Chat log started at 9.4.2014 / 17:29:46

Savage Worlds Deluxe for Fantasy Grounds II. (c) 2011 Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
GM: Hello!
Asset 1101: hi there
GM: The learning curve on Campaign Cartographer is crazy, but I have to admit, I find myself coming up with reasons to draw maps just because it is interesting.
Asset 1101: it is fun
GM: Symbol Set 4 is pretty awesome, I created a few dungeon maps with it and they added a bunch of nice features.
Asset 1101: I have not tried the latest. Its probably been about a year now since I played with it
GM: Zach drew up a bunch of really nice maps a few years ago with it, which made me horribly hooked on the program. I probably spend 2-3 hours every month fiddling with it. Sometimes more if they have a new release coming out that they want me to try and break.
Asset 1101: one thing i really liked was i bought 2, and when 3 came out they sent that to me for free. That was impressive.
GM: 4 is coming out this year, supposedly before GenCon. I already have a voucher for the free upgrade, which is neat.
Asset 1101: awesome. I would buy 4, just to support their great work.
GM: But they are pretty awesome about free upgrades. The only company that beat them in my experience is Arcengames.
Asset 1101: interesting. what do they do?
GM: A few years ago I spent about $100 on Christmas Presents for people, only to have everything go on sale about 3 days later. I emailed them and asked if I could get a refund on the difference, since everything was for Christmas and no one has used any of the licenses yet. They credited me back everything without even asking a question. I was so impressed I immediately took my credit and bought more Arcengames stuff.
Asset 1101: omg, thats crazy awesome. never ever heard anyone doing that
GM: Me either.
Asset 1101: btw, has zach convinced you to multiplayer 7 days to die with us yet?
GM: No. Zach is having difficulties convincing me to buy new games. (a) I just bought a freakingly overpriced condo, and I'm broke. (b) I don't have enough time to play the games I currently own. (c) I don't have enough time to read the books I have on my iPad.
Hat Trick: Zach and I were talking about 7 days to die.
Hat Trick: I'm having the same problem Brad is though, except replace a) with a) school is sucking all of the life and happiness out of me
Hat Trick: I am immediately interested by anything that says "cross-platform multiplayer." In fact, that's the only reason to have steam.
Asset 1101: i understand all 3. I usually have about 10+ books in my to read queue. But, I recommend but it!
Asset 1101: BUY it
Asset 1101: ok, a) is harder for me to get? What are you taking?
Hat Trick: Organic Chemistry
Asset 1101: Ah, even Sammy Joe the mircrobiology major hated that
GM: Yes, CJ is taking Organic Chemistry, and the only person who has any appreciation for that class moved to California to avoid helping him with homework!
Agent R: everyone hates that course and his teacher is a douch...
Asset 1101: thats why she changed to microbiology instead of cellular biology...
Asset 1101: yes, many organic chem people have that issue. They feel so superior...
Hat Trick: It's convinced me to stop bothering with advancement through education
Asset 1101: now she has a job at the Mosuito bLab, growing bacteria that live in Mosquito guts...
Asset 1101: Good move, helping with Organic Chem isnt much fun
GM: I think I'm safe, I don't think my computer will run "7 Days to Die"
Asset 1101: yeah, right
GM: Really. The Minimum Video card is an nVidia 8800GTX and I have the one that was released before that.
Asset 1101: wow. I am surprised.
Asset 1101: it does run on the kids' laptops with integral video, but its rather laggy.
GM: Well, I'll stick it on my Wishlist and if it goes on sale, I win the lottery, or something like that I will consider it. I expect to buy it around the time everyone else stops playing it. Kind of like my experience with the super awesome RPG from about 5 years - Dragon Age.
GM: Anyway, let's get this party started before everyone goes to bed.
Asset 1101: works for me
Agent R: I am in bed playing lol
Agent R: perk of bed rest
Asset 1101: Cruisin the Couver, in the Battle Pig...
Hummer (William Shatner): Battle Pig is right, this is a BIG DEAL.
Asset 1101: Bill, your daughter is still kinda hot!
Hummer (William Shatner): Of course she is, she takes after me.
Asset 1101: without a doubt, Bill. In your heyday, you made it with every Ensign and scientist that had any hotness.
Hummer (William Shatner): What makes you think I still don't?
Asset 1101: good point. Just like Rick Springfield. Kind of...
