Chat log started at 28.10.2015 / 17:32:10

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.1.1 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.2 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Tack' connected
'Kazemi' connected
Dungeon Maester: Heyo
Tack: YO!\
minitracker shared with players
Round 2
Dealing cards...

ends the turn
Kazemi: Hey hey~
Kazemi: Ahaha xD The Dice Tower is something I've missed
GM: by the way, I am a bit in-and-out tonight because my GF and I are making homemade pizza in our breadmaker
GM: but I will be around if you have any questions
Tack: mike, what you rollin?
GM: He is gonna be a real classy dame
Dungeon Maester: BTW, if you have ever had a deep desire to fly/drive/otherwise operate lots of vehicles but have never had the chance
Dungeon Maester: I do like to throw in lots of chances for people to grab vehicles because it fits with the pulp style
Kazemi: Hoorah~
Kazemi: I got duped in another thing I ran because one of the players unexpectedly took Piloting, Driving, Boating, and Ace
Tack: chase 1 -> chase 2 ->exotic locale 1, chase 3
Kazemi: It was an interesting twist compared to the first time I ran it
Kazemi: Anyways, I'm running more of a retired military officer, I think
Tack: k.
Kazemi: Passive powers, mostly
Echo: do we still get +1 advance for story if we submit by next week?
Kazemi: How many power points do we get? I was assuming 10 base, with +5 from the Extra Powers edge
GM: regarding the backstory question, yeah that is totally fine
GM: whenever you can send it around
GM: regarding powers
GM: in the ravaged earth rules, there are no power points
GM: just arcane skills
Kazemi: Oh right!
Kazemi: Shoot, I need to actually buy that, I've been using the Super Heroes book
GM: well, if people want to use the super heroes book we can, it was actually my original plan before Brad mentioned the Ravaged Earth book
Kazemi: I've specked my character out with Super Heroes so far, how different are they?
GM: so basically, it has a bunch of new edges (I added all the ravaged earth edges to the library in a module I made last night if you want to see them
GM: and then it adds a lot of game-play rule changes
GM: but the powers are similar to the base SW powers
Kazemi: Coolio, and you're fine with some of the ones from the Supers thing?
GM: well, I don't know how they balance together, I think we probably want to do one or the other (but I am down with either)
GM: I just don't want to have a situation where one person is way more powerful than the rest of the party because the super powers companion is more or less powerful than the ravaged earth rules
GM: because that isn't fun for the under-powered people
GM: but here, one sec
Echo: Summon Ally
Echo: shit i gotta go
'Tack' disconnected
GM: goddamn, homemade pizza from a bread machine is the best thing ever
GM: bread machines are a magical invention

Chat log started at 6.11.2015 / 12:03:36

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.1.1 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.2 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Tack' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.3).
'Tack' disconnected

Chat log started at 6.11.2015 / 14:08:27

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.1.1 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.2 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Tack' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.3).
'Tack' connection lost. Waiting for reconnect
'Tack' disconnected
'Tack' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.3).
'Tack' disconnected
'Tack' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.3).
Tack: Chakram damage
Tack: Chakram damage
'Tack' disconnected

