Chat log started at 30.7.2020 / 09:06:11

Conan Ruleset v1.65A.3310 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2020 Modiphius Entertainment, Ltd.
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
The group is in a dark, cramped corridor. Their erstwhile missing companion, Delia, has just found them as they escape the village while they now have a spear.
Meltam: So....are we all set to leave this place yet?
Slumbara: Slumbara is most happy to leave
Slumbara: Now that Delia does not need to be rescued
Delia holds up bright bluish glowing gem to illuminate the area, revealing a narrow tunnel that looks like it was excavated by thousands of tiny rats.
GM: But not Skavenslaves, so it is okay.
Volmalric: And what of that servitor of Set?
Delia: This way?
Delia: This way.
Delia decides to make it a command so people do not quibble with her, also, the tunnel does not have any branches, so it is not like you have many choices.
Slumbara: If we see the snake monster again, Slumbara will kill it
Delia walks back the way she came.
Slumbara: Slumbara follows Delia
Volmalric: How long has it been since you were captured?
Volmalric follows after
Meltam: Very well, Delia, but it would be nice to have some of this explained-ish at some not so distant point in the future.
Delia: Captured by what?
Volmalric: Oh, lovely
Volmalric: The Servitor of Set captured you
Volmalric: Or have you been captured multiple times?
Delia: I mean, I seem to spend a decent amount of time being a damsel is this-dress or that-dress or no-dress.
Meltam: Yeah we were all set to rescue you!
Kazemi (Volmalric): It's the opposite of "the princess is in a different castle", because there is a princess in every castle
Slumbara: Assuming you were alive
Slumbara: Slumbara wasn't sure
Delia: How can any of us be sure we are alive in this place? We really need to bail and call it good.
Meltam: That's something I can agree with!
Volmalric: I was half figuring you'd be transformed into a horrible fusion of Servitor
Slumbara: The day isn't over yet
Delia: Fortunately, I have some things in my backpack which will be really helpful for that.
Volmalric: So you do not recall the Servitor at all?
Delia: It has been a while since I was captured by the Servitor of Set, since you seem intent on asking about that.
Meltam: Or we could just venture back to the fissure close to Alligator Alley.
Slumbara: Do you mean the backpack we incinerated in holy Mitran fire? Or do you have a second backpack
Delia: Wait...what?
Delia stops.
Delia looks at Slumbara.
Delia: What do you mean my backpack was destroyed by holy Mitran fire?
Slumbara: Are familiar with Mitra?
Slumbara: And fire
Volmalric: Talk and walk, talk and walk
Meltam: Something about that fire wasn't particularly holy...
Volmalric: It was at least preaching the word, if not the cause
Slumbara recounts the tale of how Delia's bag was turned to ash as they walk
Delia: let me get this straight.
Delia: YOU
Delia: INTO ASH?
Slumbara: Yes, elderly Volmalric said it was important
Meltam rolls an Observation test:
Target: 12 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.12+1d20.5 = 17]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Slumbara: He also said not to let him fuck some ladies, but most important was "destroy that bag"
Delia laughs.
Delia: Well, bitter old Volmalric likes to go for every port in a storm.
Delia: Not even sure horses are safe from him.
Delia laughs some more.
Delia: All right, let's go.
Meltam: ...Are you sure you are from the same reality as we? I think you have the characters' proclivities mixed up..
Delia has big smile on her face like she is really amused by some internal joke she is not sharing.
Meltam rolls an Insight test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.14+1d20.19 = 33]
You did not succeed.
Volmalric used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Volmalric rolls an Insight test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.4+1d20.7 = 11]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tack (Meltam): BOOSH
Volmalric: What was that bag anyways?
Delia: Just years of accumulation of Acheronian lore and knowledge, along with priceless and unique artifacts. You know, the kind of thing that is easily replaceable at a Messantian flea market. Good thing we are headed that way.
Delia says it with a nonchalanant grace.
Meltam: But can't we find an alternate Delia, say, by the Oasis or some such, and steal the item we lost along the way?
Volmalric glances at Meltam with a raised eyebrow
Meltam: What, everything would work out fine. One crazy bag of tricks entered, one will leave.
Meltam: Seems like a great idea to me?
Volmalric: I'm pretty sure some of those artifacts are better left here
Meltam: Not sure that is the case, some of them might be useful for the good stewardship and housekeeping of our own realm.