Hat Trick: However, I think we should all play Goat Simulator for hundreds of hours
Agent P: It's fantastic. Truly ludicrous. I wouldn't buy it your feeling broke, but it's worth the price of a movie.
Agent P: When I say fantastic, I use that kind of loosely. It's not the best value you'll get, but i'ts certainly entertaining.
Agent P: Probably more entertaining to watch than to play :)
Asset 1101: i will have to get it soon
GM: I was going to buy Goat Simulator, but I was distracted by purchasing FTL for my iPad. It was the same price.
Asset 1101: i have wasted more money on a so-so beer...
Agent P: FTL is a truly great game.
Agent P: way more worth it than GS
The ETOG agents wake up the next morning in a nice Canadian Hotel. The smell of Canadian Bacon, Pancakes, and Gallons of Maple Syrup assault your noses.
Asset 1101: as long as its real maple syrup, not the Mrs Butterworth garbage...
Canadian Hotel Hostess: Of course it is REAL CANADIAN maple syrup, eh.
Canadian Hotel Hostess: Nothing but the finest for our visiting tourists, eh.
Asset 1101: Thank you dear. We Bulgarians appreciate the difference. Even if we don't get curling...
Agent R dissects his food and eats it without any comments
Hat Trick is wearing a Steve Yzerman jersey today.
Canadian Hotel Hostess: EEAARRGGHHHH!!!!
Canadian Hotel Hostess looks at Hat Trick with the unbridled fury of 10000 suns.
Asset 1101: FOOD FIGHT! But don't waste the syrup!
John (Asset 1101): are we skyping tonight?
Agent R holds his food close and eat his food with knife and fork like royaly.
GM: Oh, Skype. Duh. That explains why no one is in Vent. LOL
Asset 1101: oh, well thats fine too
GM: Let me log into Skype.
Asset 1101: Marcus it entertaining me with his musical selections.
After an amazing repast of the finest in Canadian Breakfasts, except for Hat Trick, who is somehow covered in Mrs. Butterworth syrup and half-cooked Aunt Jemima pancakes, the group is ready to go in search of aliens.
Asset 1101: so, besides random cruising and hanging out at Tim Horton's, how are we searching?
Hummer (William Shatner): That is a great question, I was going to ask that myself.
Agent P: I think we need to meet up with the Mounties
Asset 1101: at least, until the clubs open...
Hummer (William Shatner): Right, so I can either put in the coordinates of the Mounties, the coordinates of the nearest Tim Hortons, generate a "random cruising" map, head over to the college - kick you all out - pick up some coeds and have them go wild, or I have also calculated a map of every alien sighting and triangulated that with the radio emissions that you were briefed on. You tell me what we are doing. I know what I am picking if none of you say anything.
Asset 1101: triangulate thingy. and cross correlate with coed frequency...
Hummer (William Shatner): All right, everyone climb inside. Who's driving?
Marcus Davidian: MEEE
Hat Trick: I will be down in a minute. I need to change into my Chris Chelios jersey. This one is all sticky.
Hat Trick: I feel like that Hostess might have "tripped" on purpose.
Hummer (William Shatner): All right. Just push the buttons and touch the wheel gently but firmly. But not in a weird "man-love" kind of way.
Asset 1101: And it doesnt even smell like octupus...
Random Canadian Passerby: Hello all! Eh!
Asset 1101: GReetings, awesome Canadian citizen
Agent R: emote/ Stays far from Hat Trick
Random Canadian Passerby has a hockey stick in his hands, looks like he is one American Hockey team jersey short of causing an international incident.
Marcus Davidian: nice jersey
Random Canadian Passerby: [1d4 = 1]
Hat Trick: Greetings random Canadian! Shall I tell you why the Red Wings are the greatest franchise in sports history?
Hat Trick: I have a power point!
Random Canadian Passerby critically fails his Notice check and is unaware that Hat Trick is even there. He walks on, oblivious to how close he has come to death.
Agent R now farther away...
Hummer (William Shatner) heads out and drives in the general direction of what was indicated by Asset 1101.
Asset 1101: What is the date?
Hat Trick: Sad... I shall look for converts later. We should find some illegal aliens and introduce them to our deportation policy
Hummer (William Shatner): So here, you see some nice, lovely, Canadian Ass, along with a nice exposed rack.
Asset 1101: This is Canada? Do they deport anyone except Americans?
Hat Trick: You shouldn't talk about their elk that way.
Asset 1101: Is that the Mountain Ass, or Alpine Ass?