Chat log started at 11.11.2015 / 16:28:25

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.1.1 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.2 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Kazemi' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.4).
'brad' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.4).
Dungeon Maester: heyo, sorry I'm a bit late
Dungeon Maester: Had life stuff
Sister Mary Margaret: No problems, I'm having computer issues
Sir Kempthorne: Hello
Narrator: Hello sir
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): So what is the magic trick again to upload a picture? We are way out of practice.
Dungeon Maester: %appdata%
Narrator: In the fantasy grounds / tokens or whatever, and just make sure it is under 250x250
Dungeon Maester: AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\portraits
Sir Kempthorne: If you double click the portrait, it'll actually allow you to access other folders as well
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Ah yes, the "double-clicking the portrait" was the step I was missing.
Sir Kempthorne: xD
Narrator: lol, that picture makes me think of the comic "Preacher"
Dungeon Maester: lol, that picture makes me think of the comic "Preacher"
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Maaayyybbbeeee....
Dungeon Maester: Nuns with guns!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Yes, it shows up pretty high on the Google Images list if you type "nuns with shotguns"
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): The best type of nun
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Oh, whoops, are we supposed to be on Teamspeak?
Dungeon Maester: BTW, I can listen to Mumble, but I can't talk on there tonight, my GF is editing a manuscript tonight, and if I start talking on voice chat it will probably start WWIII
Dungeon Maester: I was actually just saying...
Dungeon Maester: we can, but I can't talk tonight
Sir Kempthorne: D:
Dungeon Maester: my GF is writing so she will probably murder me if I start talking loudly into teamspeak
'Tack' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.4).
Dungeon Maester: she is under a lot of stress right now trying to get this paper published
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): I have Mumble and Teamspeak and cannot even remember what we ere using last time o_o
Narrator: we used mumble last time
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Also, no problem. You should keep it quiet
Dungeon Maester: I will connect to listen, just cannot speak
Echo: (whoops, used the wrong clock
Dungeon Maester: how appropriate for your character
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Dungeon Maester: does everyone have the right number of bennies or does anyonw have bennie edges?
Echo: I am good.
Tack (Echo): How are all yall?
Dungeon Maester: I am pretty good, I can't talk on mumble though (I can listen)
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): pewpew bennies
Sir Kempthorne: I'm good
Dungeon Maester: my GF is editing her manuscript so she will be cross if I start talking
Tack (Echo): Pew pew time?
Dungeon Maester: indeed
Dungeon Maester: if everyone is all set
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): I'm spending all of my money
Dungeon Maester: how do I do a vote?
Sister Mary Margaret: (POLL)
Dungeon Maester: It has been a while
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Type /vote
Dungeon Maester: (POLL) everyone good to go?
The date is Friday, 22nd September, 1939
The time is 7:20 PM
In Lusaka Rhodesia, everyone who is anyone has gathered downtown for the grand opening of the Rhodesian Queen, the first film theatre to be opened in Colonial Central Africa. Dignitaries, celebrities, warlords, generals, and everyone in between has come out for the African premier of the American hit film, "The Wizard of Oz"
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Has Poland been pretty much conquered at this point, or are in we alternate history land, or it has and our characters don't know about it?
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): In other words, is WWII "GO TIME"?
Some have come for the film, others for the social gathering, and yet more because they were invited and simply felt it would be rude to refuse. But the crowd gathered in the lobby of the ornate building is a veritable who's who of everyone in Rhodesia worth knowing
Dungeon Maester: yes, WWI is totally go time
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Damn Nazis.
Dungeon Maester: There is a newsreel before the film which I use as a period-appropriate expositional device to get you all up to speed on the most recent events
Tack (Echo): this party will be interesting....
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Nonsense, this party will be no more broken than all our other ones.
The plebs in general admission look on in excitement hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous film star Rook Millray, whose latest epic film is being made in Rhodesia.
After the luxury boxes have been filled, the general seating area is opened and the crowds rush into the theatre
Dungeon Maester: BTW, lets just say the three of you end up in the same row
Dungeon Maester: So if you want to mingle at all before the movie...
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): I love a good barn raising Bible Show! Yeeha!
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): xD
Jerald Cowden: Excuse me Sister, I have the seat just past you
Sister Mary Margaret: Normal text
Jerald Cowden shimmies past Sister Mary Margaret and into his seat
Echo: How can a picture be moving?
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): Here, hold my bible and feel the power of the LORD!
Sister Mary Margaret: whacks four people in the head with her 10 pound bible.
Sister Mary Margaret whacks four people in the head with her 10 pound bible.
Echo: Can paper really hold that much power?
Sister Mary Margaret drops massive bible in Jerald's lap.
Usher: Um, exuse me sister... But could you please refrain from striking other members of the audience?
Sir Kempthorne: sits next to Sister Margaret, propping his cane up on the side opposite of her
Sir Kempthorne sits next to Sister Margaret, propping his cane up on the side opposite of her
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): Why? Be there heathens about who need holier smiting?
Sir Kempthorne: Good evening, Sister
Sister Mary Margaret: Oh Hello there!
Jerald Cowden: Oh, it's quite all right son. I went to a catholic school, I have taken far worse beatings at the hands of nuns.
Sister Mary Margaret: Damn straight!
Usher walks off to assist another patron, looking somewhat perplexed
Jerald Cowden: Unusual language for a nun, what order are you with ma'am?
Sir Kempthorne: Quite the language coming from a woman of your position
Sister Mary Margaret: I'm with the order of Our Lady of the Righteous Ass Whupping of Folk who ask too many questions! Who are you?
Echo: takes a good look at Sister Mary Margaret to obtain an introductionn of sorts
Jerald Cowden: Well I am Sir Jerald Cowden, MBE. At your service ma'am
Sister Mary Margaret: I'm Sister Mary Margaret. Pleased to meet you.
Jerald Cowden: You as well ma'am. Is this your first time at the moving pictures?
Sister Mary Margaret: Yes. I just came in from converting a whole passel of heathens! The Monsignor suggested I check this out to see what these new fangled things are like and determine if all them queer actor people need righteous ass whuppins.
Jerald Cowden chuckles
Jerald Cowden: Well, there are witches in this one sister. I am sure they are in need of your harsh treatment
Jerald Cowden laughs at his own not very good joke
Sister Mary Margaret: Really? I thought them buggers couldn't show up in pictures. Like all those souls being taken from redskin heathens with KAA-MERR-AAS.
Sir Kempthorne: I've heard that we have a few of the actors in town, though I might be very much mistaken
Jerald Cowden: You are well informed sir
Sister Mary Margaret: They figgured out a way to catch witches?
Jerald Cowden points to a luxury box
Sister Mary Margaret looks at Sir Kempthorne.
Sister Mary Margaret: Hello sir, who the blazes are you?
Jerald Cowden: Rook Millray is filming a movie about the Rhodesian disaster of 1926
Jerald Cowden: It's been in all the papers
Sister Mary Margaret: The Bible's the only paper we need!
Sir Kempthorne: My name is Sir Lawrence Kempthorne, a pleasure to meet you, ma'am
Jerald Cowden: Well, I'm afraid that one or two things have come to pass since the Gospels Sister. A man of good breeding must stay informed about such things
Sir Kempthorne: Indeed, there's much to be gained through the higher works of art
Sister Mary Margaret: Wow, who'd a thunk I'd be sitting between two knightly folk. I woulda worn my Sunday Habit with the Lace if'n I knew such dignitaries be here.
Sister Mary Margaret: Well, I be takin' your word fer it. If'n I need to know somethin' the LORD be tellin' me.
Sir Kempthorne: And for that we're all blessed, I'm sure
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): It's Uriel's berserk sister.
Sir Kempthorne smiles at the Sister with a nod
Tack (Echo): Looks like it heh, but you have a better command of the verbage to make it convincing so far =D
'Tack' connection lost. Waiting for reconnect
'Tack' disconnected
'Tack' connected
Host (3.1.2) is running different version than client (3.1.4).
Usher: Excuse me everyone, if I could have your attention please. The projectionist is about to start the evening's entertainment. We ask that you refrain from smoking during the film as the smoke may interfere with the images. And please do try to keep any speaking to a whisper, so that other patrons may enjoy the film as well.
Usher looks at Sister Mary Margaret
Usher continues
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): What son? You think I'm hard of hearin' or somethin?
Usher sighs
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Damn, I almost want to add "Hard of Hearing" to her list of Hindrances now.
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): xD It would fit so far
Usher: That's quite alright sister. We just hope that you all enjoy "The Wizard of Oz" with us tonight, and that you will join us again for another picture sometime in the future. Thank you all for coming.
Usher walks off the stage and out of the theater
The lights dim, and you hear the projector come to life behind you. A hush falls over the entire audience (well, almost the entire audience) as the newsreel starts
Newsreel: Dark days in Poland as the Soviet Union joins Germany in its invasion of Poland. In the early morning hours of September 17th the Soviet Red Army launched an all out assault against Polish forces along the border. By the end of the next day, the Polish lines had broken, and the army was in full retreat.
Newsreel: The battle rages on across Poland, as brave lads lay down their lives to protect their nation from this unprovoked aggression. Polish army regulars have been hopelessly outmatched by the highly mechanized and efficient German war machine. The only hope for Poland has been the bold resistance of Polish Rhodesium survivors. This is the body of Piotr Koziol. He died in the early morning hours on Tuesday while protecting the retreat of Polish soldiers after their defeat at Bialystok, saving innumerable lives.
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): GOD DAMN NAZIS!
Jerald Cowden nods
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouting): Wait, I think that was my cousin Piotr Kravnichk! Can we go back?
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouting): IS THERE A REVERSE BUTTON?
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Note: Extra loud shouting is in CAPS.
Sir Kempthorne retroactively takes the "Hard of Hearing" hindrance in self defense
Jerald Cowden: The British government has condemned the joint invasion, but parliamentarians remain divided about whether to commit military support to Poland. Conservative MP Winston Churchill, Leader of the Opposition, was fiercely critical of British inaction during the Prime Minister's Questions on September the 20th.
Newsreel: The British government has condemned the joint invasion, but parliamentarians remain divided about whether to commit military support to Poland. Conservative MP Winston Churchill, Leader of the Opposition, was fiercely critical of British inaction during the Prime Minister's Questions on September the 20th.
Jerald Cowden: See, I knew that was coming because I read the newspaper
Newsreel: In France, concerns are growing ever more over the possibility of a German invasion. The French government has called for volunteers to form their new First Survivors Volunteer Regiment, in case German expansionism turns Westward.
Echo: sends Jerald a stare. How did he see that one coming?
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouting): Churchill is a BAD ASS! He should be the prime minister of that soggy ass island before they all have to eat Sauerkraut and sing in German!
Newsreel: The winds of war are stirring all across Europe...
Sir Kempthorne nods in approval at Sister Margaret
Jerald Cowden: I vote consertative as well
The chatter dies down again as the newsreel ends and the film begins. It is a whimsical journey from Kansas to a far-off land in vibrant colors, and everyone is enthralled by the images and sounds (well, ok not everyone)
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouting): I ain't ever met someone from Kansas who don't carry a shotgun! Give those flying monkeys the what-fer ya lilly-livered whiny girl!
Usher is being encouraged by the theatre manager to go have a word with Sister Mary Margaret, but he clearly doesn't want to
Echo: is a robed figure, with fantastically colored garments covering every inch, and a porcelain mask concealing a face.
Sister Mary Margaret is a way over the top stereotypical religious missionary in a greasy and stained habit that smells of gunpowder and explosives. Her hair is long and pulled back in a bun. You get the feeling she could be attractive if she wasn't so...well...boisterous.
Sister Mary Margaret has clearly not spotted Echo yet.
Echo derp
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): ...'cuz he all has sorts of leprosy or some shit like that...
Sir Kempthorne is an elderly gentleman with a trimmed beard, dressed in a British Officer's uniform complete with an ivory cane and sabre. He is restraining himself visibly in the presence of Sister Margaret, debating inwardly about whether she actually is a nun or if she is impersonating one
Although their enjoyment of the film is somewhat dampened by the outbursts from a certain patron, the crowd is mostly enjoying the film until...
Woman's Voice (shouting): Ahhhhhh!
Sister Mary Margaret looks around for someone other than her making noise.
A scream is heard from above in the luxury boxes, followed by a crash, and then a man in a suit falls from the box into the theatre below
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): Ya'all shut up, ya need'n ta be quiet!
Shouts and commotion can be heard from above, as a panic sweeps the audience and everyone begins to flee the theatre
Usher: Everyone please remain calm and proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly fash...ooof
Usher is trampled by the crowd rushing towards the doors
Sister Mary Margaret runs over to help the usher avoid being crushed to death.
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): >_>
Sir Kempthorne continues to watch the film undetered
Sir Kempthorne suddenly goes blind
Sister Mary Margaret: Ya'all be nicer to that man or I'll be beatin' your asses down!
Echo is using a benny
Sir Kempthorne: Odd, the film doesn't seem that bad...
Sir Kempthorne: Sister, it's merely a film, they aren't actually people
More shouting can be heard in the luxury box above
Random Patron: Why did you hit me? I need to get out of here!
Random Patron: What is going on!
Random Patron: My mother was right, I never should have joined the Foreign service!
Random Patron runs away from Sister Mary Margaret crying
Sister Mary Margaret: All ya'all stop stepping on that man!
Sister Mary Margaret: 'Afore I break out the righteous ass whuppings on all of ya'all!
Sir Kempthorne rubs his eyes
Usher gets up and also runs from Sister Mary Margaret, because he wants to quit while he's ahead
Sir Kempthorne gets up, approaching Sister Margaret
Sir Kempthorne: Sister, what is happening here?
The body of a suited man is strewn across the seat back in a nearby aisle
Sir Kempthorne: Goodness, Sister, what have you done to this man?!
Sir Kempthorne checks the body for injuries
Sister Mary Margaret: What man! I think the movie ended and all those pistachios done given people the trots!
Sister Mary Margaret looks over at the body.
Sister Mary Margaret: Well, that man has problems, looks like he done fell from the balcony.
Sir Kempthorne: That's preposterous, why would he have done that?
Sister Mary Margaret: Not sure, let me thump him with the good book and wake him up!
Sister Mary Margaret smacks the corpse with her bible.
Sir Kempthorne: Try to avoid the right side
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): Wake up ya lazy heathen!
Sir Kempthorne: He doesn't seem to be responding
Sir Kempthorne: Must have had too much to drink
Sister Mary Margaret: Damn heretic!
Sir Kempthorne: Let's check up with his compatriots in the balcony, Sister
Sister Mary Margaret looks up at the balcony to see if anyone is there.
You can see a man in the hallway fighting with several other men
he has a fantastic moustache
Sister Mary Margaret: In the name of god! No man with that much facial hair can be a servant of the LORD!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): What do the other men look like?
They are wearing black suits with grey ties, and black trillby hats
And they have very so-so moustaches
Echo is using a benny
Sister Mary Margaret: TRILLBY HATS! Only the most daemonic of haberdashers make Trillby Hats! Those men must be in league with Satan!
Sister Mary Margaret pulls out a large double barreled shotgun from...somewhere...and charges into combat.
Tack (Echo): HOLY SHITx
Up in the boxes, you see a very large fish materialize out of thin air and fall onto the ground
Sir Kempthorne: That is not a functionality of any shotgun I've ever seen
Sister Mary Margaret: The LORD works in mysterious ways, Sir Hempkhorne!
Suited Man: What in the hell....
Suited Man: Is that a fish?
minitracker shared with players
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Tack (Echo): Clearly it was Sister Mary Margaret's work. It's dinner, and theres 40 people here or something.
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Who needs 40 fish when you can summon one like that
Echo is using a benny
The giant fish vanishes into an poof of goo, and in its place a quite large and frightening dinosaur appears
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): I read that as "frightened" originally
Sister Mary Margaret (shouting): That's right ya'all gonna feel the power of that perfectly normal and in no way unusual completely non-evolutionary transformation!
Allosaur: RAAAWWWRRRR!!!!!
Allosaur grabs one of the suited men and bites the upper half of his body off
Suited Man: Jesus Christ! What in the hell is going on!
Sir Kempthorne: I wouldn't use language like that if I were you
Tack (Echo): Classy Gentleman. A Holy Roller....and a dinosaur. Savage worlds. =D
Suited Man: Several of the Suited Men attack the Allosaur and give it Shaken and 1 wound, Rook Millray is able to expertly deflect attacks from several of his attackers
Several of the Suited Men attack the Allosaur and give it Shaken and 1 wound, Rook Millray is able to expertly deflect attacks from several of his attackers
Suited Man Allosaur remembers that he is a real cool dinosaur and completely ignores the pathetic attempts by these humans to harm him
Allosaur remembers that he is a real cool dinosaur and completely ignores the pathetic attempts by these humans to harm him
Echo: Help! Rook Millray and Deanna Browne are being attacked in the VIP box!
Tack (Echo): (I realize I am not human when saying that)
You hear the frantic whistling of a bat from the luxury boxes
And see several men fighting a dinosaur
Sister Mary Margaret
Sister Mary Margaret: And now I shall quote from the Book of Heathen Smiten Asswhuppins', Chapter 15, verse 3. "And lo, did the LORD GOD done beat the crap out of all ya'all heathens that done be screwing up the end of the movie!"
Sister Mary Margaret ends the turn
Sir Kempthorne
Sir Kempthorne: Halt, you petty thugs!
Sir Kempthorne has his sabre drawn in one hand and cane in the other
Several of the Suited Men seem unimpressed, but two are suddenly more afraid now that Sir Kempthorne is here (that dinosaur was nothing, but a man with a sabre is scary business)
Sir Kempthorne
Rook Millray engages in ferocious fisticuffs with the man between him and his beloved bride to be
Rook Millray batters his opponent and runs after his lady love
Rook Millray: Hold on!
Deanna Kristin Browne continues screaming
Deanna Kristin Browne manages to get a hand free and takes a Derringer out of her purse, she fires but the Suited Man knocks the gun out of the way and is unharmed
Round 3
Dealing cards...
Rook Millray was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get:
Rook Millray: Let her go you fiends!
Rook Millray attacks the man holding Miss Browne
Sir Kempthorne
Rook Millray takes out another villain
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Echo NOM
Dungeon Maester: tis a hit
Suited Man: You call that a stab?
Sir Kempthorne: Blast it, the sheathe is still on!
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouting): Sir Hempkhorne! Is your weapon flaccid?
Dungeon Maester: le miss
Sir Kempthorne (Shouting): Don't talk to me like that, it's a common problem! My sword isn't as sharp as it used to be!
Allosaur rolls a critical failure on his fighting roll
Allosaur stumbles but keeps his footing
Echo is thrown from the back of the Allosaur and flies across the hall
Sister Mary Margaret: I think the Lord Almighty is opposed to our shenanigans!
Allosaur Echo somehow manages to land on his feet, although there are several men in suits looking at him angrily
Echo somehow manages to land on his feet, although there are several men in suits looking at him angrily
Allosaur takes a shaken result, not four wounds, because he doesn't have 0 toughness
Suited Man: What kind of demon are you
Echo: One who is dino-sore....
Two suited men try to beat echo into a pulp, but they are over-exuberant and only manage to ruffle their suits
Sister Mary Margaret
Sister Mary Margaret runs up the stairs and as she reaches the top her habit begins glowing a HOLY WHITE LIGHT!
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouting): Behold all ya'all sinners! For the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY HAS BESTOWED BLEACH UPON ME!
Round 4
Jokers were dealt last round; reshuffling deck
Dealing cards...
Sister Mary Margaret pumps shotgun and prepares to unleash holy asswhupping next round.
Dungeon Maester: And we'll call it there
Narrator (shouting): What will happen to our heroes? Who are these mysterious men? How will our heroes defeat them? Can we even call them heroes if they are this inept?
Tack (Echo): nope.
Sister Mary Margaret: HELLZ NO NARRATOR MAN!
Narrator: Find out next week, in the continuing adventures of "The nun with a gun, and nuts on the run"!
'brad' disconnected
'Tack' disconnected
'Kazemi' disconnected

