Chat log started at 21.2.2019 / 18:27:25

Fantasy Grounds Theme Extension - Conan 2d20 Theme V3.6 by Jolly. More great resources at (LINK)
Visit (LINK) for the best online RPG convention. Every year in April and October.
MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.46 20180915). This ruleset adds features and flexibility to CoreRPG allowing you to play more game systems. This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward and additional thanks to Trenloe and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Trenloe, Frostbyte, Imiri, Myrddin, Sibelius, rstrahan, superteddy57, damned and ianmward. Other devs may add new roll types. You can Create a library of Rolls and you can drag Rolls into the MoreCore tab of the PC sheet and the Rolls field of the NPC sheet.
Type /morecorehelp to access the MoreCore User Manual in game. Rolls should be added to the PC and NPC sheets and not used in Chat. (LINK)
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.7 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Extension (Conan 2D20 V3.6 09302018) loaded.
Slumbara jams on the tuba while waiting for the story to kick off
When last we met our intrepid adventures, they had defeated the murderous duo of Arqitte and his partner, whose name I forget, and helped the Lemurian Princess, Rhiveth, recover from her ancient slumber. Agreeing to work with her to defeat ancient Acheronian (and older) menaces, they had taken a river barge down to Kordava on their way to Messantia. That journey was frought with danger when the barge captain foolishly gave Slumbara a tuba...
However, they have since been hired by the mysterious "procurer of ancient artifacts" - a woman named Delia - who wants them to escort her by boat to Messantia also, which means Slumbara gets to double-book his billable hours!
Meltam Perandus: A Sailor's life for me!
Volmalric sits back and scribbles notes in his journal, listening to Slumbara's tuba
All the while, Meltam and Volmalric are trying to come to terms with the fact that Meltam has not caused any sorcerous disasters in at least four days.
Delia escorts the group to "Gull's Nest" - a ship she has chartered for the trip to Messantia.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Captain Fingol: Greeting ma'am, I see you are railroading them on the boat before one of them derails the entire session in the Zingaran port town?
Delia: Yes, yes I am, now cast off before they can type something!
Slumbara: Slumbara resen't the implication
Captain Fingol: WEIGH ANCHORS!
Slumbara: I certainly don't remember us causing many deaths on the docks with reckless use of hero points
Volmalric: A ship crashing into the docks is not our fault
Meltam Perandus ponders deeply how thes simple Zingaran towsfolk know so much.
Captain Fingol: Sure, what...wait...
Feneril (Slumbara): The 3 men Slumbara killed though...
Meltam Perandus: Too late, anchors weighted, we are on international waters now.
Delia: Nothing, they are just making idle conversation...carry on.
Captain Fingol: Umm...okay
Slumbara: Do not worry friend, I am paid to protect you. Not to kill you
Slumbara: If anyone tries to kill you, Slumbara will tear their manhood off and choke them with it
Slumbara: You will see
Volmalric: Slumbara is good at killing people he is paid to kill
Kazemi (Volmalric): Except for those guardsmen in the bushes
Within minutes the boat has slipped free of its moorings and is out into the harbor. A short while later, the slaves below decks are rowing to the beat of a drum as they take the ship out to sea, where the sails are unfurled and the slaves are given a rest.
Captain Fingol: Excellent work slaves, you get an extra ration of water tonight!
Slaves: Yay! We get a half cup of stale water! This is the best life!
Slumbara jams along with the drums
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 17]
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 30]
Dummer: Hey man! That is a wicked cool tuba! You want to join our musical group? We play every night!
Slumbara: Yes, Slumbara is world famous traveling Tubist
Slumbara: Who also just happens to kill people for money
Slumbara: Here, take my card
Slumbara gives the drummer a business card
Slumbara thinks he sees the drummer put his business card into his underwear and is mildly aroused by the implications. (Because I had to do something with that complication...)
Delia goes below deck to the cargo hold to check on the cargo she is transporting for her employer.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 23]
Meltam Perandus looks bewildered at the vast openness of the seas.
Meltam does indeed notice that the sea is very large and flat. There are many ships sailing towards, and away from, Kordava.
Meltam Perandus: So....what excactly does one do to pass the time on the open seas?
Volmalric: Reading, enjoying the breeze, singing, and trying not to die in storms
Captain Fingol paces too and fro on the desk, barking orders and looking very captainly.
Slumbara: Definitely not summoning demons
Captain Fingol: Yes, definitely NONE of that!
