Chat log started at 18.2.2021 / 10:17:22

Conan Ruleset v1.73.401 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Modiphius Entertainment, Ltd.
Core RPG ruleset (v2021-02-01) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Rhotinia: I appreciate your discretion regarding the lady Cilissa
Rhotinia: It is a long story as to how she ended up on that horse, but we are trying to keep her and this other young lady alive at the moment
Kazemi (Volmalric): I like to think that Slumbara encountered -and defeated- the other undead army
Palantes: Yes, well, I suppose I will worry about the repercussions of these actions later. Right now the city is in the midst of rampant open warfare, so a heavily injured Lord Inquisitor is low on my list of concerns.
Palantes does the "arm-sweep" to clean the paper strewn desk on the table near the light so Cilissa and can be put on it so someone with medical training can take a look at them.
Rhotinia: But before he was killed, Lefty implied that you might be able to help us find a certain tome
Rhotinia: One which may prove useful in dealing with the present unpleasantness befalling Messantia
Rhotinia shows Palantes the symbol from Rhiveth
Rhotinia: It would be Lemurian or Acheronian in origin, bearing this mark
Palantes looks at the symbol.
Rhotinia gestures to Volmalric to see to them as best he can
Tilpi nods affirmatively.
Tilpi tends to Sophie.
Palantes: Most people would assume that is Acheronian, but Lemurian is more likely. Albeit even older is probably the truth.
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Healing test:
Target: 16 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.20+1d20.7 = 27]
You did succeed!
Volmalric helps Democles out with Bridgit
Tilpi is able to stabilize Sophie enough that she does not appear to be bleeding out. As much as Tilpi can figure out. At least the nasty pooling icky ichor stuff is not getting more thick and gooey outside Sophie's body.
Volmalric: I don't suppose you have recommendations for first aid?
Democles: My "healing skill" when it comes to women is to remove restrictive clothing, make sure they are breathing, and apply mouth to mouth as much as possible.
Rhotinia: Lefty implied you were fencing these sorts of antiquities these days, I figured if someone helped themselves to some rich Messantian's library in all this chaos, you would have a pretty good idea what they got
Volmalric: Volmalric rolls a Healing test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.4+1d20.6 = 10]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Democles: Really, this is more blood than I'm used to, I generally try to keep women away from me during the time of month when blood is a common thing. If this stuff they are oozing even is blood.
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls an Insight test:
Target: 12 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.15+1d20.19 = 34]
You did not succeed.
Volmalric: Probably
Volmalric: It's probably not too toxic
Volmalric: Hmmmmm
Volmalric bottles up some of the ichor for later analysis
Tilpi: The lighting here is poor; the indoors are not a great place for healing.
Palantes: I would have an idea of a few places where we might find trinkets like that.
Volmalric: On the other hand, the outdoors are currently a worse place for healing
Palantes: Most of those places would be bottled up tight in the nobles and royals quarters. The best way to get into them right now would be...
Rhotinia (to Tilpi): Do they have lamps where you are from?
Palantes looks over at Cilissa.
Tilpi: They are rare and useless.
Palantes: I don't suppose anyone would like to fake being a high ranking member of the Inquisition? That would probably get you in places that would otherwise be restrictive today.
Rhotinia: Fortunately we have a high ranking of the inquisition right here
Rhotinia: Assuming she survives, and also doesn't try to kill us again
Volmalric: Big assumptions
Democles puts Bridgit down in a chair and asks Palantes if there is a place for him to get a change of pants, as his are quite soiled.
Volmalric: Are "acting inquisitors" something that exists?
Tilpi looks at Cilissa: would her clothes be a better fit for me or Rhotinia ?
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls an Observation test:
Target: 11 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.3+1d20.7 = 10]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Rhotinia: Rhotinia rolls an Observation test:
Target: 9 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.4+1d20.6 = 10]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Volmalric sets up his bag and first aid supplies, getting out the necessary equipment to help stitch and patch up the two women
Rhotinia removes a badge from Cilissa's tunic and pins it on her robe
Asgrim: There is some sort of noise at the barricade, I'm going to check it out.
Asgrim heads outside.
Tilpi: Now Rhotinia, I do not think that is as convincing as could be.
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Thievery test:
Target: 10 Focus: 0 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.1+1d20.6 = 7]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Rhotinia: Watch your tongue curr, or I will cut it out
Rhotinia: Rhotinia rolls a Society test:
Target: 17 Focus: 5 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.5+1d20.6 = 11]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Counsel test:
Target: 13 Focus: 4 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.12+1d20.20 = 32]
You did succeed!
Tilpi: But look how nicely this uniform fits me?
Volmalric used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Volmalric: Volmalric rolls an Alchemy test:
Target: 14 Focus: 4 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 4 Momentum: 3 [2d20.6 = 12]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi: It is disgusting, but these garments are strangely functional.