Chat log started at 12.11.2015 / 14:42:43

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.1.1 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.2 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Chat log started at 12.11.2015 / 14:45:39

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Chat log started at 18.11.2015 / 17:20:00

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Chat log started at 18.11.2015 / 17:52:17

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Tack' connected
Echo: oh god graphics buts
'Tack' disconnected
'brad' connected
'Tack' connected
Tack (Echo): Whew
Sister Mary Margaret: Yeehaa! Time to beat down them heathen mooks!
Sister Mary Margaret is using a benny to Soak damage
Tack (Echo): =D
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Hmm...that's cool. Also, I need a Benny please.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): The soak button uses a Benny and rolls for you. Neat.
Tack (Echo): neat
Dungeon Maester: FYI guys, I got a work call at 5:56 PM PST, I am on with a customer now but I will try to get out of this
Tack (Echo): Man...even good attack and weapon names..
Tack (Echo): I'm jealous.
Tack (Echo): Eh, mike isn't here yet so nbd.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Hey, I spent like, maybe 20 minutes on this character.
Sister Mary Margaret: Hunt down Sir Hempkhorne's minion and bring him to God's justice! The world demands a good book burnin' and mook killin' this evening!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): (That's Sister Mary Margaret's way of telling you to call Mike.)
Tack (Echo): Good Plan!
Sister Mary Margaret: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Lord! And he's telling me we need more bleach, lye, ammonia, and vinegar!
Sister Mary Margaret: I'll get a big bucket and we'll dump them all in together! Works best that way.
Tack (Echo): Mix ALL THE DETERGENTS!!!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): See, the difference here is, I had a work call at 5:25PM, and I let it go to voicemail, listened to it, and filed it in the "crap I'll worry about tomorrow" plan.
Dungeon Maester: well, I would have ignored this, but this was my boss texting me directly because this customer is blowing up like crazy
GM: so I had to hop on and call them
Echo: wtf mike
Sister Mary Margaret: I'll get a big bucket and we'll dump them all in together! Works best that way.
Tack (Echo): got voicemail from mike, texted as well.
Dungeon Maester: also, may be a moot point, this customer somehow managed to kill their entire VM environment
Dungeon Maester: I told them to add 1 SAN to a cert.... ONE cert reissue, and somehow they managed to shitcan 12 virtual machines as they groped about trying to fix a mistake they made
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Well, following normal process, this is all your fault, because customers are never *THAT* stupid. Oh wait, maybe you don't work for the same companies I have.
Dungeon Maester: they made a typo in the SAN, which caused the call-flow not to work, and why trying to fix that, they started migrating VMs around between hosts and ended up overloading their SAN and every VM with disks tied to LUNs on that SAN now won't boot
Dungeon Maester: oh, and first SAN is subject alternative name, second and third SAN are storage area network
Dungeon Maester: The reason the customer started migrating VMs around is because they thought that the SANs in the cert were somehow related to the SAN on which the disks are stored, and so when it didn't work they started trying to move everything to a different storage network
Tack (Echo): MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Did you find Mike?
Tack (Echo): No.....
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): And has Fen suggested to the Customer that they need to suck on the barrel of a .357 magnum until the human gene pool is a little cleaner?
Dungeon Maester: well, I would... but since one of the major factors by which our job performance is judged is CSAT, I have restrained myself
Dungeon Maester: well, we are now waiting for a 12 EXT3 filesystems to finish re-indexing, but that is going to take a long, long time, so I can play FG at the same time if Mike shows
GM: but I have to stay on the conference call for the duration, so no voice chat for me again
Tack (Echo): I called and texted.
Tack (Echo): Ill give it 10 mins for him to appear-ish.
GM: yeah, if Mike doesn't show we can just call it
Dungeon Maester: but
Dungeon Maester: if we do
GM: I forgot what I was going to say
Dungeon Maester: nevermind
Dungeon Maester: but yeah, if mike doesn't show then we can pick up next week
Tack (Echo): stars did not align heh
Dungeon Maester: yeah, well we went like a year without games, so one more week seems like not such a big gap at this point if Mike doesn't show
Dungeon Maester: I have nothing better to do though, so I will leave FG running indefinitely anyways
Echo: Ok-Dokie!
'Tack' disconnected
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): I will be out next week at a pre-Thanksgiving party, so I'll be back in two weeks. Talk to you then.
GM: ok, see you then
GM: have fun on turkey day
GM: indulge in gluttony and sloth
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): We usually play some Blood Bowl and possibly airsoft. Does that count?
'brad' disconnected