Volmalric: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Dummer: There is also whipping slaves, beating slaves, sacrificing slaves, fornicating with slaves, and plundering other ships to get more slaves.
Volmalric: We already said no demons, so there had better be minimal sacrificing
Slumbara: Slumbara likes the sound of that
Meltam Perandus: Slumbara's paradise more or less.
Feneril (Slumbara): Let's face it, by the standards of the Conan univers, Slumbara is the most well adjusted character here
Kazemi (Volmalric): Slumbara has a sort of naive innocence to him
Slaves: Don't forget the Karaoke followed by having fingers broken!
Sailor: And occasionally being tentacle raped by a kraken. Let me tell you, it is better to take it in the ass than the ear...this one ship I was on...
Sailor 2: Hey, look, it's your time to be in the lookout again!
Slumbara: I could hear more
Sailor: Why does this always happen when I get ready to tell one of my stories?
Volmalric: The world is not yet ready for your stories
Volmalric: Transcribe them and stick them at the center of a dangerous dungeon
Volmalric: And then they shall be treated as treasure
Slumbara: But you have to die first, artists are never appreciated in their lives
Sailor: I was thinking of taking them to far off Yamagatai and having them transcribed with a pictographic alphabet so they could be enshrined for later generations in a new and unknown art-form.
Meltam Perandus: Surely they would be dismissed as just some sort of myth about a fisherman's wife.
The day, and evening pass uneventfully, even with the group's shenanigans.
Meltam Perandus: Sailing Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 22]
Meltam Perandus attempts to help the crew
Slumbara watches Meltam suspiciously, while playing tuba
Meltam appears to know how to operate a boat!
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 7]
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Volmalric watches Slumbara play the Jaws theme while following Meltam around
Slumbara manages to belt out such horrifying tuba music that he does not notice the slaves cringing in terror and feverishly rowing...he does notice that Meltam is evidently competent at sailing.
Slumbara: I wonder if that other red ship likes my tuba music
Meltam Perandus: ship?
Captain Fingol: What red ship?
Slumbara: The one that was following us before the sun set
Sailor 3: There are a lot of ships around here, many sail to Messanita.
Sailor 3 loooks at Slumbara.
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 15]
Slumbara: I think they wanted to hear the tuba concert
Sailor 3: Umm...sure.
Volmalric: Hmmmm
Tack (Meltam Perandus): Any tales of a red ship filled with uncouth corsairs of no mean skill?
Volmalric heads down to check on Delia
Volmalric: Lore 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 10]
Volmalric finds Delia sleeping in a hammock above a large and ornate chest fitted with several padlocks.
Volmalric: Delia, it appears we may have a ship shadowing us. You may want to come up and take a look.
Delia continues to sleep.
Feneril (Slumbara): The sun set, it's dark
Volmalric gives Delia's hammock a sway to wake her up
Delia: EGADS!
Delia leaps to her feet and draws a pair of daggers.
Volmalric: Hey, it's time to rise and shine. We've got incoming company and you'll probably want your book in a safer place than the obvious "Loot Me" box
Delia: Oh?
Delia looks at the ornate chest sitting under the hammock.
Delia: That's not mine.
Meltam Perandus: Stealth 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Meltam Perandus shadows Volmaric
Slumbara: If you want it to be very safe, Slumbara knows the safest place to put it
Slumbara: They call it a prison wallet
Volmalric: Excellent! That is a very questionable sort of box, if it's not a red herring
Delia: I've got the important thing wrapped in a wax-sealed watertight otterskin bag in my backpack.
Delia slips backpack over her shoulders and heads up to the deck.
Volmalric: A couple of the ships are getting closer to us. Not sure if they're following you specifically or just picked us out, but it's likely we'll have a night-time raid
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Volmalric: Lore 2EXP/2FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 21]
Slumbara plays ominous tuba music
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 8]
Slaves: That tuba music makes me think we are in trouble! Row faster!
Captain Fingol shivers at the horrible implications of the ominous tuba music.
Slumbara: Athletics 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 27]
The slaves valiantly pull at the oars and the ship that was closing is getting farther away now.
Delia: Captain, what seems to be the problem?
Captain Fingol: There is a ship behind us that the tuba player thinks is ominous and suspicious.
Meltam Perandus is puzzled, as Slumbara has seemingly prevented a possible conflict.
Delia: Well, the tuba player has good judgment I'm sure. After all, he is a musician of the highest caliber, given the music I am hearing.