Hummer (William Shatner): DAMN MY NEARSIGHTEDNESS! It sucks getting old.
Asset 1101: Bill, just get some Google Glass thingys. It looks good 10mm away...
Nessie (Agent R): hummer might kill us while we worry about poking the locals...
Hummer (William Shatner) directs the group over to a warehouse district along the docks, and parks near an abandoned looking building, suspiciously surrounded by a powered electric fence with recently looped concertina wire on top.
Nessie (Agent R): is he driving?
John (Asset 1101): but i am sure it would be a very polite crach and burn...
Asher (Hat Trick): on further review, my laptop will not run 7 days to die
Valeroth (Agent P): Google Glasses: Mini maps are coming for everyone.
Technically no, he is not driving, he is relaying the directions to Marcus in his PriceLine Negotiator voice.
John (Asset 1101): he is like onstar next gen, right?
Hat Trick: Hmmm... this looks like a legitimate business
Asset 1101: he probably is pointing out good deals on the way, too...
Hummer (William Shatner): Onstar Advisor? Sure, I can fake that..."How can I help you? Did Timmy fall down a well? Are you too damn stupid to figure out how the ignition key works?"
Asset 1101: looks like a nice club to check out, new wave death punk maybe?
Agent R checks his seat belt over and over again...
Asset 1101: maybe lmfao is performing there this week?
Asset 1101: any vehicles parkied nearby, or guards, vagrants, or obvious cameras?
Hummer (William Shatner): Right, this is the most suspicious place on the list, I'll just hang out here where it is safe and my paint job is not being scratched up. You guys just go check that out. If you need help, there is an orbital satellite overhead with an 88Gigawatt Railcannon that will be covering Vancouver for the next fourteen minutes and 56 seconds.
Asset 1101: lets moce out then...
Hat Trick: Can we hit the Canucks stadium with that?
John (Asset 1101): ugh, typing is really bad tonight...
There are several abandoned looking vehicles nearby. Some vagrants are sleeping in the vehicles. The "suspicious looking" building has no guards that can be spotted without rolling Notice checks.
Asset 1101: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Agent R: Notice [1d6 = 10]
Agent P: Notice [1d6 = 3]
Asset 1101: I don't see LMFAO, must be too early...
Hat Trick: Notice [1d6 = 5]
Hummer (William Shatner): You cannot destroy a sporting venue unless you have clear proof of an alien invasion, and no matter how hard I try, I can't convince ETOG that Canadians are aliens. I tried the "illegal alien" option too, but they didn't go for that either.
Hat Trick: Who do you think runs the concession stands?
Hummer (William Shatner): Sorry, no blowing up the Canucks stadium and the surrounding six blocks with a Railcannon.
Marcus Davidian: Notice [1d4 = 2]
Marcus Davidian: what??
Hat Trick: Hey P, is there any way to shut down the fence from out here?
Asset 1101: Any names or signs on/at the building?
Hat Trick: Although, if we really had to get in, we could drive hummer through the gate.
Asset 1101: I don't see a valet parking sign...
Agent R: does anyone see the snipers on the building over there?
Agent P: How is the gate locked? What kind of gate is it?
The sign on the building reads, "Import/Export Business! Always open!" There is a considerable amount of rust on the sign.
Agent P: snipers?
Asset 1101: Snipers?!?
The gate is locked with a thick chain and a padlock over it. From where you are standing, the padlock shows recent signs of use.
Agent R: That building across from the "suspicious looking" one right there
Asset 1101: hmm, keep moving? Then blow up the sniper nest?
Agent R: hmm interesting...
Hummer (William Shatner): You are NOT driving the hummer through the gate. Really, my owner's manual prohibits such behavior. I'm just going to have to turn the engine off and not let you turn it back on if you persist in that plan.
Hat Trick: snipers?
Agent R: why only have three snipers where is the of the crew...
Hat Trick hides under Hummer
Agent P: I (from cover) attempt to hack/listen into any radio chatter in the area?
Agent P: .
Hummer (William Shatner): You are not the kind of person that I prefer to be underneath me.
Asher (Hat Trick): I'm assuming we're not walking around fully kitted out
John (Asset 1101): isnt wearing your Wings Jersey "fully kitted out?
GM: I'm making the assumption you are not carrying your sniper rifle over your shoulder right now, if that is what you mean.
Asset 1101: Ensign Rand, where are you?
Agent R glad he is on the opposite side of the car from Hat Trick
Agent P: Tech Ops [1d8 = 12]
Agent R: Tech Ops [1d8 = 7]
Asset 1101: So, what would a good agent so in this case?