Chat log started at 2.12.2015 / 14:41:02

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Random Veteran Dino

Chat log started at 2.12.2015 / 17:46:47

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Tack' connected
Narrator (Fen): hey
Tack (Echo): YO
Tack (Echo): that's awesome
Narrator (Fen): I put together some random dino tables
Narrator (Fen): I only put in a few of the stat sheets, but you can fill them in as needed
Narrator (Fen): I just did a couple to make sure the whole thing works
Narrator (Fen): I am pretty sure I can share the sheets with you too
Echo: how do I store them?
GM: do you have the "Personalities" option on the right?
Narrator (Fen): that is where they should come up, I am slowly sharing them to you
Narrator (Fen): and the table to generate them
GM: is in the top right
Narrator (Fen): there is an icon that looks like some lines in a list
Narrator (Fen): and that opens the "tables" menu
Tack (Echo): oh sweet.
GM: ok
Narrator (Fen): so
Narrator (Fen): you should now be able to open up the table from the top right
Narrator (Fen): and then generate a dino
Tack (Echo): I can, it's awesome.
Narrator (Fen): and get the character sheet linked to you in the chat
Tack (Echo): thanks for doing this.
Narrator (Fen): if you click the little gray circle it should pop out the sheet for that dino
Narrator (Fen): and then they are all extras, so if you want to populate the sheets as needed
Tack (Echo): that's amazing!
Narrator (Fen): just start with 5 traits and 15 skills, and add 4 advances for each rank above novice
Narrator (Fen): I did the novice ones like 10 minutes ago as an example
Tack (Echo): ill have to think about a few of em.
'brad' connected
Narrator (Fen): I stumbled on the "tables" feature of FG when I was setting up some stuff for this game a few weeks back
Narrator (Fen): I like that feature
Tack (Echo): feature is amazing, just have to bake some critters.
Narrator (Fen): yuppers
Sister Mary Margaret: Yo
Narrator (Fen): heyo
Tack (Echo): ahoy!
Sister Mary Margaret: All ya'all sinnin' bitches, the game be ON!
'Kazemi' connected
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
minitracker shared with players
Narrator: When last we saw our heroes, Echo had been thrown from the back of his noble beast and found himself in a most precarious situation! How will our heroes prevail this week?!
Sister Mary Margaret: Sir Hempkhorne! Remember, aim for the kneecaps, we want to take the moustached guy alive!
Because last week's episode ended on a cliffhanger (Echo critically failed in the last round of combat) everyone gets an extra benny that can only be used during the first round of combat in order to resolve the cliffhanger...
Echo has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Back!
Sir Kempthorne
Sir Kempthorne: Have at thee!
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Narrator (Fen): no bueno
Rook Millray: Come back here with her, you fiends!
Sister Mary Margaret: There will be no deflowering of women in my presence!
Rook Millray flails his arms about wildly with little effect
Deanna Kristin Browne (Screaming): Release me at once, do you have any idea who my father is?!?
Suited Man: You make a good point, but I gots a job to do lady
Sister Mary Margaret: Aim for the groin with your kicks lady! Sheesh! What'n'the Hell do they teach kids these days!
Allosaur devours a suited man in a shower of blood
Echo is using a benny
Suited Man: You hit like a girl!
Sister Mary Margaret
Sister Mary Margaret: That dinosaur is proof that evolution is a fraud! Also, that man probably feels good to be dead, with that much blood spray I'd say his blood pressure was 250/320
Echo: Maybe so, but I took a bite out of crime this round!
Suited Man: OOh, a nun... I'm shakin' in my little boots
Suited Man laughs
One of the suited men is able to leap out of the way of the deadly shotgun blast, but the other two are left with rather sizeable holes in their midsections
Suited Man: Get that broad outta here, this ain't going exactly as planned
Sister Mary Margaret: Tell Satan I don't accept "Return to Sender!"
Allosaurus: Rawwwwwwrrrr
Suited Man drags Deanna Kristin Browne through a doorway at the end of the hall
Suited Man charges at Sister Mary Margaret and gives her a wallop for a shaken result
Suited Man: I always hated Catholic school
Sister Mary Margaret: Fuckin' Protestant
Round 5
Dealing cards...
Suited Man: I ain't done with you, you damn polytheist
Sister Mary Margaret is using a benny to Soak damage
Suited Man lays another punch across Sister Mary Margaret's jaw, but the hearty nun laughs off the haymaker
Sister Mary Margaret: The Lord is my Shield, and you are going to Hell!
Two of the suited men continue to scuffle with Rook Millray in the background, but to little effect
Echo: Im not sure if the Dinosaur or the nun is more threatening at this point...
Allosaur: RAWWR???
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Likely the dinosaur with that roll.
Suited Man is not all that intimidated by either the Allosaur that ate two of his friends or the nun that murdered two more
Sister Mary Margaret
Sister Mary Margaret: See, son, you don't bring fists to a shotgun party. Tis like bringing Rachel Ray Cookbooks to a Brooklyn Knife Fight.
Suited Man (Dying breath): Damnit... Fuckin' nuns...
Sister Mary Margaret: Damn straight.
Sir Kempthorne: Ah, yes, reminds me of primary school
Sister Mary Margaret coup de grace with her high heeled boots to the man's scrotum.
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): D:
Sir Kempthorne
Echo: Such brutality...
Sister Mary Margaret: And that's for all the sinning ya was thinkin' about doin'
Sir Kempthorne quickly draws a pistol, shooting past Echo and into the shaken chap
Sister Mary Margaret: It's a god damn brutal world we live in!
Sister Mary Margaret: Well done Sir Hempkhorne!
Suited Man (Dying breath): Yeah, no kiddin'.... This job sucks....
Sister Mary Margaret: Blood for the Blood God!
Sister Mary Margaret: Whoops...wait...
Sister Mary Margaret gets out her script and checks the fine print.
Rook Millray: It has been a number of years since I went to Sunday School, but doesn't the bible say have some pretty specific guidelines about killing?
Sister Mary Margaret: Err...please hold, I'm allowed to say that only in Warhammer settings.
Echo: What, afraid you might sound a little khorney?
Rook Millray lays a good left jab onto the Suited Man and makes him shaken
Sister Mary Margaret: It does, it says killing anyone who is making off with someone else's woman is damn acceptable in the Eyes of Jehovah.
Round 6
Dealing cards...
Rook Millray: This is it for you fiend!
Sister Mary Margaret: It's in Ass-Whuppings, Chapter 15, Verse 4, right after the Lord finished leveling Sodom and Gomorrah for tax evasion.
Rook Millray tries for a big uppercut on the Suited Man and misses
Sir Kempthorne
Sir Kempthorne: Take that!
Suited Man takes a shot to the chest, and slumps over into Rook Millray's arms
Rook Millray: Oh my god... I've never... seen a man die before
Sister Mary Margaret: Excellent work, Sir Hempkhorne! You have returned those sinners to the bosom of the Devil, that they may be forever shat upon by the devils in torment.
Rook Millray: I'll never get all this blood out of my suit!
Rook Millray: This is a $200 suit!
Echo: Sure you have. You have seen it many, many times.
Rook Millray seems to be in shock
Sister Mary Margaret: Son, don't hand me that crap. The god Lord arranged for once a month all women are excellent at removing blood stains from their clothes!
Sir Kempthorne: It'll be fine, Mr Millray, I know two tailors and a local witch doctor that can make it blend in perfectly
Rook Millray: Oh my god, Deanna! They still have Deanna!
Rook Millray: We have to go after them
Sir Kempthorne: After her!
Sister Mary Margaret: Now, let's go rescue his Missus before something bad happens.
Sister Mary Margaret: Like they convince her that mormonism is a good thing!
Rook Millray looks at Allosaur suspiciously
Rook Millray: Is it going to... eat... any of us?
Sister Mary Margaret runs after the suited man who was carrying off Deanna.
Echo: Snookums. Go poof now, okay?
Allosaurus disappears
Sir Kempthorne raises an eyebrow
Echo: Wings, appear!
Giant Dragonfly burst into existence from some dark corner of spacetime
Dragonfly: Find them!
Dragonfly: BZZZZZZZT
Rook Millray: What the hell are you?
Rook Millray stares at Echo
Dragonfly: I am yesterday and tomorrow.
Echo: Me that is.
Sister Mary Margaret uses giant Bible as a fly-swatter.
Dragonfly: Bzrrrrttttt!!
Echo: Its not beazulbub or something leave him alone!
Sir Kempthorne reloads his pistol and cleans off his sabre on one of the nearby men
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): (Not that she's there, she's already running after escaping suited man.)
Rook Millray: Well those men are kidnapping my girlfriend right goddam now! I am going after her...
Sir Kempthorne: Let's get moving!
Rook Millray runs off through the door where the suited men took Miss Browne moments ago
Echo: What? you are together with her, in a desert, happy.....why chase?
Echo follows anyway
Rook Millray looks back at Echo in confusion as he goes through the door
Sir Kempthorne follows after as fast as his cane will let him
Behind the red velvet curtains is a short spiral stair that leads down to the lobby, or up to the projectionists booth
Narrator (Fen): Notice rolls (if you care about the kidnap victim)
Sister Mary Margaret: Stop lollygagging you foolhardy men, or I'll have her convinced to take a vow of chastity by the time you get here!
You can hear the sounds of commotion from above you
Sister Mary Margaret is running up the stairs with shotgun ready.
Echo: Wings, go!
Rook Millray follows behind Sister Mary Margaret
Sir Kempthorne keeps a pistol in one hand and his cane in the other
Sister Mary Margaret: By the Gods, these men reek of unrighteous living!
Echo hands a chakram to the dragonfly
The spiral stair leads up to the projectionists room, as soon as you come through the door, the men inside open fire. Great scot! It's an ambush!
minitracker shared with players
Round 2
Dealing cards...
Suited Man was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get:
Echo was dealt the Red Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get:
Sister Mary Margaret is using a benny to Soak damage
Sister Mary Margaret is using a benny to Soak damage
Sister Mary Margaret is using a benny to Soak damage
Echo is using a benny to Soak damage
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Echo: Bullets? Ha! Is that the best you can do?
The men unleashe their opening volley upon the heroes, Sister Mary Margaret takes the worst of the assault
Sister Mary Margaret: Ha! I've done worst to myself shaving!
Echo: Time takes all...
Echo calls forth a Velociraptor from the abyss of time, but unfortunately he must have taken a wrong turn in ancient Egypt because he seems a little worse for wear
Rook Millray tries to grab the gun out the hands of one of his attackers, but is unsucessful
Sir Kempthorne (shaken)
Sir Kempthorne ducks down below the table for cover
Sister Mary Margaret (shaken)
Sister Mary Margaret ends the turn
Round 3
Jokers were dealt last round; reshuffling deck
Dealing cards...
Velociraptor was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get:
Echo (shaken)
Echo is using a benny
Echo is using a benny
Velociraptor leaps onto a table and attacks a puny human
Echo ends the turn
Sir Kempthorne
Sir Kempthorne fires upon man #6 from below the table~
Suited Man: Oh no... Life is so cruel..
Echo: The mind is the deadliest tool ever fashioned by nature...
Rook Millray: I am getting the feeling I should buy a gun when this is all over
Rook Millray lays a massive punch accross the jaw of one of these fiends, rendering him unconcious (and possibly with brain damage)
Echo: Or is it?
Echo: Back you go to the Jurassic...
The suited men unleash another hail of gunfire, but miraculously only Echo is hit
Echo: already....this age blackens....
Narrator (Fen): Roll vigor for incapacitation then, unless there is another nom benny available for you
Sister Mary Margaret: The Lord Shall Heal YOU!
Suited Man: I was sure we hit that guy...
Suited Man: Is thing loaded with blanks?
Sister Mary Margaret (shaken)
Sister Mary Margaret: All ya'all fuckin' heathens done messed up my habit!
Sister Mary Margaret: Chew on this!
Echo: I thought I saw my death again....
Sir Kempthorne: That pineapple landed amongst the pineapples!
Sister Mary Margaret: Behold the power the righteous Lord Almighty, as revealed through wood-chip soaked nitroglycerin!
three of the villains are wiped away in a wave of most blessed nitroglycerin
Sister Mary Margaret: The Lord done blessed that with a power most fearful!
Round 4
Jokers were dealt last round; reshuffling deck
Dealing cards...
Rook Millray was dealt the Black Joker! Go whenever you want this round. You also get:
Tack (Echo): remind me to learn to summon suicidal giant land turtles to leap onto stray dynamite.
Rook Millray runs to the window to look for Deanna
Suited Man: The hell with this, I am getting outta here
Sister Mary Margaret: Son, you can think about surrenderin', or you can think about what life will be like when I make ya eat your own intestines.
Suited Man leaps out the window
Echo: Wings! Find Her!
Sister Mary Margaret: My God, he summoned a Pteradactyl!
Sister Mary Margaret: I get to ride it first! Does it come with a saddle!
Narrator (Fen): liopleurodon
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne):
Sister Mary Margaret: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the explosive force of holy water, wood chips, and nitroglycerin.
Rook Millray: There! Over there!
Rook Millray points frantically out the window
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't worry, I got this!
Echo: As have mine, You are quite the walking disaster, Sister Mary Margaret
Rook Millray: They're driving off in a car, she must be inside
Sister Mary Margaret runs over to the window with a stick of dynamite to see if Rook is paying attention.
Sister Mary Margaret: I am no disaster, I am a walking testament to the awesomeness of the LORD!
Rook Millray: Wait, don't blow up the car!
Rook Millray: She could be inside it1
Rook Millray faints
Sister Mary Margaret: The Lord Jesus protects the innocent! I'm sure she'll be fine unless you have been engagin' in sex out of wedlock!
Rook Millray Rook Millray stands up so he can faint again with even greater drama
Echo: Quick! Someone who is dextrous, use this zipline and follow them!
Echo tries to slide down the zipline, but due to his inexperience with such things, he ends up falling off halfway across the street
Echo sees an old man and a crazy nun
Sir Kempthorne: I've got this
Sir Kempthorne: ziplines across, cane held under the crook of the hand holding his pistol
Sister Mary Margaret grabs the zipline with one hand and fires her shotgun at the car with the other while singing a rousing Gospel chorus.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): And I have NO BENNIES.
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
The car veers across the road after a shot from Sister Mary Margaret breaks a window, but little real damage is done
The car is speeding off down the road, into the night....
