Chat log started at 5.7.2019 / 05:37:12

Fantasy Grounds Theme Extension - Conan 2d20 Theme V3.6 by Jolly. More great resources at (LINK)
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MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.46 20180915). This ruleset adds features and flexibility to CoreRPG allowing you to play more game systems. This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward and additional thanks to Trenloe and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Trenloe, Frostbyte, Imiri, Myrddin, Sibelius, rstrahan, superteddy57, damned and ianmward. Other devs may add new roll types. You can Create a library of Rolls and you can drag Rolls into the MoreCore tab of the PC sheet and the Rolls field of the NPC sheet.
Type /morecorehelp to access the MoreCore User Manual in game. Rolls should be added to the PC and NPC sheets and not used in Chat. (LINK)
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.7 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Extension (Conan 2D20 V3.6 09302018) loaded.
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 30]
Slumbara: This way
Slumbara points in a direction
Slumbara: [1d12 = 7]
Volmalric: Why are you pointing at me?
Slumbara: I am not pointing at you
Slumbara: I am pointing past you
Volmalric: Oh, that makes more sense
Slumbara notices that you are in a desert. There are some rocks on the ground around you that look rather flat and stuck into the ground. The rocks go in a direction that stretches in both ways. To Slumbara's left, far in the distance, you see a rock face that might mark the end of the desert. Slumbara is currently not pointing in the direction of the rock face, but at the rolling dunes that stretch to the right of him.
Volmalric notices that the desert sand tastes like dirt, is abrasive in his eyes, and probably can be used to absorb water.
Slumbara: What are you doing? Is that some sort of alchemy thing?
Slumbara: Is this special sand?
Slumbara: Can you use it to make a bomb?
Volmalric: Sand has many applications
Slumbara: Eye balm?
Slumbara: Slumbara does not think that is wise
Volmalric: Eye balm for the enemies, yes
Volmalric: Here, you can have some to store in your pocket for later
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric gives Slumbara some EyeBalm™
Delia gets out an Asian style fan from her backpack and begins fanning herself after making a turban for her head and covering her mouth to absorb moisture she might lose from her mouth, as she has no idea where fresh water might be located.
Meltam Perandus: Hey Volmalric, can we extract water from a cactus?
Delia rolled really well on Survival, and no successes or complications on Observation.
Volmalric: Probably, I've got a couple of recently emptied vials and skins if we need to
Meltam Perandus: I think we need to go just beyond those dunes. My Bossonian foilage sense is tingling.
Slumbara leads the way toward the cactuses that he definitely saw and pointed at
Slumbara definitely didn't listen to Meltam's suggestion
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 29]
Volmalric heads after the two of them
Volmalric: Are you sure we want to go that way? Wouldn't checking out those obvious rocks be a better start?
Slumbara: Says the man who rubbed sand in his eyes
Volmalric: It was for science!
Slumbara leads the group to a series of about a dozen cactus, that are very dry and dessicated. They are relatively tall and their spines long and barbed spikes jut out at cruel looking angles. This is definitely not a type of foliage any of you are familiar with. However, most disturbingly, it appears that they have been used as crucifixes for any number of people, based on the bones and parchment skin hooked to them and scattered around the bases. You are currently about 5 meters from the cactus when you stop to look at this oddity at a safe distance. The cactus, if they are aware of your presence, have not reacted in any way.
Volmalric: So, uh
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Volmalric: I vote we go back the other way
Slumbara: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: but not before we try to understand who these folk were eh?
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 21]
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Volmalric: I mean, I'm less concerned with who they were and more concerned with who they are
Slumbara: Hmm, Slumbara has never killed anyone with a cactus before
Volmalric looks around to see if he can find signs of whoever crucified these people to the cactuses
Slumbara walks up to the cactus and cuts one of the people down
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Volmalric and Meltalm are pretty convinced whoever has stuck these people here stripped them naked and impaled them on the cactus. Given the fact the cactus all look pretty dead and this is the only group of them you see in the immediate area, you suspect this was done as a warning and the cactus themselves are not even normally here.
Slumbara has cut down a very dead and dessicated person, their limbs fall off as the remaining connective tissues break from the motion, as they were very brittle.