Asset 1101: Tech Ops [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Asset 1101: Go to another club...
Agent P: Yo (whispering to group) Those snipers are mounties. monitoring the area.
Agent P: I think we should have checked in with the mounties first. I try to raise them on the radio.
Asset 1101: Uh oh. Canadians with guns. Is that allowed?
GM: It's okay, they only fire rubber bullets.
John (Asset 1101): soft rubber, im sure
Hat Trick removes his jersey, only to find a t-shirt with a listing of every year the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup
Asset 1101: unless they are baby seals, or other fur nbearing critters
Asset 1101: nice T shirt, did you get that from Target?
GM: Sure they have guns in Canada, someone has to control the baby seal, eskimo, and Alaskan population.
Hat Trick: crap, I think I'm wearing my lucky Red Wings boxers too...
Hat Trick: Thanks... no, the online store.
Agent R: All I can hear is people ordering donuts and coffee....
Hat Trick: Wait, Tim Horton's delivers?
Agent P: Okay I'm in contact with the mounties... one sec.
Agent R: no just the radio traaffic I hear...
Asset 1101: So, carefully not looking at the Canucks with guns, what do we do next?
Asset 1101: brazen our way in, or wait until tonioght to try top break in?
Hat Trick: If they're on our side, we should probably ask them what they've seen.
Hat Trick: Also, maybe we should investigate the sleeping homeless looking people in the cars.
Asset 1101: Tell them they need to fight off the amercian Red Wing invasion? And see if they react?
Hat Trick: They probably hate the Penguins more. Everyone hates the Penguins. Even their fans.
Agent P: Okay the mounties are going to covber the outside while we search the uilding
Agent P: A main storage area and elevated office is what we should expect.
Agent P: The building should be abandoned.
Agent P: I say we move in.
Asset 1101: ok, lets check out the abandoned building. If it suddenly collapeses in a giant dust cloud, it must have just been building code violations...
Hat Trick: Okay. So how are we getting past the electified fence?
Asset 1101: Hat Trick, here is a squirt gun. Or, a fire hose...
Agent P: I suggest shutting down the power to the fence... wherever the power is coming from
Agent R: Have the gm touch the giant fence? While someone else shuts of the power?
Agent P: If you run fast enough you can get through the electric.
Agent R: works in boarderlands...
Agent P: Just run fast
Asset 1101: William Shatner?
Hummer (William Shatner): ...Is not helping you get past an electric fence if it involves scratching the paint job.
Asset 1101: How about a metal net to short/ground it out?
Asset 1101: like, a section of fence
Agent P: Yes lets do that...
Hummer (William Shatner): Wait, you could make a human pyramid from the vagrants, then just run over the ramp you create with them.
Valeroth (Agent P): You know if anyone had a good pair of insulated wire cutters we could just cut it... note to self for future items
Hummer (William Shatner): Since you are in Canada, they will probably even thank you for it.
John (Asset 1101): yes. Depending on the voltage...
Agent P: Notice [1d6 = 7]
At this point, a happy, colorful, young butterfly flaps down to within 3" of the fence, only to have an arc of lightning come off the fence and incinerate it, the arc of lightning almost looked like it possessed a sentience behind it, and you swear it formed into a "fly swatter" shape before it impacted the butterfly.
Agent P: that's no normal electric fence
Asset 1101: a little det cord on a couple fence supports, and we are in, if we want to be that blatant
Agent P: obviously it's an illegal fence, so I say blow it open.
Asset 1101: rocvket launcher!
Asset 1101: railgun strike!
Asset 1101: North Korean missile salvo!
GM: Now wait a minute, you want to hit the building in Vancouver, not Portland, Oregon.
GM: How is the group getting past the scary electric fence?
Agent P: I scan the buildings around the area... anyway we could could jump the fence from any nearby building?
Asset 1101: I want to get back out...
Agent P: If that does not work, then I say we take one of the abandoned cars and ram it into the fence.
Asset 1101: you push, i will cheer you on!
GM: There is no easy way to get "over" the fence from another building.
Asset 1101: how about a cvratering charge from a few feet away?
Asset 1101: big badda boom
Agent P: We first see if any of the abandonced cars will start... and if not, we have the warhog push them towards the fence. I'm also for the cratering charge, that would be fine.
Asset 1101: or, stealthier, is there an underground utility access tunnel to check out?