Sister Mary Margaret somersaults through the air while firing again and pirouetting like a ballet trained figure skater.
Sir Kempthorne fires a shot at the car!
Sister Mary Margaret: Excellent work Sir Hempkhorne! Unleash your inner ASS WHUPPIN' upon those heathens.
Sister Mary Margaret: And strange facemasky guy, who like was burned by acid or has a traumatic scar, can just drop a liopluerodon on it!
Sir Kempthorne shoots out the rear winshield of the car, everyone inside ducks instinctively. The driver makes a hard turn around a corner and out of line of sight
Echo: The wings of the future will soon guide us....
Rook Millray: Stop shooting at my future wife!
Sister Mary Margaret awaits mystic arrival of Air France Concorde.
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't worry, she won't get anything worse that some buckshot scars that can be easily covered by makeup.
Sister Mary Margaret: Dear Lord Baby Jesus, I'd like to feel your gracious warmth.
Echo: Your eyes were never meant to see this, yet it shall let us chase them!
Sister Mary Margaret glows bright white for a second.
Giant Flamingo poofs into being
Giant Flamingo: Cawwww!
Echo: Get on, and lets chase!
Sister Mary Margaret: By all that is holy, that is...AWESOME.
Sister Mary Margaret: Dear Lord, thank ye for leadin' me to such crazy ass folk as these. This be way more fun than killin' a whole passel of cornholin' protestants.
Rook Millray throws his car keys out of the window into the street
Rook Millray: You can take my car! It's the blue Lancaster
Sir Kempthorne catches the keys on his cane, whisking them around to his freehand
Sister Mary Margaret climbs on the back of the flamingo.
Rook Millray: Umm, did I say blue... I meant red. I forgot for a moment there
Sister Mary Margaret: That's cheating, ever'one knows da red ones go fasta!
Giant Flamingo: I will gladly take Sneezy here against a cumbersome contraption
Sir Kempthorne: Too bad your flamingo isn't the fast color
Giant Flamingo: We shall see.
chaseminitracker shared with players
Narrator (Fen): So, Echo roll riding, Sir Kempthorne roll Driving
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Sister Mary Margaret displays amazing skills of animal husbandry and takes over the reigns of the Flamingo
Sister Mary Margaret: Yee haw! Let's go stomp on that heathen carrying French-made car!
Sister Mary Margaret: Probably used for cornholin' also!
Sister Mary Margaret: Good thing they din't take a young boy, he'd be in serious trouble. Those mooks never mistreat women!
Echo: Or so we hope.
chaseminitracker shared with players
Sister Mary Margaret shoots out the front tire of the car.
Sir Kempthorne is still getting the hang of this Lancaster, and isn't able to catch up to the villains, but Sister Mary Margaret wrangles her flamingo alongside the villains
Sister Mary Margaret: Halt in the name of the Lord and Repent your Mookin' God Damn Woman Grabbin' ways!
Echo throw a chakram at the driver!
Echo: Time's up, for you!
Sister Mary Margaret blasts out the front right tire and, the driver barely manages to maintain control. Echo lobs a Chakram through the window, but it bounces off the driver without causing any serious injury.
The car is now listing to one side as a result of the damaged tire
Round 2
Jokers were dealt last round; reshuffling deck
Sister Mary Margaret is using a benny
Sister Mary Margaret: I lost the reins, I hope he keeps running forward!
The villains are able to get a bit of distance between themselves and their pursuers, the driver is shouting orders to his men in the back of hte car
Echo: Argh! Riding is timeless art, how can I be so bad?
Round 3
Sister Mary Margaret: You don't believe in the lord! That is the source of all problems!
Sister Mary Margaret: But I see you grabbed the reins, so I can shoot out another tire!
Echo: I am out of Chakram.
Sister Mary Margaret misses with her shot, but Echo's Chakram hits the passenger square in the face for a shaken result
Echo: I fear I will have to do something drastic soon to end this.
Sir Kempthorne takes a shot, but it sails wide into the densly populated urban area
Sister Mary Margaret: Son, don't be soiling yourself on the flamingo, it's unsightly.
Round 4
Narrator (Fen): everyone roll driving/riding again
Sister Mary Margaret: AAAHHHHH!!!!!
Sister Mary Margaret falls off the flamingo and lands on the hood of Rook Millray's car, completely blocking Sir Hempkhorne's line of sight.
Sister Mary Margaret is strangely not Shaken by falling on to the hood of a speeding car.
Sir Kempthorne: AHHHH
Echo: Time's Echo, grant me an ally!
Sister Mary Margaret: Quick, Facemask Guy, summon a swarm of bees inside the car!
Sir Kempthorne's line of sight is blocked as Sister Mary Margaret falls off her Flamingo and onto the hood of his car, he isn't able to keep it under control and goes into a skid while trying to follow the villains
Sister Mary Margaret: Just drive faster and I will jump to the other car!
Sister Mary Margaret gets ready to board the other car.
The villains also hit trouble, as the driver was unable to recover from the blow he took from Echo, he lost control and spun off the road. Everyone gets a +2 to their maneuver rolls next turn because of his misfortune
Round 5
Narrator (Fen): so Echo and Sir Kempthorne riding/driving
The giant flamingo runs up to the villains car as they struggle to get underway again, and as it nears a giant mass of moving water materializes inside the car
Echo: Sculpt, wash, tear and form, work your wonders water.
Giant Flamingo: Crawwwwk!
Tack (Giant Flamingo): i have a hilarious mental image of a flamingo gently picking up Sister Mary Margaret as she unloads several choice parts of her arsenal
Sister Mary Margaret goes for the gold ring and leaps through the air, grabbing onto the roof of the villains' car as they are distracted by the lump of living water Echo saddled them with
Suited Man: Who the hell are these people? Peura said this was gonna be an easy job!
Round 6
Jokers were dealt last round; reshuffling deck
Narrator (Fen): so driving from Sir Kempthorne, riding from Echo and Agiliity from Sister Mary Margaret
Echo: Sneezy! Stop being so fidgety!
Giant Flamingo: Cwweerrrrrky
Echo: Bad Sneezy!
Sir Kempthorne cuts across the curb and pulls alongside the villains' car
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Guns, we need lots of guns.
Sister Mary Margaret and Elemental act first, followed by Sir Kempthorne and then the villains
Sister Mary Margaret leans over the side of the car and fires her shotgun at the driver, while hanging upside down on the roof of the car, because, well, why not?
Sister Mary Margaret: By the Power of Greyskull!
Sister Mary Margaret hits the driver square in the chest, he falls over and slumps onto the steering wheel
Sister Mary Margaret: Wait, I meant, feel the almighty power of the Lord's righteous gunpowder!
Echo: Fabulous secret powers were revealed to Sister Mary the say she held her magic gun and said....
The car starts to slide to the left as the driver is no longer in control
Echo: only three others share this secret...
Echo points to Sir Kempthorne
The engine is also starting to sound a bit rough, although it isn't clear why
Sir Kempthorne shoots out the right front tire so it swerves a bit to the right
Sister Mary Margaret reaches in and changes the channel on the radio to the "Praise the Lord Gospel Singers" AM radio station.
The villains in the back seat fire through the roof at Sister Mary Margaret while the passenger tries to grab the wheel
Echo: Good job sloshy!
Narrator (Fen): 5 damage to Sister Mary Margaret, ignored I believe due to toughness
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Yes.
The passenger is able to gain control of the wheel, but the car is slowing down
Round 7
Sister Mary Margaret gets incredibly annoyed at the damage done to her smock.
Echo poofing the flamingo.
Narrator (Fen): Sir Kempthorne roll driving, Echo roll riding
Echo: Dammit Sneezy! It's back to the future with you, but without hoverboards.
Giant Flamingo: Craww......
The suited man gets his wires crossed while trying to retain control of the vehicle, and he pitches it off the road and into a violent roll
Narrator (Fen): everyone in or on that car suffers 3d6 damage
Sister Mary Margaret leaps free of the vehicle from the roof when it becomes over it is going to roll.
Narrator (Fen): 3 damage to Sister Mary Margaret, so no effect
Sister Mary Margaret hits the ground and does a marvelous tuck and roll, somehow retaining control of her shotgun, dynamite, and bible.
Sister Mary Margaret elegantly leaps from the roof of the car as it starts to pitch into a roll, does a somersault and rolls to her knees. If she weren't wearing a veil, she would have done a head flip
Tack (Giant Flamingo): all the good things basically.
Narrator (Fen): hair flip
Suited Man: Pools of blood can be seen forming under the car
Pools of blood can be seen forming under the car
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Yes, and if she was really awesome, she would then slowly walk away from it while it explodes.
Sister Mary Margaret: Egads, we must rescue Rook Millroy's unsullied, virginal bride to be!
Sister Mary Margaret runs over to the car, looking for the (probably very dead) hostage.
Narrator (Fen): notice
Echo: Echo back to thine proper place and time, all who have been summoned!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): She got this!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): And so does Echo!
You see four dead men in the car, a their weapons, some ammunition, a few papers and personal effects, but Miss Browne is nowhere to be seen (thankfully)
Echo: We've been had! Juked!
Sister Mary Margaret: Dammit. They somehow changed her appearance to look just like one of these mooks!
A crowd is starting to gather around the accident as the car crashed in a populated area of downtown Lusaka
Sister Mary Margaret picks up the soggy papers and any important looking items (i.e. signet rings, cuff links, label pins, etc.)
Sir Kempthorne parks and checks the trunk of the car
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): (lapel, not label)
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Which car?
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): We might want to check both...
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): I suppose :o
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): I'm checking their trunk first, though
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): We can just drive our car away after this
Echo: Well...Im useless in this situation. Either we need to run, or wait to talk to the authorities.
Sister Mary Margaret: Hey, one of them fellers done had a book that wasn't the bible. Here, you read this heathen filth.
Echo: A book? Lovely!
Sister Mary Margaret hands a copy of the Natural History Review Magazine to Sir Kempthorne.
Sir Kempthorne: pulls out a machine gun and bipod mount, pointing in at a suitcase
Sir Kempthorne pulls out a machine gun and bipod mount, pointing in at a suitcase
Sister Mary Margaret: Dibs!
The gathered crowd gasps at the sight of the Vickers.
Sir Kempthorne: Masked crusader, do you mind taking the briefcase? I cannot carry the machine gun and my cane at once
Young Boy: Are you police?
Echo: It will not be a problem
Sister Mary Margaret: Nope, I totally call the machine gun.
Sir Kempthorne: We must return it from whence these scoundrals stole it
Sir Kempthorne: Military, boy
Young Boy walks out of the crowd
Sister Mary Margaret: We are the righteous arm of the Lord almighty!
Echo: But I think Sister Mary Margaret's enthusiasm is higher than mine
Sister Mary Margaret: All ya'all!
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Young Boy: Why'd you kill those guys?
Sister Mary Margaret: Listen here, this be the work of God to thwart an unholy cleansing!
Sister Mary Margaret looks at young boy.
Sister Mary Margaret: Cause they were bad people.
Sir Kempthorne: These men participated in a fowl kidnapping and theft
Young Boy: Can I have that machine gun?
Sister Mary Margaret: Yeah, they ran off with chickens and everything!
Echo: I think the chase was fowl, but they were definetly foul. =D
Sister Mary Margaret: Nope, it shall be blessed and used to spread the Word of God to infidels!
Sir Kempthorne: Even if I weren't returning it to its rightful owners within Her Majesty's Forces, there would be others who called dibs first
Sir Kempthorne: You have to be quicker than that, boy
Young Boy: Aw shucks
Echo: Young one, why do you want such a thing?
Young Boy: I dunno
Sister Mary Margaret addresses crowd.
You can hear the sound of distant sirens coming your way
Sister Mary Margaret: Now, I want ya'all to look at this and realize this is what comes of livin' a life of sinnin' and be all unholy and shit. So don't let me catch you doin' bad things like these fellers in the car did. Got it? Now ya'all just go about your business and Peace of God be upon ya'all.
Sir Kempthorne: Let's get moving, we need to return these possesions and follow up on leads
Young Boy: So you're saying that if I'm bad, you'll shoot me with a shotgun?
Sister Mary Margaret: Good idea Sir Hempkhorne!
Echo: Sir Kempthorne, may I see one of the trinkets you have pilfered?
Sister Mary Margaret looks at young boy.
Sister Mary Margaret: No, yer young enough, I'd give ya a good ass whuppin'
Sir Kempthorne: You can look as we drive
Sir Kempthorne: Also, grab that briefcase
Sir Kempthorne points at the one in their trunk
Echo: Urgh too heavy!
Sister Mary Margaret gets briefcase and items and heads back over to Rook Millroy's car.
Sir Kempthorne: It literally is full of clothes, don't gimme that you chav
The sirens continue to get louder, and you can see flashing blue lights in the distance down the road
Sir Kempthorne jumps into the driver's seat and begins slowly rolling away
Sir Kempthorne: Get in!
Sister Mary Margaret: Right, this be a good time to unleash righteous holiness in other places.
Sister Mary Margaret gets in passenger seat and reloads her shotgun.
Echo: This seems to be a terribly awkward way to move around.
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't worry, the horses in the front are invisible. It's just like a chariot.
Young Boy: Man, when I go to school tomorrow no one is going to believe me that a nun shot up a car and then ran away from the coppers
Echo: Now there's some majesty!
Echo snickers
Sister Mary Margaret: Always tell the truth, lyin' be sinnin'
Sister Mary Margaret waves her finger angrily at the young boy.
Sir Kempthorne floors it, peeling out and rounding a corner before the cops can address the situation
Echo as the car is driving away, i want to dump a monster to baffle the cops.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Remember, when seconds count, you are on hold, waiting to get through to the cops.
The crowd screams in horror and rapidly disperses as a 10 foot tall Mastodon pops into existence and starts tromping around the crime scene
Narrator (Fen): Ok, my GF is giving me the "time to do dishes and take the dog out" look
Sister Mary Margaret: This is the best day EVAR!
Narrator (Fen): so we should wrap it up soonish
Narrator (Fen): I just gave XP, everyone got an advance
'brad' disconnected
'Tack' disconnected
'Kazemi' disconnected