Volmalric: It chills you to the bone
Delia was sleeping through everything up to the 2 Successes...
Slumbara: Slumbara the world famous Tubist is glad to be recognized for his talents, but Slumbara the word famous hired killer is sad to not get to kill whoever is in the other boat
Meltam Perandus: Maybe you just need to play relaxing tunes?
Volmalric: They'll catch up to us eventually, I'm sure. Ideally during the day, when we're better prepared to defend
After a while it looks like the other ship is keeping pace with, but not closing on the Gull's Nest.
The sun rises the next morning, and the nearest ship to the Gull's Nest does, indeed, have red sails.
Meltam Perandus: If we keep running, our slaves will only die tired?
Volmalric: Ah. Red Brotherhood
Volmalric: That's not a good sign
Captain Fingol: I recognize that ship, it is Captain Kahero's ship. He is not one to be bargained with, he is only interested in loot.
Slumbara: That is good, because Slumbara is not good at bargaining either
Volmalric: I don't know, Slumbara, you do drive a pretty hard bargain with that professional music and professional business card
Captain Fingol: We shall make for the nearby islands, our ship is nimbler and has a shallower draft, we can make them chase us a while and he will lose interest and go after one of those fatter Argossian merchants coming the other direction.
Meltam Perandus: Good idea!
Captain Fingol points at several Argossian merchants who are far downwind of the Gull's Nest.
Volmalric: Excellent!
Delia: Whatever works for you.
The sky is clear and the wind is strong, so Captain Fingol orders the crew about while the drummer beats feverishly on the drum, wearing out the slaves but getting the boat moving even faster.
The pirate ship pursues, firing a few ballista balls in the direction of the Gull's Nest, but the shots fall short.
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 2 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 23]
Slumbara: Observation 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 24]
Slumbara is sharpening his broadsword on the bell of his tuba
Volmalric and Meltam both notice that it is getting very dark and overcast quite suddenly.
Volmalric: Survival 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Volmalric: Is this normal weather?
Metalm is trying to figure something out and not paying attention, a sudden shift of the boat results in him getting hit by a swinging yardarm.
Meltam Perandus: Nay, surely this Captain Kahero has an adept of the dark arts in his employ.
Captain Fingol: What about the weather?
Volmalric: It's gotten surprisingly dark over the course of the last half hour or so
Captain Fingol rolled poorly on observation.
Slaves: Hey, the bottom of the boat is getting cold!
Slumbara: Yes, I have experienced this before, it is called "clouds"
Slaves: The guy by the window has blue lips!
Volmalric: That's...that's not good
Volmalric double checks his gear and equipment to make sure it's all properly waterproofed, putting the most essential books, journals, and medicine into his personal pack
A spray of water flies over the side of the boat and smashes Meltalm in the face, he takes 2d6 of damage from the spray of icicles.
Captain Fingol: [2d6 = 10]
Meltam Perandus: Resistance 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 30]
Meltam shivers and feels his hands getting cold.
He suffers a +1 DC to all physical actions.
Volmalric: Meltam, are you okay?
Slumbara: He seems to be cold
Meltam Perandus: I have a sneaking suspicion that Kahero has been hired by a rival mage to Delia.....
Meltam Perandus: And no, it's freezing!
Slumbara: If you summon a fire demon to warm yourself up I will cut off your legs
Meltam Perandus: I'm too cool for that now.
Volmalric approachsed Delia to see if she has any suggestions on what to do about the magic water freezing Meltam
Slumbara plays WAlking on Sunshine to see if that warms Meltam up
Slumbara: Persuade 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 37]
Delia: I'm not a sorceror, but I can tell this is sorcery. Meltam may be right about our pursuer.
Meltam Perandus: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Slumbara: Sorcery 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 33]
Captain Fingol gets out his axes.
Feneril (Slumbara): newt just woke up crying, don't get killed without me
Captain Fingol: Aye, it be time for fighting! Ready that broadsword good tuba player and let us make a tally of blood !
Volmalric prepares his bow and arrow
The pirate ship fires a pair of ballista bolts with chains attached and they smash into the side of the Gull's Nest.
Captain Fingol: Cut those free!
Captain Fingol jumps over to one of the chains and begins hacking at the wood around the grappling hook.
Delia notices that the weather is getting really nipply and gets out a fur to keep herself warm.