Hummer (William Shatner): I'm fine with the cratering charge also.
Asset 1101: those Vancouverians must have lots of fiber tunnels...
Asset 1101 notices many sewer entrances nearby, and also notices that there are a couple manhole covers on the other side of the fence.
Agent R: Notice [1d8 = 6]
Agent R: DI Analytical Planner {+1 } [1d6+1 = 6]
Asset 1101: i say check these first, then blast if if it doesnt look good
Asset 1101: Knowledge [1d6 = 11]
Hummer (William Shatner): I'm going to be back in a bit, if you are going down there I need to go pick up some plastic sheets for my interior so you don't make a mess.
Asset 1101: Stealth [1d6 = 8]
Asset 1101: Demolitions [1d8 = 5]
Asset 1101: don't forget to get some Scotch Guard too!
Agent P: roger roger... I'll hack into the City plans and see if I can't get map of the sewers...
Valeroth (Agent P): mostly because I just love hacking, not that we'll need it to go this far.
Asset 1101 blows up a manhole cover using a nicely shaped charge and it reveals a small ladder leading down into a very smelly sewer system.
Agent P: Tech Ops [1d6 = 10]
Agent P locates a map of the sewer system.
Hat Trick: Couldn't we just pry it up?
Valeroth (Agent P): I don't think we need to blow the manholes covers open... we can just pry them off.
Asset 1101: Aw, thats so boooring!
Hummer (William Shatner): That would have been way too damn boring, just let him be! Sheesh!
Hat Trick: You know, those hubcaps can be replaced, you!
Asset 1101: I have equipmwnt picks, that need to be used! Sheesh!
Hummer (William Shatner): Also, he brought explosives, did any of you bother to bring along a crowbar?
GM: Notice checks
Asset 1101: Notice [Critical failure!] [1d6 = 1]
Agent R: Notice [1d8 = 2]
Hat Trick: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 2]
Asset 1101: Hey,is that a invisible aquirrel over there?
Agent P: Notice [1d8 = 2]
Asset 1101: Damn alien squirrels!
Wow, everyone was clearly affected by Asset 1101s demolitions charge like it was a flashbang.
Asset 1101: benny
Marcus Davidian: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Agent P is using a benny
Agent P: Notice [1d8 = 6]
Asset 1101: to agent R
Agent R is using a benny
Agent R: Notice [1d8 = 3]
Agent R: Notice [1d8 = 5]
Asset 1101: i give one to R
Agent R: a benny?
Asset 1101: Agent R, dont look at the squirrel, look out!
Asset 1101: yes
Agent R has been awarded a benny
Asset 1101: yes indeed
Asset 1101 is using a benny
As the group glances around again after the spots clear from their eyes, they notice that a pale yellow light is coming from one of the dingy, dirt-covered windows of the warehouse.
Asset 1101: someone has been woken up?
Agent P: Quick someone into the sewers so we see if can get over there!
Asset 1101: down the squirrel hole~
GM: Is everyone going into the sewers?
Asset 1101: me
Marcus Davidian: o yeah
Agent P: I'll go in last and keep my head peaked up to observe until someone comes out the other side.
Hat Trick: Yeah, I'll jump in.
Nessie (Agent R): I make sure no one is eaten before I jump in
Asset 1101: Its a little disappointing there was not a stoichiometric mix of methane and oxygen in the sewer, that could have lifted manholes for blocks...
You are now in a dark, smelly, sewer tunnel. There is a stream of raw effluent running next to you, while you stand on the narrow walkway used by maintenance personnel. A nearby tunnel appears to lead in direction you want.
Asset 1101: thats not a crocodile. Its a Geico.
Asset 1101: lets go
GM: Are you just walking into the tunnel and towards the warehouse?
Agent R: Notice [1d8 = 5]
Asset 1101: I always wondering why effluent was only one letter away from affluent?
GM: The world may never know.
Asset 1101: look for traps!
Agent P: According to the map the enterance on the other side should be that way..
Agent P points...
Asset 1101: and electric fences
Asset 1101: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Hat Trick: I click on my handgun flashlight so we can see
Asset 1101: Next time, flashlight rocket launcher...
Hat Trick: Notice [1d6 = 11]
Asset 1101 notices a series of thin wires running from one side of the tunnel to the other about 10' down the path towards the warehouse, conveniently about where the light from the outside ends. Fortunately, Hat Trick has a flashlight.
