For better or worse, we have survived another year.  This one has been kind of harsh with the loss of Kenny Baker, Carrie Fisher, David Bowie, and a whole slew of others.  Skipping most mention of politics, I will say I would never have guessed the US would have the president-elect it currently does.  Aside from that, take the time of reflect on 2016 and figure out ways to make 2017 better for you and yours.

I always like it when I encounter gamers contributing to charity and making the world a better place.  I found Tinkerspacks through Sentinels of the Multiverse, specifically for the Kvothe Six-String special edition card.  I especially like the option for the Mystery Box that they do around the Black Friday.  Whenever you get a chance to get some random gaming stuff for a good reason, go for it!

Sentinels is an interesting game for me.  I had never heard of it until last year, when I received the Video Game as a present.  While I am not normally a comic book fan or a superhero fan, somehow the combination of simple game play, amusing art, and "not Marvel or DC" background turned me into a fan.  Both the video and physical board game are incredibly well done.  The video game does save a lot of tracking of status, event, and hit points, but nothing insurmountable.

Perhaps most telling, everyone I have introduced the game to has felt the same way.  It is simple, plays fast, and is actually a lot of fun.  In any case, check it out and see if it is something for you.

It is relatively common these days, especially in the United States, to take a lot for granted.  Things like running water, super markets, public utilities.  As we approach Thanksgiving, stop and take a minute to think about what you do every day, like logging into the Internet to read Blog Posts, or Facebook, or Reddit, or whatever it is.  Think about how that would seem like an alien and weird thing to people forty years ago.  Thing about all the people in the world who cannot take clean potable water from a faucet in their house for granted.

Try being Thankful for the little things that make your life much easier than many others have it.

One of the randomly encountered (I checked, it was a 1d24 chance!) booths at GenCon was for a company named Meeplesource, which just had another fund raiser.  Their claim to fame is creating high-quality Meeples for games that do not have them.  (Meeples, for those who are unsure, are small wooden miniatures painted in a certain way to represent characters on a game board.)  They have a nice collection of characters for games like Pandemic, Forbidden Island, Forbidden Desert, Lords of Waterdeep, Agricola, etc.  Anyway, well worth checking out if you want to upgrade the visual appearance of your games.