist's left leg from the kneecap down vanishes into a fine red mist.
GM: Two hits with the frenzy.
Ezekial Ikwiano: (3) Bo (Club) damage [2d10 = 10]
Ezekial Ikwiano: (3) Bo (Club) damage [2d10 = 5]
GM: He is beaten unconscious.
Martial Artist: Spirit [1d6 = 3]
Martial Artist: Fighting [1d8 = 4]
Xiu Li: AB: Healing [1d6 = 3]
Xiu Li heals the guy she mortally injured, so now he is only partly dead instead of mostly dead.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Mostly dead is still partly alive
Captain Smythe: And that is enough from the lot of you, be off to your foolish masters.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): And better than really most sincerely dead
Captain Smythe holds pistol ready.
Stinky Pete
Stinky Pete: Fighting [1d6 = 10]
Stinky Pete: Strength [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
GM: That hit with a raise.
GM: So add a D6 in there
Stinky Pete [1d6 = 1]
GM: Sadly that +1 is enough to knock the guy out.
Mook: Err...I guess you guys can go now.
Mook: Have a nice day
Ezekial Ikwiano: Who sent you?
Nick (Stinky Pete): brb need more caffeine
Mook: Hu Wong, he hire us to rough you up a bit. Guess it was bad job to take
[w] Zach Dallas: I'd like to Hunch one of them to get the low-down on why they're after me. Preferably after Uriel casts Comprehend Language on me
Xiu Li runs around and heals anyone with a life threatening injury.
Ezekial Ikwiano: so Hu hired you?
Mook: No, not Who, Hu.
Ezekial Ikwiano: What's the name of the guy that hired you?
Xiu Li stifles a giggle.
Mook: Hu Wong.
Stinky Pete: Who was wrong?
Mook: That's what I said.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Not wong, the guy that hired you
Mook: Hu Wong. Him right.
Ezekial Ikwiano: So him hired you?
Captain Smythe bites lip to avoid laughter.
Mook: Hu is him who hired me, him not wrong but Wong.
[w] Zach Dallas: status of the Hunch?
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Sinful Caesar sipped his snifter, seized his knees and sneezed...
Ezekial Ikwiano: Right
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d6 = 10]
[w] Zach Dallas: I suppose I ought to roll, yes
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Basically you do not get anything that this guy has not already said, basically they were hired by a Chinese guy in a bar near here to beat you up.
Ezekial Ikwiano goes to check on the dynamite
Ezekial Ikwiano: Notice [1d4 = 3]
Mook runs off.
GM: The dynamite is still there.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Are they concealed or obviously dynamite?
GM: However Zeke stashed them, it looks like no one has tampered with the crate during the 18 seconds or so that you were beating up mooks.
Xiu Li: Now give each of these men $25 for the damage and pain you have caused them, especially the one who lost his leg.
Xiu Li glares at Zeke.
Zach Dallas: How much did they get paid for taking the job?
Xiu Li: It does not matter. What matters is the stain on your karma for invoking violence.
Ezekial Ikwiano: I'll pay for the two I shot, but this guy earbed his beatin'
Zach Dallas: But we didn't invoke violence, they did
Ezekial Ikwiano: They started it
Zach Dallas: Explicitly
Xiu Li scoffs.
Zach Dallas: and they're all alive
Ezekial Ikwiano: We warned them
Zach Dallas: yours were the closest to dying
Stinky Pete: And for the records, you did damage first
Ezekial Ikwiano: twice
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d6 = 4]
Stinky Pete: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [1d6-2 = 3]
Ezekial Ikwiano: and you kicked that guy's kidney's out his ass
Xiu Li: And I atoned for it by healing them.
Xiu Li: What have you done?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [1d4-2 = 0]
Xiu Li: Smarts [1d6 = 9]
Stinky Pete: I didn't use bullets. It was more humane
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): is Uriel here?
Ezekial Ikwiano: I didn't turn their heads into paste
Ezekial Ikwiano: and I let that last one go
GM: Uriel is nowhere to be seen.
Xiu Li: Fine, I am sure the bad karma will come back to haunt you in the future.
Xiu Li looks angry.
Zach Dallas: I doubt it can bite harder than it did last time
Captain Smythe: Anyway, let's go check out the boat.
Captain Smythe heads in the direction of the docks.
Xiu Li follows the Captain.
[w] Zach Dallas: deal for Detect Arcana. Do I have the Dead man's Mark?
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 8]
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Nope.
[w] Zach Dallas: anything neat and magical in the area?
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Captain Smythe has some gizmos. Xiu Li glows.
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6+2 = 4]
Ezekial Ikwiano follows Smythe
Zach Dallas: Notice [1d6 = 9]
Zach Dallas follows after
The group reaches the docks without further incident. Captain Smythe leads you to a large Junk fitted out with a garish collection of sails. There is a crew working busily on the ship.
GM: In Zach's opinion, it is not the nicest looking ship here, but probably the most seaworthy.
[w] Zach Dallas: can I Change to make it look more official and Triad-like?