Agent R: pull my head lamp out of my dissection kit
Asset 1101: interesting
Asset 1101: who wants to lick the wires?
Agent R pulls out a head lamp, realizes that he has no helmet to attach it to, but can hold it in one hand.
Hat Trick: can we pop those wires?
Valeroth (Agent P): usually can you just put a headlamp right on your head... a helmet is not required.
Agent R pulls out a REALLY tiny head lamp, the kind an optometrist would wear, and slips it on his head.
Asset 1101: i like the hiker version
Asset 1101: in stealth red
Evidently he did not get the industrial size "Dinosaur Dissection" kit like last time.
Asset 1101: so, who gets to cut the wires? Or, we blast!!!!
At this distance, and as Hat Trick looks at them VERY closely, it becomes apparent that these wires are not electrified.
Asset 1101: fragmentation charge? Oh, booring? But, do they set off alarm if connection broken? Keep connected with wire with alligator clips...
Marcus Davidian: i like blowing stuff up!!
Asset 1101: Tradecraft [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 14]
Hat Trick: Maybe like phone wires?
Nessie (Agent R): its an LED small is fine...
Asset 1101: anyone else?
Hat Trick: I don't think that cutting these will help us a lot. Maybe we should see where they go first? They could be cable wires for Canadian TV...
Hat Trick: and you don't want to cut the cable in the middle of a hockey game
Asset 1101: are they blocking access, or going along tunnel?
Hat Trick: they're across the tunnel
Asset 1101: so, how else to get past then?
They block access, they are strung along it, almost like tripwires, if you wanted to set tripwires at 4cm intervals for the height of a tunnel.
Asset 1101: do they appear mechanical, like stranded cable and open holes and tension, or electrical, with insulation
John (Asset 1101): does the 14 give me any hints?
GM: Stranded cables with open holes and tension. No electrical insulation.
Hat Trick: Do they go anywhere? Into the walls or up the corridor?
Agent R: looks like someone is catching aliens... or humans... the damage to the body flung a 50 mph would be amazing to look at...
Asset 1101: ok. First, we make a duct tape suit for Hat Trick...
Valeroth (Agent P): I'm now sad I got rid of my explosive rounds for my shotfun
Asset 1101: ok, so these appear mechanical.. Lets rig up and attche stoppers at each one to maintain the tension ON EACH ONCE WE CUT THEM
Asset 1101: oops. caps lock.. Man the typing is bad tonight...
John (Asset 1101): next time, get some WP....
With some effort, Asset 1101 is able to cut the wires without triggering the alarm.
GM: The way is now clear to continue down the tunnel.
Asset 1101: in we go. Too bad I saved explosives for a little later...
Hat Trick: I take point since I have the flashlight
Asset 1101: Little C-4 bunnies, squirrels, and GOPHERS...
About twenty feet later, you find a rung ladder going up to another manhole cover, this one should be inside the warehouse fence.
Hat Trick: nevermind
Asset 1101: go Hat Trick!
Agent P: Want me to watch and see wher eyou come up?
Agent P: someone nudge that cover real quick... and I'll watch from above, then quickly follow
Asset 1101: Mr Rabbit here has your back!
Hat Trick: I push up on the cover
Hat Trick: Strength [1d6 = 7]
Agent P: pretty closely, but only with my normal eyes.
Hat Trick pushes the cover up. Everything seems to be perfectly normal.
Agent P: okay... I head down and follow the group.
Agent R wonders who they ae sneaking up on..
Hat Trick climbs up out of the sewers. As he does, he notices that ALL the lights within his line of vision (i.e. in every building he can see) flicker.
Hat Trick: is there any cover nearby?
Nessie (Agent R): these seem to be very human traps, aren't we looking for aliens? or does aliens use these too?
Hat Trick: does it look like a power surge or power drain?
There is amazingly NO cover, you are wide open right now.
Hat Trick: Notice [1d6 = 7]
Asset 1101: good thing you are first...
Agent R: Notice [1d6 = 5]
You would guess a power surge.
Asset 1101: Must be sunspots...
Hat Trick: Do I see anything that looks like an improved position between me and the building? How close is the nearest door?
Asset 1101: RUN FOR COVER!
Hat Trick: Agent P, is there any access to INSIDE the build from the sewer?
Agent P: Yo, guys I've lost contact with the mounties.
Asset 1101: Must be 2 for 1 donuts at Tim Hortons...