Chat log started at 3.12.2015 / 18:13:49

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Chat log started at 7.12.2015 / 14:17:08

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Chat log started at 8.12.2015 / 11:54:41

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.3 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Chat log started at 9.12.2015 / 12:23:42

Savage Worlds Deluxe v4.2.2 for Fantasy Grounds. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.1.5 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
'Tack' connected
Narrator (Fen): I maded you a thing tack
'Kazemi' connected
Tack (Echo): eh?
Echo: Oh excellent
'brad' connected
Narrator (Fen): BTW, my client was randomly freezing just now as you guys joined, and I realized it is because that massive city map was being pushed out
Narrator (Fen): In case you guys had slow loads, that is why. I deleted it so it should go must faster next time
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): No problem, we are all here and hanging out in Mumble.
GM: I was wondering why it was so quiet
Narrator (Fen): I forgot to connect to mumble...
Sister Mary Margaret: Okay, so, who's in favor of getting the Vickers machine gun blessed and using it for massive HOLY cleansings of heathens?
Sister Mary Margaret raises her hand.
Sister Mary Margaret: The god-fearing folks win by a majority. I'll take it from here.
Echo: Who determines who is holy, and who is soon to be holey?
Narrator (Fen): hmm, my push to talk button isn't working
Sister Mary Margaret: God does, and I am an instrument of his will!
Echo: Interesting.
Echo: Perhaps. Maybe?
Narrator: When last we saw our stalwart heroes, they were valiantly fleeing the scene of a crime in which they had recently been involved! Their bravery and integrity knows no bounds!
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't ya'all narrator be makin' us sound bad. We're just taking the Vickers Machine Gun to where it can be better used in HOLY CLEANSING!
Sister Mary Margaret (mumbles): Freaking narrators
Echo: I cannot recall of beasts at some point will have such impliments of destruction...
Sir Kempthorne: Do you want to check the luggage back there and see if we have any paperwork that would indicate where they took the young lady?
Narrator: Among the trinkets they found at the scene of the crime, were some vinyl masquerade masks, a Vickers light machine gun, and a half-finished crossword puzzle in a history magazine. It was in no way unethical to take these things from the dead, because they were killed by a nun and that makes it OK!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Is the car stopped?
Sister Mary Margaret (Shouts): Damn straight!
Narrator (Fen): Ask Mike, he drove off last week
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): It's fine, cruise control is on
Echo: I will need to see these things....
Sister Mary Margaret roots through the suitcase in the same way Yoda "helped" Luke empty the survival kit in Empire Strikes Back.
Sister Mary Margaret: Nope, nothing useful here.
Echo has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Echo has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sir Kempthorne has been awarded a benny
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Sister Mary Margaret has been awarded a benny
Echo: Yeah its mostly trash I presume, but the puzzle intrigues me.
Narrator (Fen): BTW, RE: the machine gun, it is 2d8+1 damage, RoF 3, 30/60/120, AP2, min STR d8
Narrator (Fen): for whoever is keeping/using it
Sister Mary Margaret: I shall name the machine gun "Saint Jude!"
Narrator (Fen): and it had a 100 round drum
Echo: I am too shaken to recall anything. Perhaps we should find a place to rest.
Echo: Also we should send word to that sad chap who is mising his girlfriend.
Narrator (Fen): Oh, and because it is a machine gun, it has a snapfire penalty if fired in the same round as moving (-2 shooting)
Sister Mary Margaret: Yes, what was his name, "Bishop Finley"?
Sister Mary Margaret: It had something to do with Chess I think...
Echo: Yes! Im positive that was his name!
Sir Kempthorne: That'll be the good Mister Millray. Let's rendevous with him for now.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): I really hope Sir Kempthorne can function as a party leader...
Echo: Wait...Bishops have ladyfriends? I am very confused!
Sister Mary Margaret: They do, it is all perfectly legitimate and above the board with absolutely no ill-intentions or perverse activity.
Narrator (Fen): well, in some churches. In the Catholic church they mostly have little boys
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't be having a smutty mind, facemark guy.
Echo: I was only curious! I mean no overt harm!
Sister Mary Margaret: Good, don't want you thinkin' holy folks aren't pious all the time!
Sir Kempthorne: Keep your mind out of the gutter, good sir
Sister Mary Margaret: You tell 'im Hempkhorne!
Echo: Well then, Mr Driver, can we go see Chess Rook?
Sir Kempthorne: Of course! We're almost there now. You've got the luggage?
Sister Mary Margaret: Yes, I did not find anything useful in it.
Echo: Um...I think. Maybe we got rid of the useless bits. It was all going to be dust eventually anyway, what use is it?
Sister Mary Margaret: Clearly they did not plan on provide her with a change of clothes or the key to her chastity belt.
Narrator (Fen): BTW, in case anyone forgot, the suitcase has three tuxedoes in it
Sir Kempthorne drives up towards the theater to scope it out a bit
Sister Mary Margaret is expecting there to be a large number of police, after all, this is where the lunacy began. Most importantly, there is a donut store across the street.
At the theatre, you can see Rook Millray and several other patrons giving statements to the police. There are at least six officers of the Royal Rhodesian Constabulary taking statements from witnesses and collecting evidence.
Echo: it really wise go back here? won't they ask too many questions?
Sir Kempthorne glances at the masked man who had summoned dinosaurs
Sir Kempthorne glances back at the police
Sir Kempthorne: I suppose we should wait until a more opportune time
Sir Kempthorne looks around for a good place to loiter without the cops getting suspicious, someplace in line of sight
Echo: Maybe you and your suave demeanor can pass, but I think the holy walking disaster, and a small collection of stompy things will make this...well interesting. Up to you.
Sister Mary Margaret: Nonsense, you go talk to them while facemask and I hang out in the diner and I get him to repent his heathen, godless, ways. Or I shove a stick of dynamite up a dinosaur's ass. Whatever is takes.
Sir Kempthorne you (and only you) notice that Rook Millray is not talking to an ordinary uniformed officer, he is speaking to a high-ranking constable
Sister Mary Margaret: Did you call me a holy walking disaster?
Echo: What If I want pastries too?
Sister Mary Margaret: Pasties?
Echo: Yes. And i've seen volcanoes make the sky black, and comets crash into the earth.
Sister Mary Margaret: What'n th'Hell do ya'all want pasties for?
Echo: Doughnuts. Sweet things.
Echo: Pasties or pastries would be fantastic!
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't you be callin' me Sweet Thing.
Sister Mary Margaret: That's it, I need'n to be teaching you som'spect!
Sir Kempthorne: Hmmm
Sister Mary Margaret: Take that you heatehn!
Echo: Aaaaagagh!
Sister Mary Margaret: Now, I'll drag your ass into the Pastry store and you need to behave!
Sister Mary Margaret walks into the doughnut store.
Echo follows under threat of beating.
Sir Kempthorne: I'll discuss things with the good sirs
Tack (Echo): Ya know, it would have been smart to have a sneaky-saurus or something that wasn't just murder I useful..
Sir Kempthorne heads over to discuss things with the constable and Mr Millray, walking with an air of confidence that's come naturally from long years in service to Her Majesty's Armed Forces
Sister Mary Margaret: I'll be needing five jelly doughnuts and a bottle of holy water!
Sir Kempthorne: Good afternoon, Mister Millray, constable.
Rook Millray: You again! Where's my car! is it ok?
Sir Kempthorne approaches, his cane ticking on the ground as he gets closer and stands at ease in front of the two
Rook Millray: A... also my Deanna. Is she ok?
Rook Millray: Did you rescue her?
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Uh huh...notice he thought of her second. Probably a good thing Sister is eating a doughnut.
Officer: Your car... Sir, did this man steal your car?
Sir Kempthorne: Your car suffered little more than a tap from a lady, but unfortunately we lost track of Miss Deanna at some point.
Sir Kempthorne: Thank you for lending us your car
Sir Kempthorne hands the keys back to Millray
Rook Millray accepts the key dejectedly
Rook Millray: So, where is Deanna?
Officer flips through his notebook
Officer: She's the... victim, correct?
Sister Mary Margaret looks at officer's notebook to see if he has a sketch of animation and rolls through it.
Sister Mary Margaret then remembers she is not there, and goes back to eating a doughnut.
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Did we see her get into the car we were chasing?
Narrator (Fen): You did not, she had been taken out of the projectionist booth before you got there, you just saw one of the villains zipline accross the street and get into that car
A large scorpion crashes through a pile of dishes in the diner, making quite a ruccus
Sister Mary Margaret: Eee gods!
Sister Mary Margaret charges scorpion with Demon Beating Bible.
Officer finishes taking his notes in his notepad and turns to Sir Kempthorne
Officer: Sir, were you present at the time of the kidnapping? I take it from your familiarity with the situation that you were...
Echo: Aggh! This place is unsanitary and has giant rats in the kitchen! Flee!!!!
Sister Mary Margaret: That's not a rat, it's a giant damn scorpion!
Land Scorpion: Sorry for making a mess, don't hate me
Land Scorpion: I will be good from now on
Sir Kempthorne: Indeed, we gave chase with Mr Millray's blessings to try and catch up to her. Unfortunately, the car we wound up following did not have her inside. We confronted the villains, but they had nothing to say about the event.
Sister Mary Margaret: Best to root it out with a giant bundle of dynamite!
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Sir Kempthorne is using a benny
Echo: Get Down! She's not kidding!
Sister Mary Margaret magically retrieves a bundle of 12 sticks of dynamite from *somewhere*
Officer: Hmm...
Officer writes in his notepad
Rook Millray slaps the notepad out of the Officer's hands
Rook Millray: Goddamit man! All you've done in two hours in scribble in that stupid notepad, when are you going to get out there and find Deanna?!
Sister Mary Margaret lights the bundle of dynamite and throws it into the kitchen of the doughnut store.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): YES! I'm keeping it!
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): senses something terribly, terribly wrong...
Narrator (Fen): Sister Mary Margaret and Echo both roll agility
Tack (Echo): I just wanted to steal doughnuts...and this is what happens.
Sister Mary Margaret tries to throw a stick of dynamite, but she loses her grip and drops it at her feet
Echo and Sister Mary Margaret have to scamper from the diner in quite a hurry, along with the rest of the patrons who are fleeing and screaming in terror
