The softcover printed versions of deluxe Tunnels and Trolls have arrived.  For those who have entered the digital age (and keep all their gaming books on their tablet of choice) the PDF is available from DriveThruRpg.  In any case, the new book is massive in size and covers a wide range of T&T topics.  The revised rules are clean and concise, with very little ambiguity remaining. *

In any case, check it out.  T&T makes for a great game.  And P.S.  I might be working with Smiteworks and Flying Buffalo on building a dT&T ruleset for Fantasy Grounds.


* P.S.  The subtractions to Dexterity for armor do reduce your ability to use weapons.  So if your armor drops your Dexterity below 9, your choices are limited.  Funny GenCon story about a Dwarf with 56 Strength who was dual wielding butter knives may get posted at some point.