Some people approach GenCon with a methodical approach of, "Schedule this, do this, spend X time here."

I respect people like that, especially the ones who stick with their plan and schedule.  Most people fall into the category of "No plan survives first contact with the enemy" (the enemy in this case being everything available to do at GenCon) and end up doing all manner of things they never planned to get near.

My GenCon plans tend towards the approach of "do whatever the company I am working for schedules, then make the rest of it up as I go" - and it generally works.  About the only things I miss out on are the ones that get immediately filled within minutes of Event registration opening.  Conversely, I never have to get annoyed by the fact that some events are always filled by those who get the "Very Important Gamer" badges.

At the end of the day, no matter what the plan is, have fun and enjoy yourself.  And if you get a chance to wander by the Flying Buffalo booth or join me in a Tunnels and Trolls game, swing by and say "hi".  (Yes, I have run multitudes of events over the years, and this year is all about Trolls.  Next year might be Savage Worlds, or tremulus, or more Trolls, or all three, or maybe even a Pathfinder game or two.)