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Do we get outside the large blast template?
Officer: Hmm...
Sir Kempthorne: Mr Millray, who would have wanted to take your dear Deanna?
Officer turns to see the diner explode as Sister Mary Margaret and Echo leap from the window
The Diner is completely obliterated in a massive fireball
Sister Mary Margaret: By Zeus' Raging Buttcrack!
Fortunately, only 2 of the 10 people inside are caught in the explosion and killed
Echo (sobbing): There won't be any more doughnuts for anyone.....
Officer: What the hell was that...
Officer scribbles in his notepad
Sister Mary Margaret: Damn heathen religious terrorists just bombed the doughnut store!
Echo: The sky was on fire! Gamma Rays from the deah of a distant star!
Officer (Mumbling under his breath): ....diner.....explosion.....nun......scorpion
Officer is frantically writing in his notepad
Rook Millray was somewhat shocked by the explosion, but turns back to Sir Kempthorne to respond to his question (though still in a state of shock)
Sir Kempthorne flinches during the explosion
Rook Millray: Who wouldn't want to take her!? Not only am I rich, her father is rich.
Rook Millray: And he is some kinda polician too
Echo brushes off the dust and dough.
Echo: Mary, would you like to go for pizza? Perhaps some coffee?
Officer finishes scribbling in his notepad and heads over to the diner
Sister Mary Margaret: That sounds wonderful. Let's go some place that doesn't have rats in the kitchen and mormons in the pantry.
The lead officer signals one of the others and they come over to Sister Mary Margaret and Echo
Echo: Hrm, they make these eateries hard to find...
Officer: Excuse me Ma'am and.. um.. sir?
Echo: Ahoy!
Officer: Are you all right? What happened in there?
Echo: Methane leak. The entire planet heated up. Boom.
The other office heads into the destroyed diner to look for survivors
Officer scribbles in his notepad as Echo speaks
Echo: I smelt it, and bailed, but I fear it was too late for the cheesecake to escape!
Officer: Well, we have too much on our plate with Miss Browne's kidnapping to worry about this, we'll have to leave it for the fire department
Sister Mary Margaret: Some damn Mormons were fornicating with rats in the kitchen and it was so disgusting these giant scorpions fled from the kitchen into the diner!
Officer scribbles furiously and confusedly in his notepad
Sister Mary Margaret: Or maybe they was Lutherans. Definitely not Anglicans though, I can tell by the smell.
Sister Mary Margaret looks at officer's notepad.
Tack (Echo): the officer is like. I don't even...nope nope nope...
Sister Mary Margaret: There's two "u" in Lutherans.
Sister Mary Margaret: Right, so, we need to find Miss Brownie. Maybe we need to case the candy shops?
Sister Mary Margaret: Umm...son...them ain't natural sized breasts on that woman.
Echo: Sister is wise beyond her years.
Sir Kempthorne: I'll tell you who it was
Officer snaps his notepad closed and looks somewhat embarrased
Sister Mary Margaret: Also, I'm pretty sure they don't have that much armpit hair.
Sir Kempthorne: It was the Nazis
Sister Mary Margaret: Hey now, I'm....
Sister Mary Margaret looks at Sir Kempthorne.
Sir Kempthorne strides up to Sister Margaret and Echo
Officer: You two just... run along and get out of here, you're interfering with an investigation
Sister Mary Margaret: Nazis? Them damn heathen lunatics?
Echo: I wanted to see what happened with the flying monkies! I have never witnessed anything like them, I believe it is YOU who are interfering! but Ok. I will go.
Sister Mary Margaret: They done invaded Poland and are all sorts of problems. I say we round 'em all up for questioning.
Officer Nazis.... I need to go get the superintendent...
Officer: Nazis.... I need to go get the superintendent...
Officer runs off in a hurry
Sister Mary Margaret: Yes, you do that.
Sister Mary Margaret: Bye noe!
Sister Mary Margaret: Also, you have good artist skills, but you need to work on your anatomical correctness. No phallus is that large!
Sister Mary Margaret waves "bye-bye" to the officer.
Echo is still pouty about missing half of the Wizard of Oz.
Sister Mary Margaret: Oh hey, Jerald, my friend here is curious if what's her face, the dumb broad from Kansas who don't have a shotgun, made it back home.
Sister Mary Margaret waves at Jerald Cowden.
Jerald Cowden waves back and comes over
Jerald Cowden: I don't know sister, the movie stopped midway through after a large explosion in the projection room
Echo: This is unfortunate.
Sister Mary Margaret: Dammit! What crazed heretic would blow up the projectionist room?
Jerald Cowden: Reminded me of the great war...
Jerald Cowden: Good times
Jerald Cowden laughs
Sister Mary Margaret: What is this world coming to?
Jerald Cowden: Sin and misery no doubt, Sister
Sir Kempthorne chuckles alongside Jerald
Sir Kempthorne: Good times indeed
Sir Kempthorne: Though I much preferred the previous military conquests.
Sir Kempthorne pulls out the briefcase and inspects the suits and contents
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Lookin' for clues~
Sister Mary Margaret looks at the magazine with the crossword puzzle.
Echo: Let me see some of that! It is for the best of things!
Sister Mary Margaret: Hmm...I wonder if this here magazine has a delivery address on it, but I can't make it out.
Sister Mary Margaret squints at a page, then hands it to Echo.
Sir Kempthorne: These appear to be some sort of Finnish import suit
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't look like something could be worn underwater.
Sister Mary Margaret: Finnish, like maybe dolphins? I guess whales can jump.
Sister Mary Margaret: Definitely not shark.
Echo: Did someone say whales?
Sir Kempthorne: Do either of you know of any other formal events that will be going on soon?
Sister Mary Margaret: Tomorrow is the Feast of Saint Jerome Baclava.
Echo: Sir Kempthorne, I like the way you think.
Sister Mary Margaret: Next week is a holy day of obligation honoring Saint Petrov the Bleeder.
Sir Kempthorne: Bleedin' Petrov
Echo: If we were smart, we would be making sure every airport or seaport were closed until such a time as we have apprehended those thugs
Jerald Cowden: Ah, a capitol idea
Sir Kempthorne: Not a bad idea, and we should be watching the telegrams as well for those dirty Nazi spies
Sister Mary Margaret: Oh, and tomorrow some freaking nutbag Evolutionist assholes who blaspheme against creation are hosting some big party at the Lusaka Heritage Museum.
Echo: Every person that is a good potential ransom should take care as well.
Sister Mary Margaret: But that probably don't mean anything.
Echo: Museum? What's that?
Jerald Cowden: I do believe the Sister is correct, they took out a full-page in the paper this morning
Jerald Cowden hands his crumpled newspaper to Sir Kempthorne
Sir Kempthorne inspects the paper
Sister Mary Margaret: Damn straight I'm correct. Those Evolutionists need to be sterilized for the sake of humanity, so they can't spread their ideas.
Echo: I have a plan. Surely there is some dignitary that Sister Mary Margaret can pass as, thus we can get the evil men to kidnap her....what fools they will be!
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): I can only hope everyone else finds Sister Margaret as amusing as I do...
Echo: If only she could not smite with every word for more than 30 seconds...
Sister Mary Margaret: I'm a holy nun, what more dignity do I need!
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): You've managed to do in one session what took me about 20
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): Blow up an innocent diner
Sir Kempthorne finds a large advertisement in the paper for the gala happening tomorrow night, it is a stricktly black-tie masquerade ball
Tack (Echo): there was sinning going on. It was not innocent, ok?
Narrator (Fen): I am sure that will not be the last thing he blows up
Narrator (Fen): what with his unskilled throwing die
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): The diner had a scorpion problem.
Tack (Echo): Mike is just going to have to be the registered adult of the party...=D
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): xD
Echo: Jerald...Who would be an opportune dame for these pugs to make of with?
Narrator (Fen): I do like how you guys went to the diner to avoid making a scene, and instead you blew the damn thing up in less time than it took Mike to talk to the cops
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): The diner had a scorpion problem.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): :D
Echo: Who would they want to kidnap next?
Echo: We dress Sister Mary Margaret up as her.
Sister Mary Margaret: That won't work if they are a native. My skin ain't the right color.
Echo: Kidnapping goes of, and they get the Wrath of God instead of a handsome ransom.
Sister Mary Margaret: But I like his thinking!
Jerald Cowden: Oh my, I'm afraid I haven't any idea what motivates these rogues
Sister Mary Margaret: As long as I get to take Saint Jude with me.
Echo: Saint Jude is always with you.
Sir Kempthorne: I don't think they'll be going after anyone else, I'm afraid
Sister Mary Margaret: The physical manifestation, you nutcase.
Sir Kempthorne: Deanna will be the only one they need to accomplish their goals
Echo: bloody hell.
Jerald Cowden: Oh dear. That sounds grim.
Jerald Cowden: What are you thinking Sir?
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't you all be swearing, you heathen.
Sister Mary Margaret slaps Echo.
Sister Mary Margaret: If there's any damn cussin' goin' on, ya need to be saved to do it!
Sister Mary Margaret: Right, so we go to this here event, you all find the blokes that be needin' these suits and get them to tell you where Miss Brownie is.
Echo: Forgiveness please! I am just still miffed at the loss of the movie and doughnuts.
Sister Mary Margaret: Meanwhile, I'll make a distraction by hosing down the godless Evolutionists with Saint Jude.
Sister Mary Margaret: How's that for a god-approved plan? He told me so as I was speaking.
Sir Kempthorne: Mister Cowden, what do you know about the situation?
Sir Kempthorne: I'd like to have a gentleman's input on the situation, especially one who seems as knowledgable as you
Jerald Cowden: You are too kind Sir Kempthorne! But uh... it sounds like the villains are after miss Browne because of her family. Her father is quite wealthy and powerful, the families of such men often suffer in contentious times
Sir Kempthorne: Oh? Do you know them personally?
The short fat officer in the fancy clothes heads your way, after having a chat with the constable you spoke to before
Jerald Cowden: Oh, not at all. But I do follow the parliament, any good Englishman would know her father
Jefferson Henson: Cowden... Why am I not surprised that you're lurking around here
Jefferson Henson: I thought I told you to stay away from my crime scenes
Sir Kempthorne: Lurking hardly seems like the proper verb for an English gentleman
Jerald Cowden: Fear not, I'm not here in any official capacity Jefferson. I was watching the moving picture
Jefferson Henson: He's no gentleman as far as I'm concerned
Sister Mary Margaret looks suspiciously at Henson and Cowden.
Sister Mary Margaret: I'm thinking you both be needing a good knuckle rap.
Jefferson Henson: And I don't believe you for a moment, I want you out of my crime scene before I have one of the officers arrest you
