Chat log started at 4.2.2021 / 10:10:03

Conan Ruleset v1.73.3312 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2020 Modiphius Entertainment, Ltd.
Core RPG ruleset v3.3.12A for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Volmalric: do you know Cilissa?
Sophie: Know? Know what? She is a bloodthirsty, murderous psychopath who has no concern for human beings. She is obsessed with destroying non-human life.
Volmalric: That's a little bit awkward, given that she's not human herself
Volmalric: Cilissa, how do you know Sophie?
Volmalric rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 12 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.15+1d20.6 = 21]
You did succeed!
Cilissa rolls over and vomits, then rises to a kneeling posture and rips both of Rhotinia's arrows out of her chest.
Cilissa: She needs to stay out of my way, that is how I know her.
Cilissa starts to rise to her feet, decides the world is spinning too much for that, and settles back to her knees.
Asgrim gets out sword and preps for a "chopping this bitch's head off if she gets uppity" attack.
Volmalric: Uhuh, do you know what you are?
Cilissa: What I am?
Cilissa laughs.
Cilissa: I am Lord Inquisitor of Messantia.
Cilissa spots out a large glob of blackish blood.
Asgrim makes, "she's off her rocker" hand gestures with his free hand, while keeping sword ready.
Volmalric: That's who you are, not what you are
Tilpi gasps
Volmalric: And I suspect you might not be who you think you are, either.
Rhotinia: This therapy session is fascinating, but have you forgotten that the city is overrun with undead?
Rhotinia and Tilpi both notice that Sophie and Cilissa... have very similar looking, and not human, blood.
Tilpi thinks Volmalric's tongue is more precise than his explosives.
Cilissa: Yes, I will deal with that once I deal with her.
Cilissa gestures vaguely in the direction of the spinning horde of Sophies.
Sophie: You will not do...
Rhotinia: A wise man once said: "Only a fool fights in a burning house"
Rhotinia rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 15 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.13+1d20.15 = 28]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Sophie takes a step forward and face plants.
Tilpi rolls a Healing test:
Target: 16 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 2 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.16+1d20.18 = 34]
You did not succeed.
Rhotinia: And if you want to fight, you're not in the best position to do so
Tilpi used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool

[1d20.2 = 2]
Cilissa: Fine... kill the ghouls and undead first, then kill her and try the rest of your for treason. Works for me...
Rhotinia: This... is not what I had in mind.
Cilissa waves generically in the general direction of the multitude of Asgrim's planning to hack her head off.
Rhotinia: We kill the gouls together, then we take Sophie and leave you in peace
Rhotinia: This continent is big enough to avoid Messantia
Volmalric: I'm not sure how well that would work, given that I think they're related
Tilpi rolls a Melee test:
Target: 8 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.12+1d20.20 = 32]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi does damage with Dagger:
Rolling 3d6 combat dice...
Total: 5 Effects: 1 [2d60.2+1d60.5 = 9]
Tilpi: You monster!
Tilpi seems shocked she is capable of violence and staggers back into the corner
Tilpi rolls an Observation test:
Target: 11 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.11+1d20.3 = 14]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: Cilissa, when was the last time you were given Grey Lotus?
Cilissa looks at Volmalric like he is insane.
Cilissa: What?
Volmalric: Your shipping manifests
Volmalric: Before Meltam's untimely demise, he discovered you import an enormous amount of the drug, grey lotus
Volmalric: Or have you been given the drug without your knowledge?
Cilissa looks at the ground and doodles in her own blood, as if she is unaware that the puddle is coming from her.
Cilissa: Err... what?
Volmalric: Hey hey hey, no blood circles
Cilissa: Grey lotus? I never touch grey lotus.
Volmalric: I'm asking: Have you been self-medicating, or have you been routinely provided the drug in your meals by others?
Cilissa's hands are twitching at the mention of it.
Rhotinia: Volmalric, can you test her blood for it?
Cilissa: Uhh...
Rhotinia: With your... whatever it is you do?
Rhotinia waves her hand
Volmalric gestures at her hands
Asgrim: Requesting that whatever it is you are suggesting not involve "throwing explosives near Asgrim"!