Delia: I like that idea Meltam, we should definitely pilfer my bag from another version of me. I have not quite figured out the time mechanics of this place, but I agree entirely with your idea.
Meltam: While I appreciate your general aversion to all things magical, some may be of use to prevent even greater sorcery.
Volmalric: And what if the bag has been corrupted since entering this place?
Volmalric: What if other things have made their way in and seek a way out?
Meltam: Then we have a new quest! Grab the bag and run out!
Delia reaches a rope ladder that extends up to what looks like a trap door about ten feet above you.
Slumbara: You're worried the bag might be corrupted, but you're not worried about any of us?
Meltam rolls an Athletics test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.16+1d20.19 = 35]
You did not succeed.
Meltam falls off the rope
Slumbara rolls an Athletics test:
Target: 14 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.3+1d20.8 = 11]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Delia climbs up the ladder and opens the trap door, then heads outside.
Slumbara throws Meltam over his shoulder before he can hurt himself
Volmalric rolls an Acrobatics test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.10+1d20.3 = 13]
You did succeed!
Meltam falls and sprains an ankle.
Slumbara carries the injured Meltam up the ladder. Clearly he is just trying to get extra attention from Slumbara.
Slumbara flexes for Meltam
Slumbara rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.20+1d20.3 = 23]
You did succeed!
Meltam rolls a Discipline test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.20+1d20.8 = 28]
You did succeed!
The group is about a hundred yards from the village. There is no sign of the attackers Meltam was worried about, but several of the buildings are on fire.
Meltam: Ignore it, let's move out.
Slumbara: Slumbara does like roasting marshmallows over a burning village, but ok
Slumbara: If you can find an exit, Slumbara will go with you
Delia gives Volmalric a sidelong glance.
Meltam: It won't be quick but it's definetly a way out
Delia: There is a great little love hotel at the enclave. Since it is pretty obvious that Meltam and Slumbara need some "alone time" to work out their issues, we should go there. There are some women who are quite interested in meeting you.
Delia gestures to the south.
Delia: Every port in a storm, right?
Meltam is confused and doesn't know what feels he has or doesn't have
Volmalric: I think the Enclave sounds like a terrible idea
Slumbara: Normally Slumbara would agree, but in this case, we should get out of here while we can
Volmalric: None of the places we've been to so far have been easy, nor clean, nor neat. They've all been trouble and dangerous
Meltam: but it has to be a good idea, because if present-Delia wants to go there, then surely past, or other Delia was there!
Volmalric: I think avoiding places with names like that is preferable
Delia: Well, then where are you going? We have Servitors to kill and things to do.
Delia: Servitor is in the swamp, this way.
Delia points in east.
Volmalric: Also, if we leave through a method like Meltam's, where will we exit to? And more importantly, when will we exit to?
Delia: Enclave is south.
Meltam: Why would we kill the Servitor if you are free?
Delia point south.
Delia: Because that is what the Scholar-King sent us to do?
Meltam: He can clean out his own terrarium.
Delia: I realize time distortion is really bad here, but you remember that is why we were sent here, right?
Volmalric: We were sent in to take care of that creature, and we're more likely to wind up back in our time and our world if we do so
Delia: But sure, whatever you "destroyers of women's bags" want to do is fine with me.
Meltam: We need the bag first and foremost
Meltam: Surely there are secrets in there which will be useful for our own world.
Slumbara: Slumbara is skeptical
GM: Observation check from everyone.
Slumbara: Meltam does not need more dangerous secrets
Meltam rolls an Observation test:
Target: 12 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.14+1d20.8 = 22]
You did succeed!

[1d20.20 = 20]
Slumbara rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.13+1d20.16 = 29]
You did not succeed.

[1d20.1 = 1]
Volmalric: We've already seen what Meltams (in plural) has done with secrets
Meltam: You mean, responsibly learn the workings of magics?
Volmalric rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.5+1d20.6 = 11]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Meltam: it all worked great until something came over them. Can't quite figure that one out.
As you are chatting at the top of the trap door, you spot what looks like a horse trying to pull itself out of the village with just its front legs. The back end of the horse and its legs look like it is writhing with fur ... and then you realize it is being consumed by hundreds of voracious rats.