Jefferson Henson is speaking to Jerald Cowden
Jerald Cowden chuckles
Sir Kempthorne: Good afternoon, officer. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before
Jerald Cowden: Of course Jefferson, I would hate to interfere with your fine investigation
Sir Kempthorne holds out one hand, leaning on his cane as he does so
Jefferson Henson turns to Sir Kempthorne
Sir Kempthorne: My name is Sir Lawrence Kempthorne
Jefferson Henson does not take his hand
Tack (Echo): denied!
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): D:
Jefferson Henson: I am Deputy Chief Constable Jefferson Henson of her Majesty's Royal Rhodesian Constabulary
Jefferson Henson: How do you know this man?
Jefferson Henson points at Jerald Cowden
Sister Mary Margaret: And he doesn't like to shake hands, because he has serious germophobia, brought on by living an unclean life and sinning mightily.
Sir Kempthorne: We met in the theater before the incident began
Jefferson Henson: You don't say... What a coincidence, Jerald.
Jerald Cowden: I'm sorry, I didn't hear that old boy, too busy leaving your crime scene.
Jerald Cowden laughs and walks off
Sister Mary Margaret: Jerald here was watching the show with us. When all the ruckus began he was too absorbed in the movie to notice. Good strong concentration like that is sign of a god fearing man.
Sister Mary Margaret waves good-bye to Jerald as he leaves.
Echo: Bye bye, fearless one!
Jefferson Henson: Well you should stay away from that god fearing man if you know what's good for you
Sir Kempthorne: A hasty finger pointed is sloppy work, detective.
Jerald Cowden waves back as he leaves
Jefferson Henson: Has one of my officer's taken your statements?
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't you be tellin' me who I should and should not save.
Sister Mary Margaret: I be smellin' sinners all 'round here.
Jefferson Henson: I heard something about Nazis from Inspector Matthews
Sister Mary Margaret looks around.
Sister Mary Margaret: Nazis? Where?
Jefferson Henson: Did you see Nazis in the theatre during the kidnapping?
Echo looks for trees, shrubs, anything green really.
Sister Mary Margaret: Damn, I did forget to yell "Heil Hitler" and see who saluted.
Jefferson Henson regards Sister Mary Margaret with great suspicion
Sister Mary Margaret: Sorry 'bout that officer. It's a good way to flush 'em out. Kind of like showing throwing a snake in a room full of heathens and see which ones get bit.
Sister Mary Margaret: Or...tossing a long tailed cat in a room full of old women in rockin' chairs.
Jefferson Henson: I am... Not sure what to say to that....
Jefferson Henson: But throwing a snake into a room full of people would be manslaughter at best
Sister Mary Margaret: That's a good way to find men who are disguised as women. They can move faster and don't like cats.
Sir Kempthorne raises an eyebrow
Jefferson Henson: Sir... I'm sorry I missed your name. But, you said something earlier about Nazis?
Sister Mary Margaret: Nah, the Vatican ruled it Heathen-slaughter, they ain't men so it don't count for the snake test.
Jefferson Henson: Tell me whatever you told my officer
Sister Mary Margaret: Well, I told him he had good art skills, but if'n he was goin' to be drawin' nudie pictures, he needed to be better at anatomy.
Echo (Dinosaur!): NUM NUM NUM NUM
Echo morphs into a stegasaurus and begins grazing on a nearby shrub
Jefferson Henson: Dear sweet god! What on earth is that!
Sister Mary Margaret: The Lord has provided us with a mount!
Echo is largely indifferent to anyting that isn't 3 times my size and has huge teeth. These shrubs are MINE
Jefferson Henson: Matthews, get someone from animal control out here
Sister Mary Margaret runs over and pets the stegosaurus. It's sooooo cute!
Jefferson Henson: Goddam city was a lot better before all these Rhodesium freaks popped up...
Sister Mary Margaret: KAWAAIIII!!!!
Jefferson Henson: None of you go anywhere, I need to get someone down here to handle this.
Sir Kempthorne: Something recent?
Echo Offers Sister Mary Margaret a large leafy frond
Sister Mary Margaret eats offered frond.
Sister Mary Margaret: This is good natural God loving food. Good job!
Jefferson Henson: I have questions for you, nothing adds up about this kidnapping...
Echo grunts in approval.
Sir Kempthorne: What are your thoughts, Constable?
Jefferson Henson goes over to his officers and starts barking orders at them, a crowd is gathering to observe the gentle beast as it grazes peacefully on the shrubbery
Officer: I want to quit the constabulary
Tack (Echo): It would be a shame if there were any, you know, loud noises or camera flashes....just a damn shame.
Officer: And move back to Lestershire
Officer: This entire country is crazy these days
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Yeah, you don't want to spook Sister Mary Margaret, she probably has more dynamite.
Tack (Echo): Fair point.
Jefferson Henson and several of his officers are trying to corral the stegasaurus away from the theatre
Sister Mary Margaret: Now see, according to those damn Evolutionists, this here creature is extinct! And somehow we all transmorgrified ourselves from dinosaurs to humans.
The stegasaurus is not minding them any heed
Sir Kempthorne: Didn't this one transmogrify himself from a human to a dinosaur?
Sister Mary Margaret: Don't be all cluttering up my religiosity with your facts, dammit!
Tack (Echo): Hrm..this gag was easier to start than to end...
Narrator (Fen): Just wait till the animal control people get here from the zoo
Narrator (Fen): Then you're in real trouble
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): It is an endless gag. You will be a stegosaurus for the rest of the campaign
Jefferson Henson is getting increasingly frustrated with his inability to wrangle the stegasaurus
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Yes, but will they shoot the Stegasaurus or the Nun with their tranquilizers?
Sister Mary Margaret: Here, ya'all are doin' it wrong.
Tack (Echo): Its sort of like raptor jesus....but....
Sister Mary Margaret grabs a frond and holds it in front of the stegasaurus, then backs off, getting the dinosaur to follow her.
Echo is obedient.
Jefferson Henson watches in stunned silence
Sister Mary Margaret walks off down the street and finds some inobtrusive spot so Echo can go back to being more Echo-like.
Jefferson Henson walks back to Sir Kempthorne
Jefferson Henson: I don't know how, or why, or... you know what, I just don't know...
Jefferson Henson: But if you and your friends interfere in my investigation anymore, I'm going to have the lot of you arrested
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Quick, we have stunned him into babbling, pump him for information!
Jefferson Henson: Where are you staying, in case I need to sent someone to take your statement?
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Don't worry, if he arrests you, I'm sure nothing bad will happen if Echo and SMM break you out!
Tack (Echo): That's just asking for flexing our pterosaur delievered TNT muscles.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): SMM is staying at Saint Catherine's Home for Itinerant Clergy.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): The local convent won't let her back in after the "Heathen Smiting" fiasco.
Tack (Echo): they are heretics then.
Tack (Echo): there is but one solution to that.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): But don't worry, the Prioress will recover from her third degree burns. Maybe.
Kazemi (Sir Kempthorne): D:
Echo: I am with the traveling circus.
Jefferson Henson: I never would have guessed
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): From the Dreamlands?
Sir Kempthorne: I'll be staying at the High Regency Hotel, you can reach me there if need be.
Jefferson Henson: Very well, my officers will be in touch.
Tack (Echo): hah.
Jefferson Henson: Once we sort out this mess...
Jefferson Henson angrily waddles off
Officer: Umm... I gess you're free to go?
Officer: I don't know that we can arrest you for anything at this time, but don't leave town
Officer: We may need to arrest you later
Sir Kempthorne: Of course not, wouldn't dream of it
Sister Mary Margaret: I don't be thinkin' you have authority over the Vatican's holy servants.
Echo: ...what sort of goon are you? Isn't that just telling us to leave before you get the chance?
Officer: Umm... Yes ma'am... Whatever you say, just don't blow us up
Officer runs off
Echo: Well I presume animal control is still on the way. We should actuall move along before they have a reason to stay.
Sister Mary Margaret: Right, so I say we find someone and get them to confess to knowin' somethin' about the crime.
Sir Kempthorne: Hmmmm
Sister Mary Margaret: Or we just go to the Evolutionists thingy and I start throwin' dynamite into them god-hatin' heathens until they turn over Miss Brownie!
Sister Mary Margaret: Ain't that right Hempkhorne?
Tack (Echo): welp.
brad (Sister Mary Margaret): Okay, Rook Millroy owes SMM one Vickers Machine Gun.
You see a familiar looking Lancaster pull up to the curb nearby
Echo: Well, we have to presume there is SOMETHING of value at the museum thing. We behave until we find out what it is, then steal it.
Rook Millray: Do you guys need a ride?
Sister Mary Margaret: Yes!
Echo: I.....I am scared of cars.
Echo: Did you see what happened to the last one?
Sir Kempthorne: Did you see what happened to your last pet?
Echo: Ah well, I trust You I guess Rook.
Sir Kempthorne: Thank you, Mr Millray
Rook Millray: Everyone trusts me! I'm a celebrity!
Rook Millray: And I'm handsome and rich!
Rook Millray: And suave!
Rook Millray: hop in, I can take you back to the Foreign Quarter
Echo: Last pet? I can't think of one pet I ever had that lasted more than 15 minutes.
Sister Mary Margaret checks the trunk for Saint Jude, then gets in the car.
Rook Millray: The machine gun has not moved at all since last you saw it
The machine gun has not moved at all since last you saw it
Sir Kempthorne: So, how long have you known Deanna?
Sister Mary Margaret: You are a good and honest man, Bishop Finley! I am honored to know such a god fearin' man such as yourself.
Sister Mary Margaret: And your name is rather fetching, do you have a brother named Knight? Or perhaps a sister named Queen?
Rook Millray: A few months, we met while I was on the set of my latest film here in Rhodesia
Rook Millray: And no Sister, I'm an only child
Sister Mary Margaret: I've always wanted to visit Rhodesia. I'm told its lovely.
Rook Millray: You couldn't make such a dashing boy if you had to share your life-force among more than one child
Rook Millray: Umm, how long have you been here? In Rhodesia. Where we are now.
Echo: the last time I was in Rhodesia, it was under water.
Sister Mary Margaret: Ah yes, first born children are much loved by God. Just look at all them Egyptian ones he took back from their parents.
Sister Mary Margaret: Oh, wait, I'm in Rhodesia? Well, dreams do come true then, all because I met you, Bishop Finley.
Rook Millray: Oh, I didn't know you were a bishop
Rook Millray speaking to Echo
Sister Mary Margaret stares out the window.
Rook Millray: That explains the robe though
Narrator (Fen): unless people want to mess with Rook some more, we can drop you all off at your hotels, and you can regroup in the morning
Echo: Um..why yes. I'm here to make sure Rhodesia gets back to its roots
Echo: People just forget what they be made of.