Slumbara puts on his detective Conan glasses
Slumbara: Detective Slumbara thinks these people have been here for some time
Slumbara: In this case, I don't think Meltam killed them
Slumbara: Because he is not strong enough to lift them up onto the cactuses
Slumbara takes off his detective Conan glasses
Delia: Perhaps he used magic to levitate them there and throw you off the trail?
Slumbara puts his glasses back on
Delia is not adverse to throwing gasoline on fires.
Slumbara: This woman has a good point
Slumbara: Meltam may have killed them after all
Volmalric: Meltam has also been with us the entire time
Slumbara: That has never stopped him before
Volmalric: It is unlikely that Meltam killed them without Detective Slumbara noticing
Meltam Perandus: Yeah but these are seemingly not fresh, so I could have done it a while a go when you weren't looking.
Slumbara: We should investigate further, find out if Meltam is to blame for this
Delia walks over to one of the cactus and picks up a small pendant that was at the base of the cactus.
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Delia: Hmm... this is curious. I suspect whoever this belongs to must have had it... internally?
Meltam Perandus: unless there is something compelling, we should move on. Only maddogs and Picts travel under the midday sun
Volmalric: That seems like unusual behavior. What is it?
Slumbara looks at Delia's pendant
Volmalric approaches to take a look
Slumbara: Slumbara agrees, very unusual. Why would anyone put that up their ass?
Slumbara: It is an unusual shape
Slumbara: Slumbara thinks it would hurt
Volmalric: I imagine they'd swallowed it, if it was so important to protect
Slumbara: But we can discuss their fetishes later, detective Slumbara thinks we should follow these tracks
Delia is holding a pendant shaped like a small open palm with a thin chain holding it in place. The hand looks a bit weird to you until you realize it has three fingers and a pair of opposing thumbs... on the same hand.
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 33]
Slumbara: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 31]
Volmalric: Lore 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 16]
Volmalric: Hmmm, it looks like one of the symbols worn on the Scholar King who sent us here
Kazemi (Volmalric): Were the bodies obviously human bodies?
Slumbara: So then he must the be the killer
The bodies all here are definitely humanoid.
Volmalric: Indirectly
Volmalric: He mentioned he's sent a lot of humans here, so I think these might be one of our predecessors
Slumbara: On the other hand, Meltam is still a strong suspect
Slumbara: Meltam may have seen the emblem and planted this pendant
Slumbara: to throw detective Slumbara off the trail
Slumbara: We should follow these tracks and question whoever made them
Meltam Perandus: We are in the middle of wilderness, without a clear idea of where or even when we are, but somehow I had the foresight to do this...
Slumbara sets off following the tracks he located
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Volmalric: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 11]
Volmalric looks for tracks
Slumbara: So you admit it then
Volmalric: Tracks? These bodies have been here for a while, why would there be tracks left?
Delia rolls the pendant around in her hand to look at it more closely. What looks like the back of the hand has an open eye carved into it.
Volmalric: Careful about that
Volmalric: You don't know what it does, Delia
Slumbara: Yes, if Meltam put it there, it could be dangerous
Kazemi (Volmalric): Illuminati lizard people, confirmed
Slumbara: For you anyways, not for Slumbara
Slumbara: Perhaps you should give it to Slumbara in case it is dangerous
Slumbara and Volmalric both can identify the series of tracks going perpendicular to them along a series of smooth, flat, large stones that stretch to the right and left of you.
The tracks look like they are made by a variety of different creatures with different height and weight, but with the shifting and lose sand, it is difficult to get a solid approximation of the age of the tracks or total quantity.
There are definitely human sized tracks and a number of "large predatory feline" type tracks.
Volmalric uses the sun to orient himself with regards to the cardinal directions
Volmalric: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 15]
Volmalric notices that... there is no visible sun overhead. But he can tell that the sky seems to be a bit darker in a direction he calls "East" just to come up with an point of reference.
Volmalric: I don't like this lack of sun
Slumbara continues bravely leading the party along the path while Volmalric stares at the sun and plays with his papers
Slumbara: You have fair skin, you should be glad for the lack of sun
Slumbara: Were the sun out, you would get a sun burn
Volmalric: [1dF = -1]
Meltam Perandus: Slumbara, we should try and leave the sandy area. Surely you saw it too!