[w] Zach Dallas: not yet, but once we're out to sea
[w] -> Zach Dallas: The boat is far too large for that.
GM Zach's opinion is based entirely on what he notices from the other ships in the area, as he tries to look past the strange colored sails and decks.
Captain Smythe: She's called the Empress Risako, and I am told the captain is very trustworthy.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Oh, lovely
Nick (Stinky Pete): Noooooooooo!!!!!!!
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I can't wait
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Actually, Risako is very similar to Grey
Nick (Stinky Pete): Run away!! It'll kill us for sure!
Ezekial Ikwiano: Was the person who told you that also trustworthy?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I bet they would be bestest of friends
Xiu Li: For some reason, I suspect this ship will be a bad experience. Perhaps this is the Bad Karma I was speaking about earlier.
Captain Smythe: This boat actually belongs to a fellow Society member.
Zach Dallas: Who is it?
[w] Stinky Pete -> Ezekial Ikwiano: Risako was the main antagonist in our L5R campaign w/ Brad. We left on a sidequest, then returned and she was Empress
Captain Smythe: I'm not at liberty to say, but someone very highly respected.
Zach Dallas: Yojimbo?
Zach Dallas: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Notice [Critical failure!] [1d4 = 1]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): OK, FML
Zach Dallas: I really can't get it
Stinky Pete: Notice {+2 Alertness(S)} [1d8+2 = 8]
Captain Smythe: What part of "I'm not at liberty to say" Did you not understand?
Zach Dallas: the part with the wink?
Captain Smythe looks mildly confused.
Xiu Li walks on board.
Xiu Li is not instantly killed.
Ezekial Ikwiano Boards the ship carrying the dynamite
[w] Zach Dallas: Hunch the....Detect Arcana. Are there any anti-Hunch traps on the boat?
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d6 = 11]
[w] Zach Dallas: Deal
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d6 = 9]
[w] Zach Dallas: in case the deal isn't an auto-cast
Stinky Pete boards the ship farther back from Zeke
Stinky Pete: Guts {+2 True Grit(S),+4 Heroic} [1d8+6 = 10]
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Two pair, 7s and Jacks.
GM: Zeke dextrously boards the ship, the dynamite does not get wet.
Captain Katsumoto: Welcome aboard again, Captain Smythe.
Captain Smythe: Hello Captain, good to see you. These are the folks I was telling you about.
Captain Katsumoto bows.
[w] Zach Dallas anything special on the ship? I'm going to do a quick tour
Captain Katsumoto: I am honored to meet friends of the Illustrious Captain Smythe.
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Nothing out of the ordinary.
Xiu Li says something in Japanese.
Stinky Pete: Pleasure to meet you, sir.
[w] Zach Dallas: Hunch for the owner
Captain Katsumoto looks surprised, then responds in Japanese.
Zach Dallas: Spellcasting [1d12 = 9]
[w] Zach Dallas: when I'm not in sight of Smythe
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Two pair, 2s and 3s - unless you want to use the Joker. :)
Captain Katsumoto: The Captain was telling me you wish to travel to China with a special cargo?
[w] Zach Dallas: will it get me something special? :3
Ezekial Ikwiano: Yeah
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Oh yes, probably in all sorts of bad ways.
[w] Zach Dallas: oh, I'll choose not to use it, then
Captain Katsumoto: Excellent, when would you be interested in departing?
[w] Zach Dallas: 4 pp is enough
Stinky Pete: We need to pick up the other half of the cargo first.
Captain Smythe: Well chaps, I need to run, I leave you in Captain Katsumoto's capable hands.
Captain Smythe leaves.
Captain Katsumoto: Farewell, Captain Smythe.
Captain Katsumoto turns to Pete.
Captain Katsumoto: So tomorrow then?
Zach Dallas: We may want to wait a bit, actually
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): we need to spread word of it first
[w] -> Zach Dallas: You get no indication of who the owner is, other than an Asian looking guy you have never met before.
[w] Zach Dallas: memorizing him, if possible. I'd like to recognize him on sight later on
Captain Katsumoto: Well, I have already made plans to leave by the end of the week, so before then would be ideal.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'm thinking the official story would be something along the lines of trying to smuggle it out without being noticed
[w] -> Zach Dallas: Okay it will take a Smarts check TN=6 to spot him on sight in the future.
Zach Dallas: Alright, we'll take a shot at that, thanks
Captain Katsumoto: Very well, enjoy your day.
[w] Zach Dallas: thanks
Captain Katsumoto bows as the group leaves.
Xiu Li walks off the boat.
Stinky Pete leaves
Ezekial Ikwiano deposits the "cargo" in the hold and departs.
Xiu Li gets whistled at by at least ten dockworkers.
Ezekial Ikwiano: Agility [1d6 = 5]
GM: Zeke safely deposits the cargo in the boat. Zeke also thinks it is a bit odd that he dropped off the cargo and no one asked any questions.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'm getting to that
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'd like to Change it into an arbitrary, but fragile, load
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Also, lots of Fragile and Do Not Touch signs. I'll get Xiu Li to show me what they look like in Chinese
GM: Okay, that all happens without further incident.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): do people work on the ship daily or is it mostly left alone?