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 22]
Volmalric checks out the enemy deck for viable targets that stick out
You spot someone who is MOST DEFINITELY the captain of the other ship. In fact, you are convinced that shooting the person you have picked out...even in the sudden pelting, freezing rain that is falling...will immediately completely demoralize the enemy.
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 18]
The arrow thuds into the side of the opposing ship, which is getting much closer.
Meltam Perandus: Lore 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 35]
Meltam Perandus: Melee 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 31]
Meltam Perandus: Mace: (Reach 2-Unb-Knockdown-Stun-Pierce 1-3D): [4d6 = 9]
Meltam Perandus: Acrobatics Successes = 0 Complications = 1 [2d20 = 39]
Meltam smashes into the chain and the grappling hook and shatters the wood around it, causing the hook to break free, fly into the air, smash into him, tear into his arm and haul him overboard in the whipping winds, where he is now being dragged around, overboard, by the frothing seas!
Captain Fingol: Good work lad! You broke one free!
Volmalric: Go Meltam!
Volmalric: You can do it!
Volmalric: Climb up the chain!
Tack (Meltam Perandus): Every ship in Hyboria is inspected by OSHA officers.
Captain Fingol: Throw that man a rope and haul him aboard!
Captain Fingol points at Meltam.
Volmalric grabs a rope to throw down to Meltam
From the water a narwhal horn flies through the air and impales Captain Fingol, flinging him backward and making him cartwheel off the opposite side of the boat.
Volmalric: Sailing 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 25]
Volmalric is so surprised at Fingol's sudden death he throws both ends of the rope overboard.
Delia: This is not going as I expected.
Volmalric: Nobody expects a narwhal in the captain
Volmalric: Also, Mitra help me, someone get another rope to save Meltam with
The Red Brotherhood pirates appear to be taking on water and their ship looks like it is sinking. You hear the clash of steel from the other ship and see dark figures climbing up the sides of the ship and attacking the pirates.
Slaves: There are people climbing through the oar holes!
Slaves: ARGH!
Volmalric: Oh no
Heads fly from the slave hold.
Meltam Perandus: Observation 3EXP/3FOC Successes = 3 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 14]
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 31]
Meltam Perandus is using a Hero Point
Meltam Perandus: Sailing Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 26]
Meltam Perandus: Sailing Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 20]
Meltam Perandus: I will try to make the best raft out out of derbis and make for land, but after heroically shouting to Volmaric, Take the girl and treasure and let's get out of this scene!
Volmalric is using a Hero Point
Volmalric: Observation Successes = 0 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 30]
Volmalric realizes that Meltalm has freed himself of the grappling hook, made himself a raft, and is gestulating wildlly to join him heading towards a nearby spit of land.
Volmalric rushes over to Delia and Slumbara
Several 7' tall bipedal humanoids with bulbous eyes and piranha like teeth rush up from below decks. Slumbara bravely hacks one down.
Volmalric: We've got to get to shore, the things happening on that pirate boat are as bad as what's happening on our boat.
They are equipped with a variety of interesting sea-based equipment, including narwahl horn spears.
Delia draws a pair of daggers and begins stabbing at them as she tries to fight her way over to Slumbara and Volmalric.
The fish-humans are begin clubbing and incapacitating the people on the boat.
Meltam Perandus is using a Hero Point
Volmalric grabs his bow and fires an arrow into the back of one of the fish-beasts
Volmalric: Ranged Weapons 1EXP/1FOC Successes = 1 Complications = 0 [2d20 = 18]
Volmalric: Bow: (Close-2H-Volley-3D): [4d6 = 13]
You shoot one in the back and it starts spewing blackish blood.
It seems mildly inconvenienced by this situation.
Volmalric keeps near the rail, reading to leap over the edge before getting cornered
Volmalric: We've got to get to Meltam!
A gray skinned fish-humanoid with catfish like whiskers walsk on to the deck. He waves a staff made of whale bone and shells and Delia is picked up and held in place by a water spout. Volmalric and Slumbara rush forward to help her but there is a blast of water that throws them into the sea. Meltalm's tiny raft dips and bobs and but somehow dives beneath them in the swell of a wave and lifts them free of the water. Meanwhile, both ships rupture from numerous cracks and damage. Yet...somehow...when all seems lost there is a brilliant beam of sunlight that shines around the raft while a strong wave propels the tiny raft through the sea. The last thing the heroes hear before their tiny raft smashes into the rocky beach of the uncharted island is Delia's screams of, "HELP ME!"
Campaign saved.