Agent R: Tech Ops [1d8 = 6]
Asset 1101: Canadian lore [1d6 = 5]
Hat Trick: Tradecraft [1d6 = 4]
Asset 1101: And then...
The nearest door is about ten meters in front of you. Everything is pretty wide open here.
Agent P: Nope, no enterance from the sewer.
Agent R climbs out and notices that...the electric fence does not look electrical from this side...that or it is turned off now.
Asset 1101: Next time, we hang glider in...
GM: That would be awesome.
Hat Trick: I guess we make a break for it.
Asset 1101: So, do we push from below, or?
Hat Trick: seriously? thirty feet?
Hat Trick jumps out and runs for the door
Asset 1101: Cut an opening in the fence while its down for easy escape?
Yes, the door is about 30' away. You run to the door. You are not mercilessly gunned down by aliens, RCMP Snipers, or Hockey fans who see your Red Wings t-shirt.
Asset 1101: I like getting out easier then getting in...
GM: Wait, just a sec.
Canadian Hockey Fan: Shooting [1d6 = 3]
GM: Yep, the Canadian Hockey Fan misses you as you are running towards the door.
Asset 1101: Flying Puck!
Hat Trick: I threw him off by being nice and polite back
Hat Trick is now standing next to a door, it looks like a normal warehouse door, with a handle and a lock.
GM: Where is everyone else?
Asset 1101: getting out, cutting an exit in the fence, then going to the door...
GM: And does Hat Trick want to make a notice check?
Hat Trick: Notice [1d6 = 4]
Asset 1101 walks over to the fence close to the Hummer/William Shatner. He cuts a hole in the fence and is not electrocuted to death while doing it.
Asset 1101: YAY!
Hat Trick smells ozone. A lot of ozone.
Asset 1101: lets rock this club, dudes!
Hat Trick: Electical burning?
Hat Trick: Something nearby just got toasted guys.
That would be a safe assumption. The door handle and lock appear to be made from iron.
Hat Trick: And not in the happy, drunk on cheap canadian beer toasted
The ozone smell is stronger the closer you get to the door.
Hat Trick: I try the handle
Hat Trick: Gently, in case it is hot
Asset 1101: Lick your hand, grab it tight, well hang back and watch the sight.
Hat Trick: In fact, I specifically touch it with the back of my hand first
Asset 1101: back hand the BEOTCH!
Your hand gets to about 3" from the door handle, and an arc of lightning comes out and dances across the back of your hand, leaving nasty black marks and incinerating any hair you had on your hand.
Asset 1101: owie
Hat Trick: OUCH
GM: Roll Vigor or Agility to avoid taking a Wound here.
Agent P: perhaps you should just knock?
Hat Trick: Agility [1d8 = 4]
Agent P: we are here to make friends right?
Asset 1101: do tyhe walls appear to be susceptible to demolitions!?
GM: It stings, but you are not seriously hurt.
Hat Trick: What is the wall made of? Is it scalable?
Hat Trick: Climbing [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 7]
The walls appear to be susceptible to demolitions. They also appear to be made of tin sheeting. They also smell strongly of ozone.
Asset 1101: minor breaching charge might work?
Asset 1101: hmmm, maybe a little shocking though
GM: Are you sure you want to climb them? Did you bring rubber climbing gear?
Asset 1101: can we get fence peice to ground out wall to ground?
Agent P: I look around for a doorbell, or itnercomm.
Asset 1101: or, thick steel bar...
Sure. It takes a minute or two, but you will be able to get a piece of fence (or a post) that you can use. Agent P notices a doorbell and an intercom.
Strangely, neither one is near the door where Hat Trick is standing.
Asset 1101: Hellooo, alien masters, we are here to see if you want to come to our church next Sunday?
Asset 1101 does not get a response.
Asset 1101: ground out the wall, or try to. If nothing else, electric bill will be higher this month...
Hat Trick: Hello, do you have a moment to hear the word of our lord and saviour, Cthulhu?
Asset 1101: Hentai, the Tentacle Master...
Hat Trick also does not get a response, except for a hockey puck whizzing by his head at close to 275km/h.
Asset 1101: 7.6 m/sec, not that scary?
Asset 1101: oops 76
An arc of lightning comes out of the door handle, rears back like a snake, and swivels around. Imagine the mechanical eye from Jabba's Palace that talks to C-3PO.
Asset 1101: cool
GM: 76m/sec is pretty scary to me.
GM: That would be one painful hockey puck to get hit with.
Asset 1101: yes
Hat Trick: Ooto goota Solo?