Volmalric: I could probably try it out. Compare her blood with Sophie's and Bridgit's
Volmalric: Those three are affected differently by the drug from how humans react
Rhotinia: Well, now I am dying to know
Volmalric: Fortunately, we've got one fine lady who's consumed some recently and one fine lady who hasn't
Volmalric: So despite the differences between the ichor and blood, I could definitely tell
Rhotinia holds Cilissa at bow-point
Rhotinia: Do your voodoo my alchemical friend
Cilissa is barely coherent and does not notice Rhotinia's action any more than Asgrim's threatening posture.
Volmalric pulls a pouch out of his bag
Volmalric: Cilissa, did you want some grey lotus?
Cilissa: Uh... I don't touch the stuff, but, you know what? I'm not feeling too good, so... why not?
Cilissa reaches for the pouch.
Volmalric: Do you know what it does?
Volmalric pulls it back, swinging it in front of her to see if she follows it
Cilissa: It should make people violently murderous and psychopathic.
Volmalric: Should?
Tilpi finds this interrogation when people are injured to be poor manners.
Cilissa is following the pouch with her eyes like a cat in front of a laser pointer.
Sophie giggles and crawls towards Volmalric.
Sophie: Hey there, you hooking a girl up?
Volmalric blinks twice
Rhotinia: This is heading in a troubling direction Volmalric...
Sophie wipes blood away from her lips.
Rhotinia rolls a Healing test:
Target: 8 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.3+1d20.5+1d20.9 = 17]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi rolls a Healing test:
Target: 16 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.11+1d20.14 = 25]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Democles is carrying Bridgit and runs past the group as fast as his scholarly, chubby, "not used to exercise" legs.
Democles: Running!
Rhotinia gives Tilpi some water and helps her to her feet
Tilpi gives Rhotinia a nod of silent approval for having her priorities straight.
Volmalric: Oh not good
Democles stops.
Democles looks the direction he was running.
Democles: Nope, running another direction.
Rhotinia: That is a great sign of the importance of getting out of here
Rhotinia rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.1+1d20.11 = 12]
You did succeed!
Democles looks around for a "running in a direction that involves less chance of death" option.
Volmalric: Asgrim, help Sophie up
Volmalric: Cilissa, do you want to understand why grey lotus affects you differently than it does others?
Volmalric: Or is that something you've already come to terms with?
Rhotinia: Ok, this has been a great chat, but decision time My Lady. Either you agree to work with us here and let Sophie come with us in peace when this is done, or Asgrim takes your head for his... I don't know, Norse trophy wall?
Rhotinia: I am not an expert in your culture, my apologies
Rhotinia used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Rhotinia rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 15 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.16+1d20.4 = 20]
You succeeded and generated momentum!

[1d20.6 = 6]
Cilissa: Maybe... sure... if I've been fed it against my knowledge... that would be curious to find out why...
Cilissa looks around at the swarm of people around her, wonders why she is outnumbered 80:1.
Asgrim: Ma'am, I'd recommend burning the head to make sure she doesn't come back at this point. Her injuries are well past what would kill any human.
Cilissa: Well, if my choice is lesser evil or the intense pain of decapitation...
Rhotinia: I have limited experience with... whatever brand of magic creature she is. Normally I just buy and sell
Cilissa giggles.
Cilissa: Sure...
Cilissa starts to sing.
Cilissa: Let's all go be friends... bartender, another round for everyone!
Cilissa face plants.
Rhotinia: Asgrim put her on the horse
Sophie grabs Volmalric's pant leg.
Rhotinia: And let's get out of here
Sophie: Hey, can I have her share of grey lotus?
Volmalric: I apologize, Sophie, but I'll have to give you a raincheck on that
Volmalric opens up the bag to reveal it's just sage
Volmalric: It was a bluff
Tack (Tilpi): gottem.
Sophie looks murderous for a second, then face plants again.
A group of Messantian soldiers led by several Inquisitors runs up the street towards the group. Coming down the incline from the direction Democles was running from is a pack of feral ghouls. Things are about to get violent in a hurry.
Inquisitor Captain Diogenes: Out of the way civilians! Men of Messantia, fire on the ghouls!
Tilpi: We have horses? Let's run?
Inquisitor Captain Diogenes gestures for the group to flee the burning warehouse area.
Inquisitor Captain Diogenes: Get behind the lines and down to the docks.
Volmalric hastily gathers up his things and helps Sophie up
Asgrim throws Cilissa on the horse, she is singing a very bawdy song that makes Asgrim blush. Also, she is totally off-key.
Rhotinia rides past the Messantian soldiers, away from the ghouls and gestures for the others to follow her
Tilpi follows
Asgrim follows Rhotinia.