Volmalric: Saw what?
Meltam Perandus: Let's go North!
Slumbara: Slumbara is dark skinned, he does not fear the sun
Volmalric: Also, Slumbara, we should head north here to these shapes
Volmalric gestures to the shapes in the distance
Since everyone has lost interest in it for the time being, Delia puts the pendant on and slides it under her blouse.
Volmalric: There may be more clues there. Perhaps more bodies hidden amongst them?
Slumbara: Slumbara agrees
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 14]
Slumbara: Discipline 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 7]
Slumbara begins heading north
Volmalric follows Slumbara, matching his pace with Delia's
Volmalric: You may not want to actually wear that pendant, by the way. Aside from where it's probably been, it may be sorcerous
Delia: Well, I've looted plenty of tombs and libraries, and rarely have really bad things happen to me from taking pendants out of sphincters. But I'm definitely not going to sleep with it around my neck, highly likely to cause nightmares or demonic possession. I mean, honestly, I don't remember much recently so maybe this is good omen to offset all our recent bad luck.
Meltam Perandus: had we full skins and better equipment, the open sands wouldn't be so deadly.
Slumbara: You northerners are so afraid of a little sun
You walk north for about thirty minutes the sky to the east is getting ever darker and expanding towards you. It seems that you have arrived at dusk and the sun has already set for the day. The temparature preciptiously drops.
Volmalric: Aren't deserts supposed to be hot?
Slumbara: Only during the day
The rock face in the distance looks to be about a couple hours walk further.
Slumbara: At night they get very cold
Meltam Perandus: No water, no plants, no way to retain heat.
Meltam Perandus: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 29]
Meltam Perandus: Well, I can't feel it eminiating any sort of magical vibes, it's probably safe.
Slumbara: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 30]
Meltam Perandus: it certainly wasn't very useful to the poor saps who died with it
Slumbara: double-checking because Slumbara doesn't trust Meltam's appraisal
Delia: That's good, I don't have any sort of sorcerous ability, and IN MITRA'S NAME!
A pair of oily black tentacles erupt from Slumbara's armpits and bitch slap Delia.
Slumbara smells his armpits
Delia tries to hide behind Meltalm.
Slumbara: Maybe it is time for Slumbara's anual bath
Meltam Perandus is alarmed.
Slumbara grabs one of the tentacles and tries to tear it out
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 31]
Volmalric watches in horror as the tentacles slap into Slumbara's face when he tries to smell himself
Volmalric: Slumbara! Put your arms down!
Slumbara gives up on pulling them out and takes out his sword to cut them out
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 24]
Slumbara: Slumbara has had worse things sticking out of his body before
Slumbara: Do not worry
Slumbara: Slumbara has things under control
The oily black tentacles flop to the ground and soak into the ground, grossly discoloring it. Slumbara's armpits feel very itchy.
Meltam Perandus: Whew
Delia: Okay, that was weird.
Delia: But then, I've come to assume everything with you folks is weird.
Volmalric: It's mostly Slumbara and Meltam
Delia: It does make traveling more exciting.
Slumbara quickly takes his flint and tinder out of his survival kit and strikes a fire onto the black ooze
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 25]
Volmalric takes the long way when walking around the discolored ground
The ooze erupts into a brilliant green flame, that burns out after about 10 seconds after gouting into the air about 10 feet.
Slumbara: Oooh, pretty
Slumbara checks under his other armpit
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Meltam Perandus is on the lookout for birds, etc. to try and figure out what direction is more amicable towards life in general
Volmalric: Well, anybody looking this way knows someone is here now
Slumbara: Good
Volmalric glances around the baren landscape
Slumbara: If they come, Slumbara does not have to look for them anymore
Volmalric: Which I guess they probably already did, if they were looking this way
Volmalric: Come on, we should try and make haste to get to our destination before nightfall
Meltalm is pretty convinced the best way to find life around here is to keep setting things on fire and lure things to him.