Tilpi: Besides, you are useful for your money and status, you don't need to pose as someone else.
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Persuade test:
Target: 11 Focus: 1 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 0 Momentum: 0 [1d20.12+1d20.13 = 25]
You did not succeed.
Volmalric begins setting up his alchemy set, setting up vials and testing out the blood against a variety of chemicals to determine appropriate materials for treating and securing the wounds of the women
Tilpi: You know what, I should fix these clothes quickly.
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Craft test:
Target: 13 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 1 Momentum: 0 [1d20.13+1d20.20 = 33]
You did succeed!
Tilpi: Oops. I sorta tore it worse.
Tilpi: Oh well. Let's go appropriate some relic.
Palantes gets out a map of the city.
Rhotinia: If anyone asks, an undead did it
Tilpi carefully wraps up Cilissa in her old clothes, complete with several flowers accenting her hair.
Rhotinia goes to look at the map with Palantes
Tilpi feels bad and dresses her wounds at the same time.
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Healing test:
Target: 16 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 1 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.1+1d20.20 = 21]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Palantes: Based on people who are big into Lemurian artifacts and more interested in sorcerous activity than others, I would say your best mark would probably be the Dyiary Family, your best bet among them would be Argala, his small estate is here.
Rhotinia nods along
Rhotinia: Thank you old friend, we will make haste. Volmalric, I leave Sophie and Cilissa to your care.
Volmalric: Tilpi, I need a hand
Tilpi: Sure!
Volmalric: Use these for the wound, do NOT use any of the normal herbs
Tilpi: Ok.
Volmalric hands Tilpi several bottles of fluid and bandages
Palantes: Yes, take the strapping Norseman and Democles with you.
Volmalric: Volmalric rolls a Healing test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.10+1d20.13 = 23]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi and Volmalric stabilize Cilissa and Sophie. Bridgit groans from the chair and is looking rather ashen at this point.
Asgrim walks back in.
Asgrim: There was a fight with some ghouls at the barricade, none of them broke through. These merchant guards with Palantes know their business. Messantia might want to hire them instead of the rest of the militia running around getting eaten.
Democles walks back in wearing a clean set of pants.
Volmalric heads over to check out Bridgit, gently nudging her to see if he can get a response
Democles: Much better.
Volmalric: Are you with us, Bridgit?
Bridgit coughs and looks at Volmalric with tired eyes.
Rhotinia: Ah perfect. Asgrim, Democlese, Tilpi and I require your help
Tilpi: Let's go =D
Bridgit: I'm cold. So cold.
Bridgit shivers.
Volmalric: Can someone bring a blanket?
Rhotinia explains to Asgrim and Democlese as they head out, leaving Volmalric to manage the girls
Volmalric feels her forehead
Volmalric: Volmalric rolls a Healing test:
Target: 13 Focus: 3 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.2+1d20.4 = 6]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Asgrim: I'm fine with whatever you want ma'am, let's do this.
Tilpi Is impressed at Volmalric's abilities.
Volmalric: Oh goodness
Democles: I shall endeavor to bravely not crap in my pair of borrowed pants.
Volmalric: This is where Meltam would have been helpful
Tilpi begins walking in stiff, unnatural movements.
Tilpi: I'm the inquisition!
Democles follows Rhotinia's lead.
Rhotinia: Rhotinia rolls a Society test:
Target: 17 Focus: 5 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 2 Momentum: 1 [1d20.11+1d20.14 = 25]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi: Tilpi rolls a Society test:
Target: 11 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.2+1d20.6 = 8]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Asgrim looks like a large and imposing bodyguard for the Inquisitors.
Tilpi appears to follow Rhotinia without question.
Volmalric used a Fortune point to add a Natural 1 to their dice pool
Volmalric: Volmalric rolls a Lore test:
Target: 12 Focus: 2 Difficulty: 1 Complications: 0 Successes: 3 Momentum: 2 [1d20.17+1d20.5 = 22]
You succeeded and generated momentum!
Tilpi stares intently at Volmalric
Tilpi: Silence Worm! We ask the questions here!
Tilpi: ...Im sorry. Was it convincing though?
Rhotinia: Very good
Tilpi appears to hang her head in shame for mistreating Volmalric
Volmalric: Rhotinia, Tilpi, I've met Argala briefly. Let him know that you're with the trio he approached in the Whisperwood Inn about seeking out another tome. Go ahead and let him know that we'd like to take him up on his offer in finding his ancient book if he's willing to help us find ours first. I'd normally not request something so imbalanced, but I think our tome may be of slightly more immediate concern.
Tilpi: Okay. Got it.
Rhotinia: Understood
Tilpi glares again intently
Tilpi: ...and don't even think about decieving us, or we'll throw the book at you!
Tilpi: appears shameful again.