Delia: So, I'm thinking we really do not want to just keep standing around, probably should pick a direction and start walking. What say you, fearless adventurers?
Meltam: To the Enclave!
Slumbara: Slumbara votes swamp before Enclave
Volmalric: Swamp
Meltam: If we find the bag, dealing with the Servitor will be easier.
Meltam: Very well. Swamp it is.
Volmalric: I dont think anything gets easier with finding the bag, I'm all for leaving it here
Slumbara: If you want to get the back from past Delia, we can go back to the pitch black caves we stumbled into 100 years ago, and you can use your newfound powers of seeing in the dark to become a bat or whatever and steal it from her when she can't see
Volmalric: Plot twist, everything here is actually originally from the bag, and this was a perfectly mundane terrariam beforehand
Slumbara: Assuming that your plan of meeting a past delia would even work, which Slumbara does not think it would
GM: Bad Volmalric, have you been reading my notes again? Dammit, I need to make sure they are not all marked public by accident.
Slumbara: And if you just want to go the Enclave as an excuse to be sexual with Slumbara, we can do that later anywhere
Meltam: The Swamp it is!
Slumbara leads on towards the swamp
Volmalric follows Slumbara
The group heads towards the swamp, ignoring the burning village to the south and other options.
Volmalric: So, what have you been up to since your escape from the Servitor?
Meltam follows
After a few hours of travel, you reach the edge of the swamp. It is a noticeable edge, which would be weird outside the terrarium you are in. Literally the swamp and the prairie next to it seem to have a 1 meter wide "DMZ" which turns into an immediate festering swamp laden with insects, smelling of rot and moldy water, and strange animal calls in the distance, from things that do not sound natural. Large snakes curl around trees and watch you with uncaring, unblinking eyes.
Volmalric gives a very heavy sigh
Meltam: Do we have to step in there, or can we just put out some Snake Food?
Delia: Oh, you know, looking for you guys, trying to protect people from the marauders and bandits who plague the area, being a hero. Plus making sure Vampire Lord Meltam doesn't drink the blood of the living and turn himself into a demon of the Outer Dark.
Slumbara: Pretty sure you failed there
Volmalric: Ah, we accidentally imploded that Meltam
Slumbara: By accidentally, he means on purpose
Delia: Oh, and occasionally giving old and bitter Volmalric luxurious foot massages.
Meltam: I bet they are magical.
Volmalric: I mean, we didn't exactly mean to implode him
Volmalric: That part just kind of happened
Delia: Really? I just saw him carry off several villagers in his bat-winged embrace a few hours ago.
Meltam rolls a Discipline test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.12+1d20.3 = 15]
You did succeed!
Volmalric: Hm
Delia: But hey, if you killed him between then and now the world is a better place. No offense, non-Bat-Demon-Meltam.
Meltam: Try not to think about it. It doesn't make sense for our minds.
Volmalric: I don't think it was quite that soon
Volmalric: We killed him a couple days ago, and his death sucked up the whole tower
Volmalric: I wonder if it rebuilds itself?
Meltam: Slumbara, can you go in there and Lure out the servitor? Otherwise I have an idea of how to get it to come out.
Volmalric: Might be better to get it to come out
Slumbara: Slumbara is happy to wander into the scary forest
Slumbara: what is the worst that could happen?
Delia: Oh, I saw a big explosion a while ago, maybe that was the tower, that would make sense. In which case, congrats on ridding the world of bat-demon-Meltam. No offense, non-Bat-Demon-Meltam.
Meltam: I'm sure there's a scary, tilted version of you somewhere in this place too, Delia.
Meltam winks.
Delia: That much is certain. Like I'm sure there is at least one version of me who actually did eat the magic pancakes.
Delia: By the way, do *NOT* eat the pancakes.
Volmalric: Hmmm
Volmalric: The bat tower was full of Meltams
Slumbara: I found you quite useful when you ate the pancakes
Volmalric: Is the Enclave full of Delias?
Delia: The pancakes are very unhealthy. Any version of me who ate pancakes is a very bad person. You should kill that version of me as quickly as possible.
Delia: I, however, am 100% pancake free.
Slumbara: Slumbara is pretty sure the Servitor took care of that
Volmalric: You're not the Delia we met, then
Volmalric: Or we lost, pardon me
Meltam quickly ponders the morality of eating pancakes vs. being a monster...