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 36]
Volmalric: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Slumbara: You are right though, we should keep moving
Volmalric continues following the tracks, checking them out to try and figure out more about what left them
Slumbara continues on towards the rock face
Slumbara: Slumbara does not tire, but when your frail bodies begin to give out, we should make camp
Slumbara: Slumbara can protect you while you sleep
Volmalric: Mmm, I'm used to long hours on watch
Volmalric heads north along the "cracked pavestone road" that is in very poor repair. As you crest the next dune, you spot several much more recent bodies lying scattered about. They are wearing Zingaran armor and weapons are scattered about. There are several dead large panthers near them.
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Gear and equipment is scattered about, and the Zingarans look like they were mauled and chewed on. You would guess they did not win the fight.
Slumbara: More victims
Volmalric inspects the corpses for salvageable loot and condition of the bodies (ie how long they've been out there)
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 21]
Slumbara: But detective Slumbara does not think Meltam is the killer
Slumbara: this is not his style
Slumbara: He kills the defenseless and the weak
Slumbara: Not the strong
Volmalric loots the bodies, breaking several valuable looking things and puncturing a waterskin that still had water in it. He does find some loose sheets of paper and determines that the bodies cannot have been here for more than a couple days.
Meltam Perandus: No such thing! Perhaps those sporty tentacles you sported would demonstrate the lack of control one has with the supernatural!
Volmalric: Whoops
Volmalric turns the waterskin on the side, salvaging some of the water
It is now getting rather dark, the remains of a small campfire are nearby, perhaps suggesting the Zingarans had camped here when they were attacked?
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 31]
Delia: Hmm... I'm not sold we should stay here.
Volmalric tries to read the papers in the dim light
Volmalric: Linguistics 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 29]
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 32]
Meltam Perandus: Linguistics Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 35]
Slumbara: We are not likely to find a better location to camp for the night
Slumbara: There are supplies, we can re-light that fire, and some of that panther meat may still be good
Slumbara sets about re-starting the fire and inspecting the panther corpses
Slumbara: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 12]
Volmalric: Hmmm
Meltam Perandus: Volmalric, what do you think? Im not sure it's smart to stay here either.
Slumbara re-lights the fire. Delia takes off the pendant and puts it in her backpack.
Slumbara begins cooking up a panther haunch
Volmalric: Looks like these people were here by mistake
Volmalric: They were camping out during a storm and just found themselves here
Slumbara: They did not have Slumbara to protect them
Volmalric: Also, I don't think we should stay here with that campfire lit. It likely draws panthers to it
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Slumbara gives up on cooking the panther haunch roast and instead starts eating one of the raw panther haunches
Slumbara offers some raw panther haunch to Volmalric and Delia
Slumbara: There is plenty of meat to go around
Delia: No thanks, I'll take some that you cooked.
Delia nibbles on panther haunch, gives Slumbara kudos for good campfire cooking.
Slumbara: It is much better raw, like beef tartare or the still beating hearts of your enemies
Volmalric: Except why are there panthers in the desert?
Volmalric: What if they're demons?
Meltam Perandus: and this is the guy that think's im the evil one....
Slumbara: Shut up and go to sleep
Delia: I have never eaten panther before, I don't know if this is what it should taste like, but it is pretty good. Kind of like chicken.
Slumbara: Slumbara knows how to butcher and cook animals
Slumbara: Slumbara has killed many pigs and goats on the farm, so delicious
Slumbara drools
Meltam Perandus: Volmalric, Im pretty sure we are all demons here to be fair. These Zingarans were probably simularly poofed into existence here, along with their panthers.
Slumbara continues eating his panter leg
Volmalric: Lore 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Volmalric: I don't think Zingarans have pet panthers?
Delia: Only some super rich Zingaran who could afford to have a pet imported?
Slumbara: I think the panthers killed them
Slumbara: There are probably some more panthers out there
Volmalric: But it's a desert
Volmalric: Wait, didn't the Scholar King mention something about having his own environment?
Slumbara: They may not be best pleased about us eating their friends and/or family
Slumbara: But oh well, you should all go to bed and Slumbara will watch over you
Meltam Perandus: I see. I guess I can't contend with that, but I doubt we have much to fear from Panthers. Slumbara is far superior a predator to them.
GM: So are you setting up camp and posting a watch?
Feneril (Slumbara): yes, Slumbara can take first watch
Slumbara: Once we all get some rest, the sun will come back up and then Slumbara can tear the bat fang out of the bloody dragon king or whatever the giant man said
Volmalric: Should we continue traveling to shelter during the night while it's cool?