Tilpi rolls a Lore test:
Target: 15 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.12+1d20.2 = 14]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric follows with Sophie
Democles carries Bridgit and follows Rhotinia.
Volmalric: Asgrim, a hand!
Sophie is crawling along behind him, since she is in no condition to move anywhere quickly.
Tilpi offers a spot on her horse to Sophie
Rhotinia: We should make haste to Adolphus' shop. Hopefully Volmalric can find what he needs to deal with the Cillisa/Sophie situation
Tilpi rolls a Counsel test:
Target: 13 Focus: 4 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.11+1d20.20 = 31]
You did succeed!
Tilpi: Nay, We only need what nature can provide! This city is a death trap!

[1d20.11 = 11]
Democles: We could try the sewers, I don't know if they are safe at all, but they seem safer than overland?
Tilpi: We should escape at once.
Volmalric: Agreed
Volmalric: By the way, Democles, I do believe Cilissa is like Sophie and Bridgit
Rhotinia: Need I remind you that the tome we seek is still in this city?
The Messantian soldiers and the Ghouls engage in mass bloody combat as the group makes haste "behind the lines" - which is leading them down towards the docks. Unfortunately, this is neither "out of the city" nor in the direction of Adolphus' shop.
Volmalric: And has been routinely given grey lotus to keep her on edge
Democles: I wonder if she gets more bloodthirty when she gets it, or when she doesn't get it?
Volmalric: She was getting giggly at the end there
Volmalric used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Volmalric rolls a Sorcery test:
Target: 8 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.19+1d20.2 = 21]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric: We're going to need to get these three ladies in a secure place and treat them for their wounds
Rhotinia: Before we leave Messantia, I still need to see an old acquaintence. Lefty was trying to tell me something when we met, and I am pretty sure he told me who had fenced that tome
Volmalric: I don't think any of them are doing well
Volmalric: Let's grab a place to the side to treat their wounds, then continue
Tilpi: I cannot fathom wanting to spend more time here in good times, let alone now.
Volmalric: Neither Cilissa nor Sophie are doing well, and I think Bridgit is suffering on their behalf as well
Rhotinia rolls a Society test:
Target: 17 Focus: 5 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.10+1d20.15 = 25]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Rhotinia: His former ward from the days when he and I sailed together along the coast of Stygia. I believe he still has a shop in the merchant quarter
Rhotinia: We should head to his shop, you can tend to Sophie and Cilissa while I inquire as to that book
Rhotinia: It is not far from here
Rhotinia rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 15 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.15+1d20.19 = 34]
You did succeed!
Asgrim: Ma'am, I'm all for whatever it is you think we should do.
Rhotinia: And then, yes. We get out of this godsforsaken place
Asgrim is keeping an eye out for hostiles.
Volmalric: If we can get there quickly, yes, but they're going to die without immediate attention
Democles is keeping an eye out for hostiles.
Rhotinia: Then try to keep up
Rhotinia spurs her horse on and leads the group toward Lefty's fence's shop
Rhotinia leads the group towards a section of the town and is stopped by a barricade manned by a large number of Merchant Guards wearing livery from several merchant houses. The soldiers see the group coming with wounded and pull aside the barricades while several men carrying primed explosive charges rush out to provide firebomb cover in case you are being followed.
A man shouts at Rhotinia as the group gets through the barricade.
Palantes: Ah, Rhotinia, old friend! You picked a bad time to visit!
Palantes: Finding lost sheep in the wild again, are you?
Rhotinia: It is a bad habit, at least there is ample water this time
Tilpi looks around for any adorable sheep.
Palantes: Yes, and no sandstorm to flay the skins from the horses.
Tilpi sees several adorable sheep in a pen.
Democles: You sir?
Democles bows head as sign of respect to Palantes.
Palantes: Come, this way, bring the wounded here.
Rhotinia follows Palantes' lead
Tilpi follows Palantes' instructions
Palantes stops when he recognizes Cilissa, but wisely keeps mouth shut until the group is away from others.
The group finds themselves in what could be labeled, "exotic spice merchant and high quality imported food stuffs" shop.
Palantes: Rhotinia, old friend, how can I help you?
Tilpi rolls an Insight test:
Target: 12 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.5+1d20.8 = 13]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric rolls an Insight test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.11+1d20.13 = 24]
You did not succeed.
Volmalric rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.20+1d20.5 = 25]
You did succeed!