Volmalric: The one that we lost had just eaten the pancakes
Volmalric: Which means she's either still captive, dead, or enslaved
Delia: Really? How terrifying.
Volmalric: I suppose the Servitor might be collecting you
Volmalric sighs again
Delia: Oh, I hate being collected by tentacled monsters for who knows what purpose.
Volmalric: And probably your bags
Volmalric: Is there anything we should know about you and your bag before we confront it?
Delia: We definitely need to rescue as many copies of my bags as possible.
Delia: Confront my bag?
Meltam: one cannot rescue infinite copies?
Volmalric: Confront the servitor with multiple copies of your bag at its disposal
Meltam: Into the swamp!
Slumbara: If you put one bag into another bag, what happens?
Volmalric: Ah, actually!
Volmalric: Delia, it caught you
Volmalric: What does its base look like?
Volmalric: We need a plan for when we get in there
Meltam: No plans, into battle!
Meltam rolls a Survival test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.1+1d20.8 = 9]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Slumbara: That's the spirit
Meltam: to deal with the difficult and treacherous terrain
Slumbara: We know it likes Dalia's apparently
Delia: It's base is a festering morass of twisted vines and snakes and creatures in a strange outdoor area. Very few signs of actual Set worship honestly. As much as we call it a Servitor of Set, other than the snakes, I am not entirely convinced it is a worshipper of the Snake God.
Delia: Lots of narrow twisting passages, plus things are pretty wet, so I would label it as, "not flammable".
Delia: Plus the Servitor is winged, and prefer aerial attacks, so it is not constrained by the difficult terrain of its home.
Delia nods matter of factly, as if she just rolled really well on a skill check.
GM: Umm... she didn't roll a skill check.
Delia is annoyed the GM is pointing out things that she hoped no one noticed.
Meltam: I think things here happen when they are convinent for them to happen here.
Slumbara: Slumbara has a plan
Meltam: Let's just march in
Slumbara: Meltam, turn into a giant bird
Meltam: I mean if you REALLY want me to
Meltam: I was thiniking mongoose. Then it'd really throw a hisssy fit.
Slumbara: Volmalric, can you extract or amplify Delia's scent? We can use her super-scent to attract the servitor of set
Slumbara: Slumbara can then ride Meltam
Slumbara: ...into battle
Slumbara: and kill the snake monster on the wing
Meltam: That's actually a really good idea.
Meltam: The scent part, not the riding part.
Slumbara: Slumbara thinks the giant bird part is best part
Delia: Well here, we can do it this way.
Delia reaches up and under her blouse and pops out her bra.
Delia hands it to Volmalric.
Delia: Don't drool on this like you normally do.
Meltam begins to seriously wonder what happened in the cool kids version of the same party.
Delia: Or rub it on yourself and dilute the scent.
Slumbara nods
Slumbara: That is not easy to do
Slumbara: with your shirt on
Delia: It took practice, I learned it going through TSA lines in the US.
Meltam: You'll have to tell me more about this strange world you speak of
Meltam used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Meltam rolls an Insight test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.18+1d20.3 = 21]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Meltam used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Meltam rolls a Sorcery test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.16+1d20.19 = 35]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: Unlike other mes, you do not have to worry about that
Volmalric rolls an Alchemy test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.1+1d20.17 = 18]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: So, it's likely to stick its head out to investigate the complete destruction of that village and the giant plume of smoke. We'll want to act quickly here to make sure we can draw its attention, there are a few different plants I know which snakes tend to love. We'll smear those and Delia's scent on Meltam when he transforms, and then Meltam lure the creature down to where we can ambush it
Volmalric: Problem is, there's nothing to hide behind out here, and the servitor can probably scry through the snakes in there
Volmalric: So it might be more of a bring him over here so we can ""talk"" plan
Volmalric uses air quotes
Volmalric was clearly rummaging through his pack rather than listen to Slumbara's superior plan
Meltam used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Meltam rolls a Sorcery test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 4 Momentum: 3 [1d20.11+1d20.13 = 24]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
GM adds a Momentum chit on behalf of the players.
GM adds a Momentum chit on behalf of the players.
Delia: I like this plan of ....
Delia stops.
Delia looks at Meltam.
Delia: Oh screw you asshole.
Delia: I knew I should have killed you when I had the chance.
Meltam is shocked at this turn of events.
Campaign saved.