Volmalric: And then we can rest there during the heat of the day?
Meltam Perandus: Id be happier not camping at all, yes.
Meltam Perandus: At least not in the open like this
Slumbara: But you are small and frail, you must get your rest
Slumbara chomps on his raw panther leg
Delia: I'm fine with whatever you want to do.
Meltam Perandus: Let's keep going.
Volmalric: Keep going for now, I'm not yet tired and I'm too on edge to sleep anyways
Slumbara tosses the panther leg into his backpack and stands back up
Meltam Perandus: A little fatigue is preferable to this environment or whatever horrors lurk in the sands.
Slumbara: Very well then Slumbara will lead the way
Slumbara leads on towards the rock face
Delia walks such that everyone else is between her and Slumbara's dangerous armpits.
Volmalric tosses sand on the fire before leaving, making sure it's put out
Stars appear overhead as the last of the daylight fades out of existence. It gets rather cool, but not too cold and the light at night actually ends up being sufficient to see relatively well.
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 9]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric looks up at the night sky, searching for constellations to help guide him
Volmalric: Uh oh
Volmalric looks back towards the cactuses
Volmalric: There's a lot of wind coming from behind us. I think we should move faster
Meltam Perandus: hrm?
Volmalric: Much faster
Slumbara: Yes, we should charge into the ambush ahead
Volmalric quickly pulls out some cloth, fashioning a mask out of it in case of a sandstorm
Volmalric: If it's whipping up sand, we'll want to have masks on so we don't choke to death on the earth
Slumbara draws his swords and runs ahead towards the poorly planned ambush ahead
Slumbara: Slumbara does not fear choking
Slumbara: Slumbara pays extra for that sometimes
Meltam Perandus: I always meant to say Delia, you have unusually good taste in baubles. Certainly you must have spent much time collecting them.
Delia: Sometimes while looting tombs and far-off places, I find something nice my employer is not very interested in.
Bandit: Ranged Weapons Successes = 4 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 3]
Bandit: Ranged Weapons Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 29]
One of the bandits fires an arrow at Slumbara and hits the mighty warrior.
Bandit: ¦¦ Bow (R): [4d6 = 20]
Slumbara may eventually notice the loss of 1 point of Vigor, but not right away.
However, the other archer is clearly a Bossonian Ranger who specializes in killing Kushite mercenaries.
Bandit: ¦¦ Bow (R):, ¦¦ Bow (R): [8d6 = 37]
Bandit: [3d6 = 15]
Bandit: [TABLE] Hit Location Table = [1d20 = 9]
The arrow punches through the mighty warrior's chest armor and would have felled a lesser man!
Tack (Meltam Perandus): I call dibs on his bow.
Slumbara charges the archer that dared to shoot him in his chest and attacks with his shiny broadsword
Slumbara: [2d20 = 31]
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 14]
Slumbara: Melee 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 35]
Slumbara: Broadsword: (Reach 2-Parry 1-UNB-5D): [7d6 = 17]
Slumbara: [1d6 = 5]
Slumbara chops the poor bandit in half with a flurry of violent blows.
Volmalric: You fools! Put your weapons down and back off! There's either a sandstorm coming or an air demon, and that's aside from the Kushite heavy infantry who's going to tear you apart if you don't back off!
Volmalric: Persuade 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 28]
Volmalric continues fashioning his mask as he chides the bandits ahead of them
Volmalric: Intimidate: (Close-Mental-Stun-2D): [5d6 = 22]
Tack (Meltam Perandus): red card on play, solving problems without violence is prohibed in Hyboria.
Bandit decides "disrection is the better part of valor" and wants to flee as fast as possible, if permitted.
Meltam Perandus: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 12]
Meltam Perandus: [3d6 = 11]
Meltam Perandus: [1d6 = 1]
Bandit: [TABLE] Hit Location Table = [1d20 = 1]
Metalm fires an arrow and manages to shoot it through the guy's eye and kill him instantly.
Volmalric starts heading towards the group as he finishes tying the mask onto his face under his heavy helmet
Volmalric looks back over his shoulder and sees a wall of sand barreling towards them at a high rate of speed! It looks like an apocalyptic sandstorm is coming!
Campaign saved.