Asset 1101: really!
The arc of lightning swivels over and points at Hat Trick.
Asset 1101: Wings fan?
It cycles through a few shades of color as he asks, "Oota goota Solo"
Then it points at Asset 1101 and does the same thing.
Asset 1101: And then, "Welcome to the Jungle" plays...
Asset 1101: Pozdravi , elektricheska pishka !
The arc of lightning withdraws back into the door. You hear the deadbolt being slid back.
Asset 1101: In da club...
Agent P: excellent
The door opens up, seemingly of its own volition. The smell of ozone is drastically reduced.
Hat Trick: I feel like we're about to be probed
Asset 1101: Pozdravi , elektricheska pishka !
Agent P: I step in and look around.
You see, the revealed map.
Marcus Davidian: awsome
Asset 1101: any pishkas?
Agent P: A strange yellow light coming from anywhere?
There are stairs up in the corner. Asset 1101 does not see any pishkas.
Asset 1101: whew, good
A strange yellow light is emanating from an open door on one of the offices on the second floor.
Asset 1101: onward?
Asset 1101: look for lurking laiens, or invisible squirrels
Agent P: Towards the pretty light
Asset 1101: Notice [1d6 = 17]
The floor does have scattered bloodstains in many spots, many shattered crates, and most of the bloodstains have long black trails stretching from them in multiple directions, almost like people were repeatedly struck by lightning until they exploded.
Asset 1101: I can see for miles and miles....
Asset 1101 notices that all of the crates that are intact are labeled "High Explosives" and are marked with the Canadian Army emblem, as well as designations from the 1940s.
Asset 1101: and Hat Trick is first...
The bloodstains are very recent compared to the boxes.
Hat Trick: Notice [Trait roll was a natural 1] [1d6 = 4]
The shattered boxes on the floor look like they are contemporaries of the not-shattered and possibly explosives filled boxes.
Hat Trick realizes that every third step on the stairs is rotted in a way that whoever puts weight on it will probably seriously injure a leg.
Agent P heads up the stairs, avoiding the steps that Hat Trick points out, and walks over to the office where the pretty light is visible.
Hat Trick: Do the trails go in a single direction?
Asset 1101: trap city
Agent P: What do I see?
The blood trails spread out from a central point, as if the lightning came down from the ceiling.
Agent P: pretty lights...
Agent P spots a glowing yellow ball hovering off the ground in the center of the room.
Asset 1101: hmmm
Asset 1101: William Shatner, is this a relative of yours?
Agent P: I scan it with my: radio, night vision goggoles, parabolic microphone, radio scanner, sattlite phone, and stethscope.
Valeroth (Agent P): that might take a few minutes
Asset 1101 gets static when he attempts to communicate with William Shatner.
Asset 1101: try your electric snake on it too
Agent P starts to scan the glowing yellow ball. It changes color several times as he is scanning it, and a pair of lightning arcs project from the sides and slither towards him, evidently scanning him.
Hat Trick: are there other offices upstairs?
There are other offices upstairs, none of them have lights in them.
GM: Notice check for everyone on the main floor.
Asset 1101: Notice [1d6 = 8]
Agent R: Notice [1d8 = 2]
Hat Trick: Notice [1d6 = 16]
Asset 1101: shazam!
GM: Wow, okay, so Hat Trick is on top of things.
As Hat Trick is about to go up the stairs, he glances over at the door the group came in and notices that it is moving. Then he spots a shift in light, and realizes that several mostly invisible things have just entered the building.
Hat Trick: Contacts!
Invisible Creature: NACKTO! EEBITS! CLIN DAK!
Asset 1101: invisible alien squirrels?!?
Hat Trick: By the entrance
Hat Trick: Really big damn squirrels
GM: Agility check for everyone not Agent P.
Asset 1101: Agility [1d8 = 5]
Hat Trick: Agility [1d6 = 17]
Agent R: Agility [1d8 = 7]
Asset 1101: Hat Trick has the moces
Asset 1101: moves
Hat Trick tucks and rolls into cover, somehow violating the laws of physics to do so, and also managing to get behind the couple crates not marked "High Explosives". Everyone else ducks for cover as the new arrivals open fire, spraying out beams of red light, in a pattern that would seem very much like a laser assault rifle.
Of course, that is somewhat speculative, as they are also entirely invisible, and you can only spot them by following the beams.
Asset 1101: laser light show!
Valeroth (Agent P): next week should be good for me