Yo - events are active and people have emailed me that my events are available for registration.  This means we are about two months out and plans have been finalized (or as close as they can be).  It looks to be a great 50th anniversary, and it will be awesome to see people and meet up with my fellows in the gaming industry in person.  It is interesting how many people I talk to all the time but I only physically meet once a year, usually while hectically busy in Indianapolis.

Make sure you get your flights booked and hotel plan (they are obscenely overpriced this year!) in place.

Sometimes, life does not give you lemons, or lemonade, or even other yellow liquid substances.  My friends and I have been playing 2d20 a great deal recently (as noted in my previous blog post) and I was looking to expand it into my virtual tabletop gaming.  My virtual tabletop program of choice is Fantasy Grounds.  I have been using it for 8+ years at this point, and one of the earliest Ultimate license holders out there.  In fact, I feel bad about not paying them more, and buy products I do not need just because of how much use I get out of the software...but I digress... 

It turns out that the DieHardGaming folks and the JollyGM have conspired to convert the excellent MoreCore ruleset to work with Conan 2d20 using an extension the JollyGM created.  Between these two juicy tidbits, hacking the extension and modifying it to work with Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, Star Trek, or any of the other settings in the pipeline from Modiphius is relatively easy.

So for once, I get to have my cake and eat it too.

Sentinels of the Multiverse (in both physical and video game format) is one of my favorite quick games.  I started playing in late 2015 and have been a fond supporter of it since then.  I even dabble around with doing some Alpha and Beta testing, throwing out rules suggestions, and generally asking a lot of dumb questions.  (Thankfully I cannot link any of those from Trello.)  Well now, Green Ronin Publishing and Greater Than Games are expanding the Earth-Prime universe in card game format.  Here is the Kickstarter, which is already funded.  However, most exciting to me is the following update on the previous Kickstarter for Season Pass 2 from Handelabra Games - available right here.  The short version is this - if the Earth-Prime Kickstarter gets really well funded (okay, it is a pretty lofty goal...) they will put Earth-Prime into the Video Game.  This means more heroes, more villains, multiplayer between Earth-Prime and normal Sentinels, and all manner of wonky madness.

Bring it on!  Back this project.  You know you want to!

Normally I am a huge fan of Savage Worlds, it has been my go to RPG system for about 10 years.  The system is lightweight, flexible, and works well for a wide variety of settings.  In fact, for some settings it is so amazingly well suited I have a hard time envisioning anything else working.  (Superhero and Pulp being the two which come to mind immediately.)  For many other things, it works, but it just felt like something was missing.

Over the past couple years I have been working on doing system conversions (i.e. this sourcebook/campaign setting was released for "X" but we would like it to be available in Savage Worlds also) and that has given me a good perceptive on a great many different systems.  There are some things out there I just do not like (Cypher being one of them, it completely fails to live up to Monte's hype IMHO) and some things that I have become a huge fan of.  The one currently is the 2d20 system used by many of the Modiphius products.  I have to admit, it seems rather daunting to start with and seems much more complex than Savage Worlds, but once you get through a couple combats or a game session, it actually flows well and simply.  There is a lot more flexibility and detail available, and the game play still rolls fun and fast.  (Savage Worlds fans will notice two of three "F"s were used in that sentence.)

Moral of the story - keep your options open when playing RPGs, you never know when something amazing will show up.

There is a great Kickstarter right now from Goodman Games.  This is the really exciting setting that will have plenty of opportunities for fun and amusement.  Most importantly, for a mere $25 you can get a nice collection of PDFs.  Lankhmar is an interesting setting, the works of Franz Leiber are contemporary of Conan.  Much like the recent successful Kickstarter from Modiphius for Conan, this is another of the great sword and sorcery settings from the days of original pulp fiction.

With an update, they have about two weeks left and they are about 5x over funding and blowing through stretch goals.  The latest update added in a slew (well, more of a veritable horde) of add-ons that can be purchased.  This is a great opportunity to pick up all manner of Goodman-Games products at great prices.  And the updates are filled with background information, trivia, and other interesting things about the setting.  Most importantly, Goodman-Games has been awesome about fulfilling their previous Kickstarters, so at this point there is no risk to jumping on the bandwagon.  (Barring the usual disclaimers about Acts of God, Acts of War, Domestic Terrorism, Alien Invasion, etc.)

Jump in and say "Hi" and look forward to an exciting "new" setting.