GM: There appear to always be people on the ship.
Xiu Li: So now what?
Zach Dallas: I'd like to ask them to leave that package where it is or use the utmost care when moving it. It's quite sentimental.
GM: No problem, the Captain tells you the box will not be disturbed.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): should we spread rumors this way? We could just get it into the underground like this and leave someone or someones here to safeguard it
Zach Dallas make it appear to be gold now and we don't even need to use Lacey
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): spread some rumors while we're safeguarding that it's a task from Tam
GM: Okay, that would be Streetwise or Persuasion checks.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): the not-so-loyal crew will let slip the travel arrangement
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): We should also get an empty box with the same markings
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): we get ambushed
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): And one of us can hide inside it
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): yes
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): you may hide in the box full of dynamite
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Then climb out of it to light the dynamite
Stinky Pete: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [1d4-2 = 1]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): hope we don't hit a bump
Stinky Pete is using a benny
Stinky Pete: Unskilled {--2 Unskilled} [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6-2 = 1]
Nick (Stinky Pete): wth?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): bennies are worthless this game
Xiu Li: Streetwise {+2 Charisma} [1d8+2 = 9]
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 3]
Zach Dallas is using a benny
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 14]
Xiu Li staggers off and pretends to be drunk. She giggles and mentions some things in Chinese to a dock worker.
GM: Zach also runs out and spreads all sorts of rumors about the massive gold shipment.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): covertly, if possible
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): rather than newspaper salesman
GM: He heard it from a friend, who heard it from a hooker dressed up like Chun Li.
GM: Who said she was paid in gold by some guy who was on the boat carrying all the gold.
Xiu Li: That seems sufficiently obtuse.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Zeke doesn't seem like the kind of guy to pay hookers in gold
TADM: No argument there.
GM: So how long do you continue to rumor mill?
GM: And do you go back and get the second crate of dynamite?
GM: And what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I think this swallow will be laden
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): We certainly have to go back tomorrow to pick up the second crate, altough it would definately go smoother without me there
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): I'll keep this up for a couple days. We'll get the second set of dynamite on Day 2 and leave on Day 3
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): if that's fine with the Captain
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): Also, we need to find another box for me to hide in
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): Also, we need a long fuse
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 2]
Nick (Stinky Pete): Guess I'll go and get the dynamite with Xiu, and you and Zeke can go rumor mill
GM: Okay, I like the idea of Pete and Xiu Li getting the dynamite and fuse.
GM: Zeke and Zach will spread rumors.
GM: Fuse is 20 feet for $5.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): How much for a box?
GM Assume $2 for a box.
GM: As in an empty box that looks like a dynamite crate.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): But it will look like the other two boxes?
GM: Yep
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): And will it be big enough for Zeke to fit in?
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): it will when I'm done with it
GM: None of these boxes are big enough for Zeke to fit in.
GM: Or Xiu Li before anyone suggests that.
Zach Dallas: Streetwise [1d4 = 3]
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): for other larger boxes
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): How much would it cost for us to buy three identical boxes, large enough for Zeke to fit in?
GM: $10 for all three boxes.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): How much for some iron weights
Stinky Pete goes to buy the dynamite and 100ft of fuse
Nick (Stinky Pete): oops. right keys, wrong finger posititons
GM: Lead weights are going to be $1 per pound.
Kazemi (Zach Dallas): activates magic BS
GM: Magic BS is successfully activated.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I assume we're pretty much squared away with the prep now and ready to set sail with our dastardly plan?
TADM: No, I'm just thinking you want this plan done before Uriel shows up and ruins everything.
It is now 0900 on 2 March, 1880.
The boat sets out with its disguised gold amid rampant rumors that Big Ears Tam is shipping home enough Gold to bring the rest of his family over to Shan Fan from Shanghai.
GM: Exactly how that worked into the are not quite sure.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Guess that even when we're being productive, the Doom Clock still ticks
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): I am in the crate now yes?
GM: As far as I know, yes.
Feneril (Ezekial Ikwiano): k
The boat sets out into Shan Fan Bay, then heads past the Isle of Ghost Tears and out into the channel leading to the Pacific Ocean.
Nick (Stinky Pete): Think he'd mind if I stamped "Return to Sender" on the box? Or better yet, "Do Not Open Til Chinese New Year"?
Captain Katsumoto: We have a fine day for sailing. Now that we are on board, I find myself wondering if the crates below are this "Gold" that Big Ears Tam is sending to China.
GM: The Captain mentions this when standing near Zach and Pete.
Zach Dallas: Persuasion [1d8 = 13]
Zach Dallas chokes up
Zach Dallas: Wai---what?
Zach Dallas: Where did you hear that?
Captain Katsumoto: Nothing, just a rumor I heard, and I was thinking that, with the Mexican Navy holding their annual military exercises just beyond the Channel exit here, it would make this ship a tempting target.
Captain Katsumoto: To say nothing of all the other groups seeking a huge payout or working against Tam.
Captain Katsumoto shrugs and goes back to work.
Campaign saved.